Ascend g300 completely dead - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

this is for device, ascend g300 (U8815)
I searched for something similar but no result, no surprise for me since the problem is complicated. If it's a bug of cyanomod it cost me below.
The phone had stock ROM ICS. I sent the phone at Huawei service on December 2013, due to damaged receiver (phone couldn't send messages and sometimes call sound was bad). I took it back this Saturday. By the time I take the phone back the warranty was void(1 year passed). I tested the receiver and it was working. So I flashed it on Saturday with cyanomod 10.3. The phone was fully functional for 2 days, with no problems at all, only on the beggining 3 google apps were showing errors, but they were updated and errors stopped.
The 3rd day I decided to switch Number, because I have 2 numbers in one sim, from the same company, 2 in one sim. When I used to do this to my stock rom, I could switch number with no need of restarting the phone. The app that was doing it was called "SIM TOOLKIT", it is system's app. But when I tried doing it with cyanomod 10.3 app asked me to restart the phone to switch to my 2nd number, as I did. The phone was restarted and was working with the 2nd number.
I decided to switch again. Same message appeared "restart is required". This time I IGNORED the message by pressing back button, the window dissapeard and after 1 minute I got message (as always) "switching was succesful". But when I tried call someone, but the phone couldn't call anyone, it was like no sim. The system could see the sim, though. I decided to turn off the phone 2 hours later. Since then it never turned on, no recovery, no initial huawei logo, nothing. I tried plug it to computer,charge,unplug the battery for sometime and plug it again and all the common solutions.
I called my mobile company, they refused to fix it for free, they don't care if it was again at service 2 weeks ago. Huawei service never answer any calls. What to do?
Thanks in Advance.


XDA II Won't Turn Back On After Receiving SMS

I have a problem with my XDA II. It only started 2 days ago. I pressed the power button to turn it on but it wouldn't come back on. No flashing LED either. I had to take the battery out and replace it for it to come back on.
It then happened a 2nd time and the only thing that was common about the 2 times that it happened was that both times I managed to turn it back on, there was an unread SMS waiting for me.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before?
I tested the problem yesterday morning by turning it off and getting my girlfriend to SMS me and it was fine. But then same thibg happened in the afternoon. Only this time, everything turned off but the the red 'you have an SMS' LED was flashing. Again, had to take the battery out.
Last program I installed was MS Voice Command. But that was 2 weeks ago and has been working fine since. And it's hard to search for these kinds of symptoms in google.
well guess it could be an issue with the radiostack but it's hard to say when you dont state your rom versions
I entered them in my profile when I registered.

