Display Problem after dropping phone - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

Hi all,
I dropped my phone (a very short distance about 1ft) but the phone was working ok.
Suddenly after 1 week, the phone display has Lines and out of colors display.
There are no cracks on the screen of any sorts.
But, if I use the lowest brightness, the display gets OK or the highest brightness the display looks OK.
Lines on screen and out of colors (distorted) comes in mid brightness and auto brightness.
any idea?


Brightness doesnt change!!!

Hello all I could really use some help, had a vs980 for a while now and it's been through a couple drops and a screen change before the screen change I noticed my brightness would completely die and get really dim from time to time and a good smack would bring it back then it progressively got more frequent to need a smack until finally it didn't get bright. I mean I can see the phone indoors and outside in the shade but any kind of light and sunny days it's almost impossible to see phone. I was still using it putting off screen change one day dropped the phone and damaged digitizer in a portion of the top screen no crack in screen and no damaged LCD just a portion of the top that I couldn't touch to activate apps in that area or a couple numbers I couldn't dial. Finally decided to fix the screen expecting the brightness to be fixed but the problem still persist when I move the brightness slider it doesn't change at all. Nothing it's one constant brightness and dull, I can see it indoors and in the shade outside. But in any relative brightness it appears black and can barely see anything, is there some type of separate backlight besides the LCD digitizer that needs to be repaired also? I could really use some feedback thanks in advance!!!!

Does your Screen turn pink-ish at lowest brightness (adaptive screen ON/OFF)

So mine turns pink/reddish when setting the lowest brightness setting (ambient display on) - you have to be in a pitch black or very dark room.
When its off, it still does it but its not that bad.
EDIT: If yours does turn pink, will you RMA?
Mine does this as well. I rarely ever see the brightness go that low so it doesn't bother me that much. However what does bother me, is at 50% brightness unless i am looking at the screen dead center the screen has a redish, bluish, or greenish hue on it. Was very yellow the first day I had it, but the yellowish hue is gone.
I have adaptive on. Last night I set my brightness all of the way down. For the first time I saw a slight pink hue. Increasing the brightness fixed this. I am not sure if turning off ambient would have fixed it. If I see it again I'll try turning it off.
I thought was a known feature of amoled. I'm guessing they will all do it at low brightness.
Mine actually got worse. When I first noticed it, it was acceptable. Now its almost reddish already. Some people say its actually a feature of AMOLED. However, when I tried it on a different AMOLED Screen, Note 3 and 4 - i didnt see it.
No, I tried with adaptive brightness on and off and can find no color changes except maybe a slight blue hue when tilting the device and then almost rainbow effect at close to 180 degrees. Guess I got a good screen.

color display screen issue.(1st time to use amoled screen)

I just brought a yotaphone 2 and notice the screen (color side) will change to red/purple in color (especially the dark color area , like the black one) when i set the brightness to a low level(below 30%)
is it normal issue to all amoled display??
this is my 1st time to use amoled phone
nope, it could be damaged during transport. check if yellow spots appear, that's usually the sign of damage. nothing to worry about, it's just annoying
It is normal - if you are in dark and you lower brightness less than 20% it gets purple.

S8 Display turning Yellowish and dark lines with <50% brightness

I am using S8 SM-G950FD on stock android 8.0.0 from year+, all of a sudden the display on the screen has turned yellowish, i have tried the adaptive display option and changed the RGB to max and low and the settings for edge colour but the display is still yellowish.
Also noticed another thing: If the brightness is <50% the yellowtinge with black lines come up but if >50% then the display is fine.
I tried to click photos/ take screen shots but the yellowish is not visible on photo, but the dark horizontal lines on whitebackground are clearly visible. have not dropped the phone but this has begun suddenly.
when the phone is under bright light the automatic brightness increases the brightness of screen and the display is clear, when the phone is moved into low brightness the mentioned issue comes up
Any suggestions on how can i resolve this?
Any help is appreciated, phone is out of warranty. Is there any any replacement circular for galaxy s devices, like FOC?

s7 edge screen flickering

i recently bought a used s7 edge. the cellphone's display is damaged buf overall it works fine. except for a few issues mainly related to light sensor according to my understanding.
1: the display flickers when auto brightness turned off or when brightness is set to anything less than maximum
workaround: i installed screen filter app to control the brightness
2: the screen goes to green screen of death when device is put to sleep
workaround : turn AOD to always on and never Turn it off
3: the display goes to green death screen during call and wont get normal unless call is ended and screen is locked and turned on..
4 : at AOD ,the screen flickers at night time or in a dark place but gets back normal in bright light..
info i need : i thought what if it was possible to change the android framework values for the light sensor so that no matter whatever the light of the surrounding may be.. the device will always think it's in bright light.
for example if the settings for current values are
high 5000 medium 2000 low 600
then i change it to
high 1000 medium 500 low 25
so that the device will always think its in full bright area..
can anyone help me in achieving this goal? thanks

