[REQUEST] Device Log - One (M8) General

If someone could do me a favor and run (as root, on their HTC One M8):
find /sys | grep uevent | grep mmc > /sdcard/log.txt
find /sys | grep uevent | grep adb >> /sdcard/log.txt
find /sys | grep uevent | grep input >> /sdcard/log.txt
find /sys | grep uevent | grep usb >> /sdcard/log.txt
echo -------------------- >> /sdcard/log.txt
ls -na /dev/block/platform/*/*/by-name >> /sdcard/log.txt
Then, from your computer, run (with the device connected and adb enabled):
adb pull /sdcard/log.txt
and PM me the results. Thanks.
If anyone's curious and hasn't already noticed, I'm going to try to port a highly used feature in which the Nexus devices are officially supported. But I can not do this myself because I do not have an HTC One M8. :/


[Q]zipalign on boot code

Hey there
I just found out that robocik zipalign on boot code was as same as maxisma ones
# Automatic ZipAlign by Wes Garner
# ZipAlign files in /data that have not been previously ZipAligned (using md5sum)
# Thanks to oknowton for the changes
# Changelog:
# 1.1 (12/1/09) Switched to zipalign -c 4 to check the apk instead of MD5 (oknowton)
# 1.0 (11/30/09) Original
if [ -e $LOG_FILE ]; then
[B]echo "Starting Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
for apk in /system/sd/app/*.apk ; do[/B]
zipalign -c 4 $apk;
if [ $ZIPCHECK -eq 1 ]; then
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
zipalign -f 4 $apk /cache/$(basename $apk);
if [ -e /cache/$(basename $apk) ]; then
cp -f -p /cache/$(basename $apk) $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
rm /cache/$(basename $apk);
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) Failed | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo ZipAlign already completed on $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
if [ -e $LOG_FILE ]; then
[B]echo "Starting DC Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
for apk in /data/app/*.apk ; do[/B]
zipalign -c 4 $apk;
if [ $ZIPCHECK -eq 1 ]; then
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
zipalign -f 4 $apk /cache/$(basename $apk);
if [ -e /cache/$(basename $apk) ]; then
cp -f -p /cache/$(basename $apk) $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
rm /cache/$(basename $apk);
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) Failed DC | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo DCZipAlign already completed on $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
I have bold the differences between this two codes
So are this two codes work the same? Does it need /system/bin/sh in order to run the command line? If I change the #!/system/bin/sh (the first line) to #!/system/xbin/bash,will it work too? If I have don't have the bash file in /system/xbin/ ,will it work too? Are bash and sh the same?
BTW,erasmux's boot OC pack also included a 09betterzipalign in it (he said it wasn't his)
Here is the code
SYSTEM=$(mount|grep "/system "|awk '{ print $1 }')
function mountrw {
mount | grep "/system " | grep rw >/dev/null || mount -o remount,rw $SYSTEM /system
function mountro {
mount | grep "/system " | grep ro >/dev/null || mount -o remount,ro $SYSTEM /system
[ -e $LOG_FILE ] && rm $LOG_FILE
echo "Starting FV Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
for DIR in /system/app /data/app /data/app-private ; do
cd $DIR
for APK in *.apk ; do
if [ $APK -ot $ZIPALIGNDB ] && [ $(grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB|wc -l) -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "Already checked: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
zipalign -c 4 $APK
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Already aligned: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB > /dev/null || echo $DIR/$APK >> $ZIPALIGNDB
echo "Now aligning: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
zipalign -f 4 $APK /cache/$APK
cp -f -p /cache/$APK $APK
rm -f /cache/$APK
grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB > /dev/null || echo $DIR/$APK >> $ZIPALIGNDB
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
the first line is #!/system/xbin/bash,so it needs the bash file in the /system/xbin folder in order to work,rite? Is it the same as robocik and maxisma code?
What is this?
make something clear!!
robocik's script looks for apks to zipalign at "/system/sd/app/"
while Maxisma's looks at "/data/app/"
When looking at the dirs, robably robocik's mounts things as well in another script. Maybe apps2sd?
The first long line is quite unimportant, it just states "hey I'm zipalign and ready to work", with different names/texts.
I believed bash was based on sh, can't tell for sure. I always learned to follow the sh guidelines to get max compability. Maybe some linux-expert can tell you for sure, or just try to google it a little
riemervdzee said:
robocik's script looks for apks to zipalign at "/system/sd/app/"
while Maxisma's looks at "/data/app/"
When looking at the dirs, robably robocik's mounts things as well in another script. Maybe apps2sd?