Randomly presenting SIM pin code screen when waking phone from standby

I've had a repeated problem (around 4 times so far) where my phone mobile radio must have died/reset while the phone was on standby with the screen off. When I wake the phone I am presented with the SIM pin code request screen. Usually entering the correct code reserects the phone. However last occurance it refused to accept the correct code so required a reboot to get it to work again.
Anyone else seen this?
I'm on O2 in the UK fyi.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
ok I'll guess the answer myself...
I guess this is related to the random reboots people have been experiencing primarily on calls. I note some people say the phone can reboot while on standby, since I 'had' SIM pin code enabled this was as far as the reboot while on standby was getting. I've removed the pin code request which will mean I guess the phone just completes the reboot without requiring my input.
I'm hoping this is fixed with any update to the reboot during active calls issue that google confirm they have repeated themselves.
I've just had this happen on my Nexus S. What service provider are you with? I'm with Tesco (O2).
I'm O2, 30day rolling contract. Basically I've disabled the SIM Lock now so hopefully until the standby or call (not experienced this one yet) reboots occur the phone will just restart without my intervention required now.
Same here. After connecting the phone to the charger yesterday evening, this morning the SIM Enter PIN screen showed up (like the phone did a reboot overnight).
After checking the system services, I noticed the phone hasn't rebooted, because the services where running for more than 12 hours.
So the SIM Enter PIN screen showed up without reboot. I think a no-signal situation has preceded before this screen showed up (and maybe the GSM module has got a total reset).
This is on Telfort/KPN, The Netherlands.
Interesting ArnoutVos.. these were my original thoughts too since every time I've had the phone next to me and not seen it reboot just present me with the Enter SIM Pin screen. I just naturally assumed I was getting the at standby reboot some people had seen.
I've got the same problem on t-mobile. Probably about 6 times in 2 weeks so far. I've also had it where the signal bars at the top just show grey with a little cross by them and the only thing i can do to sort it is restart the phone.
It also drains the battery like mad whilst in this state.
I also had this 2 times (only had the phone 5 days)
That is, i turn on the screen and i have no signal, I dont think my phone has been restarted, as i dont see the sim pin screen, it has just lost the signal/radio died. And nothing seem to restore the signal, i've tried switching from 2g and back, only thing i found to get the signal back is a restart..
i have had the same problem with the signal dropping out on me all morning. sometimes i can make calls sometimes i cant and sometimes rebooting helps sometimes not. today i had the sim card replaced just to make sure and i thought it helped but it just did it to me again. its really frustrating...
I had the same problem about 10 times during the last week. It seems to correspond with the creation of Radio_dump files in the /sdcard/ dir.
Nexus S, Android 2.3.3 Root
I get the same issue on A1 in Austria, not sure what's causing it, but it is annoying.
Let me give my 2 cents:
Getting this same thing happening all through the various combinations of roms and radio firmware, device is Nexus S 9020T, network is T-Mobile in Croatia.
CM 7 with I9020XXJK8 radio
CM 7.0.2 with I9020XXJK8 radio
Blandroid 2.3.4 with I9020XXJK8 radio
Blandroid 2.3.4 with I9020XXKB1 radio
Sometimes there is no pin input screen, so if I don't notice the little icon in the notification bar I'm completely unavailable to calls and sms's. During the time if the Wifi is on it will continue functioning normally, and radio dumps get created.
Will give newer radio firmwares a try before I start crying in my pillow.
Edit: don't know if it happened with stock android 2.3.3 which came on the device, didn't have it on stock for more than 15 minutes.
Alas and damnations, again mobile network radio fail, this time with
radio I9020XXKB3 and blandroid 2.3.4, so issue still present.
Only fix is reboot, airplane toggle does nothing. Does anyone else in europe experience this with a USA T-mobile version nexus?
Giving I9020XXKD1 a try, still with blandroid now 2.3.4p1. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Well well...seems to be a common pattern, as its happened to me a few times also in the last week. First time ive experienced it also...just over a week.ago. cant remember which rom i was using as i.change quite often. May have been a new 2.3.4 mod or just 2.3.3 im not sure. Not a good thing obviously but not a big issue so far. Hasnt happened again since about 3 or 4 days ago now.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Such problems can occur when the SIM is disconnected from power or from reset line or has technical difficulties making it reboot.
Power or reset line can be disconnected if you have your connectors inside your Nexus bent. This can be tested by shaking your phone heavily in all directions. Be careful not to drop it. If the Enter SIM or the Enter PIN dialog appears, It's most likely a mechanical defect of your phone.
If the SIM is broken it may be reset itself. You can't really test this. Maybe something appears in the system or radio log. Another way would be to place your SIM in a known-to-work phone. If similar problems occur it's a broken SIM. You should call your provider to send you a new one.
bot47 said:
Such problems can occur when the SIM is disconnected from power or from reset line or has technical difficulties making it reboot.
Power or reset line can be disconnected if you have your connectors inside your Nexus bent. This can be tested by shaking your phone heavily in all directions. Be careful not to drop it. If the Enter SIM or the Enter PIN dialog appears, It's most likely a mechanical defect of your phone.
If the SIM is broken it may be reset itself. You can't really test this. Maybe something appears in the system or radio log. Another way would be to place your SIM in a known-to-work phone. If similar problems occur it's a broken SIM. You should call your provider to send you a new one.
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Those are some good advices, thank you.
I would rule out bent pins as the cause and also no amount of shaking produces the problem, and the problem happened always when the phone was on the desk (and connected to wifi for what its worth).
However, a broken sim - maybe. I haven't had any problems with it so far in any of the 2 previous phones and I'm careful handling it, but the radio log suggestion is excellent.
I will definitely go through it next time it happens ( its "adb logcat -b radio" so others don't have to search for it)
Does anyone got a solution on this?
I found today about 10 - 15 dump-files located in my SD-Card.
Its probably caused by an App which we all use... but i couldnt figure out which one...
is there a dump-debbuging programm which i can use or something else?
It's kind of interesting
Using a Nexus S in Austria (T-Mobile)
I've "solved" this by disabling the PIN altogether and setting up a script to run when the network is changed to delete any radio dumps:
It doesn't seem to matter which ROM, radio or kernel I use....I wonder if this is a hardware defect?
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this is to report that on my sns on pete alfonso's 4.0.3 rom and matrix 14.5 CFS and KF1 + KD1, I still get this problem of the radio dying.
has anyone found a solution?
to be more precise, the mobile network connection (calls and data) randomly dies and the only way to get it back is to restart phone. airplane mode doesn't help.

