Name for app - - General Marketing & SEO

We are 3-man team based in Bucharest, Romania, working on a photo-sharing app, aiming to provide a simple, real, aggregated feedback over public trends, allowing users to anonymously compete against each other in order to produce quality content. What should we name it?
Polling ends on July 30 - the link is attached to the name of the thread.
Thank you!


Best Type Of Ad To Promote Mobile Apps

Best type of ad to promote mobile apps
When advertising your app to other countries start from the grass roots level which is pinpointing the countries which you will advertise first. This is important so will have a much clearer picture on who you would will to sell you app to.
Once you establish the list of countries the next thing that you should do is to localize your app. English may be the medium where individuals from different countries understand each other but what else could you do to attract more people to your app? Incorporate their local language in your app. Not all people can thoroughly understand English and are drawn to pay more attention to things that they could understand.
Now after doing all those things, you need to find a DSP (demand side platform) which has self-serve RTB(real time bidding) capabilities like Bluagile and start creating mobile web and in app campaigns. This is the most affordable, convenient and efficient way to run your campaigns. Using a DSP lets you connected with more or less 30 differennt ad exchages which means accessing more traffic than you can ever imagine over 200 countries worldwide. The cost wouldn't be a problem since it's a self-serve RTB you can bid whichever rate you would think would be best suitable for the campaign. Another great thing about this is that they have a brand safe inventory which is accessible through static banners. DSPs usually providereportings on their platform which is far better than getting separate reports from various blogs, article and sites. Creating a buzz in the world wide web is the best way to get more people interested in something new and investing in CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) is the perfect fit to achieve that goal.
To sum it all up, you're creating a mobile campaign using static banners to ensure bot free traffic at a very cheap and affordable cost and you can view the reportings on one area which is very convenient. Learn more about Bluagile by visiting the site:
bluagile . com
Dear colleagues!
In this text below, I want to warn you about the scam danger from "Advertze" company.
We signed the traffic purchase agreement, made the prepayment of $2000 and after that Advertze disappeared.
I'll give you a summary of the situation that happened while negotiating with Advertze.
Our company, Hotger, is the user of MyMediaAds platform, which was the reason of finding and choosing Advertze.
We contacted Aaron Lopez, a manager of the company and the dialogue was started right away.
We have signed the document and received signed invoice for $2000. We did the payment for this invoice by bank transfer and sent the Swift payment confirmation, then we asked them to confirm the payment receiving. After that our partners disappeared, no one answered the phone or email.
We decided to contact Advertze the other way. Our manager added Aaron Lopez( the one who disappeared after payment) on skype. He answered surprisingly quick, started asking about work details and about prepayment!during the discussion Aaron Looez asked for email address. Because we all have same domain it was probably familiar to him. As soon as he saw the email address Aaron disappeared within 2 minutes and deleted our manager from skype and never contacted us again.
This second situation left no doubt, that Advetze is a scam company. They steal not only money but your precious work time.
This is why we want to spread this information as much as possible. Dear colleagues, our company Hotger is warning you, to avoid any contact with Advertze company. Beware of scammers never discuss any prepayments. We, Hotger company, strongly believe that this text should be spread as much as possible in order to avoid the same situation that happened to us.
Wishing you peace, happiness and good honest partnerships.

INTRO TO ADABOUTS ENHANCED RTB | Beta Release Coming Soon | We Want Your Input!

Like you, we want every impression to live up to its FULL EARNINGS POTENTIAL!
With the AdAbouts “hassle-free” and lightweight SDK:
• All demand sources are integrated server-side.
• You benefit immediately from new demand partners.
• 100% visibility into bids from all demand sources on every impression.
• Our algorithms select ads based on relevancy for optimal earnings performance.
We’re building our platform to receive bids in parallel from all integrated demand partners. Our technology also optimizes ad selection with algorithms that predict user engagement. Why choose ads based exclusively on the highest bid when engagement and bids work in tandem to drive earnings? You’ll know it’s working because we provide a VALUE SCORE with every impression. A-B test and see the results for your self.
Our platform is built from our own frustration with inefficiency and sub-optimal results. The status quo is no longer good enough! We’re standing up to the monetization establishment to lead a REVENUE REVOLUTION
We're releasing a beta version in May. You can Join the Movement pre-release in a few ways…
1. Stop by our site and sign up at AdAbouts - adabouts dot com
2. Join the conversation and give us feedback at - appmonitizationstrategies dot com
3. Become an AdAbouts beta tester on release - [email protected]
[email protected]

PSA: Hexxa- Using copyright, trademark, IP theft to promote their smartwatch.

