Facebook to Reveal 'New Home on Android' - One (M7) General

Recently read this news intresting
RELATED: Facebook Says New Mobile Products Coming, but No Facebook Phone
Amazon has taken a similar route, creating its own version of Android software to run on its Kindle Fire. It places Amazon's services front and center.
Facebook has been rumored to be working on a phone of its own for a number of months now. However, while Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said the company is focused on mobile and is a mobile company, he has denied the existence of plans for a "Facebook phone."
"We want to support an ecosystem where other apps can build on top of Facebook," Zuckberg said on an earnings call last year. "There are a lot of things you can build in other operating systems, as well, that aren't really taking, that aren't really like building out a whole phone, which wouldn't make much sense for us to do."
In the last number of months, Facebook has released a slew of new mobile products, including its Poke app and additions to its Messenger app, which added free calling.
ABC News will have the latest on Facebook's Android announcement on April 4.[/UOTE]
Eliz barrymore................
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This is not device specific, so off-topic.​


[Breaking News]Next Version of WM will run on current Hardware

Next version of Windows Mobile: Derek Snyder, Microsoft employee, gave this presentation which was under NDA and can’t be discussed in detail. I can tell you that I have seen the next version of Windows Mobile (not Windows Mobile 7) that is scheduled to ship to manufacturers in the 1st quarter of 2008. We saw it running on current hardware, but that does not mean that wireless carriers or manufacturers will necessarily provide the update to consumers. Personally, I think this is the OS that Windows Mobile 6 should have been and I think that consumers will be quite pleased with the functionality and features of this next update.
I found out this Here
So, the xdains here will be able to port it to all devices hopefully.
wont it just be like having win xp and making it look like vista. no real changes just look
No it won't be like changing WinXP to look like Vista... because there are MAJOR differences between XP and Vista.
At the very least theres an entirely new sound and graphics subsystems, all new memory management systems, all new security systems... anyways far too many to list here! but you really should learn about whats different before passing judgement!
ahhh, it's not any where near the coolness of iPhone. I wonder when microsoft going to implement the gesture to its application. I have been microsoft long time fan, hate it to switch provider.
another blog (who was present in Amsterdam) i just read said that along with the new WM6 look, the WM6.1 or the upgrade will have new applications.. among those are : group or team calendar (maybe an outlook calendar update), wherein you can simultaneously see multiple calendars and agendas (from different people) allowing schedule and agenda synchronization between the two (super useful if you have a partner and needs to easily squeeze a meeting/date between two crowded agendas).. no more asking "are you free this afternoon?".. and an application called "Oops! I'm late" (funny name), which uses GPS and mobile internet to automatically pinpoint your exact location, assess nearby traffic and geographical situation, and automatically computes your ETA (estimated time of arrival) based on calendar appointments.. and it AUTOMATICALLY sends out emails and text messages to people in your appointment, notifying them that you will be coming late along with your ETA and the current traffic situation at your location.
very very nice.. along with that.. is a major visual overhaul! i hope it'll look like the glassy vista style interface seen in microsoft demo site here
good news!!!
For the love of GOD, please, PLEASE update that pos Pocket Outlook. I beg you.
Anymore screenshots??? i really dont see MUCH of a difference?
elFahd said:
Anymore screenshots??? i really dont see MUCH of a difference?
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no screen shots are possible or any other info (as of what the real WM6.1 upgrade interface looks like and what are its new features), except those already given by the bloggers who were present at the Mobius event at Amsterdam.. they were all sworn to a NDA or Non Disclosure Agreement.. meaning no information, other than those agreed to be disclosed (the 2 applications namely Team Calendar and Oops! I'm Late - these served as a sneak peak/teaser) should be leaked out or else, those persons will be legally liable to face the law.. they can say many things about the new look in general adjectives such as beautiful, revolutionary and long awaited, but you can't force them to tell the specifics or their asses will be kicked by Microsoft BIGTIME..
so as of now.. we only have speculations about the NEW look, based on what we have seen earlier and the rumors running around the net (the Windows media center-like carousel like that in the T-mobile shadow or the Palm 500v, the integration of Vista Side Show, and a new GUI effect)..
if you'll be patient.. i can feel that this new WM6 will surely be presented to the public at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) this coming January..
hmm sounds cool! + i would be really happy if i could sync my stuff with integrated vista apps and not just outlook..
