[q] about galaxy s5 screen - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, i have been bought two samsung galaxhy s5 900f after some time i have two problems one of the phones the screen touch dont works....and in the other one the screen start to be black and thats it. someone can help me please with this problem? thanks.


fffft said:
We'd need a lot more information to even begin to guess at what your issues are. Are you saying that both were working fine and without any obvious event e.g. dropping the phone, harsh handling, etc that they have failed?
Also the meaning of "the screen start to be black" is uncertain at best. Can you elaborate and describe that in more detail? Screenshots usually help as well. There is a built in hardware test on the S5 that you can access to help determine if the screen is responding to touch or not, screen brightness and so forth
If no apparent cause is apparent, you should back up any data you wish to save then try installing a full, stock firmware image (with the Odin software), followed by a factory data reset (from the Settings menu) to confirm that the issues are not a software issue.
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No I Buy two cellphones one of them the touch not work but the buttons are working....the phone dont dropped or something its new and the other one is the screen start to be dark and thats it....i dont know why hte cellphones are new...



Need help with Proximity Sensor Problem

I open a new thread because those already opened are quite dead... the subject is the proximity sensor on the HTC HD2... as i described in oter places this is the behaviour:
Upon receiving calls ALL works as it should
Sometimes when making a call:
1. dial a number
2. press talk
3. take the phone to my ear
4. the screen turns off
5. it starts ringing
7. take the phone from my ear and put it back
8. the screen goes off
9. it answers on the other side
11. take the phone from my ear and put it back
12. the screen goes off and all works well from now on on this call
I have at least a number that EVERYTIME when called does not acts like this... the proximity sensor does its job very well
I have at least one numbet that almost always did the steps described from 1to 12... only 4-5 times it didn't
If i get a busy tone the screen turns on... it will turn of if i do step 7
I've put back original rom and i have the same behaviour. I tried with clean roms and noting installed... still the same...
One time on a clean rom... I called a number that always did that and the first two calls were ok, after that it started again...
Now I'm using Hyper ROM 8.0 and I see that after step 6 if i keep the phone to my ear th screen will turn itself off after a sec or so... i cannot say right now if always...
Considering that this does not happens to many of us and it is not something permanent I think it can have something to do with the network... I don't know exactly what but this is my guess; like in the moments the screen turns on maybe the networks sends out a "signal" like the call would be over... I know it sounds weird but I don't know what else to think...
I even attached a poll to see who gets this behaviour...
So, to all the CHEFS out there... please help.... because HTC is not willing to... they're answer was not helping at all...
This is weird... I use netDrg's 2.5g ROM and I have no issue with the proximity sensor. Sometimes, when receiving a call, if I rotate the phone from portrait to landscape and then immediately take it to my ear, the screen doesn't turn off, but as soon as the display is back to portrait mode, it turns off. This isn't annoying at all, since I rarely pick up the phone and hold it in landscape to talk !
Maybe you should try a different ROM ? If you understand French well, netDrg's ROM is quite good, although it seems to me that the battery drains faster than with the stock ROM...
french is fine.. actually i would learn any language just to have this fixed... i know about landscape and sensor not working... but it is not the case here
it happens so aleatory... i would think it is a hardware issue... BUT i have one number and with it, this NEVER happened
i had almost all the cleanex suite... touch-x, energy and others... i really can't remeber if this happend since the first day i bought it... i've put back the stock rom downloaded from htc and still the same...
ok... i've made like 15-20 calls to the same number and all worked as it should... than all of a sudden it started to do what i've described in first post... just like this... i'm starting to hate this phone...
it looks like i'm not the only one with this issue... how you guys got it solved?..
just a thought... what triggers the screen on on this phone... i know that some apps open the screen... maybe there is a registry tweak to keep the screen off if proximity detected... this should be done automaticly i know... the fact is that the proximity sensor works...
uhm, just to point it out, you should edit your post instead of posting 4 messages in a row in the same thread
Anyway, this is the exact same problem I noticed reported in another thread, and I didn't have it, I mostly receive and rarely call, yet the few times I called I don't seem to remember such problems, will try and remember to test with my other mobile when I get back home.
today i went back to default rom that came with my phone...
and still it does the same
i HSPL again and than put
the same thing
if I call my home landline it works perfectly... if i call one of the numbers i was telling you about it acts like described in post #1
one other thing i discovered though... with the original roms there is a courtain over the buttons on the phone canvas... this not only blocks aditional buttons on the screen but also blocks the top taskbar... wich is a goos thing
anyway for a 4-500 euros phone this thing i'm having shouldn't happen...
still searching... i've seens something with Rilphone.dll... can this make a difference?
LE: Rilphone.dll broke thephone module... hard reset...
Same here ccezar
I only realised in the last couple of weeks that I've hung up on people a few times & sometimes I've tried making the same call on the spot like 5 times in a row & the line has been cut off before it evens rings, which brings me to say that different behaviours on different calling numbers is just a coincidence.
Sort of experimenting at the moment, I think that when I dial, & put the phone to my ear slowly it works. i can see the screen turn off, & the call goes smoothly. Although after I've hung up sometimes the comm manager or arkswitch is on my screen, which only mean that the taskbar is still active...
I almost thought that the screen may have been switching off but the touch function was still there at least for a few more seconds...
There are hundreds(thousands maybe) of us HD2 owners out there, so my feeling is that if there ain't many complaints, it may aswell be a faulty device.
Then again I wonder if that phone canvs slider would make a diference? Anyone know if there's cab for this?
What radio you using
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the 2.10.... radios is the culprit for me.
I just flashed my old radio, will test for a day or so and see what happens.
If your on a 2.10.50.. radio urself or anyone with the same prob and radio, can I suggest you downgrade to a 2.07 or 2.08/ or 2.09 for euros?
i thought also that it is radio raleted... i tried other radios and still the same...
anyway i don't think it is hardware related... because i have at least one number that never ever got this behaviour... and neither when calling landlines... it is only on some numbers on mobile networks... and i have numbers that get this behaviour only from time to time...
so... how does the proximity sensor works?... when in a call (there is a reg key that appears upon making a call and says activecallcount=1) the proximity sensor activates... if something in the way it turns the screen off... if the call ends the proximity sensor is deactivated... this is where i dont have exact facts... like if i keep the phone to my ear if it will remain with the screen off or once the call ended the screen goes on... i'd go for the second one...
so... my belief is that is has to do with network parameters... you make the call and on steps 5 and 9 from first post i think the phone belives that the call is over... and i guess the network sends a signal that triggers that... i know it sounds like a fairytale...
now i will try to find a sim card from another mobile operator and see if it does the same... i already tried with another seem from my operator and there is no change... maybe if i try a different sim type (there are simple and 3G sims - i have a simple one)
i'll keep digging... anyway... at least one mobile number and all landlines numbers this NEVER HAPPENED...
well that just makes sense ccezar. I'll do the same over the weekend & see what happens.
with another providers sim card that is.
Hey when say you tried with nothing installed, was cookie's hometab on the rom? just a thought
i don't think so... because i also tried with a stock original rom...
LE: i just realized that my phone is network locked... how can i unlock it?
ccezar2004 said:
i don't think so... because i also tried with a stock original rom...
LE: i just realized that my phone is network locked... how can i unlock it?
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I couldn't tell ya, I can suggest that if you're on a contract your paying for the phone anyway, so you should be able to ring the phone op & ask them for the codes. Where I am, the only time I couldn't have it unlocked is if it was pre paid & less than 12 months old.
after long debates that's the conclusion of HTC
The only option that is left now is to send the device to the Repair Centre so the engineers could examine it. Your device is still under the warranty. But after the diagnosis the engineers will determine whether the fault of the unit is due to misusage, accidental damage or a manufactured fault. Before proceeding with the repair you’ll be notified with the cost of the repair, if it is an out of warranty case. Kindly note that your phone has a global warranty, which means if you have any issues with the phone and would like to get it examined (repaired) it will be through one of our global repair centers Please follow the link below for information about those repair centers. http://www.htc.com/uk/CA_Hotline.aspx?region=GWS Bear in mind as well that if you have European warranty, you’ll be able to repair your phone in any official repair centre in the European Union. Thank you for using HTC products. Please contact us again if you have any questions. Best Regards, HTC Team
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[Q] Help with screen turning ON

