admob not recieving ad request - Mobile Ad Networks

hello friends,
i have developed an application after a long time and i was integrating an admob ad into it, i found that now we have to use google play services lib to use admob ads in app.I have set up the 'google play services lib' in my project and doing everything as stated on but still ads are not showing up..
here is my code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
< android:id="@+id/adView"
ads:adUnitId=" a153207********"
and i am using these lines in java code to show the ad
AdView adView = (AdView)this.findViewById(;
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
but still no ads are being my admob dashboard also it is showing that "red button" i.e it has not received any ad request.
what to do?..pls help..

i have the same problem have solved you? How?

Admob inventory
This could be related to Admob inventory is empty during the test wait and test again


Admob problem

Good evening.
I am currently developing an application and decided to try Admob ads.
Unfortunately after following Admob's guide (pretty simple one, good job on that) I get no ad, whether I run it on the emulator or on my phone (HTC Desire). The weird part is that the ad has shown a couple of times (i really mean just a couple of times), in hundreds of tries. And checking my account on Admob I see that there are 6000 requests from this app.
I started a new applcation, from blank, with no changes.
Any clues?
This is what I have done so far:
Added Adbmo's library jar.
Added these in my manifest (with a proper ID):
<meta-data android:value="axxxxxxxxxxxxxx" android:name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Created a attrs.xml file in res/values with this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<declare-styleable name="">
<attr name="backgroundColor" format="color" />
<attr name="primaryTextColor" format="color" />
<attr name="secondaryTextColor" format="color" />
<attr name="keywords" format="string" />
<attr name="refreshInterval" format="integer" />
Added the following to my layoyt (RelativeLayout):
below RelativeLayout line, with the correct application name instead of xxxx:
As the above did not work I tried the following, but also without success:
AdView example_adview = (AdView) findViewById(;
I would appreciate if someone could help me.
An off-topic question, when running my application (only this one) in ecplise (Windows), I always the device chooser, even though only my phone is connected and the emulator is not running. It's nothing that disturbs my development, but it's a bit annoying having to choose every time I run the application.
Thank you very much,
I think this is caused by low fill rate of admob. If Admob didn't supply any ads for you to display, you got a empty ads.
High fill rate > more ads that are availabe to display.
and each time a user can 'view' ur ads, the fill rate increase.
Yes you don't always see ads because of low fill rate, also in Admob under add categories grown up ads (gambling etc NOT porn) are off by default, I switched those on and got a better fill rate.
Ha this method is good. Let me try on! Thanks for share!
your app needs to be out for atleast a couple of days and have a few hundred downloads at least before ads show up ALMOST every time... (hint: if you enable "age appropriate" ads you'll usually get more ads showing up)

[Q] Market Preperation

I have read alot of things that show only a zillion forms of code you must put into your app for the market and it's filters.
Here is what I have;
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen" android:required="true"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.wifi" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" android:required="false"/>
Is there anything else like the <user-config> tags etc that are required/needed ?
I found and added this to my manifest, just above the </manifest>
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" />
Anything else I should add?
Still needing some advice on this. I'm sure other new comers will also.
I have looked all over and a guy/gal could go nuts trying to figure this out without a hint.
Anyone with a clue wanna' share some info?
Ok, since nobody out there wanted to help, it took me this long to figure it out.
Oh yeah, and I will be nice and post my findings since all you info-greed-mongers did not want to share.
Here is a typical, and yes, market acceptable manifest if you get one of those silly errors about a 32-bit Integer blah blah...or of you get and error about your icon not being 48x48.png..blah blah.
This fixed all my errors from Google submission process. I of course added the user define tags for things the app needs, like a touch screen, etc.
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.yourapp" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0.0">
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/yourapp" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar">
<activity android:name=".yourapp" android:label="@string/yourapp" android:screenOrientation="landscape">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="6" />
Hope that helps some of you folks out there
Merry Christmas
"Info Greedy Mongers?" That's a bit harsh considering there are only 3, well 4, requirements to publish app:
1. Sign-up for account
2. "Sign" your app
3. Need versionCode and versionName in manifest
4. Need android:icon and android:label in manifest
This information can be found quickly with a Google search on "Publish Android App"...About 8,490,000 results (0.36 seconds)

problem with android layout in webview

I am having a problem with my app. my site is already mobile ready so auto fits device.
i have put this mobile ready view into a webview app but for some reason it seems to enlarge the view slightly making my mobile ad to big and popping off the right of the page.
To see what i mean please visit the market and download the autism network app
then visit form you mobile browser to see how it should look.
is there any way to get it to look the same as in the mobile browser this is my main xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebView xmlns:android=""

Enhanced XBMC / Kodi keyboard.xml keymaps for LiveTV

I edited the 3rd alternative keymap keyboard.xml file that's here to include more specific controls to PVR when using the Live TV functionality of XBMC / Kodi.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<menu>XBMC.ActivateWindowAndFocus(MyPVR, 31,0, 10,0)</menu>
Up/Down bring up Channels OSD. Menu brings up the full EPG. Back simply goes back rather than stopping the current TV program. The rest is the same.
I'm sure I'll find other enhancements that make sense for the XBMC Fire TV controls, but figured I'd share this much even now.
Thanks a lot.
I ignored the existence of ChapterOrBigStep* command and the whole FullscreenLiveTV section.
Please update the post with more tips (I'd really like to use long press or double click).

[Q] launcher navigation

Ok so i wanted to program a launcher. But the code to do this is soooo far beyond me its not funny. I understand programming well. and i made a fair bit back in the days of actionscript. However i need help understanding code for a basic launcher where you can display apps on a screen.
I want to eventually be able to make a launcher that has no pages. But is one big giant open world Like environment. Surprisingly ive tried to pay people to do this for me and still couldnt find anyone. Really getting the base code should be the hard part. Once i can understand the code well enough i dont think i will be able to manage that but it would cool if i understood it and was capable of it.
All help is appriecated.
No replies....
scorpafied said:
No replies....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To make an app respond to the home screen button press, you'll need to add an intent filter with your Activity tag in the manifest like so:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
Launchers are like any other apps. Usually they query the system for activities that can be launched, like this:
final Intent allAppsIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
final List<ResolveInfo> packageList = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(allAppsIntent, 0);
You'll probably save your icons however they're laid out in a SQLite database, and then host widgets in various views (a good tutorial is here). You might also want to look at the Launcher2 source code, although it's pretty confusing. Good luck.
I tried the link u provided and it went to a page that said "there is no such post. ". im still learning java so i will definitely check out the source code but it may take a fair bit of time before i understand it.
also i know launchers are like any other app. But its the code behind how you will navigate around for the launcher im gonna have problems with.
Thanks for the advise though.