I'm very ready to give it a try next year...the sooner the better for us!!!!
Anyone think M$ would have released this update free were it not for the iPhone?
Well I'm looking forward to seeing this.
Come on people - if we're asking for things we can't get without people getting into legal issues (i.e. Screenshots, additional details) why not go all out! I personally would like to request a leaked rom!
I am really glad that I have chosen the WM platform for my phone. It was so much fun being able to upgrade from the very original WM5, then the various flavours of WM6 ROM. My phone is one year old now but it still feels new to me.
I don't know of other phone platforms which let me do the same.

Blackberry Messenger (For Android)

.ducks/rolls. Hey - It's not nice to throw things.
Ok, I know it's been asked a million times, so before you cut my heart out and eat it with buttered toast, hear me out. I understand that pin messaging is on a closed network, I have searched the forums here, and numerous other places, and everyone agrees on the same thing.
Blackberry just released the 4.6 JDE publicly.
There is a website, Web2Pin, that provides free priority 1 messages to blackberries; and offers to design services around the BBM platform, but they charge an extraordinary amount of money and deal only with corporations.
My thoughts are that there has to be a secondary licensing system from blackberry, and that there has to be a way to design third party software, because it's obviously been done.
I'm not Java-wise, nor Android-wise, so my logic is most likely flawed, but I thought I'd put it out there and see what happens.
dismal moron said:
.ducks/rolls. Hey - It's not nice to throw things.
Ok, I know it's been asked a million times, so before you cut my heart out and eat it with buttered toast, hear me out. I understand that pin messaging is on a closed network, I have searched the forums here, and numerous other places, and everyone agrees on the same thing.
Blackberry just released the 4.6 JDE publicly.
There is a website, Web2Pin, that provides free priority 1 messages to blackberries; and offers to design services around the BBM platform, but they charge an extraordinary amount of money and deal only with corporations.
My thoughts are that there has to be a secondary licensing system from blackberry, and that there has to be a way to design third party software, because it's obviously been done.
I'm not Java-wise, nor Android-wise, so my logic is most likely flawed, but I thought I'd put it out there and see what happens.
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I'm a long time blackberry user (since the 7100 series) I know this has been talked about several times...I know it has something to do with having a valid pin as thats how bbm communicates with the BIS servers. The program would have to clone a pin or something and be able to ping the server and get access I would think...BlackBerry development has reached several third parties but bbm is a core app and liscensed by RIM so I dont know if or how it could be done would be nice...The final insult to injury lol.
That's what I had originally thought as well. But I also remember a few years ago when there was a little known, functioning application for WM5 that would do pin messaging (I had tested it while I was working Data Tech at a VZW Call Center).
There's also the up and coming Blackberry Application Suite. It currently only works with BES. I've a hunch that it's probably because they're going to sell pin numbers to corporations or bes server admins.
My other thought is, RIM would probably be more open to selling PIN licenses to individuals if there was a functional, stable piece of software (or base coding) for them to advertise alongside it.
Before the Blackberry App store, I remember going to a website that linked to a bunch of OTA installers grouped by category.
I don't just really want this to work. All the pieces seem to be there. Web2pin proves that the licenses can be purchased and used with bis, somehow. BBAS is about to roll out on WM. It's has to be possible.
I know! I'll sit down in my thinking chair and... Think. Think. Think.
I think the issue here is your all thinking inside the box. Android developers should design there own bbm styled app where android users would get AndroidPins and using the exact framework to create a competition and not a way to just communicate to bb people.
