Lockscreen not showing Album Art - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

hello everyone. I am back on Android after using the initial HTC M7 for an year and then migrating back to iOS. With new nothing new on iOS atleast for an year and the fact that my i6 broke, i thought it was the perfect time to try Android in its new avatar. Used the LG G5 for a week, but then shifted to S7 Edge (this phone felt a bit premium and had a bigger screen). I would like to tell Android certainly feels liberating after iOS. I can download torrents, stream stuff, customize my phone etc. Overall feels good.
Anyway too much of history. It would be great if members can help me with two things. First I just cant get albumArt of Now Playing music on my lock screen. It just shows a widget. The LG G5 used to show the full Album Art so I realize its not a Marshamallow issue but Samsung specific. So guys please help me in getting back the album art. Some blogs suggested changing the launcher, but then that disables fingerprint unlock.
Second is my Standby time. There is a considerable battery drain when phone is idle. Is this normal for android? I know my iPhone would hardly sip battery when in standby. Anything i can do to improve this? Furthermore can someone give a ball park figure of percentage dip in standby for an hour.?
Thanks in advance

Did you figure out how to get album art?

The Good Lock app in the Samsung Galaxy Apps store will give you album art on the lock screen. Good Lock replaces the stock lock screen and gives other customization options.

I recommender c locker.a lot of configuration options :good:
U can add weather widget,music etc


Officially no longer iPhone fanboy... Software Progression of an Xperia Lover

When I first bought my Xperia, I HATED it! I was forced to give up my iPhone due to some of the “Call acknowledgement” programs that our hospitals use would not recognize the iPhone email format.
***skip to bold for what latest software progression is***
So I bought the Xperia and:
It wouldn’t play Youtube video AT ALL!
It was slow as hell.
Video playback was terrible and it was a pain to convert movie in the first place.
Camera performance was slow slow slow and poor
Windows itself is clunky and unrefined.
Call signal was weak and volume low
Media panel volume was low and noisy.
Why in the wide wide world off sports would Sony use a resistive screen instead of capacitive glass covered in this day and age? With a stylus no less.
FIRST time round:
-So I found XDA and:
Installed Youtube.cab and Panel. – First problem down!
Found the Video with Hardware acceleration thread – there are my pretty decent results (not perfect but decent) video convertor.
Found the Turbo your X1 thread and my video was greatly improved.
Loaded Xperiatweak and changed a Bunch of annoying Xperia behaviors and setting
Loaded SDTuneup.cab and was nicely surprised by the improvement.
Found the benchmark posts and played with setting constantly improving the performance more.
Found all the different tips and tricks threads between Xperia and HTC forums….nice!
SECOND incarnation:
-Then loaded the leaked X1i_GENERIC_UK_CDF1215-1832_R2AA008 rom and loaded from the SD card.
Hey! Everything and I mean everything works faster!
Video looks better!
Installed all of my old programs and tweaks plus the simple battery colors cab. SHAZAM! This is nice!
It is locking up WWAAYY less.
Youtube videos look 90% as good as they do on the iPhone.
I am getting happy with the phone,
I am no longer switching sim to my iPhone on the weekends. I may carry it to have a movie on hand but that is it.
I get the Sony panel set up to my PERFECTION with 3 RSS feeds, Calendar, com managers, and launch icons.
By now I’ve found the stylus is much easier to use when surfing full web pages as the icons and links are tiny but usable.
I am finding myself constantly pulling our my Xperia to play with it now.
AND FINALLY!!!!!!!!!
-I loaded (via SEUS) X1i_GENERIC_UK_CDF1215-1832_R2AA010 rom
** HOLY CRAP! After 4 hours of use the Xperia is working as quickly was the 008 upgrade was after a week with tweaks installed**
-Installed sdkcerts followed instantly by SEX1cons "Q series v1.1”. WOW! This looks slick as hell! I mean really ‘effing good!
-Installed Youtube Panel and cab. I can’t watch and download “HD videos” at the same time without lag. But after loading, “HD” trailers and such look 95% as good as they did on my iPhone. (almost there guys)
-Installed Xperiatweak
-REMOVED Xperiatweak – found that the Memory tweaks actually reduced my overall speed and if even attempted the default Panel mode would lock up my Xperia Constantly until a hard reset was performed. The "memory tweaks" made by Xperia tweak would also be reset to original by the phone. (advanced configs would not) I don't think everyone has had these issue with it but I found Xperia tweak more of a problem than a help at this time.
-Installed advancedConfig.cab and did almost EVERYTHING (sms notice, security notice disable, ) than I could from Xperiatweak (default IE cache, pic/video location, pressure threshold, etc)
- Put my memory settings (except for glyph cache-32kb) back to Original rom (File system-enabled, system cache-auto, filter cache-disabled) and found my Xperia is fastest here (don’t know why yet)
-Installed tomtom7.9 –downloaded the free map and a voice. With the help of quickGPS info TomTom locks on in about 10-15 seconds.
-Overall media volume seems improved too. I am not hearing any of the noise between tracks or when searching for tracks.
-Installed Facebook panel and have not seen anylock ups at all from it. And it is nice and speedy now.
When out to eat, I find myself throwing my phone up on the table with all of the other tards who throw their iPhones and Storms on the table to show off. I know I won't be embarrased by lock ups when they pick it up and start flipping through panels and programs. I am smilling by the "ooo's and ahh's" of having weather, calender, communications, launchers, and RSS feeds all on ONE screen. And TOMTOM (with Ozzy voice) seems to just blow everyone away. MY phone was crowned the new king of the hill and I am loving it!
