Lenovo repair scam - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Head over to Lenovo forums to look at discussions related to repairs. A LOT of screens are cracking on this phone and Lenovo seems to be having problems repairing them. There are two repair plans: Send away for repair or pay extra for an "advanced replacement" swap. Those who have sent their phone away for repairs are having trouble getting them back. Those doing the swap are getting defective phones.
The corner of my screen snapped after a 20 inch drop onto dirt. I opted to pay for the swap (plus $$$ repair) after reading so many horror stories about phones never being returned. I too got a defective phone shipped to me. In my case, the power button was disconnected so the phone is good for nothing except watching the charging animation. Now here's the really amazing part: That defective phone is my new phone since starting the repair process. I can't do anything until that defective phone goes through the repair queue. Moto/Lenovo refuses to ship another replacement. As I was calling to cancel repairs, the replacement was put into a shipping state so that the repair can't be cancelled.
I'm waiting to see what happens when this replacement arrives. I'm doing a credit card chargeback if there are any more games involved.

Wow, that forum is full of angry Moto customers.
I dropped my brand new 6 hour old Pure from waist high and the screen shattered, I have the Moto Care plan but reading through the Lenovo forums it looks like it may have been a waste of money. Up to 55 days to receive the replacement? Thats crazy.

Doods. Had my phone for 30 days exactly, was able to get squaretrad3 insurance on it for like 99 bucks or so.
At least if SquareTrade can't fix it they will try to replace it or just pay it off to you. Usually a PayPal transfer.

Uhmmm have dropped my MXP a couple of times from 8 feet up on a ladder with 0 cracks. Dual layer case does wonders...


i have to pay for touchscreen problem?

i have had an evo since the day it came out, and about a month and a half ago i dropped it on the ground. the screen shattered, and i didn't have insurance. at the time the sprint guy said it wasn't a big deal, because the cost for repair was about the same either way. i paid about $130 and it was fixed half an hour later.
lately, about a month and a half later, i noticed some weird issues with the touchscreen. it was jumping around as if i had my finger on it when i wasn't touching it. i formatted the sdcard, did a factory reset, wiped everything, and loaded a stock rooted rom on it. it was fine for a couple hours, then i noticed the issues again. random scrolling, opening apps when i wasnt touching the screen, etc. i noticed the Y and G keys are now not working. i downloaded a screen test app that records where you have touched the screen with a white line. while sliding my finger up and down all across the screen, there is a noticeable band running vertically across the general area of the Y and G keys that does not record any touch activity even if i slide my finger there.
i took the phone to a sprint store and showed them. they asked if i had insurance and i said no. they said "well you could get insurance and then have it repaired for $35." i asked "why should i have to pay to have something repaired that i didn't break? the replacement screen is obviously defective." the guy said "well you should have insurance." and i again said "why do i need insurance for something that went bad on its own?" and he said "you had the repair done over 30 days ago so you'll have to pay to have it repaired again."
i have no idea why i should have to pay for repairs for a phone, regardless if i have insurance or not, when i didn't do anything to damage the phone. im going to go to the actual repair store here in chicago, but i doubt theyll say anything different. if they can't repair it for free, im seriously considering switching to a different phone company. this ridiculous service/repair policy along with the horrible battery life (the guy actually asked how my battery life was and tried to sell me an extended battery, and also tried to sell me a case... neither of which i care about), ridiculous $10/month fee, and lack of built-in tethering makes me want to switch back to tmobile which was a great company when i had the G1.
does anyone have any tips they can give me to get this fixed for free? or is that a hopeless idea?
When you had the repair done, I'm sure there was a warranty period on the repair itself. Do you have any documentation showing what that timeframe is? It seems to me that if the screen repair warranty is up, you may be stuck paying for the new repair. Have you tried calling sprint with *2 and explaining the situation? I went through a similar situation with the screen developing a large white spot. It took many calls to *2 until somebody was willing to work with me. Try that. If you are not getting the answers you want, hang up and call right back. My persistence worked out eventually, but like I said, it was a time-consuming ordeal. Good luck.
i understand that there was a warranty associated with the last repair, but it still doesn't make any sense to me that a problem i am having with the screen has nothing to do with anything i did. the shattered screen is not the problem (the screen did not get shattered again, which was what the original repair was for). the touchscreen is simply not working properly. am i supposed to get insurance, pay for that each month, and then pay $35 now and again every 45 days if the problem continues? doesn't make much sense to me, but that seems to be how sprint operates. i will take your advice and call *2 after i get turned away at the actual repair facility that i'm on my way to now. thanks for your advice.
Go to another store and show them the problem but do not mention anything about the screen being replaced before, unless they noted your account. Hopefully they could replace it/fix it under warranty
Welcome to Sprint's "screw the customer" routine. Ive dealt with similar issues in the past.
Like others have said, the repair they did should have a warranty to it, just like if you go to get your car fixed, it usually has a 90 day warranty on the fix itself. Go back to where they fixed it, and talk to the manager. Explain your situation, that the repair obviously was faulty.
If that doesnt work, call *2, and ask to speak to account services. Explain your situation to them, how you are not at fault here, and shouldnt be treated this way as a valued customer. Tell them you will cancel your service if they dont help you resolve this issue. When you tell them that, they will bend over backwards to keep you, and hopefully send you a repacement phone.
