TEKHD ROM Thread Locked With ZERO Explanation... Anybody??? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

So, I noticed that sometime in the last 24 hours TEKHD's ROM Thread has been mysteriously locked. This coming after weeks of many beckoning for a response as to whether the ROM would "go on." Thusly, after these cries for a simple "Hi, I'm alive!" continued to fall upon deaf ears, here we are - no closer to any simple response AND a closed thread, to boot. Am I the only one who NOW wonders what "really" happened?! Is it a simple example of life got too busy? Or did something more happen?? Let me make it VERY clear: I, in NO WAY, am owed anything from TEKHD, nor is anyone else. But it is simply put NOT the guy's style to haul ass diligently on a VERY PROMISING ROM, then suddenly dissappear, leaving his many, many fans wondering "What the...???" So, if nothing else, this thread is a call out for an answer, of sorts, as to what is going on. Thank you for your time...

I would like to know that,also
But I doubt that someone would give us a real explanation

This is so bad... It shouldnt have done without reason or explanation.


Cause some Asses kept asking if TekHD was working on his rom, then were asking if they should start looking for a new Rom.

Psyscope said:
Cause some Asses kept asking if TekHD was working on his rom, then were asking if they should start looking for a new Rom.
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You assume this - No such proof that it is THAT simple AND petty...
And if this IS in fact the case, then all he should have done is give a one sentence "chime in" to put folks at ease. Nobody was ever criticizing him - all it ever was was concern for the guy. If this is why he so-suddenly stopped, he shouldn't be DEV'ing. It's like, "Welcome to the club..." That is what every ROM developer deals with at times. But all in all, I don't buy it. Just seems too lame for a Dev of his caliber and style...

I assume, as did the Moderater. Where people kept asking is anyone work on this rom.

It's also not typical for there to be NO post from the MOD's at the end of the thread before they actually close it. Like, "Closed at OP's request..." yada, yada, yada. Not that THAT alone would have given any further insight, but this particular case was just SO beyond abrupt, like completely out of "left field." No one could have seen it coming. Just, boom - It's gone...?!

An RD is able to close his own thread for temporary maintenance.
This ridiculous rumor mongering does no one any good!
Thread Closed



I'm really tired of all the complaining and bickering going on in this forum lately.
It's getting out of hand.
Especially from **** heads that didn't show their faces until after the hard work was done. Those that don't show up when the forum needs something but only show up when they need something.
Where were you when we were collecting money?
Instead of complaining, did you ever think to ask some of the leaders in the forum, what you could do to give back?
Where were you when we were testing? All we needed was $5 from a few people but all I see is more cheap bastards that want free stuff and expect it to be PERFECT. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think of it this way...if you bricked your device after 20 other people have successfully "patched" it, then something else is wrong. Work with people in the forum to figure out what. Keep a cool head. We know how tough it is to spend high dollar on a device then have it not work...but you use solutions here at your own risk so it's not the developers fault IT IS YOUR FAULT. Learn to post based on other postings. Don't yell and start complaining. I'm not a developer myself but contribute in other ways. If I was a developer I would leave this forum because of the verbal abuse. STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY!
Read the forum. Most of the **** has already been done. I'm not upset because people are asking questions due to not understanding something along your research. Don't get me wrong, the forum is here to help people and it's helped me a lot. I'm upset because of all the bashing going on lately. It's getting out of hand. I'm also upset because many of you that are actually benefitting from these solutions didn't show your faces until all the hard work was done. Don't tell me you couldn't afford a measly $5 or to contribute your time in some way or ask the people involved...what can I do to give back to the community I leech from.....you get my point.
Note, I'm not going to respond to ANYONE regarding this thread. Just chill the out and let's work together. If your device breaks, READ and try to educate yourself first instead of blaming the developer who took time to contribute their knowledge and provided us with a solution we needed or wanted. If you don't like how things are going....GET INVOLVED WHEN YOU NEED TO...DON'T COMPLAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE USING A SOLUTION SOMEONE WROTE ON THEIR FREE TIME TO HELP YOU OUT! MY GOD PEOPLE!
If you think you might get upset, mess your phone up, or otherwise...JUST DON'T USE THE SOLUTIONS POSTED ON THIS FORUM PERIOD.
If the above doesn't make sense...oh well. Needed to get that off my chest. I'm not a writer either so if it's all mashed together, oh well. If you're smart enough you'll get my point. If not, then just ignore the thread and go on.
Well Said ltxda. If only people would listen could curb their emotions a bit and apply logic sometimes....but then we are emotional beings.
Well I agree anyway. Everything is done at your own risk in these forums...and while we are at it...you know complaining about complainers and so forth...
..has anyone actually bricked their device (rendered it 'dead' or incapable of being restored somehow)...you know killed it?
I don't recall anyone having had that experience since... say...Olipro's unlocker. Point being...it's safe for all...and that was the intention of the SPL patch in the first place..whether simple to use or not.
C'mon friends...let's close the divide eat some humble pie together and get back to the business of progress and development...I'll leave that last bit to the devs.lol
If it helps I'll go first...Sorry if I offended anyone of late.
I meant that BTW. If it it's not good enough..sorry the offense ran so deep...sorry again.
OK...back to business
Developer Midget_1990 should be getting his X7500 within the next few days hopefully. We wanted different variants of the Athena to ensure there any and all solutions would definitely work across the board.
Custom ROMs coming soon.
Why don't we put our heads together to finalize/agree on the wish list of software that should be incorporated into the ROM/Vanilla ROM?
Has anyone found any VGA converted files for the Kaiser plug-in .cabs? That would be nice.
well said lt.. well said...
Agree with all these comments and want to add my take on the situation. All of us were newbies at some point (except for Oli I guess), and we have all been there. I remember sweating the first time I made a registry change.
1. We need to be a little patient with newbies. We want them to become a part of the community, not drive them away.
2. Saying "Just use search" or "See the Wiki" isn't always helpful. Sometimes relevant threads are 20+ pages, hard to sift through all that and figure out what is really the **** and what is some lame-ass crap from some poor soul who is as clueless as me. And have you actually looked at the Athena Wiki lately. Not much there. I would feel more sympathetic to the dismissive tone if the Wiki were more up to date. (I know, that's me too!)
** Tip for newbies, go to Advanced Search, select just the Athena forum, and search by post not thread. That may help narrow things down.
3. I'm pretty cautious in making major changes. Flashed my Wizard ROM probably 4 times in over a year... and still waiting to flash my Advantage. I appreciate the brave souls who will flash weekly or more, I learn a lot from you guys. But I don't have the time to constantly set things back up over and over, so I wait for an upgrade that I feel confident will do what I want. Plus I know my limitations, if something really terrible happens I'm not smart enough to quickly recover. I read everything there is to read before doing anything major.
SO WHY IS IT THAT SOME PEOPLE TAKE HOME A NEW DEVICE AND FLASH AWAY WITHOUT READING A DAMN THING? Then cry that they bricked their phone? (probably not) How can we get the message of BE CAREFUL across? Look before you leap, etc. Maybe there needs to be a sticky at the very top explaining who should be messing with what. Maybe every link to a ROM should have a warning label. Something.
Sorry to go on. I really appreciate the expertise on this forum and enjoy being able to contribute in some small ways. But we need a more civil tone. I hate to see things deteriorate.
"I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not...."
Cat Stevens...
I think XDA-DEV is the best forum I ever seen about HTC devices. So many
thoroughbred horses here, and everybody involved in management knows how hard is to keep them working together ... Forget Customer Relationship Management
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
jwzg said:
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
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Agreed. Sorry I lost it again.
thx for cleaning up the unlocker threat.
It took a while before the Hermes forum to start getting crazy. I don't have my device for a week yet and there is already a lot sh*t among members already. For the Athena, I thought this would not happen until WM7. Anyway, let's get along people.
Bickering and namecalling
I think some of the newer guys should also look in the historie of things. The hermes forum had simmilar issues with jasjamming. For lot of the developers it not just someone asking a question, but another one asking the same thing. It's can be very frustrating, and some handle it better than others. I think it's safe to say that Olipro doesn't hadle it very well, and vents his frustration at the one asking the question. Wether i agree with him or not i do understand him.
As for the people asking questions. First search if your question hasn't been asked before... If you can't find it search again.
Give as much information as you can. Be specific about versions you use. Give the output of the software you get.If you're aked to give information you have given before, just give it again. Remember you are the one wanting help, so make it easy to help you, don't make the other one search for information.
And remember one thing: Free software is often provided "as is". No guarantees and no support. Assume that if it goes wrong, that you are on your own. Any support given is a bonus. Having said that, you'll find that there are enough people willing to help as long as you are patient and polite (or at least civil).

