Ouyas Dead? - Ouya General

Does anyone know why Target, Amazon and the Ouya website stopped selling new ouyas?
Has the company gone under?

Because no one buys them.

Has anyone looked at the price for a Ouya console lately at around $200.00 or more? CRAZY? With the 10 million from Alibaba we may just see that new Ouya? Every time I think its finally finished they always seem to have a surprise

wastate2014 said:
Has anyone looked at the price for a Ouya console lately at around $200.00 or more? CRAZY? With the 10 million from Alibaba we may just see that new Ouya? Every time I think its finally finished they always seem to have a surprise
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Yikes. I found mine about a month ago at a Target about twenty miles away; they literally had one left, sitting on the shelf, for $99. I only bought it to make it an XBMC server, which it's mostly done great at (my Pioneer receiver won't play audio if it's hooked into it, and my TV creates a loud burst of sound static pretty much every time something starts). Only problem is it updated immediately when I plugged it in, so as far as I understand, it's not easily rootable anymore.

It's sad that the OUYA couldn't reach it's expectations. The promises they made on kickstarter sounded good, but they weren't able to fulfill them. They missed the chance from the beginning of the release.
So im a bit happy that i waited until the release. Sorry for those who backed the kickstarter project.

I preordered my ouya and tbh I was very happy with what I got. xbmc, emulators towefall bomb squad, my ouya served me like a champion. gave it to my nephew the other week and have a new android based TV box to carry on the fun.
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Considering getting one, would like opinions...

So I am on tmobile with my SGS Vibrant and the sensation isn't getting me excited and the thought of waiting until near winter is killing me, and then I stopped and wondered why I didn't just get a tablet in the mean time?
The only thing my vibrant doesn't do that i wish it did was play dungeon defenders, and with 1gig ram and a tegra2 the transformer should play it easy. Plus I just want a tablet and being pretty darn cheap among it's competition without seeming to sacrifice much I just need the slightest push into trying to track one down.
Any downsides to getting a tablet and not upgrading my phone? Any downsides to getting the tranformer instead of waiting a month or paying a little more for something else?
Also I just read the pcmag review and was getting kind of annoyed. They kept saying it wasn't quite an iPad2 and complained about how the keyboard they got was buggy (iPad2 doesn't have that option, hell no one does), and that flash 10.2 is still in beta, but isn't apple pretty far behind in flash on their "mobile" devices?
Sorry, that almost became a rant. So opinions? Any one else who was like me (on the wall about getting a tablet) who took the plunge and now very happy/unhappy about it? I suppose I could order it on Amazon and would have time to return it, but I would like to know what I should be checking for at least so I can see if it bothers me or not.
Thanks for any and all help. I will now go look at the dev section and see if that gets me more excited or not.
I vote go for it! You wont be dissapointed. There are a lot of fun things to do with the tablet vs just a phone. Let your imagination run with this thing.
I was going to get the Galaxy Tab 10.1. But after finding out that it didnt have a microSD card slot that was a deal breaker. I then began to look at other Tablets. Then I found it. It had all the features I wanted and was cheaper than others. It also had an option for a keyboard that almost doubles the battery life. The decision was easy. I got my Transformer yesterday and I am super happy with my decision. Def go for it. Newegg had them in stock last friday at $499 free ship and no tax. I added a class 10 32 gig microSD. Came to like $570. Also tiger direct had the keyboards in stock as of monday. Have fun with your Transformer. Im very happy with mine.
Wow. When I posted this Amazon had stock of the 16gb model (which would be plenty for me), now they don't. Newegg does but there are no returns for refund (just in case).
I guess I will hold off for now since I am moving at the end of the month any way and shouldn't be splurging right now.
I ALMOST bought one earlier but so many people reported a lot of annoyances that I don't think I would get one without the assurance that I can send it back if I need to.
There's going to be annoyances with any device one gets, really. Especially with a first generation device like the TF. I really do suspect that some of the "problems" voiced are those of perception but, on the other hand, there are some bonafide issues that require addressing.
I've been fortunate, mine has been great. Rooted, Prime 1.4 and OC to 1.4. It performs quite well.
Shiznit... Amazon got more in stock, so I put one on my credit card... At least with amazon if I get it and feel stupid for having done so I get 30 days to return it... I think.
Otherwise I will be telling everyone how cool tablets are by wednesday and playing too much dungeon defenders.
However I already know to check for dust and screen bleed. Anything else to be cautious about? I probably won't pull out the magnifier glass or anything but I being a poor college student I don't want to regret my purchase (I will get the dock when school starts more than likely).
sound balance.
Flash is at 10.3 and Apple refuses to even consider it at the moment. The Android 3.1 update came with an update for the keyboard which it prompted me to install when I first connect to mine. No problems. Nothing close to a force close has appeared since I've had mine. Appreciate the product well enough I took some high resolution photos and did a blog post about it.
h00ligan said:
sound balance.
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Does this mean like speaker placement, or speakers not being equal volume, or like imbalance in tones/pitch?
I've seen this a few times and am not quite sure what to not hope for. I guess I will have to pay attention to if the sound in general bothers me, but thanks.
And @4D, thanks, I will check that out. I hate how everyone bumps tech site reviews and makes it some what of a pain to find decent personal reviews (because, you know, I am not a tech site, I am just a person who wants to know what the device will feel like and not compare it to the ipad2)
see my thread "Still the new hotness".. I'm in lurve baby!!
I've had my TF for two weeks now. I have the 32gb with the dock. Bought it overseas in Australia (ended up being cheaper there than the US)! Apart from the fact that our company has complicated templates for MS Word and Excel, the machine is perfect. I've been able to VNC back into my full sized laptop several times, and it's really going to be a desktop replacement for me on the road.
I had an Asus EeePC prior, and loved that, and this is no different. My one annoyance is the right hand shift key, and that there is no keyboard shortcut for recent apps. However, the shift key is just a getting used to thing. As for the recent apps thing, if that's the only other issue, I'm doing pretty well!!!
Don't use up your upgrade right now on a phone. Wait till Christmas time when the nexus 3 will be upon us.
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david279 said:
Don't use up your upgrade right now on a phone. Wait till Christmas time when the nexus 3 will be upon us.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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Not on contract at the moment, so I don't get upgrades. Maybe early next year I will go back on contract simple for a new phone (since the prices are getting pretty high on their own)

