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Task organization by location/resource and time required

This topic applies mostly to people who are very mobile or travel a lot. If you're at a desk for most of the day, it probably won't help you much.
This is something that originally came to me while sitting outside a car wash waiting for my car to be done. It took about ten minutes, long enough to make a couple short calls, send a couple of e-mails, or review/approve a short document. Unfortunately, by the time I got done SORTING through the list of tasks to find something that I could do there, with the available resources, in the available time, my car was almost done. I ended up dialing a call just as the attendant had my car ready.
I've generally used categories similar to the ones built into Outlook; Clients, Business, Personal, etc. Those have very limited use, and the utility they do provide is probably not something that helps much.
My solution has been to use categories for a location/resource and the Pocket Informant priority letters to indicate the range of time required to complete the task. For example:
"Call Joe's Pizza to see if they have anchovies back in stock"
Category: Call
Letter: A
So this tells me the task is something that I can do any time I have access to a phone and have 5 minutes to kill. I've arranged the letters in this way:
A: 5 minutes or less
B: 5-15 minutes
C: 15-60 minutes
D: More than an hour
My categories are:
Anywhere (can be done anywhere without other resources, IE, on a plane)
Assigned tasks (things I've assigned to others, don't need to act upon)
Calls (anywhere I have phone access)
Home (something I can only do at home, like "marinate steaks for BBQ")
Low priority (things I don't want to forget, but have a "whenever" priority)
Office work (things that generally require being in the office)
Research (things I can do with my laptop and an internet connection)
I also have various client-name categories. These are things I can only do when I'm on-site at a client's office. Other client work which I can do off-site goes into one of the above categories.
I think I need to further refine the "research" category since I have a Phone Edition device, and have limited internet access anywhere I go. This means I could be working on simple research or basic client support tasks via Terminal Services. Maybe I should have a "laptop" category and an "internet" category...? I'll take creative ideas here.
Sometimes an item falls into two categories, and it can get complex here. A task could REQUIRE two categores, or could be POSSIBLE in either one of the two. I've generally standardized on the latter, since typically for me that's much more likely. For example, if I'm at home or the office I can assume I have full internet access and my laptop. On the other hand, many tasks could be done either at a client's office or in my own office.
I'd love to further refine this and brainstorm with other mobile task-oriented people. Tell me what you think.

