[Guide] How to build your own Cyanogenmod 11 for d850/d851/d852/d855/vs985/ls990 - G3 General

Now model vs985 and d850 can get official version at download.cyanogenmod.com
Support model for this method are d850/d851/d852/d855/vs985/ls990
Thank you for source code from @invisiblek (https://github.com/invisiblek)
Thank you for original thread from @Raum1807 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general/guide-cm11-how-to-build-cyanogenmod-11-t2515305)
Thank you for original manifest from @Skin1980 (https://github.com/Skin1980/local_manifests)
I. Preparation
II. Installation of the required packages
III. Installing Java
IV. The sources
V. Building the ROM
VI. Rebuilding with newest sources
I. Preparation
Things you need for building:
A computer
An internet connection
An open mind
First of all, you need a running up-to-date Ubuntu/Linux system. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit.
Use the terminal to make the steps. A terminal window can be opened by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Every single command for the terminal is marked with a $ sign. Just paste every command (without the $ sign) to your terminal window and there shouldn't be any problem.
II. Installation of the required packages (Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit)
Install packages:
$ sudo apt-get install bison build-essential curl flex \
g++-multilib gcc-multilib git-core gnupg gperf \
lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev \
libesd0-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev \
libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop \
openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre pngcrush schedtool \
squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev
III. Installing Java
You need a version 6 Java Development Kit for building CM11.0. Usually, the SUN JDK 6 is recommended. But there is another way: you can use the OpenJDK 6. When you installed the required packages as described above, you will just need to configure your Java installation.
Check your Java version:
$ java -version
Verify the symlinks. Javac, Java, Javaws, Javadoc, Javah, Javap and Jar should all point to the right Java location and version:
$ ls -la /etc/alternatives/java* && ls -la /etc/alternatives/jar
If they are pointing to the wrong versions you have to change that to OpenJDK6.
Select the default Java version for your system:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javadoc
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javah
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javap
$ sudo update-alternatives --config jar
That's it.
IV. The sources
Install repo:
Repo is a tool that makes it quite easy to download and maintain the sources of Cyanogenmod.
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ cd ~/bin
$ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Create the working directory:
$ mkdir ~/cm11
$ cd ~/cm11
Initialize Repo:
$ repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-11.0
and enter your credentials.
Download the sources:
$ repo sync
Wait until it's finished - takes some time to download the hefty 12 GB of source code!
Have a break, have a KitKat!
If the process hangs use Ctrl+C to break out of it and resume the download with another
$ repo sync
If you are running into a lot of syncing errors the reason might be that the 'repo sync' command is establishing four threads automatically. This might be too much. So try to change the command to run with one thread only by using
$ repo sync -j1
Initialize the environment
$ . build/envsetup.sh
Obtain the proprietary files:
First get two missing repositories for the Nexus 4 by running
$ breakfast <your model>
Then create a file with the name local_manifest.xml in the local_manifests directory. To see this directory, you have to press Ctrl-H in your file manager.
Use this code
$ gedit ~/cm11/.repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
Please make sure you copy and paste code with your correct model
Paste the following lines to the editor
<!-- D850 -->
<project path="device/lge/d850" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_d850" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- D851 -->
<project path="device/lge/d851" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_d851" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- D852 -->
<project path="device/lge/d852" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_d852" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- D855 -->
<project path="device/lge/d855" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_d855" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!--VS985 -->
<project path="device/lge/vs985" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_vs985" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!--LS990 -->
<project path="device/lge/ls990" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_ls990" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="device/lge/g3-common" name="invisiblek/android_device_lge_g3-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="kernel/lge/g3" name="invisiblek/android_kernel_lge_g3" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- CyanogenMod -->
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
Save the file.
$ repo sync
again to get the files needed.
Download the necessary prebuilts from cyanogenmod by running
$ cd ~/cm11/vendor/cm
$ . get-prebuilts
$ croot
And you're done!
V. Building the ROM
Now build it:
$ brunch <your model>
change <your model> to d850/d851/d852/d855/vs985/ls990
And the building process starts. Now have patience. Building takes around half an hour on fast systems and a lot more on older and slower machines.
When everything worked as it should you will find your new ROM-image in ~/cm11/out/target/product/<your model>
It is called cm-11-DATE-UNOFFICIAL-<your model>-zip.
Before you flash you need to bump it first!
you can get bump from https://github.com/CyboLabs/Open_Bump
go to /cm11/out/target/product/<your model>/
copy boot.img and open_bump in same folder and run
python open_bump.py boot.img
you will get boot_bumped.img rename it to boot.img and push into "cm-11-DATE-UNOFFICIAL-<your model>-zip"
Now You can flash it via CWM/TWRP as usual.
VI. Rebuilding with newest sources
Whenever you like to update your sources and build a new version you have to run these four simple commands:
$ cd ~/cm11
$ repo sync
$ . build/envsetup.sh
$ brunch <your model>
Compiling takes less time than it took for creating the ROM the first time because it's only building new parts while reusing old parts that haven't changed.
and don't forgot bump boot.img
Happy building!