I would say your best bet is calling *2 several times and trying to get a person who will help. Usually if you bounce around enough you may get lucky. Although, I have noticed that over the last 6 months they have really tightened down and become less willing to make exceptions. But these situations is what the insurance is for. If your phone was defective in the first 30 days, Sprint would repair it or replace it for free regardless of insurance, after that it's on the customer if you don't have insurance, regardless of the issue. If you had insurance right now you could get it replaced free with no deducible. I had a similar problem with my original EVO that I had since launch day last month. The touchscreen would just start clicking in the middle of the screen all on it's down. I have the insurance, so they replaced it with no questions asked. Your situation is sort of like a laptop, they only come with a certain warranty, and then if it breaks after that it's on you to fix it unless you have extra insurance or an extended warranty regardless of why it malfunctioned. I'm not a big fan of extra insurance either, but on a phone it is really worth it. Also, I am pretty sure ALL phone companies have the same sort of policy when it comes to fixing phones, so I doubt going to a different carrier would help you any. If your phone breaks without insurance through any provider after 30 days its coming out of your wallet. I would say, you might as well get the insurance and pay the $35 to get it fixed. That sounds like a good deal to me, because last night I broke the glass on my second evo, and with insurance the deductible to replace the phone is $100... so $35 sounds like a deal to me. If you don't want to do that, the only other option I see is going on eBay and buying a new screen/digitizer for $49 and putting it in yourself.
wmblalock said:
I would say your best bet is calling *2 several times and trying to get a person who will help. Usually if you bounce around enough you may get lucky. Although, I have noticed that over the last 6 months they have really tightened down and become less willing to make exceptions. But these situations is what the insurance is for. If your phone was defective in the first 30 days, Sprint would repair it or replace it for free regardless of insurance, after that it's on the customer if you don't have insurance, regardless of the issue. If you had insurance right now you could get it replaced free with no deducible. I had a similar problem with my original EVO that I had since launch day last month. The touchscreen would just start clicking in the middle of the screen all on it's down. I have the insurance, so they replaced it with no questions asked. Your situation is sort of like a laptop, they only come with a certain warranty, and then if it breaks after that it's on you to fix it unless you have extra insurance or an extended warranty regardless of why it malfunctioned. I'm not a big fan of extra insurance either, but on a phone it is really worth it. Also, I am pretty sure ALL phone companies have the same sort of policy when it comes to fixing phones, so I doubt going to a different carrier would help you any. If your phone breaks without insurance through any provider after 30 days its coming out of your wallet. I would say, you might as well get the insurance and pay the $35 to get it fixed. That sounds like a good deal to me, because last night I broke the glass on my second evo, and with insurance the deductible to replace the phone is $100... so $35 sounds like a deal to me. If you don't want to do that, the only other option I see is going on eBay and buying a new screen/digitizer for $49 and putting it in yourself.
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Under the new Sprint policy revealed here on XDA, isn't a non-TEP screen replacement, or anything else, $35 per job?
I went to a Sprint repair store (can't go to the original one because I moved across the country). They took the phone to the back room and came out five minutes later. The guy said "the tech said to get that touch screen test app off your phone because it isn't a good representation of what's wrong" ... I said "okay, well that section of the screen is clearly not accepting touch input" and he said to call a 1800 number to do a factory reset (?!) so I left and called that number and it was disconnected. haha.
I called *2, went through a bunch of menus, and it told me to call some 1800 number from a different phone. I got some guy who walked me through a factory reset which of course did not work. He said he would connect me to tech support, who I thought I was already talking to. Told her the problem and that the reset didn't work. She said it was a hardware problem and I said yes, and said I know it isn't her fault but that I didn't think it was fair for me to pay for a defective screen. She said she was making some notes in my account and was going to transfer me to an escalation manager. That person listened to my complaint again which I tried to word in a polite way. I didn't threaten to cancel my account but was ready to say something. I told her I would like to have a replacement phone since this one seems to have issues. She asked if it had been replaced before, I said no. She asked for my mailing address and email and put me on hold for about five to ten minutes. During that time, I got an email outlining my exchange order.
The exchange order notes that I could have to pay $75 to $125 for the replacement as well as some other fees, but she never mentioned anything about me paying at all so I'm prepared to call up and complain again if they try to charge me. I mean, I realize that's a policy but they never mentioned fees on the phone. I mean, i might as well have paid the $35 if I didn't mind fees.
Another thing to note is that when the guy at the store came out of the back room he had the battery cover off my phone and said the sensor showed it had gotten wet. I have never gotten it wet, and he said it was my fault if I kept it in my pocket. I will call and complain again if they charge me for returning a wet phone, because its not my fault if its such a poor design that minor sweat or pocket humidity can make it malfunction! I don't mean to nitpick but come on HTC...
one thing i HATE about calling any tech company getting shifted around to this person then to this person etc etc
wrb123 said:
i have had an evo since the day it came out, and about a month and a half ago i dropped it on the ground. the screen shattered, and i didn't have insurance. at the time the sprint guy said it wasn't a big deal, because the cost for repair was about the same either way. i paid about $130 and it was fixed half an hour later.