Specifications for a "Blackberry Facebook App" equivalent

After jealously observing the Facebook app on my wife's Blackberry Pearl, I am shocked that neither ShoZu, Snap2Face/Skybook nor FriendMobilizer have come close to matching the simple elegance of Facebook for Blackberry. Each of the aforementioned Windows Mobile apps, I believe, will fail to become very popular among users because they are trying to do fundamentally different things than the official Blackberry and iPhone apps.
So I'm going to attempt to specify the basic features that would make for the best "Facebook for Windows Mobile" application. The developer who carries these out will, I predict, quickly dominate the rest.
What we already have
A couple of mobile-friendly versions of the FB user interface. Whether you use http://m.facebook.com in PIE, or http://iphone.facebook.com in Opera Mobile/IrisBrowser, or indeed desktop-level Facebook in Skyfire/Opera Mini/etc., we already have great ways to passively view most of Facebook. FB apps for WM appear to have devoted most efforts to remaking their own, sometimes uglier interfaces for viewing the same information. While this introduces the possibility of offline synchronization, this is nowhere near a key functional benefit offered on Blackberry and iPhone. The trend is toward more users having data plans and ubiquitous data connections.
A way to access Facebook Chat. 3rd-party multiprotocol chat applications offer this for Windows Mobile already.
Several ways to update your status. You can do this through Facebook Mobile, SMS, etc.
A crappy way to upload mobile photos. You can send an MMS to [email protected] - not ideal and lacks the ability to place photos in specific albums, tag, etc. But it is a start.
A crappy way to receive notifications. The FB notifications feed is actually available via RSS, and several free RSS clients exist for Windows Mobile.
A really crappy way to new FB message alerts and everything else. Suppose you registered a new Gmail account devoted solely to receiving Facebook notification emails. You could register that address with your Facebook settings, set it as the address to receive email notifications and then turn on notifications for everything that happens on Facebook. After setting up this email account on your Windows Mobile device, you could receive regular alerts from Facebook on your mobile device. (Heck, with System SEVEN beta or some other service that utilizes the IMAP IDLE feature, you could essentially have "push" FB alerts).
What we don't have (but Blackberry does)
Based on the features listed at http://na.blackberry.com/eng/devices/features/social/facebook.jsp , you can see that the man feature that WM users don't have is "push"-style homescreen notifications. On the Blackberry homescreen, the number of new Facebook notifications and messages sits beside a little FB icon. It is updated immediately as new messages and notifications are received.
Thus I would propose the following specifications for a WM Facebook app (or suite of mini-apps). The Facebook Developers API should be used, not some unreliable html-parsing library.
1. New/unread FB messages and notifications on a "push" or rapid-refresh basis. This either means (a) a Today screen plugin that lists the unread message counts and points Pocket IE to the appropriate http://m.facebook.com link when tapped, (b) WM popup notifications of the same, or (c) a MAPI interface library that allows the FB Inbox and/or FB Notifications feed to be added as regular mail accounts in Pocket Outlook - letting WM take care of popups if the user so desires.
2. A photo upload and tagging tool. The user must be able to select a photo (or take one) and then choose to either add it to any existing album or create a new one, followed by the option to tag that photo.
3. Dedicated Facebook chat. If it is easy, of course.
Everything else on Facebook - contacts search, Phonebook, etc - is just as easy to access on the existing Facebook Mobile site. My instinct is that developers inevitably waste our memory with bloated software when they make "native" interfaces that just rehash the content at http://m.facebook.com/
Or am I missing something? Maybe others have thoughts. I'm no developer and I don't mean to sound demanding - I'm just trying to give developers some ideas here.
would be fine if someone would fix the iphone.facebook.com java problems
libpurple already incorporates facebook im but i dont think there is a client for windows mobile that uses it. As for uploading, you can upload pictures but not videos directly from a touch series phone (videos are uploaded to youtube). If the protection can be stripped from an ipa and the can be decrypted then I dont understand why we cant port the facebook.app. I have an iPhone 3G and an iPod Touch, both jailbroken. I'll SSH into them and grab the files for the facebook app but the rest needs to be done by someone else. Just give me sometime to find them.
1. New/unread FB messages and notifications on a "push" or rapid-refresh basis. This either means (a) a Today screen plugin that lists the unread message counts and points Pocket IE to the appropriate http://m.facebook.com link when tapped, (b) WM popup notifications of the same, or (c) a MAPI interface library that allows the FB Inbox and/or FB Notifications feed to be added as regular mail accounts in Pocket Outlook - letting WM take care of popups if the user so desires.
2. A photo upload and tagging tool. The user must be able to select a photo (or take one) and then choose to either add it to any existing album or create a new one, followed by the option to tag that photo.
3. Dedicated Facebook chat. If it is easy, of course.
Click to expand...
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wFacebook will have ALL of these things that you mentioned. A little patience is all that is needed. I started developing this only 2 weeks ago Thanks for the breakdown though, it gives me something to work towards. I hope to have facebook chat up and running in the next release. Push style notifications will come as soon as I can figure out an "always signed on" connection to facebook. Photos and tagging are very easy to do, I just haven't gotten around to implementing it.
What you have to realize is that the blackberry apps and iPhone apps are both designed by facebook. They access facebook's data directly. Facebook does not allow this in its API so we have to find workarounds. Blackberry has nothing to do with it's facebook application (as far as I know). Facebook developed and maintains it.
Also, thanks for the tip on the rss feed. I did not know this and this may help with notifications!
Give computerjunkie some time....
And all the requested features will be hopefully implemented.
Btw since you have a BB and have positive feelings regarding it's user experience and user interface it would be great if you could dedicate some time to write down some detailed specs !
The BB app doesn't really have a "push" notification system. All apps that use notifications, like Facebook and MySpace, are simple emails. When the same email account is registered under the BB profile, and Facebook profile, it recognizes the FB notification email as the app specific notification, and gives the notification instead of the email.
But, on the app, I really don't like it much, so I don't suggest it as your "template". All it really does is give you the notifications, allow you to update your status and view your friends list. You can't view profiles or photos through the app, it opens the browser, and you have to login! Further more, the news feed only shows the notifications, like birthdays and comments.
Try something like the BB MySpace app, I love that one! You can flow through pictures and view everything in the app.
wFacebook will be like the BB myspace app. You won't have to log in to the website to see info. It will be fetched from the application itself. Also, it will have push style notifications (maybe not ALL notifications but most: Wall, Inbox, photo comment, etc.). I am looking into an always on (or as close to always on) so when the notification occurs, wFacebook automatically fetches the info THEN notifies the user so all the user has to do is start up wFacebook and check the item. Also with the semi-always on connection, wFacebook users won't have to keep logging in to facebook which right now is taking about 1.5 minutes with wFacebook because of data speeds on mobile machines.
Problem with the xda app is it requires .NET 3.5
iphone.facebok.com in Skyfire is the best solution for me.
though I think a windows mobile facebook app is much needed I have to agree the very Bloated net cf is def not the way to go. I do appreciate all you are doing as this app has potential to be very useful . thanks again for all your hard work. pleasyo code in "C"

[Q] Unified / Centralized Messaging Stream?

