set a custom lcd density on I9305 - Galaxy S III General

A few have asked so...
To easily set a custom lcd screen setting...
download an app, or
create a file called local.prop containing the line below and save it in /data.
change the number in the line below to suit.
a setting of 320 made everything nice and big for my eyes.
Stock setting in Slimkat is 245.
this setting will over-ride the rom default, without changing the original files.
the below command will copy it there, then reboot to apply changes:
adb push /yourpath/to/local.prop /data

Yep we know, this is nothing new and there are already hundreds of threads detailing this.
Thread closed.


AmeriCanAndroid screen size issue

so i just flashed the AmeriCanAndroid rom and everything is running smoothly. the only issue is that the screen is very small. like the notification bar is so small i can hardly see it. the lock screen is a little bigger then a US stamp. i searched the original thread but there are over 1500 pages and the search function yeilded no results . so how do i fix the screen size?
The very first page of ACA thread says
"-Starting with 080111 and later, users can edit /sdcard/android/startup.txt prior to booting to adjust LCD_DENSITY, GPS_ZONE, and DATA_SIZE (data.img)
(ie: the default lcd_density of ACA is 167. Edit the lcd_density= value to 240 to get standard sized icons and fonts)"
The part you're looking for is to change the value to 240.
I do agree, its a plague to look through that thread and search ain't no help if you don't search right
RE: Wrong Section
Hi...please put this in the questions and answers section...iron fist will be on you are some solutions I found by simply using the search:
You can increase the density (sort of like changing monitor resolution) on your screen by simply changing the build.prop file. This gives you more viewing area on your screen. The build.prop file contains many user variables that are editable and one of them is the LCD Density. The lower the number, the higher the resolution. The default value is 240, but by simply changing it to 200, you can increase the resolution and see more emails in your email app, more app listings in the market, more room for widget alignment, crisper graphics, and much more!
now that we can do perm root, you can permanently change this by modifying your build.prop file located /system/build.prop. look for ro.sf.lcd_density and modify the number and save and reboot.
Recommended value is 200, though many users like 190. If you are unsure what you like, please try TEST MODE shown below!
Please be sure to download Spare Parts from the Market, and disable Compatibility Mode in the app. This will fix many, many apps from not displaying full-screen, however there are some apps that will not re-size.
This works really well if you pair it with something like Launcher Pro or ADW.Launcher, where you have control over rows/columns and resizing widgets.
Easiest Method -- Go to Market and download one of the LCD Density apps. Search "LCD Density."
Phone-Only Method:
You can use Root Explorer, or any text editor like notepad++ or text edit.
1. Open a File Manager and locate /system/build.prop
2. Make sure "/system" is mounted as R/W (in Root Explorer, click the Mount R/W button at the top.)
3. Open and Edit the file.
4. Find ro.sf.lcd_density=240 and change it to desired value (recommend 200 or 190 for G2).
5. Save the file.
6. Exit and Reboot!
If you use a separate text editor, just copy the file to your SDCard, edit it there, and move it back and overwrite the original. I recommend backing up the original just-in-case.
ADB Method:
at the cmd prompt:
1. adb pull /system/build.prop
2. Go to SDK / Tools folder and open build.prop in a text editor (recommend WORDPAD for Windows).
3. Find ro.sf.lcd_density=240 and change it to desired value (recommend 200 or 190 for G2).
4. Save & Exit
5. go back to cmd prompt and type: adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system
6. type: adb push build.prop /system/
7. exit and reboot phone!
hope this helps you out
Or if that doesn't work, go to spare parts and uncheck "compatibility mode" then reboot phone
Pansi SMS screen size issue
I am using american android 2.3.7.
I have installed Pansi SMS application for messaging but some how it is not coming on the fullscreen of HD2. It is just capturing upper middle part of the screen Neither am i able to open the settings of Pansi SMS. Even the windows key is not working to open its setting.
How can i resolve this.
Is there any other SMS app as good as PANSI ?