Who Here Back The Ouya?

I did, can't wait to get it. I'm going to have a great time with emus
I did! Really looking forward to this system and really excited this is on XDA, can't wait to see what you fine people can do with it!
scdemanett said:
I did! Really looking forward to this system and really excited this is on XDA, can't wait to see what you fine people can do with it!
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Dogie52 said:
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Ugh darn PayPal issues. Okay I'm reserving mine on Monday. Does anyone know "about" when I'd receive mine? Sucks that I missed the Feb 4th deal.
I am one of the original backers as well and I'm extremely excited! Dedicated system for emulators, indie games, media, all in a small cheap package. I mean I could hookup my phone/laptop to the tv and find some bluetooth controller but this is more convenient. One could also argue I could buy a more powerful HTPC, I could, but I bought an Ouya. :3
i am a backer too and i agree i could have gone with other things but this is cheap small easy to use and setup and take anywhere. and most of all its a leap in gaming for those that want light games and entertainment. i plan on taking mine to my friends house all the time, or modding my motorola lapdock to use this on the go anywhere. i have lots of ideas and plans for mine.
yeah i also backed the ouya and im excited for it. i didnt want the "special edition" one because i didnt like the colour. i also got 2 controllers for it
I backed it with $99 on Day 1. THen rebacked it for $130 when they offered the bronze one.
I discourage Ouya.
It's bound to be an utter failure.
E: Only die-hard Android nerds will buy it.
The argument "we want to get people back to television" is horribly biased and makes me laugh like a damn choker.
There is plenty of consoles out there today, yet no consumer seems to give much of a damn about "openness" of the console.
Of course they don't. They want games, not source code, GPIO and extensive customization possibilities.
E2: I never backed next-gen consoles. They break the purpose and meaning of the word "console".
well i didn't think much about it until i logged in here the other day and it was as the top of the forum... now kinda wishing i had of... oh well
bagnz0r said:
I discourage Ouya.
It's bound to be an utter failure.
E: Only die-hard Android nerds will buy it.
The argument "we want to get people back to television" is horribly biased and makes me laugh like a damn choker.
There is plenty of consoles out there today, yet no consumer seems to give much of a damn about "openness" of the console.
Of course they don't. They want games, not source code, GPIO and extensive customization possibilities.
E2: I never backed next-gen consoles. They break the purpose and meaning of the word "console".
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I'm not a die-hard Android nerd, nor much of a hacker yet I backed it.
The OUYA will be great as a media center to access all sorts of digital content on a TV as well as acting as a gaming console for less hard core gaming. I currently use a ROKU to access Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc and will replace that with this. Console gaming is far down the list of reasons I wanted the OUYA, but I am excited to see what might come out once it releases.
I'm a day one (maybe two) backer. I'm neither all excited or doom and gloom on it either.
The reason I did it, it looked interesting. Two, I'm hoping maybe it or something similar will catch on and give an alternative to the major consoles--Playstation, xbox, nintendo--or PC (can be expensive to keep hardware up to date. Three, the market can use something like this so the independent guy or small company can have a low entry point into getting into the gaming market beyond the mobile device There are a lot of people with good ideas, but don't have the financial resources to try the idea. Last, it was only $100, so the cost was quite minimal.
There are some good games on the mobile platform. Some that could be fun on the TV such as Shadowrun. I think developers could make something even better if the platform could support it.
I'm not saying I expect the graphics to up with the 360, PS3 or next versions of these. But as the Wii showed, if you have a fun game to play, people are willing to play with lower graphics.
Plus, I think it will be interesting to see what other people, such as the XDA community, will be able to do with it as well since it's suppose to be open. Another bonus will be able to use the other media services on Android such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, Plex, Crackle, MLB, NHL, NBA, and so forth. This is assuming side loading APKs should be relatively easy and the APK plays nice. It won't replace a HTPC, but maybe a set top box.
Have one shipping soon to my place! Can't wait.
Mine will be here before end of April. Can't wait!
I backed Ouya during its kick starter campaign. Looking forward to my kick starter limited edition with my user name stamped on it and its 2 controller
Sent from my IceColdJelly HOX via Tapatalk 2
sschrupp said:
I'm not a die-hard Android nerd, nor much of a hacker yet I backed it.
The OUYA will be great as a media center to access all sorts of digital content on a TV as well as acting as a gaming console for less hard core gaming. I currently use a ROKU to access Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc and will replace that with this. Console gaming is far down the list of reasons I wanted the OUYA, but I am excited to see what might come out once it releases.
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That could be a pretty valid use, but there's bunch of good set-top boxes out there. Cheaper than Ouya too.
Did Cant wait to play!
+1 for ouya
Actually i want to raise a $99 on their kickstarter campaign, but i was too late to have a pledge on their site. But defnitely give it a try when it is out in our market since this doesnt make a hole in our pocket
I backed this when it was on Kickstarter. I have a hard time accepting prophecy from someone who didn't pick up any recent consoles because you're out of touch with the direction of gaming. This isn't an insult and I totally get your response but you're missing out on the evolution of games and gaming.
For 99 bucks, I'm willing to risk it to see how it turns out. You can say "I told you so" and it will only sting up to 99 dollars worth of pain.
What I don't like is that they plan on releasing a new console every year and at 99 bucks a pop, it's still cheaper to pick up the current/next gen console.
Yep I backed it. Least its paid for. Also grabbed a 2nd controller. Just waiting on them to ship out. =)
Only thing that annoyed me on Kickstarter... didnt know this till LATER.. Is that we KS people.. didnt get a discount on the Ouya.. its the same as "preorder" price for everyone else.. which does make me feel lil cheated.. We backed the project, but didnt get any perks for the normal order.