Best of all, I seem to be installing programs for customizing looks and preferences instead of installing programs just to try and improve performance.
If you just want to be able to pickup your phone, load and ap or a song on and go, the iPhone is for you. If you want to be able to mold your phone to the way YOU want it.....the Xperia is it baby!
I,m Going the opposite way im afraid.. I am experiencing multiple crashes. my 2 week old xperia has a crack at volume button, its not very thumb friendly unless you install tf3d which i did. I really wish my operator O2 uk would stock htc phones becuse it appears this is a pig in a poke this model so its getting taken back to o2 and swapped for a ..iphone 3g i always insisted i would not get one, but now i am im going to jail break it etc hopefully by the time upgrade comes again o2 stock htc and i will know exactly where to come for all the help in the world bye people thanyou for all your help and advice during the short time i had an htc phone
respect kdspiv
i will send your text to friends who don't like the xperia hahhaa
The cracking thing scares me. I am planning on living with the crack when mine start to develope. But so far, even after two drops (I have to carry my phone and email 24x7 so my Xperia is CONSTANTLY being handled, slid into labcoat pocket, jeans pocket etc.) I haven't had issues yet.
The iPhone is kick butt. But there those of us (in a hospital setting for example) who live and die by enterprise business email AND have to rely on the phone to wake us up from a dead sleep. The lack of end-user settings (email format, hell..even email notification VOLUME) make the iPhone unusable.
The Xperia has it faults. And for those who like the "pick up and play" aspect of the iphone with movies and apps (like I did) the Xperia has a tough battle.
If sony would make a plug and play accelerometer (maybe internal to a class 8, 16 gig sd card maybe *i can dream right*) I would be a happy camper.
iPhone is a closed, locked room: WYSiWYG
Win is a crappy old room, but open, with potential, and inivting to paint & decorate
I had NEVER thought of tweaking a DLL or a system file in my whole life until this beauty came to my hands and stared at me saying: "make me yours, I will mod to your desires"
I'm happy
I LOVE xda-devs and I LOVE my SE-X1/HTC Kovsky
gtrab said:
iPhone is a closed, locked room: WYSiWYG
Win is a crappy old room, but open, with potential, and inivting to paint & decorate
I had NEVER thought of tweaking a DLL or a system file in my whole life until this beauty came to my hands and stared at me saying: "make me yours, I will mod to your desires"
I'm happy
I LOVE xda-devs and I LOVE my SE-X1/HTC Kovsky
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I can happily say, without any exageration, your SE-X1 was a nice portion of me finally coming to love my Xperia.
And something people who pickup my phone for the first time immediately notice. (especially the blutooth/headphone icon for some reason)
orangedavie said:
I,m Going the opposite way im afraid.. I am experiencing multiple crashes. my 2 week old xperia has a crack at volume button, its not very thumb friendly unless you install tf3d which i did. I really wish my operator O2 uk would stock htc phones becuse it appears this is a pig in a poke this model so its getting taken back to o2 and swapped for a ..iphone 3g i always insisted i would not get one, but now i am im going to jail break it etc hopefully by the time upgrade comes again o2 stock htc and i will know exactly where to come for all the help in the world bye people thanyou for all your help and advice during the short time i had an htc phone
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O2 do stock HTC phones, they just call them O2 phones instead - check them out on their site, they're almost identical to the normal HTCs, but with a little branding.
For me its all about the journey.
The process of improvement and customisation is very satisfying. Its like the difference between givin a house which needs doing up to your tastes and your needs, which is Xperia, and someone giving you a brand new rented house,the same as everybody elses, but you cant change anything in it, apart from buying new stuff.
No 2 Xperias are the same, check out this thread to see the vast array of looks and UI avaliable for X1.
DIY-ing is very satisfying !
Good thread this !
So R2AA010 works good huh? I'm waiting for a chef to cook up a new Rom base on this build, it's tempting for me to load it up with SESU but I dont want all the crap with it. Glad to see your X1 running good.
man I could convince plenty of my friends by sending them this thread.
but I wanna stay the only one with a SEX1 (cool name by the way) in town
but just as mentioned in the first post, I really was dissapointed for the first 2 weeks.
this is my first winmo device, I had no clue what possibilities there are.
today I'm totally satisfied with it, and not longer jealous on iPhone users.
romeo0119 said:
So R2AA010 works good huh? I'm waiting for a chef to cook up a new Rom base on this build, it's tempting for me to load it up with SESU but I dont want all the crap with it. Glad to see your X1 running good.
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It is working pretty well for me. The couple of issues I have seen are these.
XperiaTweak - did not work so hot for me with RA10.
-First, if I tried ever uning the "default" panel setting it would lock to the windows panel no matter which panel was selected in the program. And eventually would just lock up the machine all together.
-Second, when I tried the memory tweak the Xperia would actually slow down. And eventually it would revert itself back to stock memory settings.
second-Memory settings in general - Everything seems to work better at the stock settings. Maybe after the flash "breaks in" tweaking the memory via schaps advanced config will work better. Changing the glyph cache to anything besides 8 made no difference in the speed of movies or panels.
