DroidScript [IDE] - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

"DroidScript" is an app for Android that lets you create apps on your phone or tablet. With it you can write apps on the go or using WiFi edit code in the browser on your PC/laptop. The app uses JavaScript, has many sample apps, a Google group, a wiki and limited (but growing) documentation." DroidScript" is still in the beta state, so don't expect perfection. An in-app purchase ($5.95 us) is required to build APK's.
!!! I AM NOT !!! part of the "DroidScript" team and in no way am I involved in it's development !!!
I just found a usefull app and decided to share it!
"DroidScript" is provided by "SmartphoneRemote" and is available here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smartphoneremote.androidscriptfree
For those new to programming code Academy offers free courses in JavaScript and other programming languages. http://www.codecademy.com/

Just to add a little more information.
DroidScript was recently required by Google to change its name, the old name was AndroidScript.
The app you create using Droid Script can be ran and tested on your phone or tablet.
Using SPK's you can email your code to anyone else running Droid Script( at no cost ) which is useful for debugging, testing on different devices or just sharing.

An update is out.
The following is a quote from Dave Smart, one of the "DroidScipt" developers.
"Hi Guys,
Version 1.18 has just been released from private beta into public beta. It should be available in the next few hours on Google Play.
Most most notable change in this version is the ability to create 'HTML' based apps as well as the usual JavaScript (Native) App type. This will allow much easier development of HTML5 based applications for those who are familiar with web development. You no longer have to use the WebView control and call the web.Execute() method to communicate between the two worlds. Syntax errors will also be highlighted for JavaScript within your HTML page too
Check out the "HTML Sensors" sample for an example of using the JQuery 'FlotCharts' plotting library to generate live graphs of sensor input. (Note: When it comes to including your own collection of JavaScript libraries in your own projects, you can simply use a relative path rather than the special internal path format used in the samples)
There are also some other exciting new samples to stimulate your imagination such as:-
"Camera Faces" - Detects multiple faces in the camera preview.
"Wifi Broadcast" - Send and Receive UDP network packets between devices (good for messaging apps or multi-player games).
"TCP Client" - Raw TCP socket client allows talking to web servers, telnet servers or embedded devices.
"Joystick" - Demonstrates using standard HID joysticks such as the XBox360 to control your Apps.
We will be releasing a special version of DroidScript soon which will support the ODROID-C1 (Good for home-made game consoles and robotics)
Have Fun!
Here is the full change list for version 1.18:-
- Enabled HTML editing on device.
- Added Face finder sample.
- Added Scroller.RemoveChild/DestroyChild.
- Added SetOnTouch to TextEdit control.
- Html apps now resize when rotating device.
- Added GetHtml method to text edit control.
- Docs samples now working in firefox.
- Added 'AutoSelect' option to TextEdit.
- Added GetSelectedText, SetSelection methods to TextEdit.
- Added GetSelectionStart/End methods to TextEdit
- Fixed app.GetExternalFolder.
- Added app.GetInternalFolder.
- Added 'News' menu option.
- Added html-app sensor plot sample.
- Joystick intercept of arrow keys fixed.
- Added remote page security check on HTML Apps.
- Fixed Wifi Broadcast sample.
- 'AllowRemote' webview option now moved to App.SetOptions call.
- Removed plugins 'close' button.
- Renamed some samples, ready for new 'HTML' samples.
- Added "HTML App" as a project choice.
- Added Raw TCP methods + sample.
- Added HID Joystick support + sample.
- Permissions are now scanned in HTML files.
- Fixed SetFolder bug in 'HTML Server' sample.
- Added SetColorEffect, GetColorEffects to camera (use in OnReady).
- Multiple spaces in filename are now handled in apks.
- ReceiveDatagram now supports 32k packets.
- Added Wifi Broadcast sample.
- Added SetOnCancel method to Dialog control.
- Fixed "/System" folder access issue.
- Fixed "tablet is not defined" bug."

