G+ Community - ZenFone 2 General

I would like to invite you to join ZF2 Community. I started it to be able to communicate at a faster pace and get support and help quicker. Please keep it civil, that doesn't mean that you can't use foul language but none towards other members. Also any info, videos, deals or anything you find of relevance is welcomed. That being said, here it is: https://plus.google.com/communities/111215129850707402143


Thoughts for IRC discussion place

A thought occurred to me here while just browsing the forums.
If it doesn't already exist, I'm wondering how many senior members as well as new members might be interested in having a place where live dialog could be done. Many a time I could see threads and posts by people looking for help or just making a simple query out of curiosity waited days or weeks before seeing a resolve or no answer at all on ones which the answer was easy. I've taken a few that looked like no answers that I was reasonably sure I was correct and posted an answer to and thusly those people probably at least if they did get a resolve went away thinking at leastsomeone was watching wanting to share knowledge and experience. Now while I know it could not replace the overall usefullness of a forum, as with a forum the answer is only a search away. Some answers could be resolved without saying "search the forum" or more degrading and sarcastic answers like "Why don't people just learn to use google to search" coming from an It support background I understand there are people that don't fully understand search engines or forums but are very good at following step by step instruction or pointing directly to a link to a post on the forum.
So my idea is a reasonably setup irc server with channels named properly to reflect the device of interest "Blue Angel" "Hermes" "Elf" "Universal" etc. where a person could go for quick explination or direction. and talk live to other members.
also a general discussion area for say windows mobile in general, or even just general rant about achievements or development feedback and idea sharing with more experienced developers who want to join in.
I don't know if this I already available as I haven't seen any that relate to this forum. But I think it would be a good resoure to both new and more senior and experienced users to have available.
Please feel free to give your feedback on this idea, but as I know how forums can be.
Please keep your feedback constructive and professional like the intelligent and respectful people I've seen so far.
Note: yes to answer this ahead of time I'm thinking about starting up something like this or would be willing to help set it up if the owners of this forum would be interested. feel free to move this thread to a more proper section as you see fit
You are right it requires a lot

Join our group..

Hi guys
we're a little group of K3 note users...we talk about our device,follow latest developments from various forums like 4pda and others,some little bugfixings,and of course fun.....
we would like to have some skillful people,enthusiast,beta testers,developers,seekers among us.....
we would be really happy to have some skilled people among us...and could use some help.
we use telegram as our messenger... cause it's the best at group management...file uploads..stickers..everything..
NB-we won't allow kangers,selfish,and extremely noob/dull people(of course learners are very much welcome)
if we see kanging/selfishness or any fishy behaviour...you'll be banned without any notice...
and you've to be active
Mod edit: thread closed. Promotion of social media/blogs is against XDA rules

To those who caused Frankie to pull his ROM support...

