[Water Damage/Troubleshooting] Details inside, - Galaxy S6 Edge+ Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Long time lurker, been behind the "scene" since 2011.
Well about 2 weeks ago I had my s6 e+ behind the shifter (automatic) in my maxima, put it into gear and the phone went right through a chick-fil-a lemonade cup :/ (styrofoam)
Didn't realize until I got home later that night what had happened, just kept on playing music no problem.
Long story short (heh short), it started acting stupid and phantom pressing multi-task over and over. Disabled multitask; still unaware of the water damage. Wouldn't charge, so I cleaned the charger out... nothing.
Then I realized there was a puddle of sticky liquid in the case. Took it out wiped everything down (99% Isopropyl) charged fine. 2 days later it stops charging completely nothing helped, decided to check in on my "protection plan" ofcourse accidental liquid damage isn't covered (So glad I pay monthly for this protection!)
Let it swim in alcohol for 20 minutes, dried out for a day. Worked great, no problems back to normal. Took a nap watching youtube, woke up to a fuzzy black screen quickly shut device off and ever since I've had noo image displayed. I have it taken apart right now, I tried another bath I tried letting it sit in silica pearls for a few days. Its very dry inside.
Phone comes on, long blue led on power, flashing blue led (missed notifications) all buttons work. Screen still registers touch but only directly in the middle.
- Dead LCD?
- Dead GPU?
- Dead phone?
Tl;DR ^
Any help/thoughts greatly appreciated

The S6 Edge + got a SAMOLED display. The LEDs inside of it are made out of an organic semiconducting material. I'm not absolutely sure, but I don't think they liked this highly concentrated alcohol that much...
The GPU is a module inside the Exynos SoC. If the GPU would be dead, the whole phone would be.

WerWolv said:
The S6 Edge + got a SAMOLED display. The LEDs inside of it are made out of an organic semiconducting material. I'm not absolutely sure, but I don't think they liked this highly concentrated alcohol that much...
The GPU is a module inside the Exynos SoC. If the GPU would be dead, the whole phone would be.
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Ah, wasn't sure if it was built-in to the chip itself or running like older motherboards where the nb/sb has the gpu.
Wonder if it's worth spending $170 and chancing if it works or not. Knowing that the GPU is in the chip makes me believe that it is the display, the only reason I mentioned a gpu was because i've seeen similar things happen with liquid and a gpu
Thanks for your help, friend


These Wizards are tough devices!

So, a while back, my 8125 went overboard into the icy waters of lake Michigan while we were launching my sailboat "Adventurous". Crap! My life was stored on that device! So, one day later, I suited up for a cold water dive plan, donned scuba gear and recovered it. Water temp at the bottom was 35 degrees with 6" visability. My goal was to recover the SIM and miniSD where I had a full backup, then restore into a new 8125. This I did with no problems and have been running this way since mid May.
Yesterday, I checked my original 8125 and the water had finally evaporated out of the screen, so on a whim I installed its battery and put it on the charger. Imagine my surprise when the charging light came on! Imagine my further surprise when 2 hours later that light changed from red to green!
Imagine my utter amazement when I pressed the power button and it came right up! It's been running perfectly for 2 days now.
damn.... 24 hours submerged at 33 feet in muddy 35 degree water... :shock:
Nice work HTC... It's now my mule for new rom testing. AKU 2.3 here I come!
*amazed :shock:
will give it a try over the weekend... :lol:
Awesome!! Now if only HTC could make the paintwork so tough!! :lol:
next time you take a screamer off the rock, try not to land on your wizard.....
most electronics are like that these days, all u need to do is qucikly pull out the battery, take it apart, adn low dry all the parts, then it should work fine, unless, the barrary fried it.
i droped my V600 in the water like 2 times, and it still works fine.
That's precisely whats amazing about this incident: My 8125 sat underwater at two atmospheres, powered up for 24 hours! :shock: I couldn't get to it right away to remove the battery due to the dive difficulty.
I wonder what the signal strength was like at 33 feet down...?
wow! its just a thought ........ but why not email HTC with your story you get something in return (i.e. if they use your story)
wow, lucky you!
