Samsung galaxy S5 IMEI repair - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I bought a brand new Samsung galaxy S5 from a guy that comes with the receipt. Everything seemed legit, but when I got home I figured out the phone is actually blacklisted. So I contacted VIRGIN MOBILE , they said they cannot help me even if I have the receipt because the guy probably didn't pay his bills or took the phone using someone else's identification. They told me the only way I can fix this issue is by hacking the phone. That's why I am here, I need your help to repair my IMEI number or at least suggest me what should I do.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S5
Model: SM-G900W8
Thank you!

I cannot believe a telecom provider recommended you to hack a phone, which is illegal and criminal btw.
No one will help you with your problem as these kind of discussions are forbidden on XDA.
I`am sorry you got scammed, file a police report against the guy that sold you the phone.
Its better that you remove this thread before one of the mods closes it.

Your recourse is against the seller who apparently defrauded you. As the poster above noted, this forum doesn't condone threads talking about manipulating IMEI numbers and if a moderator sees your post, no doubt the thread will be closed, etc, etc.
This is the wrong forum to talk about IMEI changes. As you've been a member since 2011 you should know that. Or would if you read even a handful of forum threads. Try to recover from the seller e.g. make a credit card dispute, Paypal claim, stop payment on your cheque, police report, etc as appropriate. If you are unable to recover from the seller, you may end up selling the phone for parts on Ebay or something.

fffft said:
Your recourse is against the seller who apparently defrauded you. As the poster above noted, this forum doesn't condone threads talking about manipulating IMEI numbers and if a moderator sees your post, no doubt the thread will be closed, etc, etc.
This is the wrong forum to talk about IMEI changes. As you've been a member since 2011 you should know that. Or would if you read even a handful of forum threads. Try to recover from the seller e.g. make a credit card dispute, Paypal claim, stop payment on your cheque, police report, etc as appropriate. If you are unable to recover from the seller, you may end up selling the phone for parts on Ebay or something.
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Sellers of this kind only want cash mate, no receipts or official payments that reveils their identity.

ishtiak90 said:
I bought a brand new Samsung galaxy S5 from a guy that comes with the receipt. Everything seemed legit, but when I got home I figured out the phone is actually blacklisted. So I contacted VIRGIN MOBILE , they said they cannot help me even if I have the receipt because the guy probably didn't pay his bills or took the phone using someone else's identification. They told me the only way I can fix this issue is by hacking the phone. That's why I am here, I need your help to repair my IMEI number or at least suggest me what should I do.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S5
Model: SM-G900W8
Thank you!
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Well Sir, two parts here....
1) I find it hard to believe a carrier would pass this type of information along, not saying they did not say this, but this is something not normal.
2) Additionally this is illegal, as in this is fraud. And if it was me I would take the device and receipt to the Carrier and explain to them your issue. If they want your business they will work with you, if what you say is true, on how you came about this device.
And with those two parts, this type of question/discussions of fraud are not allowed on XDA. Thread Closed and Thanks.


IMEI Blacklisted!

