Clarify GalS7 Verizon - custom vs rooted for legal case. - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions & Answers

I'm hoping some community members with extreme level of understanding of Samsung Knox Security can help clarify a warranty denial - perhaps for thousands (class action)...
First, and most notably, a device with a 'custom binary status does NOT unilaterally mean a device was Rooted, correct? Therefore, if Samsung were to systemically deny ALL devices' warrant entitlement - simply on grounds of 'custom' status, by officially pronouncing ANY device with 'custom status, as unequivocally (quote) "ROOTED" - that may be incorrectly oversimplified, in their favor.
Is it possible that a device with a hardware defect causing massive overheating, causing thermal shutdown, mid OFFICIAL LEGIT UPDATE, ect (or whatever reason) an Operating System corruption could, in fact, cause device to show as 'custom' - without ANY 'ROOT' at all, correct? (Especially when Samsung Knox Security shows 100% UNCOMPROMISED/TRIPPED, )
In fact, there are multiple scenarios in which a device may show 'custom status, without ever having been maliciously modified via security circumvention process of 'Rooting?
Please advise and discuss. I have found out that Samsung automatically, systematically, may have denied thousands of VALID warranty claims - which could result in a class action.

I don't know all the ins and outs of Knox Security, but I can add some experience pertaining to Custom Status. It is very possible to trip the Custom Status flag without tripping the Knox flag or being rooted. There are multiple package disablers available that can disable system packages, which can throw the Custom Status flag. The disablers are designed for NON-ROOTED devices, and if I recall correctly they are granted permission by Knox. Before root access was gained for the S7, a few people thought they accidentally figured out a way to root the S7 based on the phone showing Custom Status. Try using a package disabler on a NON-ROOTED S7 and disable a single package called sysscope, then suddenly your phone will say Custom Status. A lot of people got their hopes up that root had been found, only to have their hopes shattered when I proved it wrong.
As for hardware defects causing massive overheat and thermal shutdown, I have a Motorola Droid X that would overheat and shutdown if I was charging it in the car when it was hot outside. I'd even consider battery issues to be hardware related failures, such as the Note 7. There was enough media coverage as well as a total recall to prove it's possible. I'd also like to add that the Note 7 isn't the only phone to cause fires. There have been some iPhones and other Samsungs that have caught fire, but it was a much smaller scale compared to the Note 7.

I will get in to this topic more with you when I am not at work, but bottom line they are going to claim that you procured the hardware understanding it was manufactured for the purpose of completing task x. As soon as you run any customized software they will claim you are exceeding it's capability therefor creating an unstable environment where it would be impossible for them to support it, especially with all the 'custom' code that could be used.
With that being said, would you mind if I asked what you were trying to accomplish because it may still be possible.