As a member of XDA and a fellow user and somewhat acquaintance of the S.I.X. ROM dev, I feel this is a necessary post. Frankie (the dev) put a lot of hard work into S.I.X. ROM and some individuals seemed to not like that he on his own was able to make one of, if not the first functional Android 8 ROM for the N6.
I'm ashamed to be part of the XDA community right now as a result of all this. I thought we were better than this...
The point of a community is to work together to make progress, not attack those who get somewhere first because you are jealous.
Very well said. After 8 years here, I'm still amazed at the childishness of some supposed "senior" members and "contributors." Pettiness is the death of innovation.
Unfortunately this happens quite often on XDA. The people who originally figure stuff out get pushed out by kangers who want to "see" the code, claiming open source and license rule violations.
It's the interwebs, that the way it is. Your going to get trolls no matter what the subject is or what forum (Sports, Android, Gaming, Politics etc) your visiting.
Some of you act like you've never seen a troll, get your head out of the sand..........JEEZ!!!
EDIT: A Mod should close this thread because it serves no purpose whatsoever
The Xda community has well over 7 million members.
Just like families of 6 or 10 have crazy uncles and weird cousins, there is NO WAY to remove all the craziness from a 7 million member community.
So while certain Roms or specific development areas DO have trouble, animosity, jealousy, kanging, etc, it is by and large a SMALL percentage of the Xda community.
As far as this specific situation; this won't be the first dev to pull their work and it won't be the last. Facts are facts.
There is absolutely NO WAY to keep every dev of kernels, Roms, apps, mods, etc. from being offended by something, someone, somewhere during their time with Xda, most of the time it's legit, sometimes it's just petty (devs are people too)
With that being said, the Moderation staff, which are all volunteers (just like the devs) work daily to remove, and reduce those who cause trouble within Xda.
The absolute BEST thing EVERY member can do is REPORT trouble, trolls, problems, and NO ENGAGE them in the threads when they come to town.
A large amount of thread troubles occur when well intending regulars of the thread engage trolls and troublemakers, and suddenly there are 4 pages of insults, attacks, disrespect. What dev wants to deal with that when they do this for free and for fun?
The reasons devs pull their work can be vast and multi-tiered, and no one can control the outcome of that except the devs themselves.
The more GOOD members who maintain their composure and follow the rules by NOT engaging in off-topic, troll chasing, the easier it is to identify, and remove the troublemakers, and the less trouble threads will have overall.
If 6.9 million members don't feed the .1 million trolls, they'll stop trolling... No private community will EVER be free of trolls, it's impossible as sometimes good members go tot he troll side and there is NO WAY to stop that prior to it happening.
So to you good members who respect the devs and the Xda community, do your part and follow the rules, report the trolls don't feed them, and we can all offer those who dev and assist in threads, the best atmosphere possible (which will never be perfect) to share, develop and enjoy this thing we call Xda.
Unfortunately, threads like this, no matter how well intended, only invite MORE drama and add more fuel to the troll fire, so it is being closed.
Thank you for your cooperation
tl;dr Xda is a HUGE community. You good members work at being the best part of Xda by following the rules, and not feeding the trolls. Let the Moderation Staff handle the troublemakers. Continue to help your fav dev with bugs and show them respect, say thank you a lot (it's free) and throw them a bone once in a while.

Why telegram??

This forum ([email protected]) is dying.
We can't find roms and threads are not updated with links and last rom version.
Why developers prefer to use telegram instead of XDA??
I think it's horrible: forum is a single access point for everything about our device. Also forum posts will remain forever and will help everyone in the future, because everything is categorized in sections and threads, and there is a search function!
With telegram every developer have his own channel, everyone can write stupid uninformative messages and it's a ***** mess.
At least, I hope it's not a trend for every device but just for markw.
Devs preferring Telegram because there's quick response/interaction available, one can immediately report and get a problem resolved. Xda is slower in that context, but, it's a very essential platform.
So, what we can do is take the responsibility on ourselves to keep this subforum up to date by increasing interactions, not just relying on the devs.
It's not just markw, my friend. The situation is the same with my other device (kenzo). There are lots of roms which don't have a thread on XDA and are only available on Telegram. I guess the flashers just have to follow the devs. It's up to them.
I think it's really a bad direction for the internet in general.
Forums are like books, they stay forever (until the site is maintained at least..).
Instant messaging are like words, they fly.

Watchout for their telegram group.

Watchout for their telegram group admins don't accept other opinions. They discriminate don't tolerate people and will ban you for your opinions. They have no mental capacity to have reasonable discussion about broblems they have.
There's definitely some unnecessary power tripping and putting people down of those who are trying to ask questions.
However, there are also a lot of people who don't do their own research through these forums looking for simple answers that they can find on their own. And then, when people do help them, they don't even say thanks.
I think Telegram may be preferred because XDA forces people to be respectful. And yet, on XDA, we still see waste and noise brought on by people who post irrelevant replies or ask questions that could have been answered with a simple search, or reading a few pages of the thread. This is frustrating. On Telegram, people can vent a little about this, but it does make the environment toxic. Can definitely be a WTF for those with questions that are being respectful.
I just wanted to follow progress in telegram group so I was rightfully mad since I couldn't get to the group for 2days - that's ridiculous. When I did they banned me for daring to question that. And another user who supported me too. No apology not even sympathy. And after they ban users they get even lower. Admins start to spam the group with big ridiculing gifs mocking and insulting them about how they banned someone, and some of their weaker minded sheeps join them. That's disgusting. This is BTW against their own rules. They are lowest of the low I have ever seen.
Thanks for saying it out loud, their telegram community is the most useless Rom community I've seen, they won't help you with anything yet they make fun of you.

