Google now widget causing high CPU usage - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a moto pure running 6.0. Recently I ran into an issue with the google search bar crashing every time i tried a search. I went an uninstalled the google app, rebooted and reinstalled. This resolved the crash with google search but started another issue.
I was having the google app being my number 2 battery user with high CPU pretty much spot on matching the screen time - the device was warm and battery life reduced by 3x from my normal. I installed a CPU monitoring app and noticed that the CPU usage was about 15% continuous for the google search bar googleqicksearchbox:search and googlequicksearchbox together take about 15% and don't stop.
I've tried:
uninstalling the google app, reboot, reinstall
cleared caches for the google app
cleared caches for the google now launcher
uninstalled and reinstalled the google now launcher
Nothing resolved the issue until i did this:
If i remove the google app 4x3 widget the CPU returns to normal - battery returns to normal.
So, it appears to be related to the widget. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to resolve this so i can use the widget? I figure I might be stuck with having to factory reset to resolve.

Google App update constantly listens to audio.
You see it too?
There seems to have been an update on 2/19/16 that broke it, and my own device seems to have picked up the update on 2/26. I noticed that the battery was draining very quickly for the past couple of days, even when idle with the screen off, though it wasn't warm or anything as is usually the case when something goes awry. GSam Battery Stats showed the usual mess of inexplicable Googleness chomping at things, using sensors, and being Googley, but nothing grossly out of the ordinary.
And with the screen on, doing the usual non-intensive things I do, I could watch the battery percentage drop precipitously: 4 percent in a few minutes.
I was using Google Now Launcher, and figured that might be related. I switched to a different launcher, no change. Rebooted for good measure and to make sure Google Now Launcher was definitely not running, no change.
Then I froze the Google App in TiBackup, and the problem went away.
I honed into it being Google App by using top. In a terminal: top -t -b 16. Screenshot: (no link because I'm too n00b here).
Of note in the screenshot is PID 14272. It's got a lot of threads going, which is not unexpected.
What was unexpected is that some of them were listening to audio. The thread names are abbreviated by top, but one of the threads (14582) is MicrophoneReade which occasionally showed some CPU usage. Another constantly-active thread (14581) is MicroRecognitio, a name which implies TTS. And PID 787, /system/bin/mediaserver, was pretty insistent on using CPU as well with its thread (14584) called AudioIn_2D, verifying that audio was being recorded.
All of this disappeared from top when I froze Google App.
To be clear, I don't use the "OK Google" always-listening function because it drains the battery quickly on my device, but I did have "OK Google" enabled on the home screen. However that shouldn't be happening with another launcher that has no (zero) widgets enabled at all.
So it shouldn't have been listening at all, but it was listening all the time. And this was apparently computationally expensive, and thus hungry for battery.
Samsung Galaxy S5, VZW, running MOAR and Xposed.

My particular issue seems to be related to the 4x3 google now widget. I can use the Google now launcher just fine, till I add that widget then a things go to hell... I really like that widget...

This same thing happened to me on my M9 starting on 2/26. It was getting seriously hot (110-120F) all the time and battery was draining at 33% an hour idle. Navigation was also very choppy and slow. Verizon actually sent me a replacement phone due to the constant over heating and factory resets. Once i got my new one I didn't restore from backup and loaded apps one by one. Sure enough as soon as the NOW widget was added, the phone slowed down and heated up.
With the widget off now for 2 days i am getting my usual 12 hours battery and the temp hasn't gone over 100 F.

Big news from my perspective. Last night I got a Google app update. Today the widget no longer slows down the phone /no more hot phone. Seems like the update fixed it for me... Time will tell.

That's why I don't use that crap! lol. Spies I tell you, spies.

Big news from my perspective. Last night I got a Google app update. Today the widget no longer slows down the phone /no more hot phone. Seems like the update fixed it for me... Time will tell.


Calendar rinsing the battery?

Just got my Galaxy S yesterday, but had big problems with the Samsung apps right out of the box.
The main launcher would repeatedly lock up, it was totally unusable. After being frozen for a few minutes I would be able to kill twlauncher process, then it would start up again and run for a few seconds before freezing. I managed to download LauncherPro from the market place to replace it, which is much better.
However, the calendar is causing me grief now. It takes a long time to load, and is not particularly responsive, but the big issue is the battery usage.
1 hour 40 since unplugging and I'm down to 50% battery left (from a full overnight charge) - calendar is responsible for 17% of this(!) with 47 minutes of CPU usage. What is going on?!
Any advice on how to either fix this, or blitz the Samsung calendar app and use the standard google one?
Hi Meza1,
First thing to be aware of is that it takes about 5-7 days before the battery starts to settle down, the first 2 days are a little scary.
Your launcher locking up doesnt sound normal, so I'd keep an eye on that.
As for calendar, I've not noticed it being an issue. The usual battery hogs are when apps are set to high frequency updates. So recently I installed twitter on a 15min update and it took my battery from 2-3days standby down to 6hours!
You could reset your phone to factory and start again and if its still locking up you might want to get it exchanged. We all suffer lag of a few seconds here and there which we hope will be fixed, but not to the level you've just reported.
Root your phone and install "AutoKiller". Great app, it automatically cleans out your ram and uneeded background applications. Phone runs smoothly with no lag. I use "LauncherPro" instead of "TouchWiz".
My GPS also fixes almost instantly, less than 30 secs in most cases. This is in both Google Maps and Co-Pilot.
I really think that it would be unwise to root the phone at this stage, because it would appear to have problems that are not seen on most SGS's and therefore the chances are that the phone needs to be returned.
This would not be possible if "rooted".
Thanks for the responses. I think I'll try one of the lag-fix ROMs that are being mentioned and see how it goes. Is there a way to back up my apps and settings before doing this?
I would agree with Geryatrix and hold off rooting or upgrading your phone just yet, in case you need to return it.