Also, for some reason setting the IE cache locations to the SD card causes IE to stop functioning. Opera still will at this time. I am not familiar enough to know if Windows doesn't clear out the history and cache when it is on the SD or not. So now I use the SD as default storage for pics and Xperia video only.
It takes twice as long to boot up as it did at RA8
Whether right or wrong, these are my observations so far.
Oops....forgot to say good things.
1. When opening up keyboard, landscape mode is instant. I mea it is complete by the time the keyboard open or closed.
2.Panel button still takes a good 5 seconds to deploy the panel navigation screen. BUT the screen are super fluid and the time it takes to completely implement a panel is 4 seconds flat from selection to fully functional with all my RSS feeds, weather, etc.
3. Menus are instant. All screens move much more fluid and programs start very quickly after selection now. EXCEPT for ANY program that changes settings such as Scheps Advanced Config or Xperia tweak. These types of programs seem to take almost twice as long to start up on my device as they did in RA8.
4. Phone Signal strength is very much better for me. I would lose signal in most areas of the hospital especialy Radiology (lead shielding) and anywhere in the Garden Cafeteria level (basement). But I have noticed today that I have had full strength everywhere and even half bars in Radiology with T-mo.
5. Over all system volume is better. Wired headphones is slightly louder, AD2P bluetooth is unchanged. But low volume movies are definitely louder and the Mp3 ringers are noticably louder too.
6. My wifi clicks on and off more often and doesn't seem to have a strong a lock as it did before. How ever internet speeds are a bit better when fully connected and my battery usage seems a bit better.
I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF THIS IS JUST WHAT I AM EXPERIENCING!!!! It seems each Xperia varies depending on how clean the rom loads or softwares loads were. Someone may break down the software and find out there are no changes and this is all in my head. But these are my results so far.
I'm glad for you
However, you should check the youtube again, My X1i kicks iPhone's behind in viewing any video, just the 800x480 vs 320x480 killed all my iPhone friends.
Well, in resoloution yes. Especially if you watch something like the NVIDIA HD demonstration video. BUT, I still have a bit of either lag or frame drop. I am not sure which is correct but they both equate to the Iphone still having smoother video both on youtube and on regular video.
kdspiv said:
Well, in resoloution yes. Especially if you watch something like the NVIDIA HD demonstration video. BUT, I still have a bit of either lag or frame drop. I am not sure which is correct but they both equate to the Iphone still having smoother video both on youtube and on regular video.
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Remember: when in 800x480, the device has to move FIVE TIMES MORE INFO (pixels per frame) than running the same video over a 320x240 device
800x480 = 384,000 pixels displayed per frame
320x240 = 76,800 pixels displayed per frame
To be fair, better compare a QVGA video on both devices, sans resizing
gtrab said:
Remember: when in 800x480, the device has to move FIVE TIMES MORE INFO (pixels per frame) than running the same video over a 320x240 device
800x480 = 384,000 pixels displayed per frame
320x240 = 76,800 pixels displayed per frame
To be fair, better compare a QVGA video on both devices, sans resizing
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You are exactly right. BUT!!!! 95% of the people who are going to compare them have a friggin CLUE about what you just said. They are simply going to look at it and say "Its not as good as my iphone" because they see the jerkyness before they seen the better resoloution.....
Maybe I am wrong about this on the larger picture. But in the people who have compared my Xperia to the iphone, this has deffinitely been the case.
I think both of you are right, but at the same time thats not point of the youtube issue, for me at least. Mine isnt working smooth anymore. It used to, when I was using the stock rom. So something definitely changed in the firmware that is causing problems. The X1 is definetly capable of pushing those HD youtube vides at the full 800x480 res-I know becuase mine used to. Not anymore
A hearty welcome to the windows mobile community my friend.
kdspiv said:
It is working pretty well for me. The couple of issues I have seen are these.
XperiaTweak - did not work so hot for me with RA10.
-First, if I tried ever uning the "default" panel setting it would lock to the windows panel no matter which panel was selected in the program. And eventually would just lock up the machine all together.
-Second, when I tried the memory tweak the Xperia would actually slow down. And eventually it would revert itself back to stock memory settings.
Just a thought re the memory tweak slowing your x1 down... when I was fiddling after flashing to 010 from 008 I noticed that the glyph cache was at 128 instead of the lower 32 that I was using previously... so I made sure to keep the higher setting... perhaps the stock setting was higher?
second-Memory settings in general - Everything seems to work better at the stock settings. Maybe after the flash "breaks in" tweaking the memory via schaps advanced config will work better. Changing the glyph cache to anything besides 8 made no difference in the speed of movies or panels.
I see you already did the glyph cache thing, disregard the above then? I also set the file system cache to 8mb and noticed that it was already enabled (but on 2mb) unlike the previous ROM and finally I also set the file system filter cache to 16384 sectors... this worked nicely on the last ROM so giving it a try now..
Also, for some reason setting the IE cache locations to the SD card causes IE to stop functioning. Opera still will at this time. I am not familiar enough to know if Windows doesn't clear out the history and cache when it is on the SD or not. So now I use the SD as default storage for pics and Xperia video only.
It takes twice as long to boot up as it did at RA8
I am not sure if mine is twice as long but its certainly a bit longer, although the more times I reboot it the faster it seems to get... could be just me getting used to it though...
Whether right or wrong, these are my observations so far.
Oops....forgot to say good things.
