SinVR for Cardboard - Google Cardboard

Hey guys, remember SinVR game? At last they released Cardboard version. The game is available here:
Would be interesting to hear your mind about it.



cod2 and thps2, not working with samsung?

anybody got a work around for these game to play it on ppc with samsung processors?

TRON video game for TP2???

I have found this game on the link below,GLTron, it's from the movie TRON from 1982, sequel is comming up this year.
My brother was able to find a version of the game for his Nokia N900. So I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a version of the game for winmo or if anyone could create a version for it. the game is a freeware version for different platforms.
Not that I have ever seen....Sorry.

Group Share Games ?

Hey Guys,
So girlfriend and i finally got our S4's despite what others say i love it and since my S3 i just love it even more.
Just wanted to find out what games are you guys playing/ able to play via groupshare app ? Do both devices have to have the original APK or is the one on the one device enough ?

I want to create a game similar to "Cards Against Humanity".

Hey guys,
I want to develop a game for Android similar to "Cards Against Humanity". I've already got the design.
An interesting concept of popular games for iOS and Android seems to be a one-on-one, online game in rounds, but how should the game determines, who has the better answer?
Any ideas?
Who of you would play such a game?

T-Mobile Gear VR Bundle Games!

Hey guys, I know leading up to day, I was having an impossible time figuring out which games/apps were included in the VR bundle. At least as far as T-Mobile goes, we now know! For those wondering, the following showed up (apparently on the 9th for me, though I hadn't realized):
Dead Secret
Esper 2
Eve: Gunjack
Herobound: Spirit Champion (I think, I'd already bought this one for the Innovator Edition)
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Star Chart
Just figured I'd let you all know!

