Internal LCD broken - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Hello guys,
I've had the Samsung S7 Edge since august, have always cared for it (i.e. never dropped it, etc.) when all of a sudden, while I was playing Sky Force Reloaded and charging (with fast charge) when I closed the game and turned the screen off, and back on, it was crazy. The image would be flashing white and this flashing changed with the luminosity (when was full luminosity was fine). I also had AOD, and there were no problems there, the screen worked fine. This was until I restarted the phone (though it was a software problem). After the reboot the problem got worse, and I could notice different brightnesses on different parts of the screen, when I could stabilize the image, using full luminosity (and having the setting fixed. As soon as I clicked automatic brightness, It would go mad even with full luminosity).
Having the phone for such a short time, I went to the samsung responsible repair place in my city (there is no official samsung here), because they work with samsung and evaluate the warranty and fix if the defect is on them.
Well, they told me the screen was broken (there was not a single scratch on the outside, which means that only the internal LCD broke somehow), and told me It was misuse.
My question is... How is it possible to break the internal lcd without a fall, without a scratch on the outside and having it to work on some software settings? Because I don't trust this repair shop, or their technicians (they have several bad reviews involving screen defects... they always assume broken screen), and the screen replacement is not really cheap.
Thanks in advance.

I had a similar issue with mine. It was a pink line across the screen from top to bottom. I contacted Samsung via the Samsung+ app and they had me send the phone to them and they replaced the screen free of charge.

Hardware faults can happen at any time, no matter if you drop stuff or not.
Does your screen flash also in Download Mode? AOD display?
Anyway, your responsible repair place is a sh*thole... "misuse" lol.
If you're not rooted Samsung will give you a warranty repair, at least here they'd do it here at my local Samsung repair center.


[Q] Bad digitizer, bad repair or something else?

I recently broke the digitizer on my T9193 (Telstra Australia) for the second time. As it's a work phone, I took it to a repair kiosk at a local shopping centre rather than attempt the repairs myself.
The first time around the repair was perfect so I went back to the same place for the second repair but I've had nothing but problems since then. I believe that both times they have changed only the digitizer/glass screen because the notes on the receipts read "Replace touch screen only", so I probably have my original LCD.
When I dropped (no pun intended) my phone in for the second repair, they said that it should take about 30 - 45 minutes. I gave them at least 45 minutes but they asked me to give them another 10 minutes, then another 10... Anyway, after almost 2 hours, I asked if there was a problem and they admitted that they were having problems getting the screen to respond consistently and that they wanted to keep working on it overnight but it might be a faulty part that they were supplied. Anyway, they called me the next morning to say that it was fixed.
When I picked it up, I checked that the screen responded and it all seemed fine, so I took it away but I noticed a few minutes later that the screen would not stay off when I pressed the End key - it would immediately come back on. I took it back and they said that they could fix it and to give them another 45 minutes. After another 45 minutes it was behaving properly so I took it and went home. On my way home, I took off the protective film from the screen and found that the digitizer had a T-mobile logo at the top, which I wasn't very happy about since it's a Telstra phone but it is now obvious that it has had at least a new digitizer.
By the time I got home, the battery was almost drained, which I assumed was because they must have been testing it a lot. However, I now find that the battery drain is much faster than before, so fast that there is no way that I can get through about 10 hours at work with a little browsing, a few calls, emails and texts without having it on the charger. Even with a hard reset and only BattLog running to see the current draw with the screen on 30%, it is drawing around 200mA but spiking much higher from time to time or if I use any other applications or use the screen. In standby the draw is around 4-5Ma, which is what it should be but whenever the screen is on it drains so fast as to be almost useless. If I use it the same way that I used to get a full work day's use out of it (with plenty to spare), I'll now get about 3-4 hours
Some other information: the auto brightness no longer works - the current draw increases when i put the sensor near a light source, so it is obviously sensing the increased light intensity and is trying to increase the brightness, but the screen always stays at 30% when set on auto brightness; manual brightness adjustment now works but didn't until I restored to an earlier backup - the adjustment bars had disappeared (although I wonder whether this was due to AEButtons, which I installed for the battery monitor [but could not find] but I also played around with the screen brightness settings in there and uninstalling AEB didn't bring the adjustment bars back); and the screen now sticks out about 1mm above the sides of the phone, not a fraction of a millimetre below.
So, firstly, how can I have a T-mobile digitizer on my original LCD (my understanding is that the T-mobile digitizer has different connectors to the digitizers on other HD2 models)? If it is a t-mobile digitizer, could this be the reason for the high battery drain, non-working auto brightness and poor fit or can I fix these issues myself? Should I go back to the repairer and demand the correct digitizer?
Sorry for the long essay. I really hope that someone can help.
Share your pain man. HD2 have faulty digitizer right now, and it works only when it wants, at least i can pick-up phone calls.
Get back there and ask for replacement, Using T-mobile stock part should happened on Classic HD2 models, thats their fault, request a refund.
i actually think there are two types of Proximity and light senzors and one of them have some troubles with drivers on android, so uf you are using Droid, it cant be one of that bad type of light senzor, but im not sure. Meanwhile you can try Task 29, Reflash HSPL and reflash ROM. But if it wont help,get it back to your default OS, i know that type of people @ service store...they will see that you changed something in software and use it as their try it, but if it wont help get back to state where it was )
Good luck )
And im so sick of theese day devices, battery life, displayes anf faultyness...i have only pain with this Golden Nokia 3310. Seriously
99% for bad repair/parts!
I suspect they messed up somehow your LCD during repairing( most probably when attempted to take apart touchscreen from LCD) and they replaced it with a faulty TMobile one (that explains excessive draining and TMobile touchscreen).
You should go back for a proper repair or some kind of refund!
I wouldn't advise you to DIY!
Good luck!
To exclude software faults, always check back to origin winmo stock rom.
In my opinion, as i did lots of research about replacing screen and digitizer, the most problems apears if only the digitizer was replaced.
Of course, the digitizer is only 20$ and the complete module (lcd+digi) is about 60$. But these 40$ seems to be a good investition...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