1. When opening up keyboard, landscape mode is instant. I mea it is complete by the time the keyboard open or closed.
I found this too... was working very well before but now seems to anticipate the change and does it instantaneously...
2.Panel button still takes a good 5 seconds to deploy the panel navigation screen. BUT the screen are super fluid and the time it takes to completely implement a panel is 4 seconds flat from selection to fully functional with all my RSS feeds, weather, etc.
Same with my device... I count to about 2 or 3 before the panel is up and ready for action, much much faster there...
3. Menus are instant. All screens move much more fluid and programs start very quickly after selection now. EXCEPT for ANY program that changes settings such as Scheps Advanced Config or Xperia tweak. These types of programs seem to take almost twice as long to start up on my device as they did in RA8.
Blazingly instant... it seems much more responsive and the windows folder comes up in about half the time... progs start awesomely fast and even Advanced Config is quick, I dont use xperia tweak so cant comment there...
4. Phone Signal strength is very much better for me. I would lose signal in most areas of the hospital especialy Radiology (lead shielding) and anywhere in the Garden Cafeteria level (basement). But I have noticed today that I have had full strength everywhere and even half bars in Radiology with T-mo.
I agree with this also... now where I used to get the G icon I get the E icon plus better sig strength... (o2)
5. Over all system volume is better. Wired headphones is slightly louder, AD2P bluetooth is unchanged. But low volume movies are definitely louder and the Mp3 ringers are noticably louder too.
Havent tried the headphones or movies yet... but its on my list as I have to study for a presentation this thursday so transferred my mp3 files for that and will be using it later...
6. My wifi clicks on and off more often and doesn't seem to have a strong a lock as it did before. How ever internet speeds are a bit better when fully connected and my battery usage seems a bit better.
Have not tried the wifi yet, but edge etc works very well... I agree with the comment on battery power, perhaps they are using a new power management system? I was installing/playing/tweaking my phone for 3 hours last night and it dropped to 90, no big deal I thought but another 3 hours (how time flies when you are having fun) later it was on 80, went to bed and this morning still 80 even with texts and weather update through the night... great stuff...
I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF THIS IS JUST WHAT I AM EXPERIENCING!!!! It seems each Xperia varies depending on how clean the rom loads or softwares loads were. Someone may break down the software and find out there are no changes and this is all in my head. But these are my results so far.
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I am very pleased you gave me the nudge to switch to the 10 ROM over the 08... it might be a list of little things but over all the experience is now much faster and smoother... well worth the change...
WHOAAAA! I think you are right! I hard reset to revert back to stock RA10 rom. Even though glyph cache came up in advanced config as 8, when I used another program to to views "device settings and stats" .... glyph cache is set to 128. What?! Dangit, which one is correct? I am not sure how to look through the registry and find out the actual setting but that is next on my what-to-learn list.
Maybe a conflict of some sort was the factor slowing my configuration type programs down?
So now I am finding a good portion the xperia-video-stutter may be mostly to video conversion and finding the proper convertor. (I know some of it is a driver issue) Yes, I have used the video converter listed on here. And it IS easy to use, but dang it is finicky, for me at least, as to how well it converts from movie to movie.
I have downloaded the examples on the thread. But they have a tiny bit of drop too. If I view them on the laptop the video has the same fluidity as it does on my Xperia. Again, resolution looks GREAT and motion is almost there.....but I want it all!
Another Xperia owner and myself have been traded a couple of movies. His movies look a tad better. His suggestion is that I get a better video ripper. His is on Mac so he cannot share his with me.
I also tried movies converted for my PSP through video vault for the sheer helluvit. They look pretty decent but the sound is ALWAYS off.
Wow, I am really glad for you. With XDA-devs around you never have to fear any software problems/bugs/insufficiency.
With dedicated developers who don't ask for much other than thanks and occasional donations, you will be really fine and happy on the software front
God forbid the following, but wait until the paint on your device start peeling off, wait until your keys decolorizing, wait until scratches appear on your keyboard, wait until pieces of your keyboard fall off, wait until your d-pad start cracking, wait until your device crack without any agitation on your part AND wait until your keys GET UNRESPONSIVE(you get tactile response but no character appearing).
I am being a wet-blanket but fret not, the telecom/service centre will show you love by giving you free-repair/exchanges.

New Galaxy S2 .. But are some things missing??

Hi Guys,
Wow, not long after I upgraded my Galaxy S to 2.3.3 and totally happy with the increased performance, my phone plan came due for renewal and I secured a Galaxy S2. Two great phones.
But I don't seem to be able to find the Daily Briefing or the really neat "Disc View" in the music section on the S2. Am I pathetic at finding things or are they missing?? If missing, why would Samsung remove the great animation of the Disc View, I really liked that feature.
Has anyone got any ideas?
Daily briefing look under Samsung apps for an update.
Not a clue what disc view is .
ok, I have probably called it by an incorrect name. Sorry 'bout that. What I am referring to is the animation of the albums turning into LP's with the album art on the face, when you turn into landscape mode. You can then thumb thru the cd icons and tap-select the one you want. It then rolls to the left of screen and the song list appears to the right. Have you seen this on the Galaxy S?? What is that feature called??
also... I have checked the Samsung apps and no mention there of Daily Briefing... Did you find it there?? Cause I can't spot it.

[Q] Phone Setup Suggestions

Everyone should be getting their phone in the next few days. I am coming from iOS so I am not 100% sure about all of androids apps and features. I have spent a lot of time in the last month learning as much as I could about switching over but I would like to get some opinions from everyone. I hope this will also help any other novice users get the most out of the note 3.
