[Guide] Linux on the Nexus 9 - Nexus 9 General

This is a guide about getting a Linux distribution up and running on your Nexus 9. The goal of this thread is to give a basic understanding about how to get a basic system running, but not working throughout all the kinks that come with doing so on tablet style hardware.
This guide will be non-destructive, and won't touch the data on your tablet. Unless of course you've yet to unlock your bootloader, which if that is the case then shame on you.
Some prerequisites before starting this project with your Nexus 9
A Linux distribution running on your computer. Either in a virtual machine or as your main OS.
A USB flash drive
USB OTG cable
Some things that are nice to have
USB hub
USB keyboard
USB mouse
USB network card
Headphone UART cable
A brief overview about what we are going to be doing here.
First we are going to be building an initramfs. This is a small filesystem with a bare minimum set of tools that can be loaded in to RAM space and use. We will be using this while we are initially getting our kernel up and running, to make sure we didn't mess anything up.
Next we will move on to building the actual kernel for the device. We will be running a Android kernel since Nvidia hasn't been the quickest on their attempt to upstreaming everything required to run this device on a upstream Linux kernel. So we'll be running a 3.10 kernel, which is a heck of a lot better than some 3.0 or 3.4 thing that older devices are on.
Third we will be building our rootfs that will run from an external USB storage device, so we don't affect any data actually on the tablet. I may also add to the guide how to partition your internal storage space so we can use that instead.
[Step 0/4]
We need to set up our build environment on our host Linux distribution before we begin anything. I'm going to assume that the host Linux system we are running is Debian/Ubuntu based, so we'll be using apt to grab our packages we need.
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ git gcc-4.9-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-4.9-aarch64-linux-gnu libncurses5-dev
This installs the host gcc and AArch64 cross compiler, along with git. We will need these tools to build everything required.
Things that don't work.
Way more things that people care about

The first step that we will be doing is building our filesystem that we will load in to memory for testing.
This is typically called an initramfs, which tends to be a compressed filesystem that gets copied in to a kernel image once the kernel is built. We won't be using this image for long, as it is mostly to make sure we have everything working correctly before jumping to a full linux distribution.
This step is technically unnecessary, but it brings you up to speed with what initially needs to be done to get something running.
So starting off, we are going to need to pick a target for the filesystem. I've decided to go with buildroot since it is a project that is really easy to get built.
Steps Overview
Clone buildroot with git
Setup buildroot to cross compile
Set up basic options
1)*Clone buildroot from github.
git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot.git
cd buildroot
2)*Start configuring buildroot
make menuconfig
This will bring up a menu for determining how we want to build our buildroot. We have quite a few things to change.
These options enable building an AArch64 capable buildroot using the Linaro AArch64 toolchain, with it outputting a terminal to ttyFIQ0 which is the headphone UART terminal. Along with taking the filesystem and pushing it in to a cpio archive which later the linux kernel understands how to use.
Target options->Target Architecture->AArch64
Toolchain->Toolchain type->External toolchain
External toolchain automatically enables the Linaro AArch64 toolchain below it.
System configuration->getty options->TTY port->ttyFIQ0
Filesystem images->cpio the root filesystem
3)*Build the buildroot
This will go through downloading all the packages required to build an AArch64 buildroot. So go make a cup of tea, this should only take a few minutes depending on your internet speed and computer speed.
Once the system has gone through compiling everything, then you'll have a file available.
This file will end up in the `output/images/` folder as the file 'rootfs.cpio'. If that file isn't there then something terrible has happened.
If the file is there, then everything on this step is done! We built our temporary filesystem which we will be putting to use in the next step!

This is really the meat of the guide. Building the kernel correctly is half the battle with running a full Linux distribution on the device. We are going to be pulling our kernel from the official Android repository and changing the default configuration to suit our needs.
Steps Overview
Clone kernel with git
Configure environment for cross-compiling
Configure the kernel for building correctly
Test run kernel
1) Clone the kernel using git
This step will take quite a bit of time since it is fairly large.
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/tegra.git
cd tegra
2)*Checkout the correct branch
git checkout android-tegra-flounder-3.10-lollipop-release
3)*Set environment variables for cross-compiling the Linux kernel
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
4) Configure the kernel
make flounder_defconfig
make menuconfig
This will bring up a menu just like how the buildroot menu came up. We need to set a few options to make sure everything comes up correctly on the Nexus 9.
General setup->Cross-compiler tool prefix->aarch64-linux-gnu-
General setup->Initramfs source file(s)-><The cpio file that was built in the buildroot>
Mine was '/home/ryanh/work/N9_Kernel_Tutorial/buildroot/output/images/rootfs.cpio'
Device Drivers->Character devices->Virtual Terminal
Device Drivers->Generic Driver Options->Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev
Device Drivers->Generic Driver Options->Automount devtmpfs at /dev...
Device Drivers->Network device support->Wireless LAN->Firmware path->/lib/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin
Device Drivers->Network device support->Wireless LAN->NVRAM path->/etc/wifi/bcmdhd.cal
Device Drivers->Character devices->Virtual terminal
Device Drivers->Watchdog Timer Support->Tegra watchdog (Disable it)
Device Drivers->Staging drivers->Android->Put the FIQ debugger into console mode by default
Device Drivers->Graphics support->Tegra Framebuffer driver
Device Drivers->Graphics support->Console display driver support->Framebuffer Console support
Device Drivers->Graphics support->Console display driver support->Map the console to the primary display device
Device Drivers->Graphics support->Console display driver support->Framebuffer Console Rotation
We've got to enable the tegra watchdog otherwise the device will reboot automatically every two minutes.
The few other things are needed for a sane Linux environment and also setting the initramfs file as our root filesystem.
5)*Compile the kernel
make -j5
If you're lucky it will build without error and you'll have a file in 'arch/arm64/boot/' named 'Image.gz-dtb' which is the final kernel file.
With this file we should be able to boot a kernel with a buildroot automatically mounted.
Test run the kernel!
This is where I recommend having your headphone UART cable, because this won't update the screen at all and it will seem like it has locked up. The cable is fairly easy to make with a little bit of know how about soldering and electronics, and will save you from tearing out your hair trying to figure out what went wrong.
Without the cable you won't be able to see any output, so either build the cable or skip this step.
To see output from the cable you need to connect to it with either gnu screen or minicom
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
To boot the kernel reboot in to the bootloader and then boot the kernel using fastboot
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot -c "console=ttyFIQ0,115200n8 rw" boot arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz-dtb
Once you do this, over the UART cable you'll see the Linux kernel booting and have a buildroot login terminal.
The default username is 'root' without any password.
Welcome to Buildroot
buildroot login: root
# uname -a
Linux buildroot 3.10.40-ga3846f1 #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Dec 27 06:15:13 CST 2014 aarch64 GNU/Linux
This shows that the kernel is booting properly and jumping in to our buildroot correctly.
To go back in to Android from this area just type reboot in to the terminal instance.

The final step in getting a Linux distro is to build our root filesystem on a USB flash drive.
Steps Overview
Format flash drive as ext2/ext3/ext4
Dump Ubuntu rootfs on to the flash drive
Minor configuration
Rebuild Linux kernel with new options
The first thing we will want to be doing is formatting a flash drive to a Linux partition type. I am going to be using an ext3 partition on a 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive. I'd recommend at least an 8GB flash drive, anything smaller may have issues with fitting everything on to it.
Once you're done flashing your drive you'll need to download an Ubuntu Core image for AArch64/ARM64/ARMv8.
Download the Ubuntu Core 14.04.1 image*Here. Make sure to grab the 'arm64' tar.gz file, not the 'amd64' file.
Once you have the flash drive formatted and mounted, extract the ubuntu core image to the flash drive.
sudo tar zxf ubuntu-core-14.04.1-core-arm64.tar.gz -C Mount/
Configuring the Ubuntu Core image for the Nexus 9
Steps Overview
Terminal over UART configuration
DNS configuration
Firmware files
Add user
In order to properly get a terminal instance over the UART we have to add a package to the base Ubuntu core image.
This is a small package that all it does is open a new terminal instance over the configured getty instance. The package can be found*Here.
To install it to the root filesystem just unpack it to the root filesystem on the USB flash drive
sudo tar xf console.tar -C Mount/
We need to set up a DNS server so that the filesystem will be able to resolve addresses via DNS.
Let's just set it to Google's DNS.
sudo echo 'nameserver' >> Mount/etc/resolv.conf
We've got to grab the firmware files from the Nexus 9 in order for the device to stop spamming warnings at us in the console.
These are used for multiple things, so it is a good idea to grab them. You can grab these either from a factory image or directly from the Nexus 9. I chose to grab mine directly from the Nexus 9.
sudo mkdir Mount/lib/firmware
sudo mkdir Mount/etc/wifi
sudo adb pull /vendor/firmware Mount/lib/firmware/
sudo adb pull /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd.cal Mount/etc/wifi/
We need to add a user to the root filesystem. This is a fairly annoying step because we actually need to chroot in to the filesystem.
There is a really nice guide to doing this on a ARMv7 filesystem*Here. This won't work for our system because we are working with ARMv8 instead.
So we are going to use that guide as a base but change it over to support what we need to do for AArch64.
First thing we've got to do is build qemu as a static binary for AArch64
This is fairly straight forward.
git clone git://git.qemu-project.org/qemu.git
cd qemu
sudo apt-get build-dep qemu
./configure --target-list=aarch64-linux-user *--static --disable-werror
make -j5
This will get us a binary in the aarch64-linux-user folder called 'qemu-aarch64'
We will need to rename this to 'qemu-arm64-static' and move it in to the '/usr/bin/' folder inside of our root partition
Once qemu is inside of the root partition, we will be able to chroot in to it and add our user.
So go in to the root directory of our filesystem we are generating, and run a few basic commands.
Set up some mounts inside of the chroot
for m in `echo 'sys dev proc'`; do sudo mount /$m ./$m -o bind; done
*Chroot in to the root filesystem
sudo LC_ALL=C chroot . /bin/bash
Now we are inside of the root filesystem, we can add the new user to it.
Let's just add a new user named 'ubuntu'. The first command will ask for a password for your user. The rest will add it to some default groups to make sure it can do things.
adduser ubuntu
addgroup ubuntu adm
addgroup ubuntu sudo
Once the user is added you can exit the root filesystem with a regular exit command, then we have to make sure to unmount all of the mounts we did prior to chrooting in to the filesystem.
for m in `echo 'sys dev proc'`; do sudo umount ./$m; done
Make sure to cleanly unmount the flash drive so everything is written to it.
Reconfigure the kernel to boot from flash drive instead of initramfs
1)*Go in to the kernel configuration
make menuconfig
Change the configuration to remove the initramfs
General Setup->Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support (Disable it)
Then exit the menu and rebuild the kernel
make -j5
Running the Ubuntu Core Image
So with the device sitting at the bootloader we will need to boot the new kernel
fastboot -c "fbcon=rotate:1 root=/dev/sda1 rootwait rw" boot arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz-dtb
This will boot the kernel and then it'll wait until you plug in the flash drive to continue booting.
So plug the USB hub in to the USB OTG cable. Then plug your USB flash drive and USB keyboard in to the USB hub.
After that plug the USB OTG cable in to the tablet and it will continue booting.
Give it roughly 20-60 seconds and it will show a login prompt on the devices screen.
You'll be able to login to the core image with the user you created earlier.
With some packages installed like the xubuntu-desktop environment you can have a full desktop available.