Town Hall Meeting: Do you Guys Want One? Please Vote.

[highlight]Town Hall Meeting Scrapped due to Involved Parties Resolving their differences[/highlight]
To all (especially Feeyo and shenshang)
I don't really know what is going on in here, why you guys are fighting, or why you simply can't get along. I just deleted about 12 posts which had nothing more than constant flaming, finger pointing, and the such... all behaviors that are not allowed in XDA grounds (see rule 2).
Over the last week or so there have been constant comments, complains, and tons of issues coming from this section. There have been a bunch of moderators in here already, and it seems that this has no end in sight. As far as I am concerned, banning is a useful tool, which is better avoided if not absolutely needed... and I believe this to be the case.
Having said this, I would like to offer the following approach to solve this issue (and any other issues that you may have in your minds)... A Town Hall meeting type of thread, which will be grounds for discussion of current issues (you can see the thread here). I did this in the Hero CDMA section a few weeks ago and everything turned out rather well since people were able to talk and discuss issues in a civilized manner.
Here are the rules:
- The thread will only remain open for discussion for a certain period of time (I did the last one for 8 hours).
- No flaming/trolling/rudeness/cursing will be allowed.
- No banning will occur.
- Irrelevant posts will be automatically deleted.
- The thread will be heavily monitored by one or more moderators.
I will copy this post into a new thread and turn it into a poll under Hero G2 General and make a poll to see if you are all interested in doing this. If I get enough people agreeing, I will then schedule a time.
This is will be a final resource before banning begins. I am willing to put up the time if you guys are willing to cooperate.
Let me know what you all think.
My opinion
Better to keep the thread open for a specific rom version.
New versions new threads.
With this way problems with current version can be solved in its thread.
And for my point of view developers never must be banned or forced not to visit this forum.
They keep the keys to our problems and they are the life of this forum.
I have personally apologised to Feeyo for hi-jacking his thread. I have no issue with him directly, I just have an issue with the way he handled the situation earlier.
It's a joke that it's even come to this stage.
Leaving over this is an absolute over-reaction. Nobody wanted that. Nobody actually wanted you to take down your ROM at all. All that was requested was a thank you in the opening post. Instead, we got the over reaction of Feeyo removing his ROM, and claiming that it was the VillainROM team's fault.
As I said in Feeyo's thread, I have no problem with him at all, and welcome him as another developer in the community.
Before anyone starts - this is not about which ROM is better, and which thread has more views. Look at my relationship with Behnaam/RaiderX. Yes - they were competition, I suppose, but they are both friends of mine on GTalk. Many a time have we all helped one another with a ROM. If it was about jealousy - surely I'd be jealous of Behnaam? He's an excellent developer.
All I wanted from this whole situation is credit where it was due. That's a line of text in the post. Everything else could have remained the same and we could have moved on. I think the best thing to do is for Feeyo to come back to XDA and get over the situation. It's really not as big a deal as it has become. Calm down, think logically - and continue posting your ROMs.
egzthunder1 said:
Let me know what you all think.
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on my view as a developer (not rom, but other-code) and as htc rom user i think:
It's a pitty that users are allowed to accuse someone to be a thief w/o having any evidence (see this link)
I think XDA lost the best Hero ROM (personal opinion), if Feeyo stays out
Flamers who flame in other threads should be punished hard and immediately. I see (and saw) different Villain-Users (User!! not Devs) who flame regular on other ROM threads
And from a coder point of view: I personally give a sh*t of credits. Im coding in GPL and or BSD license, but honestly, the whole GPL-Credit thingy is just an egomaniacal habit. I therefore mostly release on a BSD-alike license (but, ya this is personal)
With a bit of "nice" attitude the VR (Dev) team (nprussel&co) had the chance to not escalate this whole mess. But im not 100% sure if this (ever) was their intention.
Fact is, I lost (probably) a ROM. The best one so far. And I (as a user) give a f*** about the reasons, who started or who's right or not.
Andro1d said:
on my view as a developer (not rom, but other-code) and as htc rom user i think:
It's a pitty that users are allowed to accuse someone to be a thief w/o having any evidence (see this link)
I think XDA lost the best Hero ROM (personal opinion), if Feeyo stays out
Flamers who flame in other threads should be punished hard and immediately. I see (and saw) different Villain-Users (User!! not Devs) who flame regular on other ROM threads
And from a coder point of view: I personally give a sh*t of credits. Im coding in GPL and or BSD license, but honestly, the whole GPL-Credit thingy is just an egomaniacal habit. I therefore mostly release on a BSD-alike license (but, ya this is personal)
With a bit of "nice" attitude the VR (Dev) team (nprussel&co) had the chance to not escalate this whole mess.
Fact is, I lost (probably) a ROM. The best one so far. And I (as a user) dont give a f*** who started or who's right or not.
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you cant see the reasons behind it because they were deleted(by egz i belive), not gonna start it up here wait for the proper thread, but there was villain stuff found in his rom.
This should have been resolved by PM. It really shouldn't need this, but apparently it does.
To answer this question - yes, I think the town hall thing would be a good idea. We're not out to burn Feeyo, or anyone else for that matter.
nprussell said:
This should have been resolved by PM. It really shouldn't need this, but apparently it does.
To answer this question - yes, I think the town hall thing would be a good idea. We're not out to burn Feeyo, or anyone else for that matter.
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Well feeyo abused that by posting your pm in public (without permission)
further to that I agree mainly with the above, all we asked was for credit, then Feeyo took upon himself to remove his own rom (and blamed it on villain) then he has taken the extreme step to remove himself from xda and again (placed the blame on villain) when really we have done nothing wrong at all.
Maybe some of us got a bit angry but nothing majorly bad was said, at least not from what I saw.
It just got way out of hand and was not helped when respective "fan boys" and I hate using that term but it fits now, got involved.
It should have ended when I tried to end it hours ago, then again when the mod stepped in.
There has always been a culture of sharing on here, and villain has always been party to that, it has only been recently that a few "devs" have for whatever reason stopped this, it might be due to ignorance, but in some is due to the fact they are glory hunters (not naming who it is but we all know! and its not feeyo!)
Piercy0812 said:
you cant see the reasons behind it because they were deleted(by egz i belive), not gonna start it up here wait for the proper thread, but there was villain stuff found in his rom.
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you (YOU personally) accused feeyo that he has stolen code. So YOU should have evidence that he had. Not others. And thats exactly what I wrote above.
"I heard there was smthing that was wrong". Bwa... either you have evidence, or, just keep your hands off of the keyboard. thx.
Nobody will burn Feeyo because he didn´t do anything wrong.
There is a misunderstanding point here.. why all devs can hack everything without crediting anyone.. i didn´t see any credits to the originals android/google developers neither for the htc devs in any post from any rom..
So what´s the big deal of using someone theme in a rom???
dna777 said:
Nobody will burn Feeyo because he didn´t do anything wrong.
There is a misunderstanding point here.. why all devs can hack everything without crediting anyone.. i didn´t see any credits to the originals android/google developers neither for the htc devs in any post from any rom..
So what´s the big deal of using someone theme in a rom???
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See this is where the biggest part of the missunderstanding has occured, we are not talking about a theme here!
Lennyuk said:
well feeyo abused that by posting your pm in public (without permission)
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question: how would you on such a "problem".
on public: everything is calm, and nice, and all VR people are such nice guys
on pm: bwa, you should be banned for that but if you go down on your knees, then maybe we'll see
Feeyo's public posting of the pm was not nice, and not ok. 100% ack. But, you know for sure that there wasn't more behind the scenes ?
Nobody knows (beside of the involved parties, and their pm inboxes). And tbh i dont think we ever know what exactly happened. It's just a pitty how this whole thing escalated.
Andro1d said:
question: how would you on such a "problem".
on public: everything is calm, and nice, and all VR people are such nice guys
on pm: bwa, you should be banned for that but if you go down on your knees, then maybe we'll see
Feeyo's public posting of the pm was not nice, and not ok. 100% ack. But, you know for sure that there wasn't more behind the scenes ?
Nobody knows (beside of the involved parties, and their pm inboxes). And tbh i dont think we ever know what exactly happened. It's just a pitty how this whole thing escalated.
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Well I posted all my exchange Pm'd with feeyo on the villain thread (after he gave me permission) and it showed that I was generally trying to sort it out, no anger or accusations just a friendly member of the community, he then gave a bad language response probably due to him talking to others that I didn't know about at that time.
Both parties are probably at fault here for why it escalated the way it did, we just now need to move on, learn from this so it does not happen again.
Andro1d said:
you (YOU personally) accused feeyo that he has stolen code. So YOU should have evidence that he had. Not others. And thats exactly what I wrote above.
"I heard there was smthing that was wrong". Bwa... either you have evidence, or, just keep your hands off of the keyboard. thx.
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lol. im not even gonna bother writing a response to your obvious flame (did you not read the rules above?). as said, ill wait for the thread.
i voted no, i personally am done with uber-lameness of xda. @mods: nice try, but if you always wait for the very last moment (or even the one after that) it will break eventually. you have successfully split the hero community in two or more groups, congratulations. i will stay in mine, which is villainrom.
since criticism is not really an option here i expect this comment to be deleted soon, goodbye everyone who decides to stay here. there were some nice moments, although not too many of them. guess that is the fate of public forums without proper moderation...
kendong2 said:
i voted no, i personally am done with uber-lameness of xda. @mods: nice try, but if you always wait for the very last moment (or even the one after that) it will break eventually. you have successfully split the hero community in two or more groups, congratulations. i will stay in mine, which is villainrom.
since criticism is not really an option here i expect this comment to be deleted soon, goodbye everyone who decides to stay here. there were some nice moments, although not too many of them. guess that is the fate of public forums without proper moderation...
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i know that feeling, but im still optimistic.
Thats a playschool here. Really funny.
Since feeyo starts his work with the excelent cronos rom ppl try to give feeyo a bash/clout.
Anybody looks inside his roms to find a wrong part.
That ppl should better look into his own roms to fix the own buggy and laggy roms.
No meeting is needed. Use your brains ppl!
I think that none of this would have mattered if it wasn't for the fact that cronos had the best ROM. The whole thing smacks of jealousy to me.
I'm sure that cronos did pinch some stuff and/or vice versa, but such is the nature of hacking.
spence91 said:
I'm sure that cronos did pinch some stuff and/or vice versa, but such is the nature of hacking.
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What you said it´s so clear.. and NOBODY can argue with that.
So what the problem at all?
spence91 said:
did pinch some stuff and/or vice versa, but such is the nature of hacking.
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Giving credit is not gonna kill him.
devil-kin said:
Giving credit is not gonna kill him.
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Yeah, but I cannot see credits to Feeyo for the stuff Villain guys took out of one of his earlier ROMs, or did i miss something?
That theme thing everythings about isn't even working correctly and would have been removed due to public moan in the next Rom again anyways!

My thoughts against unthankful users.