Sorry I'm a little late in posting this life's been busy. A update is out.
Dave Smart
Hi Guys,
Version 1.21 has just been released from private beta into public beta. It should be available in the next few hours on Google Play.
*** Please update your ApkPlugin to match this new version of DroidScript ***
Most most notable change in this version is the support for SQLite, support for the ODROID-C1 and the addition of tutorials to the WiFi editor. Check out the 'database' sample to see how to use SQLite database.
Some exciting new plugins will be arriving in the next few days, so keep your eye out for them!
Here is the full change list for version 1.21:-
- Added online Tutorials to WiFi IDE!
- Added SQLite support!
- Added 'Database' sample.
- Added generic Intent receiver support + sample.
- Added app.SetAutoBoot() and app.SetAutoWifi() methods.
- Added char encoding 'mode' parameter to app.ReadFile().
- Minimum OS version moved from Eclair -> Froyo.
- Enabled file/text sharing in user APK's.
- Added app.GetDSVersion().
- Added GetType() method to Database object + GLView object.
- Prevented spaces and symbols in APK package names.
- Fixed spinner bugs.
- Added support of ODROID-C1.
- Added Latest News to WiFi IDE.
- Added samples filtering on Wifi IDE.
- Plugin docs now visible in Wifi IDE.
- Enabled use of console.log method.
- Folder/FileExists funcs now differentiate between folders and files.
- Added app.GetUser() method.
- Added app.GetDeviceId() method.
- Added app.CheckLicense() for Google Play licensing.
- Added mask option to img.DrawImage function.
- Added app.GetEnv() method to get environment vars.
- "/Sys/" and "/sys/" paths are now distinct (allows embedded use).
- Added app.CreateSysProc() method for super user access.
- Reboot after APKPlugin install now not required.
The thanks button is always appreciated, reasonable relevant comments are welcome. And if no one's really interested I'll stop wasting space on XDA's server.


Opera 8.5 ppc beta2 is out

Take a look here:
info: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=127518
Dload: http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/products/winmobileppc/
New features in this build
- tabs
- support for http upload
- keyboard shortcuts:
tab (next form element)
space (scroll down one page)
Have fun
A review:
Even the first beta version of Opera was a real relevation for the Pocket PC community. Much as it had several bugs (particularly on pre-Windows Mobile 5 devices), it has quickly become the browser of choice for many Pocket PC users (including me), at least on Windows Mobile 5.
The new version is, speed-wise, clearly the best browser I've ever seen for the Pocket PC. It's much-much faster than the alternatives. You'll certainly love it!
The good
* The WM2003(SE) version seems to be working great: I haven't encountered the infamous Opera-is-stalled bug under pre-WM5 operating system any more. I've tested the new version of Opera with all the test pages (the search facility at http://www.europe.com/en/ - screenshot here; RedHotPawn) that make the previous version stall at once. No problems encountered so far.
This may be related to the fact that now Opera senses some Web servers' not answering – see this and this message.
A iPAQ 2210 screenshot can be seen here and here (the latter taken at 25% zoom level so that the entire chessboard is visible) – as can be seen, as opposed to b1, I could log in and play on my iPAQ 2210 as well.
* It feels much faster than beta1, which is a feat in itself because beta 1 was already much faster than any alternative browser.
* There's tab support! (See the screenshots provided for examples.)
* The bug related to not being able to display loooooong pages is fixed. It worked great with all the pages I've thrown it at; an example screenshot of Tero Lehto's blog is here.
* Much as the new version is still using custom (non-native) GUI components, one of the biggest problems, that is, the text areas hiding the last characters in each row behind the scrollbar, is fixed as can be seen in here.
* The "You have XX days left of your trial period" dialog is no longer displayed at startup.
(There must be tons of other bugfixes, as far as previous beta1 bugs are concerned; these were the ones I've explicitly tested and compared to beta1.)
The bad
* After scrolling a page with any amount (or going to a new page), you will not be able to directly tap-and-hold a link to bring up the context menu (so that you can open the link in a new tab) without the need for at least partially highlight it (or the text that contains it). Fortunately, this is a minor annoyance and you'll quickly learn how to highlight (part) the link without clicking it.