CM11 is not support for F400 korean models. Can you port it to F400 korean models? Thanks!

cant breakfast or brunch for D852
in the manifest copy paste for d852 there is a typo change the 851 to 852

LS990 issues
I am trying to compile for ls990 sprint g3
Can someone explain this part of the instructions to me? It says to get repositories for nexus 4, but then says "breakfast <your model>. I have tried entering my model "ls990" and it fetches a bunch of stuff. However, then when I "gedit ~/cm11/.repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml" and add the ls990 entries, it gives me a duplication error when I try to repo sync. I believe meaning that it already has downloaded the ls990 code from my "breakfast ls990" command.
Am I supposed to be doing a "breakfast mako" for the nexus 4? Please help. Been trying to compile this for a couple of days now.
First get two missing repositories for the Nexus 4 by running
$ breakfast <your model>

Won't Compile - LS990
Ok, so after some research I realize that my above question was probably a typo. The problem is that when I create the local_manifest.xml file and add the ls990 info into it, when I do a repo sync I get fatal: duplicate path device/lge/ls990 in /home/mo1991/cm11/.repo/manifest.xml
I am not sure why this happens, perhaps the stuff in the manifest has now been officially added to the cyanogen repo - guessing here - and perhaps is not needed??? Or incorrect
Here is the edit command for the file I am talking about:
gedit ~/cm11/.repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
Anyway, if I get rid of the manifest.xml file and brunch ls990 compile fails with
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/mo1991/cm11/out/target/product/ls990/obj/lib/libtime_genoff.so', needed by `/home/mo1991/cm11/out/target/product/ls990/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libandroid_runtime_intermediates/LINKED/libandroid_runtime.so'. Stop.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

You're correct that most repos in the local_manifest are now no longer necessary because it's officially supported. However, in order to get the proprietary blobs (which is what it's failing on) you still need to inlcude:
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
Or the one from TheMuppets. Alternatively, you could extract your own, but getting it from someone else is much easier

cre4per said:
cant breakfast or brunch for D852
in the manifest copy paste for d852 there is a typo change the 851 to 852
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same issue for d852
Any idea ?

Compiled but no sim card / bluetooth
Ok, I got it to compile by simply changing the ~/cm11/.repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml file to only include the proprietary blobs in the local_manifest.xml as per below.
<!--LS990 -->
<project path="vendor/lge" name="invisiblek/proprietary_vendor_lge" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
Now it compiles. But I get no sim card thus no network. Also bluetooth appears to be broken. I know that jholtom at least had radio working, so I'm rying to manually add his changes to my source tree and recompile, but I'm really not sure if this is the right way to do it. On the bright side, I did get the rom to compile, bump, and boot up, so I"m further along than before
Thanks for the help.

Okay so, i have a small problem, let me explain.
The first time i did everything accordingly and everything worked as planned, booted, everything works fine. In fact, i'm running it right now, very stable and so on.
But when i'm trying to update the zip with all the new stuff, i get a very annoying error that i can't get rid of. And i don't know why it does that.
make: *** No rule to make target `device/lge/g3-common/configs/mixer_paths_qcwcn.xml', needed by `/home/android/cm11/out/target/product/d855/system/etc/mixer_paths.xml'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It never did that when i first compiled it. Bear in mind that my linux knowledge is really limited, but i'm trying as hard as possible to understand where the errors comes from and stuff, but right now i'm stumped, can't get it to update it.
This happens when i "brunch d855", dunno why.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm running Builduntu inside of a VM, if that might help.

If you have previously successfully built, then try running "repo sync" again and then build. If that fails, try
repo forall -vc "git reset --hard"