Reserved for QA - Additional Information - Misc
Hardware acceleration
Potentially hardware acceleration should be possible using the Nouveau video driver. This is completely untested, and the Nouveau version included with Ubuntu 14.04 isn't new enough to have GK20a support. One would most likely need to build Nouveau from ToT to get support.
Known Issues
If something tries enabling the wifi chipset then the kernel will hardlock and cause the device to reboot. It may be best to disable the broadcom driver in the kernel until that is figured out.
Bluetooth doesn't seem to work. Not sure why not. Seems to show up as a device, but it can't be used.

Wow thanks for taking the time to post this tuturial.
Greatly apriciated.

Nice work, excellent writeup.

Cant wait to try!!
---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------
Where did you get your headphone UART cable

Great work sonic, been waiting for this. Will try and report back.

I took some time to figure out how to fix the integrated wireless LAN in the tablet.
This requires grabbing an additional file from the tablet and configuring a few kernel options so they know where the new file locations are since previously they are configured to Android specific locations.
Seems to work fine on my 802.11n 2.4Ghz network.

Running into a snag while compiling the kernel. It always fails at this exact spot on Ubuntu 14.10. Any ideas? (first time compiling a kernel from source )
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
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"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

farmerbb said:
Running into a snag while compiling the kernel. It always fails at this exact spot on Ubuntu 14.10. Any ideas? (first time compiling a kernel from source )
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Note: that does not tell me what failed
When the build failes can you do
Then give me the output

USBhost said:
Note: that does not tell me what failed
When the build failes can you do
Then give me the output
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OK, here's what failed. Looks like an error in qcom_usb_modem_power.c:

Looks like it's having a fit in a required module that is enabled for the tegra platform.
Looks like a new warning that has cropped up in a newer version of GCC? My AArch64 gcc version that I'm running is 4.8.2. I can install 4.9.1 and test there but it will have to be later.
GCC is definitely right in this case though, Qualcomm managed to screw up a basic memset function call. The zero is supposed to be the middle argument, and GCC recognizes it as an warning now. Which gets upgraded to an error with some configuration.
If you know light C/C++ you can change those two lines that it is complaining about to be correct.
Should be
memset(modem->ftrace_cmd, 0, sizeof(modem->ftrace_cmd));
memset(modem->msr_info_list, 0, sizeof(modem->msr_info_list));
For those two lines at 1912 and 1915 respectively.
Looks like I'm going to have to start a patch set for this to work around Qualcomm failing.

sonicadvance1 said:
Looks like it's having a fit in a required module that is enabled for the tegra platform.
Looks like a new warning that has cropped up in a newer version of GCC? My AArch64 gcc version that I'm running is 4.8.2. I can install 4.9.1 and test there but it will have to be later.
GCC is definitely right in this case though, Qualcomm managed to screw up a basic memset function call. The zero is supposed to be the middle argument, and GCC recognizes it as an warning now. Which gets upgraded to an error with some configuration.
If you know light C/C++ you can change those two lines that it is complaining about to be correct.
Should be
memset(modem->ftrace_cmd, 0, sizeof(modem->ftrace_cmd));
memset(modem->msr_info_list, 0, sizeof(modem->msr_info_list));
For those two lines at 1912 and 1915 respectively.
Looks like I'm going to have to start a patch set for this to work around Qualcomm failing.
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I made the changes to qcom_usb_modem_power.c as you listed, and got the kernel to compile okay.
Starting from a fresh Ubuntu 14.10 install (inside a VM), I ended up installing these additional packages in addition to the ones you list in step 0:
libncurses5-dev libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386 qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
To get the kernel to compile, I also needed to symlink aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-4.9 to aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc in /usr/bin, for make to recognize the correct gcc program.
But anyway, I've gotten my N9 booted to the Ubuntu login prompt Now I just need to grab a USB keyboard so that I can actually login!
Thanks so much for the guide! Can't wait for MultiROM to be ported to our device, to make this easier to boot

farmerbb said:
I made the changes to qcom_usb_modem_power.c as you listed, and got the kernel to compile okay.
Starting from a fresh Ubuntu 14.10 install (inside a VM), I ended up installing these additional packages in addition to the ones you list in step 0:
libncurses5-dev libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386 qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
To get the kernel to compile, I also needed to symlink aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-4.9 to aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc in /usr/bin, for make to recognize the correct gcc program.
But anyway, I've gotten my N9 booted to the Ubuntu login prompt Now I just need to grab a USB keyboard so that I can actually login!
Thanks so much for the guide! Can't wait for MultiROM to be ported to our device, to make this easier to boot
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ii cant wait

Excellent guide. Thank you very much.
It appears the "*" in this configure command below may be a typo?
sonicadvance1 said:
git clone git://git.qemu-project.org/qemu.git
cd qemu
sudo apt-get build-dep qemu
./configure --target-list=aarch64-linux-user *--static --disable-werror
make -j5
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Anyway, I am running into a more serious issue (Problem resolved. See bottom.) executing dynamically build aarch64 binaries. On my 14.10 x86 machine, I am able to execute statically build aarch64 binaries using my new qemu-aarch64 emulator. I am not able to execute dynamically build aarch64 binaries. For instance, when I try to execute bin/bash from the mounted root filesystem directly on the host, it will complain:
/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1: No such file or directory
Now this is all right, because I don't have the required aarch64 shared libs on my x86 machine. So I copied qemu-aarch64 to /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static on the mounted root filesystem. However, when I run chroot (executing the same /bin/bash):
sonicadvance1 said:
sudo LC_ALL=C chroot . /bin/bash
Now we are inside of the root filesystem, we can add the new user to it.
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...I am getting this:
chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
I think this is due to the same issue as above: that qemu is looking for aarch64 shared libs (/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 is needed to run bash) on my host machine. Should it not, due to chroot, look for them in the mounted root filesystem (where they actually are)?
Other than this... my ARM64 kernel is booting fine. The only problem is, that I cannot login to it yet, because I wasn't able to add a new user.
Edit: Interestingly, the following "works":
$ sudo chroot . usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash
bash: /usr/bin/groups: No such file or directory
[email protected]:/#
Now inside the chroot running the aarch64 variant of /bin/bash, I am still unable to start any aarch64 executables. But tab-completion works and I am able to find and run /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static (the x86 binary). Could this be a problem with any binfmts mappings inside chroot? Odd.
Edit 2: Solved. Just tried from another machine (10.04) and here, everything is working perfectly. I probably have chroot hosed on my 1st machine. Excellent guide. One last note: if you don't have qemu installed on your host machine, you may need to run the following:
sudo apt-get install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static

t1mur said:
Excellent guide. Thank you very much.
It appears the "*" in this configure command below may be a typo?
Anyway, I am running into a more serious issue executing dynamically build aarch64 binaries. On my 14.10 x86 machine, I am able to execute statically build aarch64 binaries using my new qemu-aarch64 emulator. I am not able to execute dynamically build aarch64 binaries. For instance, when I try to execute bin/bash from the mounted root filesystem directly on the host, it will complain:
/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1: No such file or directory
Now this is all right, because I don't have the required aarch64 shared libs on my x86 machine. So I copied qemu-aarch64 to /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static on the mounted root filesystem. However, when I run chroot (executing the same /bin/bash):
...I am getting this:
chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
I think this is due to the same issue as above: that qemu is looking for aarch64 shared libs (/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 is needed to run bash) on my host machine. Should it not, due to chroot, look for them in the mounted root filesystem (where they actually are)?
Other than this... my ARM64 kernel is booting fine. The only problem is, that I cannot login to it yet, because I wasn't able to add a new user.
Edit: Interestingly, the following "works":
$ sudo chroot . usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash
bash: /usr/bin/groups: No such file or directory
[email protected]:/#
Now inside the chroot running the aarch64 variant of /bin/bash, I am still unable to start any aarch64 executables. But tab-completion works and I am able to find and run /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static (the x86 binary). Could this be a problem with any binfmts mappings inside chroot? Odd.
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I ran into these exact issues as well, and was eventually able to get the chroot working properly
Make sure you have the qemu, binfmt-support, qemu-user-static packages installed, and run 'update-binfmts --display' to ensure that aarch64 support is registered properly. Also make sure you've named the 'qemu-aarch64' binary as 'qemu-arm64-static' (not 'qemu-aarch64-static') at usr/bin on the flash drive (the Ubuntu Core image recognizes its architecture as arm64, not aarch64)

farmerbb said:
I ran into these exact issues as well, and was eventually able to get the chroot working properly
Make sure you have the qemu, binfmt-support, qemu-user-static packages installed, and run 'update-binfmts --display' to ensure that aarch64 support is registered properly. Also make sure you've named the 'qemu-aarch64' binary as 'qemu-arm64-static' (not 'qemu-aarch64-static') at usr/bin on the flash drive (the Ubuntu Core image recognizes its architecture as arm64, not aarch64)
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Ah... it's really good to know one isn't alone. Hehe. Well, it looks like 14.10 is better suited for compiling the arm kernel (gcc-4.9-aarch64 etc.), but doing the chroot is smoother on 14.04.
But how do I get wifi and/or USB ethernet up? And why do have to look at this?
unable to stat /etc/sudoers: no such file or directory
Did you get this too?

t1mur said:
Ah... it's really good to know one isn't alone. Hehe. Well, it looks like 14.10 is better suited for compiling the arm kernel (gcc-4.9-aarch64 etc.), but doing the chroot is smoother on 14.04.
But how do I get wifi and/or USB ethernet up? And why do have to look at this?
unable to stat /etc/sudoers: no such file or directory
Did you get this too?
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I'm still working on getting networking and X.org running myself. It will recognize my ASIX USB adapter (in the dmesg log) but eth0 doesn't show up and 'ifconfig eth0 up' doesn't work. Haven't tried Wi-Fi yet. My low-level Linux knowledge isn't all that great However, I can still chroot back into the filesystem on my PC and update/install packages, etc. in the meantime.
No I don't see the /etc/sudoers error.


