[CLOSED] new on5pro stock for j2lte - Samsung Galaxy J2 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Oth

* mod edit: thread closed at OP's request *
Click here


[CLOSED] ★ Complete G4 ROM Index ★ [20 SEP]

This ROM Index thread has now been integrated into my 'complete steps guide' thread. Please refer to http://forum.xda-developers.com/g4/general/guide-complete-steps-to-root-flash-t3100478/post60535307#post60535307 for more information.
Thank you and have a nice day.
- 20th September 2015
just found this thread that says not install xposed on our G4, I think it's a nice advice
Closed per OP request

Nexus 6 Index Thread

[SIZE=+4]Nexus 6 Index Thread[/SIZE]
Due to the previous index thread no longer being updated, I decided to continue the good work and have been given the go ahead. As the index threads are one of the most sought after and referenced threads in the device forums, I figured it would be a shame to let it go to waste when it can continue to help out a lot of our members - new or old!
Now, before getting into the main part of this thread, let's go over a couple of things.
* If I've missed out any threads or if you feel a thread should be added, please be sure to either post a comment or send me a PM to let me know. The more we all work together, the better this valuable resource can become.
* There's a Thanks button on XDA for a reason so be sure to use it. Any comments simply saying thanks will certainly be removed!
* While I don't mind a little bit of off-topic chat in my threads don't overdo it. If you want a place to talk about off-topic stuff either drop by the Off Topic Forum or the Nexus 6 Lounge
* Questions also shouldn't be posted in here. The best places for your questions are either in the Q&A section or the Nexus 6 Help Thread
[SIZE=+1]General XDA Threads[/SIZE]
Forum Rules | Getting Moderator Help | List Of Staff | XDA New User Guide | Nexus 6 Sticky Roll Up Thread
[SIZE=+1]Click on a link below to go to that post[/SIZE]
Post #1 - Information + Guides
Post #2 - ROMs
Post #3 - Kernels + Toolkits
Post #4 - Just in case
[SIZE=+1]Index of Guides[/SIZE]
Below is a list of the different guides available throughout the Nexus 6 forums. These guides have been created by other members to make things easier for you. They'll take you through a step by step procedure so that, as long as you follow the instructions, you should get the desired result.
As the creators of these threads have put in hard work to help you out, I suggest you drop by their threads and hit the Thanks button on the 1st post.​
* The Nexus 6 All-In-One Beginner's Guide - Are you looking to unlock, root, backup aswell as flash ROMs and kernels? This thread is ideal for you as it'll take you through all that's needed in an easy to understand way and in the order of which you need it.
* Nexus 6 Help Thread - If you don't want to create a brand new thread for any questions you have, you can always post in this thread to receive as much help and support as is needed. It's also "noob-friendly" so it's a great place for a new member to start.
* Nexus 6 FAQ - Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about the Nexus 6. This kind of thread exists on most device forums and is a great place to learn new information. This is not a place to ask questions though!
* Flash Factory Images || Unroot || Relock bootloader - Follow the steps in this thread to flash a new factory image onto your device aswell as unroot and relock your bootloader.
* Set Up and Use ADB & Fastboot - As you'll notice, a number of threads mention the use of ADB & Fastboot. This thread will help you to set them up and use them so that you're good to go.
* Nexus 6 OTA Help Desk - If you're not sure what an OTA is or maybe you need help to flash one or have other OTA related questions, drop by this thread.
* [REF] Nexus 6 Stock OTA URLs - A compilation of all the
OTA (Over The Air) updates for the Nexus 6.
* [REF] [RADIO] Nexus 6 Modem Collection - A collection of radios for the Nexus 6.
* Disable Forced Encryption - As the title says, this'll disable forced encryption on the Nexus 6. Of course, you'll still be able to encrypt the device but it isn't forced - so it's on you.
* Properly prepare your Nexus 6 for resale/warranty return - Looking to sell your Nexus 6 or send it back for warranty purposes? Follow these instructions to make your phone perfectly prepared for such situations.