Sleuth255 said:
next time you take a screamer off the rock, try not to land on your wizard.....
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Sleuth - next time you fly over to this rock - don't drop your wiz in the POND - it's too deep to dive my friend :wink:
Great story, I've done similar things before and they have survived. Girlfriends Nokia went down the bog (clean one ) and it worked fine after a few days, buttons worked one by one hour by hour still working to this day.
I don’t mean to piss on your party here guys, but there is a high chance it will fail at some point soon.
You see circuit board is made from lots and lots of thin layers (waffers). What happens is that when these layers absorb water when things like that happen. That water will stay there and will slowly corrode the circuitry over time.
To stand a better chance of it surviving long term, as well as taking the battery out (good advice) to avoid short circuiting and fry sensitive components, you need to keep it in a very dry and quite warm (like on top of a radiator, with a towel between if it’s too hot) and leave it there for a few days (even a week or longer).
I was told this by a senior Nokia engineer after my old phone died. I was pushed into a swimming pool on holiday. I was amazed when the phone in my pocket was still working after being completly soaked. It worked for a week before starting to fail (backlight etc) and by 2 – 3 weeks it was completely dead.
You might be lucky, depends on how tight the outer casing is. My advice to you would be to stop using it and get it somewhere very warm for as long as you can. Keep us posted.
OMG i think i have this great idea
to prevent w00t dis guy up here sed
just put your wizard on the microwave... press like... PIZZA REHEAt.
instead of waiting it to warm on top of a radiator , u know.
zeuzinn said:
OMG i think i have this great idea
to prevent w00t dis guy up here sed
just put your wizard on the microwave... press like... PIZZA REHEAt.
instead of waiting it to warm on top of a radiator , u know.
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Yep and all the metal in it would go off like fireworks!!! BANG! :lol:
I had a Siemmens (sp?) phone that fell into the pool, the phone stayed at the bottom for several minutes while I cussed at it.
After retrieving it, I took the battery out and stuck the phone in a toaster oven. I set the oven one its lowest heat setting and left it in there for three 20 minute sets (the oven timer only went up to 20 minutes
60 minutes later, I put the battery back in and powered the phone back up. It worked, and continued to work to this day, approx 1 year later. I just semi-retired it in favor of my new 8125
I thought for sure that the chlorine in the pool would have corroded the crap out of the circuitry.
That's pretty much precisely what I did. I put it on top of the refrigerator (nice and warm up there due to proximity to evap coils) for 5 weeks before I tried powering it up again.
Just threw mine in with the dishes. Came out lovely and clean and still works perfectly.
Only problem being people receiving texts from me say they are wet. Sure they will dry over time though.
Best bet is to take the phone to a repair shop that will strip the phone down and acid bath the components as water damage can slowly corrode away at chips and alike. I done this with my old A1000. worked a treat after this
Great Story!

wet g1?

okay, I put my phone in my coat pocket when it (the coat)was slightly damp for at least 2 hours and later, I found that my phone kept showing the option to power off and my keys werent responding...the keys didnt seem to be stuck...I then wiped then reflashed, which in itself took a good while since my keys werent responding fast enough...but even the reflash didnt work...so did I ruin my phone because of the damp coat? And if so, anybody know how I can fix it? I'm thinking about blow drying my phone...good idea or not?
Don't try to turn the phone on anymore. Remove the battery, battery cover, memory card and SIM card. Place your phone in a bowl of rice to absorb moisture. Sometimes there's just a bit of water left in the system. Let it dry off, phones come back to life most of the time.
SolemnWishing said:
Don't try to turn the phone on anymore. Remove the battery, battery cover, memory card and SIM card. Place your phone in a bowl of rice to absorb moisture. Sometimes there's just a bit of water left in the system. Let it dry off, phones come back to life most of the time.
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Im going to try this, but just in case anybody else has any ideas, here's a few more details on my phone...it'll turn on, touch screen works, but it's when i use the hard keyboard and press the keys that the option to turn off shows up on the screen...and the phone's green and end keys are flashing on and off like the phone is turning itself on and off, on and off...never seen anything like this on the forums...weird...
naars90 said:
Im going to try this, but just in case anybody else has any ideas, here's a few more details on my phone...it'll turn on, touch screen works, but it's when i use the hard keyboard and press the keys that the option to turn off shows up on the screen...and the phone's green and end keys are flashing on and off like the phone is turning itself on and off, on and off...never seen anything like this on the forums...weird...