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Did you ask them what kind of warranty they provided with the repair?
No, I didn't (and still don't) think it mattered. If I break something, like I did, I expect to pay for it or have insurance cover it. Since I didn't have insurance, I was okay with paying. While I don't expect a repair to last forever, I think it is reasonable to expect the phone be repaired to like-new condition or with a new screen. Then, if I use the phone normally, with or without insurance, I expect the phone to function normally for at least the length of the contract.
Expectations and reality are two different things. Why don't you call the store and ask them how long they warranty their repairs and go from there.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't know what this guy is talking about! First with how much this phone cost why wouldn't you have insurance on it! It only equals 85 bucks for the year way less then the price of a new or used phone even with the 100 you have to pay to get a replacement your still making out good! I jumped in the pool with my phone and even though it still worked I got a replacement for a 100 no hassles! And my screen went hay wire on the replacement and when they couldn't repair it I got another one for free! I dropped my phone and damage the front facing camera took it to the Sprint store and got it fixed for free! So stop being cheap and get insurance
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I am already getting a replacement phone for free, without insurance, if you read the entire thread.
As far as "being cheap" and "just getting insurance" you are citing two incidents where you caused damage to your phone. I agree that you or I should be expected to have insurance to cover damage to our phones that we cause. I am talking about a screen defect (I didn't drop my phone a second time and crack the screen a second time - the screen stopped accepting touch input in a huge area). people should expect more from electronics manufacturers and the phone companies that essentially work with them by accepting and promoting new phones. Electronics used to last, even when they had moving parts. Now we have a generation of people who are fine with devices that frequently go bad and having insurance to cover it. It seems to me Sprint and HTC are the cheap ones, pumping out thousands of the next "iphone killer" with poor batteries, screens, usb ports, etc.
The "issue" you are having with Sprint is that they no longer cover in warranty repairs at no cost. The phone comes with a 1yr warranty thru HTC. If you would like free in warranty repairs call HTC. Good luck with that one by the way. Normally you are responsible for shipping the device to the manufacture and you would be obviously without your phone for the duration of the repair. The manufacture usually inspects the phone much more closely as well. When I worked at another carrier we used to receive photos of corrosion internally of equipment that they determined was not repairable. Even though the external indicators showed no such damage.
If you have TEP $7/month you would receive replacement equipment for in warranty repairs if it can not be repaired by an in store technician. TEP covers all manufacture warranty and non-warranty items in house. If it is board level damage, water damage, lost stolen, or broken beyond repair it will be replaced by asurion for the $100 deductible.
Any warrantied item without insurance will cost $35 for sprint provided repairs. Exception being software updates. If the phone is out of warranty all repairs, software updates, etc will cost $35.
The incident when my phone went on the fritz and was doing the same screen things yours was I got a replacement free of charge!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
My "issue" is also that sprint was providing in warranty repairs for one year when I bought this phone. Now they're trying to change that and then saying "oh just get insurance because its a good idea and would cover this." No. I'm getting a free replacement which is what I deserve. There is another thread that explains this change in policy.
bnick007 said:
The "issue" you are having with Sprint is that they no longer cover in warranty repairs at no cost. The phone comes with a 1yr warranty thru HTC. If you would like free in warranty repairs call HTC. Good luck with that one by the way. Normally you are responsible for shipping the device to the manufacture and you would be obviously without your phone for the duration of the repair. The manufacture usually inspects the phone much more closely as well. When I worked at another carrier we used to receive photos of corrosion internally of equipment that they determined was not repairable. Even though the external indicators showed no such damage.
If you have TEP $7/month you would receive replacement equipment for in warranty repairs if it can not be repaired by an in store technician. TEP covers all manufacture warranty and non-warranty items in house. If it is board level damage, water damage, lost stolen, or broken beyond repair it will be replaced by asurion for the $100 deductible.
Any warrantied item without insurance will cost $35 for sprint provided repairs. Exception being software updates. If the phone is out of warranty all repairs, software updates, etc will cost $35.
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That's a good explanation of what changed. It actually used to be like this way back in the day wth Nextel before the merger - you could get a warranty replacement for free, or you could pay $35 for the convenience of walking into the store and picking it up the same day. I'm not sure when it changed to free warranty repairs but you have to pay more for out of warranty repairs (first it was $35 or $55, depending on what's wrong, then later $99 for dumbphones and $119 for smartphones), but now it's essentially back to how it was to begin with.
Overall, It's probably a better value, and you're probably still better off without insurance. Think about it this way - suppose you keep a phone for 2 years, and it breaks once a year - once under warranty and once out of warranty. With the new plan, that's a total cost of $70 ($35 + $35). With the old plan, the first repair would be covered and the second wouldn't. so that'd be $119. Now obviously, that's a hypothetical, you probably don't need to get it repaired that often. but personally, I find that I generally don't need any repairs until I've owned it for a year or so anyway. So it's better for my purposes, although others might disagree.