Just wanted to mention that all the users who attacked the devs have changed their tune since oem support is crap.
I've been holding my feeling against all the ignorant users who attacked the devs.
Thanks, that is all.
I'm not sure exactly what you were trying to say, but I got the gist of it.
And I agree.
That is all.
All those who attacked the devs and coined them faildev.team are all of a sudden changing their tune now that they are speaking out about their projects, and OEM support has been so crappy.
Sad that people act like this.
I dont undestand why anyone would attack the developers. They aren't obligated to do anything, what they do is out of their own will and desire to better the device. If people have a problem with the phone then blame the manufacturer, not the people picking up after their mess.
Thanks for the translation...
FDro said:
I dont undestand why anyone would attack the developers. They aren't obligated to do anything, what they do is out of their own will and desire to better the device. If people have a problem with the phone then blame the manufacturer, not the people picking up after their mess.
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People demand instant gratification, and when they do not get it, they get ugly because they think for some reason, they are owed everything. Then there is the jealousy factor. Then there are those who think the devs withhold stuff from the community.
Then there are those who just attack me because they can.
The android community is young, and due to it being user friendly, it attracts young folks. Some just happen to be very immature. It *should* get better with time.
All this cool and dandy...
However developers also have some room to improve situation on the forums.
As adrynalyne pointed here there is a lot of childish behavior here. But developers, being leaders of community, not always behave as such.
I understand all sorts of emotions etc. I personally fall victim of them... Sorry if I hurted somebodys feelings.
But, I cannot stand some sort of elitism growing here.
Devs, please do not threat rest of the crowd as a bunch of morons! It will reflect positively on you as well.
If you have time to read all crappy posts on the forums and post aggravated responses, why do not spend this time typing meaningful response, holding grain of knowledge? If not, just stay calm and do not feed flame.
I do not want to repeat myself again and again. Just want to see some professionalism and respect in forums. It's not going to help moving to IRC, twitter or whatever. Root cause must be resolved.
Personally I was really impressed, more by anything else, of adrynalyne responding to that guy posted leak on other forums. Seriously! It was so different from how I percept him at forum. Like completely different person.
While moving to irc may be unfortunate for some...it provides real time interaction for development. That simply is not possible on a forum. I work with a lot of people, and can fix problems 90% faster in real time.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
FDro said:
I dont undestand why anyone would attack the developers. They aren't obligated to do anything, what they do is out of their own will and desire to better the device. If people have a problem with the phone then blame the manufacturer, not the people picking up after their mess.
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I totally agree, the devs have my support in anything that they do, in whatever time frame they can make happen. Still better then the OEM time frame for an "update".
i hope the poster(s) who jumped all over the devs awhile back (i forget who) arent using anything that they have done recently and will avoid froyo/gb unless it comes from verizon/samsung
nitsuj17 said:
i hope the poster(s) who jumped all over the devs awhile back (i forget who) arent using anything that they have done recently and will avoid froyo/gb unless it comes from verizon/samsung
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adrynalyne said:
While moving to irc may be unfortunate for some...it provides real time interaction for development. That simply is not possible on a forum. I work with a lot of people, and can fix problems 90% faster in real time.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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And that's OK. Unfortunately it doesn't leave any footprints anywhere else.
That's why we same questions everyday... Technical or whatever. The commonality between them is that they do not have posted answers here.
I'm talking for myself only. Please do not take it personally in any way and keep in mind that my English is not my native language, so something might sound harsh.
Like I got an understanding that RIL is the problem, by I was unable to find any technical explanation why, what was done to overcome etc. So, I asked here... I even do not want to think about what resulted. And all I wanted to have some technical answer, and may be share some ideas, because I'm in the IT field as well...
Now, looks whats going on around. Punkkaos got it working at least partially. I understand that other people contributed, and work probably started not 10 minutes ago. But nonetheless RIL is in progress or already done.
How I suppose to feel about this? I'm mixed.
Fist of all I'm THANKFUL for you guys who put all time and efforts in this! I'm not going to use it immediately, but I like that secure feeling that phone will not become a paperweight in 6 months down the road. I definitely will enjoy results of this work in the close future.
But, I need to admit that I have another side, as well. It's not necessarily dark, just kind of human nature, I guess. It kind of disappointment...
I ask myself - well, if it is done and done pretty quickly, why it didn't happened before? Months ago...
Like, just an assumption, please do not take it personally.
I think what if devs took a quick look and it didn't worked immediately and samsung promised update soon. People think - OK, we will wait for update, not worth to spend time on it. But time goes and goes and there is no update or leak... And tension is going up and up. And all this is OK and well understood. But doesn't solve the problem.
Yesterday, I've created twitter account (yes, call me a dinosaur) and specifically asked punkkaos how he addressed the problem. And guess what, he answered as expected that RIL is basically adapted and he does call result translation between old and new one. This is exactly how I would personally approach this problem myself.
My point here is that aside of actual work to be done, it is not rocket science. It is well known approach in programming.
And now you can throw all rocks you have into me, saying that if I so smart ass why I do not do it myself. That, right.
But, I know my limits and I'm not going to wipe out one of my comps, partition it to install Linux, to install tool chain, sources etc, to reinstall Windows and all crap me and my family needs in everyday life, just to try adapt RIL knowing that I will fail, because of my zero knowledge of subject. Or, even worse without knowing that it was already attempted and failed. And it was attempted by someone who is really ample to do it. Do you see holding factors?
That's why I asked questions. And being this question answered properly, who knows, may be another brave soul would had managed to accomplish what punkkaos did, but one month earlier, simpler or better. I feel like bad temper and communication let community down, at least temporarily.