Who has their Ouya?

So...supposedly the Ouyas started going out a few days ago to those of us who backed the Kickstarter. Just out of curiosity...has anyone received theirs yet?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I haven't got mine. Maybe we should make a shipping thread or something.
I find it strange that the founder said during the launch event that they actually started shipping the devices out on the 27th of march but here we are on the 2nd of April and I've not heard of anyone (kick starter backers) receiving theirs. Wonder what's up! I figured mine would have arrived by now. Hopefully it will be here by Friday.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Shipped out via pack mule maybe?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Kickstarter backer here.
Who knows when I will be getting my console. Saying its gonna ship by end of march is very vague.
I guess its one of those things that will magically show at my doorstep, or they are just shipping them from Mars... Since I doubt that I will be getting tracking number anytime soon..
But anyway I read that on their facebook page that most people wont get their units until at least few weeks.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
$99 kickstarter backer here. For $99 backers the kick starter page says, it is guaranteed that we would be receiving before it hits retail.
So, we would be getting any day between now and June . I think they're shipping in small batches, to prevent device updates from hammering their servers.
they also said they would be sending an email to confirm the mailing address prior to mailing. Thus, no email, no shipping. I checked my address in my Ouya account, and said to email them, which I did. They responded. So I may not get the address confirm email.
Email from the 28th - Looks like early backers get first shipments.
Project Update #20: Shippin’
Posted by OUYA
So... we made a game console.
And by "we" I mean you. OUYA wouldn’t exist without you.
Just last summer, we shared an idea for a simple, beautiful, powerful game console that lets any developer publish a game for the TV. We were driven by our love for couch gaming. And when you (and the rest of our early supporters) rallied around us, you inspired us.
We got here together.
Today, we honor you. Today we start shipping our early backers their OUYAs. And at our unveiling event this evening, the first of you will get to see OUYA in the flesh (or, metal, as it were).
Thank you.
Thank you for your encouraging words, for your belief when doubters doubted, for your feedback and ideas, and for your trust. And, I have to personally thank the OUYA team for the sleepless nights and sacrifices they’ve made to make OUYA for you.
A couple things our team wants you to know when you get your OUYA:
• When you first boot it up, you’ll experience our first update This will either be super fast (seconds) or allow you to get a drink (minutes) based on your connection speed. Eventually, we want to do these updates in the background...
• You'll need a credit/debit card to download games. All games are still free to try. Your card will only be charged if you buy content you love. We do want valid payment information for everyone. This is to ensure that game developers can get paid when you love their game.
• OUYA supports up to four controllers. And, because we support Bluetooth, you can pair other devices as well. We are testing now and will start publishing a list of devices soon.
This is only the beginning. Today begins an exclusive preview period as we gear up to launch in June. We'll continue to add features, refine the user interface, and keep building the software as we head toward our retail launch -- now announced for June 4.
We hope that you, our founding backers, continue to shape OUYA as we prepare to launch to the masses. Your feedback, to date, has been incredibly helpful and as you know, we’ve acted on many of your ideas and suggestions. We want your feedback on these first units. You know how to find us -- but we are also creating forums keep the convo going. In fact, we are planning an "AMA" (ask me anything) on Reddit to get your ideas. We'll do this in April (date still TBD), after you’ve had time to give OUYA a whirl.
Start checking your mailboxes daily as these units roll out over the next few weeks. You'll get an email when your console ships out of our factory. Keep in mind, it’s a rolling shipment, and consoles will be arriving at houses every day for the next several weeks.
Once your OUYA arrives: get playing!
As of 7:59 p.m. PT, there are already 104 published games on OUYA (all still free to try), like Final Fantasy III and some new surprises we think you’ll love: Beast Boxing Turbo, Stalagflight, Knightmare Tower, and even one called Save the Puppies. There are already a few entertainment apps, too. You can watch the TV shows and movies you already own with XBMC and Flixster, or watch games streamed through TwitchTV.