Android Messenger
ver 1.0
Android Pins: A9999-A999999999
Can send msgs threw data just like black berries
Would be free and you could make a donation or pay 1$ for the app
you register your number on the app and you recieve a android pin from the server
and basiclly figure out how to send pushes for when the person recieves and opens and responds to the message
the concept is there for android but i dont think people realize that black berry is like apple they try to close source there stuff which is ok but when android is open source you can litterally work on setting this app to work for communicating with apple iphones maybe blackberries too if you have the skill
just throwin around that idea
I do not know if you have ever noticed this, but bbm is RIM's largest ad campaign. There is very little chance that they would sell bbm PIN's.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
actually theres a app being developed for android its called Hello Messenger. Its already out for iOS and Blackberrys, it works just like bbm, with pin numbers and group chats. Follow them on twitter, @hellomessenger. Also theres a Android beta coming out soon, I signed up for it at http://hellomessenger.com/android/. Tell your friends.
Can't Google Talk be categorized here? Seeing as most Android users are using google accounts? Pingchat is coming to Android soon too http://pingchat.com/
thelamacmdr said:
Can't Google Talk be categorized here? Seeing as most Android users are using google accounts? Pingchat is coming to Android soon too http://pingchat.com/
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Its already out. Search in market
there's also whatsapp
im waiting for WhatsApp it is out for iOS, BBOS, they are developing it for Android 2.1+, WM and S60. It uses your mobile number as your pin so to speak.
Whatsapp is already there. I have it installed on my Desire. You download the app and they have to let you logging, because its a preview, but fully working.
Y will search for the link
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Sent vía XDA Tapatalk app
"We have authorized your phone to participate in our beta test. The url for installation is
http:// beta.whatsapp.com/WhatsApp.apk
As this is a very early beta, please let us know if you are able to install successfully Any questions or support go to [email protected] When sending us bugs, please use this route Chats > Menu Settings > About > Contact Us so that we may receive logs at the same time."
Send to them an e-mail saying that you have an android phone and that you want to test their soft and you will get an email similar to that one.
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Sent vía XDA Tapatalk app
I get a message saying you are not authorized in the beta. How do i get round that?
You have to send an email to the adress posted before. You have yo tell them that you want to try their soft as beta tester in your android phone.
After few hours/days you will get an email like the one i posted allowing you to use the soft.
I forgot yo say that You have to include in the email your full mobile number (with country code), the same that you use in the app. They use it to activate your app.
Me and my friends used blackberry messenger for the longest time. Mainly the groupchat feature because it was basically a live chat room for only your friends to share pics voice records and randomness. Unfortunately both pinchat and whatsapp do not supply a good group chat. pinchat does have a group chat but its garbage compared to the BBmsger group chat and whatsapp is just flawed. I am still in search for a good group chat program that is also cross platform. or at least on android.
Non-BB users underestimate how much people love BBM. If there's going to be a cross-platform alternative, it has to do everything that BBM does as close to the way BBM does it as possible. PingChat and WhatsApp come close, but they aren't going to win over BBM users with their subtle, but important deficiencies. I'm looking forwards to the Android release of Hello! to compare.
The biggest problem is that BBM comes installed on BlackBerry phones, and it's going to be VERY hard convincing BB users to install something else. Android and iPhone users are more happy to install new apps, but having everyone pick one app and stick with it is a challenge as well.
PrawnPoBoy said:
Non-BB users underestimate how much people love BBM. If there's going to be a cross-platform alternative, it has to do everything that BBM does as close to the way BBM does it as possible. PingChat and WhatsApp come close, but they aren't going to win over BBM users with their subtle, but important deficiencies. I'm looking forwards to the Android release of Hello! to compare.
The biggest problem is that BBM comes installed on BlackBerry phones, and it's going to be VERY hard convincing BB users to install something else. Android and iPhone users are more happy to install new apps, but having everyone pick one app and stick with it is a challenge as well.
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Why not try ICQ, throwing a homage to the original IM. Its got native clients for most, if not all platforms. Its even usually listed as a quick install link on BB. Facebook chat is integrated (on desktop and Android versions, don't knpw about Java/Symbian and iOS). You get a number for anti-spaming (like a PIN if you REALLY want to emulate BB).
Yes, some would say "just use X IM app then." But its the only one with native support other than fring. And I find fring clumsy, plus does not have a desktop version.