My Desire HD with both, froyo and gingerbread has the same problem, all with oficial roms: When I turn the screen off the phone just turns on back again. I sent to the SAT about 4 times now and the only thing they do is "Software update", is it a hardware problem? Can I change it for a new one? How can I do so? Im so desperate about all this problems because I am not able to use it because battery runs out in half a day. Please! SOS! Thank you every1.
BraskOviedo said:
My Desire HD with both, froyo and gingerbread has the same problem, all with oficial roms: When I turn the screen off the phone just turns on back again. I sent to the SAT about 4 times now and the only thing they do is "Software update", is it a hardware problem? Can I change it for a new one? How can I do so? Im so desperate about all this problems because I am not able to use it because battery runs out in half a day. Please! SOS! Thank you every1.
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This happens, without failure, every single time you turn off the screen? If that's the case, i can't see how the technicians at the service center haven't been able to reproduce the problem after a full wipe/update..
I'd say this has to be a hardware fault unless the service people haven't done anything at all. If this keeps happening regardless of factory resets/software updates, I can't see how this is a soft problem.
I'd ask you to try a few different roms and such, but I assume you are unrooted and uninterested in all that? If so, there's not really much you'll be able to fix for yourself. I would try to send this in as a hardware issue and try to get it repaired/replaced, makeing sure to explain that this "software update" **** they're doing isn't working.
Tried everything
I write here cos ive tried everything. Tried all roms and now back on vodafone oficial rom. Problems on all. I sent it with faulty hardware on the repair sheet and wrote:
GPS module.
Light sensor module.
Screen ok?
Radio OK?
And many more things, they just "Software updated"
BraskOviedo said:
I write here cos ive tried everything. Tried all roms and now back on vodafone oficial rom. Problems on all. I sent it with faulty hardware on the repair sheet and wrote:
GPS module.
Light sensor module.
Screen ok?
Radio OK?
And many more things, they just "Software updated"
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That sucks. I've worked at shops that sell mobiles, and I've seen this many times: The technicians get an error report and end up just doing a "software update" (eg nothing) and ship it back.
I think the problem for the main part is that they recieve so many inane error reports (poor battery or something stupid like that) from customers who have no business handling any piece of electronics that they just have to go the easy way and not really do anything.
In this case I'd say it's a gross oversight on their part if this problem happens every time you turn off the screen. If there's any way for you to underline the fact that you are fairly competent with these things and feel that it is a hardware fault, and that their goddamn "software updates" don't work, you should do that.
sry I don`t have a solution about your problem but the thread title describes also my problem.
how can I turn the screen ON from the other buttons also? (not only from power)