Hello everyone.
I've been searching the forums and have yet to find a solution (at least one that I can perform).
Any way, I have a Softbank X01HT which is a re-branded HTC Hermes.
I purchased the phone in September 2007 from a shop in Hong Kong. I live in the UK and have been using my phone happily for the past 5 months. My phone was blacklisted bout 2 days ago and despite having kept the original box and receipt from the store as a proof of purchase, it seems there is nothing my network (T-Mobile) is able or willing to do.
Is there anything I can do to legally lift this Blacklist of my phone? If not does anyone know how to change the IMEI.
At the moment, I feel very upset about all this because I have bought this phone legitimately and have been using it for 5 months, and NOW... someone can just blacklist my phone?
I have read that there is a solution by using 'Wizard Service Tool' but I need to do something like change it's SPL to 1.1.1. Does anyone know where to obtain the SPL 1.1.1 and how to install it?
Thank you for much in advance and please please please spare me from comments like 'ITS ILLEGAL'. I realize that by UK law it is a crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment. However I have a genuine phone that was purchased legally and I have everything to go with it! If changing the IMEI of a phone that I own to an IMEI of another phone I own is illegal.. well.. thats just stupid.
dont know of any way to change the imei but
you could try to contact the police and ask their advice
being that it's usualy them who have the stolen phone's
imei's reported to and who have them blocked
i would likely have some advice
screen rotation icon for imate jasjar
after having my imate jasjar upgraded to wm-6, i lost 2 things, my video calling and the screen rotation icon. does anyone here in the xda family have a link that will restore my screen rotation icon back
Isnt that a bit off-topic harrio?
Thanks for the advice Rudegar but I have already contacted the police. They can find no record of a stolen phone with that IMEI and they even reffered me to the Mobile Crime Unit, who dont have any idea about the number being blacklisted. They recomended I talk to my network who said they cannot/will not do anything.
it would make sense to be that there would be some higher place to take it
to make sure that no phone company blacklisted phones of people who simunlocked and
left the company for the compatitions
maybe thats a thing to look into
first step would prob be to try another network sim to make sure that it's a general blacklist
Yeh I have tried. It seems to be blacklisted on most netwokrs but works on Orange.. strange? The funny thing is I bought the phone without a contract already unlocked in Hong Kong so there would be no reason for the network to even blacklist it.
In Australia, we have a "Telecommunications Ombudsman" who we can escalate matters to after exhausting options with our phone company.
Is there something like that for you?
It does sound unfair - good luck with it.
Contact the Citizens Advice Beaurau. There must be something you can do.
If all else fails get the police/mobile unit to give you some kind of written confirmation on headed letter paper that there is no ban on your number.
Send t-mobile a friendly worded but grievence stating email about there having banned your phone for an undescernable reason. State in it the dates and times of your previous calls.
Then get your hands on a legal 'Cease and Desist' letter template from somewhere and send something like this:
Dear Sir,
I am contacting your company (Herafter refered to as 'You') on behalf of *your name* (Hereafter refered to as 'The Client') to inform you that Your blacklisting of The Client's phone is unlawful. This letter calls for you to immediately cease and descist from all such unlawful actions.
Blah blah blah
You'll find templates and guidance for drawing them up on the net. Works much better if you can find the name of some applicable law to drop in.
Make sure you don't specifically state that legal proceedings will definately follow. State that if they fail to comply then legal actions 'may' follow and that their case will be refered to the business ohmbudsman, trading standards, and your local MP.
I should state right off the bat that I'm not a lawyer - I'm a medic. But I have found that cease and desist letters are sufficient to make most organisations instantly start behaving themselves.
Don't forget the 'Without Prejudice' statement - I believe it means something along the lines of you do not wish anything said in the email to harm your rights to compensation etc....It's a very lawyerly phrase anyway so it's always good to chuck in the mix.
You should be able to find guidelines/templates for cease and descist letters on the net
Good Luck!
Citizens Advice Beaurau? Never heard of them. Are they a British organization?
Just to clarify, here is what I've done.
Contacted my provider T-Mobile. Provided them with Receipt of purchase and a box. They did nothing.
Contacted the police. They have no record of a phone being stolen with my IMEI number. They recomended contacting my provider T-Mobile.
Contacted the mobile crime unit in the UK. They said that that I would have to take it to my provider also as only the mobile phone companies in the UK can unblacklist.
Anything else I can do?
Does T-Mobile UK have shops like in Germany (called "T-Point")?
The people there were always friendly to me and helpful.
I would walk down your nearest high street, find a T-Mobile shop, walk in with all your evidence and don't leave until they have sorted it. It is essential that you are polite but firm.
One thing that puzzles me; you live in the UK but have never heard of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)? Strange.
wacky.banana said:
I would walk down your nearest high street, find a T-Mobile shop, walk in with all your evidence and don't leave until they have sorted it. It is essential that you are polite but firm.
One thing that puzzles me; you live in the UK but have never heard of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)? Strange.
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I have a hypothesis... it is only a hypothesis so please don't take offense. It can be tested, but maybe not easily. Here it is. You have been scammed, your hermes is not genuine it is a device that failed QC and was discarded by HTC. Your vendor in HK is dishonest. Contact HTC somehow and ask them about the IMEI, explain your situation and find out if they know anything. They should have a record of every phone they manufactured and may be able to tell you whether yours was sent to a retailer or to the garbage bin.