* The new version is still using custom GUI components, which makes it impossible to use any kind of common Windows keyboard shortcuts. This is a mayor annoyance to anybody using an external keyboard to enter a lot of texts and wanting to use the traditional Windows shortcuts to quickly navigate through / highlight / copy/cut/paste text in the text input components.
* On some Pocket PC's (for example, the Pocket Loox 720) the new version still uses non-proportional Courier New fonts in the address bar / in the tab titles. This is a minor annoyance, though.
* Unfortunately, the settings dialogs (screenshot 1 and 2) are as simple as in beta1. The latter, however, now has a new checkbox, " Set Opera as default browser", which makes it unnecessary to manually import a registry file (please see the articles in the Recommended links section for the registry import file I've created for beta1 to revert the default browser assignments) in order to revert back to using Pocket Internet Explorer (if you make Opera the default Web browser on your Pocket PC).
Nevertheless, the lack of detailed settings dialogs are not a problem – with manually editing (or, downloading my sample configuration files) the main configuration files of Opera, you can fine-tune it (scrollbar visibility, proxy usage, scroll behaviour etc).
* Under WM2003, Menu/Display/Landscape still doesn't rotate the viewport. Again, this would be pretty easy to implement because Opera, unlike for example the Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) plug-ins or almost all ( uBook and Mobipocket Reader being the most important exceptions) e-book readers, doesn't need to rely on the Portrait-only, underlying PIE engine. This is a minor problem though and "only" affecting WM2003 users – screen rotation works great in post-WM2003 operating systems.
* Still no advanced context menus (copy link, save image), no in-page searching etc. These are, however, only minor annoyances, which don't have a negative effect on the browsing experience itself.
* Still no " One Column" view mode like that of PIE starting with WM2003SE or the PIE plug-in PIEPlus (see this review on the latest version of latter, including a detailed comparison of the "one column" modes offered by PIE and PIEPlus). This would be very useful to maximize the usage of the available screen estate on many pages; for example, the XDA-Dev forums (example screenshot of Opera 8.5b2 rendering the latter here – as can be seen, the useful contents of the page only occupies about 65-70% of the available horizontal screen estate. With a real "One Column" mode, it'd be close to 100%).
* Still no support for system-level favourites. This would also be really easy to implement as there's nothing particular about the .url files in \Windows\Favorites – they're really-really easy to process. (I'd say a hour's work for an average C++ programmer.)
I can only use superlatives when speaking of this application. Despite its (still) missing functionalities, its speed and compatibility is just phenomenal.
Recommended links
The following articles/tips all discuss/are all related to the previous, beta 1 version. Note that some of their contents is now that they are fixed are outdated. They may still be worth checking out - particularly the ones on manually editing the Opera configuration files. You'll find a lot of information in these articles never published by anyone else.
ESSENTIAL (NEW, UNIQUE BUGFIXES!!!) to know about the great Web browser, Opera beta! - I haven't run into the same problem with the new Opera version – yet. This doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist any more – therefore, if the address bar auto-completion crashes your Pocket PC with beta2 too, make sure you read this article.
Modify the default scrolling behaviour of Pocket PC Web browsers. Note that even the beta 2 of Opera uses jump-by-link by default (on all operating systems, not just WM5), as far as its D-pad navigation is concerned; you will most probably want to override this and switch to the 'scroll a page at a time' behaviour. Note that the new scroll a page feature (invokable via the Space key) only works on devices with a built-in keyboard; for example, on the HTC Wizard (screenshot of Opera running on my HTC Wizard here).
Opera 8.5 beta on WM5 - it is certainly different from the WM2003(SE) version and is working GREAT!
WM5 compliance report: the bandwidth reduction service OnSpeed works pretty good; additional Toonel information – this article will be useful for everyone that wants to configure his or her Opera to access the Web sites through a HTTP proxy.
Pocket PC version of Famous Web Browser, Opera 8.5 beta Officially Released!
link is broken. Could you upload it. Thanks
Do you mean this one? http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/products/winmobileppc/
It's working OK with me.

