[Q] Tasker variable to rich text in Zooper Widget - Zooper Widget Templates

Hi there.
I am trying to create a widget that displays some text that is updated from tasker. I would like the text to be colored by some logic defined in tasker. So in tasker I have a variable %Text1 that contains the following "[c=#FFAAAA]Mytext[/c]".
I have a task that updates my rich text box with the text above: Zooper Widget Pro Variable: Configuration #TTEXT1# = %Text1
Now I expected to see a pink "Mytext" in my widget but instead I see "[c=#FFAAAA]Mytext[/c]".
If I copy the text manually into Zooper Widget, it displays correctly.
What am I doing wrong?
Regards, Jesper.

Try to use c=#ffffaaaa or c=ffffaaaa sometimes zooper acts very strange if there is no alpha.

Thanks for your reply, sadly it didnĀ“t seem to make any difference..

It seems like Zooper only parses the text fields once, so any codes from tasker are not parsed. That meant I had to split up my text into several text boxes and use advanced parameters for coloring.


Monila Files..2 Questions

I got the background on all my tabs now, slider centered, everything looking great...now I have 2 things I want to change.
1 - How can I change the phones default font (which is a bluish color) to white??
2 - Which manila files control the MSG tab, the weather tab, and the settings tab? With my background its hard for me to see the things on those tabs(the default font is not helping at all here) and I would like to change those manila files...or just delete them and let the factory ones populate in from my rom. Does anyone know or have a breakdown somewhere of which monila file controls which tab?
Really if I could change the font color on my msg tab, weather tab, settings tab, etc......I would only change the MSG tab's background image back to default...makes the messages much easier to read.
Thanks for your help!

Remove app name text under widget

Could someone please tell me how they are getting icons using desktop visualizer but with no text underneath?
I'm using desktop visualizer + adw.launcher + openhome rom.
I've tried removing app names in adw, which removes the text under the shortcuts, but doesn't remove the text under widgets? How's everyone else doing it?? All I wanted was 1x1 iphone (or similarl) style widgets but now I get the 1x1 widget with text half overlapping the bottom of the image, and it looks crap. Any ideas?? Thanks.
Also, when I choose 'dockbar' in adw, the dockbar stays exactly the same? It doesn't look like the dockbar image, but stays as the standard dockbar, even after restarting adw, or restarting phone (see link below).
"DockBar - turn on/off the new (secondary) dockbar"
Sorry, I've solved the first issue, just by deleting the label text in desktop visualizer and then adding a 1x1 widget, no text appears. So obvious! Doh.
Still can't get the nice reflective dockbar going though. Any ideas?
Aha, solved it, I didn't realise the dockbar was dragable! Press on the app button in adw.launcher and dragging up reveals the secondary bar
I know this thread is all my posts so far, but they might help someone.

[Q] Simple text widget with user selectable font & size

I'm trying to find a simple widget that simply displays a text box with user selectable fonts/size/colour..etc and allows for a clear background.
I've found a few, but I need something that allows for really large font sizes (i.e. 100pt) I plan on using it as a title for each homescreen.
The closest app I found is called Text Widget Donate but the largest size is 56pt.
I've tried nearly every text app i can find. Does anyone have any suggestions?

[Q] Resize a linearlayout in an appwidget from code

is it possible? I have created a unique sort of clock as an AppWidget that has horizontal bars that should indicate minutes and hours. How could I change the width of the LinearLayout used as a bar from the onUpdate() method? I tried RemoteViews but that Views seems to lack a setWidth() method...
appwidgets are unlike anything else in android. they cannot directly alter, add, or remove items from a layout. the only thing that can be altered is text in a textView, the visibility of a view inside the layout, and the value of any of the views inside the layout, like int, bool, float, images, progress bars.
you can however change the view entirely, as in change to another layout.xml
you'll have to be creative to be able to find a way for your widget to change. i think the setViewVisibility() method could help. if you layout every piece that you need and selectively set their visibility based on the state of your widget.
here is a kinda related topic
Hmm, so if I would do 60 linearlayouts and place them next to each other, and say the clock is 13:30, I set the first 30 layouts visible? How would that many views affect performance???
Not sure. Probably wouldn't be good with that many.
This is where you'll have to be creative. Might be good to have one image view and have a bunch of images of the bar at different stages. Though that would require alot of images.
Just remember you can change the content of a view but you cant add another view "on the fly". Its a tricky thing to deal with in an appwidget. Ive been trying to make a widget that displays a tag cloud of your gmail inbox and ive had to use a textView as a wrapper to display the generated html for the cloud instead of adding new textViews for each tag.
From something awesome

Widget Size

Ive created a simple widget, which displays some text,
but if the user re-sizes the widget i want to re-size the text.
I know how to re-size the text in code, but how do i detect the size of the widget ?
can anybody help ?
Check this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...droid-widgets-size-after-layout-is-calculated