And I think we are all at fault here. No need to point fingers.
No one is at 'fault' here. Your sense of entitlement is astounding; you are not owed anything. This OP was directed at people like you.
phooky said:
No one is at 'fault' here. Your sense of entitlement is astounding; you are not owed anything. This OP was directed at people like you.
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Did I ever said that I'm owed? My grief is about this particular community in general. And because we all members, we all equally responsible for a atmosphere here. Or you think that bashing somebody here helps a lot?
And you know what? OP is right at the moment, I'll stay away from any custom roms or mods or whatever. At least for now. Because to be "cool" is not only thing in my life anymore. I outgrown it long time ago.
My crave for update is stemming not from desire to have highest score in quadrant, but from wish to have stable, usable and secure platform, from which IMHO any current phone is far away.
Out of the box SF is fairly usable, thought not ideal. Having Froyo and GB, means that I can get all bug fixes, improvements and new features such as native code extensions for applications and games, enterprise stuff etc.
Using rooted phone might be OK for me, but definitely not for my wife or children. So, manufacturer support is still important. Unfortunately my believe in Samsung faded out very quickly. And that essentially raised importance of independent developers proportionally. I do not see anything wrong with it.
phooky said:
No one is at 'fault' here. Your sense of entitlement is astounding; you are not owed anything. This OP was directed at people like you.
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this guy does not seem to be in the entitlement crowd. He even states that english is a second language and to cut him some slack. I think what he was trying to say is that he was disappointed that samsung kept getting everybodies hopes up, which may have pushed devs off of working on getting things rolling for this device (why wouldn't they wait when they are being told froyo is on the way? From what I understand it would be easier to rip through that and make changes than to pull it off a different phone and sort of start from scratch). This doesn't sound too "tinfoil hat" to me, and certaintly doesn;t come off as entitled. More like he was pointing out one possible contributing factor as to why there has been a lot of waiting around (not complaining here guys, statement of fact. Did/do appreciate all the nonfroyo/gb roms and fixes that have been pushed out for us) for word of froyo. Now that Kaos/JT/Birdman have gotten some Froyo alpha's posted up, I am getting the feeling that the floodgates are about to open.
2 cents
I am not a developer.
My phone was decent out of the box.
Thanks to all the developers hard work, that i don't yet have the ability to do, my phone has gone from decent to fantastic.
The best part is that they aren't done yet
The future is exciting and if i ever think i am entitled to anything from someone elses work then, please, someone on here ***** slap me.
To all developers on here....you have my respect and gratitude. You have improved my life and saved my ass more than once. (Or twice)
Please keep doing your thing. And when i learn how to help i will.
Sent from my fascinate through xda app.
Well, the goal isn't to instill hostility, but to bring awareness to be thankful.
I can see what CNemo means because he doesn't understand what's going on. I can assure you that there is no intended elitism going on. Most of the roms tested in irc are shared here as soon as they are determined to be stable enough for testing.
It may seem like there is no transparency, but actually if you care, there is... The source codes are public. You can see what the devs are doing on github.
Yeah I've tried the whole, "Im just gonna throw it out there on the forums" thing. It does not work well, and you end up ticking people off when things stop working. Always best for the IRC crowd to muddle through the stuff first.
adrynalyne said:
Yeah I've tried the whole, "Im just gonna throw it out there on the forums" thing. It does not work well, and you end up ticking people off when things stop working. Always best for the IRC crowd to muddle through the stuff first.
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I agree and disagree. I disagree because it's nice to have this stuff in the forums where more people can try it. On the other hand, no matter how many warnings you give, there are going to be those who AREN'T comfortable with ADB, etc and go ahead and do it anyway... then we as a community lose valuable time while you fix everyone's fubar. It's frustrating to me, I can only imagine being on the other side. As far as Devs go, I don't envy them... It's the utimate "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.
Aside from donations and thanks, the other way to support the Dev community is to PAY for apps. I have quite a few paid apps on my phone. The only caveat to that is when I'm looking at an app and I'm unsure if I want/need it. From time to time I'll grab it from ********* and give it a 5min test spin. If it works, I uninstall and grab it from the Market. If it doesn't, I just uninstall. I know (for the most part) that we're talking about two separate types of devs, but the point is the same... if you're using someone's work... support them!
In response to the post above, I think I get what he was saying... I've done some programming (old school, mostly... BASIC, MS Acess) and while that doesn't really apply to Android at ALL, there may be some of us that have ideas that could help. In the end, a variable is a variable is a variable. I've thrown questions and ideas out only to be ignored. I don't take it personally, but even a "no, dip****... it doesn't work like that" would be appreaciated
No seriously, the guys in IRC will flash anything thrown at them... Some of them will end up with serious issues that were found to be seriously flawed.
Here's an example. VooDoo 5. When it first started rolling around in IRC from jt, it was considered unstable. It did not have the tools required for the average user to repair their phone. Adrynalyne preemptively produced the DI01 all in one ROM to repair everything from the radio, the kernel, the MBR, the recovery even... Did Adrynalyne have to do that? No, he did it because he knew that kinds of issues that would arrive when VooDoo 5 was introduced. Then VooDoo 5 was released.
Compared to VooDoo 4, the amount of incidents are exponentially less because of Adrynalyne putting a fix out there.
Also with phone repairs, it's much easier to help someone fix something in real time than it is to wait on them to try something, post, wait for response, in that sequence than it is to discuss the repair live in a chatroom.
BTW, this is in no offense to anyone. This is to clarify why some of the people are perceived as elitists. It's not that the IRC crowd are elitists, it's that they're more up to date with the latest development because they're busy flashing and screwing up their phones first so that you don't have to. On the same token, if you want to learn/test latest development, hop on IRC and ask any of the guys in #Samsung-Fascinate for help. It's very friendly in there contrary to what you would think (as long as you're not wozzy/sherwood1).