Screensave while in landscape mode

If you use applications in landscape mode, you may have noticed this already.
When your Nook sleeps or is sent to sleep your normal portrait screensaver appears rotated, squished and with black borders.
Clearly, the Nook developers never anticipated that people would be using landscape mode.
I have a mod to /system/framework/services.jar to fix this.
If the graphic is either 600 x 800 or 800 x 600 it will put it in the orientation that fits.
If the graphic is 800 x 800 it will put it in the current orientation, centered at a scale of 1:1.
Since a lot of people seem to use a moded system.jar already it would have to be integrated in.
Is there interest in this?
I am very interested!!
Can u share your mod?
Well, with all the modded services.jar and various updates maybe posting the injected smali code?
Or is that too difficult/annoying?
sounds great! but still I would prefer no-screen-saver mod. i.e. you can see you launcher widgets (calendar, task, time, battery) all the time. These s.s. pictures are quite antiproductive.
Renate NST . we are waiting !
Ok, here goes. My apologies if this is complicated.
I didn't want to distribute B&N code or presume what mods where already in your services.jar
adb pull /system/framework/services.jar
apktool d services.jar \Services
Edit \Services\smali\com\android\server\PowerManagerService.smali
parta.txt replaces 3 lines in the original that have to do with parse / move / setImageURI
Delete those lines and insert the file where the .line statements match.
You can leave both the comments in parta.txt and the .line statements there.
partb.txt gets inserted at the end of the file.
apktool b \Services services.jar
adb push services.jar /system/framework/
You probably want to clear the cache and reboot at that point.
Note: If you are using the standard slide unlock, the image placement code for that is in android.policy.jar
That defaults to portrait orientation. It is not affected by this mod.
Please tell me if this works for you.
This is a nice idea. However, when you use book cover as screensaver via Cool Reader most of them aren't 800x600 images. The B&N default behavior is to resize to fit the screen (keep aspect ratio), but with your mod the picture appears at 1:1 scale (normally cropped). Would this be an easy fix?
marspeople said:
Would this be an easy fix?
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It's tomorrow.
I hope that I covered all the cases because more variants will require user configuration somewhere.
If the image is 600 x 800, 800 x 600 or an aspect ratio of 3:4 or 4:3 it will fit exactly.
If the image has another aspect ratio it will fit inside with side strips in white.
If the image is exactly square it will use the current orientation and overfill the screen.
In all cases the aspect ratio will be preserved and at least one axis will fit exactly.
When the lock screen with the slider pops up the image will not be consistent.
This is because B&N handled the screensaver image there separately.
I will be releasing a mod for android.policy.jar to fix that soon.
(Or you could switch to another screen locker.)
Install procedure same as above.
Ok, here's the one that fixes the lock screen too.
parta.txt and partb.txt are the same as they were.
partc.txt and partd.txt are for LockScreen inside android.policy.jar
adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar
apktool d android.policy.jar \Policy
Edit \Policy\smali\com\android\internal\policy\impl\LockScreen.smali
partc.txt replaces the entire updateBackgroundImage method.
partd.txt gets inserted at the end of the file.
apktool b \Policy android.policy.jar
adb push android.policy.jar /system/framework/
As always, be careful and backup.
(This is also in the readme file.)
Warning: This is only for Nook 1.12 and older, not for Nook 1.2 and newer.
Oh, and if you're tired of dragging to unlock your NOOK™,
place the extracted files in /res/drawable-mdpi/ inside /system/framework/framework-res.apk
Just to be clear, this doesn't change the manner of unlocking, just the look.
(The folks at B&N made the graphics shorter by making the top 30 pixels transparent.
That was an unnecessary hack, as long as all four graphics are the same height it works fine.)
signing / alternative to adb push
thank you for the mods. The rotated screensaver has been irritating me for some time ;-) And I intend to put my email instead of the "slide to unlock" text..
Just 2 questions, before I do so:
1) do I need to sign the modified .jar/.apk files?
2) As I do not have ADB installed, I intend to change the files from a command line over ssh (i.e. copy, chown, chmod). My understanding is that this should be equivalend to adb push. Is this so?
ajislav said:
1) do I need to sign the modified .jar/.apk files?
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"Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges."
No, if you copy in anything directly you bypass all the signing stuff.
How you get the files over is however you like.