If I'm right at least you'll know for sure what's wrong.
If I'm wrong... well you know that too and maybe you can advance the ball a bit.
Good luck
Ive already been to a T-Mobile shop. Not helpful at all. I beleive Ive almost exhausted all legal options in the UK at least. I think there are only 3 more options.
1: Contact my supplier and ask for help/replacement.
2: Give up on my phone and let it be lost at my expense.
3: Hack/spoof the IMEI.
I think you'll find that T-Mobile don't have to help you as you purchased the phone from an indipendant supplier unless of course it was them who locked it, you are well within your rights to demand a copy of your account information under the Data Protection Act, this could include your account managent info which may identify whether they locked the IMEI or not. I guess the other option is to try and locate who exactly locked the IMEI, not even sure where to start unless you can find a very helpfuls service engineer at T-Mobile.
As said above, contact HTC, they may be able to help, but your first port of call should be the guy who sold you the device.
The shop I bought from.. im fairly sure is quite reputable. It has been arround for a while and is in in the Wan Chai Computer center. I will of course ask but I do not for a moment believe that they sold me a dodgy phone. And it certainly wasnt defective. It was in perfect condition and everything worked. Besides, there are hundreds of legit shops in HK selling the exact same phone. I just bought it from them cuz they had it in Black.
IMEI Barring.
The Flaw Is In The IMEI Blocking Procedure.
I Used To Work For Vodafone And All That Is Required To Bar A Handset, Is An E-Mail Containing The IMEI Only.
Unblocking A Phone However Is A Very Difficult Procedure. The IMEI Ban Database Is Shared Between All Countries Of The EU. Because Of This Most "Stolen" Phones Are Shipped To The Middle East And HK CH JP etc Who Dont Use This Database.
That Said And Done Tho They Should Know The Reason For The IMEI Ban And If Its Because Somebody Reported That IMEI As A Stolen One They Could Check Your Account And See That Your Account Has Been Using That IMEI for The Last 5 Months. And Therefore Couldnt Possibly Be The Stolen One As The IMEI Has Only Been In The Database A Short While.
Its TOO EASY To Make A Typo And Blacklist A Non Stolen Phone.
Prime Example. Your Phones Broke And Gone In For Repair, You Borrow Your Friends Expensive XDA For 2 Weeks While Your Phone Is Repaired, You Give Your Friend His XDA Back and Then Your Newly Repaired Phone Gets Stolen, You Report Your Phone As Stolen And When They Check The System Your Friends IMEI Is The Last One You Were Using On The Account, Employee Doesnt Check Propperly (Copies And Pastes Your Friends IMEI Into A Blacklist Email) And Your Friends XDA Gets Banned.
It Could Prove Quite A Pain To Resolve This Issue..... But...
Call Your Customer Support Desk For Your Mobile Network.
Ask For A TEAM LEADER/MANAGER ( They Can Do Anything For A Customer To Keep Them Happy, Their Privaledges Exceed Those Of Normal Staff And They Can Sort Problems Beyond The Means Of Your Average Callcentre Staff)
If A Problem Gets Escalated To A TEAM LEADER/MANAGER It MUST Be Dealt With. (Company Policy)
They Might Offer For A Team Leader To Call You Back As Their Usually Busy, Althought Your 100% Guaranteed To Get A Callback By A Team Leader As Long As They Werent Jus Fobbin You Off.
I Wish You The Best Of Luck Sorting Out This Mess.
Hey OllieD,
Sound very in depth. Ive already spent hours with T-Mobile with no luck.. but will Vodafone help me out? At least tell me who blacklisted me.
As for this database, is it only Europe wide? Or is is World wide? And if it is EU wide.. are you 100% sure?
Just to clarify to people reading, I am using a SOFTBANK, (Japanese Brand) purchased in Hong Kong, and have been using it since September.
If it is an EU database and not a world wide one, I will need to find out who blacklisted it and contact them.
Thanks very much!
Since you are using Softbank, so it should not be blacklist as it should not be used in EU before. please check carefully your IMEI on the phone label match your IMEI inside the ROM, I think the shop clone a English rom to your phone before selling to you (original Softbank should be Japanese rom) and this clone the IMEI also which IMEI reported as blacklisted. (they clone the rom because of sim locked and change English, what they called it is hard-modify not soft-modify)
I stayed HK and I had 2 phones with same situation (label IMEI were difference to the ROM) but still can be used in China and HK, 5 more phones buy from another shop without problem.
The shops you buy the phone with the phone came from the same dealer, so no luck to change, only some shops you can trust.
clean imei
Randvegeta said:
Hello everyone.
I've been searching the forums and have yet to find a solution (at least one that I can perform).
Any way, I have a Softbank X01HT which is a re-branded HTC Hermes.
I purchased the phone in September 2007 from a shop in Hong Kong. I live in the UK and have been using my phone happily for the past 5 months. My phone was blacklisted bout 2 days ago and despite having kept the original box and receipt from the store as a proof of purchase, it seems there is nothing my network (T-Mobile) is able or willing to do.
Is there anything I can do to legally lift this Blacklist of my phone? If not does anyone know how to change the IMEI.
At the moment, I feel very upset about all this because I have bought this phone legitimately and have been using it for 5 months, and NOW... someone can just blacklist my phone?
I have read that there is a solution by using 'Wizard Service Tool' but I need to do something like change it's SPL to 1.1.1. Does anyone know where to obtain the SPL 1.1.1 and how to install it?
Thank you for much in advance and please please please spare me from comments like 'ITS ILLEGAL'. I realize that by UK law it is a crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment. However I have a genuine phone that was purchased legally and I have everything to go with it! If changing the IMEI of a phone that I own to an IMEI of another phone I own is illegal.. well.. thats just stupid.
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I clean them.

