3d Wallpaper not supporting on all devices., Add giving run time exception - Java for Android App Development

Hi developers,
I had made an 3d live wallpaer, and it is installing in all devices but its giving black screen i.e in background and logo, also out of some logos its able to display only 4 to 5 logos without background. But in some devices its supporting everything like samsung note2, samsung tab note800...
When i use debugging from other device maxx ax8 racs(4.0.3 and not displaying properly in this also), it had given error report as runtime exception as mentioned below,
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): java.lang.RuntimeException
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.updateSurface(WallpaperService.java:721)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.attach(WallpaperService.java:814)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$IWallpaperEngineWrapper.executeMessage(WallpaperService.java:1052)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at com.android.internal.os.HandlerCaller$MyHandler.handleMessage(HandlerCaller.java:61)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4503)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:809)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:576)
03-01 11:51:49.132: W/WallpaperService(7994): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
and i don't know how to post in Q&A forum
kindly rectify my problem..,
thank you.

I could imagine that there is some kind of function you are using that isnt available in ics, try testing it on emulator with all the jb and kitkat versions
Phone : Nexus 4
Pure KitKat 4.4.2 stock, no root, no mods (but only for the first time ;D)
Gesendet von Tapatalk


[Q] Firefox OS on Xperia Ray

Im building Firefox OS for my Xperia Ray following this post from neuralassembly on blogspot, so in the process of ./build.sh i got this error:
make: *** [out/target/product/urushi/symbols/system/lib/libstagefright.so] Error 1
make: *** Se borra el archivo «out/target/product/urushi/symbols/system/lib/libstagefright.so»
anybody knows whats is the problem? . If somebody can help me i will happy.

[Q] [HELP] Compiling and decompiling issues

I'm not getting help in the tread, so I'm posting here; I'm trying to add the carrier label in the statusbar. I found a guide on how to do it in the themes section. I also found a guide on compiling/decompiling and it didn't help. I'm getting this in both apkmultitool and apktool.
Hello all, i am extremely new at this, and its taken me three days of searching to get as far as i am. i couldnt het it to decompile for the longest. then discoverd i had the wrong java. now i got it decompiled, edited the file, and i copied the files from the download over (for cm10.1) ((wasnt exactly sure what 'merge' ment)) and now i cant recompile it.
im getting this:
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.directory.PathN
otExist: apktool.yml
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(Androlib.java:142)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:159)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:154)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:182)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:67)
Caused by: brut.directory.PathNotExist: apktool.yml
at brut.directory.AbstractDirectory.getFileInput(AbstractDirectory.java:
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(Androlib.java:138)
... 4 more
ive tried on APK multitool AND apktool(which had me stumpped with all the commands)
someone please help
Sent from my Nexus 4
zakkyzombie said:
I'm not getting help in the tread, so I'm posting here; I'm trying to add the carrier label in the statusbar. I found a guide on how to do it in the themes section. I also found a guide on compiling/decompiling and it didn't help. I'm getting this in both apkmultitool and apktool.
Hello all, i am extremely new at this, and its taken me three days of searching to get as far as i am. i couldnt het it to decompile for the longest. then discoverd i had the wrong java. now i got it decompiled, edited the file, and i copied the files from the download over (for cm10.1) ((wasnt exactly sure what 'merge' ment)) and now i cant recompile it.
im getting this:
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.directory.PathN
otExist: apktool.yml
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(Androlib.java:142)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:159)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:154)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:182)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:67)
Caused by: brut.directory.PathNotExist: apktool.yml
at brut.directory.AbstractDirectory.getFileInput(AbstractDirectory.java:
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(Androlib.java:138)
... 4 more
ive tried on APK multitool AND apktool(which had me stumpped with all the commands)
someone please help
Sent from my Nexus 4
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I using Nexus 4, Kitkat 4.4.2. How to decompile and recompile systemUI.apk ?

