[Q] Revive to Wear - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Thinking the other day, while looking to my nexus one i wonder ... What happen if i get back this device to my life? could i use it as? and late that day i read a news about Android Wear.
So come to a simple idea, if i have a large phone as daily driver, can i load Android Wear to my Nexus one? can i use it as support phone just to answer calls and reply text messages?
So that's my question, is it possible? there's a proyect allready trying to implement Android Wear in an old phone?

I suppose it is possible, but it might be slightly laggy and some functions might not work due to the lack of a NFC chip in the Nexus one.

a phone used just for notifications of another phone interesting concept i guess lol

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kornklown69 said:
a phone used just for notifications of another phone interesting concept i guess lol
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is an old phone that can't even handle whatsapp and another applications, an is very small in comparison with Note 3 or G3.
So to me is a wearable
and accessory to a main big phone

Integrate said phone into your cars dash, and have a permanent car notification center for your phone. I'd definitely be interested in this if its possible. Get instant notifications, driving directions, use voice to send and make calls/texts, and much more!


Any one single issue that may stop me buying?

so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
The biggest issue for me was the SMS problem. Now fully corrected by HTC. I'm proud of my little Leo I use mine with email in push all the day, and I've about 30% at the end of the day, using my phone every minute
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
I get 2-3 days of light use(Dont use it much at work just texting) and at least 1 day of heavier use(sitting browsing the web, playing music etc on the weekends). I have a second battery with me most of the time just incase i let it run out
There's tons of information already on here to help you make your own decision.
The question YOU have to answer is whether there are any deal breakers for you from the stacks of info that is already on here. This thread, for example, is a good place to start...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=583638
There are just so many threads on here now where people are effectively asking others to make a buying decision for them/asking exactly the same thing. The unique features of the HD2 will remain the same no matter how many times this question gets asked.
At the end of the day, whether you buy or not is entirely down to you.
i've read that thread, usefull but far from concise. I am of course reading taking particular interest in this sub-forum, reading much of it but....
I'm not looking for what "most" people are looking for. I've left this fairly open ended question in the hope(?) that someone will mention what is a fairly unobvious to the masses issue but is a serious issue for them.
I'm looking for something that might be silly and therefore probably not mentioned by most of you but could stop it for me. I don't know what "it" might be but for example it could be that you can't put delivery receipts on a text message ....
I will be using ALL the functions of this phone and I wan't to try to eliminate any suprises!
Power hungry!
For me it's the power hungry nature of this beast. You can actually watch the battery draining right before your eyes if you are using it to surf or watch movies. I was shocked just how fast it drains.
Got a second battery now which I keep with me at all times. Batteries are the achilles heels of these powerful mini devices and I am very much looking forward to the new 3D lithium ion batteries becoming widely available as this will surely revolutionise mobile phones. Sorry going off topic there!
Can't say there's one MAIN problem, but it takes a lot of work to get it set up and running how you want it to, especially if you are unfamiliar with Winmo as I am
Hello again,
I quite understand where you are coming from but the approach I would have taken would be to make a private list of all the functions the device absolutely must have for you to be happy with it then confirm there aren't any issues with those functions through the info on here, sufficient for you to say no.
The key thing you have to remember, which new adopters from other devices don't realise, is that the HD2 isn't really a phone in the traditional sense. Its more like a small computer with telephony and messaging capability added on.
It therefore has much in common with the behaviours of a Windows computer (not surprising really as the OS is a "miniturised" version of windows). What kills it for a lot of people is that they expect it to behave exactly like a Nokia phone which it won't.
For many of us who have used winmobile devices for years, the things that may well be deal breakers for you just would not come up on our radar, hence my suggestion above of a different approach from you to get to a decision point. Being able to tweak the device, for example is a major plus as this gives great flexibility to customise the device. That attraction for me is a major deal breaker for others.
I would wager that there is a direct correlation between the numbers of people new to the winmobile platform and the number of posts on here expressing dissatisfaction with the device in one shape or form (SMS issue aside, of course).
Hope this is helpful.
Indeed it is WB! very welcome and very helpfull.