What I'm trying to accomplish as far as the hardware or attempting to distinguish that there is a very distinct difference between a totally defect-driven (overheating interrupted official update, I imagine) Operating System Corruption causing integrity checks to fail, defaulting it's status to 'custom' vs Samsung automatically labelling Quote "ROOTED"?
Bottom line is, I'm trying to ascertain the exact specifics as to just how many ways and specific causes a device is triggered to be 'custom'....
As I've dealt with the Samsung Executive Office, after 13 calls, final being from State's Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division - Problem is that samsung does not bother to do any type of diagnostic to determine just how a 'custom' status is triggered. To be clear, they do not differentiate ANY difference between 'custom' and 'Rooted'.. EVEN when Samsung Knox has NOT been tripped/flagged for deliberate modification and/or security circumvention for gaining root access to run unsigned code (or whatever)...
If there is ANY way a device can be 'custom' from a simple operating System corruption (even worse, when directly attributed to being a symptom of a hardware defect - overheating, ect) and Samsung has systemically and unilaterally denied thousands of MFR Warranty claims on inaccurate assumption that all 'custom' status devices are in fact QUOTE: "ROOTED" - then there could be a very compelling argument for a class action.
What I do know is my despite NEVER having rooted, rather extreme overheating has caused thermal override to trigger up to 20 reboots an hour.... I and a Verizon Tech Level 2 or 3 (?) spent an entire day back and forth trying to pinpoint why/how my device become 'custom'. We postulate that a simple Operating System Corruption caused hash checks to fail and, by default, trigger an innocent 'custom' status.... This hypothesis seems to stand up (seems to is where you experts come in) [correct us if we're wrong] when considering that the Verizon Variant has a locked bootloader - which means any modifications would require "Rooting", which would be detected by Samsung Knox and flagged as such, and cannot be reversed. My (and, perhaps many other) device's software/operating system integrity was EASILY repaired and returned to 'OFFICIAL', with Samsung Knox UNFLAGGED, by simply using the Verizon Software Repair Tool. The tool simply reflashed the official firmware which was corrupted when update was interrupted by overheating.
I believe, in addition to my scenario, there is evidence that other users may have obtained a 'custom' status from something which is not QUOTE: "ROOTING", for example. a package disabler? That isn't anything that was used on my device, but merely another precedence, possibly, of there being more than one clear cut 'custom'="ROOTED" as far as Samsung treats ALL MFR warranty claims where HOW/WHY 'custom' status may completely matter - and if there is some question, their refusing to even inspect or investigate the specific reason a device is 'custom' maybe screwing thousands of legit mfr warranty claims > hence class action.
At first, I merely wanted my premium $800 device repaired/replaced... My device has exhibited dangerous behavior, after constant overheating may have warped component leads, shorted soldier traces, melted components, made lithium ion chemicals unstable. My device, upon charging with OEM supplied charger and cable, will completely become unresponsive to ANY user input (not even home/power/volume) - it continues to heat to such temps it cannot be handled without a glove or towel for very long - there's only one of three scenarios A) Chemicals become unstable causing a volatile chemical reaction (fire/explosion) B) Chemicals and/or components reach catastrophic state and simply fail permanently C) Battery dissipates 100%. I made sure to present my device in this state to a Verizon dealership so it was documented and an agent could affirm via an affidavit, should something awful happen. I was lucky that a regional Samsung Field Rep also overheard and was obligated to attempt to intervene as not doing so would have been negligent on his part - he's the one who tried for me but was told that any device that was 'custom' had to have been rooted... He hinted that he had knowledge that this was a bogus practice that Samsung policy dictates without any consideration for whether or not the 'custom' status was deliberate, nefarious, or even violated MFR Warranty terms....

@rbgCODE ^^^^^^^ Above^^^^^^^^​
CVertigo1 said:
I don't know all the ins and outs of Knox Security, but I can add some experience pertaining to Custom Status. It is very possible to trip the Custom Status flag without tripping the Knox flag or being rooted. There are multiple package disablers available that can disable system packages, which can throw the Custom Status flag. The disablers are designed for NON-ROOTED devices, and if I recall correctly they are granted permission by Knox. Before root access was gained for the S7, a few people thought they accidentally figured out a way to root the S7 based on the phone showing Custom Status. Try using a package disabler on a NON-ROOTED S7 and disable a single package called sysscope, then suddenly your phone will say Custom Status. A lot of people got their hopes up that root had been found, only to have their hopes shattered when I proved it wrong.
As for hardware defects causing massive overheat and thermal shutdown, I have a Motorola Droid X that would overheat and shutdown if I was charging it in the car when it was hot outside. I'd even consider battery issues to be hardware related failures, such as the Note 7. There was enough media coverage as well as a total recall to prove it's possible. I'd also like to add that the Note 7 isn't the only phone to cause fires. There have been some iPhones and other Samsungs that have caught fire, but it was a much smaller scale compared to the Note 7.
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Thanks for input... Exactly as we had thought - but would still appreciate any/all expert testimony LoL (actually, legal council has already suggested I begin search for expert witnesses... I'm sure they'll do their due dillegence as well but helps to do stuff yourself, too).
It's dumbfounding to me that I spent $800 cash up front on a device - was told quite literally by a regional Samsung Field rep to not so much as power on - words like 'potential bomb' and 'fire/property damage' used by the rep... He'd JUST returned from a debriefing on the Note 7 investigation findings. So, not only do I have an $800 bomb I was instructed to not even power on, but I continue to pay Verizon $120/mo for service.
Verizon already did a full investigation and examined very carefully - they found zero evidence of any modifications/unauthorized code which would violate MFR warranty claim, were able to repair corrupted software environment via Verizon Software Repair Tool. At least Verizon cares that I don't have a chemical explosion in my ear while I'm driving. Unfortunately, even after Verizon's repairing the Operating System and device has long since returned to "official' status, with Knox untripped and uncompromised, extreme prolonged temps have cause permanent compromise to hardware... This was the chicken before the egg bit, it began overheating before 'custom' status began and continues after back to 'official' - Samsung caring about me, class action? Not so much. Awfully smug in my humble opinion.
Appreciate any/all input - either for or against. I can handle the truth, Samsung cannot.
BTW, We'll know if a Samsung Legal Spy Troll is among us :cyclops:

