[Q] 5.1.1 - Mobile Radio Active = 100% awake - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have stock 5.1.1 rom with hellscore kernel.
The phone never goes into deep sleep. No matter if Wifi is on or off. It is essentially issue #165558 on code.google.com/.
I'd like to either find some kind of a temporary fix or downgrade to the last version without too many bugs. (Never installed a custom rom but that's also an option.)
On Kitkat 4.4.4 I used to get 4.5 SOT and more than 30 hours on average. Now I get 12-14 hours of idle time!!!
Any suggestions?


Note 4 N910G Indian Battery Life

Hi Guys,
In pure STOCK Rom 5.0.1 I'm getting more than 5 hrs screen on time easily and phone never get hot (Battery)
But when I root it or when I use custom ROM like DR.ketan's ROM, I'm hardly getting 3 hrs screen on time and phone is getting hot.
I tried Australian Stock Rom 5.1, same 3 hrs screen on time and heating.
Is this same for every1 or only Im facing this?
I'm forced to stay in pure stock ROM because of this. ( Missing Viper badly )
Please suggest guys

Which rom has the best battery backup?

Android version doesn't matter, which stock/custom has the best battery backup ?
Recreated remix black leopard:
rom: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8e62vKMKobRZXR6TkZhU1Rpd0k/view?usp=sharing
xposed (need to flash after the rom): http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3580243&d=1450386545
its based on stock lollipop
Are You Sure ?
RR 6.8
Shell rom v5
The stock KitKat and the RR 6.8 are the best for me. In KitKat i make 6 hours of screen-on-time, in RR i got 4-4:30 hours.
Hi dude, i've installed Leopard when you'd say, battery backup is actually good but it consumes a lot in stand-by , Is there any solution ?
Can anyone please give me the download link for shell rom v5.
How are you getting 6 hrs SOT? I get 4 hrs SOT on kitkat .540 with greenify, rooted, xposed installed. Governor = on demand...
This was 1 year ago, when released with Lollipop.
Actually it's hard to got even 3:30h
I think it's time to replace my battery...

[SM A500G] UPSM standy time in lollipop i'm getting only 1.8 days

UPSM standy time in lollipop i'm getting only 1.8 days in lollipop,
but in kitkat I used to get around 12.4 days
Is it a bug in lollipop or sammy reduced the standby time in upsm in lollipop??
Can anyone help me out
What night be the root cause?

i9500 lollipop Battery Drain Kernel or ROM

I need advise for what to try next:
- should i try different ROM (official or custom)
- Or try another 5.0.1 firmware from sammobile (for different region) or it's worthless to try since all is 5.0.1 , or possibly try 6.0.1 related to different region as long as it's english.
Or i should revert back to older firmware [kitkat for example] and install a relevant ROM
My current info and results:
- Battery performance is very low; 7-10 hour with active usage (typical phone calls and browsing , screen on), Arround 15 hour idle (wifi,sync on).
- This is official 5.0.1 insalled by OTA
- The problem is an old one , which might had been caused by Lolipop upgrade.
- i've removed samsung bloatware, minimum necessary apps => same problem
- tried to check effect of [Sync: on-off], [mobile: on-off] [wifi: 0n-off] but the whole battery life time changed with arround by max 10% for each, none showed great improvement for this 10 hour lifetime battery.
- Top battery consumer is always android OS & android system & display (depending it's idle or used).
Regarding the Battery:
- i don't think it's a battery problems since it's a new battery with good reviews, the stock one is weaker, another cheaper battery gave lower number.
Current version Lollipop 5.0.1, PDA I9500XXUHOH6
I think you should try a custom rom and custom kernel
FirstFlight N7 Themed V6 + nevermore kernel is my suggestion

Insane battery drain

hi guys, i had this battery drain that made me go around with a 20k mah powerbank everyday for a while and i bought a new battery thinking it was a hardware issue but at least in the past day(i tried it only for a day) the new battery isn't any better, i also use greenify and naptime but still comes from 100 to 40 in 1 hour or less, is there a fix to that?
I'm currently running rr official nougat 5.8.3 with franco 3.10 kernel i don't know anymore what to do
i tried battery configurator but didn't help.
i also changed the type c connector but i don't think it has anything to do, i swapped it when i changed the battery.
I'm not sure how much my answer is going to help but please try to upgrade the OP2 firmware to the latest one and then clean install the custom OS on it. It happened to me too but not to an extent of yours and it got fixed by clean flashing the custom ROM. P.S I was already on the latest OP2 firmware.