And developers are releasing new games for OUYA everyday. Eight thousand developers have created developer accounts with us so far.
Our hope is to see these game developers express their most creative ambitions through OUYA. We can't wait to see what they unleash on our TVs.
OUYA on...
P.S. In case you missed it, as part of making OUYA the most open game platform around, we just announced that we published all the diagrams you’ll need to 3D print an OUYA yourself! Thanks MakerBot (who has a sweet 3D printer, and runs the Thingiverse community site)!
Ouya are being smart and rolling the device out slowly. Good intentions always tend to screw things up, so best way IMO.
The only thing that sucks on my end is that other than the the occasional blog updates, I don't think anyone really knows what's going on with shipments, etc. No notification, no nothing. Ouya concept was great until they got their money. Just wish they updated us backers more so we wouldn't be so much in the dark.
Original backer here and still no confirmation email
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
check out their status
just recieved an email about who will recieve their ouya. apparently this will be the order:
OUYA grey + 1 controller
OUYA grey + multiple controllers
OUYA brown + 1 controller
OUYA brown + multiple controllers
full email follows
Project Update #21: Our loyal supporters,
For backers only, Posted by OUYA
OUYA is shipping! I know you are anxious to play and probably want to know when to expect yours. Here’s the plan:
We began shipping last week, 3/27 in fact. We had two days of manufacturing and then we had to stop for Easter. This week, we got 3 days of work and then had to stop for the Qingming Festival. I know this sucks but we will be picking up the pace.
Starting next week, we will be building and shipping units 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, we are bringing on new vendors to help us deliver faster. However, we will not sacrifice quality for speed.
The rollout will be as follows: We are starting with the standard OUYA unit (grey console+controller), then working on the Kickstarter exclusive units and units with more than one controller.
Also, every Friday, on our blog (www.ouya.tv/blog), we will update you on our progess and plan. As of today, we plan on making our final delivery in May. In fact, until now we were sending shipping alerts only when your shipment left the assembly line. Because you asked for it, we will now send out pre-shipping alerts a week before to let you know your order is queued up.
We appreciate your continued support as we deliver your OUYA -- and know that every day there are more games for you to play! That’s the best part.
Thank you,
I just got that email today. Seriously stupid, kick starter people backed them and the ones who ordered early and were promised the special edition ones get them last? Who's bright idea was that? The march date they set is really just a super soft launch... Not even a launch really. Its cool they were close to their set date but other than it seems journalists, no one has theirs yet. I was pretty excited about the launch until I read the verge review. The interface is a train wreck if it is as bad as the review states. I really hope some custom Roms will debut that better marry the ouya store or whatever they call it and normal android. Getting the play store on there for me will be a big desire.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I just gotta say, with the apparent long wait for shipping, and the approaching june retail release, they aren't even going to get that much "beta" testing time before they need to really deliver a complete product. Seems dumb...I want my ouya!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
$99 kickstarter backer here
Has anyone else got their shipping email?
But there isn't much of a rush at this point
I am pretty much expecting the Android/XDA community to make this device actually useable and most people don't even have the darn thing yet
Got this yesterday from Ouya:
Looks like your stuff will ship in late April.
We are now shipping Kickstarter orders (placed before Aug. 8). If you ordered between then and Feb. 4, your order should be shipped in late April. Orders placed after that time will be shipped in June. You will receive an email confirmation with tracking number once yours is on its way.
Hope you're excited for OUYA!
OUYA, Inc.
From what I can see, I shouldn't have backed up this project... The console is hitting major retailers in June and we were promised to have the console a few months early...