[Q] Noobie trying to compile for Mako

So I have followed the guides here http://docs.omnirom.org/Setting_Up_A_Compile_Environment and here http://docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako.
I have synced up everything and when I execute the cd ~/android/omni; . build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako command I do not get a .zip file created. Is there an extra step I need to do to have the .zip created so I can flash to my device?
Thank you all in advance.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
u add these to ~/android/omni/.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml
i believe this should get you a build, but u should w8 for someone more experienced to confirm those.
E: also remenber to sync after adding those lines
repo sync -j4
I don't get a zip file either. Mine terminal output just says Notice File blabla
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansMalayalamUI-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTelugu-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTeluguUI-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTeluguUI-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/am/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/am.jar.txt
Notice file: external/apache-xml/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/apache-xml.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/bmgr/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bmgr.jar.txt
Notice file: external/bouncycastle/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bouncycastle.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/bu/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bu.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/content/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/content.jar.txt
Notice file: external/junit/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/core-junit.jar.txt
Notice file: libcore/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/core.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/ext.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/core/res/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/framework-res.apk.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/framework.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/ime/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/ime.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/input/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/input.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/obex/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/javax.obex.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/media/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/media_cmd.jar.txt
Notice file: development/cmds/monkey/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/monkey.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/pm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/pm.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/requestsync/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/requestsync.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/svc/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/svc.jar.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/librtp_jni_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnb_common_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libgsm_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnbdec_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnbenc_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: external/libgsm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libgsm.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/dec/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnbdec.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/enc/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnbenc.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/common/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnb_common.so.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/wm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/wm.jar.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfwdlockengine_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libdrmutility_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-common_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-converter_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-decoder_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/forward-lock/FwdLockEngine/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/drm/libfwdlockengine.so.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/common/util/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libdrmutility.a.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLES_android_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libpixelflinger_intermediates/import_includes
Export includes file: frameworks/native/opengl/libagl/Android.mk -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLES_android_intermediates/export_includes
Notice file: system/core/libpixelflinger/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libpixelflinger.so.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.a2dp.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.msm8960_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libtinyalsa_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libaudioroute_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: system/media/audio_route/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libaudioroute.so.txt
Notice file: external/tinyalsa/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libtinyalsa.so.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.r_submix.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.usb.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio_policy.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libaudiopolicy_legacy_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/camera.mako_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmmcamera_interface2_intermediates/import_includes
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr', needed by `/home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libgenlock_intermediates/genlock.o'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
real 1m55.515s
user 5m41.412s
sys 0m16.200s
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
parker09 said:
I don't get a zip file either. Mine terminal output just says Notice File blabla
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansMalayalamUI-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTelugu-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTeluguUI-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: external/noto-fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/NotoSansTeluguUI-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/data/fonts/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/am/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/am.jar.txt
Notice file: external/apache-xml/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/apache-xml.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/bmgr/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bmgr.jar.txt
Notice file: external/bouncycastle/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bouncycastle.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/bu/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/bu.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/content/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/content.jar.txt
Notice file: external/junit/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/core-junit.jar.txt
Notice file: libcore/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/core.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/ext.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/core/res/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/framework-res.apk.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/framework.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/ime/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/ime.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/input/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/input.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/obex/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/javax.obex.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/media/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/media_cmd.jar.txt
Notice file: development/cmds/monkey/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/monkey.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/pm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/pm.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/requestsync/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/requestsync.jar.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/svc/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/svc.jar.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/librtp_jni_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnb_common_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libgsm_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnbdec_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_amrnbenc_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: external/libgsm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libgsm.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/dec/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnbdec.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/enc/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnbenc.a.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/codecs/amrnb/common/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libstagefright_amrnb_common.so.txt