What is with all the FROYO or ELSE crap? Chill!

RELAX. I've seen so many 'i've had it, i want to swim in Froyo goodness' that i want to puke.
Let me start by saying that i've been in this community for a Looong time and even ran my own kitchen website at one time. I have had over a dozen smartphones and love upgrades.
With that all out there, I can honestly say that my fascinate is perhaps the only phone i've owned (I have an intercept too) that i don't tweak much. I currently run DJ05 and with the blackish storm theme along with some hacks to allow me to save off to my SD card and GPS fixes.
I install a new ROM (crap kernal, slapkernal, rampage) and themes on the intercept. I did the same for winmo 5 and 6. But the Fascinate, it rocks! Have others here had the pleasure of playing with the famed Galaxy Epic? Our 3G is nearly as fast as their 4G and they $10 a month for that battery draining beast. Verizon is Waaay better than Sprint, ATT and Tmobile put together. Reception is the bomb. The EPic/Vibrant/Captivate soft buttons suck. You need to press them 4 or 5 times to get it to take.
Look, I all for upgrading, but Froyo doesn't buy me any sort of happiness at this point. I really don't give a squat whether it comes out or not. I don't even pine for Gingerbread. For what? We don't have a video camera on the front, so the best features are moot for us.
The reality is that Froyo and Gingerbread are just performance tweaks. I have it on my Intercept, woohooo (sarcasm). It will make a ****ty phone into a reasonable phone, but it won't make a great phone any better. Do you have slowdowns on the Fascinate? I'm running Asphalt 5 and Spiderman from the Galaxy Tab on the FAscinate without nearly a hint of lag. Oh of course, we have the same hardware, the best hardware currently out on the market. Until the ATrix/optimus comes to the states.
I love this site, but lately it's gotten full of these frustrated posts about a product little know nothing about.
Here's an analogy, if you're driving a 250mph Mercedes AMG, do you care if Mercedes says it's coming out with a new one with an extra 10hp?
orateam said:
I love this site, but lately it's gotten full of these frustrated posts about a product little know nothing about.
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I completely agree. If I may share and I mean absolutely no disrespect whatsoever, but you do realize that you have just contributed to exactly that.
Again I mean no harm but in short just don't reply to them. Just my thoughts.
I wanna take a second and defend all those individuals who keep asking questions about Froyo and updates (me having been one of them).
While I think some of the questions are good and intelligent, a lot have been repetitive and can be answered by searching. If that is the case, why can't the "super-intelligent" forum members just ignore them and don't answer negatively? The threads take on a life of their own when member after member comes in to post links to other places and tell the poster that they are annoying and stupid.
Bwangster12 said:
I wanna take a second and defend all those individuals who keep asking questions about Froyo and updates (me having been one of them).
While I think some of the questions are good and intelligent, a lot have been repetitive and can be answered by searching. If that is the case, why can't the "super-intelligent" forum members just ignore them and don't answer negatively? The threads take on a life of their own when member after member comes in to post links to other places and tell the poster that they are annoying and stupid.
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BTW I accidentally thanked you.
Seriously though, can you imagine trying to follow the latest development going on while several new guys who keep spamming with "WHEREZ THE FROYOZ YO." It's not easy. It's frustrating. I know I come across as arrogant and elitist, but this comes from dealing with people asking the same question over and over and over again. It's really not that the members here are trying to be harsh.
Having tried to help several users with their issues when new ROMs/development comes out, it's not easy to have to deal with everyone's issues while having to sort through the FROYO threads.
Also if you read the sticky, the moderator posted... STOP POSTING WHERE IS THE FROYO THREADS...
If you can't even read that... I'm not saying that they deserve a flaming, but it's going to happen. This forum has seen countless froyo threads. Search froyo in the Samsung Fascinate section of this forum and you'll see just how many...
Bwangster12 said:
If that is the case, why can't the "super-intelligent" forum members just ignore them and don't answer negatively? The threads take on a life of their own when member after member comes in to post links to other places and tell the poster that they are annoying and stupid.
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Because this site belongs to the "super-intelligent" ones. And keeping a development site free and clear of non-development type threads will keep the "super-intelligent" happy. But gone are the days when users would join and lurk and self-educate themselves and would be aware of the fact that this is a development site for developers and not a place to parrot the latest engaget article about 2.2 on a completely different device.
I myself first came to xda and lurked for 4 months and then I joined in October of 2008 and I kept lurking and reading and reading and google searching and more reading. The first post I ever made was in April of 2009 and it was answering a question someone had. And that's because I identified the fact that this a development site for developers to create and share their hard work. This is not an end-user hacking site. And this is NOT an OH NO I GOT THIS PHONE YESTERDAY AND I DID A BUNCH A CRAP TO MY $500 DEVICE WITHOUT PROPERLY UNDERSTANDING WHAT I WAS EXACTLY DOING AND NOW IT'S STUCK ON THE SAMSUNG LOGO, HELP ME site.
And that is why the "super-intelligent" might be a little annoyed that their little development site has been overrun by people that show little to no respect and actually think that their opinions and parroted news stories actually matter. Or just blatantly create a help me thread without even spending 5 minutes of searching with google to actually mmmm I don't know, but help themselves.
Mom always told me "you made that mess. So now you are gonna clean up that mess"
good day.
+1 chopper and racer...
longtime Lurker and reader myself and it makes me cringe when I see someone with a ton of posts and says "how do I fix (some random problem) without ADB cuz I don't know how to use it"
The actual name of this site is "XDA Developers" I know how to look up engadget on the web when I want to know the latest rumors or news. =)
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I agree wholeheartedly, I lurk this forum and occasionally lurk IRC mainly because I'm interested. I have nothing useful to add 99.5% of the time and therefore don't try. Posting this reply is, ironically enough, useless in and of itself and I shall punish myself later for switching from lurker to troll this night.
