ListView Styles, new here - Java for Android App Development

Hi all,
I'm really new into Android dev, but I got the basics for doing basic things.
I've got a question about ListViews, specially for horizontal lists for the moment. Is it possible to give different styles to the following item and the passed item?
I've got an Horizontal list that shows 3 elements in the screen (1 in the middle, and 1 in each side half-viewed). The middle item should look with the image and text below (accomplished), meanwhile the two from the sides should have the image with opacity and without text (haves the same style as the middle item).
Is it possible to do that in Android? If it's, must be have some methods to be implemented in the getView()?
I would post an image of what I want, but can't for the moment.
Thanks in advance.


Changed today screen to black, now cant read messaging text

Hey guys,
Just got my today screen all setup with a black setup (top and bottom bars as well), but for some reason the messaging window (outlook or texting) is full of a bunch of horizontal black and white bars unless the item is highlighted.
Anyone know whats up?
sounds like a setting on the theme generator you use. lines are probably the same on the notes menu also.
there seems to be two colours used on the messaging/notes menu, full of horizontal lines. you should be able to change them on your theme generator, i could when i had the same problem after creting a theme.
change both settings (usually notes/ msg colour 1/ to the same colour, this will sort it.
Have a good look through the wiki, almost all colours are detailed there, or use a better theme editor.
Pardon my ignorance but what is the wiki?
What theme editor do you guys recommend?
Changing 36 to 37 fixed the CONTACTS background but not the Notes/Messaging

Idea: Top Bar Transparent

Top Bar is the essential on today screen cuz it show many notifications, time etc. So what i was thinking is that somebody make a program to transparent the whole top Bar or atleast it can change with the full screen wallpaper. It means the whole today can go with the wallpaper.
Hoping to see programmer put a hand in making it.
And also a program for resizing the top bar would be cool.
nobody wants to even try...
i gaurantee this will be the most useful plugin for ppc user...
somebody should try to make it, cuz im not a prgrammer
Come on you programming gurus..
you had a full 5 hours to do this and no one has done it...
Were you guys sleeping or something?
I currently use VJTOGGLETODAY. Not sure where I got it from but if you do some diggin' I am sure you can find it. you can also look into wisbar adv. as it lets you configure your start button.
this is already possible - transparent bars are part of the theme.
search for home screen designer and have a play
VJ toggle today cannot do that thing and home screen designer is for smart phone only.
I know it is not exactly what your looking for, but here is what I did:
I use WA3, and in the theme I use, I took the top bar image and exchanged it with am image I made by taking my current wallpaper image, and copying the top part (same height as the top bar image in the theme), and named it the same name the top bar image had in the theme I use.
(Sorry if it got too wordy)
Although it isn't truly 'invisible' it does have the effect I wanted. I will try to post a screenshot later when I get home.
anybody willing to make a program on this...

Idea for outlined fonts - thoughts please

Having worked with rlToday, and currently coding an app to do something similar, I have wanted a couple of times to display text with an outline (ie white text with black outline so it is visible on any background) but simply printing a black version of the text in a bigger font underneath white text in a smaller fontsize does not work because of the way fonts are scaled.
However, this got me thinking...
What if one were to design a set of custom fonts for this purpose?
The way I am thinking, you would need two fonts - an "inner" version and an "outer" version. The outer version would have to be scaled about the centre of the letter, not about the baseline, and I would imagine that the spacing on the inner font would need to be as wide as the characters on the outer font.
So, before I waste loads of time getting font editors and seeing if it can be done, I would like to ask if anyone knows if this would be feasible, or if they have successfully done it or failed.
Another idea I suppose would be to print the outer font 4 times (left one, right one, up one, down one) - I guess this would have the same effect but at the cost of speed.
In an ideal world, it would be nice to not have to make an inner font - just to have to make an outer version of existing fonts, but I am not sure this would work unless you could set the spacing of the stock inner font wider.
Comments, suggestions please.
The classic path approach isn't working on WM?
Ultimatelaunch does it...I have two colored text and it looks pretty sweet. The font is called 'juice' not sure if that has anything to do with it though
What is this "Classic path" method you speak of?
At a guess I think you mean drawing a line around the font programatically?
This is not an option for some things, unless you have access to the source code - it would be nice to have a solution that could be implimented without needing to code for it in the app. For example, rlToday would benefit nicely from just such a system.
OK, so it has been done before then, although I did search around the net before I posted, honest!
It seems that the term used for the "inner" font is a "fill" font. I am going to try and find a freeware fill + outline font combo, pls let me know if you are aware of any.
Synned said:
Ultimatelaunch does it...I have two colored text and it looks pretty sweet. The font is called 'juice' not sure if that has anything to do with it though
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When you say "Ultimatelaunch" does it - what do you mean? I bought UL and I do not see the font on my system or in the UL dir.
I see a "juice" font on the internet that is a fill+outline set, but it is not free.
So if it is possible, I may well have a bash at doing a free one myself. At the very least it would be worth doing just the numbers for SMS / email counts in rlToday
An update here:
My main use for something like this was to be with applications such as rlToday.
However, stefanux is now writing XIAMultiTheme (XMT) which is compatible with, and extends rlToday. One of the things XMT does is allow you to specify a directory as a font, and it will look for image files named accordingly
ie if you wanted to print "123" you would need "1.png", "2.png" and "3.png" in the directory you specify.
I have made a 16px high font of numbers in transparent PNG (Great for overlaying message counts onto icons) and added it to the XMT project for now.
If the need is still there in a while I will look at making a fill font combo and releasing it, maybe as part of the XMT project, but for now this is a good enough solution for me.
dupe post deleted