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oh and thanks for the quick response...
No problem. The lights on the buttons going on and off is the water interfering with the circuitry. I highly recommend you leave your phone off, or you run the risk of shorting it out.
If water is making it run wrong, it **IS** shorting out.
my G1 was completely submerged in a lake for 5 minutes while powered on. as soon as it came out of the water i powered off, and blew it dry with an air compressor. left battery out for 24 hours and, worked 95% ever since. only had some random touch screen sensitivity loss.
if you are ok with taking the phone apart and the rice solution doesn't fix it then send me a PM and i'll let you know how to make absolutely sure nothing MORE goes wrong. right now though you probably messed up the phone cause you turned it on and off repeatedly
ok...did the rice solution...didnt work, so does anybody know any good, reliable cellphone repair shops in chicago that does the g1? Googled , found a place called CPR(cellphone repair) but the yelp reviews werent really convincing...so I thought I'd ask the people on here... you guys seem very reliable and I thought I'd rather ask you guys' opinions than go to a repair shop with poor to average reviews...pretty please?
oh, tubaking...ty for the reply...but I looked up the service manual and taking apart the g1 seems to take a lot more skill and experience working with electronics than I have, so that solution's out....thanks a lot anyways....peace, bro
there is no fix for permanant water damage, any shop is just gonna do the same thing i said unless they have access to the main board and all proper pieces to the phone. usually at times like this i go on ebay and buy a real cheap G1 with a broken screen or some other defect that the seller wants to get rid of the phone quickly and cheaply
I left my phone in the rain for a couple of hours and had the same issue. I know this is not the best solution (due to heat) but it fixed mine completely. I removed sdcard, battery, and bback. Then placed it on an egg carton and put in my toaster oven at 150 degrees for an hour or so. Didn't touch it for another day then powered it on. Power button glitched the first time I pressed it but has worked great ever since (been about 3 months)
dumfuq said:
I left my phone in the rain for a couple of hours and had the same issue. I know this is not the best solution (due to heat) but it fixed mine completely. I removed sdcard, battery, and bback. Then placed it on an egg carton and put in my toaster oven at 150 degrees for an hour or so. Didn't touch it for another day then powered it on. Power button glitched the first time I pressed it but has worked great ever since (been about 3 months)
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That is awesome.
G1 at bottom of lake revived!
I think we should have a sticky to this Thread! Or maybe a a wet willie.
This weekend I dropped my G1 to the bottom of Lake Conroe and was able to fish it out within 5 minutes. Fortunately I was docked in about 6 feet of water. I totally took everything apart and when I got home placed the phone and parts in the direct sun wrapped in a white cloth. I suppose this is equivalent to the egg carton and toaster oven method.
That night, I put the pieces in a box of rice and put it back together in the morning and voila it worked!! For a few hours I had issues with the backlight coming in and out but after about 8 hours of use it works perfectly. I didn't even have to wipe or flash anything - everything like new.
well, if people stopped playing with there phones and fingering it, it wouldn't get so wet, maybe you should try a personal lube if you can't keep your hands off
gridlock32404 said:
well, if people stopped playing with there phones and fingering it, it wouldn't get so wet, maybe you should try a personal lube if you can't keep your hands off
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Damn it you beat me to it. I saw the title and said damn this is to easy, wet g1. haahaha.
I dropped my phone in boiled hot dog water and here's what worked for me. I took my phone completely apart and wrapped it up in tin foil. I then put it in the microwave on med-hi for 1:32. Once that is done you take it out and put the phone (disassembled of course) in a bag of bbq potatoe chips (yes it has to be bbq or it won't work) over night. In the mean time you need to feed your dog a snickers bar (this is a must). The next day you need to take magic fairy dust (found a good deal on ebay) and sprinkle it over your g1. Then put your phone back together and slap your momma. Push the power button and bam a perfectly working g1 again. I can write a detailed "how to for dummies" on this if it will get stickied.
supreme, you forgot they need to eat the bbq chips while powering the phone on.
crpercodani said:
supreme, you forgot they need to eat the bbq chips while powering the phone on.