Notice file: frameworks/base/cmds/wm/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/framework/wm.jar.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libfwdlockengine_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libdrmutility_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-common_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-converter_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libfwdlock-decoder_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/forward-lock/FwdLockEngine/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/drm/libfwdlockengine.so.txt
Notice file: frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/common/util/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libdrmutility.a.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLES_android_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libpixelflinger_intermediates/import_includes
Export includes file: frameworks/native/opengl/libagl/Android.mk -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLES_android_intermediates/export_includes
Notice file: system/core/libpixelflinger/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libpixelflinger.so.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.a2dp.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.msm8960_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libtinyalsa_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libaudioroute_intermediates/import_includes
Notice file: system/media/audio_route/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libaudioroute.so.txt
Notice file: external/tinyalsa/NOTICE -- /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libtinyalsa.so.txt
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.r_submix.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.usb.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio_policy.default_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libaudiopolicy_legacy_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/camera.mako_intermediates/import_includes
Import includes file: /home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmmcamera_interface2_intermediates/import_includes
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr', needed by `/home/parker/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libgenlock_intermediates/genlock.o'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
real 1m55.515s
user 5m41.412s
sys 0m16.200s
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You made sure to have a local_manifest folder under ~/android/omni/.repo/ ?
Inside my local_manifest.xml (Or really whatever you want to name it .xml) is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge.git" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_broadcom.git" path="vendor/broadcom" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nvidia.git" path="vendor/nvidia" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_elan.git" path="vendor/elan" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_invensense.git" path="vendor/invensense" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_widevine.git" path="vendor/widevine" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nxp.git" path="vendor/nxp" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_asus.git" path="vendor/asus" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_imgtec.git" path="vendor/imgtec" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung.git" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_asus_flo" path="device/asus/flo" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
TheMuppets repo is where CM team keeps their blobs for all devices they build for. (I have most of them because I build for quite a couple) You're going to need the lge one. Then the omnirom ones are device specific for mako and flo and then subsequently mako's kernel.
Using this I have made working builds for my N4.
These are the steps I do first to build (and get the same errors as OP)
[email protected]:~$ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 23618 100 23618 0 0 54252 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 57604
[email protected]:~$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
[email protected]:~$ echo "export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/sdk/platform-tools/:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
[email protected]:~$ export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/sdk/platform-tools/:~/bin
[email protected]:~$ git config --global user.email "[email protected][B]EMAILREMOVED[/B]"
[email protected]:~$ git config --global user.name "ejparker"
[email protected]:~$ cd ~/android/omni
[email protected]:~/android/omni$ repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 12 (delta 4), reused 11 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (12/12), done.
From https://github.com/omnirom/android
68adae3..4a32d1c android-4.3 -> origin/android-4.3
Your identity is: ejparker <[email protected][B]EMAILREMOVED[/B]>
If you want to change this, please re-run 'repo init' with --config-name
repo has been initialized in /home/parker/android/omni
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
That seems to go all fine.
I then sync the repo and that goes well as far as I can tell
repo sync -j4
Does the fetching of the project and sync'ing the work tree and I get
Fetching projects: 100% (378/378), done.
Syncing work tree: 100% (378/378), done.
Which seems like its worked - so all good up to this point I'm guessing.
I then do the
cd ~/android/omni; . build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako
and then when it's finished I don't get a build.
(terminal output too many characters for XDA so put it in pastebin
Nburnes said:
You made sure to have a local_manifest folder under ~/android/omni/.repo/ ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My local manifest is under: ~/android/.repo
Nburnes said:
Inside my local_manifest.xml (Or really whatever you want to name it .xml) is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge.git" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_broadcom.git" path="vendor/broadcom" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nvidia.git" path="vendor/nvidia" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_elan.git" path="vendor/elan" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_invensense.git" path="vendor/invensense" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_widevine.git" path="vendor/widevine" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nxp.git" path="vendor/nxp" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_asus.git" path="vendor/asus" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_imgtec.git" path="vendor/imgtec" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung.git" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_asus_flo" path="device/asus/flo" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
TheMuppets repo is where CM team keeps their blobs for all devices they build for. (I have most of them because I build for quite a couple) You're going to need the lge one. Then the omnirom ones are device specific for mako and flo and then subsequently mako's kernel. [/code]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah I have in my local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
parker09 said:
These are the steps I do first to build (and get the same errors as OP)
[email protected]:~$ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 23618 100 23618 0 0 54252 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 57604
[email protected]:~$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
[email protected]:~$ echo "export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/sdk/platform-tools/:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
[email protected]:~$ export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/sdk/platform-tools/:~/bin
[email protected]:~$ git config --global user.email "[email protected][B]EMAILREMOVED[/B]"
[email protected]:~$ git config --global user.name "ejparker"
[email protected]:~$ cd ~/android/omni
[email protected]:~/android/omni$ repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 12 (delta 4), reused 11 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (12/12), done.
From https://github.com/omnirom/android
68adae3..4a32d1c android-4.3 -> origin/android-4.3
Your identity is: ejparker <[email protected][B]EMAILREMOVED[/B]>
If you want to change this, please re-run 'repo init' with --config-name
repo has been initialized in /home/parker/android/omni
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
That seems to go all fine.
I then sync the repo and that goes well as far as I can tell
repo sync -j4