I tried to do both changes (screensaver, slider) but since the recompilation of services.jar and android.policy.jar was giving me errors (see below), I decided to go with replacing framework-res.apk
what I did was
ssh into my nook
cd /system/framework/
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
#copy the new framework into target dir
cp /sdcard/download/framework-res.apk ./
#fix permissions
chmod 644
#make a backup
cp framework-res.apk framework-res.apk.old
#replace the file
cp framework-res.apk
now at that moment I got the bootloop screen.. however ssh was still working, so I run the following line to restore the framework:
cp framework-res.apk.old framework-res.apk
and rebooted.. I am getting bootloops ever since..
I can boot to CWM. so I tried both what I should have done in the first place, i.e. replace the file in CWM
I tried this
(fixes permissions)
and this
(restores the old framework and fixes permissions)
but none seem to work... still the same bootloop (nook by B&N and 5 dots going from Left to Right)..
any ideas? I'd rather not go all the way to factory restore
p.s. I also tried wiping cache and dalvik-cache in CWM.. could this cause any problems?
p.p.s. the errors I got with recompiling the jars are:
>apktool b .\Services2 services.jar
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
W: Could not find resources
I: Building apk file...
is the "Could not find resources" normal?
Let's take the easy one first.
Compiling the jars will return "No resources found", because they are just jars.
You should always check to make sure that the output is about the same size as the original.
It may be a bit bigger or smaller depending on the vagaries of compression.
Now the toughie.
Hot-swapping jars is a bit risky.
In the best of all worlds, you'd like to swap them when they are not being used.
Swapping framework-res.apk could make it crash when something can't find a resource,
but it's not code and generally if you leave the Nook sitting it won't try to access anything.
If all you did was replace one file and now you replaced it back it should be working.
I don't know how you are getting a ssh into the Nook.
I've got no port 22 or 23 open.
Hi Renate,
Compiling the jars will return "No resources found", because they are just jars.
You should always check to make sure that the output is about the same size as the original.
It may be a bit bigger or smaller depending on the vagaries of compression.
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I did this, of course. The files are generally sightly smaller, in the case of framework-res.apk the change is relatively big: from 2,897,726 to 2,381,970 (but I am not worried about this as I get a similar size decrease even during simple decompile/recompile)
Swapping framework-res.apk could make it crash when something can't find a resource,
but it's not code and generally if you leave the Nook sitting it won't try to access anything.
If all you did was replace one file and now you replaced it back it should be working.
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I know, and I totally agree with you!
My conclusion is that something got corrupted..
I tried removing the apk.old and files via CWM (to make sure they are not in the way)
I also tried running e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 via CMW (from )
.. but still the same bootloop.
Is there any way to see some logs of the failed boots?
Since I did not make a backup just before doing this change (and I know you had adviced to do so ), the only thing which I can think of now is
a) create a backup with noogie
b) mount the image and check what is actually in /system
unfortunately, I do not have access to linux so this would be kind of pain (my old laptop with WinXPSP3 is the main reason, why I dont have ADB..)
And I am not sure if this is not more complicated than reinstalling everything from scratch..
Thanks for your help, I'll probably give it a day's rest and then do the factory reset..
I don't know how you are getting a ssh into the Nook.
I've got no port 22 or 23 open.
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I have droidSSHd installed and am able to connect easily with Putty.
Have you already tried to look at dmesg? logcat?
I am not sure how to do this (dmesg, logcat)
I was probably unclear about the ssh - I WAS able to ssh in when Nook was booting normally. Now I cannot.
Is there any way to do this from CWM? (I mean dmesg, logcat)
I was wondering how you were in a boot loop and managed to ssh.
# dmesg
# logcat
If you don't have a shell this is not going to do you any good.
I used noogie to get an img which I then mounted (using OSFMount and Ext2IFS) under windows..
looking at the /system partition, I see that
- my .old and .new files are gone
- the correct framework-res.apk is in place
i.e. the CWM scripts I have run did their job correctly.. so they have effectively undone any changes that I have made.. so the nook should boot up without any problems
so I guess my only options are
- restore my pre-root backup
- factory reset