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Oh yea, I also forgot to mention with a tall glass of chocolate milk.
I'd bump your guide, if I would have had this then I wouldn't have spank the neighbor's wife's ass instead of my momma's, no wonder I still have a wet g1. Wait. What are we talking about, something about crickets and penut butter, I'm confuddle. Oh well back to spanking his wife's ass, mmmm cottage cheese thighs

black screen

So water got on my mtxp ..probably got under the screen..hour after the colors would fade when screen unlock and lines shown..now phone responds to power off and on..sound works but screen stays black. ..think I need a new screen or software related?..anybody have the same issue?
Doubt it is software related if it happened out of the blue like that unless you were flashing or modding something. Minor water damage can be kind of a slow moving thing. You might not see all the problems you're going to have just yet.
My wife left a phone laying face down in a thin film of water once; not submerged, it was actually just from a really heavy dew. Probably for about 30 minutes or less. When I found it I turned it off immediately and threw it in a bag of rice. The next day it powered up ok, but had some discoloration in part of the screen. Over the course of the next few weeks the "stain" spread around most of the screen. The "stain" actually got to where it was almost so uniform you couldn't see it anymore. It was an old phone anyway so she replaced it. We gave it to one of the kids to play with. Within the next few weeks it started having random reboots, and by about two months after the water exposure the battery wouldn't hold more than about 5 minutes charge. I'm pretty sure it was all related to the initial water damage, because it had zero issues to start with.
Not trying to discourage you, but just use caution with how much you want to invest fixing an unknown. It would suck to replace the screen, then have the motherboard or the battery turn goofy. The MXP sells pretty cheap lightly used and even new these days, or maybe you deserve an upgrade for the Holidays.
jason2678 said:
Doubt it is software related if it happened out of the blue like that unless you were flashing or modding something. Minor water damage can be kind of a slow moving thing. You might not see all the problems you're going to have just yet.
My wife left a phone laying face down in a thin film of water once; not submerged, it was actually just from a really heavy dew. Probably for about 30 minutes or less. When I found it I turned it off immediately and threw it in a bag of rice. The next day it powered up ok, but had some discoloration in part of the screen. Over the course of the next few weeks the "stain" spread around most of the screen. The "stain" actually got to where it was almost so uniform you couldn't see it anymore. It was an old phone anyway so she replaced it. We gave it to one of the kids to play with. Within the next few weeks it started having random reboots, and by about two months after the water exposure the battery wouldn't hold more than about 5 minutes charge. I'm pretty sure it was all related to the initial water damage, because it had zero issues to start with.
Not trying to discourage you, but just use caution with how much you want to invest fixing an unknown. It would suck to replace the screen, then have the motherboard or the battery turn goofy. The MXP sells pretty cheap lightly used and even new these days, or maybe you deserve an upgrade for the Holidays.
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Well already ordered a screen ..just tryna get some more life out of it..btw the screen acted the same way your wife mtxp reacted

Damage from exercising with device in pocket.

LG G5 *Note Verizon acknowledged this was indeed an issue!
I wanted to mention something quickly to perhaps save others heartbreak.
I run and use the eleptical for extended periods of time. Mind you, My pockets are not wet but perhaps damp After an hour or more. I took my phone out and made sure I was not drowning. To my surprise the phone was dry except a small amount of moisture near the rear finger sensor.
It seemed nothing of concern. After exercising was completed, the fingerprint sensor was non responsive and intermittent. I got home, looked at the device, it was acting erratic. Screen was turning on and off as if someone was pressing the sensor 50 times a second, battery got very hot (not note 7 hot).
I could no longer power down phone, pulled battery. When battery was inserted phone booted but back button was no use, can't power down, turn off screen.
I read somewhere, don't quote me. Exercise creates a barrier of 2 inches of 80% moisture barrier when doing hard cardio.
Too lazy to find article, not good at story time.
Fix: 5.00 waterproof pouch with lanyard.
The best!
