Need Help: SM-G5520 G5520ZCU1CRK1 ROM Edit and Add Play Store - Samsung Galaxy On5 Questions & Answers

I am trying to edit ROM with EFT Dongle and I added Google Play Store in ROM.
This ROM has LZ4 Compression files, so i extract them all and repack into .tar file as they were.
1. I download OpenGapps for Android Oreo 8.1.0 as per my device "arm" and unzip it.
2. I Edit "System.img.ext4" with EFT Dongle.
3. I Move every app to system/app, priv-app to priv-app and permissions to permissions
4. Now i Repack ROM and Flash it.
5. ROM Flashed Successfully and My phone get boot loop error.
Please Help me here what i am missing?
Note: It's my first time to Edit any ROM I tried alot of pack & repack tools but they didn't work for me. so i tried EFT Dongle to edit ROM.


(Q)New to devoloping, trying to alter an already built rom. Any guidance appreciated

I just have a couple questions, I've been adjusting theme zips by changing around files in the zip then flashing.
I wanted to alter a rom I have by changing the apks that are in the system/app , data/app, and framework folders. Usually I'm able to view apks as zips, but I'm the rom zip file, I cannot. I can't seem to write in the zip file at all...
And I can't change is permissions cuz when I go into the root section in my xplore file manager, anytime I view the sd or extsd Cards, I don't get the same options.
Any guidance is appreciated
You've Just Been Tapatold ♧♢dbombROMv3beta♤♡
☆FlappyBird☆Score ☆ 85 ☆
Or if I'm in the wrong section... where should I go?
You've Just Been Tapatold ♧♢dbombROMv3beta♤♡
☆FlappyBird☆Score ☆ 85 ☆
you cant edit files IN compressed files. (zips)
extract the files you want to edit. edit them, then place them back in the zip, overwriting the old versions of the files you edited.
though it is best to extract the whole rom zip, edit then re-zip everything. most recoveries dont require signed zip files, or can be disabled, so you dont even need a special tool to re-zip them most of the time. just use windows zipping. or win rar with 0 compression.
Start reading here.
one of the top posts is how to make recovery flashable zips.

how can i install . help me my brothers

my rom is stock odex i used universal deodexer and deodexed my.system/app and system/framework folders . now my question.
how can i install that app and framework folders to my phone ??(i tried replace with root explorer but it does not .(
how can i make thats to a flashable zip?
my problem is not that . i can make a flashable zip . its working fine but after i flashed old .odex files doesnt delete. how can i add it to meta inf for when flashing delete app and replace new app and same for framework
No need to create any kind of meta inf you just need to find any flashable zip may be of some kind of theme or update package of your rom if available and just edid it using zarchiver(android) or winrar(windows) simply delete eveything inside the system folder inside the zip except the app folder then delete everything inside app folder then put the apk you want to replace in the app folder. And you are done. Its recommended to sign the zip using apktool(windows) or zipsigner(android) but you can skip this step. Thats about making a flashable zip.
But as far as i know you need to have deodnexed rom to make any changes to system.
Anyways this thread should have been posted in q&a section.

help me how to install

my rom is stock odex i used universal deodexer and deodexed my.system/app and system/framework folders in my pc . now my can i install that app and framework folders to my phone ??(i tried replace with root explorer but it does not .(how can i make thats to a flashable zip?
my problem is not that . i can make a flashable zip . its working fine but after i flashed old .odex files doesnt delete. how can i add it to meta inf for when flashing delete app and replace new app and same for framework
You just need to put in a simple delete line into the update script
for example
will delete the Vending.apk from the folder system/app
remember if you are manually pushing files with a root browser you need root permissions and you need to set the correct file permissions - for most apps in the app folder it will be rw-r-r
thanx i learned if i want to delete folde i will use delete_recursive
look .
delete(system app systemui.odex
this is working succesfully but after i flashed my zip system ui is lost . it doesnt show . i looked system app its deodexed permissions is rw--r-r its true but doesnt show . what's can i do ?
denizarca said:
look .
delete(system app systemui.odex
this is working succesfully but after i flashed my zip system ui is lost . it doesnt show . i looked system app its deodexed permissions is rw--r-r its true but doesnt show . what's can i do ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
most likely if the status bar just doesn't show but does not display a force closed message its because the SystemUI.apk is not correctly signed
as long as the file name is correct and it is correctly compiled with no errors the only thing left is the signing
You can sign an apk easily with zipsigner (playstore)
just copy the apk to any folder on your sd card
start zip signer
select your apk as the input
select the name you want to call it for the output (make it different from the input - you can change the name later)
select platform key as the key you wish to sign (this is for system apps for user apps use a test key)
sign the apk
once done the apk will be outputted as a zip file
change the name of this zip to the name of your apk and don't forget to change the .zip extension back to .apk
put in a flashable and flash in cwm with system mounted
you can check any errors with the SystemUI.apk by doing a logcat via adb as the phone is starting up
By searching the logcat for SystemUI you will be able to see any errors in it and why its not starting - eg Signature mismatch skipping loading

Unpack and Repack Apk Files

Unpack And RePack Any Apk uSing Android Phone
Easy Method By Yasikst
Apk Extracter(To make Apk File Of The Installed app)
Zarchiver(To Unpack And Repack Apk)
1. OPEN ApkExtracter And Extract Any Apk That You Want To Unpack
Unpack Apk
2. Open Zarchiver (It Will Show You 2 popups On first Open..Just Click Ok and Ignore It)
3. Goto SdCard (Not External Sd) There Will a folder Name ExtractedApks....You can Get
The All Extracted Apk Using ApkExtracter Here..
4. Now Click On The Apk (That You Want To unpack )And Select Extract Here..(Or where
You want)
5. It Wil Extract The Apk.. You Can Change And Make Any change
Repack Apk
6. NOW Select All The Files That You Extracted (Using Multi select In Zarchiver)
Select Compress Zip(not 7zip) And Compress ..
7 After That.. Rename The ZIP IF You are Unpacked And Going to Repack
SystemUi .. Then to SystemUI.Apk
You Done..
oR You Can Install Normally...
BY yasikst......

need help for creating updater-script to install apps in system

i need some help setting up permissions in updater-script. actually i want to install Gboard and PlayGames in Lineage OS 16's System/app or system/priv-app folder. i can do it manually by copying files and set-up permissions and it works but i want to make a recovery flashable zip for installation i tried ZipMe.apk APP and then edit updater-script and add permissions but nothing works.
is there any flashble zip template for LineageOS PIE to install apps in system then please reply
If you just want to install those 2 apps, looks for the Gapps package that contains both, then follow this guide ( to install just that 2 apps you want.