Android Expert Required

I want to develop an app that puts a white line grid on a black background.
The grid has 3 columns and 3 rows
There is a 10% border around the grid.
The first column takes up 50% width
The second column takes up 20% width
And the third column takes 10%width
None of the columns expand or contract, they always stay the same size.
Each row is the same height.
If you click any cell, a keyboard appears on the screen allowing you to input data into the cell.
Is it possible to do this white line grid in Android?
If yes, how does one do it?
Best regards
anyone know
Hi All
i have not received any replies.
Can anyone help please
I think it is possible. Do you have a fixed number of rows? is it small? if yes, you could directly use LinearLayout with orientation set to horizontal for each row. There you have android:layout_weight which you can use to play with the different widths you have. For the table borders, just add a View, with a background color of your preference, again use layout_weight if necessary.
If you have too many rows, or you would prefer another approach, you could use TableLayout, and for each row a TableRow, and in the same way use layout_weight for the width. For drawing the borders you could do it in this way:,112.html
TableLayout has different parameters like shrinkColumns, or stretchColumns, which you will probably would need, but I am no expert on this, so you would need to play with them.
For displaying a keyboard when the user press on each element of the table, you could have a editText on each, so this would be automatically.
BTW I recommend you asking this type of questions in, and tag it with android, there should be more capable people than me to help you with this particular case.

Calendar for Android

Hey folks,
I have been into this app which has a lot to do with calendar and dates.
I am still confused about the libraries available for it, I will be requiring the calendar to have following features:
- The calendar should change (by month) when I swipe UP or DOWN
- The boxes of month should have specific colors according to the events of that particular day, eg: red for urgent issues, green for vacation and so on
- The boxes should also have ICONS like weather updates for that particular date
- A LIST VIEW of the calendar will also be needed
If anyone has seen any which can accommodate these features, do let me know.
Hey Alex,
for me, these seem more like programming issues, rather than library ones.
For the first one (The calendar should change (by month) when I swipe UP or DOWN) implementing a gesturedetector is the best way to go Imo.
The other three are simple coding issues, like setting backgrounds, drawables and implementing a listview.
As a tip, you should check out a library we made called "CalendarWrapper" (sorry, I can't yet post links, search for it on GitHub). Basically it's a wrapper around the CalendarProvider, so there's no need to mess around with cursors, everything can be done with object methods. It lacks a few features though.
I don't think there are any ready to use libraries with these specific features, so I'm afraid you will have to build it yourself. There are a few date picker / time picker dialogs floating around, or android-times-square from Square, but you'll have to look into extending it with the specific features like image overlay support for the weather/icon.
Have a look at caldroid, it does not have all the functions you seek but is very customizable.
Since you are asking for too much in one library, you will have to do a lot of coding on top of any library that you choose.
Thankx guys, CalendarWrapper did give me something to look into but caldroid has almost done the job for me.
I have finished the bulk of the job with caldroid now it is printing images inside the dates and list view left.
I do know where to start for list view but printing icons inside boxes could be tricky
Will update you guys when I am done with the APP and put it on play store.