Thank you so much for taking your time writing this! I'll thank that to my attention as someone who lives in an extremely humid area in terms of, my sweat never dries unless i wipe it on a different object, and since the sweat wouldn't evaporate, it will build up and can reach situations where it's dropping off my forehead when i stare down the ground, so my clothes could get extremely wet when I sweat, never thought about it harming the phone, preheps since I don't really exercise.
But sure as hell gonna keep that in mind when it comes to heavy duty!
Fukken Israel
I just had something similar happen with my LG G5.
I got hot & sweaty picking berries, with phone tucked in my bra. The phone seemed fine at the time, but within an hour of finishing, the phone stopped working. The water damage indicator is fine, as if no water damage. But unable to use the screen or back power button.
Is the phone just trash now?
It's been 3 hours of letting it sit with the battery removed, and still no improvement.
Thank you for your help.

{Possible Fix} Overheat, bootloop issues? this may fix it forever!...

i bought a G4 H812 canadian off Kijiji (our local buy and sell like craigs list kinda thing) $50 no battery stuck in HS-USB 9008.
invested another $22 in a battery from a friend. now total invested into a possible bricked device... $72.. not to bad, a risk yes... but i had luck and confidence!
excellent screen scratch wise but had delamination all around the screen (see pic 1)
so with a half charged new battery, a possible bricked g4, and some previous knowledge and repair skills, i went to work.
tried QPST... nadda. tried LGUP... nadda. tried lg flashtool... guess what.. yup.. nothing... felt like friends repair shop was last left option...
but im a scrooge, and determined
so i took to youtube and google, found out it may have been one of a possible recall phones that had the thermal bootloop issue or emmc failure..
grabbed my custom heatgun and blasted it at 275 for 3min.. 3" away in circle patterns, just like most unbrick guides.. and left it cool for 30min.
put it back together and powered on to find it boot just fine not needing no relfash, had a pattern lock, contacted original owner the seller, got lock off,
wiped personals and internal storage, and found it was on 6.0.1... DAMN... no root possible.
go to downgrade and it doesnt, error's out before can even do anything, i forget, com41 change required...
so go to reboot and it stops booting again, but really warm... overheat issue again...
repeat the process many times trying to get to usable home screen as it would just keep freezing.. so i really examined all the phones parts and noticed... pic2 this really crappy black thermal tape, right where the main emmc and cpu is... kinda silly for such a heat hog i thinks.. so looking at the rf shield on phone where cpu is they also have this really ****ty goldish shield tape that on the reverse side is plasticy feeling.. not good for thermals i think.. so i tore it off, and removed that black thermal tape, cleaned top of cpu, heatgunned again this time at 300 for 2 1/2min. 2.5" away circulars, twice, 30 min cooldowns between.
took a light blue 1mm thick heatpad i found from a ddr3 ram stick heatshield, cut it to shape of cpu, and placed on top, also placed a piece on the slightly smaller black chip to the upper left of cpu, and also on the what i believe to be the power control ic on the opposite side of board, so that all possible sources of higher heat had thermal pads and better conductivity.
placed phone all back together, screwed all screws finger tight, placed sim card and sd and battery, back cover.. and hoped to god.. press power..
boots up nice and quick, hot at first after a factory wipe in recovery, like kinda scary hot at first then slowly cools...
its been running for almost 2 days now.. no slowdowns, no sluggish, does get warm when charging as expected.
but so far, ive been able to use sixaxis controller app, my ps3 controller, moonlight for root, and stream wildlands from my pc for almost 2 hrs,
charge up a bit, play Bully and run 3dmark for a while, and while it does get warm, its not near as bad as it used to be, i think something went right this time
its almost upon its 3rd full day of use without bootloop or overheat, mind u i am also using v4 CTT cpu mod
have xposed installed and root on 5.1 and am happy its still running so far.
so yeah, if this continues to run ill keep updating post when and if something happens to the device..
if it keeps running every two days ill update, and then this may just be a way to self fix the overheat bootloop cpu issues most of us have face i bet!
if you try this, let me know if it works for you.. id be happy to know im not the only one
I'm glad you got it working! Yeah this has been brought up here before on getting it working or putting in the oven etc lol. But it will eventually fail again there's no complete fix sadly. But hope it lasts you long I loved the G4 but the boot loop issues really gave it a bad rap.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Will follow this, keep us updated !!
