Quallcomm Diag port access locally - Hardware Hacking General

All, I am looking to get access to the DMSS or DIAG port locally on android without a USB cable. Perhaps this is done via usb virtual devices or some other means. Anyone try this?
Once you get access, a lot of modifications could happen on android itself.


PXE Boot supportet?

Has anyone heard something about PXE booting from Shift PC, or how to com in the Bios. We want build the Shift PC automatic with OS Deployment Tool.
Thanks for all the info.
PXE boot is not possible - remember, the Ethernet port is not embedded, but just an USB attached device. Of course, you could create an bootable USB stick that provides a kind of USB support, assuming the necessary drivers for the ethernet port in the USB Hub are available (but in fact, i really doubt so).
OK Thanks i will try it

USB host mode on android using OTG

i am trying to get host mode working on the droid with little luck.
These are the commands i have tried.
"cat /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode"
i get "b_idle" when nothing is connected to the micro-usb port or i
get "b_peripheral" if the device is in factory test (Ethernet mode) or
connected to the PC. i am trying to force the droid into usb host by
using this command
"echo host > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode".
but nothing happens. I don't know if the android OS is blocking the
device from going into this mode or if the android gadget driver is
blocking it.
Seen this? http://www.tombom.co.uk/blog/?p=124

[Q] USB Host - Need full root?

I'm just going to assume that the DHD hardware is capable of USB host.
And that this will require a custom cable and external power supply.
And then there's probably some driver issue.
Which is where my question comes up; can we use the root we have, or do we need permanent root to be able to start working on USB host for the DHD?

[Q] how can we use a usb host?

I have do a usb cable with external power alimentation, can we use it on android?
It works on Windows and on ubuntu!
I have put the kernel with a driver for the usb host. If we search the program used in samsung s2?
Bumping, as I am looking too for a way to run this. There is no clear info about USB host support on this forum.
And USB Host IS POSSIBLE in HD2 as hardware supports it, probably with OTG mode. We need a working kernel, or just some info how to run it.

Issues with Windows picking up STV as a device

Unable to pick up STV with USB-a to USB-a cable on 3 separate windows devices. After putting the STV into dev mode and enabling USB debugging, I put my cable in the furthest USB port and put the other end into my computer. No windows "connected device" noise is made, as well as no device resembling what could be the STV in device manager. I know that both the cable and the ports on the STV and computer work because I get the SMARTLINK device pop-up when disabling USB debugging. I can't even use the Nvdia provided drivers for the STV, because there is no device to apply the driver to. What is the problem here?
Side note: I am able to ADB into the STV via my local network (network debugging) and put it into fastboot, but then had nothing to do since I couldn't get the device to do anything over the network while in fastboot. This is now not working at all and I am not entirely sure why.
All help is very much appreciated and if you need any more information please just let me know.