Regarding TEP - in the long run you're not saving money unless your phone is lost or stolen, and even then you're out $100 for the deductible. Suppose you're phone is stolen once in the same hypothetical 2 yr period (since after 2 yrs you could get a discounted upgrade): You'll save $449.99 on a new phone at MSRP, but you will have paid $268 in premiums and the deductible. If your phone isn't stolen / water damaged / completely destroyed, you're out $168. I don't know about you, but in the last 11 yrs that I've owned cell phones, I've never had that happen - I've needed repairs, but have never been in a situation when I'd need to place an insurance claim. And the $35 you'll save on a repair with tep is only 5 months' premium - surely nobody needs a repair every 5 months!
The bottom line is that all insurance is a losing proposition in the long run - if it weren't likely that you'd pay more in premiums than you get in claims, insurance companies wouldn't make any money. Personally, i only insure those things that I absolutely can't afford to replace out of pocket - my car, house, health life, etc.
Anyhow, sorry to go on like that, but it's just a topic that's been bouncing around in my head recently.
(and a bit of fair disclosure, I'm a Sprint Nextel employee, but what I write here is purely my personal opinion)
Raheem387 said:
The incident when my phone went on the fritz and was doing the same screen things yours was I got a replacement free of charge!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Good deal
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Good luck, I have to wonder though if the fight, frustration and possible disappointment is really worth it.

Just Venting...

Back in September I took my phone both to Best Buy and Sprint a week after I got it asking them to take a look at my loose screen. Both places said it's just how it is and didn't even bother taking a look at it.
Flash forward to today I decided to take it in again because of the screen as well as constant GPS, battery, and screen orientation issues. Went to one Sprint store and they said nothing other than that I would have to pay $35. I said no so I went to another Sprint store. At first the second store said they couldnt even touch my phone because I didnt have any insurance. Then a minute later they took it to someone else in the back and they came to the decision that I had software issues and, get this, I had physical damage from opening the screen too hard resulting in it being loose. So after explaining that I was told by them back in September during my 30 days that the screen was supposed to be like that they of course said to go to Best Buy. I knew BB wouldnt do anything but I went anyways and was told I should have got the Black Tie Protection. Went back to the second Sprint store and asked to talk to a manager and the two guys working there said that the manager wasnt there (how convenient). Then I asked what time he would be there today and they replied he wasnt gonna be there today at all (yea ok). So I asked what time he would be there tomorrow or any time this week and one guy just blurted out 10am which seemed like a lie.
Now I know I didnt purchase any insurance from Sprint or BB so them not helping isnt really too surprising but for them to tell me I opened the screen too hard resulting in the screen being loose pissed me off. I'm gonna just try going through the Samsung warranty once I can get my hands on a cheap Sprint phone so I'm not left without anything. Hopefully they can send me a replacement.
Pretty sure all Sprint phones have a 1 year warranty. As far as I know, you get in store service but not the Asurion portion of TEP. Also for some instore stuff they charge $35.
This is what I remember from when I looked into it about a year ago and it seems to fit with your story. I would definitely go after the sprint stores for this one. Make sure you're going to places authorized as repair
http://sprintstorelocator.com/search.aspx Check "Repair centers near me" and search
In the end, they will most likely swap out the phone, and you might have to pay $35. It's worth it. Going through Samsung will likely be impossible and on the odd chance that they will honor a warranty you will have to send it in and wait for a turn around (no phone for 2 weeks).
Good luck!
I'd call support. phone support is generally much better than the idiots in the sprint stores. I never go to a sprint store it's easier and faster to call.
Sprint changed the policy about service on phones that are in warranty but not on a account with the service and repair insurance. They charge you 35 bucks, regardless if you're in warranty or not to fix hardware issues, excluding water damage or board level damage. The 35 includes new screens or a new phone if that's what it takes. If you pay the 4 dollars a month for the service option, you're not charged the 35 dollars.
About the only way you could fix a Epics loose screen would be to just take your board out and put it in another Epic that they have harvested for parts, or just order you a refurbed phone.
The loose screen has to be a design flaw. I had that same issue and got it replaced 2 times because of it. After those two replacements i gave up since every phone was loose like that. Then a few weeks ago my screen began to turn red so I got it replaced under warranty. The phone they gave me didn't have the loose screen. Maybe that issue only applies to the earlier Epics.
I understand paying the 35 bucks but the thing is they are now blaming me for the loose screen that I originally brought up to them. Ill most likey just pay it sometime after christmas they said it would take 3 days
edit: and yea i'm hoping that the newer phones no longer have the problem
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Something I tell my patients families: The squeaky gear gets the grease.
What that means is you need to be the squeaky gear. Best time to go to sprint is when they have a lot of prospective customers in the store and make a lot of noise about non-existent support, poor support, you get the idea, right?
The squeaky gear never has a problem getting what they want to be done....

[INFO] Smashed my screen!!!!

I smashed my screen a couple of week ago. Dropped a heavy lamp onto it and the sharp top end went into the edge of the screen and shattered a large proportion of it (I'm not blaming the screen cos that would have broken any screen). Luckily bought cover for it and returned it for repairs, due back this week.
But here's the interesting part of the story. I was searching ebay for accessories and came across the following:
So rung comet and they told me it is repaired and will be ready to pick up this week.
How do I know its mine? I took a picture of it before returning and the cracks across the screen are identical.
I can only assume comet are replacing it, even though they are claiming they repaired it.