I have BBM on my work BB. And I know that its superior in a lot of ways, but willing to bet that the reason a lot of features aren't being duplicated are likely legal, not technical, reasons. So I think this is a viable option until whatsapp or others have the kinks worked out (have yet to have a successful convo in 2 days!). Maybe with enough interest they can get the things we want added.
there is app called crosstalk
but i don't know when they will release it
it's written in the official site it will com at the end of aug
but tell now nothing!!!
check this site for more info
2 quick questions..
Why doesn't google talk use the new google push?(would save battery)
Also can't some one use the new push service google made to power a chat program?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
? Hmm.. any one?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Google I/O Announcements

Thought I would make this thread per request. So here we go, what goodies you bringing to the table Google
This morning at Google I/O, the Android team shared some updates. It’s hard to believe a little more than two and a half years ago, we were just one device, launching in one country, on one carrier. Thanks to the ecosystem of manufacturers, developers and carriers, the platform has grown exponentially. There are now:
100 million activated Android devices
400,000 new Android devices activated every day
200,000 free and paid applications available in Android Market
4.5 billion applications installed from Android Market
Mobile—one OS everywhere
Over the past two and a half years, we’ve shipped eight releases of Android and there are now more than 310 Android devices around the world, of all shapes and sizes. This morning we talked about our next version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich. Our goal with Ice Cream Sandwich is to deliver one operating system that works everywhere, regardless of device. Ice Cream Sandwich will bring everything you love about Honeycomb on your tablet to your phone, including the holographic user interface, more multitasking, the new launcher and richer widgets.
We also launched Music Beta by Google, a new service that lets you upload your personal music collection to the cloud for streaming to your computer and Android devices. With the new service, your music and playlists are automatically kept in sync, so if you create a new playlist on your phone, it’s instantly available on your computer or tablet. You can use a feature called Instant Mix to create a playlist of songs that go well together. You can even listen to music when you’re offline: we automatically store your most recently played music on your Android device and you can choose to make specific albums or playlists available when you’re not connected. The service is launching in beta today to U.S. users and is available by invitation.
We’ve also added Movies for rent to Android Market. You can choose to rent from thousands of movies starting at $1.99 and have them available across your Android devices—rent a movie on your home computer, and it’ll be available for viewing on your tablet or phone. You can rent from Android Market on the web today, and we’ll be rolling out an update to Verizon XOOM customers beginning today. We’ll start rolling out the update to Android 2.2 and above devices in the coming weeks.
The Android ecosystem has been moving really fast over the last two and a half years and rapid iteration on new and highly-requested features has been a driving force behind Android’s success. But of course that innovation only matters if it reaches consumers. So today we’re announcing that a founding team of industry leaders, including many from the Open Handset Alliance, are working together to adopt guidelines for how quickly devices are updated after a new platform release, and also for how long they will continue to be updated. The founding partners are Verizon, HTC, Samsung, Sprint, Sony Ericsson, LG, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Motorola and AT&T, and we welcome others to join us. To start, we're jointly announcing that new devices from participating partners will receive the latest Android platform upgrades for 18 months after the device is first released, as long as the hardware allows...and that's just the beginning. Stay tuned for more details.
More—extending the platform beyond mobile
From the beginning, Android was designed to extend beyond the mobile phone. With that in mind, we’ve developed Android Open Accessory to help developers start building new hardware accessories that will work across all Android devices. We previewed an initiative called [email protected], which allows Android apps to discover, connect and communicate with appliances and devices in your home. We also showed a preview of Project Tungsten, an Android device for Music Beta to give you more control over music playback within the [email protected] network.
You can watch the entire Android keynote from Google I/O on our Google Developer YouTube Channel shortly. On behalf of the team, we want to thank the entire Android community of developers, OEMs and carriers who are pushing the platform into new areas and building great experiences for consumers. Without you, the Android platform wouldn’t have grown so large in the past two and a half years. We look forward to seeing where you take it next.
I'm convinced I saw 'MUSIC' on the Android Market this morning/early afternoon today too - I re-set up my phone and noticed it appearing (which it didn't before) as installed... didn't think much of it.
Now I notice its US only too for now
If it's anything like the Amazon AppStore, UKers might see it in a year's time?
looking forward to USB host I wonder if SD card may get enabled soon too...