selling my galaxy s

my galaxy s has been blocked by UK network
and hence im selling it
just check out this link
mod can delete this post if it violate the forum rules
Why would it be blocked.... Unless its stolen or reported stolen....sigh
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
He probably invalidated his IMEI.
You are also deceiving people on eBay by not being honest. Why is it blocked?
please refer to this thread guys
chasist said:
please refer to this thread guys
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you should not be discussing getting it unblocked as it is not legally your handset.(unless the blacklist was a mistake)
And yes it will work in other countries unless the plans for an international blacklist come into effect.
also why dont you speak to the police and get them to investigate through gumtree as you and the mobile network have been defrauded..
good luck
Err, isn't this knowingly selling/purchasing stolen goods?
If you aren't the one who stole it then inform the police, report the seller and get your money back.
If the police don't care then you're still going to struggle to sell it. Maybe consider donating it to a developer.
Benjamin Dobell said:
If the police don't care then you're still going to struggle to sell it. Maybe consider donating it to a developer.
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He wont, because if you check the description, he's planning to deceive someone else (he's simply blocking UK sales). Whilst I feel sorry for him, I don't think this is a good approach..
In Canada we generally refer to these people as hss aoles, fother muckers, etc. He's trying to deceive someone into buying a stolen phone. Mods should delete this thread, ban his account and report this case to ebay.
Buying it for 180 quid, reselling it for 260, not a bad move only if it weren't STOLEN...
Dude, you're a crook!
Who in their right mind will buy a IMEI blocked phone?
you have better chances to chop the phone to bits and sell the parts
you might actually end up making more money that way
the Motherboard is useless as it's IMEI blocked
... wow! too late some poor soul already bought it, he'll find out the hard way the phone was stolen
original topic Blocked Samsung Galaxy S
topic closed due system policies violation:
1) eBay link Not selling in MP
2) potentially getting us into trouble with the law
3) selling a stolen/barred phone (aka rule 13)
for a full list of rules please review The XDA Rules

