Multiple issues with my device? - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

I purchased my S8 directly from T-Mobile today. So when I left the store and started using it more, I realized that it had a few bugs. Before and after the OTA(that was immediately found on my phone to download and install), and even after a factory reset.
First I'm experiencing that the Android/Google pre installed notepad or memo, is completely missing from the device. Completely searching the phone, and even going into the Android OS application settings. Also, even having Samsung do a remote screen share via technical support on the phone, and the Tutor app. Even they couldn't even find it.
Second I'm the type of person that doesn't like any type of vibration on my phone. So I turn off all the vibration in the Android OS settings, even for calls. But for some reason the touch screen home button has some type of forced/haptic vibrate. This happens on any screen, including when the screen is off and I'm clicking the touch screen home button to wake up to screen to use the device. Is this even normal, for only the touch screen home button to make some type of vibration(more specifically, some type of forced/haptic vibrate), when you have all the vibration settings that can be turned on and off in the Android OS settings completely turned off?
Then lastly, I'm having a problem with Google Voice to Text, and Bixby voice to text. What happens is, if I turn off Bixby voice to text in the Android OS settings. So I can use Google Voice to Text. But every few minutes, Bixby turns itself on, and is automatically the default voice to text. Then when I go into the Android OS settings, it appears that the circle turns blue indicating that it was on period when I clearly turned Bixby Voice to Text off in the Android OS settings.
What should I do? Should I return the device and get a replacement immediately. I got it from my carrier this morning at there corporate store. They had a bunch in stock, and when I was there UPS even delived more to the store. I even contacted Samsung, all they can tell me was to send my phone in and leave my phone there for a minimum of two weeks and remain completely with out a phone. Which is absurd, after purchasing a new phone and only owning the device 3-4 hours maximum!

Just an update, I went back to T-mobile, after speaking to booth Samsung and T-mobile and exchanged my S8. But still the problems persist on the new exchanged S8. Also, this time around it has gotten worst, because this time around I was unable to even Smart Switch the Memo files. Because on my old Galaxy I was at least able to transfer my Android/Google memos to the 1st S8. But from the returned S8 to the new exchanged S8, I was unable to do so. It was not even an option at all(greyed out or selectable)

I don't think any of these are problems? First it's Samsung notes that is presinstalled second just download a note app. Second the home button has its own vibration setting and their are apps to further customize, I have mine on a super short vibration and changed navigation keys to stay perma black even when keyboard open with an app. Lastly the bixby voice is disabled until they fix it. By default the phone uses Samsung voice but you can enable google voice or get another keyboard. Also don't forget Android is customizable but may have to use an app for it.
I have blacked out my phone, use navbar apps, and use google keyboard.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


[Q] touch screen sensitivity

Is sensitivity adjustable? My phone is constantly calling people on my contact list, or texting them paragraphs of jibberish. And jumps around from screen to screen "on it's own".
When I take it out of the case,it's awake, and it's on any one of who knows what page. And my apps are moved around, like I held my finger on one of the apps on my home page and dragged it to another page (panel)
When I turn the phone on, or take it out of the case, almost always the big weather and time app is gone from my home page. I have to find it, and drag it back home.
Before I put my phone in my belt case, . . . because I'm having this problem . . .
1). I turn off all apps. (Hold the select button down a few seconds. Then swipe off all open apps.)
2). I make sure it's on the main desktop page, and put it to sleep. (Press OFF button for a second. Screen is black) So the page that should come up when I wake it up should be my home page. And if it's accidentally bumped or presses the awake button while in my case, (?) it should be on home page, not on message page, or phone page. Or trying to log me into Google!
But it's getting turned on, and apps selected, etc. while it's in the case. Sometimes it's actually turning off, then back on. I hear it chiming during the bootup.
The case was made for the phone. Fits perfectly. Leather. And there's no way I'm bumping the side of the case, hitting the on button.
When it does this, sometimes it's on my messaging/texting page, and somehow selects someone to text. And is either recording whatever it's "hearing", or it types long paragraphs of jiberish text.
Any ideas? TIA! Wayne
does it do it on it's own?
When left overnight untouched, or left on table for awhile?
As far as I know the only way to physically wake the phone up is either press side power button or center home button and maybe the case is causing the phone to wake and register commands. Another possibility is voice commands, are those on?
otherwise there is a program that causes all the trouble. Once you know whats causing the issue, the fix should be simple.
I think screen sensitivity can only be adjusted up, for glove use, but that makes me think you suspect case being at the root of this, so either try different case, or lock the screen with password or something more difficult to activate by accident.
My friend "butt call me" at least 3 times from his iphone, but I never had this issue with Note3 since I have to press one of the buttons and then properly swipe the screen, within few seconds, not easy to do accidently .
And judging from your post, do you have your screen lock set to nothing ? So it's easy to wake the phone and do unintended touches, even in a case.
Sent from my N9005
RE: And judging from your post, do you have your screen lock set to nothing ?
So it's easy to wake the phone and do unintended touches, even in a case.
Thanks for the reply. As far as I know I don't have my screen locked to anything.
No idea actually.
What I did find is that the sensitivity feature was turned on. I turned that off.
Then I turned off the voice function.
Tried that. No better.
So I set a password. That works. BUT . . . now I can't find where I turned off the voice rec.
And I've really tried finding it. Now I can't use voice for texting. The mic icon is gone from
my text menu.