In thier terms and conditions, if a product is replaced by a new one then the remainder of the warranty then becomes void (only covered for repairs). But they haven't said anything about it. Guess thats good for me, new transformer and keep warranty.
Honestly, this sounds very worrying and maybe this is a suing job. Surely a company isn't allowed to sell your property. What if you had sensitive data on it for example? If you can prove it's yours as you say you can, it looks like an open and shut case to me.
If I were you I'd ask for a proper explanation from them and show them exactly what you are showing us.
Warranty? Warrant doesn't cover dropping crap on it. Insurance would, but not warranty.
Lamp impact damage isn't a manufacturing defect. How the heck did you get the retailer to repair/replace it? Did you buy a replacement or service plan with it?
Thats a good point. I was just excited about getting my transformer back.
But very true that i could have had sensitive information on it but thankfully factory reset it before giving it back (just in case something like this happened i guess).
Will take a picture in when I go to pick "my" transformer up and see what they got to say for themselves
my correction, it was a service plan i bought (insurance) I bought with it, about £109 for a year that covers accidental damage. And so glad I did
Bonus, I have the serial number of my Asus. Now this will be an interesting conversation when I go pick up my Asus and try to match up the the serial no.
I'm assuming you are in the UK. Not sure how things work there, but most insurance policies here say they can replace the device and it still takes away the warranty period. As long as they wipe the device, they can do whatever they want with it. Same thing as a return. ymmv, but i wouldnt expect any sort of compensation from a company that is holding up their end of the bargain (taking a broken tablet from you and giving you a non-broken tablet.)
I'm more annoyed about the fact that if they were going to replace it why have they kept me away from my precious Asus for 3 weeks, they have (or someone) has had time to put it on ebay even.
Otherwise not to fussed with a replacement and I think your right that they prob have kept their end of the bargain. Will scrutinise the terms and conditions later.
You'll probably find what's happened is Comet have taken your tablet, the underwriter of the service plan has agreed to replace for a new device, the store then retains the device (insurance write-off) and a staff member asks to buy it for, lets say £50 for this argument which is then a 100% profit for the store due to it being writen-off. This is similar to how PC World worked when I was there during college/uni years and why you see clearance stock with bits missing/damage to them at reduced prices. Oh and staff get silly discounts off damaged products as they generally couldn't sell some stuff, we had people getting laptops for £50 or cheaper on the odd occassion.
However remember this could just be a coincidence lol
Hi, didn't asus already had an accident happen warranty for this device? (seen this on a retailer website, it is for the netbook but it was put in bold: Accidents Happen
You have extra protection when they happen to your ASUS notebook purchased in the US or Canada. ASUS will fix it or replace it for you at no charge during the first year after purchase in the event of damage from accidental spills, drops, electrical surges, or fire.
Warranty covering accidental drops, spills, power surges, and fire damage
Target 3 business day turnaround time for repair / replacement; not including receiving and shipping time
One-way shipping (from ASUS to the user) at no additional cost
24/7 toll-free phone support
One incident covered per notebook
So not sure about it but usually asus have a pretty good warranty...
**EDIT: OOps, just seen it is only for us and canada... so uk may be different...
i hope they havent actually sold off your tablet, thats a joke, tell them you want to be compensated for the trouble this has caused, you could have had sensitive data on the machine. And you know they are selling your one online. Maybe the person with the ebay account is a dodgy comet employee.
im gonna follow and see what happens, i wouldnt be happy waiting when there are about 4 different honeycomb tablets to pick from now, and they have kept you without your one. the xoom was meant to be the first, but i didnt get one, as this was out first, xoom got delayed and to be honest, why have you had to wait at all.
I am dissappointed that I had to wait so long just to get a replacement, and hurts a little (i know its sad) to see my original transformer on ebay cos it was mine and i loved it.
But to be honest they have kept within their contract, which says if they can't fix it they will replace it. And repairs/replacements will take approx 3 weeks.
Nonetheless i will mention it when i go pick up my transformer on thursday and make a point of why I had to wait when they new they were going replace it atleast a week ago.
And just checked and it has been sold for £180

[Q] Nexus 4 Cracked screen and touch digitzer?help

i droped my nexus 4 and the screen cracked and it wont respond to my touches either? LCD seems to be working fine what should i buy to fix it and cheap
alshumary313 said:
i droped my nexus 4 and the screen cracked and it wont respond to my touches either? LCD seems to be working fine what should i buy to fix it and cheap
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Send it back to LG for repairs $100-160 cost
I'd look for a local cell phone place that does repairs, yes the nexus 4 has the glass that wraps the edges but you can always show them this and if they say yes they can repair it then I'd let them repair it..they should warranty their work and you won't have to be without a phone ..id do it that way pending on the price compared to sending the phone in for warranty work.
Sent from my Nexus 4 16GB using Tapatalk 2
same thing happened to me... keep me posted how you get on.
I've been trying to find out if I'm covered on credit card/insurance for accidental damage but doesn't look like it.
(I'm in th UK btw).
alshumary313 said:
i droped my nexus 4 and the screen cracked and it wont respond to my touches either? LCD seems to be working fine what should i buy to fix it and cheap
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Same thing happened to me. sent phone for repair to LG, repair cost is $140.