I'm done with this

I gave it a fair chance, tried to make it work but it buggy, awkward and just not good enough.
So happy that Amazon will take it back.
screw this
Sorry to hear that, the ouya's not for everyone. Hope you find something that fits your needs. I've had mine since day one and am really glad I have one as it has allowed me to experience Android gaming in a whole new way. I was tired of using tablets/phones and hdmi-out cables and getting crappy performance since the tablet/phone had to dedicate horsepower to two screens which would eventually cause it to overheat(Galaxy S 3). As someone who enjoys playing Android games on the big screen it's perfect for me plus it's absurdly cheap so it's easily replaceable.
I'm not interested in gaming although my 2 yr old may start to take an interest soon. I ise it for xbmc, internet radio, iplayers and some other play store apps and am delighted with it.
Bit fiddly to set up but got there in the end with help on this forum.
Bring on kit kat. Onwards and upwards!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Development experience
My son is interested in developing games for various platforms. This gives him some experience in the android world on something unique. Even if the consol dies or is revamped the experience gained is worth it.
To each their own. I can see that some people will not like it though, but having a roku box that gets used mostly for netflix and hulu (wish android has amazon videos), and an snes still attached to my tv and a samsung fascinate (read old a!! phone) this ouya is a good replacement for three devices. It's got a few good games, but having rooted and added the pay store, I can put more on it and I can try some coding myself. Plus I do have to add that I got it just recently when it was on sale on amazon, $75 plus a $25 credit towards ouya games. I've been eyeing it at my local target for some time, but have found other uses for the $100. I do wish amazon video was on it, then I could completely replace my roku.
Amazon video...
jobzombi said:
To each their own. I can see that some people will not like it though, but having a roku box that gets used mostly for netflix and hulu (wish android has amazon videos), and an snes still attached to my tv and a samsung fascinate (read old a!! phone) this ouya is a good replacement for three devices. It's got a few good games, but having rooted and added the pay store, I can put more on it and I can try some coding myself. Plus I do have to add that I got it just recently when it was on sale on amazon, $75 plus a $25 credit towards ouya games. I've been eyeing it at my local target for some time, but have found other uses for the $100. I do wish amazon video was on it, then I could completely replace my roku.
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There might be a workaround. I can't vouch for this but I thought you might be interested. You would have to flash CM11 and try it out. You would loose the actual Ouya game part of the console. I bought mine for the XBMC anyway so loosing Ouya games was not a big deal. My old laptop was running rough and XBMC was not happy with the hardware. The Ouya store should be coming to android in 6 months or so and you will have the games back.
KJRob said:
There might be a workaround. I can't vouch for this but I thought you might be interested. You would have to flash CM11 and try it out. You would loose the actual Ouya game part of the console. I bought mine for the XBMC anyway so loosing Ouya games was not a big deal. My old laptop was running rough and XBMC was not happy with the hardware. The Ouya store should be coming to android in 6 months or so and you will have the games back.
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Some users on the shield forum managed to get an older version of the ouya store working, you could probably just follow those same steps to get the ouya store back.
DrBytes said:
I gave it a fair chance, tried to make it work but it buggy, awkward and just not good enough.
So happy that Amazon will take it back.
screw this
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I returned mine to Amazon the minute I saw the firetv announcement. Luckily I only bought it a week earlier. Firetv blows the ouya out of the water! And now with AndroidTV just around the corner I predict an imminent death to the entire ouya concept...