2015 Moto X Style - Screen Goes Black w/Onscreen Nav Buttons Showing!

Hi there ...
I've had my Moto X Style for about 6 weeks now & I totally love it ..
BUT, in the last 2 weeks, with no patterns showing, the screen will go black all of a sudden multiple times a day.?
While using an app, the onscreen buttons are there, haptic works on the buttons, black screen, but I have no more app access.?
I can press & hold the power button & shutdown fine. I even cleared the cache' of all my apps using an app, made no difference.?
I'm running out of idea's.?
Falling short of doing a factory reset, does anyone know how to fix this.?
The phone worked perfect for 4 weeks with ALL my apps installed back then,
so I don't know why it's going funny now.? Getting very annoying now, please help!?
On a specific app, or any app?
That's just it, I don't know, coz its random! - But I do take note, but nothing seems to follow any pattern as such.!?
Sent from my Moto X Style!
I have seen this after the phone has been unlocked by trusted device connection with BT and carkit. After disconnect and then trying to unlock the phone with pattern only the on screen buttons are there and no pattern.
Sometimes I tried twisting the phone so it goes in to camera and then swiping to view already taken images. This should give the lock pattern but I also get the black screen with only the buttons. After some retries I get a crash from Nova launcher (message is something like Nova launcher did not respond) after clicking the ok button the unlock pattern is back and I can unlock the phone. Other times this doesn't work, not within the amount of retry's I did, and I have to reboot the phone
Note: When you use the phone right after disconnect, before it's locked again you can use apps, sometimes only active apps, sometimes even start new ones. But after a while it will lock. Probably because it lost connection with the trusted device. After that same problem, can't unlock it again
I Had the same issue after I installed the Microsoft's AppComparison app (I don't know why I installed that app). But a factory reset solve the problem.

"Okay Google" Not Working Since Update?

Today I updated Google and noticed that saying "okay Google" from the home button screen (whatever it's called, the screen shown when you hold the home button for a bit) doesn't work anymore. It works from any other screen from the home screen to the lock screen.
I searched around but found no solution. Anyone have any ideas, or is experiencing the same thing? Could this be just an issue with the update and require another update to fix?
Edit: And now it's mysteriously working again, with absolutely nothing changed or done on my end.
Did you ever get this fixed? Ok google has been very buggy for me. I have a Google Home and wondered if it was messing it up.
So I noticed after the update I couldn't unlock the Axon 7 when it had its screen off and it was plugged in (the feature obviously doesn't work at all if the device isn't plugged in). The way I solved this was to go to the voice activity on Google and I paused (or deactivated) it. By doing this, you essentially reset all Google Voice settings (not the history). Then, just long press the home button which brings up the assistance which will ask you to give it permission to listen to you. It will then ask you to say "Ok Google" three times (as if it's the first time you're using it). When the trusted voice option is toggled (which is automatically will do it for you), the issue is fixed and the phone can be unlocked with you voice with its display off and while plugged in.

Screen flashes on/off during calls

I've had two Note 4s, w the first one I could make a call & whenever I pulled my face away from the screen it would turn on & vice versa. That one eventually had hardware damage & I replaced it through AT&T & got a "lightly used" one. It was guaranteed to work as good as new, but this one does not have the same feature. Instead, whenever I place/receive a call, the screen continues to flash on & off no matter what I do. I won't even block the sensor & it flashes. I press home, the power button, adjust settings, try anything - nothing works. It turns on & off when I have to dial addtl #s or use the phone at all. It's making me incredibly upset. I can't/don't want to replace it at this point. Are there any software hacks, or do I have to give up?
If you have xposed, there is a module that you can use to disable the proximity sensor. There may also be some in the play store.

Google assistant, lock screen and light automation

I have a question regarding Google Assistant light automation. I recently purchased a Philips hue system and its working pretty well. Yesterday, I set up Google Assistant to voice control the lighting at home. Some months ago, I received the Android 10 update for the Note 9 and according to the Internet, since that update, Google Assistant asks to unlock the phone in order to perform the turn on/off functions for the bulbs. Now, I found out that adding my home to Smart Lock works. But the thing is that as long the phone is locked, I only get one response from the Assistant. When I try to activate it again, it activates, then it listens to what I'm saying and then it shows the three dot icon like its searching but nothing happens. If I turn off the screen with the button and activate the Assistant once again, it again works for the first command. I tried to factory reset the phone but it didnt help.
This is certainly a Smart Lock/Android 10/Google Assistant issue since if I'm not home and the phone is locked, I receive response all the time. Likewise, if I'm home and unlock the phone manually, I get response on every command.
Is this a bug? Do anyone have a similar issue?
Thanks in advance
Yes, it is a bug, but not necessarily because of the home automation although I first noticed it when it didn't respond to home automation commands or routines.
i recently purchased quite a few automated lights and switches.
ok google
turn on bedroom
what time is it
tell me a joke
all have the grayed out mic and grayed out dots you refer to.
WHEN the phone is unlocked and home.
It is only noticeable for me when the phone is unlocked but home. I have set the GPS and WIFI to keep the phone unlocked at home, so it theoretically should work since it recognizes my wifi network and gps. but it refuses to respond with a "ok google" when speaking about turning something on and off command.
unlock the phone manually and it works.
I haven't been out much...