[Q] Help dealing with ghost typing

It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
It seems the problem is hardware, as the false inputs in the screen happen also in TWRP while trying to flash the new ROM. I guess any mod can close this thread now.
josemald said:
Hi everybody, in the last week I've had issues with the display. First it started like going up and down in scroll menus, like if I was scrolling up and down around a certain position very fast. In the last two days, after that happens, the touchscreen gets unresponsive (it didn't use to happen before), including the menu and back buttons, only the hardware buttons work. Home screen button works fine, but I can't do anything in the screen. The only solution is to turn the screen off, enter PIN, and then it starts working. A couple of times the screen keyboard started acting weird when I was typing, for example if I wanted to move the cursor in an email the keyboard interpreted as if I was pressing a key, which was way below. Again turning the screen off and on solved it.
I'm using Mint Jelly ROM, which has been stable for almost two months. I recently updated the modem to MF3, but only the modem and not the firmware. The screen issues were happening before that, it just got worse today. I also tried freezing Samsung WatchOn, which started acting out by showing itself on the notification panel even though I had selected the option for it to not appear, and I uninstalled the Software Update app (used for OTA updates) using Titanium Pro, since I saw it in the list of running processes. The problem still continues.
Is it possible that this is a hardware issue? I have 1 more month of the warranty (I got it as a warranty replacement for a Sony Xperia, so it wasn't new). If I don't need to send it back I would prefer not to, since the one I'd get would probably come locked with MF3 firmware. If you have any ideas on how to debug this, I would appreciate the input. I haven't installed any new app recently.
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Well, you're definitely smart for doing your research before just pulling the warranty card.
I would do some testing and research with the phone to figure out what the cause is. It doesn't sound like something that can be just 'debugged'.
Go into your developer options on the phone and enable a few things.
To get developer options, go to System Settings > More > About Device and tap on "Build Number" until it says you've enabled it.
Then go into Developer Options (Above About Device) and under input, select both options "Show Touches" and "Show Pointer Location". Then under Monitoring, enable "Enable Traces" for anything applicable to what you're having problems with.
Some of these settings may be annoying, but continue to use the phone as you would. See if it's adding and doing things you're not, this would show clear signs of a malfunction with the firmware. Check for dead pixels too. Sometimes a dead pixel can cause things like you're dealing with. Where something is selected on the screen much lower than where you pressed and variations of that.
Also, have you tried reflashing your ROM to see if that makes a difference?
FourPointedFreak said:
Well, you're definitely smart for doing your research before just pulling the warranty card.
I would do some testing and research with the phone to figure out what the cause is. It doesn't sound like something that can be just 'debugged'.
Go into your developer options on the phone and enable a few things.
To get developer options, go to System Settings > More > About Device and tap on "Build Number" until it says you've enabled it.
Then go into Developer Options (Above About Device) and under input, select both options "Show Touches" and "Show Pointer Location". Then under Monitoring, enable "Enable Traces" for anything applicable to what you're having problems with.
Some of these settings may be annoying, but continue to use the phone as you would. See if it's adding and doing things you're not, this would show clear signs of a malfunction with the firmware. Check for dead pixels too. Sometimes a dead pixel can cause things like you're dealing with. Where something is selected on the screen much lower than where you pressed and variations of that.
Also, have you tried reflashing your ROM to see if that makes a difference?
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Thanks for the suggestions!
Do you think it´s possible that the problem was caused by a dirty screen? I know it sounds a bit insane, but yesterday I wiped off my screen to clear dust and smudges, and since that I haven´t had any issues with the phone. This is the third touch screen device I had, I've never seen something like this, but also the S4 screen is a lot more sensitive than my previous devices. Could it be that too much dust and grease made the phone interpret that there was some input?
josemald said:
Thanks for the suggestions!
Do you think it´s possible that the problem was caused by a dirty screen? I know it sounds a bit insane, but yesterday I wiped off my screen to clear dust and smudges, and since that I haven´t had any issues with the phone. This is the third touch screen device I had, I've never seen something like this, but also the S4 screen is a lot more sensitive than my previous devices. Could it be that too much dust and grease made the phone interpret that there was some input?
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I would think it's 'possible' but it would have to be thick and really caked on there to make a difference. That may have just been a coincidence of timing with your issue. But perhaps it is.
Maybe go buy a cheap screen protector to help with finger prints and dirt and see if it gets better?