[Android-TV][Google Cast Reciever] Not working on custome ROM

I am developing a custom ROM based on Android MarshMallow for Nexus Player.
The booting, Playback, wifi etc are fine, but I am not able to cast from my phone youtube to box.
I suspect following error causing this issue. As soon as I try to connect from phone to box, I get this in logcat.
Can someone please guide me what to do to make it work.
04-30 19:40:00.787 3027 3158 W chromium: [3027:3158:WARNING:client_auth_signer.cc(107)] No private key, hence empty signature.
04-30 19:40:00.788 3027 3158 W chromium: [3027:3158:WARNING:client_auth_signer.cc(107)] No private key, hence empty signature.
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: [3027:3027:INFO:metrics_util.cc(102)] Metrics stat: total=11
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: AppStarted=1
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: AppStopped=1
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Authenticate.Challenge.In=2
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Authenticate.Response.Out=2
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Connection.Close.In=1
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Receiver.DeviceStatus.Out.Broadcast=1
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Accept=2
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Close=2
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.TcpAccept=2
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: Dial.YouTube.GetInfo.Android=3
04-30 19:40:06.894 3027 3027 I chromium: Dial.YouTube.GetInfo.Android.200=3
04-30 19:40:29.662 2765 2777 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : java.lang.NullPointerException: ssl_session == null
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_SESSION_free(Native Method)
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSessionImpl.finalize(SourceFile:485)
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:202)
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.run(Daemons.java:185)
04-30 19:40:29.666 2765 2777 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
04-30 19:40:31.304 3027 3027 E chromium: [3027:3027:ERROR:receiver_namespace_handler.cc(656)] Idle screen app E8C28D3C did not connect on IPC. But, keep it running.
04-30 19:40:32.391 1879 1879 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=BEACON_HINT type=UNKNOWN
04-30 19:40:32.393 1879 1879 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=BEACON_HINT type=UNKNOWN
Ever get this figured out? Interested in what may have come from your efforts here to make a "custom ROM" ?
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA-Developers mobile app

Omni 6.0 compile error

Hey guys. I've been trying to compile Omni for my Xperia T for two weeks now. I'm stuck at this point:
Export includes file: system/core/adb/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libadbd_intermediates/export_includes
Export includes file: system/core/base/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libbase_intermediates/export_includes
Export includes file: system/core/adb/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/EXECUTABLES/adbd_intermediates/export_includes
Notice file: system/core/adb/NOTICE -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//root/sbin/adbd.txt
make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Ziel „/home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libbatteryservice_intermediates/export_includes“,
benötigt von „/home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/EXECUTABLES/healthd_intermediates/import_includes“, zu erstellen. Schluss.
make: *** Es wird auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse gewartet...
Notice file: system/core/adb/NOTICE -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libadbd.a.txt
Do I have to add this rule to the Android.mk file?
Thank you guys.
After searching I maybe know now, where the problem is. In /frameworks/native/services/batteryservice/Android.mk it says Local_Modules:=libbatteryservice.
Where are these local modules stored?
St.Jimmy90 said:
Hey guys. I've been trying to compile Omni for my Xperia T for two weeks now. I'm stuck at this point:
Export includes file: system/core/adb/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libadbd_intermediates/export_includes
Export includes file: system/core/base/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libbase_intermediates/export_includes
Export includes file: system/core/adb/Android.mk -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/EXECUTABLES/adbd_intermediates/export_includes
Notice file: system/core/adb/NOTICE -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//root/sbin/adbd.txt
make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Ziel „/home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libbatteryservice_intermediates/export_includes“,
benötigt von „/home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/EXECUTABLES/healthd_intermediates/import_includes“, zu erstellen. Schluss.
make: *** Es wird auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse gewartet...
Notice file: system/core/adb/NOTICE -- /home/robert/android/omni/out/target/product/mint/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//system/lib/libadbd.a.txt
Do I have to add this rule to the Android.mk file?
Thank you guys.
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get same problem

Does anyone own a KingWear KC05 Smartwatch ?

Hey folks,
I am tempted to buy a KC05 from KingWear because the specs are interesting for me. (See attachment)
The only doubt I have would be the kind of sensors used in it.
So if anyone has one already...could you please do a sensorservice dump for me ?
Just like : adb shell dumpsys sensorservice > sensor.txt
(This means of course the adb debugging is on..tap build version in about watch 9 times and enable it in developer settings)
I would really appreciate if someone is able to help me out here.