The first long line is quite unimportant, it just states "hey I'm zipalign and ready to work", with different names/texts.
I believed bash was based on sh, can't tell for sure. I always learned to follow the sh guidelines to get max compability. Maybe some linux-expert can tell you for sure, or just try to google it a little
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After some hours of research,I found out most of the ROM in XDA all include sh file (I didn't check all of it but most of them included sh file) but not all included bash file (10 out of 4 rom included bash file),this means in order to run the code,I need bash file in xbin (did a adb logcat and found out a line that says busybox runparts - blah blah blah /system/etc/init.d/09betterzipalign [the one that has #!/system/xbin/bash line on it] error running something like that)
BTW,robocik and maxisma one are almost the same,how can robocik ones can zipalign /system/sd/app/,he didn't change the code or anything,just type in the log file,thats all...
One more thing,y can't we run zipalign-on-boot on all the apps that were installed through the Android Market or wasn't installed on the /data/app?
Ng LC said:
Hey there
I just found out that robocik zipalign on boot code was as same as maxisma ones
# Automatic ZipAlign by Wes Garner
# ZipAlign files in /data that have not been previously ZipAligned (using md5sum)
# Thanks to oknowton for the changes
# Changelog:
# 1.1 (12/1/09) Switched to zipalign -c 4 to check the apk instead of MD5 (oknowton)
# 1.0 (11/30/09) Original
if [ -e $LOG_FILE ]; then
[B]echo "Starting Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
for apk in /system/sd/app/*.apk ; do[/B]
zipalign -c 4 $apk;
if [ $ZIPCHECK -eq 1 ]; then
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
zipalign -f 4 $apk /cache/$(basename $apk);
if [ -e /cache/$(basename $apk) ]; then
cp -f -p /cache/$(basename $apk) $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
rm /cache/$(basename $apk);
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) Failed | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo ZipAlign already completed on $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
if [ -e $LOG_FILE ]; then
[B]echo "Starting DC Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
for apk in /data/app/*.apk ; do[/B]
zipalign -c 4 $apk;
if [ $ZIPCHECK -eq 1 ]; then
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
zipalign -f 4 $apk /cache/$(basename $apk);
if [ -e /cache/$(basename $apk) ]; then
cp -f -p /cache/$(basename $apk) $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
rm /cache/$(basename $apk);
echo ZipAligning $(basename $apk) Failed DC | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo DCZipAlign already completed on $apk | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE;
I have bold the differences between this two codes
So are this two codes work the same? Does it need /system/bin/sh in order to run the command line? If I change the #!/system/bin/sh (the first line) to #!/system/xbin/bash,will it work too? If I have don't have the bash file in /system/xbin/ ,will it work too? Are bash and sh the same?
BTW,erasmux's boot OC pack also included a 09betterzipalign in it (he said it wasn't his)
Here is the code
SYSTEM=$(mount|grep "/system "|awk '{ print $1 }')
function mountrw {
mount | grep "/system " | grep rw >/dev/null || mount -o remount,rw $SYSTEM /system
function mountro {
mount | grep "/system " | grep ro >/dev/null || mount -o remount,ro $SYSTEM /system
[ -e $LOG_FILE ] && rm $LOG_FILE
echo "Starting FV Automatic ZipAlign $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
for DIR in /system/app /data/app /data/app-private ; do
cd $DIR
for APK in *.apk ; do
if [ $APK -ot $ZIPALIGNDB ] && [ $(grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB|wc -l) -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "Already checked: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
zipalign -c 4 $APK
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Already aligned: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB > /dev/null || echo $DIR/$APK >> $ZIPALIGNDB
echo "Now aligning: $DIR/$APK" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
zipalign -f 4 $APK /cache/$APK
cp -f -p /cache/$APK $APK
rm -f /cache/$APK
grep "$DIR/$APK" $ZIPALIGNDB > /dev/null || echo $DIR/$APK >> $ZIPALIGNDB
echo "Automatic ZipAlign finished at $( date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" )" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
the first line is #!/system/xbin/bash,so it needs the bash file in the /system/xbin folder in order to work,rite? Is it the same as robocik and maxisma code?
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Thanks mate, getting this error
I//system/xbin/busybox( 1215): /system/etc/init.d/97zipalign: line 24: tee: command not found
I//system/xbin/busybox( 1215): /system/etc/init.d/97zipalign: line 15: tee: command not found
I//system/xbin/busybox( 1215): /system/etc/init.d/97zipalign: line 16: basename: command not found
I//system/xbin/busybox( 1215): /system/etc/init.d/97zipalign: line 15: basename: command not found
Any idea?