[Q] Nexus 4 repeated signal loss and calls not coming through

I've got some serious issues with my Nexus 4, I've found posts with similar problems but not exactly what I have. I'm at a loss what to do next so any advice would be much appreciated.
I bought a N4 around March this year, direct from Google, and connected it to TPG Mobile here in Australia which uses the Optus network.
It was fine until about the end of May or beginning of June where it started losing signal regularly. First thing I noticed is it would start dropping calls and displaying "No network available", the triangular status bar at the top would go blank (completely black, not grey) for about 30 seconds, then it would return to normal signal and I could make calls again. However it would do this every few minutes, whether I was on a call or not, and each time it would last roughly 30 seconds and then return to normal.
Around the same time I started to receive SMS on either a delay, or they'd arrive on-time, but then keep sending multiple times for about the next hour.
I rang Google, they got me to go through recovery mode, then it worked fine, for about 24 hours, before it started again. They sent me a new device, which did the same thing within hours of activation, so I requested a 3rd device. At the same time I thought it might be the sim card, so I got a new one of those too.
My 3rd device and new sim card worked perfectly for about 3 days then the same problem started. Factory resets etc seem to fix the problem for either minutes or hours, but never permanently.
Then last week I noticed further weird symptoms, I started getting the usual sms to say someone had called and left a voicemail, however my phone never showed any sign of a call (visual, audio or missed call in the call log). I confirmed with several people who tried calling me and they confirmed the phone rang on their end before going to VM. I tried it myself from a landline and it randomly rings or doesn't ring on my end, however I also noticed when I hung up on the landline without answering my Nexus 4, it continued to ring indefinitely, ie. it hadn't registered the caller hung up.
My provider assures me there isn't an issue in my area, my wife uses the same provider (with an iphone) and has not had these issues. I can't swap sim cards with her though as she has a full-size sim. I tried another sim with my phone for a few hours and it worked fine, however my phone with my sim will sometimes go a whole day without issues so it wasn't long enough to truly test it.
I've deleted all apps that might somehow affect it and the hasn't helped either.
Basically I'd like to know is this likely to be a phone issue, and I pursue the issue with Google, or some sort of network/sim issue and I pursue it with my provider?

