ParanoidAndroid VolumePanel - PAC Q&A

Can you guys make paranoid android volume panel for the next update? PAC ROM RC 1


[Q] NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2-CM10 V1.3a - TRANSPARENT STATUSBAR

hey guys,
i have install the the nexushd2 rom jelly bean...
it works pretty well
but...can i make the status bar transparent and how can i do this. i can`t find any thread about this...
thank's for your help! good answer?
the answer is you have to have to be using a rom
that has a rom control in it that is setup to allow transparency
some of the roms that have that are
aokp roms
baked roms
and i think there is a couple more for jb 4.1.2 roms
and for jb 4.2.2 roms right now its only the Xylon rom
but its in an early beta stage
and im sure since wifi is now working on jb 4.2.2 roms
there will be aokp and baked roms coming soon

Android with 3.0.8 kernal?

[JB+][3.0.8 kernel] CM10.1 Android 4.2.2 for the Defy(+)
I saw the JB with 3.0.8 developed by boss Q. It's cool, right?
But it's just for experimental not daily usage:crying:
Looking forward to the GA version

[Q] Paranoidandroid halo

Hi, my question is: is there any way to get "halo)))" working on my defy?? i'm on paranoid 2.53

[Q] looking for Deodexed PARANOIDANDROID [4.3] for grouper?

hello guys...i am looking a for a fully deodexed version of paranoidandroid based on android 4.3 for my nexus 7...
i flashed PA 3.98 and it is not deodexed...i dont even have a sound knowledge of what deodex means...i just want the THEME ENGINE &android 4.3 in paranoid android.
if this is not yet avaiable which custom rom have these features???


I already have a working version of Paranoid Android for my Droid RAZR M. Now that Paranoid Android with Halo version 2 is out, I'm wondering if someone would take the time to apply the Halo 2 update to the ROM.
is your PA a 4.2 or 4.3 version?