Google Goggles 1.3 always in background!!

Hi all,
i have updated google goggles with the last version 1.3 last week, and i sow that the app is always in background while the dhd is in standby, ex. in the night, and drains the battery for 20/30% when i wake up in the morning...
Anyone has the same problem? tnx for all
I can confirm I have the same problem. I had to remove it.
Any app that uses the camera, I set up to be killed using Advanced Task Killer after a minute. Otherwise you do get that excessive drain.....
I can't say I've really noticed the problem on mine but I'll be looking out for it now. My DHD spends most of the day sitting on a charging dock, and I've just started using a bluetooth headset so any extra drain would've been dismissed as the BT.
I downloaded the new goggles from the market, I want to see tomorrow morning, after the standby battery itself consumes again, for now the application is not active..
Same for me : it was ok with the previous version, but now it drains battery even with the app closed (can't understand how) =>8% in 10h!!!
When i go to see the detailled usage it shows no CPU usage, app closed, but still 8% of battery...
I may have solved this problem, I uninstalled and reinstalled the 1.3 version of goggles, for now no longer remains in the background.
BTW, when I use googles, first I leave the app and then force close in Applications> Manage Applications, so googles doesn't stay in the background
But now instead I see always "Rate Places running in background as service from Google Maps 5.0, but perhaps this is a bug in maps, i think.
I also had the same problem, I also noticed that 3h after i last used it i killed it via Task Killer and when i did it made the sound that it turned off my camera, like when you use barcode scanner and hear that code when the camera is adjusting, my widget also said that wifi was uploading something... So i dont know if google was spying on us or what happened...

My phone seems to be possessed - apps from hell!

Hey guys - I am having a problem with my phone, and I am hoping someone can help? (Running stock/no-root, w/2.3.4)
A few weeks prior to the 2.3.4 release (while on 2.3.3), I noticed that an app called Bump was constantly running in the background (even though I had never launched the app before), and I'd have to constantly go in and manually kill it.
*Also I should note, Google Maps was another constant running app, that I would have to manually kill along with the Bump app.
This got tiresome, and since I wasn't using Bump anyway, I went ahead and uninstalled it. I figured that a recent update to the app/Bump, was the cause. After removing the Bump app, the problem went away (as well as the Google Maps stopped running in the background too - odd I know).
Anyway, the problem is back, but much worse this time - as this past couple of days, my phone is now running a bunch of apps in the background out of the blue!
1) Tango
2) To Market Lite
3) Google Market (even though I have Accounts & Sync/Background Data turned off)
4) Google Music
5) YouTube
6) Photaf
*Note: I have not launched any of the apps listed above in awhile, except for Google Market, which I turn on Background Data for this, and then turn off when I am done.
I have since removed Tango, but it hasn't solved the problem. It seems to happen the most when I turn my phone on (after I reboot, or if I charge over night with the phone turned off), but also will happen when phone is on during the day - with no reboot.
Anyone have an idea what's causing this, or how to fix it? TIA!
The best way to fix this is to stop worrying about it.
Apps do sometimes run in the background or have services waiting for some events to happen - it actuially HELPS battery life and performance and barely consumes any CPU cycles until something happens that triggers the app.
Killing them will drain your battery and make you crazy, more than letting the apps work as designed will.
patrixl said:
The best way to fix this is to stop worrying about it.
Apps do sometimes run in the background or have services waiting for some events to happen - it actuially HELPS battery life and performance and barely consumes any CPU cycles until something happens that triggers the app.
Killing them will drain your battery and make you crazy, more than letting the apps work as designed will.
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Thank you for the feedback. I just found it odd that this just started happening, especially since some of the apps running were apps I haven't launched in ages (or ever used).
Also (and I forgot to mention in my post above), that a couple of the apps were running so hardcore - that it set off the alarm in Watchdog, as an app draining my battery and memory - telling me to kill it. So idk what to think, other than I find this behavior a bit odd.
Many of them are set to run based on conditions, like bootup, wifi on, widget added, etc. If you hate it, download autostarts from the market.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
i have a similar issue but as stated above i just leave them alone

Android OS eating my battery up..why?