Ubuntu Setup Notes for Dev (kitchen) work - UPDATED 2/26

Update 2010-02-26 Added examples for linking either dynamically or statically (see page 2)
I decided to try and set up a kitchen using the closest thing to a native kernel dev environment that I could set up.
At this point I have:
- cross-compiled the HTC Desire (kernel) sources using the Android 1.6 NDK
- figured out the repo/git stuff to pull the Android sources corresponding to a given Android release point
- cross-compiled the entire Cupcake release to an ARM target using the NDK tools
- built a dynamically linked "hello, world" executable using the NDK arm-eabi-* tools and verified it works on the phone.
Yah, I know - not much yet, but it's a start for a newb.
I have some notes documenting the Ubuntu setup process in case anyone wants it - but it is full of links (URLs), so I can't post anything with links as a new user.
If a mod can "verify" my account, I'll post it up. I promise, I'll be good.
OK, I guess I need to make a couple of posts before I can embed links.
I'll post it without the URL protocol prefix (it's gonna look fugly), and then come back and edit it once the restriction is removed. I hope someone finds it useful.
Android kernel dev is not officially supported on Windows; closest match to Google Dev environment seems to be -> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS + JDK 5 (32 bit, not x64).
I realize that this is nothing close to the "kitchens" that the WinMo folks have been using, but figured that (as a newb) I would just end up confusing myself trying to figure out which of those tools could be useful for Android, in addition to needing the native binary cross-compilation tools anyway.
(Note: I briefly tried to set this up in a Ubuntu VMware Player VM, but ran into limitations of available Ubuntu 8.04 LTS player machine file size limits (as well as problems hosting a VM bigger than about 10 Gb on a USB drive - insufficient space on my primary drive)
If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, here is a thumbnail sketch of useful links. I'll admit, this is not for the faint of heart - you need Linux/Unix skills to work through the kinks.
1) (ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors) Ubuntu Download Mirrors list - Find a server near you
2) Download ubuntu-8.04.4-alternate-i386.iso and burn it to 700 Mb CD-R
3) Install Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Version (gulp!)
4) Use the Ubuntu graphical package manager (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager) and install the packages (git, flex, bison, etc) mentioned in the "Ubuntu Linux (32-bit x86)" section in this (source.android.com/download)Android Source setup page
5) Note that JDK6 does not work correctly; rather than going to Sun/Oracle for JDK5, install the sun-java5-{bin,jdk,jre,doc,demo} packages (1.5.0-22-0ubuntu) using the Ubuntu package installer mentioned above. Note if you install the docs package, you will also need to go to Sun/Oracle and get jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip towards the end of the package install, and drop it into /tmp for the package manager to finish.
6) Go to the (developer.android.com/sdk/index.html) Android SDK Download page and get android-sdk_r04-linux_86.tgz
7) Unpack ( gunzip -c and...tgz | tar xf - ) to desired location, add tools dir to PATH
Optional Steps (For Java App Devs)
o-8) (eclipse.org/downloads/ Eclipse IDE Download page - chose 'Eclipse Classic 3.5.1 (162 MB)' for Linux, 32 bit (eclipse-SDK-3.5.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz)
o-9) Install by unpacking ( gunzip -c ecli....tar.gz | tar xf - ) to desired location, add eclipse folder to PATH
o-10) Run eclipse, and follow the (developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html) Installing and Updating ADT instructions for adding Android functionality to Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
o-11) From within Eclipse, launch Window -> Android SDK and AVD Manager, and install all available & compatible Android SDK Tools (all versions). (You might need to use http instead of https... YMMV) Note that this is the same functionality as simply running the command "android" from the command prompt if the Android SDK (steps 6,7) tools directory is in your PATH
12) Familiarize yourself with the command line tool "adb" tool in the SDK; in particular, since Ubuntu needs root privs to access the USB hardware, the best way to start the adb server on your PC is to
$ sudo /bin/bash
- set up root's environment so the SDK "tools" directory is in root's PATH
- plug your phone into the USB cable
- On the Eris, set the options:
Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging (on)
Settings -> Applications -> Development -> Stay awake (on)
# adb devices
This last command only lists the available USB-connected (real) devices and any emulators you have running, but as a side effect it starts up the adb server on the Ubuntu machine running as root. Thereafter, you can use adb (or ddms) as an unprivileged user.
13) Have a peek at the SDK "ddms" monitor. A variety of things can be done from here, the least of which is screen shots (Select device, then Device-> Screen capture)... and some more twisty things too.
14) Download the (developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/1.6_r1/index.html) Android 1.6 NDK r1 (Native Development Kit) - android-ndk-1.6_r1-linux-x86.zip, and unzip into your desired location. Add the ARM cross-compiler tools to your path (see example below).
15) At this point you might be using something like this to set up your path wherever you please (.profile or elsewhere, according to how you want to manage your environment)
export PATH
16) Download the (member.america.htc.com/download/RomCode/Source_and_Binaries/desirec-be918f7b.tgz) HTC Desire Kernel Source Code and unpack to a location of your choice.
17) Test your enviroment by building the HTC Kernel code:
$ cd v2_6_27/kernel_msm7k; make
I can't remember if I needed to stuff anything into the environment here (e.g. 'CC' definitions, etc.) - but I know that I didn't need to modify any Makefiles. I think the make system will find all the "arm-eabi-*" executables if they are in your path. You will know soon enough.
18) Try to compile a "Hello, world!" program for the phone. Before you get too far along in this (e.g. "where is crt0.o?"), (honeypod.blogspot.com/2007/12/dynamically-linked-hello-world-for.html) read this blog post - steps 3 and 4 only.
You might find a Makefile similar to this useful:
AR = arm-eabi-ar
AS = arm-eabi-as
CC = arm-eabi-gcc
CXX = arm-eabi-c++
LD = arm-eabi-ld
NDK_KIT = /opt/android/android-ndk-1.5_r1
PLATF_KIT = build/platforms/android-1.5
ARM_INC = $(NDK_KIT)/$(PLATF_KIT)/arch-arm/usr/include
ARM_LIB = $(NDK_KIT)/$(PLATF_KIT)/arch-arm/usr/lib
PLATF_INC = $(NDK_KIT)/$(PLATF_KIT)/common/include
OBJS = hello.o start.o
EXES = hello
hello: hello.o start.o
$(LD) \
--entry=_start \
--dynamic-linker /system/bin/linker -nostdlib \
-rpath /system/lib -rpath $(ARM_LIB) \
-L $(ARM_LIB) -lc -o hello hello.o start.o
hello.o: hello.c
$(CC) -I $(ARM_INC) -I $(PLATF_INC) -c hello.c
start.o: start.c
$(CC) -I $(ARM_INC) -I $(PLATF_INC) -c start.c
rm -f $(OBJS) $(EXES)
and then
$ make hello 2>&1 | tee make_hello-log.txt
if all goes well, push to the phone
$ adb push hello /sqlite_stmt_journals/hello
and then use a shell on the phone to watch the lights gerblinken:
PC-path$ adb shell
$ cd /sqlite_stmt_journals
$ ./hello
Hello, world!
$ exit
19) Now, download the Android stock kernel sources:
- Make sure you have "git" and "repo" installed; see the (source.android.com/download) Android "Get source" page, starting from "Installing Repo".
- Make a clean directory to initialize "repo" in, and download the code:
$ mkdir ~/mydroid
$ cd ~/mydroid
$ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git -b cupcake
$ repo sync
The sync step above will download the entire source tree corresponding to the Cupcake release (90 minutes on my link).
20) Build the sources
$ cd ~/mydroid
$ make 2>&1 | tee make_Android-log.txt
On my old PC, this step took about two hours.
Well, that's a little start; everything that comes after this is heavy lifting, I suppose.
Thank you for that.
I forgot to add a disk space usage report to this; here it is:
O/S ( /, /boot, /var, /tmp) ~ 4 Gb **
Android SDK, all versions: 1.3 Gb
Android "Cupcake" full sources + full build: 5.5 Gb (2.5 Gb sources, 3.0 Gb build tree)
Android NDK ~0.05 Gb
Eclipse 3.5.1: 0.21 Gb
HTC Desire Kernel Sources + build ~ 0.77 Gb
All up, thats about 12 Gb minimum needed for a full environment. Obviously, you would want some headroom above that.
Note that if you only want to build native binaries, and not the full Android source tree (or develop Java applications), this could be done handily in a virtual machine which is less than 10 Gb in size - for Windows users, there are VMware "Player" versions of Ubuntu 8.0.4 available for that. That eliminates the need for a separate machine, or a dual-boot PC - and the worries of messing up trying to create a dual-boot machine.
All that is really needed for that is the Desktop OS and the NDK. Adding a single version of the SDK so you have 'adb' and 'ddms' available to you would be helpful, but not absolutely necessary if you are using a Windows host machine with those tools already present.
** beware that Ubuntu uses a lot of space on /var if you put it in a separate partition - 600+ Mb in my configuration.
bftb0 said:
I forgot to add a disk space usage report to this; here it is:
O/S ( /, /boot, /var, /tmp) ~ 4 Gb **
Android SDK, all versions: 1.3 Gb
Android "Cupcake" full sources + full build: 5.5 Gb (2.5 Gb sources, 3.0 Gb build tree)
Android NDK ~0.05 Gb
Eclipse 3.5.1: 0.21 Gb
HTC Desire Kernel Sources + build ~ 0.77 Gb
All up, thats about 12 Gb minimum needed for a full environment. Obviously, you would want some headroom above that.
Note that if you only want to build native binaries, and not the full Android source tree (or develop Java applications), this could be done handily in a virtual machine which is less than 10 Gb in size - for Windows users, there are VMware "Player" versions of Ubuntu 8.0.4 available for that. That eliminates the need for a separate machine, or a dual-boot PC - and the worries of messing up trying to create a dual-boot machine.