Does the fetching of the project and sync'ing the work tree and I get
Fetching projects: 100% (378/378), done.
Syncing work tree: 100% (378/378), done.
Which seems like its worked - so all good up to this point I'm guessing.
I then do the
cd ~/android/omni; . build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako
and then when it's finished I don't get a build.
(terminal output too many characters for XDA so put it in pastebin
My local manifest is under: ~/android/.repo
Yeah I have in my local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have the .repo folder in the wrong place
From your own terminal you have
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
as your build location
But .repo in
It needs to be in
and then a local_manifests folder as I said. (The period means it is a hidden folder if you didn't know, so CTRL+H in your file manager to view/access it)
dkflint723 said:
So I have followed the guides here http://docs.omnirom.org/Setting_Up_A_Compile_Environment and here http://docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako.
I have synced up everything and when I execute the cd ~/android/omni; . build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako command I do not get a .zip file created. Is there an extra step I need to do to have the .zip created so I can flash to my device?
Thank you all in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
.build/envsetup.sh && lunch 16 && make otapackage
Nburnes said:
You made sure to have a local_manifest folder under ~/android/omni/.repo/ ?
Inside my local_manifest.xml (Or really whatever you want to name it .xml) is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge.git" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_broadcom.git" path="vendor/broadcom" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nvidia.git" path="vendor/nvidia" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_elan.git" path="vendor/elan" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_invensense.git" path="vendor/invensense" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_widevine.git" path="vendor/widevine" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nxp.git" path="vendor/nxp" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_asus.git" path="vendor/asus" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_imgtec.git" path="vendor/imgtec" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung.git" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_asus_flo" path="device/asus/flo" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
TheMuppets repo is where CM team keeps their blobs for all devices they build for. (I have most of them because I build for quite a couple) You're going to need the lge one. Then the omnirom ones are device specific for mako and flo and then subsequently mako's kernel.
Using this I have made working builds for my N4.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nburnes said:
You have the .repo folder in the wrong place
From your own terminal you have
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
as your build location
But .repo in
It needs to be in
and then a local_manifests folder as I said. (The period means it is a hidden folder if you didn't know, so CTRL+H in your file manager to view/access it)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah okay.
I moved it, I'll try build it now.
Does that mean the Wiki article on docs.omnirom.org is wrong? http://docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
shouldn't it be
mkdir -p ~/android/omni/.repo/local_manifests/
parker09 said:
Ah okay.
I moved it, I'll try build it now.
Does that mean the Wiki article on docs.omnirom.org is wrong? http://docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
shouldn't it be
mkdir -p ~/android/omni/.repo/local_manifests/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's not wrong, it means that you should be inside your source folder to do that command.
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
parker09 said:
Ah okay.
I moved it, I'll try build it now.
Does that mean the Wiki article on docs.omnirom.org is wrong? http://docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
shouldn't it be
mkdir -p ~/android/omni/.repo/local_manifests/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You also seem to have
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
Missing from your manifest, else it won't actually pull (all) the mako kernel source.
Gn0m3 said:
It's not wrong, it means that you should be inside your source folder to do that command.
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah okay, I get you.
Nburnes said:
You also seem to have
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
Missing from your manifest, else it won't actually pull (all) the mako kernel source.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah thanks.
Doing another sync and I'll try again.
Gn0m3 said:
It's not wrong, it means that you should be inside your source folder to do that command.
mkdir -p ~/.repo/local_manifests/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Isn't wrong if you want the .repo folder in ~/android/omni? The ~ qualifies the command to start at the user's home directory. it doesn't matter what folder you are in when the command is executed. I agree that this is misleading.
MOD please delete
gyrene2083 said:
MOD please delete
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Correct - you would want to follow instructions for your specific phone. The previous posts mention adding binaries/blobs for the Nexus 4 specifically. Sorry I can't be more help than that.
caspian154 said:
Correct - you would want to follow instructions for your specific phone. The previous posts mention adding binaries/blobs for the Nexus 4 specifically. Sorry I can't be more help than that.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It was when I read that, that I totally realized it was specific to the Nexus 4. It's my own fault for reading while be up for 18 hours....lol. I suppose I'm going to have to try to figure this one out....but thanks for the answer.
Actually, i did modify a bit omni's wiki toward mako's build, local_manifest isn't needed anymore for the kernel since roomservice got merged, it will get synced when you launch brunch. Themuppets should be declared in local_manifest.xml
Do not edit roomservice.xml, as it is generated by roomservice.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Hi, I'm trying to compile omni for this device, I'm in ubuntu 13.04 64 bits but, when I try to put this:
repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
It says me this error:
[email protected]:~/android/omni$ repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
/home/javierd/bin/repo: línea 1: error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado `newline'
/home/javierd/bin/repo: línea 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
Does somebody know how can I patch this error, it says me with all the roms, but i don't know why :,,(
Javier.D said:
Hi, I'm trying to compile omni for this device, I'm in ubuntu 13.04 64 bits but, when I try to put this:
repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
It says me this error:
[email protected]:~/android/omni$ repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3
/home/javierd/bin/repo: línea 1: error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado `newline'
/home/javierd/bin/repo: línea 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
[email protected]:~/android/omni$
Does somebody know how can I patch this error, it says me with all the roms, but i don't know why :,,(
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi delete ~/bin/repo
$curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
If you have key error delete
I'm with this error
target SharedLib: libril (/home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/LINKED/libril.so)
/home/assis/android/omni/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.8/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: error: /home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/ril.o: file is empty
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: ** [/home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/LINKED/libril.so] Erro 1
Assis Brandão said:
I'm with this error
target SharedLib: libril (/home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/LINKED/libril.so)
/home/assis/android/omni/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.8/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: error: /home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/ril.o: file is empty
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: ** [/home/assis/android/omni/out/target/product/mako/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/LINKED/libril.so] Erro 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please provide a full logcat as an attachment.
There is insufficient information to determine what went wrong, although my first guess based on the limited information provided is that something weird happened like you running out of hard drive space. It's rare for "file is empty" to occur instead of "file not found" unless there was an issue related to running out of disk space.