[DEV/TOOL] Automated(ish) T-Mobile Theme Generator

A script I've been working on for a couple of days. Still a work in progress so if you suck less, I could use improvements. It's real simple:
** Put this script in a stock theme template like Cyanbread
1.) Place a source ROM you want to theme for, the base ROM/THROM you're taking images from and a stock theme template (like Cyanbread) and set them in the script at the top.
2.) Modify the script as needed (it's not done as of this writing) and set verbosity out the output, etc.
2.) Run the script and it will do the work
The code should be pretty self explanatory and I'll update it as I go. Just about finished at this point.
Screenshot shows you what it does
# ------------------------- Set theme name TODO
# themeName=$(cat Android.mk | grep LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME | sed 's/^LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME\s:=\s//g')
# read -p "Enter theme name. Enter for default [$themeName]: " REPLY
# REPLY=${REPLY:-$themeName}
# echo "Theme name is $themeName"
# ------------------------- for testing to spare the parameters
# my example:
# SRCROM=~/GBSense2.1/
# BASEROM=~/cm_glacier_full-42/
# running this script from ~/haxzamatic-Templatebread--918313e/
cd $1/app
if [ ! -d $1/app/Browser/ ]; then # need apktool for drawables
#apktool if framework/framework_res.apk
#if [ -e framework/com.htc.resources.apk ]; then
# apktool if framework/com.htc.resources.apk
for i in `ls $1/app/*.apk`; do echo "Decompiling $i"; apktool d $i; done
cd ../framework
for i in `ls $1/framework/*.apk`; do echo "Decompiling $i"; apktool d $i; done
echo "Already decompiled"
decompile_rom $SRCROM/system
decompile_rom $BASEROM/system
rm $DSTROM/res/xml/*.xml
echo "" > appendleftovers.tmp
# ------------------------- Log file purge and title
cat <<EOF > $LOGFILE
Missing files from $SRCROM
# ------------------------- Redirections.xml
cat <<EOF > res/xml/redirections.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# ------------------------- Android.xml
echo "<resource-redirections>">$DSTROM/res/xml/android.xml
# ------------------------- Main Loop
find "$BASEROM" -type f -name "*.png" | while read fimg; do
# ------------------------- Base Params
FIMGFNAME=$(cat $(dirname $fimg)"/../../apktool.yml" | grep "apkFileName" | sed 's/apkFileName:\s//g' | sed 's/\.apk//g' )
FIMGPNAME=$(cat $(dirname $fimg)"/../../AndroidManifest.xml" | grep "package" | tr " " "\n" | grep package= | cut -d \" -f 2)
if [ $FIMGPNAME = "android" ]; then FIMGPNAME=framework_res; fi
FIMGDNAME=$(echo $(dirname $fimg) | sed "s/\(.*\)\///" )
if [ "$FIMGFNAME" = "framework-res" ] || [ "$FIMGFNAME" = "com.htc.resources" ]; then wp="framework"
else wp="app"
# -------------------------
SRCFILENAME=$(echo $(basename $fimg))
DSTFILENAME=$(echo $(echo $FIMGPNAME|sed 's/\./_/g')"_$(basename $fimg)")
BSEFILENAME=$(echo $(basename $fimg))
# -------------------------
[ -d res ] || mkdir res
[ -d res/$FIMGDNAME ] || mkdir res/$FIMGDNAME
# -------------------------
# ------------------------- Redirections.xml
thispname=$(cat $(dirname $fimg)"/../../AndroidManifest.xml" | grep "package" | tr " " "\n" | grep package= | cut -d \" -f 2)
if ! grep -iq $thispname $DSTROM/res/xml/redirections.xml ; then
echo "<package-redirections android:name=\"$thispname\" android:minSdkVersion=\"7\" android:resource=\"@xml/$(echo $thispname|sed 's/\./_/g')\" />" >>$DSTROM/res/xml/redirections.xml
# ------------------------- Android.xml
drawrsrc=$(echo $SRCFILENAME | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/' | sed 's/\.9//g')
drawrdst=$(echo $DSTFILENAME | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/' | sed 's/\.9//g')
echo "<item name=\"@drawable/$drawrsrc\">@drawable/$drawrdst</item>" >>$DSTROM/res/xml/android.xml
# ------------------------- Package Redirections
drawrfnamenoext=$(echo $drawrsrc | sed 's/\./_/g')
dstfilenameparsed=$(echo $drawrdst | sed 's/\./_/g')
dstredirfname=`echo "$DSTROM/res/xml/$(echo $FIMGPNAME | sed 's/\./_/g').xml"`
if [ ! -f $dstredirfname ]; then
cat <<EOF > $dstredirfname
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
echo "$dstredirfname" >> appendleftovers.tmp