Why copy-paste the text of a website you just gave a link to?
slack04 said:
Why copy-paste the text of a website you just gave a link to?
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1. To give a source to where I got it, 2. because I know some noobs aren't going to click the link because they are too eager to fill up the forums with hearsay haha.
And it was easy just to put both haha.

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie Release Date, News And Rumours

Android 5.0 release date
Google has announced that its next developer conference - Google IO - will take place from May 15 to May 17 2013, a month earlier than 2012's June dates. Given that Google announced Android 4.1 Jelly Bean at 2012's IO conference, it's not unreasonable to expect to see Android 5.0 at this year's event On 31 January, a Google IO showing of Android 5.0 looked more likely when screengrabs of a Qualcomm roadmap were leaked, showing Android 5.0 as breaking cover between April and June 2013.
Android 5.0 phones
Rumours of a new Nexus handset started trickling in during the third quarter of 2012, as we reported on 1 October 2012. There was speculation that this phone would be sporting Key Lime Pie, but sources who spoke to AndroidAndMe correctly claimed that the handset, which turned out to be the Google Nexus 4 would be running Android Jelly Bean.
While the Nexus 4 didn't appear with a helping of Key Lime Pie, speculation that we reported on 21 January 2013 suggests that the Motorola X Phone is the Android 5.0-toting handset that will be revealed at Google IO. According to a post on the DroidForums website, the phone will also feature a virtually bezel-free, edge-to-edge, 5-inch display.
The same leaked Qualcomm documents cited above also made mention of a two new Snapdragon devices, one of which will be, unsurprisingly, a new Nexus phone.
Android 5.0 features
For 24 hours, it seemed as though the first kinda, sorta confirmed feature for Android 5.0 was a Google Now widget, which briefly appeared in a screenshot on the company's support forum before being taken down. As it was so hurriedly pulled, many people assumed it was slated for the big five-o and accidentally revealed early.
As it happened, the following day, on 13 February 2013, the Google Now widget rolled out to Jelly Bean.
So while we wait on Key Lime Pie features to be revealed and scour the web for more Android 5.0 news, TechRadar writer Gary Cutlack has been thinking about what we want to see in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie. Hopefully the new mobile OS will feature some of these things...
Performance Profiles
It's bit of a fuss managing your mobile before bed time. Switching off the sound, turning off data, activating airplane mode and so on, so what Android 5.0 really needs is a simple way of managing performance, and therefore power use, automatically.
We've been given a taste of this with Blocking Mode in Samsung's Jelly Bean update on the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Note 2 but we'd like to see the functionality expanded.
Something like a Gaming mode for max power delivery, an Overnight low-power state for slumbering on minimal power and maybe a Reading mode for no bothersome data connections and a super-low backlight.
Some hardware makers put their own little automated tools in, such as the excellent Smart Actions found within Motorola's RAZR interface, but it'd be great to see Google give us a simple way to manage states.
Another little power strip style widget for phone performance profiles would be an easy way to do it.
Better multiple device support
Google already does quite a good job of supporting serious Android nerds who own several phones and tablets, but there are some holes in its coverage that are rather frustrating.
Take the Videos app which manages your film downloads through the Play Store. Start watching a film on one Android device and you're limited to resuming your film session on that same unit, making it impossible to switch from phone to tablet mid-film.
You can switch between phone and web site players to resume watching, but surely Google ought to understand its fans often have a couple of phones and tabs on the go and fix this for Android Key Lime Pie?
Enhanced social network support
Android doesn't really do much for social network users out of the box, with most of the fancy social widgets and features coming from the hardware makers through their own custom skins.
Sony integrates Facebook brilliantly in its phones, and even LG makes a great social network aggregator widget that incorporates Facebook and Twitter - so why are there no cool aggregator apps as part of the standard Android setup?
Yes, Google does a great job of pushing Google+, but, no offence, there are many other more widely used networks that ought to be a little better "baked in" to Android.
Line-drawing keyboard options
Another area where the manufacturers have taken a big leap ahead of Google is in integrating clever alternate text entry options in their keyboards. HTC and Sony both offer their own takes on the Swype style of line-drawing text input, which is a nice option to have for getting your words onto a telephone. Get it into Android 5.0 and give us the choice.