1. Are you going to use a launcher .. if so which one? why?
2. What apps will make using the note more enjoyable/easier?
3. What apps can I wow people with a demo of?
4. Any other general app recommendations?
5. What general settings should I initially use? or disable?
6. Anything I missed for a first time android user?
1) NEXT Launcher 3D
2) NEXT Launcher 3D
3) NEXT Launcher 3D's "Swing with Scroll" feature
Impuls3101 said:
Everyone should be getting their phone in the next few days. I am coming from iOS so I am not 100% sure about all of androids apps and features. I have spent a lot of time in the last month learning as much as I could about switching over but I would like to get some opinions from everyone. I hope this will also help any other novice users get the most out of the note 3.
1. Are you going to use a launcher .. if so which one? why?
2. What apps will make using the note more enjoyable/easier?
3. What apps can I wow people with a demo of?
4. Any other general app recommendations?
5. What general settings should I initially use? or disable?
6. Anything I missed for a first time android user?
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Welcome aboard! Here's the first thing you'll have to deal with: Size. The Note 3 (I have a Note 2) will seem huge and you may get buyer's remorse. Most of us do. It wears off in a couple of days, though and then you'll wonder how you dealt with such a small phone.
1. I use Apex launcher. Why do I use a launcher? Because I like to change the number of rows/columns from the standard setting. I also like to eliminate the Google search bar. And, I like using gestures to go to apps. I use swipe-up for Google Now and swipe-down for notification shade. Why do I use Apex instead of others? No particular reason but it seemed to have the most available features for a free version at the time. I have since paid for it.
2, There are a bazillion apps. But, coming from the iPhone I would first experiment with keyboard replacements. Why? Because you can and the iphone users can't. Try Swype or Swiftkey. Swiftkey is amazing at guessing what your next word will be. Most of all, get used to swiping instead of typing. Once you get good at it it's MUCH faster than typing. Then show that off to your iPhone buddies and say, "Take that!"
3. If you really want to dazzle people with your new phone find a high def YouTube video (the Vevo ones are good). Playing a beautiful video on a large screen has some really powerful WOW! factor.
4. Some apps I use a lot:
Color Note - A great note and checklist app that syncs via the cloud.
Chrome Beta
Flixter for getting movie times and watching trailers
Gas Buddy to find cheap gasoline
Amazon App store. A free app every day. You have to side load it, it's not in the Play Store.
Droid of the Day - A new app suggestion every day
Timely - One of the most beautiful alarm clock apps. It also syncs with all your devices
The usual apps: Netflix, Pandora, Watch ESPN, HBO Go, Dropbox, et al.
5. I turn off Auto display brightness. I leave my Note 2 at full brightness all the time. The battery can handle this just fine.
I leave GPS, Wifi, and NFC on all the time.
Make sure you setup Google+ to automatically upload your photos
6. Don't go too crazy downloading apps. You may find your battery suddenly draining too fast. If you don't like or use an app delete it immediately so it won't eat battery.
Good luck and have fun.
Impuls3101 said:
1. Are you going to use a launcher .. if so which one? why?
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Nova Prime because it is better than TW in every way.
Ok I will answer some of my own questions from using the device the last 10 or so hours I hope this helps someone else. Please add suggestions because I am still getting used to everything.
1. Nova launcher seems to be easier to use because it takes all ur tw settings and imports them. It makes it easy to switch between the two. I like the tw weather widget better though
2. -I still need to find a good email client that syncs the few accounts that I have together. I haven't looked into this yet.
-Equalizer is a really good app to put more bass or customize the sound of your music.
-Adblock plus is really nice to have while browsing the internet .. I always hated that I couldn't use it on the iphone.
-The adapt sound settings helped make my headphones sound a little better. I use an aux in on my car so it kind of sucks that they don't have profiles for different sources.
3. -Next Launcher is really nice to show people but I don't know if I could use it everyday and its 3x the price of other launchers.
-Real Racing 3 is a nice demo game but good old angry birds star wars 2 probably looks the best and it has a note 3 achievement
-slow mo camera is really nice but anything less than 1/2 speed and the image starts to look very grainy .. 4k really has a wow factor even on the 1080p screen.
4. Sketchbook for Galaxy is a lot of fun to draw in with the s-pen.
5. -I followed this guide for disabling some of the bloatware: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2478448
-I also disabled most of the air hover features because they are nice for demoing the device to someone but I probably won't use them. Plus I wear glasses and it doesn't seem to detect my eyes very well.
-People are reporting poor wifi and one of the settings suggested is to turn off network auto connect.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2472779 .. I experienced the problem but reset my router and it seems fine now.. not sure if its a software glitch or what.
6. -Here is a useful guide on how to transfer your contacts : http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/transfer-iphone-contact-to-android/
-The only thing I am missing from iOS are the nice lock screen notifications. If anyone has a suggestion please let me know
Impuls3101 said:
Everyone should be getting their phone in the next few days. I am coming from iOS so I am not 100% sure about all of androids apps and features. I have spent a lot of time in the last month learning as much as I could about switching over but I would like to get some opinions from everyone. I hope this will also help any other novice users get the most out of the note 3.