That said, MY reason for lurking about on all things Froyo/Gingerbread for my phone is that I'm very interested in AOSP-based ROMs for it, and 2.2/2.3 are the OS revisions on which the devs are actively pursuing this accomplishment. While I am a software developer by trade (and I'd like to think a damn good one), I have NOTHING I can contribute to these efforts. I hate Java, I don't know enough about hacking hardware to make functional drivers without proper documentation, hell, I've never even *installed* Eclipse. Basically I am as useless as anyone else off the street would be out here. The difference seems to be that I KNOW THAT. I can't do these things, I don't want to take the time to learn how to do these things, and as a result I have no right to ***** and moan that these things haven't been done (yet). Instead, I sit in awe as others do these things I cannot and wait patiently for the day when I can benefit from someone else's hard work for a change ... and I'm happy to do so. I actually enjoy watching other, most likely younger, developers go through the process of creating something really cool armed with nothing but their own wit and persistence. The end result of their efforts will be something I not only desire for my own use, but will be something I could use to jump-start my own entry into this world should I change my mind and want to actively pursue such a thing.
My phone works great already, thanks to the people here. It runs Android 2.1. It does every single thing I've wanted it to do thus far, with these people's help. Yes, it has some annoyances that in my case would be resolved by having access to a truly stock AOSP-based system, and of course Froyo/Gingerbread is what I'd prefer over Eclair, but I can wait. I will wait. I will continue to donate an admittedly trivial amount of my hard earned money to the developers actively pursuing the end result I'm looking for that I'm not willing to work towards on my own.
I went from Troll to full-on Preacher here ... I can live with that I just hope that the devs here can see that there are people out there that both appreciate and admire them for what they do and hope they can turn a blind eye to the entitled jerks that continue to want something for nothing every day.
End: post-turned-uncalled-for-rant.
djp952 said:
I agree wholeheartedly, I lurk this forum and occasionally lurk IRC mainly because I'm interested. I have nothing useful to add 99.5% of the time and therefore don't try. Posting this reply is, ironically enough, useless in and of itself and I shall punish myself later for switching from lurker to troll this night...
End: post-turned-uncalled-for-rant.
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Trust me, i hated opening this thread for that same reason. But this is not a "Trash Samsung, I need Froyo" thread. It's the opposite. It's a "I love Samsung for building a badass phone and don't need Froyo" thread.
Here's a response i read from the tmobile forum about their newly coveted Froyo.
" if you want the new froyo, don't bother
i just downloaded it, and found out i wasted an hour on it.
firstly, its laggy... more than eclair.
secondly, it has some things that verify update.zip so you have to use methods that you usally wouldn't use, and flashing another rom is hard because CWM doesn't work."
-GPS got worse for me
-I get the boot up sound even with System Volume all the way down. I don't get any sound for shut down though. Also get a vibrate after 'Goodbye' screen goes away (I don't know if that is a pro or con).
-I can't do a quick reboot anymore.
-The colors seem a little duller to me.
-Avatar doesn't play.
-Stock keyboard doesn't work
-Apps in Market are not stored
Pay attention, it's likely we are getting those same issues, just adpated to our flash camera.
orateam said:
Trust me, i hated opening this thread for that same reason. But this is not a "Trash Samsung, I need Froyo" thread. It's the opposite. It's a "I love Samsung for building a badass phone and don't need Froyo" thread.
Here's a response i read from the tmobile forum about their newly coveted Froyo.
" if you want the new froyo, don't bother
i just downloaded it, and found out i wasted an hour on it.
firstly, its laggy... more than eclair.
secondly, it has some things that verify update.zip so you have to use methods that you usally wouldn't use, and flashing another rom is hard because CWM doesn't work."
-GPS got worse for me
-I get the boot up sound even with System Volume all the way down. I don't get any sound for shut down though. Also get a vibrate after 'Goodbye' screen goes away (I don't know if that is a pro or con).
-I can't do a quick reboot anymore.
-The colors seem a little duller to me.
-Avatar doesn't play.
-Stock keyboard doesn't work
-Apps in Market are not stored
Pay attention, it's likely we are getting those same issues, just adpated to our flash camera.
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Why post something like that when it's clear that this guy had a fluke update experience? And to say we will have the same issues is sort of ridiculous. Sorry. I never had one problem updating to 2.2 on my og droid as well as my incredible. Obviously there will be a very small portion of people that have a problem with it as this guy did.
I understand the point of this thread is to stop all of the "Where is froyo?" threads, but to start saying we don't want or need 2.2 is sort of silly. Am I happy with 2.1 and how it runs on this phone? You bet. Do I think 2.2 will only improve this phone and take advantage of its potential even more? For sure. It'll come when it comes, but let's not downtalk it in the meantime.
e: Also, to the OP, why don't the little performance tweaks matter? What about the fact that 2.2 should help improve battery life which, in my opinion, this phone definitely needs? And the 250mph and 10hp analogy is really far off from what this is. It's more like a mercedes getting an engine tuneup as well as a variety of other small upgrades to enhance the overall experience of the car. Even if it's not revolutionary as some people believe (and no, I know it's not as I've gone through the update to 2.2 on a couple devices now), why not be excited if it enhances the experience overall?
Like I said before, I agree people should chill with all of the posts/topics about froyo along with all of their nagging. However, there's no reason to talk down about 2.2, either.
still lurking
I blame the blogs, they made XDA celebrity status to the otherwise noob forum patrons....
mexiken said:
I blame the blogs, they made XDA celebrity status to the otherwise noob forum patrons....
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I blame engadget.
Keep this forum clean. Go dump all this crap at droidforums.net instead!
Bwangster12 said:
I wanna take a second and defend all those individuals who keep asking questions about Froyo and updates (me having been one of them).
While I think some of the questions are good and intelligent, a lot have been repetitive and can be answered by searching. If that is the case, why can't the "super-intelligent" forum members just ignore them and don't answer negatively? The threads take on a life of their own when member after member comes in to post links to other places and tell the poster that they are annoying and stupid.
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Thanks for people like you. I posted something in development about froyo. To me out was a legit development question. Since I did not word it correctly I been flamed for days even after I apologized. I mean its almost like being bait in a fish tank. What kind of taste in the mouth does this give someone new like me. The people that flamed do not know what my potential might be for contributions to this site. I know the moderators are mad that people are sometimes posting in the wrong forum, but that is always going to happen. Not one "real" developer flamed me nor did any moderator. The people that think they are comedians are the real problem in forums like this, not the people with real questions our concerns. Sorry for venting, but some people need to grow up
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Here's a tissue neo4uo...you're welcome!
OP it's hilarious you created another FROYO thread to protest the creation of FROYO threads.
Way to go with killing off these threads!
dricacho said:
Here's a tissue neo4uo...you're welcome!
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Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