All that is really needed for that is the Desktop OS and the NDK. Adding a single version of the SDK so you have 'adb' and 'ddms' available to you would be helpful, but not absolutely necessary if you are using a Windows host machine with those tools already present.
** beware that Ubuntu uses a lot of space on /var if you put it in a separate partition - 600+ Mb in my configuration.
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great very descriptive thread
Hey bftb0
thanks for posting this guide. I am trying to just play around with someone of the exploit binaries on my eris (from the tattoo/hero rooting threads) , so these guidelines are coming in handy. However for some reason whenever I try and do anything over adb i get this error:
error: insufficient permissions for device
I cant use adb shell at all, even trying to push to the sdcard gives permissions denied. In the adb devices output the phone is coming up as "?????? no permissions", Did I miss a step ?
My setup so far: Ubuntu 9.10 i386,
Hey bftb0
thanks for posting this guide. I am trying to just play around with someone of the exploit binaries on my eris (from the tattoo/hero rooting threads) , so these guidelines are coming in handy. However for some reason whenever I try and do anything over adb i get this error:
error: insufficient permissions for device
I cant use adb shell at all, even trying to push to the sdcard gives permissions denied. In the adb devices output the phone is coming up as "?????? no permissions", Did I miss a step ?
My setup so far: Ubuntu 9.10 i386, android-sdk_r04-linux_86, droid eris with most recent OTA
someguy, you have to go to developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html and install the linux driver (as root) and restart your system.
Type "adb kill-server" followed by "sudo adb". You need to run adb as root in unix for it to work.
zifnab06, that was it, I must have not run the first command as root which caused the server to be run without su.
What exactly does this do?
bigcj55 said:
What exactly does this do?
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Because of the lineage between Linux and Android, the primary platform for compilation of the kernel and other ARM instruction-set binaries ("native" code) has been on Linux. It appears (at the moment...reading between the lines) that Google engineers are using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS as their choice of Linux platform for maintaining Android kernel & utilities code... so, in principle, it is the "best supported" platform for doing "native" development work, if for no other reason than it's what Google has been using. (Not because it is somehow a "better" O/S, but rather because you are likely to run into fewer quirks, and have more resources on the internet who might have experienced the same difficulties that you run into.)
For instance, the folks that have been building kernel exploit programs have been using the Google "NDK". They are not writing/compiling those in Java - they are writing or compiling programs written in "C", and compiling them into native (ARM) object code.
I provided notes from my own installation for anyone considering "dipping their toe" into building Android kernels or native binaries using Linux as a host O/S - most forum readers are not going to be interested in doing that.
Note that Google now releases an NDK for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS/X. The strange thing about doing development on Windows using Cygwin is that if you have sufficient skills to do so - and are capable of resolving problems that inevitably crop up - then you probably already have sufficient skills to be using Unix/Linux in the first place. Sort of depends on your past experience, though. I'd be willing to bet that Devs with a history of doing WinMo development probably would prefer to climb the Android development learning curve by trying their hand with the Windows/Cygwin NDK because of their familiarity with other Windows-based development tools (IDEs, hex editors, assemblers, GUI generators, etc).
That reminds me though - I need to update this thread with something else.
Static OR Dynamic Linking of Native Binaries
I was a little unsatisfied with the "hack" used in the above examples to circumvent the need to launch programs without linking to C runtime initialization using that strange code shown above, i.e.
start() { exit( main() ); }
Moreover, for purposes of debugging applications running on the phone (using "gdbserver"), it simply seems easier to link statically - it allows you to step into the syscall library routines and actually see the assembler implementations wrapped around "STI" interrupts.
So, I spent some time experimenting, and came up with a Makefile that allows me to easily toggle between building an ARM executable linked statically or dynamically. Moreover, it lets "argc" and "argv" work they way they are supposed to, and also allows main() to do a return().
Here's an example Makefile, for a program "hello.c". Make sure you read the notes which follow it.
# FIX THESE (to match your installation)
# Top of the Android Source/build tree (retrieved w/ repo)
ANDSRCROOT := /home/user/android/repo-root
# link dynamically against the libraries shipped on the phone!
# e.g.: $cd /opt/android/Eris_libs/ruu1_16_605_1 ; adb pull /system/lib/
PHONELIBS := /opt/android/Eris_libs/ruu1_16_605_1/lib
# Choose one or the other; static is easiest for debugging use
LINKMODE := dynamic
#LINKMODE := static
# tools
CROSS_COMPILE := arm-eabi-
# Note STATLIBROOT is relative to the Android Source root (ANDSRCROOT)
STATLIBROOT := out/target/product/generic/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES
INCLUDE := -I $(ANDSRCROOT)/bionic/libc/include \
-I $(ANDSRCROOT)/bionic/libc/arch-arm/include \
-I $(ANDSRCROOT)/bionic/libc/kernel/common \
-I $(ANDSRCROOT)/bionic/libc/kernel/arch-arm
ifeq ($(LINKMODE),dynamic)
LIBDIRS := -L $(ANDSRCROOT)/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.2.1 \
-L $(ANDSRCROOT)/$(STATLIBROOT)/libc_intermediates \
-L $(ANDSRCROOT)/$(STATLIBROOT)/libc_common_intermediates
ifeq ($(LINKMODE),dynamic)
CRTBEG := $(ANDSRCROOT)/out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o
LDFLAGS := -rpath /system/lib -rpath-link /system/lib --dynamic-linker /system/bin/linker
EXTLIBS := -lc -ldl
CRTBEG := $(ANDSRCROOT)/out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtbegin_static.o
LDFLAGS := -static
EXTLIBS := -lc -lgcc -lc_common
CRTEND := $(ANDSRCROOT)/out/target/product/generic/obj/lib/crtend_android.o
CFLAGS := -g -Wall
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) \
$(CFLAGS) $< -o [email protected]
%.s: %.c
$(CC) -S -c $(INCLUDE) \
$(CFLAGS) $< -o [email protected]
all: hello
hello: hello.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) \
-o [email protected] --entry=_start -nostdlib \
$^ \
This makefile has certain assumptions built into it:
(1) Static Linkage
If you are going to link statically, you will need to have already built the entire Android source tree - the Android NDK does not provide any static libraries (In the OP I provided instructions on how to do this download and build the Android "Cupcake" release.)
(2) Dynamic Linking
If you want to compile code which is "as close to the phone as possible" then there is really only one way to do that: compile against the headers that HTC used, and perform linking against the dynamic libraries that you literally pull off the phone ("adb pull /system/lib").
There's only one problem with this strategy: HTC did not release their copy of the bionic (or other library) source code, so you are forced to punt... the second-best choice is to use headers from the Android (Cupcake) source tree. So... you will notice that for both the dynamic-link or static-link cases in the above makefile, the $(INCLUDE) paths used during compilation come from the Android source tree.
PS I guess there is a mechanism to configure the top-level "make" of the Android source tree for not only a target type (defaults to "arm"), but also a "machine" dependency. I didn't research that, as I have only built user-space code. I'm doubt there should be any differences at the syscall interface API - excepting perhaps things like ptrace() which have a machine dependency (register structures, etc).
bftb0 said:
Because of the lineage between Linux and Android, the primary platform for compilation of the kernel and other ARM instruction-set binaries ("native" code) has been on Linux. It appears (at the moment...reading between the lines) that Google engineers are using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS as their choice of Linux platform for maintaining Android kernel & utilities code... so, in principle, it is the "best supported" platform for doing "native" development work, if for no other reason than it's what Google has been using. (Not because it is somehow a "better" O/S, but rather because you are likely to run into fewer quirks, and have more resources on the internet who might have experienced the same difficulties that you run into.)
For instance, the folks that have been building kernel exploit programs have been using the Google "NDK". They are not writing/compiling those in Java - they are writing or compiling programs written in "C", and compiling them into native (ARM) object code.
I provided notes from my own installation for anyone considering "dipping their toe" into building Android kernels or native binaries using Linux as a host O/S - most forum readers are not going to be interested in doing that.
Note that Google now releases an NDK for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS/X. The strange thing about doing development on Windows using Cygwin is that if you have sufficient skills to do so - and are capable of resolving problems that inevitably crop up - then you probably already have sufficient skills to be using Unix/Linux in the first place. Sort of depends on your past experience, though. I'd be willing to bet that Devs with a history of doing WinMo development probably would prefer to climb the Android development learning curve by trying their hand with the Windows/Cygwin NDK because of their familiarity with other Windows-based development tools (IDEs, hex editors, assemblers, GUI generators, etc).
That reminds me though - I need to update this thread with something else.
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Wow, i was a little off in this case. I was under the assumption y'all were somehow going to compile ubuntu to run on the eris. :O