[SIZE=+1]Index of ROMs[/SIZE]
Below is a list of the different custom ROMs available from the Nexus 6 development forums. These ROMs have been created by other members to give you a modified experience for your phone, rather than simply sticking to stock Google. Whether it's a minimal ROM or a ROM with vast cosmetic and performance changes or anywhere in between, they've all put the hard work in so it's only right that we all respect that. As such, I suggest you drop by their threads and hit the Thanks button on the 1st post to show that you've enjoyed their ROM and to let them know they're doing a good job.
*NOTE* In the event of a ROM having a main version on Lollipop but a beta version on Marshmallow, it will be listed under Marshmallow. Also, so as to keep the ROM list somewhat condensed, I've not included all of the ROMs in the Android Development forum. I've gone back as far as a few pages back which dates to the beginning of September. If any ROM threads further back become active, I will certainly add them to the list.
[SIZE=+1]Original Development - Android 6.x MarshMallow[/SIZE]​
* [ROM][Marshmallow 6.0.0][SHAMU]Cataclysm for Nexus 6[Oct 17, 2015 Beta]
* [ROM][6.0 Beta][5.1.1][Official][Nightlies]Team-Exodus for Nexus 6
[SIZE=+1]Original Development - Android 5.x LolliPop[/SIZE]​
* [ROM][Nexus 6][5.1.1] TeamEOS - The Revival || Weeklies
* [Shamu][ROM-AOSP][2015/OCT/16] SlimLP 5.1.1 beta 0.9
* [ROM] [5.1.1] [Official] [CyanogenMod 12.1 Nightlies]
* [ROM][Official][5.1.1][Shamu] Dirty Unicorns v9.7 [DU TBO GAPPS]
* [ROM] [5.1.1] [LVY48F] ProjectDisco 2.0.0 - Shamu [OFFICIAL]
[SIZE=+1]Android Development - Android 6.x MarshMallow[/SIZE]​
* [ROM][6.0_r1]★ The Pure Nexus Project ★ Fi | WiFiCalling | VoLTE!! ★[10/17/15]
* [ROM][N6][6.0][MRA58K] Chroma 10/19/2015 | AOSP
* [ROM][6.0][Shamu][OCT 14] Euphoria-OS 2.0
* [ROM] MELLOW-SHAMUrom6.0 MARSHMALLOW (MRA58K){10-19-2015}[STABLE][layers][BATTERY]
* [ROM]【6.0】LightROM 【Marshmallow】【MRA58K】【RRO Layers】- 10/14/15
* [ROM] [M] JDX 4.0 [10/6/2015][shamu] [MRA58K]
* [ROM][MRA58K][6.0] Evolvere HD2
* [ROM][6.0][MRA58K][13/10/2015]xTraSmooth Odex xTreMe Battery You Will Love I
* [ROM][OCT 13][Team Nocturnal] SinLessROM v9.0.0 | Android 6.0
* [ROM] ✵ N6ShamuM ✵ Marshmallow 6.0 MRA58K ✵ RRO LAYERS ✵ v1.1.0 ✵ OCT 16 ✵
* [ROM] CleanCore N6 | MRA58K | 100% Lean Stock | 10/7/2015
* |ROM| Clean AOSP |Android-6.0| |MRA58K| |10-11-2015|
* [ROM][MRA58K]Minimus for Nexus 6 - 10/13/15
* [ROM][MRA58K] Roasted Marshmallow v1.0 - 10/6/2015 Battery %, Center Clock, Debloated
[SIZE=+1]Android Development - Android 5.x LolliPop[/SIZE]​
* [ROM][Shamu][5.1.1_r24]Temasek's CM12.1 Build V 17.8 Oct 11
* [ROM][OFFICIAL][5.1.1_r18]BlissPop 4.0.1 by Team Bliss
* [ROM] Fusion v6.0 - LP5.1.1 (shamu)
* [ROM][BETA] CyanogenMod 12.1 | Android 5.1 Lollipop | [04/15/2015]
* [ROM][Oct 14][5.1.1] Spring
* [Nexus-6][L-5.1.1R18][SOKP-L-5.1.1-LVY48F-MR2][SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT][AIO]
* [ROM] [07Jul] AICP - 10.0 - LP 5.1.1_r4 shamu - NIGHTLY
* (ROM)(5.0.2)(OFFICIAL)(VALIDUS-LP-v7.0)
* [ROM][OFFICIAL][Lollipop 5.1][shamu] PAC-ROM LP-MR1 Beta-2
* ROM[Official][SHAMU][5.1.1/R24]**crDroid** release every weekend
* [ROM] [shamu] [5.1.x] CarbonROM LP [SM 4.9 & GCC 5.1] [-O3] [Unofficial] 09/06
* [ROM][OFFICIAL][5.1.1][LAYERS][UBER] Minimal OS [2015-09-22]
* [ROM][N6]-AOSiP-1.1-revamped-/layers\[5.1.x] AUG-11
* [ROM] [5.1.1r18][MULTI-WINDOW] [CyanideL] [09/25/2015][shamu]
* [ROM] MeanPop v2.15 | Apr 20 | LVY47H 5.1 | All Carriers | LED w/clr/blink | prox.fix
* [ROM]★ Twisted Android Project ★ SaberMod | Layers | LYZ28J | Tweaks★ [Official]
* [ROM][UBER][5.1.1][OFFICIAL]OrionLP ROM for Shamu![1.7]
* [ROM] Terminus [Android 5.1.1_r1 LMY47V][shamu][RRO - Layers]
* [UNOFFICIAL] AOSPA PA 5.1.1 Builds
* [ROM]DARKPOP[10/01]
* [ROM][SHAMU][LMY48I][5.1.1] Team OctOs Oct-L
* [ROM][OFFICIAL][5.1.1 r4][8/6/2015]Team UB Rom for NEXUS 6 ( shamu ) !
* [ROM][5.1.1_r13] XenonHD Stable 2.0 Build 8 (19.08.15)
* ★ ☆ [ROM][KERNEL][5.0.1][OFFICIAL]LiquidSmooth v4.0 | Nexus 6 (shamu)
* [ROM][5.1.1][Project Fi] LVY48F, Stock, Rooted, Decrypted kernel
* [ROM][5.1.1][Shamu] OneTouch3 updated 09-21-2015
* [ROM][5.1.1][Shamu][AOSP] Desolation Rom [Layers][7/15/15]