A Small Rant....

In my past year being an android owner I have noticed a change of attitude in the development threads. When I bought my vibrant when it first came out a friend referred me to XDA. I was new to the android OS and didn't really know too much about how to root, flash, etc. This site taught me everything I know about my phone that I do today, and I learned by using the SEARCH button. I hate to ask questions especially if I was the one to break it. I have "soft" bricked my phone more times than I can count. And everytime I do and its something new that I have never seen I use the SEARCH button and like magic answers appear on my computer screen.
But back to my original gripe about the attitude in the dev section. Used to, people read the warnings that were CLEARLY posted in the OP of a new rom. They also followed directions like the rom dev posted. Now there were a few people who didn't and ****ed their **** up but nothing like there is today. I was a noob back then and really didn't understand half the stuff of what was posted. But I read and researched and now today I finally have an understanding (albeit small, but an understanding none the less).
For the last couple of months though everytime a new rom comes out and we'll use these 2 as an example (Frost by Krylon and then CM7) people fill the thread with pointless ****. Yeah I understand that problems and glitches need to be reported but after 10 pages of the same **** over and over again I think the dev understands that "hey this issue may need to be resolved ". Once 1000 people same the same **** about a issue they found STOP posting **** people. It clutters the ****ing thread for people who actually read for the sake of not bricking their $250 device.
Take for instance the CM7 thread right now. If you sit there and read every page you are going to find at least 10 people that have used the 2g/3g toggle widget and ****ed their **** up by doing it. Even though it CLEARLY STATES IN THE OP not to use it. Then they wanted to complain and say it was an issue with the rom and it should have never been released yet, but because of their actions and stupididty they caused the problem to begin with.
Then in the Frost thread people are just ASSHOLES. Krylon worked his ass off to put out a 2.2.1 TW rom. These people who flashed a rom that was FREE for them started demanding he do this, and put this into the rom, and blah ****ing blah. PEOPLE these guys and girls do this **** in their free time for FREE. And if you like what they put out then by all means donate. But we have a saying down here "Don't **** with the hands that feed you."
If you think something is not just the way YOU like it in a rom then by all means build it your ****ing self. It is why its called ANDROID OPEN SOURCE PROJECT. Don't sit there and ***** about something that you had no hand in creating.
Pretty soon if the *****ing and nit picky **** continues the devs will just leave. Kinda like Eugene has done before. Like I said these guys do this **** for free in their spare time for fun but here recently with some of the comments that I seen posted it has kinda taken the fun out of it.
This is a community, basically we are one big android family. We all have a common goal and that is to make our stock phone run at its full potential. Part of the fun of flashing a new rom is seeing all the modifications and themes that were put into it. I have always thought of a new rom like opening a present on Christmas morning when I was like 5 years old. Yeah sure you might have a bad flash or 2 but that's the other part of the fun. Learning how to fix the mistake that was made. That way you learn from your experiences and the next time that happens, hell you will know what to do to fix it.
Im almost done I promise.
In short just use the search bar before posting an issue. I promise the answers you seek are out there. I know because I have had the phone to pc error, the E. Can't mount and I seen that error message several different ways. But also read read read the OP because 9 times out of 10 the devs already know about the issue or have posted what is not working and you should not use that feature of the rom.
Thanks for your time reading this and if it sounds like a madman ranting you can thank tapatalk and the small screen. It was hard to see and that's why there are so many paragraphs. But I felt this has been needing to be said for a while now and reading the cm7 thread tonight was the icebreaker.
Sent from my CM7 powered Vibrant
I lurked on the Vibrant forums for a good month and a half before I even made my first post (coincidentally, it was the time when JI6 was going OTA). Before I even made my first Vibrant related post, I knew about the terms Odin and Froyo that doesnt brick and all the other goodies (although I was no expert at the time). It helped me immensely the first time I soft-bricked and it kept me from panic.
Reading is a lost art.
I know if people only read more it would save a lot of headaches.
I agree 100% with the FIRST 3 paragraphs, after that I fell asleep. Search button is everyones friend.
I understand. I kinda went on for while. Oh well, it all needed to be said anyways.
Sent from my CM7 powered Vibrant
vibrant2010 said:
I understand. I kinda went on for while. Oh well, it all needed to be said anyways.
Sent from my CM7 powered Vibrant
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I agree totally!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I would add is that just skimming over the OP does not get it you need to read it THOROUGHLY AT LEAST TWICE and sometimes three times. I know I have to and even than I am ashamed to say I have not understood key points in the OP. I cannot even imagine how the Dev feels when reading the thread with all of the redundant questions and statements. I am so appreciative to the devs and to this community. Without them I would not have any of the very small level of knowledge and experience(very small) and the confidence to mess with this 250.00 phone. A tip of my hat to the entire community(those that read) and most specifically the DEVS!!!!!!!!!
Is a sticked post on every forum subsection...
Maybe the mods need to post in ALL CAPS!
So chances are... if people don't read the stickies (which answers most of the questions)
Then... well...
I think that the fact that the Vibrant is so difficult to hard brick and people's lack of attention to detail lead to a lot of the dumb questions. While that is annoying, people demanding the devs do this or that and the general rudeness is what really ticks me off. Asking that a feature be added nicely is one thing, but telling them to do something crosses the line. The Frost and MIUI threads are key examples of this. The sense of entitlement around here is dumbfounding.
Have you seen the MIUI thread? Its been cleaned at least 5 times. That thread alone makes me embarrassed to be a part of this community. Here's a summary of some of the dipshits that wandered in there:
"I was forced to run this buggy beta on my phone for a week"
"This never should have been released" (never heard of beta testing apparently)