CWM flashable zip to change lcd density

If you like the new CM10 nightlies, but you hate the phone mode, you may find this zip useful.
It's a flashable CWM zip which change the default density from 160 to 133, which force CM10 to load in tablet mode.
The usual use steps are:
1. flash latest nightly
2. (optional) flash latest gapps
3. flash
4. reboot and enjoy
It's tested on P3113, but I guess it should work on any model with default density = 160
Credits goes to jaiiscool
128 with Large font looks sharper and cleaner. Overall better. Try it
Why flash when you could just edit the build.prop?
People are going to want another zip to flash that reverts it back to 160 so you might want to
Will try with 128 later
Manual editing of build.prop requires more steps than just flashing the zip.
You need computer to edit the zip before flashing, or two restarts of the table if you want to change it after the flash.
revert is done with reflashing of the CM10 zip
Better you make a Default one too. It will be more desirable than flashing a whole ROM only to change Density.
Thanks XaMaB! I went ahead and modified your code to revert changes where desirable. Hope you don't mind.
This will revert LCD density to original.
NOTE: It will not work unless your density is already set to 133.
XaMaB said:
Will try with 128 later
Manual editing of build.prop requires more steps than just flashing the zip.
You need computer to edit the zip before flashing, or two restarts of the table if you want to change it after the flash.
revert is done with reflashing of the CM10 zip
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How does it require more steps? Most file browsers include a text editor. Browse to /system and mount it as read/write, open the file, change 160 to the desired number, save and reboot. Flashing it in CWM, you need to download the zip, put it on your phone if you didn't download it from your phone, reboot to recovery, flash the zip, reboot, hope the density you used looks ok, otherwise, extract, edit, repackage, reflash. Granted, if you are going to flash every nightly (stupid IMO), then the zip is easier, but for most users, just editing the build.prop would be easier.
Hint: search for "ROM Toolbox Lite" in the Play Store
I hope soon CM10 will include the option to choose between phone and tablet mode. The required code changes are available in the nexus 7 forums for some weeks. But untill then, this zip is the most convenient method for me.
Everyone is free to choose between rom toolbox, manual editing after or before flashing, and this...
This one is 240 to 192
Wrong device I believe.
Sent from my house.

[Guide][Init.d script]Set resolution and dpi at boot

First of all you need root and init d support.
Second i will not take responsibility if something happens to you're phone.
I tried screen shift for a long time, but it kept disabling the set at boot and i got sick of it. Now im using 1600x900 with 360dpi with init d script and could not be happier that it works perfectly.
1. Download the file.
2. Open your preferred file manager with root priviliges.
3. Browse to your download folder and search the file.
4. Remove the txt extension from the file by renaming it.
4. Open the file with text editor and change the resolution and dpi to what you want.
5. Copy or cut the file into /etc/init.d
6. Reboot your phone and boom! You have you're desired resolution and dpi set at boot.
Stock 1900x1080 480dpi file attached.
You can change the values with text editor if you wan't different resolution and dpi.
1600x900 360dpi setting file also included.
adb shell wm density “INSERT_DPI” && adb reboot
SpiritBreak3r said:
adb shell wm density “INSERT_DPI” && adb reboot
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What about the resolution?
I think that that only changes dpi.
I want more performance with lower res.
Fatsodonkey said:
What about the resolution?
I think that that only changes dpi.
I want more performance with lower res.
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wm size "resolution"
wm size reset
wm density "DPI"
wm density reset
Does that also work with every boot?
I thought earlier that it just changed the value and after boot it would not stick.
Maybe i should not make guides since im a bit nooby with this. I just thought that it would make life easier for people like me.
I will just add the adb commands to it and call it a day.

Any way to change dpi without adb ?