Cracked screen here
ugene1980 said:
Send it back to LG for repairs $100-160 cost
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can you please tell me the number to repair it on that price? I called to the service in Canada and its arround $250
alapatiraghava said:
Same thing happened to me. sent phone for repair to LG, repair cost is $140.
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Hey what exactly was wrong with your screen. Mine works fine, but just has a cracked appearance. This means that they will only have to replace the glass aka digitizer but not the LCD underneath. There for my repair should be cheaper than most people. What did you have to get replaced? I'm curious if my repair cost would be less than yours. Thanks.
ugene1980 said:
Send it back to LG for repairs $100-160 cost
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Same thing happened to me today, very minor drop, and complete crack, touch screen is unresponsive... Local LG repair centre does not have it in stock, so I am waiting for an update from him.... It is seriously terrible quality of the phone, I had dropped so many phones hundreds of times, never, nothing happened.. This is really terrible....
nagnrik said:
Same thing happened to me today, very minor drop, and complete crack, touch screen is unresponsive... Local LG repair centre does not have it in stock, so I am waiting for an update from him.... It is seriously terrible quality of the phone, I had dropped so many phones hundreds of times, never, nothing happened.. This is really terrible....
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Buddy, you have dropped a GLASS made phone, what do you expect??? Sometimes-you drop it and it doesn`t break, next time- you drop it and it breaks!!! It`s GLASS. Probably they need to come up with a titanium edition, just for you!
BigDig said:
Buddy, you have dropped a GLASS made phone, what do you expect??? Sometimes-you drop it and it doesn`t break, next time- you drop it and it breaks!!! It`s GLASS. Probably they need to come up with a titanium edition, just for you!
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Yes, you are right... Nexus 4 is the best looking smartphone I have ever come across so far... And Truth is I am never used to cases or covers for phones, and If at all I have to cover with a protection case, it is waste of the killer beauty again..That is why I await Larry's promises to be true on xPhone/Next Nexus(For Google I/O'13), as he said “In today’s multi screen world, the opportunities are endless… battery life is a huge issue… when you drop your phone it shouldn’t go splat,”... My decision was utter wrong on Nexus 4, I'm a hardcore nexus fan... After I get it fixed, I buy a cover and give to my brother....
UK Repairs service
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to say I've cracked my phone as well (woe!), less cracked-rather than smashed in multiple places. Was just minding my own business playing a bit of Ruzzle whilst pondering the questions of life on the toilet...
Anyway, called up LG support (make sure to find their cheaper phone number from saynoto0870 website); and was told they'd send me an envelope with details on the repair.
If you go on the website to schedule a repair, it'll tell you they carry out fixed price repairs at £130. This should leave the phone under warranty.
When I received the envelope, it was a letter from a company called Regenersis; who appear to be the repairs company responsible for a lot of outsourced repairs internationally. They also appear to be the source of some internet ranting due to bad customer service (seems to be a general trend with these third party repairs companies).
Anyway, sent phone off yesterday so will try to report anything back with regards to prices, results etc.
BTW this is for UK only, although I suspect LG will do something similarly for most other countries with regards to repairs.
I think they should have made the back out of flexiglass.
Sent from my Nexus 4 @1.5 GHz on Stock 4.2.1
Enolator said:
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to say I've cracked my phone as well (woe!), less cracked-rather than smashed in multiple places. Was just minding my own business playing a bit of Ruzzle whilst pondering the questions of life on the toilet...
Anyway, called up LG support (make sure to find their cheaper phone number from saynoto0870 website); and was told they'd send me an envelope with details on the repair.
If you go on the website to schedule a repair, it'll tell you they carry out fixed price repairs at £130. This should leave the phone under warranty.
When I received the envelope, it was a letter from a company called Regenersis; who appear to be the repairs company responsible for a lot of outsourced repairs internationally. They also appear to be the source of some internet ranting due to bad customer service (seems to be a general trend with these third party repairs companies).
Anyway, sent phone off yesterday so will try to report anything back with regards to prices, results etc.
BTW this is for UK only, although I suspect LG will do something similarly for most other countries with regards to repairs.
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So just called up Regenersis on Friday morning and they gave me a quote of 122GBP for full repair, service and postage back to me. 8 pounds cheaper than the fixed price on the LG page. So paid via direct debit over the phone and have been told it should be sent off in a few days as both the phone and parts are ready to be put together. I would expect to receive it sometime mid-next week. Will post back on repair results. (If the quality is good, it would have been about the same price as buying my own screen from Ebay. It would probably take aprox. the same amount of time due to long postage times; though the main advantage being that I keep my warrantee).
Enolator said:
So just called up Regenersis on Friday morning and they gave me a quote of 122GBP for full repair, service and postage back to me. 8 pounds cheaper than the fixed price on the LG page. So paid via direct debit over the phone and have been told it should be sent off in a few days as both the phone and parts are ready to be put together. I would expect to receive it sometime mid-next week. Will post back on repair results. (If the quality is good, it would have been about the same price as buying my own screen from Ebay. It would probably take aprox. the same amount of time due to long postage times; though the main advantage being that I keep my warrantee).
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Hey guys,
Final update on the phone repair situation. I received my phone this morning from Regenersis after a total time since send off of aprox. 2 weeks since registration on the LG repairs website. (What more of a present could I ask for on my Bday!).