[Q] Touchscreen Randomly Stopped Working

Ok, so first thing's first. I've been researching this for a few days now before creating this post. The touchscreen issues I'm finding online, are similar to what I'm experiencing, but the solutions have already been done, or my phone is not responding to them. I'm making this thread to see if anyone else has experienced the same issues or has any new news before I a) return my phone to stock, b) replace the digitizer, or c) buy a new one or upgrade to the G3.
My G2 was rooted, but kept on stock ROM with only small tweaks here and there. After the latest update, I noticed my work G2 had much better reception, so I returned my phone to stock to download the update. After updating, I re-rooted the phone, this time, the only thing I changed was the keyboard which I replaced with the G3 keyboard. Everything was fine for months until about a month ago.
It started with not being able to pull down the notification shade on the right half. No biggie, but after a week or so, it got worse. While using instagram, I noticed that the confirm button was sporadically responsive. Sometimes it worked fine, other times it didn't work at all. It began to progressively get worse on an almost daily basis. I decided to see what was going on and enabled both input options in the developer options menu. I found that the entire right side, about 1/8" was not responding to touch, the area not covered by glass screen protector( i removed it later while trying to troubleshoot). The upper right area showed about a half inch block that wasn't responding (the area where the data ribbon is). I was ok with that as instagram was really the only thing I used being affected.
About a week ago, the mid left screen area started being errratic. It began to get worse and started to affect the front touch screen buttons ( the area where the other data ribbon is). I enabled the input options again and saw that I now had a good portion of my left side of the screen was unresponsive. Even though I didn't drop it, I thought maybe the data ribbons had come loose as those 2 areas are where they are. I opened and disassembled the phone and re-sat the connctions after inspecting them. I double-checked all the other connections and LDIs in case humidity was the culprit. Everything looked good. Didn't fix the problem.
I've had to set my phone to unlock by facial recognition to ensure I don't get locked out, and changed my pin to use numbers not affected. I'm going to replace the digitizer, but wanted to see if anyone else had the same issue, or knew if it was, indeed, a software issue before I spend $75 (I will be replacing the digitizer and LCD to get it working sooner rather than risk damaging the LCD while replacing the digitizer and having to wait another week). I don't want to send it in to LG because I bought it on ebay and have no proof of purchase for warranty, and I want it working sooner.
One thing I noticed that may help with diagnosing, the screen now looks different when off. Before, in direct sunlight, you could see the dotted matrix from the digitizer, and that was it. Now, I can see the retangular pattern across the entire screen. I checked my work G2 which I just received a few months ago and the rectangular pattern is only visible on the edges of the screen, the center is black with only the dotted matrix visible. Keep in mind, this is in direct sunlight. In shade, the rectangles are visible on both.
I'm hoping it's a software issue, but I'm wondering if the digitizer is starting to separate from the LCD. I don't see any acutal separation though.
Thanks for reading the book, and for any feedback. Also, because it will probably come up, I want to avoid upgrading if I can because the G3 is just a little too big.
I restored the phone to stock with the most up to date software. Still doesn't work. It appears to be a hardware issue. I really thought it was software because the dead spots word for a split second after turning on the phone. Oh well. Guess I'm going to order a new digitizer or LCD combo.

[Q] S4 Flickering screen issue - What replacement parts are needed?

