[Q] 80180048 error while updating (phone version : 7.10.8779.3) - Omnia 7 General

My phone is an Omnia 7 branded SFR.
I have also another Omnia 7 that I have updated with success to 7.8 using Seven-Eighter.
For a few month, I have an update that I can't install on my SFR Omnia 7 which is named "Samsung update" on Zune.
Every time, I get 80180048 error (I tried from different computers, tried to free some space on the phone, nothing helps).
So I decided to try with Seven-Eighter but I got the same error.
Finally, I read this post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37384687&postcount=1478), and some page in the same thread but you're always talking about 7.10.8779.8. My version is 7.10.8779.3. I was not able to find any update from 7.10.8779.3 to 7.10.8779.8, am I missing something ?
If I try to deploy the cab for 7.10.8779.8 I get error 80180011 (package not applicable) for the OS, and 80180015 for the language files.
Any idea ?
Thank you in advance

Actually, I realized that my phone is refered as 7.10.8779.8 in Settings/About, but referred as 07.010.08779.03 when using UpdateWP.exe.
However, I still have my update problem.
I tried to reinstall all packages for 7.10.8779.8, some languages were installed, but when I try to deploy 7.10.8783.12 I still get my 80180048 error

I have Nokia Lumia 800 and having the same problem described above.
A help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.


Windows Live Problems

Hi guys, I installed the Windows Live Package from http://www.live-messenger.nl/download/WindowsLive.PPC2005_ARM.CAB. It worked perfect, now i wanted to know how much memory this app costed, so i uninstalled it again. But when i tried to install it again, it failed When i open the cab, it loads approx. 5 seconds in the installer, then the installer says Installation of WindowsLive.PPC2005_ARM.CAB has failed Anybody suggestions how i can get this work??
p.s. Without a hard reset
I have also done the same thing and get the same error. I had to uninstall Windows Live Mobile because I was getting an error everytime I tried to launch Live Messenger. Now I can't re-install it again.
I have 2 main ideas:
1st.: Microsoft is cutting the service from these "un-official" releases of their software, as they are trying now to sell Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Live can't be downloaded or installed let's say "legally".
2nd. (which doesn't affect the first one): Microsoft recognizes the WLM software as not pre-installed or being installed on a Windows Mobile 5 device and tells the client to get "blocked", I mean, it writes some values to the registry and prevents being launched or installed again showing the empty error message I had before unistalling it.
Someone can verify any of my ideas or bring a solution to have WLM working again on our WM5 devices?
Thanks in advance.
Romero i've found the problem! I got my hands on an UNdated UNrestricted version. As you said mic. just cut the WLM off. I do not knowe why but here is the fix http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36364&d=1175459584
fdez.romero said:
I have also done the same thing and get the same error. I had to uninstall Windows Live Mobile because I was getting an error everytime I tried to launch Live Messenger. Now I can't re-install it again.
I have 2 main ideas:
1st.: Microsoft is cutting the service from these "un-official" releases of their software, as they are trying now to sell Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Live can't be downloaded or installed let's say "legally".
2nd. (which doesn't affect the first one): Microsoft recognizes the WLM software as not pre-installed or being installed on a Windows Mobile 5 device and tells the client to get "blocked", I mean, it writes some values to the registry and prevents being launched or installed again showing the empty error message I had before unistalling it.
Someone can verify any of my ideas or bring a solution to have WLM working again on our WM5 devices?
Thanks in advance.
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neither of those are correct, the reason is thats its a beta and expired at the beginning of the month. therefore you cant run the program or install it. just get a new beta version by signing up to Microsoft Connect or use the older version thats been extracted from wm6 thats floating around here.
Try it, like the worker:
Thank you very much ASerg!
The version The Dutchman posted was in English, but I find out that the Aserg's file was several kB bigger... That made me think and decided to install this bigger one and finally got Windows Live Mobile working in Spanish, just like before my beta had expired.
So thank you again guys!

hardspl not working in windows 7

while running the hardspl.bat file (from update package), windows gives a message stating the application has stopped working, the program will close.
did everything according to the instructions.. plz help
I'm having absolutely the same problem! I'm considering borrowing a friend's laptop to flash the prophet.

[q] tool version dosent match !!! Hd2

hi all
tried to find answer myself but couldnt find anything related my problem is ive flashed the new xboxmod + yuki wp7 rom (7004) done every thing to letter it gets two updates from zune to (7392) then i tried to send cab files and it fails with this massage " installed version of zunewmdu <4.8.2345.0> dosent match tool version <4.8.2134.0>
now zune tries to update to mango beta 7403 and fails with error code 80180005
any help would be great plus im not a developer i just eat what the chefs here provide so i not sure what u need to know from me plus if this has been solved elsewhere sorry and pls point me to it
many thanks in advance
cmully said:
hi all
tried to find answer myself but couldnt find anything related my problem is ive flashed the new xboxmod + yuki wp7 rom (7004) done every thing to letter it gets two updates from zune to (7392) then i tried to send cab files and it fails with this massage " installed version of zunewmdu <4.8.2345.0> dosent match tool version <4.8.2134.0>
now zune tries to update to mango beta 7403 and fails with error code 80180005
any help would be great plus im not a developer i just eat what the chefs here provide so i not sure what u need to know from me plus if this has been solved elsewhere sorry and pls point me to it
many thanks in advance
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in the cab sender, there should be 3 folders, one of them says if needed, install this tool. try installing that (there is 1 32bit and 1 64bit so just install the one for your system). also make sure the cab sender app stays in the same folder as those 3 folders. so in the WP7 Cab sender folder (or whatever the main folder is called)you have:
FOLDER: if needed install this tool
FOLDER: logs
FOLDER: tools
and the WP7 Update Cab Sender.bat file
thanks gonna TRY NOW ill report back
just tried again and it returned a new message (as below) am i missing something.
and y does it want to update me to 7403 isnt it supossed to update to 7220 first as zune already updated me to 7392 ????
thanks again
Update device 7938612c - b493e145 - 90cfab34 - dc9e259e Complete with error code
: 80180011, error message: IU (Image Update) installation failed on phone: None
of the packages in the update are applicable.
╚══════» Done
Press any key to continue . . .
thought id cracked it tried to install mango rtm cabs and this come back if this is any help
think i might start again if so do i need to task 29 or can i just re flash the rom
Name: HTC HD2
KITLName: QSD8XXX07185665
Manufacturer: HTC
ModelId: 1
Model: HD2
MobileOperator: 000-00
Version: 07.00.07392.03-00.00.00000.00-00.00.00000.00
Update device 7938612c - b493e145 - 90cfab34 - dc9e259e Complete with error code
: 80180005, error message: IU (Image Update) installation failed: The update pac
kage isn't a valid CAB file.
╚══════» Done
Press any key to continue . . .