Need a little help

So I was having battery issues with the phone shutting off around 35-38%, so I updated to Android 8.0 same issue, so I contacted Google who told me to contact the manufacturer, I did, they told me to contact Google, Google again told me to contact the manufacturer, no response from them in 3 weeks, during the last week, I started getting "No SIM" I would reboot, it would be fine for a while, now it was doing it up to 4 times a day, until I got the error, rebooted, and then all of my BlueTooth connections were gone, I re-paired them, all is good.,........Then the "n SIM" came up again, rebooted, and now it is stuck at the "G" with the line running at the bottom. I tried restoring from my 8.0 backup, same thing, so then I tried my 7.1.2 back up and it gets stuck at the Google screen with the lock on the bottom.
idbl_fanatic said:
So I was having battery issues with the phone shutting off around 35-38%, so I updated to Android 8.0 same issue, so I contacted Google who told me to contact the manufacturer, I did, they told me to contact Google, Google again told me to contact the manufacturer, no response from them in 3 weeks, during the last week, I started getting "No SIM" I would reboot, it would be fine for a while, now it was doing it up to 4 times a day, until I got the error, rebooted, and then all of my BlueTooth connections were gone, I re-paired them, all is good.,........Then the "n SIM" came up again, rebooted, and now it is stuck at the "G" with the line running at the bottom. I tried restoring from my 8.0 backup, same thing, so then I tried my 7.1.2 back up and it gets stuck at the Google screen with the lock on the bottom.
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Wipe your phone and reinstall 8.0 full image using the instructions on the Google image web page. When you get back up with working radio, replace your battery if you plan on keeping the phone for a while.

Bricked Nokia 6 after February update, anyone else?

I updated my Nokia 6 early yesterday morning, February 21st. The update was 1,7GB in total, don't know what it consisted of. The update came to my phone through standard automated update check, I got a notification to connect to WiFi, I did, the update downloaded and installed.
Apparently, it was the Android Pie update, though I didn't look that closely.
So, 100% stock ROM, no mods, fully official update method. No tricks. Connected to wall, 100% battery.
After the update the phone booted and asked to reboot to install operator updates. I'm not quite sure the exact wording of the message pop-up, but that's what it asked as far as I can remember. I agreed to reboot, the phone shut down, and never came back to life again.
It won't respond to any key presses. It's completely bricked.
I'm going to get it fixed in a shop, where it'll go to have its display changed anyway. I'm writing this here to ask, has anyone else had troubles with the update? It was rolled out in Finland apparently February 21st or 20th, or then I haven't reacted to the notification before. I'm quite unhappy with the state of the matters, since it seems to be the official update that bricked my phone.
So, anyone had any troubles with Android Pie update?
Mine bricked 2 days ago after the same Android pie update, 1.7 GB. I have tried flashing to no avail. Currently looking for ways to restore a bricked Nokia 6 TA-1021.
rwaithera said:
Mine bricked 2 days ago after the same Android pie update, 1.7 GB. I have tried flashing to no avail. Currently looking for ways to restore a bricked Nokia 6 TA-1021.
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According to the service personnel, a small wonder happened when they plugged in my TA-1021 - the device started right up. It's quite extraordinary claim, since my phone was connected to my charger when it shut down, and it was showing 100% battery.
I have no reason for this, only speculation. The only explanation I can come up with outside of some divine intervention is, that the phone did not shut down after all. Instead, it was stuck on some loop with screen off and buttons inoperative. When it finally ran out of battery, it responded right away when it received more power.
I did not try and flash my phone myself. Nor did they flash it in the shop. It wasn't necessary, the phone is now fully functional.
Maybe try to plug it in briefly and see what happens. If nothing, then just unplug it again and try another time tomorrow. Btw. HMD Global's chat support was very responsive, so I highly recommend contacting them if you suspect that your case was caused by the updater itself.
Mine didn't get bricked, but it started having issues with Google accounts. After the update, all apps which use my Google account to login had login errors & I couldn't add Google accounts onto the device. I manually synced the account, removed the account & tried to add it again (shows a "sorry something went wrong" message everytime I try to add an account), wiped the cache, even factory reset it, but nothing helped. I finally had to spend some time learning how to downgrade it & was able to add accounts on the device again. But after I updated my device with Android 9 (V6.12) again, the issue came back.
my all google apps arent working on TA-1000
mine is completely bricked. wont turn on at all. TA-1033.
Is there anyway to fix this?