A video chat app
How odd is it that Google's put a front-facing camera on the Nexus 7 and most hardware manufacturers do the same on their phones and tablets, yet most ship without any form of common video chat app?
You have to download Skype and hope it works, or find some other downloadable app solution. Why isn't there a Google Live See My Face Chat app of some sort as part of Android? Is it because we're too ugly? Is that what you're saying, Google?
Multi-select in the contacts
The Android contacts section is pretty useful, but it could be managed a little better. What if you have the idea of emailing or texting a handful of your friends? The way that's currently done is by emailing one, then adding the rest individually. Some sort of checkbox system that let users scroll through names and create a mailing list on the fly through the contacts listing in Android Key Lime Pie would make this much easier.
Cross-device SMS sync
If you're a constant SIM swapper with more than one phone on the go, chances are you've lost track of your text messages at some point. Google stores these on the phone rather than the SIM card, so it'd be nice if our texts could be either backed up to the SIM, the SD card, or beamed up to the magical invisible cloud of data, for easy and consistent access across multiple devices.
A "Never Update" option
This would annoy developers so is unlikely to happen, but it'd be nice if we could refuse app updates permanently in Android 5.0, just in case we'd rather stick with a current version of a tool than be forced to upgrade.
Sure, you can set apps to manual update and then just ignore the update prompt forever, but it'd be nice to know we can keep a favoured version of an app without accidentally updating it. Some of us are still using the beta Times app, for example, which has given free access for a year.
App preview/freebie codes
Something Apple's been doing for ages and ages is using a promo code system to distribute free or review versions of apps. It even makes doing little competitions to drum up publicity for apps much easier, so why's there no similar scheme for Android?
It might encourage developers to stop going down the ad-covered/freemium route if they could charge for an app but still give it away to friends and fans through a promo code system.
Final whinges and requests...
It's be nice to be able to sort the Settings screen by alphabetical order, too, or by most commonly used or personal preference, as Android's so packed with a huge list of options these days it's a big old list to scroll through and pick out what you need.
Plus could we have a percentage count for the battery in the Notifications bar for Android 5.0? Just so we know a bit more info than the vague emptying battery icon.
Okay I wanted to drop this in about video chat. You say that Google doesn't have one right? Of I remember correctly Google talk has video.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
jlmancuso said:
Okay I wanted to drop this in about video chat. You say that Google doesn't have one right? Of I remember correctly Google talk has video.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
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This one is built in,you dont have to look for it and install it from 3rd party.
Diablo67 said:
This one is built in,you dont have to look for it and install it from 3rd party.
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Google talk has built in video chat, you don't have to install anything its preloaded on every android phone for as long as I can remember.
I like to break stuff!
-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
Google talk has built in video chat, you don't have to install anything its preloaded on every android phone for as long as I can remember.
I like to break stuff!
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Most of the gapps i ever installed didnt,but yes on a sense rom you can find it and maybe an official ICS or JB that is meant for a certain phone.So i should have reworded that.You are correct though.

The FB phone hype ends

“It gave it (Facebook) this soul… We don’t want to build a phone or operating system that some people will use,” he says. “Even if we did build a really good phone we’d only serve 1% of our community… We’re not building a phone. We’re not building an operating system.”
Android is very open, Zuck says, so you can make many changes to it. “You don’t need to fork Android to do this… Today we’re going to talk about the Home Screen of your phone.”
More info on what Zuck revealed on FB Blog about "Home"
Well , whenever this gets released we would like to see a port for nexus,wont we?
Its going to be like a launcher that you can download from Google Play Store on April 12 but the devices I seen so far that could download it are Galaxy S3 Note 2 HTC One X & a couple more I can't remember but yea wait until next week & see if you can download! I for 1 Hate Facebook I don't have the app installed on my phone if I do check to see what on FB its through the browser.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Yeah.But lets see hows immersive is the experience? Waiting to see it on our nexuses.... (anyone listening?)
I don't understand what it is, what feature ?
I do check to see what on FB its through the browser.