1. Are you going to use a launcher .. if so which one? why?
2. What apps will make using the note more enjoyable/easier?
3. What apps can I wow people with a demo of?
4. Any other general app recommendations?
5. What general settings should I initially use? or disable?
6. Anything I missed for a first time android user?
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1. I have been using Nova for a while on my Galaxy Nexus, and use it on my N3 now too. It's not too bloated, allows custom number of icons per row/column, gestures, and resize all widgets. I used to use Apex, and that was really good too, but I switched a while ago to Nova because there was some feature Apex didn't have, though honestly I don't remember what now, and they may very well have added it.
2. SketchBook Mobile by Autodesk (makers of AutoCAD and Inventor, among many other engineering-oriented programs) is kind of cool, it's a sketch program that you can do a lot with, and works well with the stylus. Not the most useful app, per se, but a fun "proof of concept" if you will, and it's free. I believe there's more options than the built in equivalent, though I haven't used either a ton yet.
3. Any high def media will look awesome. Show them Netflix streaming, or as someone else said, HD Youtube, or any other HD video. Even pictures taken with the camera look great, simply because of the huge high res screen. Pictures taken with the phone probably would look even better on the screen than ones taken with another phone with a better camera but worse screen, because it's still small enough to cover up minor imperfections, but big and crisp enough to really look amazing.
4. For a music player, I like PowerAmp. It's got a really good equalizer, and a ton of settings to play with. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the interface, but it's not awful. You can also customize the widget as much as you want, in terms of colors, fonts, transparency, buttons, size, what's displayed, etc.
I also use UberSync for Facebook, which lets you use sync HD pictures from facebook as contact photos. You can also import birthdays into your calendar, if you want, and some other info from people's profiles. You can choose what resolution to use, how often to sync, and only use wi-fi if you want.
5. I turned off all of the Smart features and that kind of thing. I don't want to control my phone with my eyes or hand gestures, I want to use it with my hands or S Pen. Of course that's fully a matter of preference. Also I noticed that the setting to alert you if you walk away without putting the S Pen back in is disabled by default, so I enabled that. I still worry I'm going to lose it sometime, but that's just because I'm forgetful.
Impuls3101 said:
-Adblock plus is really nice to have while browsing the internet .. I always hated that I couldn't use it on the iphone.
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How are you using Adblock without root??
jmorton10 said:
How are you using Adblock without root??
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I'm using Firefox with the adblock plugin and its working great. Firefox now flies on this phone.:good:

Lollipop Findings

Installed Lollipop last night and a few things that I found are working/not working. Let's get a list going here.
1. H+ icon no longer shows up. (ATT)
2. Feels like a new phone performance wise.
3. Home Launcher App no longer seems to work. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dynamicg.homebuttonlauncher&hl=en)
Cast screen option is now available in the notification pull down, but it still doesn't recognize the Chromecast.
ART uses a lot more space for apps, so a microSD card is now a must. Probably why Moto added it.
Camera doesn't seem to have any improvements. Not worse, but I'm not seeing anything better either.
Sometimes specific apps (like Skype for example) don't seem to use both speakers leaving the sound very quiet.
Screen pining option in security is awesome
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Hey, I'll paste the questions I leaved in a thread I created but doesn't seem so popular:
First and foremost, I'm curious about the new memory management in this Release. As you can see in this threads 1 XDA Thread 2 (Official Motorola Forums one) the problems with RAM management in KitKat were MASSIVE.
- How do you feel it is as of right now? It's still there? It's a little better?
- How does the CPU respond? Could you run an Antutu Benchmark to compare with KitKat?
- I know it's a little early to ask, but I'm curious about Project Volta. Do you notice more battery life?
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jarbro said:
Installed Lollipop last night and a few things that I found are working/not working. Let's get a list going here.
1. H+ icon no longer shows up. (ATT)
2. Feels like a new phone performance wise.
3. Home Launcher App no longer seems to work. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dynamicg.homebuttonlauncher&hl=en)
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Have noticed performance improvements? Such as better memory management, improved responsiveness, faster app loadings etc. ?
On 4.4.4, I can't run Facebook and Chrome simultaneously without one getting kicked out of memory
jarbro said:
Installed Lollipop last night and a few things that I found are working/not working. Let's get a list going here.
1. H+ icon no longer shows up. (ATT)
2. Feels like a new phone performance wise.
3. Home Launcher App no longer seems to work. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dynamicg.homebuttonlauncher&hl=en)
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What about battery usage? Does the application optimizing occur at every boot?
ksuuk said:
What about battery usage? Does the application optimizing occur at every boot?
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100% at 8am. Was down to 10% around 2:30PM after heavy usage. Definitely not real world use. Mostly playing around with Lollipop.
Application optimization does not happen at boot like it did w/ ART on 4.4.4.
I'd like to note, it took my phone nearly 45 minutes to upgrade from 4.4.4 > Lollipop.
jarbro said:
100% at 8am. Was down to 10% around 2:30PM after heavy usage. Definitely not real world use. Mostly playing around with Lollipop.
Application optimization does not happen at boot like it did w/ ART on 4.4.4.
I'd like to note, it took my phone nearly 45 minutes to upgrade from 4.4.4 > Lollipop.
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It would appear your lolly got well and truly licked...
Can you test some more things, like a benchmark or something just to see, and more impressions about the lag of open the menu?
I waded through all the spam and robotically dubbed crap on YouTube, and FINALLY found someone who's actually bothered to make a brief video... so here it is:
Has anyone else noticed not being able to access the camera from the lockscreen on Lollipop?
