Assigning SIM card 1 or 2 to call specific contacts - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

I am using 2 sim cards in my samsung s7 edge, SIM 1 for personal calls and SIM 2 for work calls.
All my contacts (personal and work contacts) are synced to Google.
I have set the phone to "ask always" when making calls.
Is there any way to set the phone so that when I call my personal contacts, it will auto select SIM 1?


This is my setting:
1. call and text message prefered to sim 1
2. mobile data prefered to sim 2
I do not enable confirm sim card for calls, then every phone I do will automatically use sim 1.


Can only dial out on SIM 2

Hi there,
I have the S7 dual SIM. I had been using it set up in the SIM card manager to handle calls on SIM 2 as that was my home SIM slot. I just went overseas and inserted a new SIM card in to SIM 1 slot. Then I used SIM card manager to change voice calls to be handled by SIM 1 but it always dials out on SIM 2.
I can't find any other settings relating to choice of SIM cards......does anyone know how?
I have it set to "always ask" for the time being as this is the only way to dial out on SIM 1.
Thanx for any help.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

S7 Edge dual SIM control

Hi Guys !
I have a Samsung S7 edge duos, for which i want to use two SIM cards - SIM 1 is my home SIM, and SIM 2 is a Global roaming SIM with data and Voice.
My question is whether its possible to set my phone in such a way that when I go on roaming i want my SIM 1 to deactivate data services and SIM 2 data services to kick in, since this a global SIM.
Is there an App for that or is there some kind of settings for the same.
Help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Not sure if you can do this, maybe with a task scheduler? Best choice is just to manually set your SIM2 to be the main SIM.
The only thing that might work is to call transfer sim 1 to sim two so that any calls received will ring on sim 2 which you can select as the active.
You can not cross connect the apns since they are linked to different sim cards.
Did you try all the dual sim manager apps? they say they do just that!!!

request apps to automatic switch defalut sim card in dual sim galaxy s7 edge

i would like to have app that control automatically swithc sim card default base on period of time. should be great to make them switch default outgoing call from sim1 or sim2 and data connection as well. say i want default sim 1 for both outgoing call and data between 8.00-17.00 and default sim2 both outgoing call and data between 17.01-7.59. if this possible?
That would be great to have both work and life balance. would it be possible guys?
any idea pals

"switch off" only one SIM seems not possible

Hey there
I have the following situation and basically this is the reason why I've bought a dual SIM
SIM 1 - Vodafone Italy
SIM 2 - Yallo Switzerland
SIM 1 is used ONLY for receiving phone calls and I want to have it 24/7
SIM 2 is more a working SIM, I am using it for phone and internet
Evening I want to switch off SIM 2, don't want to be bothered with calls nor I care for internet.
First problem when I try to "disable" SIM 2 I got the message that the SIM is set as primary (whatever it means) so I cannot disable it (why ????????????)
Trying to findo out what is the reason I have discovered that if I select data on SIM 1, then I can switch off SIM 2 (whaaaaat ?????)
Seems that I am not free to do it
The other thing is ... to "disable" the SIM, I have to go to Settings | SIM and mobile network click on SIM 2 and disable
This is not what you want to do just before going to sleep, I expected something very easy to switch off SIM 1 or 2 based on needs
How can I solve the problem ?

Dual Sim - Can I automatically respond (SMS + Calls) using the SIM it received it on?

Hi Guys,
Anyone have any idea how I can set the phone H870DS so that if I get a text on my SIM 2 that when I respond it does it using that SIM 2 phone number? I have tried assigning certain contacts using the COST SAVE MODE to SIM 2 but if I'm currently in SIM 1 it still texts them back using my SIM 1 phone number. It will, however, call them using the assigned SIM. I want it to be default without having to add contact then assign. Basically return phone calls that came from SIM 2 with SIM 2 and SIM 1 with SIM 1 and as well as text messages.
Right now I'm having to manually pull down the menu and switch to the appropriate SIM when responding. Very inconvenient.
This is the Indian Version I bought from a US Seller on eBay.
Thank you!