I have rooted my BTV-W09 model. When I use 'adb shell wm density 320' from my computer terminal, the dpi setting is adjusted correctly, but it doesn't survive a reboot.
I tried to change the dpi setting with a build.prop editor directly on the tablet and with the Textdroider DPI app, but it doesn't work, it goes back to whatever DPI settings was implied by the display settings (from Small-400dpi to Large-480dpi).
Is there a way to permanently change the DPI setting to 320, or at least a way to do it directly from the tablet (without a computer)?
Why you not reading neighbor topics? Install Xposed, install App Settings module from here for example, activate it and setup whatever DPI you wish.
Thanks Slavon, but I'm speaking of a system-wide change, not just app by app. English is not my first language, sorry if it wasn't clear.
Sorry if I was a bit rude. Try "Pimp my rom" utility. Find it on Google Play. I worked for me and now I'm thinking of how to revert
Edit: if I got it right, this utility adds (modifies?) this key in build.prop: ro.sf.lcd_density
Not at all, I understand how it seemed like I was asking a duplicate question without looking in others threads, sorry again
And thanks a lot for the advice, I'll try Pimp my rom right away !
wlausrsker said:
Not at all, I understand how it seemed like I was asking a duplicate question without looking in others threads, sorry again
And thanks a lot for the advice, I'll try Pimp my rom right away !
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If you just need to change density, you'd better try changing the value in build.prop first. And in case of any problems after, change the value of the key I wrote previously or restore the original build.prop from backup. Good luck.
Slavon-93 said:
If you just need to change density, you'd better try changing the value in build.prop first. And in case of any problems after, change the value of the key I wrote previously or restore the original build.prop from backup. Good luck.
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I've tried this morning to change ro.sf.lcd_density to 320 in the build.prop and reboot. After reboot, ro.sf.lcd_density is still set to 320 but the display is still at 400dpi.
It's like ro.sf.lcd_density has no impact on the display dpi except for the display mode (tablet, phone, etc.).
Screen settings/Small + ro.sf.lcd_density=320 -> tablet mode in Chrome and 400dpi
Screen settings/Small + ro.sf.lcd_density=400 -> phone mode in Chrome and 400dpi
Screen settings/Large + ro.sf.lcd_density=320 -> tablet mode in Chrome and 480dpi
Screen settings/Large + ro.sf.lcd_density=400 -> phone mode in Chrome and 480dpi
I think maybe the DPI setting from build.prop is replaced during boot with the screen setting (Small:400dpi, Medium:440dpi, Large:480dpi). Could a init.d script could change the value after boot? I'll try tonight if the tablet allows init.d scripts to run.
Well, ok. I only quickly looked through the decompiled code. Change dpi with the app then, it'll make a backup of build. prop and try to compare both files - new and backup. I could have missed something. Just to mention, I didn't like the way tablet had behaved after changing DPI. EMUI is not well-designed for this. It's much better to set DPI for apps and leave it unmodified for system.
@wlausrsker this is covered in the apps running in phone mode thread. I posted there that the adb dpi change settings will stick after rebooting if you run the command "adb shell wm density 340 && adb reboot"*
*Use whatever density works best for you, I have found that 330 works best for me with the view mode and font set to large.
Slavon-93 said:
Change dpi with the app then, it'll make a backup of build. prop and try to compare both files - new and backup. I could have missed something.
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johje said:
@wlausrskerI posted there that the adb dpi change settings will stick after rebooting if you run the command "adb shell wm density 340 && adb reboot"
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johje, thanks but I tried it first and it doesn't survive reboot ("./adb shell wm density 320 && ./adb reboot" since I'm on Mac, it reboots in 400dpi).
Slavon, I've compared the files from before and after changing the dpi setting with the app, only ro.sf.lcd_density is changed, so you didn't miss anything.
Since methods successfully used by you and others don't work for me, it must be something I did differently on setting up my tablet. I used greatslon mod of TWRP and then flashed via TWRP the latest SuperSU (v2.79-SR1). Finally, I installed XposedInstaller and got xposed-v87-sdk23-arm64. Did any of you with reboot-surviving custom dpi setting used something different? (like the SRK Tool)
I'm off this weekend but I'll try next week to start over from scratch.
the reason adb change dpi and even build.prop change doesn't work is because huawei has set lcd_density in boot image. check content of /init.6x.rc
these init files are part of boot.img and will be overwritten at every boot. so what u need is a modified boot.img where this set lcd_density line is removed. Once you install that boot, you can set whatever dpi in build.prop and it will work. even adb dpi change will be persistent.
if you are on b026, i can share my edited boot.img
Thanks for the explanation bark1234, I now understand why everything I tried didn't survive reboot!
Thanks also for proposing your edited B026 boot.img but I'm on BTV-W09C100B005 and I can't find any B026 download for BTV-W09. From what I understand from other threads the latest Chinese OTA for the BTV-W09 is the BTV-W09C233B022, so I couldn't use it. Nevertheless, if you could maybe share it for others, it could help someone with the same problem on a BTV-DL09.
