How to remove startup gingle - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

How do remove startup jingle ?: Confuso:

Using a file explorer with root privileges, delete or move /etc/PowerOn.ogg

Thanks for the reply .... WORKS!
I knew this solution would fixed it, but I did not know where the file was located . . .
I also tried to rename the file to "PowerOn.ogg.SAV" (in the same directory), but it did not work ...
Maybe Android does not accept files with double extensions
Would be to try to rename "PowerOn.ogg" in "PowerOn.SAV" only
Thanks !


How to install dsp manager?

hi, does anyone know how to install dsp manager to hd2 android? people with native android phones install it via recovery mode, but I don't know how to do this with hd2. here's one thread about it:
You put the apk in the root/system/app folder and you put the in the root/system/lib folder and full reboot android and it should work
*if non of the folders exist then create them and if allready exists then overwrite it
I've tried replacing it.. but it does not allow me to replace the file
Use ES File Explorer to mount system data as writable. its free from the market.
open es file explorer, go to settings and pick root options.
I'm currently using ES file explorer.. but i cant check the Mount File System
TheiPhoneKiller said:
You put the apk in the root/system/app folder and you put the in the root/system/lib folder and full reboot android and it should work
*if non of the folders exist then create them and if allready exists then overwrite it
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Hey TheiPhoneKiller!
Where can I find these files? I´ve downloaded this zip file, but I can´t find a in there...
here we go,ive uploaded it for you
thank you, man
Thanks... its working on normal builds, i think this doesn't work with ram edition builds.
ok, i finally tried installing this as instructed and after reboot the phone just stalls at htc logo. i rebooted once more and still the same. so i did a fresh install
edit: apparently my build (jdms) already has dsp manager built in.

.MD5 file help

hello ,
Am using galaxy ace and i want to change the default app icons [like My files gallery...etc].I downloaded a copy of my firmware and i was able to extract system.rfs from the md5 file which contained the apk for the music player...etc using 7z,i changed the icons to my custom I am not able to move the system.rfs to the MD5 file using 7z...does any one know anyway of doing this
P.S Does editing the files do harm when flashing...will this be succesfull?
If you edit rfs files on pc then its corrupted
So make changes in the apk and paste it in /system/app
You can make a new rfs fine too but that needs root and and the need to know which partition is mapped to /system
so can i just place the apk directly on phone through root explorer...but i tried that with an system app [you tube] i dont use ,i changed the icon and placed the apk using root explorer...after that it vanished..i tried rebooting and installing the apk....but it wont install...

i need help in ADWlauncher

hi guys ....
today. i flashing this rom
the general launcher in this rom (ADWlauncher1.3.3.56).
ADWlauncher 100%
but... i need to remove ( recovery mod + download ) from
power bottom .
how i can do it ???
Install TouchWiz 4.0 then use Titanium backup to remove ADWlanucher.
not work
please heeeeelp me
You must replace 2 files (using root explorer) in system/framework. Framework-res.apk and android.policy.jar
Search forum to find those files.
i download GoLuncher
and delete ADWluncher
But did not work and the
heelp me
Read my post. Find these files from any open, clean ROM for Your device and replace them. Reebot and U be happy
i found the files ...
and i select delete
but ..Appeared writing ( can not delete this file because file system is red only)
What do I do ...
At the top of screen U can se a little button (Mount R/W) tap on it, change to mount R/O now U can paste files. Then tap on them again -> mount R/W. Wait a minute for soft reebot, Thats all...
the device was restarting boot animition only
U replace these files by files form open ROM or only delete these files?
U can read with understanding?
I wrote U that U must REPLACE these files by files from OPEN ROM not only delete...
Now U have to find a CWM install pack with these files...
i flashing the rom and the phone was work ...
can you Explain the Way in steps ..
First, U must find 2 files on forum, google or where U want, this file must be from OPEN ROM thats mean these are clean, non modification inside.
Put this 2 files to sdcard in your device.
Now U must replace these 2 files using root explorer, copy- from sd card, paste to system/framework, ofcourse before paste U have to tap on button mount r/w.
Thats all to do.
I understand all steps .
can you give me Download Link for the files i need it .
please ..
i make framework-rs.apk file from here
A file that replaced it last time
I don't have these files cos i have other device. Sorry U must find these by Yourself
how i can found the files + thank you for help me