[Q] Troubleshooting boot problems

Disclaimer: This is my first time trying to compile a ROM.
I was hoping that I could get a little advice on troubleshooting my build that won't boot. I'm building Omni for my Motorola Atrix 2 and I have gotten it to build successfully and it installs. It will never completely boot, it hangs at the boot animation indefinitely. I suppose there are probably many things that cause this but I'm lost on where to start. I've looked through a lot of peoples local_manifests to see what repos they were adding/removing and it always ends up the same for me, stuck on the boot animation. So here's a little information about my build:
Device: Motorola Atrix 2 (edison)
PC Mint 15 KDE 64 bit with 8GB or RAM and ~1TB of free space
Devices/kernel sources: https://github.com/MO4 (Tried CM11 and a dev suggested trying slim4.4)
Proprietaries: https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_motorola
My current local manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- REMOVALS -->
<remove-project name="android_hardware_ti_omap4xxx" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/ti/wlan" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/ti/wpan" />
<remove-project name="android_hardware_libhardware_legacy" />
<remove-project name="android_external_wpa_supplicant_8" />
<!-- DEVICE -->
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_edison" path="device/motorola/edison" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_maserati" path="device/motorola/maserati" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_omap4-common" path="device/motorola/omap4-common" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_spyder" path="device/motorola/spyder" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_targa" path="device/motorola/targa" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<project name="MO4/android_device_motorola_umts_spyder" path="device/motorola/umts_spyder" remote="github" revision="slim4.4" />
<!-- KERNEL -->
<project name="MO4/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common" path="kernel/motorola/omap4-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- VENDOR -->
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_motorola" path="vendor/motorola" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<!-- EXTRAS -->
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_external_wpa_supplicant_8" path="external/wpa_supplicant_8" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_external_wpa_supplicant_8_ti" path="external/wpa_supplicant_8_ti" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_ti_omap4xxx" path="hardware/ti/omap4xxx" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_ti_wlan" path="hardware/ti/wlan" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_ti_wpan" path="hardware/ti/wpan" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_prebuilt" path="prebuilt" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="alteredlikeness/slim_hardware_libhardware_legacy" path="hardware/libhardware_legacy" remote="github" revision="kk4.4-mo4" />
There are a couple of things that I wasn't sure of with my build. First, my phone uses BootMenu Manager for recovery, not TWRP. The source I grabbed for my device are from ROM's that also use BMM. Could this be related to it not fully booting? Second is the omni.dependency file in my device directory. It appears that this might be used instead of a local manifest for devices that are officially supported by Omni? Since mine is not, I used the local manifest to get my device/kernel sources so my omni.dependency file is essentially empty.
After a couple of weeks of trying to get this to boot, I decided to switch to CM11 to see if I could build anything and I got that to boot. Granted this has already been done for my phone so all the leg work with the sources was pretty much done. I just wanted to see if I got the same result with another ROM.
I tried to get ADB working to see if I could get a logcat or something but since I cannot get it to boot, I cannot authorize my phone so it always says "unauthorized" when I try to connect while it's stuck. I don't think it produces a last_kmsg since the kernel doesn't crash. I'm not sure where to go from here other than give up. I'd hate to do that though!
Any advice?

Long Time User, First Time Builder

Hey guys, I'm trying to tackle Liquid ROM after I found out someone has successfully built the ROM for our device. He shared his roomservice.xml and I spent last night syncing the repos for Liquid ROM. However, this morning I went to run the "lunch" command and got this:
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu... pick a combo:
35. liquid_klte-userdebug
Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng] 35
ls: cannot access device/*/klte/liquid.mk: No such file or directory
build/core/product_config.mk:231: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "liquid_klte". Stop.
File "build/tools/roomservice.py", line 113
except IOError, ES.ParseError:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
ls: cannot access device/*/klte/liquid.mk: No such file or directory
build/core/product_config.mk:231: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "liquid_klte". Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'liquid_klte'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
For simplicity, this is my first time compiling, I'm using Arch Linux, and the only file I have to fill in the gaps is the roomservice.xml I'm pasting below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="Team-Hydra/android_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="Team-Hydra/android_kernel_samsung_klte" path="kernel/samsung/klte" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_msm8974-common" path="device/samsung/msm8974-common" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="LiquidSmooth-Devices/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="gh" revision="kitkat" />
<project name="android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" remote="ls" revision="kitkat" />
<project name="android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" remote="ls" revision="kitkat" />
<project name="Team-Hydra/android_device_samsung_klte" path="device/samsung/klte" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="Team-Hydra/android_device_samsung_klte-common" path="device/samsung/klte-common" remote="gh" revision="cm-11.0" />
So my question is, should this xml file be what substitutes my "lunch" choice and am I missing a step to get this thing started? I appreciate any help you guys can offer; I know this can be built successfully I already ran a good build. I just have no desire to Kang work and post it here when I can learn to make my own. Thanks for any guidance you guys have to offer !