echo "<item name=\"drawable/$drawrfnamenoext\">@drawable/$dstfilenameparsed</item>" >>$dstredirfname
#echo "1.) $fimg" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "2.) $FIMGFNAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "3.) $FIMGPNAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "4.) $FIMGDNAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "5.) $SRCFILEPATH" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "6.) $SRCFILENAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "7.) $DSTFILEPATH" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "8.) $DSTFILENAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "9.) $BSEFILEPATH" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "10.)$BSEFILENAME" >> $LOGFILE
#echo "------------------------------" >> $LOGFILE
# echo "1.) $fimg"
# echo "2.) $FIMGFNAME"
# echo "3.) $FIMGPNAME"
# echo "4.) $FIMGDNAME"
# echo "5.) $SRCFILEPATH"
# echo "6.) $SRCFILENAME"
# echo "7.) $DSTFILEPATH"
# echo "8.) $DSTFILENAME"
# echo "9.) $BSEFILEPATH"
# echo "10.)$BSEFILENAME"
# echo "------------------------------"
# ------------------------- Example output:
# 1.) ~/cm_glacier_full-42/system/app/Browser/res/drawable-hdpi/fav_icn_background.png
# 2.) Browser
# 3.) com.android.browser
# 4.) drawable-hdpi
# 5.) ~/GBSense2.1/system/app/Browser/res/drawable-hdpi/
# 6.) fav_icn_background.png
# 7.) ~/haxzamatic-Templatebread--918313e/system/app/Browser/res/drawable-hdpi/
# 8.) com_android_browser_fav_icn_background.png
# 9.) ~/cm_glacier_full-42/system/app/Browser/res/drawable-hdpi/
# 10.)fav_icn_background.png
# ------------------------- Close out the XML tags
echo "</resource-redirections>">>$DSTROM/res/xml/android.xml
echo "</theme-redirections>">>$DSTROM/res/xml/redirections.xml
cat $DSTROM/appendleftovers.tmp | while read thistmp; do
echo "</resource-redirections>" >> $thistmp
rm $DSTROM/appendleftovers.tmp
echo "FINISHED:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"
reserved for spam

connect KF via Telnet

sorry for my poor English,,,
rooted, busybox needed,
adb shell
vi /data/opentel.sh
# cat /data/opentel.sh
busybox telnetd -l /system/bin/sh
echo " "
echo "Telnetd Service Running..."
busybox ifconfig | grep 'inet addr' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}'
sleep 1
#echo " "
#echo "PID:"
var1=`busybox ps | grep telnetd | grep '/system/bin/sh' | awk '{print $1}'`
echo TELNET_PID=${var1}
echo " end"
sava, and exit vi editor,
chmod 755 /data/opentel.sh
Open Root Explorer, Then add this Shell Script to BookMark,
Everytime When need to telnet your KF, just Open R.E and run this BookMark ,
and run cmd "telnet KF_IP_ADDR" on PC,
I exec shell script with Tasker. That's works fine. and the script can run on booting.

[Q] Busybox 'sh' Issue Help

I am trying to get CIFS working on my tablet per the instructions on this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2003836
I have busybox installed and have created the script below, but whenever I run the script in terminal emulator or Script Manager I get:
not founds/bin/mountscript.sh[2]:
not founds/bin/mountscript.sh[9]:
I have also tried the busybox ash to no avail.
It seems like variables are not being set. What would cause this?
# Your settings here
# If you need to change the mount command edit this
mount -t cifs \
-o \
unc=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$IPADDRESS\\\\\\\\$SHARE \
insmod /sdcard/mods/md4.ko; \
insmod /sdcard/mods/nls_utf8.ko; \
insmod /sdcard/mods/cifs.ko; \
# Starting ADB...
PORT=`getprop service.adb.tcp.port`
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
adb connect localhost
echo adm connected
# Make sure we only use the first device (sometimes there is more than one)
echo serial being set
SERIAL=`adb devices | head -n2 | tail -n1 | cut -f1`
if [ "$SERIAL" = "" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Could not find ADB device.";
echo Mounting share via adb...
adb -s $SERIAL shell su -c "$COMMANDS"
# If you started adb, then stop it here for security:
adb disconnect localhost
stop adbd
setprop service.adb.tcp.port $PORT
start adbd
RESULT=`mount | grep $MOUNT_POINT`
if [ "$RESULT" = "" ]; then
echo "Mounting failed..."
echo "Mounting sucess!"
echo Done... You may close this script window.

