[Q] gapps not update-able through play store? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i bought my girlfriend a nexus 7 and i have been trying to update her apps. it is on 4.1.2. i know apps are out of date like google now and whatnot since the google now screen says to update it but it does not show up in the my apps screen in the play store. just curious since it will not let me update without searching for them.


No google books update outside US

Hi there
Just got my n7 and set up my us vpn. I managed to buy a book with my 25$ gift thing but when i try to open google books i am told i need the newest google books update to read it (same with movies and magazines). So i hit OK and i am taken to the app store showing the google books app, but there is no update button? The apps show AS installed on google play, but are nowhere to be seen in the app drawer or installed apps.
This happened after i updated to the latest OTA FW.
Before the ota i could atleast watch the transformers movie.
I am currently rooted using nexus root toolbox 1.5.3, also using market enabler and a USA based vpn.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
So nobody else has experienced this? Could it be that i need a factory reset after the OTA update?

Ever have fake updates show up in my apps in play store?

I've had a few recently show that there was an update, but the version posted was what I already had. Only open and uninstall buttons. A real update eventually showed up a few days later.
Only when the apps are from outside of the play store and not from developers sites.

[Q] Trusted places

I've been using the 438 play services on my nexus 4 for a while until it crashed big time. So I decided to install the 436, updated through play store, but the thing is, there's no more 'trusted places' in the smart unlock. I'm I missing something?
By the way, I'm on stock 5.0.1, and play services 6.7.74(436).

google play store stops working?

Ever since I updated my N10 to the Nov patch, the google play store stops working --- I *can* start the play store app, look up new apps and be told about updates of existing apps, but everytime I try to install a new app and/or update an existing one the play store will crash.
My N10 is rooted and I locked it down pretty tightly using xprivacy etc. I also have titanium backup of an older play store (5.9.12 -- the current one is 5.10.30), and when I restored 5.9.12 I can resume installing new app and updating old ones, so I don't think it is an xprivacy issue (?). But play store updates itself very quickly and it gets tedious...
Does anyone else run into this problem? Solution? Thanks!
Bump: Am I the only one with this problem? It seems that restoring play store version 5.9.12 has stopped working...
I'm about to post a message on the google support forum, but first I want to see if I'm the only one affected by this (I have another phone running 4.4.2 for which the play store has stopped working as well)
I solved the problem by clearing the cache of the play store and reboot. Stupid mistake

[Help] Axon 7 A2017G Google Play Store (Chinese version)

I recently got an Axon 7 from China, and i'm having problems with the google play store (not factory installed). After downloading the play store from the zte store, i couldn't open the app and i tried downloading play store apk and happened the same. Don't no what to do know.
(not sure if posted on wrong thread, so mods, you can move it)
Are you sure that it is a 2017G if you've got it from China?
Another one that can't read... This has been well documented BUT here goes again...
1. Go to ZTE Market. Search>Type "Google Installer"
Install gmail, google play services (Very much needed) and play store.
2. Open Mi-Assisstant. Go to Autorun and select the 3 apps listed above. Log into Play store. - you won't be able to install or update anything for about an hour until Google recognises you are actually legit. Update everything when able to.
If/When you try to log into Gmail you will be prompted to update google play services, this may take a while to do so - above wait time - it will give an error until google decides you are able to use your account...
Next time, please search...