I tried to edit my boot.img but I'm a newbie. I've tried to extract my boot.img but I have no result with "cat /proc/mtd", so I extracted mmcblk0boot0 as a best guess. I tried to install abootimg to edit it but there's not blkid.h on Mac OS so I can't build it. If I give you what I extracted, could you maybe edit it like you did with yours? You would save me from applying at random a bunch of tutorials like I just did and hoping it will result in something usable In the meantime, I'll try and learn how to edit a boot.ini with my setup.
bark1234 said:
the reason adb change dpi and even build.prop change doesn't work is because huawei has set lcd_density in boot image. check content of /init.6x.rc
these init files are part of boot.img and will be overwritten at every boot. so what u need is a modified boot.img where this set lcd_density line is removed. Once you install that boot, you can set whatever dpi in build.prop and it will work. even adb dpi change will be persistent.
if you are on b026, i can share my edited boot.img
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Just as an FYI, the adb dpi change initiated along with the reboot command has stuck for me after multiple reboots.
wlausrsker said:
Thanks for the explanation bark1234, I now understand why everything I tried didn't survive reboot!
Thanks also for proposing your edited B026 boot.img but I'm on BTV-W09C100B005 and I can't find any B026 download for BTV-W09. From what I understand from other threads the latest Chinese OTA for the BTV-W09 is the BTV-W09C233B022, so I couldn't use it. Nevertheless, if you could maybe share it for others, it could help someone with the same problem on a BTV-DL09.
I tried to edit my boot.img but I'm a newbie. I've tried to extract my boot.img but I have no result with "cat /proc/mtd", so I extracted mmcblk0boot0 as a best guess. I tried to install abootimg to edit it but there's not blkid.h on Mac OS so I can't build it. If I give you what I extracted, could you maybe edit it like you did with yours? You would save me from applying at random a bunch of tutorials like I just did and hoping it will result in something usable In the meantime, I'll try and learn how to edit a boot.ini with my setup.
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If you are rooted, use flashfire app to get ur current boot.img from ur phone. and then copy it out to edit.
The tool i use for editing works on windows. i too have mac only, i have windows on vm in it. Image Kitchen.rar?dl=1
Use above link to download tool i use.
unpackimg.bat will unpack boot img.
your init.x files will be in ramdisk, edit it there.
and then use repackimg.bat, it will create new boot.img.
johje said:
Just as an FYI, the adb dpi change initiated along with the reboot command has stuck for me after multiple reboots.
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bark1234 said:
If you are rooted, use flashfire app to get ur current boot.img from ur phone. and then copy it out to edit.
The tool i use for editing works on windows. i too have mac only, i have windows on vm in it. Image Kitchen.rar?dl=1
Use above link to download tool i use.
unpackimg.bat will unpack boot img.
your init.x files will be in ramdisk, edit it there.
and then use repackimg.bat, it will create new boot.img.
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johje, it won't stuck for me, no matter how I try. Did you root by flashing the latest SuperSU? Did you installed xposed framework?
bark1234, thank you very much for the detailled explanation, I'll use Flashfire app to extract my boot.img and I'll try tomorrow at work on my Windows machine to edit it.
@wlausrsker I have not yet rooted my tablet. Once I got the dpi/phone apps issue fixed, it reduced my urgency for rooting. However, I will be rooting it soon, since a way has been found to enable the 5Ghz wireless adapter for the US version of the tablet. I will let you know if I am able to keep the dpi settings after rooting.
bark1234 said:
If you are rooted, use flashfire app to get ur current boot.img from ur phone. and then copy it out to edit.
unpackimg.bat will unpack boot img.
your init.x files will be in ramdisk, edit it there.
and then use repackimg.bat, it will create new boot.img.
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Thanks again for the link and the explanation, it was really a painless process.
I used Flashfire app on my tablet to backup my boot.img (it resulted in a boot.lz4 file).
On my Windows machine, in a cmd window:
lz4 boot.lz4
unpackimg.bat boot
I then opened in Notepad++ the /ramdisk/init.61262.rc file to remove the line setprop ro.sf.lcd_density 560 in the on early-init and on boot sections of the file and saved.
In the cmd window:
rename image-new.img boot.img
I now have an edited boot.img to flash in TWRP. Does it seems to you that I did the editing correctly? The edited boot.img is 13.35Mb (about the same as the boot.lz4) but the extracted boot file before the unpacking was 32.77Mb. Is it normal?
13.9 is correct size. install this boot.img
For those of us following along. Does the edited boot image have to be flashed by TWRP in zip form? Or can we use Fastboot to flash it? or both will work?
I've done the edit's and have what I believe is a flashable zip. I personally like to use fastboot.
I have DPI set and holding by adb as I mentioned before but this is still nice to have.
OP - here's a really easy way to change dpi and make it stick:
I'm using it on my MediaPad M3 without issues. PS - 320 is my preferred dpi as well, but I found it caused some issues like Settings would crash. I'm using 322 now without any issue for the last couple weeks. Enjoy