I have done this already and I can assure you it's won't last. Nice work but you are being too optimistic. Without going into too much detail, the problem with the soc will slowly get worse the more you use the phone and putting heatsinks only slows down the rate at which it gets worse and does't stop it altogether. You haven't fixed the underlying issue. That's why it will fail again eventually.
My lg g4 had bootlooped issue too. Everything I did didn't solved the problem . From freezer to oven , and disabling two big core to remaining in only one core the device bootlooped everytime. Now what I did was : First I opened a device , remove the upper golden colour cover enclosing the processor, put some thin paper covering both processor and ram. Then put everything on their respective place. Then I turned a device it booted up. Downgraded to lollipop , disabled the big core using .tot method , rooted my LG G4 and enabled four core using free app by stojshic (Kudos to him: https://forum.xda-developers.com/g4/themes-apps/root-4-cores-activator-t3538175) . The device is working fine since week . I've restarted the device many times to check whether I will get bootloop again, played games like clash of royale for 2 hours etc. The device is working fine with less heating. The main culprit is I guess golden cover shield which is worsening overheating issue . The CPU generates heat and the cover shield is increasing thermal cycle . If by any means a thin better insulator is kept between the CPU and covering shield, this may solve the bootloop problem
georgemb said:
My lg g4 had bootlooped issue too. Everything I did didn't solved the problem . From freezer to oven , and disabling two big core to remaining in only one core the device bootlooped everytime. Now what I did was : First I opened a device , remove the upper golden colour cover enclosing the processor, put some thin paper covering both processor and ram. Then put everything on their respective place. Then I turned a device it booted up. Downgraded to lollipop , disabled the big core using .tot method , rooted my LG G4 and enabled four core using free app by stojshic (Kudos to him: https://forum.xda-developers.com/g4/themes-apps/root-4-cores-activator-t3538175) . The device is working fine since week . I've restarted the device many times to check whether I will get bootloop again, played games like clash of royale for 2 hours etc. The device is working fine with less heating. The main culprit is I guess golden cover shield which is worsening overheating issue . The CPU generates heat and the cover shield is increasing thermal cycle . If by any means a thin better insulator is kept between the CPU and covering shield, this may solve the bootloop problem
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Yes but the the heat of the phone when your playing games and booting up will still effect the soc to get worse over time, just at a slower rate. Its not a case of "if it does't reach a certain temp it will be fine". It's a case of "the more heat the quicker it will bootloop, the less heat the slower it will take to bootloop" but either way it will get there eventually as the problem gets worse over time.
Any recommendations?
Can anyone recommend a copper heat tape (or something better) that would work to get my phone running again? It's overheating and therefore bootlooping, so I am curious if there is any specific things to look for or stay away from when buying something to fix this, however temporary it may be.
Copper is better conductor of heat .. So it will work as heat sink ..U can put thermal paste in between CPU and copper tape..
Check it out
Try it and report back
tnap1979 said:
i bought a G4 H812 canadian off Kijiji (our local buy and sell like craigs list kinda thing) $50 no battery stuck in HS-USB 9008.
invested another $22 in a battery from a friend. now total invested into a possible bricked device... $72.. not to bad, a risk yes... but i had luck and confidence!
excellent screen scratch wise but had delamination all around the screen (see pic 1)
so with a half charged new battery, a possible bricked g4, and some previous knowledge and repair skills, i went to work.
tried QPST... nadda. tried LGUP... nadda. tried lg flashtool... guess what.. yup.. nothing... felt like friends repair shop was last left option...
but im a scrooge, and determined
so i took to youtube and google, found out it may have been one of a possible recall phones that had the thermal bootloop issue or emmc failure..
grabbed my custom heatgun and blasted it at 275 for 3min.. 3" away in circle patterns, just like most unbrick guides.. and left it cool for 30min.
put it back together and powered on to find it boot just fine not needing no relfash, had a pattern lock, contacted original owner the seller, got lock off,
wiped personals and internal storage, and found it was on 6.0.1... DAMN... no root possible.