[Linux] [DEV] [WIP]Backtrack 5 on the gtablet HYBRID. 7/18/11 1.2 BL kernel

6/13/12 update
updated links and some instructions.
I currently do not have time to do any work on this currently as i have been working 18+ hours a day. Hopefully if i ever get some time again I will continue it.
Jaybob413 built the kernel for 1.2 Bootloader. Link is posted below
Thanks jaybob413
BACKTRACK 5 IS running on the GTABLET in Hybrid mode!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJb3mwBhMik video up now =)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be-9F_VzbHY Dual boot video
boots natively into backtrack
X11 desktop works
4 buttons. Search opens firefox, home opens users home dir, settings toggles the Onscreen keyboard, and back switches through virtual desktops.
Not Working
battery stats
I currently have this set up for windows. It can be done from linux but will link everything for windows in this post.
you must have ADB installed on windows working with the gtablet. see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=902860
required files:
bt5.tar.xz http://d-h.st/YZ4
restore_droid-kern.zip http://dev-host.org/qsbz1s7xbebt/restore_droid-kern.zip
droid-kern_backup.zip http://dev-host.org/evmqb1yrd0tn/droid-kern_backup.zip
1.1 bootloader:
bt5kern-01-20110525.zip http://dev-host.org/s4d4pp1wvxx4/bt5kern-01-20110525.zip
1.2 bootloader: thanks jaybob413 for the 1.2 kernel.
optional files:
nvidia_windows.zip http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4917587/nvflash_windows.zip
kernel config file http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4917587/config this file is only for reference. you do not have to download it or install it
the root password is "toor"
Do this at your own risk!! I take no responsibility for anything that happens to your tablet.
Start by installing your favorite ROM and kernel.
Make sure you have adb working and CWM installed
turn off the device then boot into recovery. (vol+ and power).
once in recovery you must format the EXTERNAL sdcard into ext3.
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk2
mkfs 1 ext2
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk2p1 to format the external SDcard to ext3
mkdir /tmp/ext-sd
mount /dev/block/mmcblk2p1 /tmp/ext-sd/
exit adb and run
* this will take a long time *
on a linux box unxz bt5.tar.xz
adb push c:\path\to\bt5.tar /tmp/ext-sd/bt5.tar
adb shell
# cd /tmp/ext-sd/
tar xvf bt5.tar
rm bt5.tar
cd /
umount /tmp/ext-sd/
reboot the device into android and connect the INTERNAL sdcard to the computer to place files on to the sdcard.
make a directory called kernels on the sdcard and put the 3 zips from above in that folder.
reboot into recovery and flash the
droid-kern_backup.zip this will create a backup of the android kernel. This will ONLY need to be done any time that you UPGRADE or CHANGE your android kernel.
once this is done you switch back and forth between android and backtrack with:
bt5kern-{date}.zip to boot into backtrack
restore_droid-kern.zip to boot into android
******* You do NOT have to wipe cache or anything when switching back and forth. Just flash whichever you want to boot into and you are done************
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=16223052&postcount=139 WICD fix
Linux touchscreen drivers and settings
xf86-input-multitouch https://launchpad.net/debian/+archi...ut-multitouch_1.0~rc2+git20110312.orig.tar.gz
libmtdev1 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mtdev/mtdev_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
************OLD WAY******************
How to install backtrack 5 to run on the gtablet with out gtab filesystem modification.
You must recreate the img file to be less then 4Gb. The img file is currently 4.6Gb. The new image created will be 2.9Gb. this is a vfat limitation
this has been tested on vegan 5.1 with the gtab/zpad 1.4 OC kernel. Its still a little buggy with random reboots depending on what your are doing but it is a WIP
The kernel must have loop devices support. Also looks like the kernel needs swap functionality to be enabled.
I could release the img file that has already been created but backtrack would prefer that people not release other images so this will allow you to create your own after downloading it from them so it remains trusted.
you either need:
linux with ADB working on the gtab
windows with ADB and access to a linux box with about 10gb of free space.
Backup your sdcard because it needs to be repartitioned with CWM.
In CWM under advanced > Partition SD Card > 2048 > 128
download the arm version of backtrack from www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/
and extract the files. you need to copy the bt5.img.gz to the linux box and do all the following steps.
make a working directory for all the files, copy and gunzip the img file
mkdir bt5
cp /root/bt5.img.gz bt5
cd bt5
gunzip bt5.img.gz
rename the old bt5.img to something else and create a new image that fits onto the gtabs vfat filesystem.
then create 2 directory to mount each image and copy the files over to the new img file.
mv bt5.img bt5.old.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=bt5.img bs=4k count=900000
mke2fs -F -i 8192 bt5.img
mkdir bt5old bt5new
mount -o loop bt5.old.img bt5old
mount -o loop bt5.img bt5new
cd bt5old
cp -rp * ../bt5new
since the system does not go through the full startup scripts once you run "sh bootbt" you must run /etc/rc.local from the chroot to start the vnc server if you add these lines otherwise you must type them each time.
cd ../bt5new/
vi etc/rc.local and add the following 2 lines before the exit 0 line
export USER=root
save the file and then continue on.
also you can edit /usr/bin/startvnc and modify the screensize to fit the tablet
the gtablet is 1024x600
vncserver -geometry 1024x600
after all files have been copied over you just unmount the 2 directories and gzip the new image.
cd ..
(you should now be in the directory with the 2 img files and 2 directories)
umount bt5old
umount bt5new
gzip bt5.img
edit the bootbt file and change the line
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
*** this needs to be changed to whatever your /system is on your tablet or phone if it is something other then the gtablet.
now copy this new bt5.img.gz file over to the directory where you got the original image from and then follow the instructions that are included with the download in the README file.
a good VNC viewer is located
and also install a terminal emulator so you can start Backtrack 5 from the device.
running from a terminal emulator everything runs fine but running VNC gnome takes up way to much RAM currently. Looking at fluxbox and/or swap as a fix. causes the tablet to lock up and must be powered off by holding the power button.
The Backtrack Team -- for coming up with an amazing security distro
The G-TabDevs Team -- for the vegan 5.1 Rom
Pershoot -- for maintaining the 1.4 kernel for the gtab and hopefully adding support for needed features =)
Sorry for the flash in the pictures
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sorry for the noob question.....
where we need to run all the commands you have stated????
fauz33 said:
sorry for the noob question.....
where we need to run all the commands you have stated????
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They must be run on a linux box. I bolded it just now in the first post. I would do it all and just release the gzip file but backtrack does not want that.
slimm609 said:
They must be run on a linux box. I bolded it just now in the first post. I would do it all and just release the gzip file but backtrack does not want that.
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i have googled it for hours.....
what is mean by linux box??
fauz33 said:
i have googled it for hours.....
what is mean by linux box??
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_almost_ any version of linux installed on a computer (laptop or desktop).
you need about 8-10gb of free space after linux is installed.
like fedora, centOS, ubuntu, suse, slackware, etc.
90+% of the versions on this site would work www.distrowatch.com
I'll talk to Muts and see if he will allow the gzip. Maybe if it is maintained by you but released by them they might consider it.
These instructions are for running BT5 in a shell, not actually installing it as the working OS on the gtablet - right?
Similar to:
runner989 said:
I'll talk to Muts and see if he will allow the gzip. Maybe if it is maintained by you but released by them they might consider it.
These instructions are for running BT5 in a shell, not actually installing it as the working OS on the gtablet - right?
Similar to:
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This runs the same way that it does on the Xoom. Just making it fit onto the gtab and Evo 4g
here is CHS (runner989)
Is packet injection working with the wireless adapter?
kdj67f said:
Is packet injection working with the wireless adapter?
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most of the tools for wireless were removed when they created the arm version.
I am going to try and compile them and see if they work when i get a chance (hopefully soon)
Ugh! That sucks! I did not know they did that. Since the gtablet has a USB port the USB wireless adapters (like the Alfa adapter) should work just as they do in the regular Backtrack builds.
slimm609 said:
most of the tools for wireless were removed when they created the arm version.
I am going to try and compile them and see if they work when i get a chance (hopefully soon)
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runner989 said:
Ugh! That sucks! I did not know they did that. Since the gtablet has a USB port the USB wireless adapters (like the Alfa adapter) should work just as they do in the regular Backtrack builds.
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The internal card is a broadcom 4329 so it should support everything also. have to wait and see.
Major progress made on booting native backtrack linux. Kernel boots but it missing a driver so it drops into a ramfs but getting close.
off to bed
I was so excited I forgot we run an arm processor! Good work to the devs on this. And although it was probably an ethical thing to remove all the wireless functions for ARM builds, It would be much handier than lugging around my old laptop with it's ancient battery that barely last 45 minutes under load.
Many thanks, I am subscribing. Just wish I could help
This is pretty awesome. Might want to check the debian or ubuntu ARM community to find out how the wireless drivers work there. I'm assuming our ARM runs in it's normal little indian, not ARMEB mode, right?
muqali said:
This is pretty awesome. Might want to check the debian or ubuntu ARM community to find out how the wireless drivers work there. I'm assuming our ARM runs in it's normal little indian, not ARMEB mode, right?
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the wireless card is a broadcom 4329
slimm609 said:
the wireless card is a broadcom 4329
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The driver source thread is http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=906628
wifi is working now. tested with wpa-psk
New files coming tomorrow with wifi included.
the touchscreen is seen by the system and xorg just need to find the right configuration for it to work
now trying to compile as a single touch device because Xorg does not support multi-touch displays
touchscreen is working. just working on calibration of it now. only single touch currently
This is awesome...
Sent from my Droid using XDA App

Debian Squeeze on GT540

I start this thread to speak about natively running Debian Squeeze on LG Optimus GT540.
I have put somme script to bootstrap complete installation on sdcard on :
Please read README first.
Kernel is 2.6.29 from lge source with minors modifications :
* lge source don't compile properly ( this is not what is distribute as binnary ?GPL violation? ).
* Framebuffer console on startup.
* Software refreshing enable.
* Race condition on mddi register function when using software refresher
* Inkernel command line.
* ext3fs
Kernel debian packages are in swift/kernel
the boot image is in swift/boot and is reconstruct at end of bootstrap.
Lxde environement with matchbox-window-manager and matchbox-keyboard is working fine for me.
Slim is used as display manager in autologin mode.
Freesmartphone is installed but not configured (TODO)
Wifi (4325) is working but module is not loaded on startup. The firmware is from lge source distribution but is the same as on binary distribution.
Bluetooth (?4325?) is not working. (blueman need dpkg --configure at first startup). (TODO)
i got: You don't have permission to access /~jimpulse/swift/README on this server.
You don't have permission to access /~jimpulse/swift/README on this server.
Says when i try to open README file
Sory, I"m noob !
Now, It's working.
I didnt understand how it's booting. What should i do. Just flash boot.img to recovery then boot from it? Is it enough or what should i do can you write it step by step?
You must install debian on first partition of your sdcard.
The partition must be ext2 or ext3 formated (preferably ext3).
The script 'bootstrap.sh' is make for that, you have to be root to use it.
the card must be mounted with suid,dev,exec .
you must have installed somme packages on your host, read README file.
hi there,
so its something like a dual boot ?
something like this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1408824.
It is not dualboot by itself.
It is just a scritp to install Debian Squeeze armel on sdcard and build a boot image.
More explanation :
!!! Please, dont run the script if your dont understand what it do !!!
You have to edit the script to match your preference :
ROOT=<the target directory where to install to>
ROOTDEV=<Name of the device were your phone will look to find root filesystem>
This script is tested only on Ubuntu oneiric but should work on other debian-like distros.
You can format your sdcard like this : sudo mkfs.ext3 -L swift /dev/XXX
where XXX is the device file corresponding to the partition you want to format. You can figure out that by looking at kernel message after inserting the sdcard : dmesg
Eject and reinsert the card to mount the new filesystem.
Remount the filesystem with apropriate options : sudo mount -o remount,exec,suid,dev /media/swift (or wherether your filesystem is mounted).
So, change ROOT= variable as ROOT=/media/swift (or whatether ...)
and ROOTDEV=/dev/mmcblk0p1 (for the first partition of the sdcard)
Then run in the swift/ directory : sudo ./bootstrap.sh
If all is right, it take aprox 4 hours on my [email protected] to download and install everything.
After installation, you have choice to flash the boot rom (eg : sudo fastboot flash recovery /media/swift/boot/boot.img-2.6.29-swift) or to use it as chroot environnement from android.
jimpulse said:
It is not dualboot by itself.
It is just a scritp to install Debian Squeeze armel on sdcard and build a boot image.
More explanation :
!!! Please, dont run the script if your dont understand what it do !!!
You have to edit the script to match your preference :
ROOT=<the target directory where to install to>
ROOTDEV=<Name of the device were your phone will look to find root filesystem>
This script is tested only on Ubuntu oneiric but should work on other debian-like distros.
You can format your sdcard like this : sudo mkfs.ext3 -L swift /dev/XXX
where XXX is the device file corresponding to the partition you want to format. You can figure out that by looking at kernel message after inserting the sdcard : dmesg
Eject and reinsert the card to mount the new filesystem.
Remount the filesystem with apropriate options : sudo mount -o remount,exec,suid,dev /media/swift (or wherether your filesystem is mounted).
So, change ROOT= variable as ROOT=/media/swift (or whatether ...)
and ROOTDEV=/dev/mmcblk0p1 (for the first partition of the sdcard)
Then run in the swift/ directory : sudo ./bootstrap.sh
If all is right, it take aprox 4 hours on my [email protected] to download and install everything.
After installation, you have choice to flash the boot rom (eg : sudo fastboot flash recovery /media/swift/boot/boot.img-2.6.29-swift) or to use it as chroot environnement from android.
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I have done it for one time but it didn't boot So im gonna do it again tomorrow. I dont have time today
I'm always having problem with the script. Now im starting again. I hope it will done this time... And can you use a .35 kernel for this?
I'm planning to include .35 kernel, but I dont know which one to use. I've start a thread to ask people there preferences. Kernel need minor modification to have frame buffer console working.
If you have probleme with the script, post last few line of output and I will try to help.
I have the mismatch size problem with the one of xorg-bla-bla packages By the way Mikegapinski's kernel is good to work i think.
And does this make a problem?
pre-installing dpkg
warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 3 package 'dpkg':
missing description
warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 3 package 'dpkg':
missing maintainer
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These two warning are not a problem, these are only because dpkg/status is not complete before installing dpkg. It's a bootstrap edge effect (dpkg need dpkg to be installed).
If the script don't run until the end, you should have a phase number given at end of output. You can skip already ran phase by passing a phase number as parameter to the script.
The xserver-xorg-core problem is about dependencies against all video driver. So I mangle the control file to remove these dependencies. Perhaps this can fail if debian repo version has changed.
jimpulse said:
These two warning are not a problem, these are only because dpkg/status is not complete before installing dpkg. It's a bootstrap edge effect (dpkg need dpkg to be installed).
If the script don't run until the end, you should have a phase number given at end of output. You can skip already ran phase by passing a phase number as parameter to the script.
The xserver-xorg-core problem is about dependencies against all video driver. So I mangle the control file to remove these dependencies. Perhaps this can fail if debian repo version has changed.
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Now i have bootedup but how can iload the wifi module now?
The default password for root is root .
There is no sudo preinstalled so use su.
Firmware and nvram settings are in /etc/wl as for android names rte.bin and nvram.txt .
You have to pass parameters at load time :
modprobe wireless firmware_path=/etc/wl/rtecdc.bin nvram_path=/etc/wl/nvram.txt
or put this in /etc/modprobe.d/wireless.conf :
alias wlan0 wireless
options wireless firmware_path=/etc/wl/rtecdc.bin nvram_path=/etc/wl/nvram.txt
Wicd is not working correctly so you have to configure by hand
(iwconfig and ifconfig) or edit /etc/network/interfaces. (view debian administration guide for that).
I will update the script tomorrow to add a configuration file for modprobe and an alias to wlan0.
jimpulse said:
The default password for root is root .
There is no sudo preinstalled so use su.
Firmware and nvram settings are in /etc/wl as for android names rte.bin and nvram.txt .
You have to pass parameters at load time :
modprobe wireless firmware_path=/etc/wl/rtecdc.bin nvram_path=/etc/wl/nvram.txt
or put this in /etc/modprobe.d/wireless.conf :
alias wlan0 wireless
options wireless firmware_path=/etc/wl/rtecdc.bin nvram_path=/etc/wl/nvram.txt
Wicd is not working correctly so you have to configure by hand
(iwconfig and ifconfig) or edit /etc/network/interfaces. (view debian administration guide for that).
I will update the script tomorrow to add a configuration file for modprobe and an alias to wlan0.
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Thanks for these and how can i access the command line from my computer?
Sorry, but I've forget to put openssh on package list. I'he also froget to add debian repo to sources.list .
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list with nano or vi and add a line with :
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main
then run apt-get update
You have to use the lxde terminal to configure wireless and install openssh-server (apt-get install openssh-server).
After that, you will be able to connect with ssh (ssh [email protected]<IP ADDRESS>) from your computer.
adbd is not working and need some tweak to work with debian.
I've update bootstrap.sh :
* openssh-server and openssh-client are installed per default
* sources.list is now created durring bootstrap with same repo that the bootstrap process used.
* modprobe is configured to pass correct parameters to wireless module. There is also ans alias wlan0 ponting to wireless.
* network/interfaces is update to have the loopback interface configured at boottime. The configuration for wlan0 must be tweak for your network (essid, dhcp or static ...) .
Now, I'm working on 2.6.35 from wingrime and hope to publish it next week.
So, how is it going?
Sent from my GT540 using Tapatalk
jasper580 said:
So, how is it going?
Sent from my GT540 using Tapatalk
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Yeah i wonder it too. I is so good to have debian on my phone. It'll be more usable with a touchscreen gui. It doesn't lag more. I think you should change the keyboard to a bigger. And we should can rotate screen. At least with running a sh file from terminal By the way you're great! I think this is gonna be awesome for our phones...