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
Also spent many years in support roles so very adept at extracting relevant info from a mass of other stuff.
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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I dont have these issues at all. As long as you dont mind tweaking things here and there, I think you will enjoy the experience.
Monty Burns said:
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
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And here was I , thinking you were a mere babe in the woods.
It's a great device, but before buying one, I'd suggest to test it if you have the possibility...
In eastern Europe there were very many faulty devices; was unlucky to get one myself...
thanks but won't have that issue, we are very well protected in the UK when buying from a shop.
If you have experience with past WM devices, then the HD2 will blow your socks off!
I've had WM since my MPX200 back in 2004, and the HD2 is by far the best WM device ever, even with it's few minor niggles (and be realistic, what phone doesn't have niggles?).
Well, my main issue was the crappy messaging but with the latest sms-hotfix that is also corrected! No more issues now... loving it every single minute!
No Voice control over bluetooth
Have had an HD2 for a few weeks now, and while it’s a great machine in most respects, the main deficiency for me is the lack of voice control over bluetooth. It's mentioned in quite a few other threads.
I ride a motorcycle and have used a helmet mounted scala-rider headset with a Dopod 838Pro for a couple of years (mostly for initiating and receiving phone calls, but occasionally having messages or calendar entries read out).
The lack of this function on the HD2 is a major drawback for me, and I imagine anyone for whom voice control is important (eg. if you drive/ride a lot).
Have had WinMo since before there were WinMo phones (HP 620lx, then XDA II, then JasJar, JasJam and now HD2) and I bought an iPhone 3GS (surreptitiously for my girlfriend) to see what all the fuss is about and to see for myself if the device is as good as the fanboys in my office gush on about.
I hate the way it's all locked-in to iTunes and you can't really tweak things to the level we're used to with WinMo, but everything "just works" (wi-fi, voice control, SMS conversation mode etc.)
If the voice control isn't enabled in an imminent ROM update I may have to consider selling my HD2 and begrudgingly keep the iPhone for myself.
Just my opinion – hope that helps with your decision.
For anyone with a previous satisfactory experince of winmo it's a no brainer...go for it! I personally had all sorts of problems years back with an Orange MDA and was slightly nervous about going down that road again but so far my HD2 has lived upto and exceeded all of my expectations. My requirements boil down to:
Must work well with a bluetooth headset in a noisy place (I drive a truck)..it does!
Obviously must function well as a phone..it wouldn't be any good if I couldn't speak to anyone but no problems whatsoever on that count!
Must have decent internet access...it does (grabbing e-mails and surfing all day)
Must let me tweak it to add various apps..it does (6 sat nav progs and still adding them!)
Texts I use very infrequently as its easier just to speak but the texts I send and recieve seem to be fine (and thats without any hotfix applied!)
My only slight concern is battery life but as I'm near a charger all day long its no biggy and I've yet to address this with any of the tweaks floating about.
thats my twopenneth..
just seen the post above me...I use Cyberon Voice Speed Dial which works fine for me but as I have to tap a button on my headset to fire it up I guess it's not much use for you (unless you drill a hole in the side of your shoei so you can prod a button)
Retraction time...owing to a PM from Lordbowl I've just checked and it would appear that CVSD actually uses the mike on the HD2 and not the one on my bluetooth headset to obtain the info about which contact I want to call so it's not much use if you are wearing a helmet!
bzdemes said:
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
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This was fixed yesterday!
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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To be honest, if you are lucky you may end up with a zero faults device, but you my also consider,that you may have the sms problem which is not solved as many here seem to say.
Also you may get the pink spot that even with htc fix it will still there but not as ovieuse.
Also you must take in consideration that you cannot trust your future phone for making calls, because some times he does not wake up.
And must take in consideration that you may end up with the noise bug while in a call. plus many littel other bugs that you can live with (extrimily difficult to type,with out faults) the screen is over sensitive......Hope it helps for your desition
Audio Booster
Since the SMS outbox bug was fixed yesterday there is only 1 bug that irritates the crap out of me... Audio Booster needs to be re-enabled for every song that is played using Audio Manager unless you want untouched EQ.
I have tried setting AB & hitting "Done"/Home/Back but whatever I do it still dies after 1 or 2 tracks.
HTC reassure me this is to be fixed in a future release otherwise I would be looking for other alternatives.
I think the HD2 is a fantastic piece of kit but let down by HTC's bugginess.

