Conditionals and variables - Zooper Widget Templates

For using an indicator to point out wind direction. Change "10" in [ar][ar/] to move indicator in or out.
For adding a low volt warning. Change 25 to the voltage you want warning color to show. First color code is warning color, second is normal color. The two "•" represent the icon the variable is used for. If written using rich text, the • would be what changes color. In fact, i use that method for warning lights on some skins. You can also write text using rich text. Reqular text does not change colors.
For a fully charged indicator. It is curently set to be transparent when less than 100v and green when charged. I use it as a tiny indicator light. You can change the colors, and if using rich text, you can change the •:• to say for instance, Draining:Charged, then assign colors.
For using a needle for a thermometer. Im still trying this one out. Sometimes it seems off. Maybe you can check it. Again, adjust ar for piviot point.
I hope to have more soon. Im new at this so im learning as I go.


[Q] Colorblind or hard to see Check box colors on MT4G

I dont know if it is just me being colorblind or what, but does anyone else have a hard time (in setting for example) telling if boxes are CHECKED or UNCHECKED on the settings screen??
I believe there are a green or red check to signify the difference but I have a very difficult time distinguishing between the two.
Is anyone else having this problem and are there any ways to make it more apparent for me (like a check for check, and NO check for unchecked)???
Thanks in advance!!
I am also color blind (red/green) and I am having the same problem. Any help on changing this would be helpfull.
Glad to hear there is a least ONE other person Ron. I was afraid I was going nuts!! lol
I am finding it very difficult to know if I have various settings checked or not. Quite aggravating actually.
I wonder if there is a way to change the Background to WHITE (instead of Black) and maybe that will help a little.
I am not colorblind and if I'm not paying close attention I have to double check.
I found that changing the theme made the checkboxes easier to see (and I am not colorblind!) I am using the "Ruby" theme.
The theme that I am using, the one with the background of white squares called Carrera, uses black check marks for things in settings. However if you change your theme it will also change the check mark color. I know that with my particular theme the volume level is in grey, which isn't very smart since the background for it is also like a grey but a little darker. This will also change when you change the theme.
I am colorblind and also have the same issue. Highly annoying.
Thanks everyone. Changing themes did help a little. I changed to the "white" theme. Makes it a little easier to see, STILL ridiculously difficult to see sometimes though. I think they could have done a better job on this part of the OS.

[Q] Notification Panel lighting effects

I have recently installed LeeDroid 3.0.7, its mostly great.
The thing I have noticed the most which is a bit annoying are the changes to the notification panel, while I love the fact its now transparent it has this white lighting effect on it, starting from the top left gradually getting darker until it reaches the bottom right.
I understand these can be referred to as the lighting gradrient or spotlight effect.
Basically its too dark, I want to lightening it up.. make it brighter. So I can read all of the text when I have 3 or 4 notifications.
you can change it yourself:
can change lots of other things too

[GUIDE] Night Internet Browsing (4 steps)

The goal of this guide is to have very low screen brightness with high contrast. Also the battery consumption is lowered. This guide was made for Slim Bean 4.3, however should work mostly in other roms also:
A) Use Screen Filter
B) Use black background, gray color for text and dark red color for links This tactic is better than invert rendering, because images are not inverted.
C) Shorten the timeout of soft key leds by modifying file "datadata/com.cyanogenmod.settings.device/shared_prefs/com.cyanogenmod.settings.device_preferences.xml". Change value "backlight_timeout" to 1. Unfortunately disabling the light seems impossible (as far as I know), but making the light duration short helps.
D) This I did not manage to do, but I have a faint idea how to do it. The goal is to decrease the minimum brightness to 0, which has been actually implemented in some roms. The following thread has discussion about this, however I was unable to rebuild the framework-res.apk
Help with D) would be appreciated.

[Q] How To Use Random Colors In App Ui ?

Hi I Creating And Modding A App named Full CLip
ALL I WANTED is if i can generate Random Colour For App UI Everytime App Starts Up ?
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Sure you can. You just create a new Color object with random RGB values: [0..255] for each Red, Green and Blue.
Then you apply it as a background of your view(s).
A truly random colour could end up ugly - an alternative would be to have a list of 'nice' colours and chose a random one each time. The Material Design Palette might be a good starting point.
You can generate random colors, or pick random one out of predefined color set.

[Q] Progress Bar Stairs

Hey @all,
i'm just getting started with developing Android Apps. Therefore i have a question, for designing my GUI. Maybe there is a possible build-in widget, but i don't have the right wording to find it (English is not my native language).
I'm looking for something like the Rating Bar, where you can select a value between 1 and 5. Instead of the stars, i'd like to have some bars (the left one is the smallest, the right one the highest). Should look like the "Stairs" within a Signal strength notification. To make it a bit more challenging i'd like to have different colors for every bar (least value is green, highest value red). Therefore i don't think that the Rating Bar with different drawings will fit my needs, because afaik i could just change the star layout, not like the first star should become a 5dp bar, the second a 15dp and so on.
Is there any build in widget i could use?
I attached a picture to show my idea.
I hope you can help me
Additional Information: I like to develop for min API 17
fighterii said:
Hey @all,
i'm just getting started with developing Android Apps. Therefore i have a question, for designing my GUI. Maybe there is a possible build-in widget, but i don't have the right wording to find it (English is not my native language).
I'm looking for something like the Rating Bar, where you can select a value between 1 and 5. Instead of the stars, i'd like to have some bars (the left one is the smallest, the right one the highest). Should look like the "Stairs" within a Signal strength notification. To make it a bit more challenging i'd like to have different colors for every bar (least value is green, highest value red). Therefore i don't think that the Rating Bar with different drawings will fit my needs, because afaik i could just change the star layout, not like the first star should become a 5dp bar, the second a 15dp and so on.
Is there any build in widget i could use?
I attached a picture to show my idea.
I hope you can help me
Additional Information: I like to develop for min API 17
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think your best bet would be to make pictures (drawables) to use inside of an ImageView widget. You would need to draw every possible outcome or picture that the user will have displayed to them. Then depending on what you want done, set the drawable to imageview.
Here's a very brief example (Sorry, typing from phone):
ImageView imgView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
If (outcome1) {
Something like that should work for you.
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Service: Straight Talk
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