[WIP/DEV/GUIDE] Debian Linux armhf

So following a couple of tuts that I've found on the forums I've been able to install debian linux wheezy armhf build on my tablet in a dual boot configuration with it booting off of a second ext4 partition on the microsd card along with getting the drivers/codecs from Linux4Tegra to be installed and somewhat used on debian linux.
What works:
-Display (doesnt use tegra drivers)
-Buttons (power, vol, rot switch [acts as wifi switch])
What doesnt work:
-Bluetooth (Untested but apparently it finds it and sets it up.)
-Audio (Detects it in the kde info center. System Settings program only says that there's a dummy output. Playing any form of audio crashes the program.)
-HDMI (with the Tegra gfx drivers it finds it but says it's disconnected even when connected.)
-Motion Sensing
-Light Sensor
With the display, whenever the tegra drivers are used, it finds HDMI (as HDMI-1) and the LCD screen (as LVDS-1) but says that there is no device on the lcd screen. With that being said, it is using the fbdev driver instead which shows pink and/or inverted colors in some instances but at least it shows a gui.
Guides used:
{HOW TO} Native Debian on A500 and building your own rootfs
[BOOTLOADER][DUALBOOT + RECOVERY][BOOTMENU] Patched ICS bootloader V8 (07/06/2012)
[Dev] Native linux on Iconia
-an A500.
-a 16+GB microsd.
-Linux OS (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
-Linux 4 Tegra: Download the Ventana files under "Additional Information" and "Driver Packages"/"Codec Packages".
Ok, so here's how I've done it.
1) Make sure you have a multiboot loader and have flashed the appropriate bootloader image to the second boot partition. get the boot image from the 3rd guide under "precompiled kernel image" and flash that to the second boot partition. (be sure to check the dualboot guide above on flashing the image if you are using the bootloader that is in the guide.)
2) Have a microsd card partitioned with two partitions, one for normal data (can be any format) and a second one that is in ext4. you can do 3 partitions by adding a swap partition but the ext4 partition must be the second partition.
3) Install qemu on the host system.
For Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
4) Mount the microsd's ext4 partition.
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/<microsd 2nd partition> /mnt/Linux
5) Run:
sudo qemu-debootstrap --arch armhf wheezy /mnt/Linux
6) Chroot into the installed environment.
chroot /mnt/Linux /bin/bash
7) Add sources to /mnt/Linux/etc/apt/sources.list. you can get debian sources from http://debgen.simplylinux.ch/. Be sure to choose "Testing (wheezy)" and all the sources check boxes along with where you live to find the nearest repository.
8) Install the wifi drivers pt1.
apt-get update ; apt-get install broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer b43-fwcutter
9) Install the wifi drivers p2. In the "{HOW TO} Native Debian on A500 and building your own rootfs" guide, there is a download from mediafire for the firmware files for the drivers. Extract that and put it into /lib/firmware. I dont know if the individual files in the brcm should be in the /lib/firmware or not so i just copied the folder into it and the files within it into /lib/firmware.
10) Install the GUI:
apt-get install <gui>
List of GUI's (that i know of):
KDE (takes a long time to install): kde-full
XFCE: xfce4
11) extract the ventana_Tegra-Linux-R16.1.0_armhf.tbz2 file and the ventana_Tegra-Linux-codecs-R16.1.0_armhf.tbz2. you should get a folder called "Linux_For_Tegra" and a file called "restricted_codecs.tbz2". go into the "Linux_For_Tegra/nv_tegra" folders and extract the nvidia_drivers.tbz2 file. from there you should get 3 folders: etc, lib, usr. copy those to "/mnt/Linux" (you are going to have to do this as root). back out of those folders and extract the restricted_codecs.tbz2. you should get a folder called "lib" copy that to "/mnt/Linux". after that, it's time to make a hard link so that the X11 can find the tegra driver:
ln /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.abi12.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.so
Note: without using an xorg.conf file, by default it will use fbdrv instead of the tegra driver.
12) set the root password:
passwd root
13) add a normal user:
adduser <username>
14) exit chroot by typing "exit" and unmount /mnt/Linux:
sudo umount /mnt/Linux
15) pop that sucker into the the tablet and boot into it by holding power and vol down to get into the boot menu. select "boot into second partiton".
If everything went ok, you should be presented with a gui, if not and you are at a command line, log into root and type "startx". if that doesnt work then something wrong must have happened.
Untested easy script:
#! /bin/sh
set -e
#if there is a tegra_install.deb file.
#change these if you do not like default install of kde.
#setup the basics of debian linux using armhf and wheezy build.
qemu-debootstrap --arch $arch $build $rootDir
#copy the tegra_install.deb file for the tegra specific drivers.
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
cp $tegraDeb $rootDir/$tegraDeb
#setup sources.list for apt-get.
echo "deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
#create the chroot_install.sh script and set it up.
echo "#! /bin/sh" > $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
echo "set -e" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#update apt-get inside the chroot.
echo "apt-get update" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the wireless card drivers inside the chroot.
echo "apt-get install broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer b43-fwcutter" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the desktop in the chroot. (note: this will take a long time)
echo "apt-get install $guiEnv" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the tegra specific drivers inside the chroot
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
#install the tegra drivers.
echo "dpkg -i $tegraDeb" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#hard link the tegra_drv.abi12.so as tegra_drv.so in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ to enable X11 to find the display driver.
echo "ln /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.abi12.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.so" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#set the root password in the chroot.
echo "passwd root" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#add normal user in the chroot.
echo "adduser $newUser" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#execute the final stage of the install.
chroot $rootDir /chroot_install.sh
rm $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
rm $rootDir/$tegraDeb
Script sets up everything along with installing kde window manager. Please note that the tegra_install.deb file does not exist, it is something that i am thinking of making in the future that has all the drivers and what not needed that is from the Linux 4 Tegra site. you are still going to have to manually install the tegra drivers in step 11.
Edit: Experimental copies of the deb files that has all the files needed from Linux 4 Tegra and the wifi drivers can be found at the bottom of the post.
xorg.conf to enable tegra driver (found in the Linux_for_Tegra/nv_tegra/config.tbz2/etc/X11 folder):
# This is the minimal configuration necessary to use the Tegra driver.
# Please refer to the xorg.conf man page for more configuration
# options provided by the X server, including display-related options
# provided by RandR 1.2 and higher.
# Disable extensions not useful on Tegra.
Section "Module"
Disable "dri"
Disable "dri2"
Disable "glx"
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Tegra"
Driver "tegra"
# OverlayDepth is a 32-bit integer which is used to control overlay
# stacking order. The overlay with the lowest depth is in front of
# all others. This value has meaning only when multiple overlays are
# present on a display.
# Option "OverlayDepth" "255"
# ARGBHWCursor controls whether the X driver uses an overlay to
# display 32-bit "true-color" cursors, or whether such cursors are
# emulated in software. Valid values are "true" to enable hardware
# cursors, and "false" (default) to disable them.
# Option "ARGBHWCursor"
At the moment, I have looked through the config.tbz2 file and may have to stick the stuff in there into the tablet's linux filesystem. will test this later.
I am not a linux developer, I have no idea how to create linux drivers. All I can do is mash things together and hope things work out.
In theory, this should work for all tegra2 and tegra3 (using cardhu drivers instead of ventana) devices with some minor differences.
Apparently it is using kernel version 2.6.38. I'm going to see if I can update the kernel to 3.2.23-1 which is the latest version for armhf in the debian package list (http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/kernel/linux-headers-3.2.0-3-all-armhf).
Looks like updating the kernel from apt-get doesn't necessarily enable the kernel to load as it seems that the boot loader loads a prepackaged kernel that has been flashed into mmcblk0p7. Tried out kexec and the kernel doesn't support it so adding it to the /dev/inittab script is useless for loading up new kernels. I tried making the new kernel into a flashable image using mkbootimg that is found within the Linux 4 Tegra folder but it doesn't do anything and the image apparently isn't valid when i tried booting it from fastboot (black screen). along with that, apparently it changed my password on my encrypted /data partition's password (when i flashed it within linux using dd) so a word of caution with that. If anyone can help me out, i would like to try to create something similar to grub (or even port it) where it loads up new kernels from the microsd or a specified place based on a boot list.
deb Files (Install using "dpkg -i acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_<version>_armhf.deb" within the linux environment of the tablet.):
1.0-1: acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_1.0-1_armhf.deb
--takes care of steps 9 and 11 sans hard linking the X11 tegra drivers.
1.0-2: acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_1.0-2_armhf.deb
--has pre-depends for the first part of the wifi driver installation so this should, in theory, install both part 1 and 2 of the wifi drivers.
--takes care of steps 8, 9, and 11 sans hard linking the X11 tegra drivers.
Update log:
10/17/2012: added updated version of the deb package.
10/16/2012: first version.
Ok, so since I cant post anything including into ongoing threads in the android development forum due to the 10 post required thing i'll just have to ask development questions here till i reach the 10 post requirement.
Can anyone point me into the direction for how the second boot image that you flash for the dual boot bootloader is created? Trying to figure out how to create an image so that it boots everything off the microsd card including the kernel. It seems that the kernel used in the guide is locked to 2.6.38 and if you update the kernel within the tablet's linux environment it doesnt load it up. so i need to figure out how to create a boot image so that it loads it up or create a boot image that has grub (or other bootloaders) installed on it to boot different linux images.
alatnet said:
Ok, so since I cant post anything including into ongoing threads in the android development forum due to the 10 post required thing i'll just have to ask development questions here till i reach the 10 post requirement.
Can anyone point me into the direction for how the second boot image that you flash for the dual boot bootloader is created? Trying to figure out how to create an image so that it boots everything off the microsd card including the kernel. It seems that the kernel used in the guide is locked to 2.6.38 and if you update the kernel within the tablet's linux environment it doesnt load it up. so i need to figure out how to create a boot image so that it loads it up or create a boot image that has grub (or other bootloaders) installed on it to boot different linux images.
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You are on the right track with mkbootimg. I have not figured it all out myself yet.
You have to compile your arm linux kernel then make a bootable image with mkboot
I don't know if you have seen this or if. this will help---Nethams kernel compile commands are;
make ARCH=arm menuconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueable--j16
./mkbootimg --ramdisk dev/zero --kernel arch/arm/zimage -o ../recovery.img
I believe these are the commands he uses to compile his recovery image (boot.img)
It is my understanding that mkboot combines the kernel with a ram disk to make an image file that will boot the system
That image file can be placed in several places 1-primary boot position 2 recovery position 3 and if you have Skrilax dual boot secboot position
