[Q] a few questions about webRTC on android - Java for Android App Development

hi all,
I have a few questions about webRTC on android. I can say I'm new about android and webRTC but I can also say I made tooo much research about webRTC on android. But still have a few questions. (some of them because of I'm new, and some of them because of I'm okey but not fully)
I'm trying to make an android app which is going to communicate between web browser (first choice is chrome) and android device directly (p2p we can say). So I made too much research and I found webRTC is good for me. Do you advise me something other or is it okey you think? (also I am going to code a plugin for chrome).
Nearly every document says 'android is not directly support webRTC'. So I need something to provide me webRTC on android. What it is? Is it native android that I have to code? Is it native (NDK) library that I have to include my project? Or is it a java lib? Or should I go for cordova/crosswalk or sth like that? I researched all but didn't find something can help me. Yeah there are documents about it but not enough..
Some of documents says, I need chromium. But why and how? They show me lots of linux terminal commands and even there is no a line java or C or C++ code. Even some terminal commands and links that they give is not working.
I read/found/tried these things as a result of my research:
Apache cordova
in a nutshell I need help. Please give me your hand. Thank you. (because I'm really very helpless and tried to do my best)
Thank you.

Any idea? Any help?


Jython in Android?

Hey Folks,
I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to use Jython instead of plane Java for android development? I don't know much about Java development but I'm with Python. I was figuring that this might ease me into it better. Any thoughts?
Have you had a look at the Android scripting environment?
Thanks aksd,
I don't know how I didn't find that before. Perhaps I should have just searched for Python and Android as opposed to just Jython and androind.
Anyway, this is very cool for prototyping and simple scripting. However, the main thing I was hoping for was writing apps in Python (via Jython) that could then be distributed on the Marketplace. It's kind of to bad. It doesn't look like anyone is really trying to port Jython to Android because ASE is sort of Google's official response to the whole thing. On the whole, a really great thing for people who just want to script Android but not really for App development.
In all of this searching I did find some interesting information about how to link in C libs so you could code some of the hardcore speed sucking elements in C (like a game engine) and then make calls into it via Java. I didn't know that was even possible so... Pretty cool stuff.
Hey ngrava,
I'm not much into scripts, so dont really follow whats happening with scripting and Android.
If you wanted a bit of a performance gain you can use the NDK and call the JNI to execute native libraries or code. been there for awhile but few use them. Java is just so much easier than C .
Theres a lot of interesting stuff going on on the Android platform, Mono being ported to Android, Scala being ported to Android, I'm actually currently working on profiling the performance of scala code on android.
On the Google DevFest on Argentina, Google´s ingeneers afirmed that they are working to make more languages availeable on Gingerbread, they specifically mentioned Ruby. We just have to wait to see if this is true and if we are going to be able to ship apps of other languages to the market, and I´m not sure if they will be backwards compatible with earlier versions of android as well.
PD: Oops, sorry for reviving this old post, I just realised i clicked last page instead of next

[Q] writing code

Hi i need help!!!! lol i am new to develepment and i believe i have a great idea for an app, but i dont have any expirence writing code. if anyone knows of a great preferably free tutorial on how to write code i will be using eclipse im all ready to write. but i dont know where to start. my app will be changing something in the internal workings of android.....therefore probably will require superuser permissions......im so lost i dont even have a clue.....lol
if you have NO programming experience what so ever than you should start by learning Java first (get an ebook or find an online webiste that teaches it to beginners or get a physical book on it, I got one last year called "Java: in easy steps" and it really helped me). Once you know enough about java, you should get a book on programming android (I got the "for dummies" one) ... make sure its a new edition (i.e., covers upto android 2.1/2.2 at least). the developers.android site that google set up is confusing and not overly helpful I found, but the books written by other people provide good insight into the theory as well as provide many examples on almost every kind of program.
Good luck!
ok thanks for the input.....i would like to learn for free as much as possible if anyone else has any input it would be greatly appreaciated.

skill set required for android development!!

