[HELP] How set calendar - Zooper Widget Templates

Now I have text like this: $#C0SEEE##C1SEEE#!=#DE#?#C1Sdd.MM# #C1SEEE#$ $#C1EHHmm#=0000?-:[tl]#C1SHH:mm#-#C1EHH:mm#[/tl]$$#C1EEEE#=0000?#C1TITLE#: [tr=10]#C1TITLE#$$#C1LOC#=?:#C1LOC#[/tr]$
this show me calendar entry with day,hour and name. But if meet is all day this not show hour (like 00:00 -00:00) and this is OK. But if something in calendar takes longer then one day (ex. trip since 28.09-5.10) I see only firs day (ex. 28.09 mon. - holiday) HOW do that if something take longer then one day it show full range ex. "28.09 mon. - 5.10 thu. - holiday" but still if something is only one day it show only this day.

Çözüm bulabildin mi kardeş? Bulduysan haberimiz olsun. Vesselam.


Summer- and Winter-Time changing ?

I wonder if the WM5 changes the time automatically in the Summer and Winter time for Europe countries.. As you know in April and October the time changes ( +1 or -1 ) , this happens automatically in Windows XP , is there such a function for the Wizard ? If yes, is there anywhere in WM5 as a settings for that ?
It should set it automatically, but it failed to do so this year (1st time since I've got my device). There isn't a place where you can set it, but I bet it is at the Regional Setting (hidden), where the unit will change according to your region.
I know (presume) that it will change the time because when I looked into the notification queue, there is a windows time mangement thing that runs on the exact time and date, for the summer time changing. So, I'm pretty sure that it will change the time, but not sure why it doesn't the last time.
Get yourself a software to check the Notification Queue, look for schedule items that starts at a specific time, and see if it is there.
Time zones & summer time changeover info (i.e. when the changes happen) are stored in the registry, IIRC.
Thank you - both - fp your answers.
What led me to ask this question is : after installing a program called WorldMate, I noticed that the time between my location and other countries are wrong, probably 2 hours different instead of 1 hour, because in summer my country has +2 than GMT time, and only +1 more than the GMT time... But I noticed that WorldMate showed me that my country is only +1 instead of +2 in summer, and the program is based on the device system... I changed the time and added +2 manually in WorlMate, and this corrected the issue.

[REQ] Wind Forecast & windfinder (Animated!)

Hi there, today lokking for good wind in my area to kitesurf, i've noticed that there aren't specific applications for PPC to retrieve infos from internet.
Would be "nice" if an app can collect the images into the links posted later... (if possible, also local time & day), and then have an animation (as the site already do) of the preset day.
with opera i need ~3 minutes to get the informations, and cannot see it offline (except, i think, if i save it at every exit from opera).
Now the links... notice that every frame has a different numberpage into the link, and also the png image has the same number:
This is the actual situation (akt)
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania01.png
after an hour
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania02.png
Two hours
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania03.png
...until campania30.htm or more.
Will be nice an app who automatically download only all the images, and collect them by temporal order..
Naturally the concept is ok also for other countries..
Heyy, I am also a kiteboarder (still learning, only started last year) and would love to see something like this!
Same here this would be great i would love to have this software
uhm ok, i've noticed that the numbers into the links doesn't change every hour, but there is a sort of script who call, time based, the links numbered (i.e. now starts from campania13.htm )
BUT (ehhe) "we" can use this script to our advantage...
Look here
Just download in sequence all the images, and put it into a "calendar" starting with the same date & hour of the download (or manually sync the first frame with the calendar )
Ps: the "calendar" is the timeline of the pseudo-app
I think it's not too difficult... BTW, this is mine (and other's) request
No way to have a similar app?

[Q] Changing time format to 24 hour

Does someone know how to change time format to 24 hour? In KF this option is missing in time settings.
I'm wondering the same thing. Would love to have my KF's time match the 24-hour clock on all my other devices.
+ 1
That would be good for us Railroaders, we use 24 hour.
Amazon take note and give us the time in 24
I've used ClockSync for 12-hr updating through an atomic time clock. It says it has 24-hr support, so if someone could test out if it can alter the time from 12 to 24.
App for that
There is a $1.00 app at Amazon (search for B007IVVC42 there)
It is called "24 Hours" and does exactly that, plus it can setup custom numeric format for the date.

[Q] cm7 and the weather channel app

Not sure where i should post this since i didn't see a cm7 forum and this it's on my kf.
I flashed to the cm7 barebones the other day. Then i installed the weather channel app. When I go to 10 day forecast, along the lefthand side should be the day of the week. But it shows a day number instead. Ie. 1 for sunday, etc. It is like it is not translating correctly from the os.
Google calendar shows the day of the week.
Any ideas? Didn't see anything in settings.

statistics does not appear.

application was published 27 hours ago. does not seem downloads. ??
Picture : i.imgur .com/ nXTZWJQ.png
Google takes 48 hours to refresh stats.
Take me one day
All the time is changed actualization of downloads it used to be one and half day and now it can take even more then 48 hours. (In Czech republic)
Google Play Refresh Stats
Yeah it is always two days behind, although google ad mob seems to be current, so you can estimate daily downloads by the traffic using their metrics.