"He's sick? I don't care, updates or I want my money back.....oh wait..."
I love Android, but there are too many ****ing children here with no respect. (Makes me sound like an old man)
Only on the internet, can you have someone who provides an awesome service, at no charge to anyone, and people still be absolute pricks to them.
Haha you remind me of how i used to be on this forum with my crusader posts
unfortunately most of the **** you are talking about WILL NEVER change. its just the way it is. everyone is lazy to a certain degree, but some people are much lazier than others. its just how the world turns. and once you start giving these people hand-outs, for lack of a better term, it will only make it worse.
vibrant2010 said:
If you think something is not just the way YOU like it in a rom then by all means build it your ****ing self. It is why its called ANDROID OPEN SOURCE PROJECT. Don't sit there and ***** about something that you had no hand in creating.
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+10 on this^^^
I see the op complaing yet offering no solutions. This is why "rant" threads are annoying also. If it's thst much of a problem write a thread how to use the search feature. I think the problem with most people is they do not know how "find" what they are looking for with ease. For example switching search entire post instead of search title will give information overload in the search results. To even use these options you must select advanced search. But all anyone says is use search. When a noob is faced with 10 pages of results he/she is goin to start a new thread or repeat a post. The op point is valid not new.
ntellegence said:
I see the op complaing yet offering no solutions. This is why "rant" threads are annoying also. If it's thst much of a problem write a thread how to use the search feature.
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i disagree with you. YES rant threads, in general, accomplish absolutely nothing.
with that said, just because the OP is annoyed with some very relevant problems, does not mean its his responsibility to coach people on basic forum rules. the rules are easily accessible, and honestly....lets not kid ourselves....these people know that the search function is there, they dont need us to tell them.
in fact, id rather see a rant like this than a "search function" thread. "searchsearchsearch" is the oldest ***** in the book. people arent going to search. thats the way it is, theres no reason to start a thread on it, its a problem you can find on ANY forum on the internet......and there are quite a few out there.
in terms of this rant, the OP does bring up some other points that are development specific that are important.
Being on XDA for 3 years, I think the main issue is people wanting to verify the answers they do find when searching are updated/still correct.
To that, I say I do my best to make sure the stickies have the most common questions and are updated, and I solicit constantly for people to help me monitor/update. I feel the Dev Bible does a good job of this too.
So, ASSUME the searched information is correct.
And yes, do SEARCH!
EDIT, and the OP was so long I gave up on reading it all.
s15274n said:
I think the main issue is people wanting to verify the answers they do find when searching are updated/still correct.
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this is very true. there are times when you will read something, but youre feeling over-cautious, and you want to just "hear it" directly from someone just to verify.
i really dont have any problem with that at all, its perfectly understandable. problem is its impossible to know when someones doing that, or if theyre just being a sack of sht.
hey am a living proff people learn from mistakes ............LOOK AT ME NOW )
Well said.......
But, people don't read and many that do don't understand what is being said. That contributes to 1/2 the problem,,,,,,But---
Couldn't agree with you more
Failure to search pales in comparison to the flat out disrespect and sense of entitlement shown by some members.
As TopShelf said, getting people to search is a problem that pretty much comes with the territory. Also as was mentioned, people want confirmation, or they feel their situation is somehow unique enough to warrant its own topic/post. We were all new once, so this is understandable.
There is no excuse, however, for the selfish behavior of a lot of these people.
Yes this is a rant thread that offers no real solutions, but short of banning anyone who steps out of line (I am not suggesting this should be done), there aren't really any real solutions. Its just good to vent every now and then, that's why its called a rant.
Problem: People don't read.
Solution: Text-to-speech. (ooo and make it Linda's voice)
Well said.
It's nice to see how passionate some of us can get, and I think that's what makes these forums so good. Sadly there's always going to be these idiots who should have purchased iphones that don't know how to read the OP or follow instructions. They just get flash happy and f*ck up their phones then blame it on the dev's all because they don't know how to read. Sadly what those imbeciles don't realize is that they are slowly getting rid of the dev's who make the roms. Without them we'd be stuck with boring devices.
I'd personally like to see more bans. Ask a question that has been answered in the OP: BOOM, warning. Make that same stupid mistake again, BANNED! XDA needs to start weeding out the morons. This isn't a place for brain dead pot smoking teens who dnt no how 2 sp3ll. It's a place for learning, helping and modding.
Ahh it feels nice to rant.
Paging Dr B said:
XDA needs to start weeding out the morons.
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HAHA say goodbye to 75% of the members, some might say myself included
lets face it, its hard to judge members, because every single member is going to have different opinions about every other member.
mho: they need to enforce the rules more. they need to start disclipining. whether its a 2-post noob, or a 2000-post vet....if someone gets disrespectful....drop the hammer. AND DISPLAY DISCPLINE COUNTS ON USER PROFILE AND WHEREVER THEY POST. we have a "thank you meter", how about a "**** you" meter. bad reputation should be meaured as well, so people know who they are dealing with, and members are held accountable for the way they act.
theres too much politics, and THATS the problem. we have noobs being noobs, but we also have old-timers running around thinking they can say whatever to whoever. and to be honest...i get much more upset when someone gets egotistical rather than when someone doesnt search.
theres too much "internet muscle" on this forum, and frankly its embarassing. some dudes seem to think that just cause they know how to mod a services.jar means they have some sort of special talent, which entitles them to some sort of virtual ego. please dude, it aint that hard, a little modesty never hurt anybody.
NO ONE here should be immune to discipline. from noob to dev....same rules for everybody....that is XDAs biggest weakness.