go to downgrade and it doesnt, error's out before can even do anything, i forget, com41 change required...
so go to reboot and it stops booting again, but really warm... overheat issue again...
repeat the process many times trying to get to usable home screen as it would just keep freezing.. so i really examined all the phones parts and noticed... pic2 this really crappy black thermal tape, right where the main emmc and cpu is... kinda silly for such a heat hog i thinks.. so looking at the rf shield on phone where cpu is they also have this really ****ty goldish shield tape that on the reverse side is plasticy feeling.. not good for thermals i think.. so i tore it off, and removed that black thermal tape, cleaned top of cpu, heatgunned again this time at 300 for 2 1/2min. 2.5" away circulars, twice, 30 min cooldowns between.
took a light blue 1mm thick heatpad i found from a ddr3 ram stick heatshield, cut it to shape of cpu, and placed on top, also placed a piece on the slightly smaller black chip to the upper left of cpu, and also on the what i believe to be the power control ic on the opposite side of board, so that all possible sources of higher heat had thermal pads and better conductivity.
placed phone all back together, screwed all screws finger tight, placed sim card and sd and battery, back cover.. and hoped to god.. press power..
boots up nice and quick, hot at first after a factory wipe in recovery, like kinda scary hot at first then slowly cools...
its been running for almost 2 days now.. no slowdowns, no sluggish, does get warm when charging as expected.
but so far, ive been able to use sixaxis controller app, my ps3 controller, moonlight for root, and stream wildlands from my pc for almost 2 hrs,
charge up a bit, play Bully and run 3dmark for a while, and while it does get warm, its not near as bad as it used to be, i think something went right this time
its almost upon its 3rd full day of use without bootloop or overheat, mind u i am also using v4 CTT cpu mod
have xposed installed and root on 5.1 and am happy its still running so far.
so yeah, if this continues to run ill keep updating post when and if something happens to the device..
if it keeps running every two days ill update, and then this may just be a way to self fix the overheat bootloop cpu issues most of us have face i bet!
if you try this, let me know if it works for you.. id be happy to know im not the only one
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Can anyone recommend a copper heat tape (or something better) that would work to get my phone running again? It's overheating and therefore bootlooping, so I am curious if there is any specific things to look for or stay away from when buying something to fix this, however temporary it may be.
@ezzony was right, mine finally took a permanent dump last week after 3 more reheat attempts since last post, but it atleast lasted this long..
now im on a heavily modified Huawei Nova Plus converted from a MLA-L03 to a CAN-L11 software wise, so i could get perfect rooted Lineage OS 13 on it and xposed
i miss the camera of the g4 so much...
i still have my dead board Note 4, note 4 edge also dead board, and lg g4 dead board, all cause of same problems SOC overheats
seems like it was a common problem amongst tons of models too.... sad that we the paying customer get shoddy manufactured devices that we end up paying so much for...
georgemb said:
Copper is better conductor of heat .. So it will work as heat sink ..U can put thermal paste in between CPU and copper tape..
Check it out
Try it and report back
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Thanks a bunch! That's the exact video I've been watching and the most helpful too. I am just not sure if there are different sizes in thickness that are more conducive or not. Also, are there different strengths of copper to resist higher temperatures? I'm learning all of this through google, so I'm sure I sound as savvy as I am with technology.
tnap1979 said:
@ezzony was right, mine finally took a permanent dump last week after 3 more reheat attempts since last post, but it atleast lasted this long..
now im on a heavily modified Huawei Nova Plus converted from a MLA-L03 to a CAN-L11 software wise, so i could get perfect rooted Lineage OS 13 on it and xposed
i miss the camera of the g4 so much...
i still have my dead board Note 4, note 4 edge also dead board, and lg g4 dead board, all cause of same problems SOC overheats
seems like it was a common problem amongst tons of models too.... sad that we the paying customer get shoddy manufactured devices that we end up paying so much for...
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Sorry to hear that, but yes I feel every G4 will suffer the same fate as in your case. Once it starts it won't keep running forever.