Starting a Petition and contacting Ministry of Consumer Electronics Canada

Hello All, as many of you know i have had one of the famous bricked samsung galaxy i9000. Since Bell wont honour my proposal for returning my Cell phone with a receipt (not under my name), i have come to the conclusion that we need action. Below is a site i am going to contact, based out of toronto, if enough people call, we can get this "defective issue" known.
I am also in the process of starting a petition but would like the help of people of this forum on to how to go about this.
We need to make Samsung honour their corporation competencies and aknowledge that not EVERYONE will be on contract with BELL. We must take action. I am requesting help from ALL those affected.
p.s. first way to start is to get the ministry of consumer electronics to acknowledge the defect and we shall start a petition.
Another resource you may want to tap into is the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services ( They are a third party that attempt to resolve complaints against wireless providers.
Not sure if it applies to you, but take it for what it's worth.
Count me in dude!!! Im tired of not being listened to about my issues with my $500.00 "not fit for purpose" phone!!!
I believe that we not just go after Bell but Samsung as well!!!
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
mymanchris said:
Another resource you may want to tap into is the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services ( They are a third party that attempt to resolve complaints against wireless providers.
Not sure if it applies to you, but take it for what it's worth.
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thanks for the link, will be looking into that.
yiannisthegreek said:
Count me in dude!!! Im tired of not being listened to about my issues with my $500.00 "not fit for purpose" phone!!!
I believe that we not just go after Bell but Samsung as well!!!
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
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lets start small and see where we get. We need COMMUNITY SUPPORT, and i mean alot of people. 100 or more can be a good start.
You have my support.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
myself as well.
I assume you are referring to the internal memory problem?
Why did they say they wont honor your warranty? You haven't really put much information here.
andrewluecke said:
I assume you are referring to the internal memory problem?
Why did they say they wont honor your warranty? You haven't really put much information here.
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I have the full receipt for my phone and everything, the phone was deactivated and the number is not in service. However, the only thing connected to the current user is a IMEI, which i had called the person who owned it, they didnt know english very well and wouldnt transfer the ownership to me.
This is a flaw in the system.
I am starting a petition to make Samsung and Bell aware that the first batch and alot of the I900m Bell devices have a Internal SD hardware problem. This is a defect, we have witnessed of up to 30% returns on these phones because of this defect alone.
The fact that Bell wont honour their warranty with samsung because of a simple (not having my name) on the receipt is trivial. I had a copy printed out. Samsung needs to recall these devices or at the very least acknowledge something here.
30% failure? Where is that figure from?
And have you tried arguing with Bell for a repair? Or did they simply say no, and you gave up? Did you try to escalate?
By law, you should be able to go to your consumer affairs place anyway, and tell them that Bell wont accept your receipt. I don't think you need a petition.
Class action suit against "samsung" only.. Count me in tooo
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
By the way, when you say return, do you mean repair? Because by law in most countries, they don't have to offer refunds outside the first 2 weeks if the unit is faulty.
This thread needs a lot more details...
I am in also.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
andrewluecke said:
30% failure? Where is that figure from?
And have you tried arguing with Bell for a repair? Or did they simply say no, and you gave up? Did you try to escalate?
By law, you should be able to go to your consumer affairs place anyway, and tell them that Bell wont accept your receipt. I don't think you need a petition.
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i have the receipt but the purchaser of my phone was friend who has now moved to new york. I have no contact with him. And by law bell has to honour its warranty code of conduct, if there is a recepit available.
I am going back tommrow to talk to the of the store, any tips or suggestions are welcome. I have read people have returned phones even WITHOUT a receipt...and look, oh i HAVE one.....interesting.
edit** the petition was for those who were unlucky and have been turned down by Bell because of no receipt.
That didn't really answer anything.. If you have a receipt, argue with them again, or go consumer affairs, but their warranty code only likely covers REPAIRING!
Do you mean repair or return and where is that 30% failure figure from? By law, they don't need to refund you, unless you have tried replacing it a few times and the problem keeps reoccurring (and you can prove the product is seriously flawed).