My thoughts on Lollipop 5.0:
-Booting the phone takes about 30 seconds. I have a lot of apps on the SD card, and they take a while to become available. Perhaps 2 minutes. I had to move a lot of apps to the SD card to get room for the update, so I can't compare before and after times for finding apps on the SD.
-When the phone was updating to Lollipop it said it optimized 105 apps. It does not optimize on every boot. I'm pretty sure apps on the SD card were not optimized based on number of apps.
-Music (Pandora and Play Music) still stops playing in the background when I launch some apps. The suspected 'memory leak', memory management problem, or whatever the cause, has not been fixed. So no apparent change there.
-If I create an app folder with apps on the removable SD, those apps still do not reappear in the folders when I restart the phone. No change.
-App-specific notifications are awesome. I have 'Subway Surfers' on my phone because my kids like the game. I hate getting notifications every day for an app I don't even play. I have disabled notifications for that app. Definate positive change.
-I use an app called 'Notification Toggle' to add toggles for skipping tracks, camera, battery life with numbered %, turning on wifi and cell data, etc. The Cell Data toggle doesn't work any more, it takes me to a screen that can be used to turn on/off data roaming but not data all together. Hopefully that will be fixed. The notification screen update already gives me another option (see my next comment).
-The pull-down notification menu can be pulled down again to show some settings that partly replace the 'Notification Toggle' app I just mentioned, including turning cell data on/off. It's a nice feature. I wish it were customizable. Definate positive change; it doesn't quite replace 3rd party apps for me, but that's part of the Android customizable experience.
-It takes longer to unlock. The unlock pattern/code input has been replaced by notifications, you need to swipe up before unlocking. Minor change but definitely not an improvement for me.
-Stability and responsiveness are good. I haven't noticed any lag but I don't remember noticing lage on 4.4.
-Battery life? I'm a compulsive phone charger, so I don't know yet. I like the new battery life screen. It shows charge over time like it used to, and it also shows projected battery life. It says I have 10 hours left, after using the phone for about an hour looking at settings, locking/unlocking the phone while on WiFi streaming Pandora.
-Lockscreen notifications have the following settings:
Show all notification content will show content in new text messages and what is playing on Pandora or Play music; in Play Music it lets me skip to the next song without unlocking; I can't change tracks in Pandora from the unlock screen. Annoying change for me.
Hide Sensitive content in Notifications lets me know I got a text but doesn't show the message; I can see what is playing and skip tracks in Play Music but not Pandora
Show Nothing shows... nothing.
I wish I could select which apps would show their content on the lock screen; in my mind what I am playing in Pandora is not nearly as sensitive as what texts I receive.
If I get a text and there are multiple notifications on the lock screen, or if I get more than one text,it won't show the content of the texts. No scrolling to fit more notifications (like the notifications shade). So if you have a lot going on, lock screen notifications become sort of useless, and that's when they might be the most useful.
I used to be able to press the power button and skip to the next pandora track from the unlock screen. Two actions. Now: (1) I press the power button, (2) swipe up, (3) enter the unlock pattern, (4) open Pandora, and (5) skip to the next track. Convenience has suffered.
People will have different opinions, but for me personally the whole lock screen experience is a step backwards. I think there are some simple fixes that could make it very good, and I hope this is a bad start to a good feature (i.e. waiting for 5.0.1).
Memory leak/bug is still there Oh god why
can you check if the usb otg bug is still there?
mike_ekim said:
-It takes longer to unlock. The unlock pattern/code input has been replaced by notifications, you need to swipe up before unlocking. Minor change but definitely not an improvement for me.
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Thanks, I asked if this was the case in another thread, nice to have it confirmed but wasn't the answer I wanted.
From my impression the KitKat lockscreen is perhaps better for people like us (it is for me), you can easily see your notifications but not see any content just the icons at the top, music playback controls are easily accessible and the pattern/PIN is displayed without a swipe.
thisisjason said:
Has anyone else noticed not being able to access the camera from the lockscreen on Lollipop?
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I can get to the camera app from the lock screen without unlocking, take pics from front and rear camera, shoot video, and view the gallery pics/videos I took from THAT LOCKED SESSION ONLY. I can't see all the other pics/videos on the phone.
A minute later I accessed camera without unlocking the phone again. I could NOT see the pics that I took a minute ago with a locked phone. In other words, if I take pics with a locked phone those new pics are still private, as long as I turn off the screen again. Maybe that's the default Lollipop behavior, but I'm glad it works that way.
Edit: the phone wants to back up the photos that i took with the screen locked. I need to look into this. I deleted those pics i.e. I selected 'delete everywhere'. If someone takes pics with my phone, will they be backed up to online folders/tools that I share? I'm just a simple caveman lawyer, your new technology frightens me. I just copy/save my pics manually, so I don't even understand how backup works. I'm pretty sure backup was turned backup off in Jelly Bean.
Another edit: The Photos app says that backup is for 'my eyes only'. As long as no one can take a pervy pic with my locked phone and share it with the world, I'm ok. Because we all know how safe pics on our phones are.
bhavin192 said:
Memory leak/bug is still there Oh god why
can you check if the usb otg bug is still there?
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Sorry, I don't have a thumb drive or otg cable handy. I never heard of the problem till you mentioned it, I guess I don't use thumb drives with my phone.