If it persists, I would factory wipe and install the stock ROM through Odin. Use it a bit completely stock and see if the screen works. If the issue continues then its an hardware problem and i would take a video and e-mail Samsung about it with the video. I've actually had this problem before and that's because my phone was cold as hell. Doing a lot of benchmarks so i put it in the freezer (I would NOT recommend that) and my screen started acting up and it pressed random things like yours.
crzykiller said:
If it persists, I would factory wipe and install the stock ROM through Odin. Use it a bit completely stock and see if the screen works. If the issue continues then its an hardware problem and i would take a video and e-mail Samsung about it with the video. I've actually had this problem before and that's because my phone was cold as hell. Doing a lot of benchmarks so i put it in the freezer (I would NOT recommend that) and my screen started acting up and it pressed random things like yours.
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That's a good idea. Just make sure you flash the custom ROM appropriately as not to brick your device.
Sent from my AT&T SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 via XDA Premium Mobile App
FourPointedFreak said:
That's a good idea. Just make sure you flash the custom ROM appropriately as not to brick your device.
Sent from my AT&T SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 via XDA Premium Mobile App
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It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
josemald said:
It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
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Yeah, I have heard the term "ghost typing" before. I couldn't seem to find much information or help on the subject as I'm sure you noticed as well. To me, and many others on the internet - this doesn't seem software related to me. This would seemingly be an issue with the hardware. Maybe the screen itself, the data connectors for the screen's signals - could be all kinds of things.
If I were in your shoes and you really like the S4, i'd just take advantage of the month you have left on your warranty and get a new device. If, and they probably will, they supply you with a new(er) device with MF3 on it, it's not the end of the world. Mine got stuck with it - there are methods to root it even still.
To me, cleaning it just doesn't sound like it's a solution. I've worked for T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. Only twice had I seen an issue like this where you can attempt to press "E" and another key was hit in place of "E". We never found a fix - this occurred on demo phones so we related the issue to it having demo software.
The only other 'solution' or fix would be to replace to screen to see if it fixes. But since you have a warranty, for the trouble - i'd just get a new device.
FourPointedFreak said:
Yeah, I have heard the term "ghost typing" before. I couldn't seem to find much information or help on the subject as I'm sure you noticed as well. To me, and many others on the internet - this doesn't seem software related to me. This would seemingly be an issue with the hardware. Maybe the screen itself, the data connectors for the screen's signals - could be all kinds of things.
If I were in your shoes and you really like the S4, i'd just take advantage of the month you have left on your warranty and get a new device. If, and they probably will, they supply you with a new(er) device with MF3 on it, it's not the end of the world. Mine got stuck with it - there are methods to root it even still.
To me, cleaning it just doesn't sound like it's a solution. I've worked for T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. Only twice had I seen an issue like this where you can attempt to press "E" and another key was hit in place of "E". We never found a fix - this occurred on demo phones so we related the issue to it having demo software.
The only other 'solution' or fix would be to replace to screen to see if it fixes. But since you have a warranty, for the trouble - i'd just get a new device.
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Thanks, that's what I'm going to do. It must be hardware related, since the problem also came while I was in TWRP after formatting the phone. I like the S4 but a locked down Android, not so much. If rooting is enough to be able to tether, I might ask for another S4, if not, might as well try to migrate to Windows Phone. It's ridiculous that we have to pay extra just to be able to use our limited data plans to navigate through a different device.
Again, thanks for your help!
josemald said:
Thanks, that's what I'm going to do. It must be hardware related, since the problem also came while I was in TWRP after formatting the phone. I like the S4 but a locked down Android, not so much. If rooting is enough to be able to tether, I might ask for another S4, if not, might as well try to migrate to Windows Phone. It's ridiculous that we have to pay extra just to be able to use our limited data plans to navigate through a different device.
Again, thanks for your help!
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No problem - yeah there is definitely a way to root the MF3 build of the S4.
Since you mentioned it, my only note ***If apps are important to you, Windows Phone is a dangerous field. Many apps available for Android and iOS are not available on Windows Phone. I'd make sure the content you want is available before switching.
I can see why the carriers would charge additionally for tethering. If you can make an extra buck, do it. But it does suck. Especially when you have unlimited data and want to tether.
-Do some research on Windows Phone in case you're seriously considering switching. I wouldn't though

