How do you edit a text file in ADB? - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am in ADB and I think I messed up a config file using echo >> file
Is it possible to open this file in a text editor in adb and change it?
I have BusyBox v1.17.1 I tried "vi" but it does not seem to be a linux vi program. Maybe the name vi is mapped to another program in busy box?
How do I edit the file in place? Is the only way to edit it is download to the computer and upload to the phone again?


[HOWTO] Modify any DLL or EXE Files you want!!

Now I found a way to Edit DLL, EXE, MUI and all other files for WM5 and WM6!
I ever had problems with the Signature in the Files bur now i have the Solution!
In This package i attached, there is a UnSigner, Signer, Editor and the Certificate for the Phone!
First you must Unsign the file you want to edit!
Just go into the Unsign dir and drop the file over UnSigner.exe.
A DOS-Window will popup for a short time, the file is now unsigned!​Step2:
Now you can edit the file! I placed the reshacker into the package...​
If you edited the file successfully, you must sign it again!
Go into the Sign dir and open siggner.exe. Then choose the file you edited and take the "SDKSamplePrivDeveloper" Certificate.
Press "Start sign process" and close it​
Viola, now your file is Modified and signed!!!
thx 4 tools in one place.
Method is rather..known, but good.
thanks for your good work.
thx nice works i need that
great software suite thanks
i tried this but still cant copy into the \windows\ directory, i can copy from from \windows\ dir tho
thx 4 share.....
gh0st- said:
i tried this but still cant copy into the \windows\ directory, i can copy from from \windows\ dir tho
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I have not figured this out myself eather, i read "everywhere" to use activesync, but how do i copy a file trough activesync?
schreda said:
Now I found a way to Edit DLL, EXE, MUI and all other files for WM5 and WM6!
I ever had problems with the Signature in the Files bur now i have the Solution!
In This package i attached, there is a UnSigner, Signer, Editor and the Certificate for the Phone!
First you must Unsign the file you want to edit!
Just go into the Unsign dir and drop the file over UnSigner.exe.
A DOS-Window will popup for a short time, the file is now unsigned!​Step2:
Now you can edit the file! I placed the reshacker into the package...​
If you edited the file successfully, you must sign it again!
Go into the Sign dir and open siggner.exe. Then choose the file you edited and take the "SDKSamplePrivDeveloper" Certificate.
Press "Start sign process" and close it​
Viola, now your file is Modified and signed!!!
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THANKS! Your pakage was very helpful to me and the two certificate cab's did it for me. Now i can translate my M2D into Swedish.
i want to modify a dll file
hi, I want to modify a dll file called invdb32.dll in this file an option is block i want to open it, any body help me?
[email protected]
good job! thanx dude
Is there a way we can view the images instead of a bunch of numbers and stuff? BTW great job man! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing
Is this can work with Windows vista
modify the manilla2d exe with this to support animated weather other than rain???
Can i use this to change the Samsung Omnia Menu to different programs being shown? Instead of TouhPlayer Kinoma?
I was able to unsign, modify and then sign a DLL file. But when I opened it in PE Explorer to check it, it gives me errors that the file is now too long. Take it you can't make additions, only changes?
EDIT: Here's the exact error I'm receiving, not sure if it's fixable or not;
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : EOF Extra Data From: 0008C400h (574464)
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : Length of EOF Extra Data: 00001948h (6472) bytes.
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : EOF Position: 0008DD48h (580936)
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : Error! (Step: Examining Exports)
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : Errors detected! Opening file in SAFE MODE...
03.01.2009 21:03:04 : Done.
the original file showed the following;
03.01.2009 21:02:25 : EOF Position: 0008C400h (574464)
03.01.2009 21:02:25 : Done.
converting dll to VGA
hi, i need expert help from any of you to kindly convert this enclosed dll file to VGA 191dpi for my Raphael. this file is part of PHM ppc Plus to enable clibboard in SIP. thanks in advance for your help
MEditor: Simplicity
Hi guys,
I've decided to make it quite a bit easier. Just open up the attached .zip
file, extract the MEditor to Program Files, and double-click Install Context
Menus.reg (confirm if a warning pops up).
Now, to edit a dll, mui, or exe file, just right-click on it and press Edit with
ResHacker. Once you're done editing, just save the file, close ResHacker,
and it'll take care of re-signing the file for you
How it works
I didn't mean to make this post a big deal, but I'd just like to explain how this
thing works. I've added the necessary registry files for adding or removing
(if you choose) the Context Menus for "Edit with ResHacker". It calls
C:\Program Files\MEditor\open.bat, which opens a batch window (do not
close it until you're done editing, it will close itself) that removes the
readonly, archive, system, and hidden attributes off the file, then unsigns it,
then opens ResHacker.exe to edit it. When you close ResHacker.exe, it
automatically signs the file and adds the readonly and system attributes
(hidden and archive aren't necessary). Not very complicated if you think
about it, but it's what I use
smotrs said:
I was able to unsign, modify and then sign a DLL file. But when I opened it in PE Explorer to check it, it gives me errors that the file is now too long. Take it you can't make additions, only changes?
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Same problem. Internal adresses are being messed up. Tried expanding array in IDA and adding complimentary bits in HEX Editor. No luck. This has to be possible right? Shifting the entire code a few bits as to add a few characters here and there? Please someone, this is driving me nuts.
Help On exrtacting the *.dll file from windows folder
Hello has any one been able to remove the file from the windows folder tried resco and total commander but in vain ..
Awaitin help...