I have an amazing idea but im not a developer

ok... i don't know if its possible but if it is it will be so amazing !
i thought about connecting between iphone/android phone to an android tablet (honeycomb!) so you will get your phone notifications on your tablet! maybe even use the hardware of the phone to call and actually make your tablet a phone based on your real hardware phone !
look at this:
watch from 1:36 !
that's what I want to do! it will be amazing !
please tell me if its possible or if there is an app for that in the market!
I use my tablet more then I use my phone and then suddenly I find myself with 12 text messages and 23 missed calls !
that will be helpful, useful, revolutionary and like a "Magic!" , in steve jobs language !
Sounds like a million dollar idea
Sent from my Zio using xda premium
I use Tablet Talk, I get all my sms sync from my android phone to my Transformer tablet.
I can send sms from my tablet and it will sync with my phone and send it out. It will notify me of incoming calls on the tablet screen when I get a call on my phone (while I cannot answer, I can call back using GrooveIP from my tablet using my Google Voice number). Can sync via bluetooth or wifi. There is a few apps that does similar things. SyncSMS, DeskSMS and TexTab. All these however are for Android phone to Android tablet not sure if any of these apps work cross platform.
Tablet Talk http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1206798
SynsSMS https://market.android.com/details?id=com.d0lph1nk1ng.syncsms&feature=search_result
TextTab https://market.android.com/details?id=com.howettl.textab&feature=search_result
DeskSMS https://market.android.com/details?id=com.koushikdutta.desktopsms&feature=search_result
No iPhones support..
thats too bad..
Probablly going to buy an android phone soon..
damn stupid ipad 2... and its 400k apps.
android phone-good decision
Ipad 2-bad decision.
Theoretically it's possible to get unread SMS/call/mail/Talk notifications from your phone to your tablet.
For all other notification I guess you need to have root to achieve that.
Ya I do this with my nook color with google voice and my evo shift.well almost all that. You know they say it always fits, but for the life of me no matter how hard I try to ram this phone into my nook it just doesn't fit. I can use the power from my nook to charge my phone though.
My free EVO Shift thanks to bestbuy

New to Tab, reccomendations?