[Q] Pls help - strange screen behaviour

Hello all,
hope somebody could explain me how to get rid of strange screen acting - flickering/not responding in several areas/becoming unresponsible...
It happens in average every second day and i can easily get it to normal by just blocking/unblocking it.
I thing it is more like software issue not hardware, right ?
Pls see everything in this minivideo attached and archived (can't attach it normally and can't post the link since im new user).
Big thanx in advance !
Have you considered updating touch firmware from hidden menu? Search around and you'll find it
If that doesn't help, I suggest you either try upgrading/downgrading your software. If that doesn't help either it might be a loose connection.
vPro97 said:
Have you considered updating touch firmware from hidden menu? Search around and you'll find it
If that doesn't help, I suggest you either try upgrading/downgrading your software. If that doesn't help either it might be a loose connection.
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thanx for answer. I just tried to update touch firmware, when i press on it, it freezes a bit but nothing happens.
I will try to google how to downgrade my system, Can you tell me what did you think by saying loose connection ? Do you think it might be hardware ? As you see in the video, screen doesnot flicker in all areas as many people have, but just in certain areas and when i slide down menu window, you see it was not flickering.

Samsung S7 Edge Live Demo Unit

So I have an LDU Edge that was given to me and I am not sure if there is anything I can do with it. I am aware I cannot make calls, that is fine. Basically all it does when I power it on is flash a crazy amount of colors and looks pixelated. You can try and click somethings in the background but the flashing prevents it. The is nothing wrong with the screen and I talked to a Samsung rep in the past about it and he says he has seen them do this but had no knowledge what to do. Is there anyway I can get this to work so I can at least have a wifi device? A new ROM or some other option?
Galaxy s7 LDU
Wlane1979 said:
So I have an LDU Edge that was given to me and I am not sure if there is anything I can do with it. I am aware I cannot make calls, that is fine. Basically all it does when I power it on is flash a crazy amount of colors and looks pixelated. You can try and click somethings in the background but the flashing prevents it. The is nothing wrong with the screen and I talked to a Samsung rep in the past about it and he says he has seen them do this but had no knowledge what to do. Is there anyway I can get this to work so I can at least have a wifi device? A new ROM or some other option?
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I have also got a Galaxy S7 LDU. i am thinking what if i replace its motherboard, will it be a full functional cellphone or it lakes more parts or something..? i can find a completly working motherboard for s7 out of a damaged s7 cellphone. but i am not sure if the demo model i have will work or not like a cell phone after replacing motherboard.
Sounds like somebody's turned on 'Show surface updates' in developer options. Basically what happens is every time you touch your screen, it will flash very quickly bright colors. Turn it off and you will fix the problem.
I have tried that to no luck. The always on displays fine but past that is no good.
It will recognize on my pc but since I can't see the screen but for a second I can't get to download mode
I have a S6 LDU that after trying several different things I managed to disable all the demo functions, loops & resets on & am now using it as a Spotify player on an old stereo. Still boots with the LDU splash screen but is running well. Never experienced any screen issues like the OP described, is it possible you have a faulty unit?
trispal said:
I have a S6 LDU that after trying several different things I managed to disable all the demo functions, loops & resets on & am now using it as a Spotify player on an old stereo. Still boots with the LDU splash screen but is running well. Never experienced any screen issues like the OP described, is it possible you have a faulty unit?
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Not sure. Always on display works. Boot screen works. Got to be software.