th damn zune 800B010A error

BTTF 7200 with sp1, old HTC drivers for Touch explorer.
I have tried all suggestions in :
rebooted computer and phone more than 10 times, took out sim card, updated computer device driver. tried on different PCs. damn, the weird error code just persisted.
why couldn't those stupid Zune developers add more descriptive error message for troubleshooting? pulling my hair.
any other suggestions? is there a update cab sender cab for this ISV Beta Cleanup update?
jessezx said:
BTTF 7200 with sp1, old HTC drivers for Touch explorer.
I have tried all suggestions in :
rebooted computer and phone more than 10 times, took out sim card, updated computer device driver. tried on different PCs. damn, the weird error code just persisted.
why couldn't those stupid Zune developers add more descriptive error message for troubleshooting? pulling my hair.
any other suggestions? is there a update cab sender cab for this ISV Beta Cleanup update?
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Hi there, I think you will have more chances to find a solution if you post in the HD2 Windows 7 section. THis is the Android side of the force

[Q] Dell Venue Pro; Update failed, recover not successfull

Hello there,
my "new" Venue Pro arrived yesterday and i just started to test it.
It had a very old firmware, not even mango ... so i startet updates by zune.
After the third update (for wlan problems, i think it was the "latest" wp7 update) i get an error .... so i restartet the phone an tried again, no success.
I read a lot, not even the microsot update tool could help. So i startet the recover in zune over settings, updates.
The update startet and now i always get an error by 61%. I read a lot again, i even tried to backup it from another comuter (copied image %appdata%\Microsoft\Microsoft Phone Update) but the same problem.
So, my "new" phone doesent start any more ... it just loads to the bootloader ...
I tried to get any offiziel firmware to flash the device to "standard" but i seams hat MS dont want this.
I knew a little bit about flashing WM6 devices (HSPL & custom fw) but with WP7 devices i dont really understand what to do in this situation.
I hope you can help me! Can i download the dell firmeware someware to recover the phone? maybe someone have a "personal recover firmware" for me?
If your device can load into download mode (that you called "bootloader") it can be restored to 7004 T-mobile branded version and later update to 7720 via Zune. This is only one available firmware on the public.
Look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1411300
I will try ... downloading ...
So, i downloaded VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP0030_RV001_RETAIL.ffu and thought, everthing is getting fine.
But i had no idea how i can install this!
I´m reading hours and hours, tried to use UpdateWP.exe (crash on 2 computers, where NO MS Support tools are installed), Windows_Phone_7_Backupv1.9, MangoB2-ZuneClient, Zune 4.7 .... no success.
Could sombody please tell me, how i can install this on Windows 7 x64? I dont know what to do ...
I get this message when i try to updatewp it;
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer fo
r 'wm7update.Program' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Coul
d not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate, Version=7.0.0
.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ddd0da4d3e678217' or one of its dependencies
. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly referen
ce. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DeviceUpdate, Version=, Culture=neutr
al, PublicKeyToken=ddd0da4d3e678217'
at wm7update.Program..cctor()
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\M
icrosoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure lo
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fus
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at wm7update.Program.Main(String[] args)
See also here: http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/85864/516966.aspx
As i said before, there is no (more) Microsoft Update Software on my computer and on the second there never was it.
Mybe i could handle it with the "MangoB2 Updater" .... but i cant download this anywhere.
I really have no luck :-(
Do not panic yet. You have different versionsof zune or updatewp /missing files
Install Net framework 3.5, 4;
Install Zune(take it from zune.net);
Install wp7 updatetool from zip attached here here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1306415 with proper x64 file.
Follow those steps after connecting device in download mode:
Extract command prompt to C:\program files\zune\
go to directory to “C:\program files\zune\ and run Command prompt. Type in : “UpdateWp /list” and your phone should show up there.
If your phone is listed (it should be) and your download is done and extracted, copy the VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP003 0_RV001_RETAIL.ffu file over to the” C:\program files\zune\” directory.
Type in: “updatewp /ffu VenuePro_flash_GLEOS2A_US_TMO_SIGNED_SWV0105_LP003 0_RV001_RETAIL.ffu” enter, update should start.
Great, now i can start my dell venue pro again and even updating is functional.
But why can´t i change the display language? I tought i´m able to change the display language in this roms? In all WP7 phones (in germany) i could change the language at the first start (and after a reset).
On this site i found language packs, but that is a little bit ... argh?!
so it´s over ... i send the phone back ...
Thank u very much 4 helping.

