Email and Text Push Over Bluetooth - Droid Turbo 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Greets - My car is set to show emails and texts that my phone gets and that worked wonderfully on my HTC Rezound. I have since changed to the Turbo 2 and have not gotten any of those push messages to the car. Can someone please let me know if they know of any setting in the phone that will enable advanced Bluetooth protocols or otherwise facilitate doing this? Thank you all so much!


Send and Recieve Via Code

Is there a way via code (c#) or a Dll Reference that allows you to trigger outlook into sending and recieving.
Resson is i am making an amm that monitors wirless network changes. When you are on a set "Approved" wireless network the app will tell send and recieve then sleep for X minutes wake up and see if your still on said network then go again.
I tried looking for an app to do it could not find one .
Anny Ideas Appreciated.

anyone on O2 and using push email (exchange)?

I'm hoping that there are more peple than just me using the HD on O2 with push email via exchange.
If your set up is anything like mine then you will have two data connections.
O2 Active and Mobile Web.
I posted a few days ago about having problems sending MMS messages, which seems to be down to having both data connections active. I've always set my connetions (both of them) to 'always on' using schapps advanced config. I have found that this means my push email works flawlessly and I can access the web straight way as it's always connected.
The downside of course is that I can't send MMS (although strangley...sometimes it does work). So, in order to test, I have set the connections to 'enabled'. Doing this meant that I was able to send a test mms this morning, which failed 2 minutes earlier when both connections were set to 'always on'. this is a pain because you have to reset the phone after each change of connection status.
With my connections set to 'enabled', theoretically this would mean that the connections are only made whenever they are needed.
This means perhaps a slight delay when first using the web, as my phone has to connect to the web first.
My question, is that if the connection is only established when required, and then disconnects again. How is it going to know I have email waiting for me? How will it get pushed to my phone?
So, can anyone else who has the same setup, please let me know how they have set their connections up.
appreciate your help.

Email sync via 3G NOT wifi even though available

I have looked and looked, and cant seem to find a solution that works for me. I am with Telstra in Australia (why do Telstra like to make things so difficult??)
My problem is that my Outlook Email will only sync with exchange via 3G even though there is a working wifi connection availalable. I get heaps of mail so I am rapidly going through nearly 1G of data each month - even though I am on a good package this is not ideal!!
From my understanding of this thread ... I updated the Broadcomm Network Adaptors to Internet (they were Work), and then deleted the proxy settings for the Telstra Internet connection.
BUT still my mail is updating over 3G and not wifi. I can access Internet etc over wifi though.
Interestingly, I can only update Bigpond mail over wifi and not 3G. Thats not a big deal as I get minimal mail to that account and I am happy to check it at home - its the Outlook email thats chewing up heaps of data that I worried about.
I hope that I cant be the only one with this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! (I know it will be one check box deep in the phone settings, I just dont know which one it is!)
That's how it works. Push (Activesync connection) needs a direct connection between the server and device, so that the server can page the device when it's got something for it. This wouldn't work through wifi, because when you're on wifi you're behind a router, which doesn't allow connections from the outside to reach your device. So Activesync will always want to use the data connection.
One thing you can do is NOT to set activesync to receive new mail when it arrives, but only manually or at time intervals, it might work.
Or, simply set it to download only the first 5kB of each message, which is always enough to see what the mail is about , and you can always click "download whole message" for those you need. If you manage to use 1GB with 5kB messages, you're really spending your life on your email box
Thanks so much.
You would think that if Blackberry and Apple have managed to get their email to push over wifi that MS could get Direct Push to work over wifi too!! I've disabled MS Direct Push and changed Active Sync to check every 5 minutes. So, its not quite the same, but its near enough for me!
Thanks again ... I will stop searching for the solution now (and will reduce the download setting too ...)
Sarah, same exact problem here, it really annoyed me, then only way I could have used wifi to sync my outlook, Gmail, etc(which have the same issue) is to set the phone to Airplane mode and then enable wifi, only then it will sync via wifi.
Thank you Kilrah, that was a very spot on answer - it is very apreciated !
Cheers !

[Q] Bluetooth & WiFi incompatibility?

I got my X10i a mere week ago, and I'm loving the phone, a few minor flaws of course, but nothing I can't live with (for the time being...I was looking forward to Froyo..!), except this one issue which is causing problems in work-situations;
When both WiFi and bluetooth are enabled at the same time, the phone will disconnect your bluetooth device. I'm using my MW600's which came with the phone for handsfree, and I have my phone set to sync with my mail, I leave it on WiFi while in the office so it keeps my exchange mail etc up to date, and won't have to fetch that when I'm out all the time, and if I receive a phone call I'll take it on the handsfree (because typing on a computer while holding a phone between your head and shoulder etc is uncomfortable).
Now, the phone will try to sync with my mail while I'm in a call, effectively cutting the bluetooth and leaving the phone quiet until it's done with the disconnection procedure (usually lasts for 5-10 seconds!) upon which I can hear the partner just fine on the regular phone again.
It can be left to sync over 3G just fine while I use the handsfree... I am quite distressed by this as I need a reliable phone for use at work, and this one cost me quite a bit to get and I am unable to get any other phone, as I had to get it with no provider attachments so I could continue using my work sim-card.
Anyone else had these issues, or maybe even found a sneaky way to get around it (Hell, if I had some multitasking when receiving/being in a call, I could disable the wifi when receiving a call)?
Which application do you use to sync?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Using Moxie Mailer, it came with the phone, since 1.6 doesn't support exchange ... (another letdown when I first got it, haha)
Same here. I can not use bluetooth headsets and Wi-fi at the same time. When Wi-fi enabled bluetooth connection breaks when I try to listen to music.
bluetooth headsets SE HBH-DS205

[Q] Exchange ActiveSync doesn't "wake up" after the weekend

It might look like a stupid question but one of my users can't get past this problem so I would like to see if there's a solution.
So we only recently gave some users HTC Snaps to see how it adjusts to their needs, we have a hosted Exchange server (also has been only a few months) so we set-up ActiveSync on the Snaps to synchronize directly with the server.
It seems to work perfectly, it synchronizes following schedule (every 30min from 7AM till 6PM) on weekdays and doesn't on the weekend, but then on monday morning, it doesn't start the automatic syncing again as it should.
Almost every monday morning, the user comes to me at 8.30-9.00 to tell me he doesn't receive his mails. A simple Send/Receive in the mailbox or go to ActiveSync and press Sync starts the syncing again and everything seems to work fine during the rest of the week but still the user is annoyed that it won't sync as scheduled.
I can attest that it works perfectly on my own Windows Mobile 6.5 device (SE Xperia X1) although I do sometimes lose my synchronization schedule (but that could be related to some app I have or to the tinkering I do with it - if anyone has an idea though - the user doesn't do anything else on the Snap than make phone calls and check his mails and occasionally write one).
The Snap has the latest official updated ROM from HTC.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
IP chabges
I have a similar problem. Your provider obviously changes your IP.
Go to Commmanager/Connections, disable Direct Push and enable it right away again. Sync will work afterwards until the next new ip.....
We don't use Push as it seems to work worse than with a fixed schedule.
I will check for the IP if I have the opportunity but I don't understand why that should be a problem (you do mean the device IP, right ? Our server IP doesn't change).
And the problem doesn't appear every single week ... So I think I'll just go with "That's the way it is" ...
Thank you for your help.