I believe you mean repair, but "return" is ambiguous.
andrewluecke said:
That didn't really answer anything.. If you have a receipt, argue with them again, or go consumer affairs, but their warranty code only likely covers REPAIRING!
Do you mean repair or return and where is that 30% failure figure from? By law, they don't need to refund you, unless you have tried replacing it a few times and the problem keeps reoccurring (and you can prove the product is seriously flawed).
I believe you mean repair, but "return" is ambiguous.
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according to Bell it was about 20%-30% of phones were brought back. That is why Samsung held off on the 2nd batch of shipments to fix the internal sd problem, and bells excuse was all the phones were sold out, when really there was a huge backorder.
thanks for clarifiying bud. I do mean Repair. I have the receipt and everything from the folks who bought the phone, the only problem is the receipt is not in MY name. however, i tried contacting the people who had orginally purchased the phone and they wont do anything for me. They dont speak english. So i am going today to argue with the manager of Bell at my mall and tell him that this is straight up bs. Becuase i have all of the required information, the account cancelled their service and got a new phone...ugh its just such a tight situation.
** as for the petition, if you would like your names on it, please inbox me Name, City, and COuntry you are residing in and i will add it. Thanks
I don't know how these things work in Canada, but in Australia a petition is really not going to sway a legal argument. In fact it could prejudice a case, in some circumstances.
I suggest you take the matter up with Bell again. Then talk to Consumer Affairs yourself.
Shouldn't Samsung be your point of contact BTW? I would assume since you have no contract with Bell they should be absolved of any responsibility to service your phone.
In this case the manufacturer would be the people to contact. In 95% of the things I buy have a manufacturers warranty, not a retailers.
I wish you luck, but you really should pursue this on a private basis. If things don't work out then post up your experience. If the do work out then post up how you got around it.
BTW people don't give out your name and location to anybody on the net. I know Jark99 is 95% likel,y to be a nice chap, but giving out details like that is a bit silly.
householddog said:
I don't know how these things work in Canada, but in Australia a petition is really not going to sway a legal argument. In fact it could prejudice a case, in some circumstances.
I suggest you take the matter up with Bell again. Then talk to Consumer Affairs yourself.
Shouldn't Samsung be your point of contact BTW? I would assume since you have no contract with Bell they should be absolved of any responsibility to service your phone.
In this case the manufacturer would be the people to contact. In 95% of the things I buy have a manufacturers warranty, not a retailers.
I wish you luck, but you really should pursue this on a private basis. If things don't work out then post up your experience. If the do work out then post up how you got around it.
BTW people don't give out your name and location to anybody on the net. I know Jark99 is 95% likel,y to be a nice chap, but giving out details like that is a bit silly.
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haha sorry about the "names" thing. I should have suspected that, i just wanted to make sure that we had a legit petition to force a class action law suit.
As for the manufacturers warranty, Apparently Samsung goes through Bell. But NOT really. Bell goes through a intermediary called Futuretec Solutions located in Toronto, Ontario. I have called samsung canada and they wont help me out at all. They keep saying "go to bell, go to bell." Well now im going to give bell a piece my mind, Bell is the only company to carry these phones, thus if there is a problem no one can go elsewhere. its bs. im pretty pissed off and going to show Bell that, yesterday i didnt, but today ill talk to the manager.
get the class action or whatever you guys are trying to do up and going already, and count me in
got 2 phones still waiting to be repaired but can't because they wont allow it without the invoice, even when we offered to pay for the repairs
To all who have a internal sd card error and have bought the phone around the release date or afterwards. If you dont have a orginal receipt, go to bell and try to find a service rep who looks kind of new. From there tell them you dont have the receipt and need they might be able to print you out one. I got mine printed out and i went to another Bell Store to get mine sent out even though the phone was NOT under my name. I think the only way to get peoples phones fixed is talking to the right people.
I contacted the Ministry of consumer electronics AND telecommunications services to file a complaint, but i cannot as i am not a BELL member. If anyone is a Bell member and has a 2nd hand phone you can call them to file a complaint, and theyll act as a intermediary between you and Bell. ill keep updating this thread as i find information
Ministry of Telecommunications Service Complaints department:
to those in ONtario this website claims to have fixed interal sd card errors
Count me in. Although mine's been fixed via a third party repair shop, i want my money back.