[GUIDE] Build crDroid ROM from source

Because I saw some requests for a build guide for crDroid (ROM with many added features based on CM) I decided to make one. Please report if it worked. If you have errors I will try my best to resolve them.
Please read everything carefully. Although I tested this some times I DO NOT guarantee that this GUIDE is error free. Will try to keep this updated when the manifest or anything changes.
This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.1
Requirements are:
More or less recent computer [I got a Xeon E3-1230v3 (equal to an i7-4770) and 16gigs of RAM and a clean build takes about 40minutes on my HDD for me.]
At least 40GB of HDD space (SSD will speed up the build noticeably, just as more RAM does)
Linux of course (64 bit Ubuntu/debian base for having apt-get functionality. A VM also works but very slooooooooooow.)
Patience... (Donwload size is ~13-15GB and compiling takes it's time)
Some very basic linux terminal skills will make things easier but it should go perfectly well without them. :cyclops:​
1. First of all we need to make sure you've got all the packages installed you need for building:
Open a terminal and insert the following:
sudo apt-get install bison build-essential curl flex git gnupg gperf libesd0-dev libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev g++-multilib gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev
2. If you don't know if you've installed repo yet do the step in the spoiler:
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
source ~/.profile
3. Now let's create the folder where your crDroid files will be saved:
mkdir -p ~/android/crdroid
4. The next step is to initialize CMs repo in your folder as crDroid is based on CM:
cd ~/android/crdroid/
repo init -u https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-11.0
5. Now enable hidden files in your file explorer by opening it and pressing ctrl+h. Then navigate to your crdroid folder and then head into the hidden .repo folder. There you need to create a new folder called "local_manifests"(without quotes!). Navigate into this folder and create an empty file called "roomservice.xml"(without quotes!)
6. Open it in a editor and insert the following and save it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_oneplus" path="vendor/oneplus" remote="github" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_oppo" path="vendor/oppo" remote="github" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_device_oneplus_bacon" path="device/oneplus/bacon" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_device_oppo_msm8974-common" path="device/oppo/msm8974-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_oppo_common" path="device/oppo/common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8974" path="kernel/oneplus/msm8974" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new" path="hardware/qcom/display-caf-new" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new" path="hardware/qcom/media-caf-new" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_connectivity" path="frameworks/opt/connectivity" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_build" />
<project path="build" name="cristianomatos/android_build" groups="pdk" >
<copyfile src="core/root.mk" dest="Makefile" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_vendor_cm" path="vendor/cm" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_CMAccount" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_CMAccount" path="packages/apps/CMAccount" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_DSPManager" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_DSPManager" path="packages/apps/DSPManager" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Dialer" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_Dialer" path="packages/apps/Dialer" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_providers_DownloadProvider" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_providers_DownloadProvider" path="packages/providers/DownloadProvider" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_InCallUI" path="packages/apps/InCallUI" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_services_Telephony" path="packages/services/Telephony" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_Mms" path="packages/apps/Mms" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_providers_MediaProvider" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_providers_MediaProvider" path="packages/providers/MediaProvider" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_system_media" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_system_media" path="system/media" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_frameworks_base" path="frameworks/base" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_Settings" path="packages/apps/Settings" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_packages_apps_ScreenRecorder" path="packages/apps/ScreenRecorder" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />
<project name="cristianomatos/android_frameworks_opt_cards" path="frameworks/opt/cards" remote="github" revision="slim-recent" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_CMUpdater" />
7. Now go back to your terminal and start sync:
cd ~/android/crdroid/
repo sync
This can take a looooong time!​
8. Don't forget to get the prebuilt apps!
cd ~/android/crdroid/vendor/cm/
9. Setup the build environment:
cd ~/android/crdroid/
. build/envsetup.sh
breakfast bacon
10. Finally start the build!
brunch bacon
When it finished building, the zip file is located at ~/android/crdroid/out/target/product/bacon/cm-11-builddate-UNOFFICIAL-bacon.zip. You can enable ccache(use: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_bacon for info) to speed up subsequent builds.
It's normal that the bootanimation is the CM one instead of the crDroid one (simply replace it with one from an official crDroid build).
Also your crDroid version in about phone will show unknown.
Have fun with your own crDroid build! It would be very kind if you could leave a thanks because this took me quite a while to make:angel::good:
I can't wait to build this and try it out! How much memory does it all take? I have like 150 gb free. That should be enough right?
amjc14 said:
I can't wait to build this and try it out! How much memory does it all take? I have like 150 gb free. That should be enough right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
About 30-40gb should be enough. Please report if it worked for you or if you encounter errors also report them
Will update this when I have time. To make it cleaner looking and better applicable on fresh installs. Don't expect it to be soon pretty busy ATM:silly:
So if I made a build using this guide, would it have the most up to date CM updates at the time of the build. Basically, is this a way to get newer CM updates without waiting for crDroid to make an updated build or would this just build a copy of the latest crDroid that was released?
530farm said:
So if I made a build using this guide, would it have the most up to date CM updates at the time of the build. Basically, is this a way to get newer CM updates without waiting for crDroid to make an updated build or would this just build a copy of the latest crDroid that was released?
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Exactly. You will have crdroid on the newest cm base but without the boot animation(just replace it in the zip)
Nice guide to build a really nice Rom.
Can you tell me what i have to change in the local manifest in order to have another kernel included ? I try to build a Rom with ak kernel build in and add it also to local manifest but i still get the stock kernel. If i can solve it again then i would try again.
störte said:
Nice guide to build a really nice Rom.
Can you tell me what i have to change in the local manifest in order to have another kernel included ? I try to build a Rom with ak kernel build in and add it also to local manifest but i still get the stock kernel. If i can solve it again then i would try again.
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I don't know about the kernels sorry. Also tried to include ak in the build but didn't work.
Ah so i am not alone. Then i will search further. Will post when i find a way to add
Do you see any problems using this guide to build w/ Manjaro ( Arch based distro)? If i just change the apt-get of ubuntu to pacman -S, for installing all those dependancies, then everything else should be the same?
530farm said:
Do you see any problems using this guide to build w/ Manjaro ( Arch based distro)? If i just change the apt-get of ubuntu to pacman -S, for installing all those dependancies, then everything else should be the same?
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If the ubuntu/debian repos are available in pacman it should work.
wow, im gonna try this later.
Ok made many updates to the GUIDE to make it look cleaner and easier to understand.
om22 said:
Ok made many updates to the GUIDE to make it look cleaner and easier to understand.
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you have missed "apt-get" for installing bison build-essential ....
buzzqw said:
you have missed "apt-get" for installing bison build-essential ....
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Thanks man just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any packages and forgot to add it after that.
Just did it again step by step and confirmed working perfectly now!
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I give it a try just now doing repo sync.
I observe that there are some messages saying 404 error.
like this
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring.
störte said:
I give it a try just now doing repo sync.
I observe that there are some messages saying 404 error.
like this
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring.
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That's OK as long as the sync doesn't stop because of the errors. Some obsolete repos I think. I also got them.
Another Question
I like to add the ak kernel into my build instead of the Cm
Is it ok if i include in my roomservice file this line :
<project path="kernel/oneplus/bacon" name="anarkia1976/AK-OnePone" remote="gh" revision="ak-11.0-stable" />
Which do i have to remove in order to have the ak kernel used ?
Made all step by step but no zip
Found this on the end line in terminal error 9
Will start over