[NO ROOT] Amazon Fire TV Setup Tool [ Kills Amazon Launcher + XFINITY STREAM 2017 ]

Hello everyone!
I have had to set up quite a few of these sticks, so I wanted to start a little development tool to automate the process.
This is just a stupid bash script but it will make your TV usable without ads by installing Launcher Hijack 3 and configuring it for you and X43Stream. If anyone has requests I will work on this further. Leanback will not work, someone needs to mod it.
echo "Please ensure you are already connected and adb is installed correctly."
sleep 1
echo "Installing Launcher Hijack 3 (LH3).."
adb install "LauncherHijack3.apk"
echo "Installing TV Launcher.."
adb install "TVLauncher.apk"
echo "Installing XFinity Stream latest July 2017.."
adb install "X43Stream.apk"
echo "Opening LH3.."
adb shell am start -n com.baronkiko.launcherhijack/.MainActivity
sleep 3
echo "Selecting new launcher.."
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell am start -n com.awe.dev.pro.tv/.Launcher
echo "Enjoy, try out the home button!"
echo "It may not work every time, press again, work in progress :)"
or download it:
Thank you so much, I can't root my fire TV and I'm sick and tired of the Amazon launcher. I will be setting it up tomorrow. Will post back with results
Nvmd, finally got it.
This can be ran as a straight native Windows batch without having to install Bash support. Replace "sleep 1" with "timeout -t 1"
(or you can just paste ^^ into a properly connected ADB console with apks in the right places, will fail on "sleep 1" but it worked for me)
EDIT: Also works fine with Tvlauncher 2 rename the apk to tvlauncher like in the package and thanks OP! Home button seems to work fine for me!
installation help
Please help me install this fire tv setup tool i have a newer fire tv and dont know what to do with the download. i am not a pro but can follow directions and i hate the fire tv launcher.
Please help
Thank You
1. open a command prompt to the directory that contains ADB and put everything from the download in the same folder.
2. in the console window "adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" where the x's are your IP of your FireTV\Stick (no quotes)
3. cut\paste the script from above into the console (cmd) window and run it...
4. it will error on "sleep 1" but continue and finish fine. If you want to correct the script for Windows batch scripting, replace "sleep 1" with "timeout -t 1" and save it as a .bat file.
I don't understand why this was only posted as a bash script (it is the best non-root hack there is). Windows doesn't support bash out of the box, and 99 percent of the people who download the script wont know what to do with it. BTW this works, and even works with other launchers. I use Tv launcher 2 which supports (its own special) widgets. No root. Never see the amazon launcher. Block updates, and do it asap.
EDIT: Fire Stick 2 fyi
So do we need to use the tvlauncher apk for the xfinity app to work?
What is the tv launcher? Same UI as the newer aftv ui (-ads?)
Only reason I don't just jump in and test it is Im not 100%sure how to undo it. Just uninstall the apks?
UPDATE-I just went for it and it works....sort of.
It immediately launches the new UI but after setting it up, when I hit the home button it just returns to the normal AFTV launcher.
***This is actually preferable to me since all I really wanted was the Xfinity stream app to work. I tried just extracting the apk and installing it on my other Fire TV but it said incompatible.
First I would like to say thank you for a great tool to use on non rooted devices, I love it.
One thing i noticed is, that most people still won't know what to do with this tool so i will try and help explain better
-download adb and install it, if you haven't already
-download the file OP has at top of post
-extract the zip file
-copy and paste the code at top of OP into NOTEPAD
-change every spot that says "Sleep 1", erase that and copy and paste this there instead "timeout -t 1
-click file at the top left in notepad and click save as name it FireTV.bat
-goto your adb folder of install, usually C:\Program Files (x86)
-erase the "sh file" in the file you downloaded and extracted from the OP earlier
-put the new FireTV.bat you just made in that folder you just erased the "sh file" from
-now put all of those files into the adb folder you just opened and found,"launcher hijack apk, TVLauncher apk, x43Stream apk and your FireTV.bat files."
-hold on shift and right click with your mouse to open and command promnt here, if that doesn't show powershell works as well, it depends on your windows version.
-type "adb connect or whatever you ip is for your FIreTV, this is found by going to settings, device, about and scroll down to network and it will list your IP
-if right it will say connected to device
-now simply left click hold and drag the FireTV.bat file you just created into the command promt and press enter
-that is it should work just fine.
I usually don't do this so I hope I helped a little bit.
Ok, just tried this, works pretty flawless. Sometimes you have to press home a couple times to get it to work(but that's no big deal). One thing i did notice though, if you have appstarter/firestarter (forget its name) it launches it instead, simple fix is to uninstall it then run the .bat again.