Can a sprint ESN # be stolen?

Lets say Im selling a phone and someone wants to check if the esn is clear for themselves and I give it to them.
Can they take that number and do something to "steal" it and put it on another device?
just curious.
Im assuming no but im not entirely sure so I figured I would just ask
No its tied to phone so its safe.
I thought people could clone phones???
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Yes it can be done. Never give your ESN out. IF they want to check it out meet up at a retailer.
Verizon told me that you can give esn and no harm can come off it..maybe its a cdma thing?
zelendel said:
Yes it can be done. Never give your ESN out. IF they want to check it out meet up at a retailer.
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This is good advice. One more thing: You can simply call customer service for Verizon/Sprint and ask that a particular ESN(or MEID) is clear, and in doing so, have the rep to make a note in your account that you called on a certain date & time with that particlar ESN(or MEID). This will protect you, as it becomes documented that someone inquired about the ESN(or MEID) if later it's discovered they attempted to steal it.
yes it can be stolen, as long as that esn is not active on an account. All you need is the esn to put that phone into an account
kidFromBigD said:
This is good advice. One more thing: You can simply call customer service for Verizon/Sprint and ask that a particular ESN(or MEID) is clear, and in doing so, have the rep to make a note in your account that you called on a certain date & time with that particlar ESN(or MEID). This will protect you, as it becomes documented that someone inquired about the ESN(or MEID) if later it's discovered they attempted to steal it.
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In reference to that, there is a website called
You can check any ESN for free and fast. I do business on CL regularly and it has never failed me.
Thread moved. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
Failure to comply with forum rules will result in an infraction and/or ban depending on severity of rule break.

Online thief on Forums/Craigslist

Guys XDA senior member is a THIEF and he sold me a bad imei number cellphone(note 2) last week in NewYork for $500 and it seems he has been doing this business on online forums and craigslist for a number of years.I regret being a victim but do not want you guys to be part of his cheating business.He gave me he box which has different imei than the actual imei number of the phone.This guy is a professional thief who is well educated but for the very wrong cause.He might change his id but his name is Mike/Waqar Khan and do not deal with him.I want you guys to respond if you have similar experiences in New York/any other city.
MOD EDIT : Contact the Police, or XDA via the contact us link (only If he is selling on XDA).
Once I purchased a phone from local telco, imei number on box does not match phone. On the spot I asked the sales rep and swiftly they found the correct box with the correct imei number. The phone inside also have a different inei number. The telco branch manager doesn't seem pleased and I suspect he will start up a storm after working hours...
My point is it could be the seller mixed up the box. They do open it sometimes to check contents.
Thanks for the warning. I'll be wary of this seller.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
skynolimit11 said:
Guys XDA senior member is a THIEF and he sold me a bad imei number cellphone(note 2) last week in NewYork for $500 and it seems he has been doing this business on online forums and craigslist for a number of years.I regret being a victim but do not want you guys to be part of his cheating business.He gave me he box which has different imei than the actual imei number of the phone.This guy is a professional thief who is well educated but for the very wrong cause.He might change his id but his name is Mike/Waqar Khan and do not deal with him.I want you guys to respond if you have similar experiences in New York/any other city.
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Its your responsibility to check the imei
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
If you have something to report to XDA, use the "contact us" link found at the bottom of every page. We'll look at it.
One think though, XDA cannot take action for anything that occurs off of XDA, exercise due diligence when buy mobile/cell phones over the internet