* [ROM][SHAMU][5.1.1_r18][LVY48F] SAOSP-L UNOFFICAL 9-22-2015
* [ROM] [5.1.x] [shamu] Team-Radium 1.4 [OFFICIAL] 18/09
* [ROM][MAY 25][Team Nocturnal] Stock Rooted LYZ28E | Android 5.1.1
* [ROM] [LP] [AOSP] [LMY48P] [2015 Sep13] DarkKat, (shamu) Build: 2015.09.13
* [ROM] [SHAMU] [08-19-2015] NexZen [5.1.1_r12][LYZ28J] v09
* [ROM] [Shamu] [5.1.1_r1] [12/05] Hazy
* [ROM] [3/18] Stock Rooted 5.1 - LMY47E - Root, Busybox, init.d - Odex / DeOdex
[SIZE=+1]Index of Kernels, MODs & Toolkits[/SIZE]
Below is a list of the different custom kernels, mods and toolkits for the Nexus 6. As with the ROMs, these have been created by other members to give you a modified experience for your phone, rather than simply sticking to stock Google.
Like mentioned previously, if you like any of the work linked to in this post be sure to go and hit the Thanks button on their 1st post.
[SIZE=+1]Kernels - Original Development[/SIZE]​
* [KERNEL] Hydra Kernel v4.0 Nightly Builds [Android 6.0 Marshmallow][19/Oct]
* [KERNEL] [Oct 18] ElementalX-N6-3.04 (Marshmallow)
* [kernel][lp][m] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel v2.14 lp-final, v3.0 m (10/18/15)
* [KERNEL] [blu_spark r41] [Marshmallow 6.0]
* [KERNEL][GPL][N6] franco.Kernel - r31
* [ZEN-KERNEL] 3.10-zen21 "Cheap and Easy" (May 20)
* FauxKernel [007] Intelliplug/FIOPS/FDE Enhacements/PowerSuspend [03/12/2015]
[SIZE=+1]Kernels - Android Development[/SIZE]​
* [KERNEL] Elite Kernel [Shamu][10-19-15][LINARO 4.9.4]
* [Team Vortex][Kernel[LP-v1.7.4 and MM-BETA Version][Updated UKM][Lots of options]
* [KERNEL][R32][CFS]Despair Kernel
* [KERNEL] Starship Kernel L & M_Class (Shamu) 10.8.2015
* [Kernel] [Marshmallow] [MRA58K] Custom "Stock" kernel with root and color control
* [KERNEL][SM-6.0][L28][M2] benzoCore Kernel *Works with M*
* [Kernel][CM/AOSP][5.1.X/M][17Oct] PwnKernel - Pwn The Networks - Base Franco/Despair
* [Kernel] Vindicator [UberTC6/Strict-Alias/Ofast][5.1][GPU OC/UV] [Release-2.4]
* [Kernel] Amplitude for Shamu 1.2 (LP 5.1) (GCC6)
* MultiROM v32B
* Change Your Splash Screen And Various Graphics v.97B
* Fix Proximity Sensor on any 5.1 ROM
* [TOOL] [LINUX/MAC] Nexus Tools 2.4 (Featured by XDA)
* WinDroid Universal Android Toolkit | Unlock | Root | Flash | Nexus 6
* [Toolkit] Nexus Multitool
* [Toolkit] Nexus 6 One-Click Mac Toolkit [Root/TWRP/Unroot] Updated: 12/17/14
* [Toolkit] Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit v1.9.9 [Updated 11/26/14]: Nexus 6 Thread
* [RECOVERY][shamu] TWRP touch recovery [2015-06-23]
Reserved, just in case!
well, just so you know, our "sticky" thread is still around, right below yours http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/general/nexus-6-sticky-roll-thread-t3061066
but yours has more info
simms22 said:
well, just so you know, our "sticky" thread is still around, right below yours http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/general/nexus-6-sticky-roll-thread-t3061066
but yours has more info
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Yeah I know but as that doesn't include the ROMs, kernels etc., which is what most people visit an index thread for, I figured I'd make this as the previous one was well out of date and it appears the OP has moved onto a new device.
At least, if all else fails, it makes it easier for me to find things
guys i have unlock bootloaders but not rooted, can i install first custome recovery before rooting? or should i follow the beginners guide which is to unlock bootloader, root and instal custom recovery????
rudynasco said:
guys i have unlock bootloaders but not rooted, can i install first custome recovery before rooting? or should i follow the beginners guide which is to unlock bootloader, root and instal custom recovery????
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custom recovery first.. since most of the custom roms require a custom recovery like twrp
Is there a list of most frequent factory defects?
Thanks,this is very useful
Bump ?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Stickies don't need to be bumped...
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
Anyone have a N6F26R boot.img
MandoH said:
Anyone have a N6F26R boot.img
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Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4O0s1c98PsaR2RUSFdPXzVERk0/view?usp=drivesdk