Ok Mad Catz, I tried to embrace you...I really did

I have been a strong advocate of the Mad Catz Mojo since release, and I still think it has the most powerful components of any Android box to date and has a LOT of potential...but I have to come to the realization that the potential is lost on this device for quite a few reasons:
1. Mad Catz does not seem to "know" the device or their end users in this area.
Exactly as I put it above. They did not know how to root their own device and needed Modaco to come forward with a root method, and thank GOD for that, as without it you would quickly discover that you cannot download a single thing from the Playstore without it. But root is usually the beginning to better things. It seems like it was the one and only mod. Root was necessary, but custom recovery and a WAY to recover this device is also necessary. You just gave the general population a way to wreck the Mojo, but no way to recover from it. Nice. Feels like this was merely released and that is all. Sort of like "here you go, figure it out". You advertise on the box that this can play your Playstore purchases, but not until rooting. You guys should be rooting these before packaging.
2. Price
I never had an issue with the price, but I know others have. For a "figure it out on your own, we will not assist" type of device, maybe the introductory price should have been $199, and then dropped to $150. I fear the price is driving away potential devs...that is the price of what you are getting. The console is great, and honestly does not need to be included with that controller. It does not have a screen like the Shield. There is no reason why the joystick cannot be omitted and the price drastically lowered...maybe down to Minix Neo X7 pricetag ($130)
3. No advertising, upselling, no dev samples..
I saw a blog my someone (I will not mention his name) in which you guys were supposed to send him a Mojo and never did. He didn't care, but was upset because you guys made a promise and backed out. You didn't even contact him again. Not good. These Mojo units should have been handed out to the dev elite to help keep this box alive. If they don't have it and are reluctant to buy it, nothing is going to come of it. Get it? Ohh, and advertising is key for products. I saw you guys talking it up pre-release in trade shows, NeweggTV, etc. Then it is released and nothing. You did make that Ouya announcement two months ago....but the light is dimming. Faster items are on the way and this device is going to be forgotten before it has a chance to be remembered.
It pains me to say it, but I have now too returned my Mojo. Not because anyone talked me into another device, but because I feel the lack of support, updates, news, development, anything at all....is the doom that is the Mojo. No way to get in and install a custom rom (or even stock rom if bricked) is just asking for trouble. What if some rogue app bricked the mojo? What are you going to tell me? Send it to Canada and wait a month for you to flash it? Or do you even know how to do that?
I ended up ordering the Minix Neo X7 (I know the X8 is coming, and will probably get that as well) not because I think it is more powerful (I know it is not) but because there is a world of active development going in for the device and a dozen ways to ensure that I never end up with a paperweight down the road. If it runs emulators/movies/music well that is all I need. I wish the Mojo was the ultimate answer (in hardware it nearly is for me) but software/development/support ends up being even MORE important than the hardware contained. It's like someone giving you an 8-Core CPU but only providing software that takes advantage of one core. Ugh.
Your unbelievable zektor, first you act like a little child to me because i was saying this for a long time, and you was making stupid posts of how stupid my phone is and how stupid you must be to have a phone like mine, and more.
And now you are saying this, make up your mind.
AmigaWolf said:
Your unbelievable zektor, first you act like a little child to me because i was saying this for a long time, and you was making stupid posts of how stupid my phone is and how stupid you must be to have a phone like mine, and more.
And now you are saying this, make up your mind.
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Your phone and your attitude DOES suck. I did not change my mind about that Your stupid posts compound the issue and make the Mojo less desirable...or at least the Mojo forums. Congratulations for that. You should be given a "major award". Your posts have nothing to do with mine. You were just a crybaby because you bricked yours and they had no more in stock to replenish it for you.
As for the Mojo, I still stand my ground that it is the most powerful (currently) Android TV box on the market. That is fact, not me just saying it. It is a shame the way it has turned out however with the lack of support, no development, and a weak forum with only a handful of helpful and encouraging people and one real dipstick (hint, the post above)
zektor said:
Your phone and your attitude DOES suck. I did not change my mind about that Your stupid posts compound the issue and make the Mojo less desirable...or at least the Mojo forums. Congratulations for that. You should be given a "major award". Your posts have nothing to do with mine. You were just a crybaby because you bricked yours and they had no more in stock to replenish it for you.
As for the Mojo, I still stand my ground that it is the most powerful (currently) Android TV box on the market. That is fact, not me just saying it. It is a shame the way it has turned out however with the lack of support, no development, and a weak forum with only a handful of helpful and encouraging people and one real dipstick (hint, the post above)
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Oh wait i forgot, is it bed time for you little child, Yes i hear your mother yelling that you must go to bed, because you must go to school in the morning.
Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite.
I agree with zektor I biught this cuz it said was going to be rooted and was good quality but was very disappointed with the extra stuff I had to do. Not for the average person. Hes right the more people the more development from devs amd if it takes mad catz giving some free out to high level devs to make thier product better then they need to hurry up. There used to be a mad catz rep here but ive seen nothing for a while I ciuld be wrong. Maybe cause he has blno answers anymore
zektor said:
I have been a strong advocate of the Mad Catz Mojo since release, and I still think it has the most powerful components of any Android box to date and has a LOT of potential...but I have to come to the realization that the potential is lost on this device for quite a few reasons:
1. Mad Catz does not seem to "know" the device or their end users in this area.
2. Price
3. No advertising, upselling, no dev samples..
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Strange that a week ago you wrote Reasons you SHOULD buy a M.O.J.O.. the mojo hasn't changed,Android hasn't changed, the community hasn't changed.. so what's changed? " because I feel the lack of support, updates, news, development, anything at all"
Well there was an update 2 days ago: http://madcatz.com/4k-coming-to-mojo/
Apart from that, it hasn't changed.
Obviously, it's not a cheap toy like Ouya, so yes less devs and I would agree with you: "No way to get in and install a custom rom (or even stock rom if bricked) is just asking for trouble. "
But I'm guessing, like rooting, madcatz can't do it or release the image due to legal reasons (it's android/nvidia's software) obviously it would be nice if it "leaked".. then yeah sure I too would try more risky stuff..
Price point I think it's great value and a complete package with the ctrlr... ie I don't like the amazon firetv controller, moga etc.
re Advertising etc, I think they are timing it, it's not cheap to advertise.. I'm guessing they are waiting to finish kit-kat/ouya everywhere before doing so? I don't know.. don't really care
"I wish the Mojo was the ultimate answer (in hardware it nearly is for me) but software/development/support ends up being even MORE important than the hardware contained. It's like someone giving you an 8-Core CPU but only providing software that takes advantage of one core. Ugh. "
Madcatz is a hardware vendor, TMK they don't do software... and that's one of their selling point, no vendor lock in.
It's like you bought an Dell laptop and returned it because Dell didn't put out enough patches/upgrade? :silly:
What community mods makes you think your not running on all 8 cores?
I mean you had a good set up... what exactly couldn't you do?
Anyway, I'm still optimistic and it's still early days, MOJO is future proof, it's spec's are still top of the line and will continue to be for a while yet.
I wouldn't be surprised if kitkat/ouya comes out closer to the holiday season.
gwaldo said:
Strange that a week ago you wrote Reasons you SHOULD buy a M.O.J.O.. the mojo hasn't changed,Android hasn't changed, the community hasn't changed.. so what's changed? " because I feel the lack of support, updates, news, development, anything at all"
Well there was an update 2 days ago: http://madcatz.com/4k-coming-to-mojo/
Apart from that, it hasn't changed.
Obviously, it's not a cheap toy like Ouya, so yes less devs and I would agree with you: "No way to get in and install a custom rom (or even stock rom if bricked) is just asking for trouble. "
But I'm guessing, like rooting, madcatz can't do it or release the image due to legal reasons (it's android/nvidia's software) obviously it would be nice if it "leaked".. then yeah sure I too would try more risky stuff..
Price point I think it's great value and a complete package with the ctrlr... ie I don't like the amazon firetv controller, moga etc.
re Advertising etc, I think they are timing it, it's not cheap to advertise.. I'm guessing they are waiting to finish kit-kat/ouya everywhere before doing so? I don't know.. don't really care
"I wish the Mojo was the ultimate answer (in hardware it nearly is for me) but software/development/support ends up being even MORE important than the hardware contained. It's like someone giving you an 8-Core CPU but only providing software that takes advantage of one core. Ugh. "
Madcatz is a hardware vendor, TMK they don't do software... and that's one of their selling point, no vendor lock in.
It's like you bought an Dell laptop and returned it because Dell didn't put out enough patches/upgrade? :silly:
What community mods makes you think your not running on all 8 cores?
I mean you had a good set up... what exactly couldn't you do?
Anyway, I'm still optimistic and it's still early days, MOJO is future proof, it's spec's are still top of the line and will continue to be for a while yet.
I wouldn't be surprised if kitkat/ouya comes out closer to the holiday season.
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Yes, it was a nice setup and yes, I still do believe there are reasons to buy the Mojo. But, it is not future proof. It is getting older by the day (the Tegra 4) and more and more devices will have the processor (or something more powerful) built in. When that happens, the Mojo will become less exclusive and less desirable. It is also not future proof because the minute you run a rogue app that requires root and it bricks it (or you brick it in any other way) the Mojo is essentially done for. Not having a way to recover from a brick is not something that is acceptable nowadays.
It's nice to see some news. The 4k support means they are doing something. Not hearing anything for almost 3 months since ouya announcement and kit Kat upgrade has made it hard to have faith in improvements, but it sounds like it may still be coming
What is future proof nowadays things are changing at a very fast pace but I'm in no rush couldn't be happier with my mojo there may be new hardware coming but its not out yet and there is nothing on the play store that this baby won't run at this time horse before the cart
zektor said:
It is also not future proof because the minute you run a rogue app that requires root and it bricks it (or you brick it in any other way) the Mojo is essentially done for. Not having a way to recover from a brick is not something that is acceptable nowadays.
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I agree about not being able to unbrick it ourselves is an issue.. but it doesn't make it less future proof IMO.
Having an active community helps.. but with android/nvidia in it, we/I can 'piggy back' on other groups for info ie shield, ouya, other T4 products.
As you may or may not know, there are very few pieces of technology that have stood the test of time.
I can name a few from personal experience here:
Commodore 64
MS Windows XP
Nokia N900 & Maemo(native linux)
The mojo & CTRLR are so versatile, I'm sure I'll still be using it well after it's product lifecycle... that's future proof!
gwaldo said:
I agree about not being able to unbrick it ourselves is an issue.. but it doesn't make it less future proof IMO.
Having an active community helps.. but with android/nvidia in it, we/I can 'piggy back' on other groups for info ie shield, ouya, other T4 products.