Does this work on firestick as well? Would hate to mess something up lol.
For anyone wondering, no this does not work on firestick, it will install the apps but thats it.
TimmyP said:
This can be ran as a straight native Windows batch without having to install Bash support. Replace "sleep 1" with "timeout -t 1"
(or you can just paste ^^ into a properly connected ADB console with apks in the right places, will fail on "sleep 1" but it worked for me)
EDIT: Also works fine with Tvlauncher 2 rename the apk to tvlauncher like in the package and thanks OP! Home button seems to work fine for me!
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Click to collapse
Do you have a safe download link for the Tvlauncher 2 apk? Also so all I do is change Tvlauncher in the script to Tvlauncher2 and replace the apk in the download file?
Would it be possible to add a app killer similar to firestarter when you press the menu key, even if just to launch system default app manager? If it had that i think it'd be perfect.
Can anyone add screenshots or video of what this looks like when completed?
enigma7820 said:
First I would like to say thank you for a great tool to use on non rooted devices, I love it.
One thing i noticed is, that most people still won't know what to do with this tool so i will try and help explain better
-download adb and install it, if you haven't already
-download the file OP has at top of post
-extract the zip file
-copy and paste the code at top of OP into NOTEPAD
-change every spot that says "Sleep 1", erase that and copy and paste this there instead "timeout -t 1
-click file at the top left in notepad and click save as name it FireTV.bat
-goto your adb folder of install, usually C:\Program Files (x86)
-erase the "sh file" in the file you downloaded and extracted from the OP earlier
-put the new FireTV.bat you just made in that folder you just erased the "sh file" from
-now put all of those files into the adb folder you just opened and found,"launcher hijack apk, TVLauncher apk, x43Stream apk and your FireTV.bat files."
-hold on shift and right click with your mouse to open and command promnt here, if that doesn't show powershell works as well, it depends on your windows version.
-type "adb connect or whatever you ip is for your FIreTV, this is found by going to settings, device, about and scroll down to network and it will list your IP
-if right it will say connected to device
-now simply left click hold and drag the FireTV.bat file you just created into the command promt and press enter
-that is it should work just fine.
I usually don't do this so I hope I helped a little bit.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Very helpful but I had to correct a few lines:
-There was a "Sleep 3" I had to change to "timeout -t 3"
-In powershell I had to type ".\adb connect 192.168.xx.xxx" to get it to work.
-The left click hold and drag the FireTV.bat file didn't do anything so I just typed "FireTV.bat" on the command prompt and it ran.
Thanks for your help.
nyln said:
Hello everyone!
I have had to set up quite a few of these sticks, so I wanted to start a little development tool to automate the process.
This is just a stupid bash script but it will make your TV usable without ads by installing Launcher Hijack 3 and configuring it for you and X43Stream. If anyone has requests I will work on this further. Leanback will not work, someone needs to mod it.
echo "Please ensure you are already connected and adb is installed correctly."
sleep 1
echo "Installing Launcher Hijack 3 (LH3).."
adb install "LauncherHijack3.apk"
echo "Installing TV Launcher.."
adb install "TVLauncher.apk"
echo "Installing XFinity Stream latest July 2017.."
adb install "X43Stream.apk"
echo "Opening LH3.."
adb shell am start -n com.baronkiko.launcherhijack/.MainActivity
sleep 3
echo "Selecting new launcher.."
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell am start -n com.awe.dev.pro.tv/.Launcher
echo "Enjoy, try out the home button!"
echo "It may not work every time, press again, work in progress :)"
or download it:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The sendspace link is very slow,
Here is a direct download link: https://ipfs.works/ipfs/QmXnYYH5iSnsa4DQdQED8RapgM4pA7v6EV3bzfGdoR9sMp/Amazon_Fire_TV_Setup_Tool.zip
md5sum: 8847a2b99afee549e2f5f973d86bfa51
Thread cleaned. XDA-Developers is a site for all, including those whose main languages and experience levels may vary.
If you're unwilling or unable to treat people with the civility we all deserve, kindly consider a break away from the keyboard.
Thank you all for your cooperation.
Sorry Somehow my post posted twice! not sure how to delete it so i'm editing this one
nyln said:
Hello everyone!
I have had to set up quite a few of these sticks, so I wanted to start a little development tool to automate the process.