So it depends on what mkboot compiled as to what happens when that boot point is activated.
I am still trying to work out how Spdev and Netham combine or configure the kernel + initramfs+ ramdisk to create their bootable images.
I know these images boot and point to the file system which can be stored on internal or external sd card or even usb drive it all depends on how the boot image is configured.
Still learning myself
Here is a link I found explanes about Linux ram disk and initram
And more info here downloads a PDF presentation on how to.
All about that mkbooting after you get your kernel
themechaniac said:
snip (freaking 10 post limit...)
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Yea, i did find some stuff with mkbootimg including the last link that you posted.
The kernel was already compiled when i downloaded it using apt-get and it is placed in /boot folder.
I did make a boot.img from that kernel using mkbootimg and looking at "/proc/cmdline" at the arguments that were passed to the kernel in the other kernel image and it made it, flashed it to secboot and it didnt do anything except use the same kernal as before, though i did flash the image via dd in linux. Apparently this sorta screwed up my /data partition or something in where it wouldnt recognize my password for de-encryption to mount it. (fixing it by just erasing "/data" [bye bye data... TT.TT]) So i tried booting it using "fastboot boot <kernel>" and it didnt boot, only showing a black screen, but using the other boot.img it would boot linux up.
So I'm thinking of somehow creating a kernel image that can use kexec to make a grub like bootloader kernel that you flash onto the secboot partition that has something similer to grub.cfg in which you can easily select which kernel to load.
As for looking for a grub.cfg file, it would look in a few different places:
-in internal storage (probably recovery partition or the "/system" partition as the "/data" partition can potentially be encrypted and not mountable.)
-sd card (has to be in first partition and in fat32 format)
-usb drive (same as sd card)
from these places it will load each grub.cfg. that way it'll make the grub like bootloader kernel extendable in which kernel to load (i.e. have a linux system on usb that you want to boot from.)
I may be wrong but it is my understanding that the compiled kernel is in the boot image packed by mkbootimg.
The kernel is compiled to look for the compatible root file system in a particular place.
So when you change or use a boot image you change the kernel you are using.
So we have a system that;
Has a modified Linux kernel that selects the Android file system from internal memory installed in the first boot position.
We can put a Linux kernel compiled to find a compatible root file system say on external sd card in the second boot position.
We can replace the recovery image with a Linux kernel that finds a compatible root file system on the internal sd card.
That gives us a hardware selective three different systems (triple boot)
With fastboot on the PC we can quickly change any of the Three boot images, replace the recovery image or repair system.
I think all we need is a 3.2.23 kernel compiled thee separate ways and packaged with mkbootimg.
1st find root file system internel, 2nd find file system externel 3rd find file system usb
We already have two 2.6.38 kernels. One from Spdev (external root file system)and One from Netham {internal file system)
They are different kernels as Nethams has added modules.
I believe the were both compiled from the same Git.
I have tried switching the two boot images in second boot position with both root file systems installed and when you boot the second position
it switches to it's own file system.
I haven't tried swapping the root file positions yet.
themechaniac said:
I may be wrong but it is my understanding that the compiled kernel is in the boot image packed by mkbootimg.
The kernel is compiled to look for the compatible root file system in a particular place.
So when you change or use a boot image you change the kernel you are using.
So we have a system that;
Has a modified Linux kernel that selects the Android file system from internal memory installed in the first boot position.
We can put a Linux kernel compiled to find a compatible root file system say on external sd card in the second boot position.
We can replace the recovery image with a Linux kernel that finds a compatible root file system on the internal sd card.
That gives us a hardware selective three different systems (triple boot)
With fastboot on the PC we can quickly change any of the Three boot images, replace the recovery image or repair system.
I think all we need is a 3.2.23 kernel compiled thee separate ways and packaged with mkbootimg.
1st find root file system internel, 2nd find file system externel 3rd find file system usb
We already have two 2.6.38 kernels. One from Spdev (external root file system)and One from Netham {internal file system)
They are different kernels as Nethams has added modules.
I believe the were both compiled from the same Git.
I have tried switching the two boot images in second boot position with both root file systems installed and when you boot the second position
it switches to it's own file system.
I haven't tried swapping the root file positions yet.
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Interesting. Though i think it needs to be a specific type of kernel (i.e bzImage or uImage instead of vmlinuz) to actually run. also, the precompiled kernel in the guide that i had used in the opening post had a command line where one option was "root=/dev/mmcblk1p2" which pretty much says for the kernel to look for the linux file system in the second partition on the sd card.
Yes with the way the system is formatted you cannot change out the kernel on the fly. It is basically hard coded in the boot image. Skrilax has given us a way to change boot positions so we don't have to sacrifice recovery position to boot second kernel. I have not seen any pre configured 3.2.23 kernels yet. The one that Netham posted boots from internal SD but causes problems for some people as not all a500 have their internal SD card formatted in the same memory block. It works great for me I prefer to have my root file system on a fast external SD so would like to modify or compile a kernel like Netham's. I find I run out of space when I have it internal. Netham's kernel has USB sound and seems to boot differt than Spdev's.
themechaniac said:
Yes with the way the system is formatted you cannot change out the kernel on the fly. It is basically hard coded in the boot image. Skrilax has given us a way to change boot positions so we don't have to sacrifice recovery position to boot second kernel. I have not seen any pre configured 3.2.23 kernels yet. The one that Netham posted boots from internal SD but causes problems for some people as not all a500 have their internal SD card formatted in the same memory block. It works great for me I prefer to have my root file system on a fast external SD so would like to modify or compile a kernel like Netham's. I find I run out of space when I have it internal. Netham's kernel has USB sound and seems to boot differt than Spdev's.
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Right, but this is how the linux boot loader is going to go with, instead of loading the linux system (sans kernel and initrd) from the sd card, we create a boot.img that has a linux system built in that has a sole purpose of loading other linux systems using kexec.
Here's how the path is going to go:
Startup-->Bootloader-->Linux Bootloader (loads linux on external drives)-->Linux (on external drives)
Well I am happy with Ubuntu on my external SD card, I even ran a kernel compile on it and it ran pretty fast. I am stuck on the mkbootimg part. It can't be done on the tablet, has to be a PC. I tried unpacking the Two ready made boot images to see how they are configured but they don't seem to have a ram disk. Still working on that. It is learning how the system is put together that is half the fun, Getting it to work the way you want is the goal. When it is all squared away it will be time to move on to the next puzzle. I have enough computers that I could just put a system on each one and be done with it. Where's the fun in that. Most of them are dual booted already.
themechaniac said:
Well I am happy with Ubuntu on my external SD card, I even ran a kernel compile on it and it ran pretty fast. I am stuck on the mkbootimg part. It can't be done on the tablet, has to be a PC. I tried unpacking the Two ready made boot images to see how they are configured but they don't seem to have a ram disk. Still working on that. It is learning how the system is put together that is half the fun, Getting it to work the way you want is the goal. When it is all squared away it will be time to move on to the next puzzle. I have enough computers that I could just put a system on each one and be done with it. Where's the fun in that. Most of them are dual booted already.
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Well, even though mkbootimg is suppose to be run on linux, i don't think it was compiled for arm so you are going to have to use a pc for that program. as for the initrd, i did find a website that may help in creating an A.L.B.L. (Android Linux Boot Loader): http://www.thewireframecommunity.com/node/14
Essentially what is needed to create the A.L.B.L. is to create a kernel with kexec in it and an initrd that mounts the external drives along with an easy to use interface to be loaded before loading any kernels to allow for selecting kernels. with that said, how do you figure out how to use the volume buttons and the power button within linux using a c\c++ program?
any progress?
-Audio (Detects it in the kde info center. System Settings program only says that there's a dummy output. Playing any form of audio crashes the program.)
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cat /any/file/for/ex/bin/bash > /dev/dsp
works properly
Unfortunetly no.
Been to busy with other stuff to work on this.
tegra driver
I have ubuntu 12.10 armf runing on my a500 thanks to the "Linux on A500: The Future" thread. I am using the ferrariforzaleo mod of rogro82's kernel.
The problem I had was getting the xorg tegra module to load. I fixed this by getting the "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1"]https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1 and installing with
sudo dpkg -i
after I rebooted it started using the tegra video driver.
HardlyAbelson said:
I have ubuntu 12.10 armf runing on my a500 thanks to the "Linux on A500: The Future" thread. I am using the ferrariforzaleo mod of rogro82's kernel.
The problem I had was getting the xorg tegra module to load. I fixed this by getting the "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1"]https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1 and installing with
sudo dpkg -i
after I rebooted it started using the tegra video driver.
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can you explain me the steps you done ? I also want ubuntu 12.10 running but I can't install any desktop on it ( show error and other error )
ubuntu 12.10
Forzaferrarileo said:
can you explain me the steps you done ? I also want ubuntu 12.10 running but I can't install any desktop on it ( show error and other error )
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Hi, I used the debootstrap and and qemu / chroot to setup my rootfs. i found post #61 in the "Linux on A500: future" very helpful.
Also, make sure you have a usb keyboard handy. After you run "apt-get install -d ubuntu-desktop" (assuming you have a pc running ubuntu to use) in a qemu chroot, you can move to the a500 and boot up and login as root and run "apt-get install ubuntu-destop". since the stuff is cached. I found this faster than installing the desktop while in the chroot. After that finishes, you should boot up with a desktop available. If something is wrong and you can't login, try doing "ctrl-alt-f1" to get to the getty command line login and look at the /var/log/ folder for clues in the logs.
How to compile the kernel?
I succesfully got debian running on my iconia a500 :laugh:
Building my own rootfs and getting the wifi to work were not that hard, but I still don't know how to compile the Linux kernel for the a500 from source.
I already found the git repository of rogru82 (https://github.com/rogro82/picasso-kernel) and I downloaded the source to my pc (running ubuntu 13.04). Can someone point me to a tutorial explaining how to compile this source?
Also, can someone explain what sort of partition table the internal memory uses? I am running the 3.0 kernel and I can see a block memory device in the /dev folder but there are no partitions. How can I mount the internal memory?

