rearrange items in scrapbook? - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I have found myself adding a lot of stuff to the included scrapbook app, seems like it could be very useful. My issue is, when viewing the things I have added, I want to be able to arrange them in a different order, and there seems to be no way to do this? You can add categories, and move things into different categories, but not the order of things within one category. Anybody have any ideas?


WM6.5 Widgets.

The folks over at "Fuze Mobility" have put up a post about windows mobile 6.5's ability to use 'WIDGETS' which seem to be easy ways of showing info from different web services/sites.
They have made available 50!, yes 50 widgets for different mobile based sites along with a .cab to enable widgets. They have done this to introduce the idea of widgets to the masses, or more specifically the ones who could further develop widgets.
Here is the link for their selection of widgets: Clicky
The download link is at the bottom of the page, which is very long.
Others appear to be enjoying these widgets. Sadly I have not been successful in installing one yet, as it complains about not finding a component or a missing certificate
I hope to find a fix for this somehow.
So, please go and try out these widgets and report back with your experience.
PLUS: any developers out there who fancy looking more into widgets:
please make a xda-devs widget where you can browse the forums through a widget, or specify some sections (like a certain phone you like) so you can browse through the threads. This would be a temporary fix for the many people who dream of having a dedicated app for viewing this amazing site.
That message indicates that your ROM does not have the widgets engine installed- check your ROM can install it separately if you look for it.
We are working on the widgets in the next few days and intend to re-release the package with added functionality (hopefully). there's no 'back' button to those widgets so we need to address that and I think it's something we can map but we're playing around with it now.
Thanks, Ive already put in a request on the ROMs thread for a cab for my device.
Plus, as I said, a widget for xda-developers would be a great thing

Internet tab - refresh favourite shortcut thumbnails

Does anyone know how to refresh the thumbnail images used for favourite shortcuts on the internet tab?
I added one that took me to a login page, and I'd rather it showed the page I actually get now that I've logged in and got a cookie for auto-login. A bit pedantic, yeah, but I want it refreshed.
I've already tried 2 things, but neither of them works.
I located and deleted the thumbnail image (\Windows\Thumbnail), and now can't get it to create a new one.
I've removed the shortcut, and added it again as a new one, but it still remains "empty".
Any ideas anyone?
I'll answer my own question, in case anyone else ever wants to do this!
I think removing the shortcut and then adding it again may do the trick, but my deleting the thumbnail may have caused an additional problem, so that wouldn't work any more.
What I did to resolve the issue was to edit the favourite. It was a URL with a querystring on the end (it was etc..) I just added &bllx=1 (bollocks = 1 ) and it now sees it as a new URL.
If you're not particularly techie, that might sound like gibberish to you, so if anyone ever comes across this thread and wants advice, send me a private message, as I'll probably miss it if you ask on here.

To Do List app

Hello, I'm looking for a simple To Do List type app that you can list tasks/reminders and cross them off or delete them when completed.
I've managed to find a lot of to do list apps in the marketplace but I have yet to find one that lets me rearrange tasks in the list, they all only allow me to sort by name, creation date, etc. while I want to arrange them how I want.
Another plus would be able to have subtasks. If anyone know of an app like this I'd greatly appreciate it.

Organizing My Apps

I am a stock/non-rooted 95% happy EVO user (have a little light leak, but that's about all). However, I am getting frustrated trying to keep track of all the apps I have. Is there anything in the Marketplace that will let me organize my apps by such things as "Shopping", "Navigation", "Productivity", "Social Networking", etc? Thanks!
Search for "Apps Organizer" in the market. Been using this forever. Well before that other phone just added the option to group apps.
Just create folders and assign the apps where you want them.
Sent from my PC36100
Apps organizer is the best. Organize them with that and then under shortcuts>apps organizer pick the category you want on the home screen. You can also export the list, then re import if you ever change phones or do a factory reset, which makes it better than plain folders. You can also star apps, so you can make it so you only see the apps you actually use, keeping the shortcut folders less cluttered.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I use FolderOrganizer. It organizes all your Apps in fully customizable folders that open up in lil iframes. I jus checked out Apps Organizer n it seems they're pretty much the same though, so it's up to you.
Thanks, folks....I appreciate the feedback. I tried a couple of the highest rated ones and they are cool, but have one annoying thing that I can't get passed. They both have a folder/category called "Other apps" or some such that can't be deleted, even if it is empty.
Smart Shortcuts in another one just like Apps Organizer

Whats your favorite google reader client?