This is just a stupid bash script but it will make your TV usable without ads by installing Launcher Hijack 3 and configuring it for you and X43Stream. If anyone has requests I will work on this further. Leanback will not work, someone needs to mod it.
echo "Please ensure you are already connected and adb is installed correctly."
sleep 1
echo "Installing Launcher Hijack 3 (LH3).."
adb install "LauncherHijack3.apk"
echo "Installing TV Launcher.."
adb install "TVLauncher.apk"
echo "Installing XFinity Stream latest July 2017.."
adb install "X43Stream.apk"
echo "Opening LH3.."
adb shell am start -n com.baronkiko.launcherhijack/.MainActivity
sleep 3
echo "Selecting new launcher.."
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell am start -n com.awe.dev.pro.tv/.Launcher
echo "Enjoy, try out the home button!"
echo "It may not work every time, press again, work in progress :)"
or download it:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm assuming this is using adb tcpip? I have a very Epic setup of bash scripts for setting up Fire Devices. I made it for my brother.
Anyways here is the chunk of code will grab your current connected networks and provide a list to choose from. Example if you have to it would show: & . When you choose one it will scan your network for Fire Devices with port 5555 open and present you with a list of found devices. You can choose to connect to a specific one or connect to them all.
There is a lot of extra code in this that needs to be removed. Right now i dont have the time to clean it up so hopefully you can! Also this chunk of code requires nmap to be installed. FYI This runs on Kali Linux but should work on other distro's but you may have to account for sudo usage.
function NetworkScan() {
function GetNetworks() {
echo -e "\n\n"
cd $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g") &>/dev/null
TotalConnectedDevices="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
ConnectedDevices="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | grep -iv "offline" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
ConnectedOffline="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | grep -i "offline" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
prompt="$(echo -e "\e[96m][NT3L][G3NC][ NetworkPicker Menu:\e[0m")"
IP=$(for file in $(ifconfig | egrep -o "wlan.:|eth.:" | cut -d" " -f1 | sed -e "s/://g"); do ip addr show $file | grep -w inet | cut -d"/" -f1 |sed -e 's/\<inet\>//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | grep "[1-9][0-9]" | cut -d'.' -f1,2,3; done | sort | uniq)
options=( $(for file in $(echo "$IP"); do echo "$file.1/24"; done | sort | uniq | xargs -0) )
echo -e " $prompt $TotalConnectedDevices "
echo -e " [\e[96m$ConnectedOffline\e[0m]----------------------------------[\e[96m$ConnectedDevices\e[0m]"
echo -e " $RemoteKodi "
echo -e ""
select opt in "${options[@]}" "All" ; do
if [[ $REPLY = 'QUIT' || $REPLY = 'quit' ]] ; then
exit 1
elif (( REPLY == 1 + ${#options[@]} )) ; then
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif (( REPLY > 0 && REPLY <= ${#options[@]} )) ; then
NetworkScan "$opt"
echo -e "Invalid option. Try another one."
sleep 2 &>/dev/null
Args=( $(for file in $(echo "[email protected]"); do echo "$file" ; done | xargs -0) )
if [ "$ArgsCount" = '0' ]
echo "${Args[@]}" | grep "\.1/24" &>/dev/null
if [ "$?" = '0' ]
options=( $(for file in $(echo ${Args[@]}); do nmap -p 5555 $file -oG - | grep "open" | cut -d" " -f2 ; done | xargs -0) )
options=( $(for file in $(echo ${Args[@]}); do echo $file ; done | xargs -0) )
echo -e "\n\n"
cd $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g") &>/dev/null
TotalConnectedDevices="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
ConnectedDevices="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | grep -iv "offline" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
ConnectedOffline="$(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "^$" | grep -iv "daemon" | grep -i "offline" | sort | uniq | wc -l)"
prompt="$(echo -e "\e[96m][NT3L][G3NC][ NetworkScan Menu:\e[0m")"
echo -e " $prompt $TotalConnectedDevices "
echo -e " [\e[96m$ConnectedOffline\e[0m]----------------------------------[\e[96m$ConnectedDevices\e[0m]"
echo -e " $RemoteKodi "
echo -e ""
select opt in "${options[@]}" "All" "Pick Network" ; do
if [[ $REPLY = 'QUIT' || $REPLY = 'quit' ]] ; then
exit 1
elif [[ $REPLY = 'KILL' || $REPLY = 'kill' ]] ; then
killall adb gnome-terminal xterm terminator &>/dev/null
exit 1
elif [[ $REPLY = 'LIST' || $REPLY = 'list' ]] ; then
$(declare -f ListDevicesConnected)
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'REFRESH' || $REPLY = 'refresh' || $REPLY = 'RELOAD' || $REPLY = 'reload' ]] ; then