[Q] ask for help: repo sync error as pull code through local manifests

hi, all, I am a new comer to CyanogenMod. According to the ReadMe instructions in github.com/RaymanFX/device_samsung_trelte, I follow up stey by step. But after I create .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml and then type repo sync, below error message pop up:
Fetching project platform/prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7
Fetching project projects/android/android_kernel_samsung_trelte.git
Fetching project CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_calendar
Fetching project platform/docs/source.android.com
Fetching projects: 2% (10/478) Fetching project CyanogenMod/android_external_yaffs2
fatal: remote error:
CyanogenMod/[email protected]:RaymanFX/projects/android/android_kernel_samsung_trelte is not a valid repository name
here's the local manifests file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="raymanfx" fetch="[email protected]:RaymanFX/" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung_slsi_exynos" path="hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung_slsi_exynos5-insignal" path="hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5-insignal" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung_slsi_openmax" path="hardware/samsung_slsi/openmax" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" />
<project name="projects/android/android_hardware_samsung_slsi_exynos5433" path="hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5433" remote="raymanfx" />
<project name="projects/android/android_kernel_samsung_trelte.git" path="kernel/samsung/trelte" remote="raymanfx" />
<project name="projects/android/android_device_samsung_trelte.git" path="device/samsung/trelte" remote="raymanfx" />
I am not familiar about repo&git, I am also searching on internet for answers. But it's highly appreciated If anyone can give me some hint. thanks!