I'd see if @Chainfire would give any input on the topic or point you in the right direction. I don't think there is anyone else out there that has more experience with Knox, Custom Status, and modifications. I don't know his background, but his Android knowledge is phenomenal, and from some of his posts it sounds like he has a very in depth knowledge of hardware as well.
I'd also like to add that from your post, I realize your device hasn't been modified via root or package disabler, but maybe the system is seeing something else as a modification. Chainfire might be able to mention what the system sees as modifications. I do recall when the S7 first came out, you had the ability to use Nova Launcher to change the scaling before it was implemented in the system settings. This was a non-root method that wasn't exactly a modification, but it would trip the DM-Verity flag for modifications, so you never know what the system might determine is a mod and throw the Custom Status flag.

CVertigo1 said:
I'd see if @Chainfire would give any input on the topic or point you in the right direction. I don't think there is anyone else out there that has more experience with Knox, Custom Status, and modifications. I don't know his background, but his Android knowledge is phenomenal, and from some of his posts it sounds like he has a very in depth knowledge of hardware as well.
I'd also like to add that from your post, I realize your device hasn't been modified via root or package disabler, but maybe the system is seeing something else as a modification. Chainfire might be able to mention what the system sees as modifications. I do recall when the S7 first came out, you had the ability to use Nova Launcher to change the scaling before it was implemented in the system settings. This was a non-root method that wasn't exactly a modification, but it would trip the DM-Verity flag for modifications, so you never know what the system might determine is a mod and throw the Custom Status flag.
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I thank you, very much! This is the exact type of input/leads council is seeking.
Hopefully @Chainfire is willing to assist on whatever level... I know some people hear 'litigation' and want nothing to do with, others understand that sometimes huge corporations will screw consumers until checked - and are more than willing to help do that very important checking for the greater good. Yet others, whom possess background/credentials needed for expert witness testimony/affidavit, understand that should their assistance lead to probable cause of/justification to file litigation - very likely could be financial compensation (expert witnesses are in high demand - this is the community to find you, too ) Now, in all fairness, I cannot, at all, suggest that assisting will result in compensation - but, it could. The very least, you have power to share wisdom and hopefully hold parties accountable.
I'm still on fence about litigation... Honestly, I really just want what's fair - but the deeper Samsung gouges my time and money, it has become, to me (still semi-ignorant about specificities regarding Knox, 'custom', rooted.
I do wholeheartedly believe that the letter and spirit of consumer law (MFR Warranty) are very much in question of having been short changed, by Samsung, perhaps on THOUSANDS OF SIMILAR VALID WARRANTY CLAIMS. Denying an in warranty device claim, without even accepting for inspection or, at the very least, using in place, commonly used for tech support, remote diagnosis via Samsung+ App - is an absolute failure of due diligence.

I hope someone on this forum is willing to help. There are some very brilliant minds that lurk around here.

I'd also like to add that from your post, I realize your device hasn't been modified via root or package disabler, but maybe the system is seeing something else as a modification..... I do recall when the S7 first came out, you had the ability to use Nova Launcher to change the scaling before it was implemented in the system settings. This was a non-root method that wasn't exactly a modification, but it would trip the DM-Verity flag for modifications, so you never know what the system might determine is a mod and throw the Custom Status flag.........
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This is the exact type of KNOWN issue, which sets a precedent of 'custom' status, which may well NOT violate the letter and spirit of consumer rights, as far as warranties... Thus dictate the necessity for Samsung to investigate exact reason for 'custom status' warranty claim - but they do not differentiate 'custom' status from "ROOT" AT ALL!
Now, still yet, if Nova launcher is flagging as custom status as which something that legitimately voids a mfr warranty (which is shifty and arguable, at best) - does Samsung and/or Android/Google Play store have protection and/or warnings in place to, at least, make user aware!? I carefully went through all previously installed apps and none disclosed ANY modifications - let alone, as Samsung has determined quote "ROOTED"!!! NO, not rooted.
On a single case, maybe seems blowing out of water - BUT, if talking about a high performance premium Galaxy device, which is known for overheating and failures, and thousands of users being denied rights to mfr warranty - entirely something else.
Also, a big deal is a federal courts ruling that Samsungs arbitration/class action opt-out notice is not binding. Failure to respond is not acceptance of warranty and terms of use stipulations, with opt-out gotcha's - which attempt to take away consumer's rights to join class action claims.