One of the issues I'm having with Epic and Android 2.1 is functionally by design, but I'm not too comfortable with it.
One of the biggest issues I have is that the updates in the "Notifications" windowshade don't persist. Is there any way to sticky the list? Or is there an app out there which would store all of the Notifications that showed up on the phone?
Somewhat related to the previous idea but taking it one step further, does anyone know of an Android app that acts like a centralized, unified messaging stream? Similar to the concept of the master Messages folder on the Blackberry? Thinking back, if I'm not mistaken, WebOS may have something similarly implementated, but I could be wrong.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the concept seems simple enough: to have nearly everything which produces messages, such as SMS, Emails, Gmails, Social Networking apps, etc., all be consolidated into one unified, sticky stream, in chronological order.
There are other valuable features that the BB Messages folder provides, such as the ability to compose a message using nearly any of the accounts it's unifying, right from the BB Messages folder, and to be able to choose which account to use to send the message.
Then, as a business user, I have other gripes such as lack of total all-push and instantaneous messaging, lack of copy & paste in many areas, but those are superseded by my need for a consolidated view of messages. Too many times I've missed reading email B which showed up in the Notifications drop down only because email A also showed up but took up 10-15 minutes of my attention to address, during which I forget about email B.
What do you think?

[Q] - Exchange settings, best note taker with sync

Hi All!
I agree with most people that I go back and forth about how much I love or hate my Xoom, but I willing to wait it out a few more days.
Two things that would help:
1. I have set up my exchange email at work. I love the new mail app for the most part and it syncs well. However, why did they set it so that pictures within the email appear as attachments and one inline? My DInc shows them inline - why can't Xoom? Also very annoying...when responding to meeting requests, I can deny, but I don't have the option to not send a response which I prefer to do since I'm on a list, but don't generally need to attend their meetings. That is, I get all their meeting request, which I would decline, but the sender doesn't need to receive notification of my declining.
2. I'm looking for a good way to take notes in a meeting and have it synced to something. Ideally something I can have directly on the home screen, so it can be one-click. What do you guys use? So far, I've tried:
a. Dropbox (but I dont think it syncs up)
b. Google docs via DocsToGo - not a bad option, but it's several clicks to get to a screen where I can write
c. A direct link to a google doc, but this requires internet connection
any ideas?
much appreciated.
I don't have my xoom yet, so I am not sure if Evernote works or not. I have it on my Captivate and it is great. It syncs to Evernote's servers and you an access anywhere.
Evernote works on my Xoom.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I'll third Evernote. I use it constantly.

1467 media contacts for productivity app developers to send news tips

Here is a massive media list (874 journalists and 593 media outlets) I built on Anewstip for productivity app developers: http://anewstip.com/lists/journalists/556fc1cbd77ea65bddd5e92c/
If you are interested, please leave your email and I'll send you the exported list with detailed contact information including email address. You can also create a free account on Anewstip and subscribe to the list, so you can get updates to the list as I'm adding new ones.
What's Anewstip
Simply speaking, Anewstip is a media contact database and social monitoring tool. Its database contains close to 1 million media contacts with detailed contact information including email and phone number for most of them. One of its search feature allows you to find out media contacts by searching through their real-time and historical tweets since 2006). The assumption is that if a journalist has tweeted a topic, like your brand or competitor, he/she might be more likely to respond to your messages/ news tip.
How I curated this list
Step 1: List keywords
I first listed all the key words. Since I want to find out journalists and media outlets that might be interested in covering productivity apps, I simply chose some of the top productivity app names as keywords. My assumption is that if a media Tweeted one of those keywords, it may be more interested in responding to my pitches. I used the following keywords:
Evernote Android
Dropbox Android
"Do Button" IFTTT
"Changelog Droid"
Step 2: Search
Once I listed all the keywords, I searched them on Anewstip. Here is the search of ""Do Button" IFTTT": http://anewstip.com/search/tweets/?q="Do Button" IFTTT&search_by=journalists_outlets
Step 3: Add to media list
I can add journalists to a media list one by one or in bulk. To add all contacts, I just need to check the "Select all on page" option at the top, and then click "Add to media list" button next to it.
How to use the list
I'd strongly recommend against simply sending your press release to them in bulk. Instead, please reach out to them one by one, in a personally fashion, as you are writing to a friend.
Here are a few tips from the Pros:
13 Ways to Keep Your Pitch From Getting Deleted
Media Pitch Like a Pro: What Journalists Want
The Dos and Don'ts of Pitching Journalists on Social Media
Wow! I can see myself using this. Thank you for sharing!
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk

