US version XA Ultra $250 from Best Buy - Sony Xperia XA Ultra Guides, News, & Discussion


Xperia U on Amazon for $243.99, no contract

Not sure how great a deal this is, I just read this on netbooknews this morning. Xperia U on Amazon, no contract, $243.99, free shipping. Could be good for a BYOD prepaid plan?
The Xperia U is suppose to have the lowest specs out of the Xeperia S , P, and U. Its $299.99 brand new from the sony store so that does save about 50 bucks

Xperia Z Tablet now available in the USA

Yep! Just visited, and it is available for purchase. $499 for the 16GB.,-water-resistant,-quad-core/en/p/SGP311U1/B

[Q] LG G2 32GB vs Xperia Z Ultra vs S 4

After long thoughts about:
Xperia Z Ultra
Galaxy S4
Optimus G Pro 32GB
LG G2 32GB
All those sold at approx same price here in Israel.
I have made a final choice and ordered today LG G2 32GB. Dont kick me for this but I paid 952USD for this one (cost of this device in Israel and it sounds so much in USD since the Dollar is simply to low now versus the local currency).
What do you think about my choice?
I had to make the same choice and also ordered the G2. It's simply the fastest and technologically most advanced. It's not the thinnest phone on the market but I like the shape...
I think it's not the best choice.
I prefer to choose Z Ultra, which has a bigger screen size and more gimmicks.
But, if you want to try more experience, you can try Samsung.

Cyber monday sony z3 sale on swappa 5 star seller

Today I am offering great deals on brand new T-Mobile XPERIA Z3 D6616.
Will take $10 off all Z3 for any XDA member.
That's new in box XPERIA Z3 for $289 with priority shipping.
New no box no accessory z3 for $265 with priority shipping.
Just leave comment on desired listing and I will reduce price immediately for you.

XA Ultra white deal alert

Hi all,
I'm big into deals so I couldn't pass up this deal
Walmart seller has the XA Ultra listed at $259.99 with 4 left. I suspect they have the item priced as the regular XA. It is worth a shot!