I had a verizon s7edge which I sent back for an insurance claim. The replacement from Assurion was also defective - the wifi did not work. Could not even get it to turn on let alone work. It would crash and randomly reboot. When it did reboot - it would sometimes display the unlocked logo and custom when booting. It would even say custom in the settings/about phone.
The phone was doing this right out of the box - was never rooted or flashed. I ended up sending that one back for a second replacement which has been flawless.
So, yes you can have an issue with your phone that is not flash/rooted related and it will still show "custom" when booting.


Low level NAND analysis and/or diagnosis

I have this problem with my new GT-N7000:
In short, my phone is not flashable anymore, cannot even flash a bootloader. Everything is or at least seems to be written to the phone but after a reboot all is gone and everything is in its original state. Can't even delete fotos or other random files on my phone.
RMA request is filed but if they refuse I need some ground to argue with them to get it accepted.
sounds a lot like a memory controller failure. Had the same problem on my Desire S after mistakenly pulling battery out and reinserting it immediately, it fried the controller of the eMMC and afterwards it was damn near impossible to flash anything over it. It would work, but all would be gone upon the next reboot (even apps installed via the market or user settings), it was as if the device was frozen in time...
As it is related to a hardware fault (crappy memory chips), I'd ask for replacement anyway. If you're located in Europe or the USA there are laws that force manufacturers to honor warranty in case of a a design or hardware flaw, look it up on google to have some leverage on them.
You're probably affected by the "eMMC Brick Bug" that has been plaguing a large number of popular Android phones the last year. There are some fixes and partial solutions, but I recommend to send it back a get a new one, so that "they" understand they have a large problem! (Search on XDA!)
There's also a brick bug checking app in the market...
This one looks abit different. Brick bug is known from eMMC hanging when accessing any of the damaged blocks. Though this could be the second, different result of brick bug, slighty less serious.

Unlocking the bootloader

Ok. So all my android phones up to this one have had the ability to have their bootloader unlocked. I know that this specific phone has only been out for about 8 months now and we are seeing little to no progress on the unlocking of the bootloader.
My question is, how?
Where do you even start to unlock a bootloader?
What tools are needed?
Once you find a way to unlock your device (the one you have been working on) how do you package it and test it on other devices?
The reason I ask is because I have a bit of time on my hands and I know a bit about code.
I understand that trying to do something like this is EXTREMELY hard or it would have been done by now, but the way I see it the more heads banging against the same wall. Sooner or later the wall is going to give.
If you want to look into trying to do this I would guess the threads Adam Outler left in the VZW Note 2 forums on how he did it.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
The N3 takes full advantage of ARM Trustzone technology in the Snapdragon 800 SoC. This involves a microkernel running on a separate ARM core from processor ROM space and SoC private memory to do things like key storage and crypto computations, as well as chain-of-trust bootstrapping where each image loaded in the boot sequence is cryptographically verified before loading.
There is a portion of the eMMC flash memory chip (rpmb - Replay Protected Memory Block) which can only be accessed via a hardware protocol that re-keys every read-write transaction. So, even if you could sniff the eMMC (hardware) bus, you might be able to passively read data, but the key used to generate the transaction nonce is never exposed... meaning you won't gain control of it.
In addition, as of the MJ7 release, part of this boot sequence (aboot - the part which interacts with Odin) stores & uses anti-rollback protection information which disallows even valid *prior* Samsung firmware from being re-flashed onto the device. This is to prevent vulns discovered in prior releases from becoming a gateway to device customization.
Sounds complicated, right? Well, that's only the start of it. In addition there are "trustzone applets" that are running during the normal boot that continuously perform a variety of attribution measurements that detect tampering of kernel memory, changes to certain partition signatures, etc. It is sort of unknown at this point whether or nor these live "tripwires" also blow irreversible tamper fuses on the SoC or merely write tamper detection into the rpmb via the TZ api. In either case though, the possibility exists that "harmless" activity such as a kernel exploit that writes into volatile private kernel memory could result in semi-permanent disabling of the device.
In any event, there isn't a playbook for exploit discovery, other than this: understand approximately how a given subsystem works, and look for/test against implementation errors. If one is found, the dev needs to create and test hypotheses that might allow a minor exploit to be leveraged up into increasing privilege or control.
I'm not optimistic that a "class break" exploit of the hardware trustzone technology will occur; but the normal OS requires services from the trustzone, so perhaps there are implementation errors that exist that are close to the exposed APIs.
Probably there are private methods known to Samsung ARCs (Authorized Repair Centers) for reprogramming/resetting devices. These are probably low-hanging fruit in the sense that (a) if known they would enervate devs to experiment, knowing they have a rescue method, and (b) are the type of thing which could be exposed through social methods, and (c) are close in function to the goal of loading altered images onto the phone.
This phone has a *ton* of security stuff going on compared to phones that are only one year old. Given Samsung's dominance in the Android "premier device" segment, if I were CyanogenMod's new investors, I would be worried about what this portends for the future for aftermarket ROMs which require a custom kernel.
Maybe the right approach is to beat Samsung up over their horrid track record for making developer devices available - or maybe it is time to start rewarding OEMs who are happy to allow opt-out of device lockdown through market mechanisms. Samsung boycott, anyone?
Personally, I find it objectionable that my phone needs to be locked down and bristling with security armament on the off-chance that it might someday become a corporate BYOD device. That puts the interests of a low-probability straw-man ahead of the actual device owner... namely, me.
I agree with you that it is a load of rubbish that our phones are locked down, but I still have hope that we will get an unlock procedure. Adam Outler, despite saying he was done with Samsung devices, has somehow managed to get past Secure aboot and turn it off. He posted a picture of it on his G+, which he promptly deleted because people were sending massive amounts of hate simply because they didn't understand that bypassing aboot was not an unlock.
I still have hope for an unlock but it fades everyday, I think one of our best hopes would be Outler if he is truly looking into to bootloader unlock us. There are so many devs looking into it though that any one of them could do it any day.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

