Xperia Z2 only telegram group! - Xperia Z2 General

To anyone willing to chat, ask questions about the Xperia Z2, modding issues and development tips. Feel free to drop by in this Telegram group!
1. No spamming
2. No racism/hate speech/trolling
3. Only the English language must be spoken
4. Be respectful to each other
5. To be here u need an Xperia Z2 device or u have to plan that u buy an Xperia Z2 device
6. You are allowed to Advertise your mod as long it isn't frequently and it's for the Xperia Z2 only (no universal mods for other devices)


Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo forum added!

Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo forum finally added!
here is the link:
PLEASE MAKE IT A STICKY, so we Neo owners will move our conversations to new forum
Thanks moderators.

Sony Xperia C670X [NEWS & RUMOURS]
Ideally the thread in the above link could go in Xperia Z General as the Sony Xperia C670X could be a cousin to the Sony Xperia Z. If this doesn't belong here then please still Subscribe to the above thread!

Xperia Z1 Compact Facebook Group

Hello there,
I decided to create a Facebook group about the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact where users can provide interesting links, ask questions and get a answer quick and much more.
The group is open and can be found here:
Feel free to invite your friends if you want to!

Please join AOSPA to join Xperia Z5 to vote on the development of equipment

The third-party ROM team AOSPA is conducting a voting program to support the equipment, please come here for our Xperia Z5 vote.
Here are introduced:
Vote here:
I'm sorry for this bad English, thank you all.
Viva Xperia Z5!

Telegram Z3 Compact group

We have had this Telegram group for Z3 Compact but it has been quiet there so i hope that new people would revive it.
Feel free to come ask questions and discuss
Mod edit: Link removed
Mod edit:
Thread closed.
We don't allow threads promoting telegram or whatsapp groups.
Read more here