Different subject:
I connected the phone to my computer with USB debugging turned on, and I got this driver error:
Device driver software was not successfully installed
Motorola ADB Interface X No driver found
It's an old problem and looks like getting the error is expected, but I'm busy at work and can't be bothered to look into it for now. File explorer from the PC works fine. I have other android toys, I don't like messing with my main phone so I don't need ADB anyways. I honestly think I've never even put this phone into USB Debug before today.
mike_ekim said:
I can get to the camera app from the lock screen without unlocking, take pics from front and rear camera, shoot video, and view the gallery pics/videos I took from THAT LOCKED SESSION ONLY. I can't see all the other pics/videos on the phone.
A minute later I accessed camera without unlocking the phone again. I could NOT see the pics that I took a minute ago with a locked phone. In other words, if I take pics with a locked phone those new pics are still private, as long as I turn off the screen again. Maybe that's the default Lollipop behavior, but I'm glad it works that way.
Edit: the phone wants to back up the photos that i took with the screen locked. I need to look into this. I deleted those pics i.e. I selected 'delete everywhere'. If someone takes pics with my phone, will they be backed up to online folders/tools that I share? I'm just a simple caveman lawyer, your new technology frightens me. I just copy/save my pics manually, so I don't even understand how backup works. I'm pretty sure backup was turned backup off in Jelly Bean.
Another edit: The Photos app says that backup is for 'my eyes only'. As long as no one can take a pervy pic with my locked phone and share it with the world, I'm ok. Because we all know how safe pics on our phones are.
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Thanks, weird that it's not working for me. If I restart the phone, it will work the very first time I'm on the lockscreen and swipe into the camera, but on subsequent attempt I get a black screen with the icons for switching between front and back cameras and for shooting video, but none of the controls work.
thisisjason said:
Thanks, weird that it's not working for me. If I restart the phone, it will work the very first time I'm on the lockscreen and swipe into the camera, but on subsequent attempt I get a black screen with the icons for switching between front and back cameras and for shooting video, but none of the controls work.
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Interesting, that's an inconsistency between out phones. I can enter, exit, and re-enter the camera app repeatedly without unlocking the phone, turn the screen off and on again, and use the camera again without unlocking.
---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------
One more thing: the home screen redraw issue still happens, but less often. For example I just used chrome browser briefly, went home and the screen didn't redraw. Same with Play Music.
I loaded Clash of Clans, collected some gold/elixir, donated some troops, went to home screen and the screen had to redraw. Exiting a lightweight game like 2048 does not cause the home screen to redraw (so far). Overall the home screen seems to redraw less often.
---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------
One more thing: the home screen redraw issue still happens, but less often. For example I just used chrome browser briefly, went home and the screen didn't redraw. Same with Play Music.
I loaded Clash of Clans, collected some gold/elixir, donated some troops, went to home screen and the screen had to redraw. Exiting a lightweight game like 2048 does not cause the home screen to redraw (so far). Overall the home screen seems to redraw less often.
Actually, another one more thing:
In settings-->developer options-->Process stats: I got the message "device memory is currently critical" I killed a few apps (including Play store, play music, all the Motorola apps) and got 403 MB ram available. Settings is using 70MB, Notification Toggle is using 3MB, Swipe is using 26MB. I went back to Process Stats and it now says 'Device memory is currently normal". Sorry, I didn't take not of how much memory was available before killing apps.
---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------
Unlock screen 50 seconds after pressing power
Widgets active 1 min 15 seconds after pressing power
Apps on SD available in app drawer 2 minutes 30 seconds after pressing power. I have 36 apps on my SD card, it's a 16GB card with 5.4GB available (lots of media) and I believe it's a class 4 or class 6).
On boot I had 408MB ram free. After killing some apps I have 453 MB free; settings using 70MB, Swype 24MB, and Google Search 15MB. MotoCare using 15MB and if I kill it it just restarts. I don't know if Settings always uses RAM or if I get that RAM back when I exit Settings.
How much more space does ART take?
You can try ART on KK... but on my XT1068 Dalvik 2.6Gb free space / ART 2.0Gb free space.
I updated my phone yesterday.
It's now faster. The lollipop is so beautiful.
The only problem is that yes I can't see
H+ icon anymore. Does anyone know what ?
Sent from my XT1064 using XDA Free mobile app

Lockscreen slideshow for Samsung S8?

Hi everyone...
I am brand new here! After being an iPhone guy for years I am finally considering making the switch to Android by getting a Samsung S8.
I have been lucky enough to get a free Samsung S6 to give me a taste of Android before I make my decision, and I was pretty much sold when I found I could set up multiple images to run as a slideshow on the lock screen, so that (basically) every time I turned the screen on it would display a different image (a series of movie posters, in my case).
However, when Googling to confirm that this was still possible on S8, apparently the ability to do this has been removed (??). Is anyone able to confirm whether this can still be done, as it was the one feature that had pretty much sold me on switching.
I have found an app (Multipicture Live Wallpaper) that kinda does this, but its clunky and it changes the homescreen background also. I also worry that it might deplete the battery a little too much. Has anyone had experience with using this app on an S8?
Otherwise... are there are any other apps out there that would achieve what I am after on an S8?
Thanks in advance!
- Clemery
Smart wallpaper lets you set wallpapers for every day of the week. Make sure you move the app to your internal storage otherwise the wallpaper occasionally disappears.