will i lose knox goodies after rooking galaxy s5?

hi all
i wanna buy a new phone and im searching all over the xda for benefits and bad thing of these new devices released(not the m8 because i dont like htc )
well i have read some little things here and there about knox technology
but i haven't read any where about this part
will i lose knox benefits after rooting my device (using chanfire root) ? (i think the answer is yes but i wanna get sure about this)
well warranty is not important for me because im not going to buy the device with warranty because all these warranties in my country are software warranties(i don't know what you guys tell this in English) that all they do is to flash the rom again with odin and they wont do anything else so i can warranty my device myself
and i have a little question
is there any other benefits other than this 2?
a. Even though your device is lost, the person who stole it cannot use it. Without your account, the device cannot be reset to factory settings and flashed with any ROM.
b. KNOX protects your private data and information with its advanced technology.
I'm pretty sure the root trips the counter while giving you root access. You'd lose warranty and none of the system files would be affected. As for your 2 other questions: I think android device manager (which is not galaxy s5 specific) allows you to lock down your phone remotely if it's stolen (look it up on play store, pretty sure that's what it does). KNOX is pretty much aimed at the business sector and has very little use for an average user imo. If you want to secure your device just encrypt the phone.
cl_l said:
I'm pretty sure the root trips the counter while giving you root access. You'd lose warranty and none of the system files would be affected. As for your 2 other questions: I think android device manager (which is not galaxy s5 specific) allows you to lock down your phone remotely if it's stolen (look it up on play store, pretty sure that's what it does). KNOX is pretty much aimed at the business sector and has very little use for an average user imo. If you want to secure your device just encrypt the phone.
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It voids Knox warranty, not the device's warranty (if you live in Europe).

Tripping knox?