As you may or may not know, there are very few pieces of technology that have stood the test of time.
I can name a few from personal experience here:
Commodore 64
MS Windows XP
Nokia N900 & Maemo(native linux)
The mojo & CTRLR are so versatile, I'm sure I'll still be using it well after it's product lifecycle... that's future proof!
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It is funny you mention the C64. Not only do I know it...I lived it I ran a BBS for many years and was a part of a demo group in the mid-late 80's for the C64. I know all well how it stood the test of time, and still own and use one (and develop on it) today. It is well documented, I can fix them, mod them (now with SD2IEC and other neat stuff) and they will essentially last as long as the hardware does.
The Mojo IS a cool system, I have never said otherwise in regard to the hardware. But I honestly cannot say that it will stand any test of time...sadly. It is a flash in the pan as compared with the likes of the other items you mentioned, *especially* the C64. It almost feels like blasphemy to put the two in the same sentence
But, Mad Catz could definitely redeem themselves if they became a little more proactive in the area in which the system's target audience resides. Namely HERE, and in other forums concerning Android TV boxes. Maybe some of there techs can get involved in conversations, provide useful tips, and check with their senior technicians regarding in depth questions that we may have. As it stands now it is a ghost town. I wonder if the Mad Catz employees read these forums and chuckle at what suckers we are for buying in. I REALLY hope that is not the case.
zektor said:
It is funny you mention the C64. Not only do I know it...I lived it I ran a BBS for many years and was a part of a demo group in the mid-late 80's for the C64. I know all well how it stood the test of time, and still own and use one (and develop on it) today. It is well documented, I can fix them, mod them (now with SD2IEC and other neat stuff) and they will essentially last as long as the hardware does.
The Mojo IS a cool system, I have never said otherwise in regard to the hardware. But I honestly cannot say that it will stand any test of time...sadly. It is a flash in the pan as compared with the likes of the other items you mentioned, *especially* the C64. It almost feels like blasphemy to put the two in the same sentence
But, Mad Catz could definitely redeem themselves if they became a little more proactive in the area in which the system's target audience resides. Namely HERE, and in other forums concerning Android TV boxes. Maybe some of there techs can get involved in conversations, provide useful tips, and check with their senior technicians regarding in depth questions that we may have. As it stands now it is a ghost town. I wonder if the Mad Catz employees read these forums and chuckle at what suckers we are for buying in. I REALLY hope that is not the case.
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But you forget Zektor nothing nowadays is made to last, back in the 80 and 90 hardware was made to last 20 a 30 years, like the
Commodore 64 (and i have one with a floppy drive and a tape drive, and also had Commodore Amiga for years, still have a Amiga 2000 from
1987 and it still works.
But all the stuff that is now made is not made to last, they (the manufactures) want that you buy new hardware every view years, thats why
Android phones only get 1 a 1.5 years of updates if your lucky and then nothing, when a Samsung Galaxy S3 can run Android 4.4 KitKat easily.
AmigaWolf said:
But you forget Zektor nothing nowadays is made to last, back in the 80 and 90 hardware was made to last 20 a 30 years, like the
Commodore 64 (and i have one with a floppy drive and a tape drive, and also had Commodore Amiga for years, still have a Amiga 2000 from
1987 and it still works.
But all the stuff that is now made is not made to last, they (the manufactures) want that you buy new hardware every view years, thats why
Android phones only get 1 a 1.5 years of updates if your lucky and then nothing, when a Samsung Galaxy S3 can run Android 4.4 KitKat easily.
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I can agree with you here. We live in a throw away society unfortunately. However, there are still items that are made to last, but they are "hidden gems" more or less. The vast majority of items are made like garbage, but every once in awhile you find something that is built like a rock. My Canon Powershot S80 comes to mind...which is actually quite a few years old now. Out of the items made today (in terms of these devices) the Minix is build VERY nicely, same with the Ouya. The Mojo is of decent quality, but it still feels like a hollow piece of plastic to me for some reason.
zektor said:
I can agree with you here. We live in a throw away society unfortunately. However, there are still items that are made to last, but they are "hidden gems" more or less. The vast majority of items are made like garbage, but every once in awhile you find something that is built like a rock. My Canon Powershot S80 comes to mind...which is actually quite a few years old now. Out of the items made today (in terms of these devices) the Minix is build VERY nicely, same with the Ouya. The Mojo is of decent quality, but it still feels like a hollow piece of plastic to me for some reason.
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Computer cpu's are built to last, just in the past they got outdated so fast. These days you can get a new cpu and be good for a very long time and it will outlast any other piece of computer equipment. I've actually never had a cpu go bad. But at the non component level, most consumer electronics have very short shelf life.
AmigaWolf said:
But you forget Zektor nothing nowadays is made to last, back in the 80 and 90.
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I don't agree, there are still companies out there that make great and out lasting products!
They add extra features that others don't, yes it's more expensive but less disposable.. like the SID chip on the C64 and the BT4/USB3,etc on the MOJO... it didn't have to be there and it's really at the manufactures risk/expense because it's their profit margin that it effects.
But it gives the company integrity for not selling out like their cheaper competitors.
I think things now are built for the lowest common denominator and only the brave step out of that.
IE: mobile phones, In Australia, it's next to impossible to buy a new mobile with a keyboard
Anyway, it's interesting