Anyway, in summary; the repair itself after paying took only 1-2 days.
To my surprise the experience overall with these guys were reasonably pleasant despite the bad reviews on the net. Although I suspect that's the standard scenario where someone will only complain when something goes wrong.
Either way, the repair cost less than the quoted guaranteed LG repair price on their website of 130GBP.
Tips for anyone planning on sending their broken Nexus 4 to these guys:
Register through LG repairs service first. Book your slot online, then give the LG guys a call next day to confirm it's gone through so that they can get Regenersis to send through a repair letter with details.
Once the phone is sent off to Regenersis (I'd suggest Royal Mail tracked as this'll allow you to know exactly when it's arrived in Glasgow); give them a call within about 2/3 days to ask about an online quote or otherwise when it'll be examined by their engineers. (I had to wait until next before calling back to ask about the price and paying through the phone via direct debit).
After that I'd suggest giving them about 3/4 working days to repair if they have all the parts ready etc, before calling back to check on progress.
With any luck you'll get your phone back within about 2 weeks.
I've attached a picture of the repaired phone; it seems good as new and there are no scratch marks or signs that the phone has been tampered in any way. (Sorry for the bad photo!).
Edit: Had a play with the phone, a horizontal line across the upper quarter of the screen doesn't actually respond to touch; only has display. Sooo....called up LG again this morning to have them tell me they'll send me another package to send back again to Regenersis... Only one piece of advice, don't for frack's sake break your Nexus 4. Seriously!
Turns out after the repair, the phone was placed back under warrantee status allowing me to raise the issue up with Google themselves. So after a quick call to the US phone line (cheaper with the say no to 0870 redirect phone line), they agreed to send me a replacement. I received it within 3 days from the call and haven't needed to be absent of a phone for over a week if sent to repair again. Now to simply send the broken faulty phone back to google via their supplied prepaid packaging.
Happy repairs guys,
Signing out.
nagnrik said:
Same thing happened to me today, very minor drop, and complete crack, touch screen is unresponsive... Local LG repair centre does not have it in stock, so I am waiting for an update from him.... It is seriously terrible quality of the phone, I had dropped so many phones hundreds of times, never, nothing happened.. This is really terrible....
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Newsflash! LG is not in the glass production business. They receive their Gorilla Glass from Corning, just like most of the other manufacturers out there. If the glass broke from you dropping it, it has ZERO to do with LG's build quality.
Enolator said:
Hey guys,
Final update on the phone repair situation. I received my phone this morning from Regenersis after a total time since send off of aprox. 2 weeks since registration on the LG repairs website. (What more of a present could I ask for on my Bday!).
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Was your phone repaired or replaced? Was the internal memory wiped?
I have a cracked unresponsive screen and will be making an insurance claim (so slightly different process). Unfortunately I hadn't enabled USB debugging so I'm struggling to get the files off the device before I send it off.
I'll be insisting on a repair rather than a replacement and I don't want my device being factory reset.
Carpetboy said:
Was your phone repaired or replaced? Was the internal memory wiped?
I have a cracked unresponsive screen and will be making an insurance claim (so slightly different process). Unfortunately I hadn't enabled USB debugging so I'm struggling to get the files off the device before I send it off.
I'll be insisting on a repair rather than a replacement and I don't want my device being factory reset.
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Hey Carpetboy,
Mine was simply repaired, but all my files had been backed up to dropbox and gmail so wasn't too bad. My gf had a few things fixed through insurance and they've just replaced it each time because they're not necessarily specialised to deal with repairs; especially if it's a very new phone it seems. Though if it's just a screen repair it might not be too bad.
Good luck dude! :good:
Enolator said:
Hey Carpetboy,
Mine was simply repaired, but all my files had been backed up to dropbox and gmail so wasn't too bad. My gf had a few things fixed through insurance and they've just replaced it each time because they're not necessarily specialised to deal with repairs; especially if it's a very new phone it seems. Though if it's just a screen repair it might not be too bad.
Good luck dude! :good:
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Cheers for the info. I managed to get all the critical files off it last night through the toolkit so I'm not as worried if they just replace it now.
LG Repaired Cracked Screen for $153
Hello everyone,
I recently had my phone repaired by LG. They replace the screen for $153. The repair facility is located in Ft Worth Tx, and the payment center is located in Alabama. It cost me $20 to send it 2nd day air via UPS. Also, I bought another nexus 4, and now am returning it back to google less then 15% restocking fee. Basically, i rented a nexus 4 16gb for $50 over a 2 week period.
diegoamesap said:
can you please tell me the number to repair it on that price? I called to the service in Canada and its arround $250
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I went to my provider here in Canada as well and it was because my phone over heated and the front glass cracked and my provider told me it would cost about $250 and as I read these comments it makes me question why is it $250 in Canada but only $140-$160 in other countries? its not fair ( well in my opinion it should be the same price just in CAD ) I too need this number! it just makes no sense ! I live in AB so tax shouldnt be the problem neither.

Glass shattered from overheating, questions?