Yes the camera is awesome. The no.1 reason I love the G4 and no.2 reason is the textured leather curved back cover which makes holding the G4 very easy in the hand to manage, as it is a big phone. I was going to go with the G5 when my G4 died as it has the same camera but I really don't think it's as special as the G4. I picked up a new secondhand G4 with a serial number of 701 so I'm hoping the fault has been resolved in the newer version.
I'm not totally optimistic it wont suffer from the same problem in time though as I do feel it gets very hot that one can feel on the back cover . And the heatsink over the soc is virtually non existent in comparison to a Galaxy S6 I owned briefly which had a much more capable heat sink on it. I'm hoping the heatsink is not the problem and it was purely the chip itself, but I don't know for sure. I stuck a copper shim on the soc with some thermal paste anyway just in case, couldn't hurt.
I'd suggest to anyone who like me loves the G4 then picking up a newer version with a serial number of 701 or above might not be a bad idea instead of messing around with a clearly faulty one that will fail on you possibly at a highly inconvenient moment.
tnap1979 said:
i bought a G4 H812 canadian off Kijiji (our local buy and sell like craigs list kinda thing) $50 no battery stuck in HS-USB 9008.
invested another $22 in a battery from a friend. now total invested into a possible bricked device... $72.. not to bad, a risk yes... but i had luck and confidence!
excellent screen scratch wise but had delamination all around the screen (see pic 1)
so with a half charged new battery, a possible bricked g4, and some previous knowledge and repair skills, i went to work.
tried QPST... nadda. tried LGUP... nadda. tried lg flashtool... guess what.. yup.. nothing... felt like friends repair shop was last left option...
but im a scrooge, and determined
so i took to youtube and google, found out it may have been one of a possible recall phones that had the thermal bootloop issue or emmc failure..
grabbed my custom heatgun and blasted it at 275 for 3min.. 3" away in circle patterns, just like most unbrick guides.. and left it cool for 30min.
put it back together and powered on to find it boot just fine not needing no relfash, had a pattern lock, contacted original owner the seller, got lock off,
wiped personals and internal storage, and found it was on 6.0.1... DAMN... no root possible.
go to downgrade and it doesnt, error's out before can even do anything, i forget, com41 change required...
so go to reboot and it stops booting again, but really warm... overheat issue again...
repeat the process many times trying to get to usable home screen as it would just keep freezing.. so i really examined all the phones parts and noticed... pic2 this really crappy black thermal tape, right where the main emmc and cpu is... kinda silly for such a heat hog i thinks.. so looking at the rf shield on phone where cpu is they also have this really ****ty goldish shield tape that on the reverse side is plasticy feeling.. not good for thermals i think.. so i tore it off, and removed that black thermal tape, cleaned top of cpu, heatgunned again this time at 300 for 2 1/2min. 2.5" away circulars, twice, 30 min cooldowns between.
took a light blue 1mm thick heatpad i found from a ddr3 ram stick heatshield, cut it to shape of cpu, and placed on top, also placed a piece on the slightly smaller black chip to the upper left of cpu, and also on the what i believe to be the power control ic on the opposite side of board, so that all possible sources of higher heat had thermal pads and better conductivity.
placed phone all back together, screwed all screws finger tight, placed sim card and sd and battery, back cover.. and hoped to god.. press power..
boots up nice and quick, hot at first after a factory wipe in recovery, like kinda scary hot at first then slowly cools...
its been running for almost 2 days now.. no slowdowns, no sluggish, does get warm when charging as expected.
but so far, ive been able to use sixaxis controller app, my ps3 controller, moonlight for root, and stream wildlands from my pc for almost 2 hrs,
charge up a bit, play Bully and run 3dmark for a while, and while it does get warm, its not near as bad as it used to be, i think something went right this time
its almost upon its 3rd full day of use without bootloop or overheat, mind u i am also using v4 CTT cpu mod
have xposed installed and root on 5.1 and am happy its still running so far.
so yeah, if this continues to run ill keep updating post when and if something happens to the device..
if it keeps running every two days ill update, and then this may just be a way to self fix the overheat bootloop cpu issues most of us have face i bet!
if you try this, let me know if it works for you.. id be happy to know im not the only one
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It has been six months, does your lg g4 still working?