anybody got Android Nougat update on moto x play in India

There is already a thread about this here
* * * Thread Closed * * *
AS post #3 states, there is already an existing thread for this topic.

[ROM] [MIUI] [N7.0] Miui pro Nougat with exclusive kisasanaya mod in English

Thanks to Kisasanay and to Viveksaraf for share this rom...
I am not the main developer but i just make it little change by translate the Aroma installer in the rom...
If there any mistakes please let me know. This is my first time for me to post in xda...
<Mod Edit> PPC links removed
1. Rom Detail's
* Device : Redmi Note 3 pro (Kenzo) Snapdragon Version
* Android Version: 7.0 (Nougat)
* MIUI Version : 9.0(beta developer rom)
* With Aroma Installer
2. <Mod Edit> PPC link removed.
If not downloading, please try more than 1 time then link will works...
after that if you not able to download then comment or reply to this thread .... I will make it working again....
<Mod Edit>
Links removed, thread closed.
I like iy
Why You add this??? is on dev section


NOTE # I'm not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed (like it did for me...).
# Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in the products you find here before flashing it!
# YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
# Your warranty will be void if you tamper with any part of your device / software.
LineageOS is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 9 (pie), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.
LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that restore the Google parts. LineageOS does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.
Pixel launcher force closes, I'll try to fix it in the next build
Update- There is a work around, Flash this the below zip in magisk
https://bit.ly/2PWtdf1 by @adithyafrk
Telegram http://t.me/LOSUNOFFICIAL
ROM- https://bit.ly/2PVRGAY
GAPPS- https://opengapps.org
SPEACIAL THANKS TO : @hiteshhv @akhilnarang @notallowedontelegram @adi20_01
@adithyafrk @adwait001
Thank you for your build, please move your thread to this section https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/xiaomi-redmi-note-4-snapdragon-roms-kernels-recoveries--other-development, and please include your device tree,kernel and vendor source to this thread.
As this is forum rule.
Nicklas Van Dam said:
Thank you for your build, please move your thread to this section https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/xiaomi-redmi-note-4-snapdragon-roms-kernels-recoveries--other-development, and please include your device tree,kernel and vendor source to this thread.
As this is forum rule.
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I'm truly sorry sir I posted this here by mistake, can you please delete this thread.
@sreek995 said:
I'm truly sorry sir I posted this here by mistake, can you please delete this thread.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, i can't move it. But you can create a new thread in that section after that contact forum administrator to vlose this thread.
Thank you.
Sent from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 using XDA Labs