So basically I have a phone that is not even 6 months old, has always been in a case, and never been dropped. The glass has cracked on the back, pretty severely, but on the front, only one small place. Samsung said to send it in, but there were no guarantees that any servicing would be done for free. I did not purchase the $120 warranty direct from them. I went ahead and ordered a replacement from asurion for $199. I will probably add the 120 samsung service even though it has a 30 day waiting period, or sell the phone. It is a really great phone, and works very well with my gear s2 classic.
I just wish these phones did not have to be made out of these crazy materials that are so fragile. I did not leave my phone plugged in overnight under a pillow or anything either. Any ideas on what to do? I am hoping that samsung will reimburse my deductible cost because I cannot wait for the turnaround time. I was tempted to get a new moto g5 temporarily and just send in the cracked s7 edge just to see what samsung says. But all the repair places wanted $400, and samsung has been known to charge about half that to repair the glass if the digitizer is not damaged.
What would you guys do if you were me? I will probably just keep the phone. Although I could not believe the awesome special the lg g6 has running where you get a 43" tv and a google home speaker! that is awesome!
jfriend33 said:
So basically I have a phone that is not even 6 months old, has always been in a case, and never been dropped. The glass has cracked on the back, pretty severely, but on the front, only one small place. Samsung said to send it in, but there were no guarantees that any servicing would be done for free. I did not purchase the $120 warranty direct from them. I went ahead and ordered a replacement from asurion for $199. I will probably add the 120 samsung service even though it has a 30 day waiting period, or sell the phone. It is a really great phone, and works very well with my gear s2 classic.
I just wish these phones did not have to be made out of these crazy materials that are so fragile. I did not leave my phone plugged in overnight under a pillow or anything either. Any ideas on what to do? I am hoping that samsung will reimburse my deductible cost because I cannot wait for the turnaround time. I was tempted to get a new moto g5 temporarily and just send in the cracked s7 edge just to see what samsung says. But all the repair places wanted $400, and samsung has been known to charge about half that to repair the glass if the digitizer is not damaged.
What would you guys do if you were me? I will probably just keep the phone. Although I could not believe the awesome special the lg g6 has running where you get a 43" tv and a google home speaker! that is awesome!
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I would personally just send it to samsung for repair. cost me $269.07 back in august for a new screen and they even put a new back on it.
As for the G6 it all depends on if you trust LG/ are lucky enough to get a unit that doesn't start boot looping like LG is famous for.
zimgir124 said:
I would personally just send it to samsung for repair. cost me $269.07 back in august for a new screen and they even put a new back on it.
As for the G6 it all depends on if you trust LG/ are lucky enough to get a unit that doesn't start boot looping like LG is famous for.
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Thank you. I went ahead and got a new coral blue s7 edge from asurion. Verizon reimbursed me for part of the deductible since I didn't drop the phone. Samsung refused to help. May pay 120 for Samsung wty has 30 day waiting period but has 1 yr glass pro no deductible and extends mfr wty 1yr
Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk
LG G6 overheating
jfriend33 said:
So basically I have a phone that is not even 6 months old, has always been in a case, and never been dropped. The glass has cracked on the back, pretty severely, but on the front, only one small place. Samsung said to send it in, but there were no guarantees that any servicing would be done for free. I did not purchase the $120 warranty direct from them. I went ahead and ordered a replacement from asurion for $199. I will probably add the 120 samsung service even though it has a 30 day waiting period, or sell the phone. It is a really great phone, and works very well with my gear s2 classic.
I just wish these phones did not have to be made out of these crazy materials that are so fragile. I did not leave my phone plugged in overnight under a pillow or anything either. Any ideas on what to do? I am hoping that samsung will reimburse my deductible cost because I cannot wait for the turnaround time. I was tempted to get a new moto g5 temporarily and just send in the cracked s7 edge just to see what samsung says. But all the repair places wanted $400, and samsung has been known to charge about half that to repair the glass if the digitizer is not damaged.
What would you guys do if you were me? I will probably just keep the phone. Although I could not believe the awesome special the lg g6 has running where you get a 43" tv and a google home speaker! that is awesome!
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Lg Forum
I am a volunteer driver. I was driving the bus from Hope BC to Chilliwack BC on Hwy #1 (freeway) with 10 passengers. While driving at 110 km i had my phone in my shirt pocket. Suddenly i felt a lot of heat coming from my phone. I reached into my pocket and found the heat from my phone to be so excessive i had to remove the phone and toss it into a cubby hole in the dash on the bus. I was concern do to the amount of heat that the heat the phone would burst into flames. I took the phone to Superstore to take it to where i bought it. Once there the service person put the phone on a charger to see if we could start the phone. He noted that the phone was extreamly over heated and said he would send it in for repair. The phone was in a protective casing and upon removing the case he found that covering for the camera was broken . Now i had to remove the phone from my procession for the saftey of my riders and for my own saftey. Now had this phone flared into flames i could have have a very serious crash with several injuries. Now i received a call from my sales reprocenitive stating that my warrantee was cancelled due to the camera cover which might cost .10 cents. I am paying over $900.00 for this phone and have paid for extended warrantee which LG is now saying they will not cover as well. The lying i have heard from LG service reps is unreal. These phones do over heat and the camera lens after looking at it closely shattered because of the over heating. I have never seen such garbage service from any company as i have with LG