Hi all,
I want to start application development for android. Can anyone please let me know the requirements for this?
I know that I am asking very general question and please let me know if this is not the correct place to ask this query.
I know C/C++...what things I need to learn before starting application development for android?
Waiting for reply!!
From what I can tell:
Then hit the android developer's website and they'll teach you how to write for android platform.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
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Well, it's pretty hard to learn a new programming language from the middle!
Go to the Android devs site... There are plenty of tutorials there, as well as links to Eclipse (favoured Android development platform).
sorry to be so naive...but what is the link of android dev website?
Clicky the linky.
many thanks floating man. I didn't knew that this is different forum from any android developer forum...btw can you please let me know the difference between this forum and any android dev forum?
This is a general smartphone forum, mainly catering for HTC made devices, but covering "some" others as well.
Thanks floating man. I will subscribe to any of the android dev forum and ask the same query there. But there is one doubt: whether such a basic (and naive) query be resolved there?
Do you recommend any particular android dev forum?
since you already know c/c++ you already know the basics of programming which are the same for each language i guess.
in my opinion writing basic/simple apps for android is more easy than writing the same app in c/c++.
so for basic/simple apps you could start with some general java tutorials especially about OOP and then go on to Android ...
just simply Google search terms like "android development for beginners" or "android app development tutorial" and plenty of websites come up offering handy dandy hints =]
Thanks elgubbo,
I will try that and let u know if thwre is any issue...let me kbow if anyone else has any suggestions....
For me it always helps to try to understand other code samples. Thats why I am looking for a book wich explains a few basic (and some advanced) code samples.
Sent from my fishbowl...
Java was originally created as a successor to C++ and if you know C++ the syntax of Java should look very familiar. It was designed to make OOP concepts more accessible to C++. It was also set up to make pointers and memory management a thing of the past.
Actually in a lot of ways, knowing C++ will give you an advantage over devs who only know Java. Eventually you'll be able to use Android's NDK (Native Development Kit). Although you will have to use some Java as all apps require the use of some java and the SDK on Android. But even then, you'll have a better idea of what is happening "under the hood" due to your C++ knowledge.
As for where to get started I would suggesst learning applications fundamentals:
Especially the Activity lifecycle and Component lifecycles.
Do all the "Hello World!" tutorials and then you should be well on your way to becoming the next Angry Brid..... err Angry Bird dev.
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
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Instead of being scared by it, TRY it! Install Eclipse. Install the Android SDK. Try the tutorials. Only you can know if you can do it or not.
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting programming...like I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...http://developer.android.com?
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting programming...like I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...http://developer.android.com?
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
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Yup, That's the correct site. They have a whole section to get you started using eclipse there too.
This is a great place to start:

Android app development help?

Hello, I am a computer science student and i need some help getting into android programming, i know a bit, but frankly it aint much.
I know C++, C#,Visual Basic,(I know C++ the most) and i am currently taking a class on Java, but I want to get into android programming too!(I made a game for android a while back using unity.)
I don't need a tutorial from the ground up.
I know how setup the environment, sdk, run, etc.
I want to learn how to work with layouts and make them look cool,
basic app functionality, work my way to internet connected apps, databases, apps with root, gestures, all that fun stuff.
I am just wondering if anyone would share any info or site that helped them.
I am not that much of a noob to programming but i am to the android sdk and a rookie with java.
if any mentor would step up or something i would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
btw if you're feeling bored check out my game!
Yes, i know its hard, i have a better version, i just haven't compiled and uploaded, i will soon.
I think best Website is always developer.android.com.
It hasn't only the API reference, but also Training section and much more.
Whenever I don't know sth I first visit this.
According to me you should go step wise step...Watch video tutorials on YT.
You can ping me for help.
then go to java website and start learning java. Loads of tutorial stuff is on their website
then go and download the Android SDK in about 2-3 months when you've completed the above.
how to convert Shell script to apk file?????
hello gud evening to all
i am a ECE student...anyone can tell me how can i make a apk file by the use of Shell script...i have a shell script and just want to make a apk of this...
need help please...:crying:
Okay so i have been reading a lot and programming for weeks.
I am getting very comfortable with the android api. i've built a few of my own ****ty apps..
now i'm looking for a project to work on, something simple but not too simple either.
I need a little help with fragments and layouts and such, so if anybody has an idea for a project i could work on
or could teach me about fragments, feel free to post please? xD

[Q] App development help

Hi everybody,
So, I'm volunteering at a non profit and recently I was approached with a proposal about an app for the organization which would consist of a small questionnaire to tell people if we can help them. Something like:
o Are you between the ages of
o Do you live in
o Are you unemployed
o etc. etc.
And the radio buttons would work as check marks that depending whether these are checked or not, an if then would kick in and direct the user to another page, either proceeding instructions or a sorry, you do not meet the criteria.
I'm familiar with some coding, a little fortran, java script and php but I just have no clue how to create an app. I downloaded the developing tools from google but I'm just blank. Can someone point me on the right direction or maybe there are templates of this kind that need just a little tweaking. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest you creating just a web page
I have made a demo trogper.cf/surv_demo
No, that's the easy part, I'm still fresh on client side programming. What I want is an app for android.
Eclipse or Android Studio are necessary tools to develop native java apps for Android but you should have basic java (and at least OO language) notions to code it.
Get Eclipse or Android Studio.
There are loads of tutorials on the net for basic android/java programming.
For example...
would get you started with your app.
you'll need to put www before the links, i'm new so not allowed to post links yet
If you want to simplify your life a little try NativeScript or Corona SDK.