What is the disadvantage of this? Can i still use all the function of note3? Only problem is that warranty is void right?
Correct. It is used for better encryption for say business users, etc... however if you ask me - you would probably use something else and not talk about sensitive data, etc over the phone.
Everything else will work just as it should - do not worry about it.
cyberboob said:
Correct. It is used for better encryption for say business users, etc... however if you ask me - you would probably use something else and not talk about sensitive data, etc over the phone.
Everything else will work just as it should - do not worry about it.
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Knox is Samsung's attempt to get into the business market. Knox is a secure 'container' into which company IT guys can install the company apps and data. Should the phone get lost or stolen they can nuke it from the server.
Why Samsung would piss off all their normal users when the company could as easily do the same thing just like you and I can (from website or using something like Avast) is anyone's guess. Also note that it doesn't necessarily void your warranty - that's a Samsung con game. It voids your KNOX warranty - in other words they will not be liable if your company loses apps/data on a Knox-broken phone.
But many Samsung service agents will void your phone warranty, knowing most people will not go legal over the issue.
ikong7 said:
What is the disadvantage of this? Can i still use all the function of note3? Only problem is that warranty is void right?
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KNOX is twofold.
- First is the KNOX E-Fuse modifying security. This is the digital version of the old 'If seal is broken, warranty is void' labels. If tripped, it displays 0x1.
If you trip it, the level of warranty you still get depends on where you are.
If you're in the EU, it makes no difference. 2 years factory warranty is mandatory, regardless of software modifications. Note that if your modifications cause damage (i.e. By overclocking), it isn't covered by the warranty. It only applies to regular defects.
If you're outside the EU, it depends on your local laws.
- Second is the KNOX security container. This is a secure environment inside the OS where a user can keep its secure files and apps. It's basically a separate virtual partition (for lack of a better definition) of the OS that you need a password to access.
Tripping the E-Fuse causes the container ro selfdestruct, rendering it inaccessible. Any files that were inside the KNOX container when the fuse was tripped will be permanently lost.
For users who don't require the secure container, KNOX is nerely another entry in the long history of failed DRM's that cause more harm for paying users than it does for those that would bypass it. Companies never learn.
Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Using Tapatalk

Inquiries about warranty issues on rooting.

I have the H1512 model which is not locked to any carriers and I'm fond of tinkering my smartphones I had have. But with all the ruckus about the n6p issues, keeping the warranty intact would be a good idea. I even had an extended warranty for any physical damage that may take place (like warping, screen damage, etc). The thing is I want to root this device not to play with custom roms, bootloader, etc (well, not until the warranty is expired) but to get some apps that needs a rooted device.
This would be my questions before rooting:
1. Does this have a knox counter and will it be voided?
2. Can you unroot this device and lock the bootloader again?
3. Do technicians have anyway to trace if the above item has been made?
4. What is the qFuse that I read somewhere?
5. What other things about rooting that may be a problem to its warranty.
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Probably, but it doesn't matter because unlocking, rooting, flashing ROMs doesn't void the warranty.
4. It's a feature that the technicians trip before the device leaves the factory, it converts certain things to read-only so the user can't mess with them.
5. None.
To sum it up, you have nothing to worry about. You can tinker with this phone as much as you like without affecting the warranty. The only time it would be an issue is if you manage to brick the phone, which is almost impossible on a Nexus. I have a detailed guide here:
Thanks for the quick reply man. I think I'm just overthing. But now, I could release the full potential of this beast.
milinile said:
Thanks for the quick reply man. I think I'm just overthing. But now, I could release the full potential of this beast.
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Yep, that's what they're made for, tinkering. Have fun.
milinile said:
I have the H1512 model which is not locked to any carriers and I'm fond of tinkering my smartphones I had have. But with all the ruckus about the n6p issues, keeping the warranty intact would be a good idea. I even had an extended warranty for any physical damage that may take place (like warping, screen damage, etc). The thing is I want to root this device not to play with custom roms, bootloader, etc (well, not until the warranty is expired) but to get some apps that needs a rooted device.
This would be my questions before rooting:
1. Does this have a knox counter and will it be voided?
2. Can you unroot this device and lock the bootloader again?
3. Do technicians have anyway to trace if the above item has been made?
4. What is the qFuse that I read somewhere?
5. What other things about rooting that may be a problem to its warranty.
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Here is something that I read a few months ago, before buying my 6P. Saved it for reference.
Qfuses are one-time-programmable (OTP) elements that are used to enable and disable security and debug features of the MSM7xxx device. The Qfuses are implemented as anarray of one-bit fuse blocks. The Qfuse banks are used for two purposes — providing non-volatile, immutable storage of data, and configuration of hardware features. For immutabledata storage, the Qfuses are read via a shadow register which contains the actual valuestored and includes error correction.For configuration, each Qfuse is associated with a one-time write register. The value of each Qfuse is sensed at powerup and stored in a register. Blowing Qfuses is done byplacing a value to a register and applying current to the fuse. The fuse registers areaccessible through JTAG and software readable address locations.
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