New version V9 of C# IDE Mobile

New version V9 of C# IDE Mobile
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Fixed issue with declaring size of initialised array (like in "new int[2]{4,6};")
- It is no longer necessary to fully qualify locally declared class names (before you needed to write like "TestNS.MyClass" even if you were already in "TestNS")
- Fixed bug with logical operators on enum types (for example on button.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);
- Manual casting is now supported. Usually, C# IDE Mobile auto casts when possible, but for example, in "int test = (int)AnchorStyles.Bottom" manual cast is necessary. Also, this avoids removing casts required in VS.
- Fixed bug with multiple "if"/"else if"/"else" structures
- "static" keyword now works for arrays and generics, also fixed a problem with indexed assignments
- Added support for nested classes (like System.Windows.Forms.ListView+SelectedIndexCollection)
- Added support for double type
- Improved comment and string parsing (to avoid "//" making a mess in strings)
Thanx, looks great

[Software] Finansist.PDA v1.2 (24.12.2009)

Hi all!
I glad to show my first project for PPC - Finansist.PDA
Use Finansist.PDA to take account of your finances with the possibility of synchronizing with multiple computers. Program Finansist.PDA offers many functions (some of them are in development) to obtain the current exchange rate from the Internet, show reports, etc.
There are maybe some control layout bugs at different screen resolutions (I've tested at 320*240).
Known bugs and issues:
* After you change the lang - you need reboot application
System Requirements:
* Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1, 6.5 (not tested yet)
* DotNet Compact Framework 3.5
Website: http://finansist.chanaev.ru/
Important! To update aplication without lose my data you need copy file MainDB.fdb from path_where_you_install_application\Database\ to any safe place (for example to \My Documents). After that install new version and copy this file back, overwriting existing new file.
Version 1.0 CAB: View attachment 222095
Initional release with base functions
Version 1.1 CAB: View attachment 222096
If the application installed in a folder other than \Program Files\Finansist PDA\ - required to manually correct the configuration file. Otherwise application don't work.
Controls layout for different screen resolution and layouts
Possibility to add payment into root categories
Cleanup initial database
Category which are curently selected in a category tree goes to New Payment form.
Interface changes in category tree context menu.
Subcategory payments included in output table when category in treeview clicked.
Database errors now also processed by translation module
Autoselect language during first launch
Field «Translated by:» in programm «About» form
Version 1.2 CAB: View attachment 260889
Possibility to set number of displayed rows in the table of payments
Possibility to display payments in subcategories with selected category payments
Possibility to work with many databases. You can disable dialog of database selection and work just with one database. Also you can create, open, compress, delete, set password see database properties and so on.
Database password protection
Many world currencies. For better usability you can select currencies which you use. Non-active will be not displayed in system (for exapmple in account management).
Database versioning. Converting to new format processed automatically without any data lost. This version has database v1. Finansist v1.1 and v1.0 had v0 database.
Possibility to copy databases from PC and back via ActiveSync. First step into records synchronizing. PC client available at the website.
Basic help at english language actually contained general information.
Fixed dates range calculation in Reports
Fixed some crashes in account management
Improvement of internal algorhythms for better perfomance and so on.
Feedback are welcome!
Enjoy =)
Change Currency
Hi, could you tell me how to change the currency???? I use TT$
Thanks for it
zjxpot, Unfortunately right now there is no possibility to do it. This function is in development stage. I guess it will be avaible as soon as possible.
yonta, you are welcome
2All, I've published new version. See changes and download app from header post.
Hi in menu/option the password box is disabled how do I enable also in new payment regular payment is disabled how to enable or are those option for future use??? btw nice program
Finansist PDA v1.2 has been released after long time pause. Many changes in code, some new feautures and improvements. Work with PC as main feature must simplify process of money tracking and reporting. Don't forget about backup data at your device before first sync. List of changes is in header. Enjoy.
zjxpot, new version support many currencies
chanaev said:
Finansist PDA v1.2 has been released after long time pause. Many changes in code, some new feautures and improvements. Work with PC as main feature must simplify process of money tracking and reporting. Don't forget about backup data at your device before first sync. List of changes is in header. Enjoy.
zjxpot, new version support many currencies
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for your work, I will check it out, All the best during this holiday season to you and your family
congrats on the new version

scummvm 1.5 realead with add support 11 new game

i just want to let you know that new version released , AMAZING
1.5.0 (2012-07-27)
New Games:
- Added support for Backyard Baseball 2003.
- Added support for Blue Force.
- Added support for Darby the Dragon.
- Added support for Dreamweb.
- Added support for Geisha.
- Added support for Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon.
- Added support for Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story.
- Added support for Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood
- Added support for Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage.
- Added support for Soltys.
- Added support for The Princess and the Crab.
- Updated MT-32 emulation code to latest munt project snapshot. The emulation
improved dramatically.
- Implemented support for TrueType fonts via FreeType2 in our GUI. Along
with it GNU FreeFont was also added to our modern theme. Note that not all
ports take advantage of this.
- Added Basque translation.
- Added custom game and engine options in the AGI, DREAMWEB, KYRA, QUEEN,
SKY and SCI engines. It is now possible to toggle these options via the
Engine tab when adding or editing a configuration for a game. In most
cases, you will have to run each game once or readd them all in ScummVM's
launcher in order to get the custom options tab.
- Improved predictive dialog look.
- Various GUI improvements.
add above games to previous games ( mokey island 1,2,3... )

[Library] DroidParts — the missing Android framework

DroidParts is a carefully crafted Android framework that includes:
DI - injection of Views, Fragments, Services, etc.
ORM - efficient persistence utilizing Cursors & fluent API.
EventBus for posting event notifications.
Simple JSON (de)serialization capable of handling nested objects.
Improved AsyncTask & IntentService with Exceptions & result reporting support.
Logger that figures out tag itself & logs any object.
RESTClient for GETting, PUTting, POSTing, DELETing & InputStream-getting, also speaks JSON.
ImageFetcher to asynchronously attach images to ImageViews, with caching, cross-fade & transformation support.
Numerous Utils.
Fragments support: native on 3.0+ and either pure SupportLibrary or ActionBarSherlock-backed on 2.2+.
The main site is droidparts.org (can't post links) with a manual and links to GitHub & StackOverflow.
Please let me know which topics need more coverage and I'll answer here & include them in the guide.
Cool. Thanks.