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'FireStarter' || $REPLY = 'fIREsTARTER' ]] ; then
xterm -e $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g")/Scriptz/FireStarterUP.sh &
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'APK' || $REPLY = 'apk' ]] ; then
for apk in $(find $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g")/AApushApk/SendAPK -type f -iname "*.apk"); do adb install "$apk" ; done
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'REBOOT' || $REPLY = 'reboot' ]] ; then
$(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g")/Scriptz/RebootDevices.sh
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'stop' || $REPLY = 'STOP' ]] ; then
adb kill-server
adb start-server
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'HELP' || $REPLY = 'help' ]] ; then
echo -e "$(HelpMe)"
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'USBCHECK' || $REPLY = 'usbcheck' || $REPLY = 'usb' || $REPLY = 'USB' ]] ; then
terminator -e dmesg -wH &
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'html' || $REPLY = 'HTML' ]] ; then
xterm -e $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g")/Scriptz/GenerateHTML.sh
iceweasel $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e "s:/$::g")/ScreenShots/index.html &
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif [[ $REPLY = 'BACK' || $REPLY = 'back' || $REPLY = 'Menu' || $REPLY = 'menu' || $REPLY = 'MENU' ]] ; then
elif [[ $REPLY = 'UpdateKodi' || $REPLY = 'uPDATEkODI' ]] ; then
elif (( REPLY == 1 + ${#options[@]} )) ; then
for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do adb connect "$file" ; done
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
elif (( REPLY == 2 + ${#options[@]} )) ; then
elif (( REPLY > 0 && REPLY <= ${#options[@]} )) ; then
adb connect "$opt"
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
echo -e "Invalid option. Try another one."
sleep 2 &>/dev/null
NetworkScan $(for file in $(echo ${options[@]}); do echo -n "$file " ; done)
The chunk of code above is setup to be a Menu in the terminal. NetworkScan is just one of the Menu options. If you make a base Menu setup with options: "Network Scan" , "Install APKs", "Change Launcher" etc. you could have "Change Launcher" launch a script that would have something like this in it.
for DroidID in $(adb devices 2>/dev/null | grep -v "List" | grep -v "daemon" | grep -v "^$" | cut -f1)
xterm -e $(grep 'MainPath=' $HOME/.][NT3L][ST][CKS/main.conf | cut -d'=' -f2)/Scriptz/Clean.sh "$DroidID" &
The above script gets all connected devices and then loops through their serial starting another script while passing the serial as a parameter. You would need to make sure the script that gets ran applies the parameter as the serial. Example below is used to remove all 3rd party apps installed, data and then uninstall it
IsDeviceOffline="$(adb -s "$1" devices | grep "$1" | cut -f2)"
function AutoClean() {
echo -e ""
echo -e "Clearing App Data And Removing APKs"
for file in $(adb -s "$1" shell pm list packages -3 | cut -d':' -f2)
adb -s "$1" shell pm clear "$(echo "$file" | tr -d '\r')"
adb -s "$1" uninstall "$(echo "$file" | tr -d '\r' )"
echo -e ""
read -p "Finished Auto Cleaning"
echo -e "$IsDeviceOffline" | grep -i "offline" &>/dev/null
if [ "$?" != '0' ]
AutoClean "$SerialNum"
echo -e "Device:"$SerialNum" Is Offline!"
read -p "Exiting Script"
nyln said:
Hello everyone!
I have had to set up quite a few of these sticks, so I wanted to start a little development tool to automate the process.
This is just a stupid bash script but it will make your TV usable without ads by installing Launcher Hijack 3 and configuring it for you and X43Stream. If anyone has requests I will work on this further. Leanback will not work, someone needs to mod it.
echo "Please ensure you are already connected and adb is installed correctly."
sleep 1
echo "Installing Launcher Hijack 3 (LH3).."
adb install "LauncherHijack3.apk"
echo "Installing TV Launcher.."
adb install "TVLauncher.apk"
echo "Installing XFinity Stream latest July 2017.."
adb install "X43Stream.apk"
echo "Opening LH3.."
adb shell am start -n com.baronkiko.launcherhijack/.MainActivity
sleep 3
echo "Selecting new launcher.."
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell input keyevent 23
sleep 1
adb shell am start -n com.awe.dev.pro.tv/.Launcher
echo "Enjoy, try out the home button!"
echo "It may not work every time, press again, work in progress :)"
Thanks for this. I use a slightly edited version of this on all of my firesticks now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Anyone knows if is there a new update for the xfinity app for the firetv?
zeroth said:
Anyone knows if is there a new update for the xfinity app for the firetv?
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Click to collapse

