[Q] how to modify a cyanogen mod rom - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello guys, i can't find any guide or something help me to modify a cm rom. I just build once and i want to add features but i don't know how plz help


[Q] What are you missing in roms

Hi I just creating rom and i wanted to ask you what are you missing in other rom's ??

[L5] Help me with the porting please!

I would like to port the rom paranoid android as the l7 but I need help from those who know more about me .. For example I would like to know which phones can do the porting, on what basis do it, I need help with the updater script and other things ..
Someone who can help me? Sorry but I use google translator D:

[Q] Rom selection, which one ?

Hey Guys,
i have some Questions, which Rom can you recommend? And no Stock Rom please , i read something about CM12 but it looks buggy on some Points.
Thank you for help


Do anybody know how to create a custom ROM from sourrce??Please help me I want to know


hi .. i need rom cyanogenmod for a7108 anyone help me