Hello everyone...
so I got the S4 about a week and a half ago and I really love it. When I first got it the battery life was great and the screen was the top killer of my battery as expected. But over the past 4 days the android os has been taking up 65% of my battery. I feel like it might be an app but then why would an app show under android os? Anyone have ideas or tip?
That happened to me on a custom rom, but not on stock. Which are you on?
I am on stock I have not rooted it as of yet.
I'd personally recommend rooting and then installing both Greenify and Better Battery Stats. Most likely it's an app running in the background and/or waking your phone up. A couple common things to watch out for:
- What are your location settings in both Maps and Facebook? Both are notorious for waking your phone up (sometimes 100 times per hour) to repeatedly report your location. If they are set to report from your device, I would turn location off and see if it fixes your battery issue.
- Google Now (to a lesser extent that Facebook and Maps) tends to search for your location as well. I personally turn Google Now off.
mjs2011 said:
I'd personally recommend rooting and then installing both Greenify and Better Battery Stats. Most likely it's an app running in the background and/or waking your phone up. A couple common things to watch out for:
- What are your location settings in both Maps and Facebook? Both are notorious for waking your phone up (sometimes 100 times per hour) to repeatedly report your location. If they are set to report from your device, I would turn location off and see if it fixes your battery issue.
- Google Now (to a lesser extent that Facebook and Maps) tends to search for your location as well. I personally turn Google Now off.
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Thanks for the help, i will try that...but would both of those things show up under Android OS?
i think it is normal if you do not use your phone usually , android os should is the opera system of you smart phone.

Need Help Finding Root Cause of UI slowdown

Hey all,
So I've had my S8 since launch and I've enjoyed it but I have an issue that I've been trying to pinpoint the cause of for a few weeks now. At a high level, if I reboot the phone in the morning, I can use it all day as I wish and it works perfectly, no slowdown anywhere and good battery life. I plug the phone in at night when I go to sleep and when I wake up I start using it again. Either right after I wake up or over the course of a few hours the phone begins to slow down with things like notification shade/app switcher crawling until I either a) reboot or b) change display resolution. Doing either of these "fixes" it until the next night and then again when I wake up I have the same issues.
I've been trying to figure out what's causing this. I've tried disabling features, uninstalling apps, etc.
One thing I have found is that when I'm having this problem if I force close 'System UI' in App Manager (this is just restarting that process since you can't kill it really) the smoothness comes back but it doesn't last as long as when I either reboot or change resolution.
My theory is that something is conflicting with the Android UI and over time it's causing it to slow down. Rebooting or changing display resolution restarts the Android UI so essentially same thing.
My first question is has anyone seen this behavior where the notification shade/app switcher (native UI not apps) slow down? I know there's at least some people on Reddit with same issue. If you have this issue does FC'ing System UI 'fix' it for you temporarily?
I'm trying to figure out what is running on my phone while I'm sleeping at night which is obviously causing this. Any ideas would be helpful. Oh also when I wake up and I go into app switcher it only shows like 3 cards where before I go to bed it would be like 10+ so something is killing apps at night too. I turned off Google backup for today and will reboot before tonight to see if maybe that's it.
Appreciate your help.
I've had my S8+ since the launch weekend on ATT, always connected to my Gear S3, and connected to my Misfit Ray. I've not noticed any slowdown of the UI. My AOD clock is slow to show the hands if the screen is off when I use the numerical clock AOD, but nothing else observed.
I would guess you've installed (or haven't uninstalled/disabled) some apps that are using a lot of background processes. I removed/disabled the few ATT apps on the device except Call Protect, and I don't use Gmail (resource hog). I actually use very few Google apps, they're just not very well coded, it seems (maybe a "goof off" day every week isn't such a great policy?)
In settings, go to Device maintenance, click on battery, and see if anything strange is going on there under App power monitor.
I've NEVER liked Samsung phones, and I've NEVER been interested in owning one, but I saw the Galaxy Gear S3 and fell in love, and truthfully, I bought the phone as an accessory to the watch, so I'm not an apologist for any shortcomings.
Instead of restarting, go to settings/device maintenance, what's the percentage here? go to optimize, does it help? which apps use the battery most? How much RAM is available. If nothing shows up, you probably would need something like wakelock detector (it needs root) to trace apps usage, especially at night. Also you could try to force stop other apps and see which one is interfering? For example phone is slow, force stop first 10 apps, if not fixed force stop next 10, if fixed, next time force stop one at the time from that batch of tens.
Mines just started doing this the other day. I think I have an idea if the problem, I'm just trying to find proof at this point. I recently downloaded this all to let me see the upload/download speeds if my network in the notification bar. It lets you set the refresh rate, to which I set it to 2 seconds, which I knew regardless would tax my system, I just didn't expect my ui to slow to a crawl.
Delete any Bixby remapping app as well, known to cause many issues including unpredictable lag.