So not only is Hexxa stealing from my work, they have also decided to steal from custom face makers, TAG Heuer and ROLEX.
I discovered the method for addition of custom skins and wrote the guide.
Multiple members on XDA Developers created some of the watch faces.
TAG Heuer and Rolex were the original creators of the watches homaged by those XDA members.
So Hexxa has violated copyrights, trademarks and IP to sell their Android Smartwatch . And this isn't the first time either. Not that long ago they pirated SWApp Link from Cyril Preiss. If they are looking to run their company into the ground, they sure are doing it right.
Proof on their own website
The rar they posted containing work from xda members
And to top it all off, they claim to own the work they stole as well as the TAG and Rolex name and logos
"Unless expressly stated otherwise, the contents of this subdomain, including without limitation, text, images, sounds, animations, graphics, buttons, computer programs or databases, as well as its design, navigation structure and programming, are owned by ALTAFIT MANAGEMENT GROUP, SL or have the necessary authorization for use. "
Lokifish Marz said:
So not only is Hexxa stealing from my work, they have also decided to steal from custom face makers, TAG Heuer and ROLEX.
I discovered the method for addition of custom skins and wrote the guide.
Multiple members on XDA Developers created some of the watch faces.
TAG Heuer and Rolex were the original creators of the watches homaged by those XDA members.
So Hexxa has violated copyrights, trademarks and IP to sell their Android Smartwatch . And this isn't the first time either. Not that long ago they pirated SWApp Link from Cyril Preiss. If they are looking to run their company into the ground, they sure are doing it right.
Proof on their own website
The rar they posted containing work from xda members
And to top it all off, they claim to own the work they stole as well as the TAG and Rolex name and logos
"Unless expressly stated otherwise, the contents of this subdomain, including without limitation, text, images, sounds, animations, graphics, buttons, computer programs or databases, as well as its design, navigation structure and programming, are owned by ALTAFIT MANAGEMENT GROUP, SL or have the necessary authorization for use. "
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
unbelievable !!!!!!
I guess there's no recourse ?
pablo11 said:
unbelievable !!!!!!
I guess there's no recourse ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Get a line of communication open with TAG and Rolex and give them a heads up. As far as any other stolen works, depends on the country's laws.
They have deleted the thread.
I have a friend who has the clock, I can request a copy of the rom
My friend tells me that applications and areas do not have them on your watch.
I think it's a mention
Hello everyone, @Lokifish Marz, @pablo11, @ganjah
* We are team members HEXXA team.
We want to apologize for the misunderstanding.
We have deleted the tutorial with instructions to add skins.
Is there any way we can work together without problems?
It was not our intention.
We can upload the ROM for you to check which areas are not included, nor the application of Ciryl Swapp link.
Cityl contact us, to convey their dissatisfaction with the tutorial.
We thought it would be good to recommend its application so that the user could download from its website, in our devices not installed.
It was a grave error on our part, we want to apologize to all concerned.
We are at your disposal for any doubt, [email protected]
We would like to collaborate with the community.
Apologies once again.
Thank you for posting an apology. In return I offer a few key points to consider for the future.
If you want to use guides done by somebody else, I'm personally fine as long as credits are given but asking the author is always the best thing as others may not. If you want to use original faces you find here and in the G+ community, you need to contact the creators. "Homage" faces as a big risk for a company and should be avoided. If Watchmakers have no issue going after the makers of free faces, imagine what they will do to a company. As far as using custom firmware, or fixes from custom firmware, that you find here or elsewhere, you need to contact the developer. The primary issue was that without proper attribution, your website's legal terms effectively state that you own, or have permission to use, anything found on your site.
Generally, the Android community is fine with use of work by other users with attribution, however use/redistribution by a company is where most draw the line. So when in doubt, ask the creator of the work first as many known creator's name is their brand.
Lokifish Marz

From where to biuld simple Forum based android app for at most 20k employess??

1) employee sign up (20k)
2) get contact details from them.
3) generate emp ID based on location, department etc..
4) forum
5) some entertainment to foster good relationship.
Goal of this app: To enrich the brand value of the company & having better output by improving relationship, sharing & caring among employees.
Objective: Building a database having contact details of all employees. 20k in 3 months. And atleast 1% participating in activities daily.
Strategy: fish traffic attaching entertainment in the hook.
Tactics not sure.. any idea??
Which app builder would be best in cost effective way... please shoot me as much as idea you can think of. ... may be you already guessed how amature app make I could be!!!

BiscayApp: App Contest

Hello everyone,
I'm writing from the Provincial Council of Biscay. At the moment, we are working on an international mobile app contest called BiscayApp. Good thing about this contest is that it is open for developed mobile apps, but also for ideas for mobile apps (no need for them to be developed yet).
This contest has four categories: silver economy, data intelligence, energy, and advanced manufacturing. You can find the explanation for all the categories in our website.
Once you submit your app through a form that you can also find in our website, you would just have to wait for us to contact you by mid September, if we consider you are a finalist.
If you are indeed considered a finalist, you will need to come to the final gala in October (date yet unknown). But the trip to Spain (travel and accommodation) will be fully covered by us.
Plus, the prizes are great:
-€2.000 if you win your category.
-€10.000 if you win the contest as the "overall winning app", and support from the Provincial Council of Biscay for the implementation of your project in the Basque Country.
Be quick! The registration period ends the 30th of June.
I hope you all find this interesting. If you have any enquiries please do not hestitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.
Let us know your thoughts!