[FYI] How to convert .hv to .txt

I am trying to convert default.hv from a dumped ROM to a .txt/.reg file. I have found rgucomp and only get errors using Windows 7. The error says something about not being able to create the file (maybe UAC problem, though I run cmd prompt as admin...). I used the following commands
RGUCOMP -o default.hv -nologo > boot.txt
Is there another tool that will allow conversion of *.hv to .txt easily with Windows 7? Thanks.
Mod edit: Solved
Have you tried this?
Use this, all included .
seems to be nice answers so.... lets solve this as it is
+ Que PPC said:
seems to be nice answers so.... lets solve this as it is
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Yep, thanks for the links guys.

Editing XT9 words on PC?

Hi, is there any way how to edit XT9 words on PC? I know about the et9MyWords.exe app in WM, but I want something more comfortable...
EDIT: Ok, I've found that editing HTCMDB.txt from Windows directory does the job...
Nice. Thanks for this info.
How do you edit and save HTCMDB.txt file? It's a system file found under Windows folder. Won't allow modification of this file.
Any work around?
htc x9 edit
i used total commander (explorer dose not allow you to modify system files) to copy the file to sd card (otherwiswe wont let you edit it) edit+save and then copy to windows folder (overwritting) and that s it
I was able to do it using Total Commander. But it doesn't seem to work. The additional words i put in there were not recognized. And the edited file with more words is only half the size of the original file. What went wrong?
in fact i've translated part of the words allready existing in the file (takes some time to do them all manually) and it worked thow i did not take notice of the final file size
I can't add new words to the list? Only change existing words?

[TOOL][GUI][Reverse engineer] Decompile APK to JAR Full Decompile :: One Click

Reverse engineer "Perfect software" , managed to convert apk to a jar file and decompile it using JD(via dex2jar)
The program uses 3 tools (apktool.jar, dex2jar.bat, jad.exe)
I've updated all lib/scripts ,apktool.jar 1.5.2, dex2jar
in attach you will find
Fragment.apk I've tested with this tool and works fully !!,look on to see the result
To Start
Works on Windows7/8
1. Scan dir for “apk” file or look for the file with “APK File Directory”.
Scan has a “subfolders” flag ,in the “Options” tab.
2. Double click on the found file it will be transferred to the “APK File Directory”.
3. Write or look for the output directory. Leaving this line empty will put all
the project output files under the directory “OutPut” where this program is executed.
If there is an output directory name, a directory “OutPut_” + APK file name
will be created.
3. Press the Decompile KEY.
4. All Dos messages will be seen in the “Decompile OutPut” panel.
5. It will be shown also in the “Edit log” panel.
6. The log can be edited and printed.
7. A java file editor is included. Scan project files, Scan any directory or open any file.
Credit and Thanks !
Tool Dev Website:
Reversed for new stuff
anyone tell us how it works with him?
codexc said:
anyone tell us how it works with him?
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no download link to test

[GUIDE] How to change Moto G WiFi Mac Address

There are a number of reasons one may want to change their WiFi mac address that are not worth discussing here. The point of this guide is only to provide instructions for making the change on a KitKat 4.4 2nd Gen Moto G. It might work for Lollipop but I've not tested it.
This requires root access.
Go to the WiFi settings panel and open the menu at the bottom right corner.
Click 'Advanced' and write down the MAC address shown (second to last entry)
Use your root enabled file explorer (ES File Explorer is one example) to navigate to /persist and copy the file called 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin'
Paste the file in a place where you can edit it (ex the downloads folder)
Download a hex editor app and open the file from the location you just copied it to
You should be able to find a set of characters in this file that matches your MAC address - make sure that the set matches exactly what you wrote down before
Change the characters to a new MAC address of your choosing and save the file
Using your file explorer, rename the original file 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin' in the /persist directory to something like 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv_bak.bin' to create a backup file
Copy and paste the modified copy of 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin' from your Downloads folder (or wherever you put it) to the /persist folder
Reboot and check your mac address as detailed in steps 1-2 to ensure that it has changed. This change will be persistent.
I used this small apk to change it:
I think it's easier to change with one of the apps from the google play.