[DEV][WIP][Linux] Easy GNU/Linux on our tablet

Hi all!
Many of us are dreaming of having a real native desktop operating system on Galaxy Note 10.1 as a second system. Of course, the software there is not touch-optimized, but you can attach keyboard and mouse via USB-OTG and Bluetooth and imagine it's a netbook
exception13 showed us that it's possible and shared his work on in a forum and repo. X-Stranger could use it and shared compiled images of ArchLinux. But what if you want to do something more specific for your own needs and you are not such a great developer as both of them are?
My project is for all of you who want to have native GNU/Linux, who want to participate but don't know how yet. It's a guide how to build it from scratch. The problem is - I am not a superdev too and I couldn't do many things. Frankly speaking, all the remaining things seem to be small but I don't know how to overcome them. Maybe it's because I'm studying economics but not programming
Link to the guide.
I need help from anyone who knows how to overcome any of the problems on every step! Everything I managed to do by myself is already written there and currently I have a compiled kernel which is booting a partition on external SD but it freezes there.
If you have any ideas - you can just make a pull request out of Github's webinterface, if you don't know how to edit this html but know something about building Linux - you are welcome to open an issue or write it here and I will include it in the guide.
Let's make our Galaxy Note 10.1 better together!
,I just got my Note 101.1 earlier today. I'll look into the missing information and add to the webpage. Is there anything that you think I should look into first?
I actually had a question.
Looks like you have the section "Harder Way - how to prepare binaries" split into Ubuntu and Arch. Instructions for compiling the kernel are the same.
I guess my question is why the choice to show the arch kernel being compiled under arch?
Might be easier to read the guide with all the kernel compiling done in Ubuntu.
What I didn't originally mention is that i really like it. Hoping to help contribute as well.
darksabre_x said:
I actually had a question.
Looks like you have the section "Harder Way - how to prepare binaries" split into Ubuntu and Arch. Instructions for compiling the kernel are the same.
I guess my question is why the choice to show the arch kernel being compiled under arch?
Might be easier to read the guide with all the kernel compiling done in Ubuntu.
What I didn't originally mention is that i really like it. Hoping to help contribute as well.
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Good question. The reason for that are that despite how close Arch Linux and Ubuntu are, the environments are different. Ubuntu usually has some sort of bash completion enabled by default whereas Arch Linux doesn't and of course each of them requires diferent packages installed to perform the same functions. I believe thermatk did each distro separately as to make things simpler for the end user. Pick a distro and go as each distro's guide can be tuned independent of the others.
Soul_Est said:
Good question. The reason for that are that despite how close Arch Linux and Ubuntu are, the environments are different. Ubuntu usually has some sort of bash completion enabled by default whereas Arch Linux doesn't and of course each of them requires diferent packages installed to perform the same functions. I believe thermatk did each distro separately as to make things simpler for the end user. Pick a distro and go as each distro's guide can be tuned independent of the others.
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Doesn't really answer my question considering the end kernel will be the same regardless of the distro being used. I think you took my question as "Why are there 2 options for kernel compilation?", which wasn't what I was asking.
Looks like thermatk actually addressed the question with a page update.
It now gives separate options depending on which distro you want to end up with on your Note 10.1, in addition to separate kernel compilation options.
What I was referring to was when it was Ubuntu only instructions from kernel compilation all the way to deployment on the tablet and Arch only instructions. The kernel and linux image instructions weren't independent of each other, as they currently are.
I'm really happy to hear that someone else wants to use it and contribute! :victory:
darksabre_x, you are right I separated the guide into parts yesterday because the system where you compile kernel doesn't really affect anything on the tablet.
Soul_Est, thank you for helping with questions in the thread :good:
Now I understand that tabs are not the best way to do it, will start this day from trying to rewrite this to a navbar constantly on top which lets you choose options from a dropdown.
Also yesterday got the guide to the point when one path through can get ypu to a bootable distro! You can compile kernel wherever you want, you should be on stock based rom and choose to install Arch on separate partition which probably will be a partition on SD. What you have to add at the end is
pacman -S lxde
and copy xorg.conf from X-Stranger's post. Once rebooted, you will be able to enter android:changeme and
sudo lxdm
and the gui will start if you don't have USB-OTG and keyboard you won't be able to enter password but you can poweroff from the interface's right corner :good: Attention: if gui says that it has no permissions to write logs do
sudo mount -n -o remount, rw /
and retry but do not forget to write here about it!
What are the current problems:
Why exception13 and X-Stranger both hardcoded the whole cmdline for kernel and forced it not to be changeable from bootloaders. It's easy to fix in the config but there should have been some idea or i'm paranoic?
What's wrong with LinuxDeploy, separate partitions and CyanogenMod? hiruna filed a bug but meefik seems to be away for a week. If anyone else with CM has an idea on how to overcome this maybe with some special unmount commands CM is thinking that ext4 partition is th extSdCard and mounts it so that LinuxDeploy can't install anything there (seems that it's the problem) while stock can't mount ext4 as extsdcard and is not touching the partition.
How do we make Debian/Ubuntu to boot? Both ways - for separate partition and img are stuck one the problem that not any mkinitramfs or abootimg or their combinations could get to a better state than initramfs shell. Separate partition should be easier so focus should be on it for the start.
Adapt X-Stranger's guide about booting Arch from *.img. It's there and should be tested, rewritten and easied and some whitespaces should be filled. I know there are some as i have spent many hours in Arch with little dirty hacks like
ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
that are needed but no one ever wrote that they are.
What's wrong with basic video? While we get bootable Arch if you add lxdm and xorg.conf it should work with lightdm and boot there without console commands. If you try to install lightdm you will get nothing but a black screen if you start it with
sudo lightdm
... and it should boot automatically without touching console.
Oh and why is kernel from exception13 not building at all? XD
Redesign #2
Anyone dislikes the new design idea with navbar selectors instead of tabs?
I hope it's better.
Will soon update the guide with last steps to have Arch with LXDE bootable from separate partition.
That's fun as I started this project to get Ubuntu working... :angel:
If anyone can understand what should be done with mkinitramfs to make debian/ubuntu rootfs bootable - please do it.
First success!
If you choose any pc distro, arch on sgn with lxde on a seaprate partition you will now get a fully working guide that will give you a native bootable GNU/Linux =)
That's first success for me but still i hope to get help as i don't know things I asked two posts ago and it's difficult to move forward.
XFCE problems
XFCE is booting (not in the guide yet) but for working with fingers in XFCE one should probably disable multitouch S-pen works fine.
Will find a way to enable onscreen keyboard on LightDM and update the guide with XFCE. Still I was hoping to make it my primary DE and they are not supporting fingers moving windows upstream :crying:
I was hoping to contribute this weekend but unfortunately my only machine is down after mucking up the /lib folder when heimdall. To add insult to injury, I have no backups. Installing Arch Linux or Debian and configuring everything to my liking again will take a few hours.
Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk 2
How to setup WiFi using wpa_supplicant.conf
How to setup WiFi using wpa_supplicant.conf​
1. Copy the "wifi" folder to "/opt"
- You will need gedit to edit the nameservers.
- You also need two dependencies before installing gedit.
- The two dependencies are : gtksourceview3-3.6.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz and libpeas-1.6.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
2. Download them and copy over to ArchLinux
3. Install the dependencies first then gedit:
sudo pacman -U gtksourceview3-3.6.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman -U libpeas-1.6.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman -U gedit-3.6.2-2-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
4. insmod the drivers:
***NOTE*** " 3.0.31-gedcc915 " is my kernel name. Change it to your
kernel name if it is different.
sudo insmod /lib/modules/3.0.31-gedcc915/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
sudo insmod /lib/modules/3.0.31-gedcc915/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd.ko op_mode=0 firmware_path=/opt/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin nvram_path=/opt/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata
5. Enable the wlan0:
sudo ip link set wlan0 up
6. Setup wpa_supplicant and ip address:
sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -Dwext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
sudo ip addr add dev wlan0
sudo ip route add default via
7a. Add nameservers:
sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf
7b. Go to the next available line and type:
7c. Next line :
7d. Save it
8. Go back to the terminal and edit the wpa_supplicant file:
sudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
- wpa_supplicant.conf file should be like this:
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
9. And finally, to connect to your network, run
sudo dhcpcd
Open up a web browser and enjoy!
:good: :good: :good:
I am currently including WiFi in the main guide as it's something everyone needs :laugh:
Soul_Est said:
I was hoping to contribute this weekend but unfortunately my only machine is down after mucking up the /lib folder when heimdall. To add insult to injury, I have no backups. Installing Arch Linux or Debian and configuring everything to my liking again will take a few hours.
Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk 2
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I will be happy if you join :good:
thermatk said:
I will be happy if you join :good:
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I'll get right on the Arch Linux instructions once I get an Arch based OS installed. Hopefully that'll be tomorrow.
Written on my Galaxy Note 10.1
is this project dead ?
Equilibrio said:
is this project dead ?
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Great job! This is awesome.
Anyone else having dependency conflicts with bluez and obexd-client?
cctoro said:
Great job! This is awesome.
Anyone else having dependency conflicts with bluez and obexd-client?
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I did before but it really depends on what you have install at the time when you do the update.
Having a small issue
Ok, so I followed all the instructions and set the kernel up to boot from mmcblk1p2 (my ext4 partition on my sdcard I made for linux), and used dd to copy the prebuilt arch to the partition, and it boots and eveything seems to work but the wifi.... I repeated the process from the beginning all over and recompiled to make sure i didn't miss anything, but still no wifi... And since I'm using the prebuilt image copied to the sdcard for the distro, and everything works in it if i boot the .img from the internal storage and use the premade recovery, I'm assuming maybe there's something missing from compiling the kernel? In either case, if anyone has any ideas about this, please help, or if someone can make a properly compiled recovery.img that boots from mmcblk1p2, that would be super awesome.... I'm only mediocre in linux skill so any help would be appreciated!
K, so i was an idiot and forgot to copy the compiled kernel modules to /lib........ OOPS!
Arch linux distro booting from mmcblk1p2 with 1p3 as swap... all work awesome! Working on dri2 for the mali now.....
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
Could you post a prepared .IMG, possibly? Thanks.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app

