ssp_sensorhub_wake_lock only on cellular data - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm on stock rooted 6.0.1 and I recently noticed that my battery life has been terrible while on cellular data. I installed wakelock detector as well as better battery stats and both of them point to ssp_sensorhub_wake_lock as the culprit for keeping my phone awake constantly while not connected to wifi. As soon as I re-connect to wifi, my phone sleeps normally and my battery life is great. I used titanium backup to freeze most of the samsung system apps without any luck.
Does anyone have an idea as to what would be causing this? My phone is SM-G900R4.


Terrible battery life? What gives?

Hey guys...
Just here to say that I unplugged this phone at around 5 in the morning, and around 5 hours later its already down to 74%.
What did I do? Only about 10 minutes of mobile hotspot, a 2 minute phone call, and three text messages. The rest just idling...
1/4th of my battery life for just that?
What the heck?
Everything is disabled and the screen brightness is low... Whats the matter with this phone?
Looks like something is keeping your device awake.
Can you please add some screenshots of your battery graph?
In addition, you can try to boot into safe mode. If your problem is gone in safe mode, a third party app is interfering.
If you're rooted, try installing Wakelock detector or BBS (Better Battery Stats) and check out what is waking up your device.
If you use Gas Buddy, it was known to be causing massive bluetooth wakelocks. Either uninstall it or update it to the latest version.
Set your wifi to 2.4 ghz only. On 6.0 and 6.0.1, the 5 ghz band has been causing abnormal battery drain and keeping phones from entering doze mode. Here's the issue being reported:
If neither of these make a big improvement, you'll have to use your battery stats (and if rooted, use Better Battery Stats or Wakelock Detector) to specifically see what's keeping the phone awake. In either of these apps, filter the view by "Alarms" or "wakeup triggers" and you'll see what the heavy hitters are.
Be sure to go into Location>Settings and turn off wifi and bluetooth scanning.
Hi.the maps app isvuding WiFi and gps even though both are disabled and I'm not using it... Any ideas?

Samsung Galaxy S5 battery drain

I recently bought a used T-mobile Samsung Galaxy S5. It came running lollipop. The battery has been awful. I lose around 50% a day without using it at all. I frequently pull my phone out of my pocket during the day, and it will be hot and the screen will be on. When it is in airplane mode the battery life is normal, and there are no problems. I have tried resetting it, clearing the cache, greenify, and multiple battery saving apps. Nothing helps. Any suggestions?
Install a battery monitoring app, see what's causing it
Most likely due to certain apps you have installed that are draining your battery (maybe try rebooting into safe mode and see if the issues persist) Then use BetterBatteryStats or something similar and see which apps are causing it

Constantly awake phone

I am still on Marshmallow waiting for the Nougat update. Coz of battery lasting issues, I had just formatted my phone and did a factory reset. But today I can see that the phone is constantly awake! What app or method can I use to figure out the reason for this? I have installed Greenify to help me out, based on the Google searches.
Bluetooth is off all the time. Wifi is also in the on-demand state only.
Please help
My phone was being kept awake by the wifi range extender. There could be something in your wifi network keeping phone awake. Generate a bug report and run an analysis using battery historian tool.

Battery Drain Issue

Hi All,
We have two S7 Edge units - 1 from T-Mobile the other from AT&T. Both are having a battery drain issue.
It seems Android Kernel and Android System are draining the battery constantly. The phone doesn't seem to be falling into deep sleep either.
Average rate of battery drain is 7-10%/hr while idle (screen-off).
The T-Mobile phone has the "U Firmware" installed.
The AT&T Phone is stock with the latest OTA installed.
I've attached the GSam statistics here:
Note: I've tried the following
Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Location, NFC
Disable Google Backup
Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Scanning (Location Services)
Updating Play Store & Galaxy Store Applications
Removing unnecessary applications
Clearing Cache partition from Recovery
Rebooting 3 times simultaneously

help, screen off battery usage is triple screen on

I tried more than 1 Rom and the problem exists, while screen is on battery usage is normal, while screen is off its huge.
Phone enters deepsleep just fine, it's not awake.
Could it be faulty battery? Or something else?
You could do with Gsam battery monitor to see what apps are causing this battery usage. If I were you I'd stop all weird Google location logging activities such as location history and unnecessary device syncing and also look at all samsung related apps as most of them have cloud connectivity which is enabled by default. I have recently been through this exercise and have my standby drain to an absolute minimum now.
Also, if you are on cellular as opposed to Wi-Fi, disable 4g unless you are doing something that specifically needs 4g data speeds. 4g connectivity appears to be a big battery drain on any phone.