Hi everyone,
I'm searching for an efficient, fast, and well designed google reader application but have not come across one that is really good.
What I'm looking for area these:
- the first level should show the folders, such as Android folder, economy folder, technology folder, etc.
- When I click on the folder, I do not wish to see the feeds such as CNN, engadget, but to the items list. I want the option to say how many items I want to show, and whether to show only new (unread) or all item.
- I want to be able to mark the items as starred item with merel one swipe, or to unmarked it.
- I want a to with one button indicate all e item on the screen as read, and fetch the nest batch of unread items. I want another button to mark all items in that folder as read although they have not been listed on the screen yet.
- when I click on the item, I want to read part of the news. Then I want to be able to swipe to the next item or go to previous item. I also want to be able to share that item to facebook, to mail to friend, etc. And I want to be able to bring up my default web brewer to go the the original web page.
More importantly, I want all these operations to be instant, without lag.
For those of you coming from iPhone background, you will recognize this as the RSS g Flash application.
I love that design very much and hope to get something like this from the market place, or as close as possible.
Could anyone help? TIA.
I use Feedr its simple yet powerful can sync folders structure. Try it
Try Newsrob.
You want NewsRoom. I found it does everything I wanted from an rss reader... it's now on my first homepage.
Thanks guys. Keep the suggestions coming. I'll try everyone before deciding which one will stay on my desktop.
eaglesteve said:
Hi everyone,
I'm searching for an efficient, fast, and well designed google reader application but have not come across one that is really good.
What I'm looking for area these:
- the first level should show the folders, such as Android folder, economy folder, technology folder, etc.
- When I click on the folder, I do not wish to see the feeds such as CNN, engadget, but to the items list. I want the option to say how many items I want to show, and whether to show only new (unread) or all item.
- I want to be able to mark the items as starred item with merel one swipe, or to unmarked it.
- I want a to with one button indicate all e item on the screen as read, and fetch the nest batch of unread items. I want another button to mark all items in that folder as read although they have not been listed on the screen yet.
- when I click on the item, I want to read part of the news. Then I want to be able to swipe to the next item or go to previous item. I also want to be able to share that item to facebook, to mail to friend, etc. And I want to be able to bring up my default web brewer to go the the original web page.
More importantly, I want all these operations to be instant, without lag.
For those of you coming from iPhone background, you will recognize this as the RSS g Flash application.
I love that design very much and hope to get something like this from the market place, or as close as possible.
Could anyone help? TIA.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 for Feedr....
Tyxerakias said:
You want NewsRoom. I found it does everything I wanted from an rss reader... it's now on my first homepage.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
same, i like the look and feel of it, very nice
it has that elegant yet simple clean look, that makes reading feeds and news update a joy.
+1 for feedr
+1 for NewsRob
I've tried a lot of the client apps but they all take too long to sync (and I don't like things like that happening in the background).
I've yet to find anything as good all-round as the mobile webclient from the browser.
Is there a trial version of feedr? I would like to try first before I buy.
I love the interface and response time of newsroom. It's just a pity that I can't view it by the google reader folders. I would also love to be able to see the item list first before going down to the article itself. On my iphone and iPad, I usually skim through a couple of thousand articles each day, some are repeats, or articles that don't interest me. I've also no time to read all of them. So the item list view is useful.
The news-rob is so slow I don't think it's useable for me. Too much waiting at the black screen and syncing takes too long to complete.
I've also tried out gReader which is also incredibly slow.
News reader, together with browser, music players, picture viewers, and YouTube, are among the extremely high usage application, and I don't mind paying good money of it if it is really good. But I must be assured that it meets my expectation first.
Any other recommendation?