Hi All,
I've had a few Android phones now (HTC Desire/Sensation) and just got myself the Tab 10.1 for Christmas.
Obviously experienced a degree of disappointment that it doesn't do any of the phone functions, though from reading on here there are a few ways of making that work, but from my understanding things aren't yet 100% there yet - would that be an accurate summation of the current state of play?
Seems strange that it does SMS, and yet not voice calls! I think Samsung has missed a trick here TBH.
I'm umming over rooting the device and replacing the current firmware, though with so much choice out there I'm not sure what to go with, so could do with a bit of advice on that front.
I've just bought (and arrived today) the desk dock, which is nice and handy for overnight charging by the bed.
My primary use of the Tab will be for Kindle reading and game/music playing when unwinding in bed on an evening. Though I hope to expand the use to some on-site stuff now I've loaded it up with all the manuals for the various devices I work on!
My only real annoyances currently with the device stem mainly from the email app making notification noises when it shouldn't (and not noticing that the email is no-longer "new" and has indeed been moved to a different folder & marked read by my exchange server/outlook client), this being despite the notification sounds being turned off, and the same for when it gets to 100% charged making a loud chirping noise!
How in gods name do I turn these noises off? Mind you, I am thankful that Samsung didn't include a nice, bright, led to tell you that it's on charge. Those really get on my tits at night!
So, in conclusion, should I root and chuck a custom rom on? Or am I better off hanging in there for ICS?
Any advice & help would be appreciated!
Cyberprog said:
Hi All,
I've had a few Android phones now (HTC Desire/Sensation) and just got myself the Tab 10.1 for Christmas.
Obviously experienced a degree of disappointment that it doesn't do any of the phone functions, though from reading on here there are a few ways of making that work, but from my understanding things aren't yet 100% there yet - would that be an accurate summation of the current state of play?
Seems strange that it does SMS, and yet not voice calls! I think Samsung has missed a trick here TBH.
I'm umming over rooting the device and replacing the current firmware, though with so much choice out there I'm not sure what to go with, so could do with a bit of advice on that front.
I've just bought (and arrived today) the desk dock, which is nice and handy for overnight charging by the bed.
My primary use of the Tab will be for Kindle reading and game/music playing when unwinding in bed on an evening. Though I hope to expand the use to some on-site stuff now I've loaded it up with all the manuals for the various devices I work on!
My only real annoyances currently with the device stem mainly from the email app making notification noises when it shouldn't (and not noticing that the email is no-longer "new" and has indeed been moved to a different folder & marked read by my exchange server/outlook client), this being despite the notification sounds being turned off, and the same for when it gets to 100% charged making a loud chirping noise!
How in gods name do I turn these noises off? Mind you, I am thankful that Samsung didn't include a nice, bright, led to tell you that it's on charge. Those really get on my tits at night!
So, in conclusion, should I root and chuck a custom rom on? Or am I better off hanging in there for ICS?
Any advice & help would be appreciated!
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To answer your last two questions. root and custom rom for sure.
I am running the ICS KANG...OMG if it was a woman my wife would be gone.
As far as not having phone capability. What carrier do you have it on? I bought a wifi version so that isn't a big deal to me, since I could probably do wifi calling if I really wanted too.
'ey Cyberprog,
You should be able to make phone calls on it with a voice app such as Skype. I've been using Skype for many years, I can vouch for it's reliability. I don't have a Gal. tab. yet, but I think I'm pulling the trigger this weekend and I went to Skype's website, they have a version for android. Skype costs me a little over $4 per month to make and receive unlimited phone calls to cell phones and landlines in the US. I think I can call Canada and Puerto Rico too but I don't know anyone there.
There's other voice apps, maybe even free ones, maybe Google has one? Anyway, I'd been researching a way to make phone calls from the verizon 4G version Gal Tab, and it doesn't do it, unless maybe you're an uberhacker.
I'd recommend rooting and using Task's rom, much smoother and easier on the eyes with b00steds themes!
lexvandoef said:
I'd recommend rooting and using Task's rom, much smoother and easier on the eyes with b00steds themes!
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Its always worth rooting a device, even if its just to use things like titanium backup.
Tasks ROM would be a great 1st choice as it mostly fixes or enables things that should have been done by samsung to start with (such as USB charging, hardware accelerated launcher, dualband wifi)
Hi All,
The SIM in the unit at the moment isn't paid for by me luckily, but I did use it to receive calls from the client who was paying for it. It's a Vodafone sim btw, and I don't use Skype or Google Voice, it's GSM calls that I wanted to be able to use it with, and my Plantronics headset.
I think rooting has to be the way forward, and as someone said, the usb charging is just stupid, why they ever disabled that I don't know...
Time, I think, to have a look at this "Tasks" rom, and see what it has to offer!
edit: Bother, found the thread for Tasks rom, but it's wifi only and mine's a 3g version
rumpleforeskin said:
Its always worth rooting a device, even if its just to use things like titanium backup.
Tasks ROM would be a great 1st choice as it mostly fixes or enables things that should have been done by samsung to start with (such as USB charging, hardware accelerated launcher, dualband wifi)
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True, backups are real handy, but i find i use the nandroid backups more than titanium, handy feature of the cmw recovery!
Voodoo screentune is a must too when rooted, say goodbye to oversarurated colors!
By the way, i use task's rom on a 3g device, works flawlessly but you loose 3g connectivity.... for me not a must, but for you i guess it is.
lexvandoef said:
By the way, i use task's rom on a 3g device, works flawlessly but you loose 3g connectivity.... for me not a must, but for you i guess it is.
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Yep, 3g is a must sadly, the whole point of the device is to allow me to work while out in the field during the summer, as well as being something to use when at home in bed! No 3g would put a severe crimp on that.
My opinion?
Stay on your stock rom. Use ADW Launcher EX instead of the stock TW Launcher, and wait for ICS.
Why? Other then the extra options in Tasks10 i did not notice any speed improvement over my stock+adw setup (even not when OC'd to 1.4Ghz).
Don't get me wrong here, im not saying that its not faster then stock, just that with my setup (only 1 home screen) i coudnt notice the diff.
As for Titanium Backup..If you dont switch roms, there's no real need to backup your apps since you not gonna lose them anyways.
A better option in my own experience is to flash CWM recovery and make a Nandroid backup wich backsup your whole tablet and not only the apps. In case something goes wrong (woudnt know why) you still have a exact copy of your tab (homescreen settings/widgets ert included).
Just my 2 cent's.
I'm flashing mine to CM9 as we speak, I'll report back in a bit!
Preliminary thoughts: I'd flash while you wait and then update, it seems really smooth and fluid..
Fixed the annoying charging noise by a timed mute app. Still lights up when it reaches 100% but no longer wakes me up...

Geeksphone Peak general

I got my Geeksphone Peak a few days ago, and have already ran into some problems, that I believe some others may experience at some point in the future as well, when the device gets out to the public. I have therefore decided to make this thread to report issues and solutions, along with answering peoples questions about the phone.
First off, be aware of that the phone uses a standard size sim card, so if you plan to use it with a SIM card, you will have to get one of those old big SIM cards.
Second, you will without doubt want to debug your apps on the phone. The easiest way to do this, is by using the Firefox OS simulator v3, that allows you to push apps to the phone. To do this you will have to enable remote debugging on the phone, which was recently changed from enabled to disabled by default. Enable remote debugging by going to Settings -> Device information -> More information -> Developer. If you are using Linux, you will now have to add a value to the file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules: 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"'. The idVendor ID is found using lsusb.
I do not know how to use remote debugging on Windows or Mac, and would be glad if someone would be able to contribute with this information. I will update this post when I discover more flaws and fixes
Hi, I wanted to know how the overall build quality is. I am thinking of ordering one myself.
chozyn said:
Hi, I wanted to know how the overall build quality is. I am thinking of ordering one myself.
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I received mine yesterday. To me, the build quality is mediocre. The back is quite hard to remove to insert the battery and SIM card. When the back is removed, I saw "Engineered in Spain", "Made in P.R.C". The screen is average. Perhaps I'm pixel peeping, but I can feel the grid of pixels when viewing images on it. It's a developer phone, but I did expect a better build.
Certainly order one if you are a developer.
I got my Peak two days ago.
Materials and assembly is more or less what I expected. Clearly not a Sony but it is not so bad, in my view.
So far I have only connected via wifi, do not use the SIM yet. Once connected the first thing to do is upgrade. The process of downloading a 100MB and install the update was fast enough.
However, after using it for a couple of days I've noticed a lot of problems with connectivity. The worst is that sometimes fails to reconnect to wifi after unlock.
It is always very quick to complain lack of connection: is unable to access the sites for Mobile Twitter or Facebook, for example, as does access to regular Google. It's as if only Google respond fast enough to keep active navigation.
Well, this is a beta edition and it will sure get better, but today is all that I can bring on the Peak.
Thanks songuke, Rackam el Roig. I appreciate the follow up!
t-mobile connectivity?
Either of you know how well this works on t-mobile? I see that t-mobile supports the 1900 band in my area, but I'm still not sure about how well tmo will work in general (as I do leave this city on occasion). I'd love to know. Also, it's a pity that it doesn't do HSPA+ so I'd like to know about the speed as well if possible. Thanks and you guys are lucky to have the phones. I've been watching the site like a hawk since day 1 and haven't managed to grab one.
Push to Device on Windows/Mac
I know on Windows, push to device is not supported in the simulator as of now, I am not 100% sure if it supported on Mac, but it is supported on Linux.
the simulator was just updated to version 3 and should have push to device for every OS now.
I think that the hardware is pretty nice. It's super lightweight, almost too much so. The software is definitely beta quality - the email app doesn't automatically refresh, wifi turns off when the display turns off (to save power), no adjustable settings for still or video recording, etc.
I'm really enjoying it. No crashes or reboots in the day I've had it.
glystar said:
I think that the hardware is pretty nice. It's super lightweight, almost too much so. The software is definitely beta quality - the email app doesn't automatically refresh, wifi turns off when the display turns off (to save power), no adjustable settings for still or video recording, etc.
I'm really enjoying it. No crashes or reboots in the day I've had it.
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And even when we need to reboot, it's fast enough on that.
I've been thinking of buying one, but it's always sold out.
Do you think it's usable as a lightweight daily driver? I was thinking of getting one for my parents, I could experiment a bit, and they just use phone calls / contacts / sms.
Hello, I have order the Geekshone Peak and it got the day also delivered. Unfortunately, I discovered that the Rear camera does not work. The Front Camera is working without problems.
Although it can be switched in the menu from the front camera to the rear camera, but the lens is then this is not activated.
Is this normal fault at the moment? If the Rear Camera not currently supported by the OS?
Thanks for answers und sorry for my bad english.
Best regards
not that mozilla is not a project to support, but i was wondering if there are some alternative os for this device ? gnu/linux or aosp based ?
rad30n said:
I've been thinking of buying one, but it's always sold out.
Do you think it's usable as a lightweight daily driver? I was thinking of getting one for my parents, I could experiment a bit, and they just use phone calls / contacts / sms.
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I only own a Keon, but: These devices are for developers and geeks that don't get mad when something breaks, not your parents. Wait for a consumer device.
I have a Keon too, where I can find basic documentation to start hacking/upgrading my devices?
I am not a developer, only curious (maybe a bit geek too)... and I LOVE the Firefox OS paradigm!
android for peak ?
I was trying to find an android version that would run on it, but seems like the MSM8225 chip is not something you can get binaries for.
Any idea if its possible to compile an AOSP version that will run ?
:good::fingers-crossed:UPS just arrived with my new Geeksphone Peak :victory::victory::victory::victory:
_stefans_ said:
I was trying to find an android version that would run on it, but seems like the MSM8225 chip is not something you can get binaries for.
Any idea if its possible to compile an AOSP version that will run ?
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It looks like the Peak is using the same chipset with HTC Desire X, which seems to have an alpha version of CM9:
Can anyone enlighten me how to proceed from here?
That would be great to see CM9 or CM10 running on Peak as an alternative to the current Firefox OS build.
songuke said:
I received mine yesterday. To me, the build quality is mediocre. The back is quite hard to remove to insert the battery and SIM card. When the back is removed, I saw "Engineered in Spain", "Made in P.R.C". The screen is average. Perhaps I'm pixel peeping, but I can feel the grid of pixels when viewing images on it. It's a developer phone, but I did expect a better build.
Certainly order one if you are a developer.
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Have you started working on an app yet? David Walsh (Mozilla) has written a really handy guide to runing any existing website into a Firefox Web App in just five minutes.
FYI, here are instructions on setting up the GeeksPhone for push to device on Windows/Linux/OSX: github.com/comoyo/Firefox-OS-training/blob/master/setup.md#pushing-to-geeksphone

N7 mobile motion detector/ alert system

hi folks,
my intention to make an alert system for smartphones and tablets with pir sensor and light detector and noisy alert.
the idea is when u leave your phone or tablets on your desk or anywhere else and you are not in the room while maybe another person is in the room and is interested in must have your gadget and the person get to close (6m) to your gadget so the alert will start by noisy flashed alarm like the car alarm system. you only have to stick it in your phone or tablet.
maybe i will make a phone / tablet case with this system and with charging and extra extended memory spaces. but at first the security system. an app which send your a message to your wearables gadgets..
what are u thinking about the idea?
maybe there is more purpose uses?
this is my 1st prototype..
next prototype is with an arduino micro.
if you want to support my project so feel free an send me a pm.
Should be able to do it in an app using phones sensers.
rbeavers said:
Should be able to do it in an app using phones sensers.
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yes should even be working but the range is only few inches. 10 meters range should be better.
even not all phones have those kind of sensors.