I recently purchased a broken S4 with a 'flickering screen' issue. Normally, people are told to return the phone for a replacement, but I can't do that.
In more detail, the problem begins after using the phone continuously for several minutes. The phone works flawlessly regardless of the broken glass screen, but after a while, begins to flicker. Only slightly at first, but then more and more severely until the screen shuts off. Turn the screen on and off again, and it's back to normal. (you normally need to leave the phone for a while before turning it back on, or it'll quickly just flicker itself off again). This to me suggests an over-heating problem, but I can't be sure.
I've wired the phone up the the TV using cheap cable, and the flicker doesn't show on the TV. That is, the phone starts going mental, doing its flicker thing, but the image on the screen remains constantly smooth when swiping - no flicker.
So... is this an image with the digitizer or the cable attaching the digitizer to the motherboard? If the screen doesn't flicker on the TV, that means we can rule out a motherboard issue, correct?
I just want to know what part of the phone to replace really. I don't want to buy a £80 digitizer only to have the same problems once it's been replaced.
Any suggestions welcome, cheers!
Based on your testing, it's very likely that you can rule out the motherboard. Unfortunately, that leaves the screen. You'll have to replace it, and you can reuse the existing midframe, but save as much of the adhesive as you can after peeling the old screen off, as the new screen doesn't come with adhesive to mount to the midframe.
Unless of course, the place you buy the screen from includes a small roll of the stuff.
As @Strephon Alkhalikoi said it may depend on the motherboard.
Sometimes the kernel may be the cause too, I suggest to try first to reflash stock ROM. Here you can find how-to
With due respect to Antaresone I think I've found the best solution out there for most annoying screen flickering issues... Done a substential amount of digging and finally discovered the app "Twillight" works like a charm by enabling backlight control feature... Try it out first, then thank me and share your experience here ...

Half of screen showing static, carrier refused to repair. Can I fix it myself?

Hi there,
A couple of weeks ago, my Note 4 began to act up. Every so often the right hand side of the screen would freeze up and eventually show static.
These pictures aren't mine, but they show the exact issue:
Anyway, I decided to go to my phone carrier (EE) to get it repaired as it was still in warranty. They agreed that this would be covered and sent it to their repair center. The repair center then contacted me and told me that the fault was due to water damage (which is impossible as my Note has never touched water) and sent it back, refusing to fix it. When I got it back, it was in a complete state. They had broken the LCD and Digitizer to the point where the screen wouldn't even turn on anymore, and it was hanging out by the ribbon cables (The home button and flex cables for the soft keys were also extremely loose).
Because of this, I decided that I'd have a go at fixing it myself. I went online and bought a new LCD + Digitizer. I've just fit it and now whilst the screen powers on again, I've come full circle as the static issue still is present.
Is there any more I can do or is there no way of getting this fixed without professional aid? I'm unable to send it in for repairs because the repair center obviously are unwilling to work on it, and even if they were now, I wouldn't trust them as they inflicted even more damage to the phone and sent it back to me in a worse state. I've already sank £100 on a replacement part, so I'm not to keen on paying for repairs either (I could put the money towards a new phone instead).
The help is much appreciated! Thanks!

Suddenly purple smudges on the screen

So my S7 edge got a replacement display due to being broken like 2 months ago. Today purple smudges started to appear, when I used the device for quite some time heavily and it got quite hot. They disappear when I change display mode or when brightness changes. But sometimes reappear. Is this a defective Display, should I get it replaced via warranty again?
Mine does the same thing, but it has never been repaired or suffered any kind of serious damage. It's not that annoying either.
Could it be some kind of factory defect?
When googling I found it clearly is a hardware display fault. As I had my display swapped by a third party mobile repair shop, they would be the ones to make accountable.
It only occurs at certain brightness settings, and not in all apps/states of display - mostly in those which are really bright like chrome browser without tab open, or dictionary app.
I'll keep an eye on the issue and just demand warranty, as this display isn't even 2 months old now. They give 6 months of warranty on exchanged parts. So if it does not go away, I'll just get it replaced again.
It just occured today out of the blue, after flashing custom rom / flashing some stuff and constantly playing on the phone, and it became a bit hot.
It occurred exactly the same to me, after flashing a custom Rom. Now I can't remember which one, but it changed the screen's aspect ratio to simulate the S8's.
After that I flashed stock and the problem kept happening
But I don't think this can be caused by a custom rom... it's a hardware fault.
I hope so because I really wanna install a custom rom ;(
Google the issue - it happened a lot apparently and there is literally no connection to custom Roms - it's a defective Display. I did not have the issue anymore BTW.
I have to get back at this again. I recognized that I can Only see these smudges under certain conditions. I can not see them when I am inside. Only outside, and Only from specific angles - also dependant on screen brightness. When I cover the screen with my hand they disappear.
At first I thought it could also be some fault with the transparent protection skin I also applied one day before first noticing this purple screen problems. But the thing is - they move when scrolling, Only in a small portion of the screen but they go up and down.
The fact I can Only see them in daylight makes me wonder if it's got anything to do with the surrounding brightness sensor that does the automatic brightness and display mode for you.
I find it very strange that I can not provoke the issue indoors, also not if I set up brightness to max.

