Gmail widget - Droid Turbo 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know how to get recent emails to show on the Gmail widget instead of starred?


Gmail Icon

Is there any way to have the gmail icon show how many unread mails you have, just the way HTC Mail icon does?
I think this will be a very nice addition to gmail funcionality.
gmail icon widget - a paid-for app in the market.

Calendar Appointments not showing in Agenda Widgets

Some of my calendar appointments do NOT show up in any agenda/calendar widget I have tried.
I have two google-based calendars (work and personal). All appointments from both calendars DO show up in the calendar *application*.
However, only appointments in my personal calendar (default gmail account) show up in ANY widget, and NONE AT ALL show up in the default calendar widget.
As far as widgets are concerned, I have tried:
- Default
- Jorte
- Smooth Calendar
- Agenda Widget
Has anyone had a similar issue/any known workarounds/widgets which DO work?
I use "Smooth Calendar" and have multiple calendars synced with it. These include calendars I own and ones I am sharing.
All of them show up in the widget no problem.
I recommend using it, as it is the nicest calendar widget I have found. One tap on it will let you enter config, refresh or calendar. Under config you can select which calendars will show up.
Have tried it, but it doesn't work (and I would prefer more calendar entry lines).
I forgot to mention that my work calendar is automatically picked up by the calendar system as it is a shared calendar visible from my personal account.
Ill try to remove the "shared" view and add it explicitly in the calendar app.
Thanks - any more suggestions welcome.
Agenda widget
Does somebody now a widget for the Xperia X10 like the agenda widget on the Samsung Galaxy SII? You can scroll in that one.
any chance to sync to google??
use pure grid calendar widget:
choose android auto select for calendar input source
go to applications and sync, google account, then sync calendar
refresh the app with it's refresh button and voila your appointments are there

HTC Calendar Widget - Weather Calendar

This calendar widget syncs with google calendar, in the settings you can select what calendars you want to view from whatever you have selected online. I have it showing the weather calendar from google but it does not seem sync correctly. Anybody else have this issue?

HD2 Android and email notifications

I've been trying to find an email notification widget for my homescreen, just something that adds an unread count 'bubble' for accounts other than gmail, but without luck. Does anyone know if this is possible? I know I can get notifications in the status bar, but I often have that hidden so I can easily miss unread mails.
Also does anyone know of a decent push mail client? Its often hours before I get email on my phone...
Decent mail client.. well depends of what e-mail provider you are using
I personally use Hotmail, and Touchdown "exchange for android" is brilliant.
It works also for any exchange/activesync account.
if you want to show the unreaded e-mails in the home screen, just create a little widget 1x1.
other clients which are good are K-9 e-mails and the stock mail app.
for me, touchdown is better than anything else
hope it helps
I'd not heard of Touchdown, I'll be sure to check it out, as my main account is Hotmail too. I tried K9, but sometimes emails would come hours late...same with the stock email app...

Gmail (update) fix for those who use unread email widgets.

An FYI, for those who use the unread email count widgets.
Since the last few updates to which Google broke this ability for third party apps to check your unread email count and instantly show it, a FIX has been created.
Even with this latest 'security' update, this modded fix is the answer.
This fixes the unread email apps and launchers that instantly shows you your unread gmail email.
Please see this link:
This really irritates me, that our competitors are able to see their unread emails INSTANTLY, except for Google Gmail on an Android phone. You all seen the commercials for the windows phones, on how with the live tiles show their unread email.
This little convenience should be a standard protocol with all Android phones. A little unread email count widget should come with the instillation of Gmail from the market.
Anyway, please check out the thread..
I have other more important Email accounts than Gmail.
I want SOME homescreen Widget when running LauncherPro (Stock email or other) to show the number of Unread emails.
Why is this so impossible??????