help me how to install

my rom is stock odex i used universal deodexer and deodexed my.system/app and system/framework folders in my pc . now my can i install that app and framework folders to my phone ??(i tried replace with root explorer but it does not .(how can i make thats to a flashable zip?
my problem is not that . i can make a flashable zip . its working fine but after i flashed old .odex files doesnt delete. how can i add it to meta inf for when flashing delete app and replace new app and same for framework
You just need to put in a simple delete line into the update script
for example
will delete the Vending.apk from the folder system/app
remember if you are manually pushing files with a root browser you need root permissions and you need to set the correct file permissions - for most apps in the app folder it will be rw-r-r
thanx i learned if i want to delete folde i will use delete_recursive
look .
delete(system app systemui.odex
this is working succesfully but after i flashed my zip system ui is lost . it doesnt show . i looked system app its deodexed permissions is rw--r-r its true but doesnt show . what's can i do ?
denizarca said:
look .
delete(system app systemui.odex
this is working succesfully but after i flashed my zip system ui is lost . it doesnt show . i looked system app its deodexed permissions is rw--r-r its true but doesnt show . what's can i do ?
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most likely if the status bar just doesn't show but does not display a force closed message its because the SystemUI.apk is not correctly signed
as long as the file name is correct and it is correctly compiled with no errors the only thing left is the signing
You can sign an apk easily with zipsigner (playstore)
just copy the apk to any folder on your sd card
start zip signer
select your apk as the input
select the name you want to call it for the output (make it different from the input - you can change the name later)
select platform key as the key you wish to sign (this is for system apps for user apps use a test key)
sign the apk
once done the apk will be outputted as a zip file
change the name of this zip to the name of your apk and don't forget to change the .zip extension back to .apk
put in a flashable and flash in cwm with system mounted
you can check any errors with the SystemUI.apk by doing a logcat via adb as the phone is starting up
By searching the logcat for SystemUI you will be able to see any errors in it and why its not starting - eg Signature mismatch skipping loading

[Service][Free] to .qmg convert

Hello guys,
You know this too? You want a new bootanimation for your Samsung Device, but then you realize you cant use files?
Well thats really sad and i had this Problem a long time. BUT now i know how to make .qmg files and i dont want to use it only for myself so i open
this Service for all now. You can now transform files to .qmg files. Easy, Free and Fast.
How to start?
Well i will transform it for you, please never forget this that i make this with my own hands and a Programm ^^ so it cant be instant ready.
So you need: Mediafire OR 4Shared (I would use 4Shared), a file with all the 3 Parts in it (part0, part1, part2) and some patience ^^.
First of all send me the Link to the file. I will open them and transform them into .qmg files. But please remember:
part0 will be bootsamsung.qmg
part1 will be bootsamsungloop.qmg
part2 will be shutdown.qmg
So please keep this in mind.
What will happen now?
Your brandnew Bootanimation will be reworked by me and then send to you.
I will answer your Post with the Link to download the qmg files they will be put together in a .rar file btw.( it will be a 4Shared Link so grab 4Shared)
It only takes 1 or 2 Days most of the time. If i need more time i will message you (For example if i have to learn for a Test)
How to use this Files now?
Well there are 2 Ways the
Easy Noob way: Download this App give the app Root permission (YES YOU NEED ROOT) and then go to where the files are. and select them in the right order ^^ easy right?.
and the
Pro Funny way: get ES File Explorer copy all the 3 .qmg files and put them to /system/media. Then select every single .qmg animation and go to Properties. Change the permissions to rw- r- r- and ready.
Now restart your Phone and you are fine with your new bootanimation ^^
Well you dont even have to send me the File. You need Es File Explorer for it btw
Just cut a small part from your favourite song or Sound Effect and rename it PowerOn.ogg . Now move it to /system/media/audio/ui and keep pressing on it until the little bar on the bottom appear. Go to More>Properties and change Permissions to rw- r- r- ( At read check all Ticks. And at write check the first tick)
Thats all now restart Phone and enjoy sound!
I Hope you like my service and will use it ^^
Greetings, Dominik
Btw i am German sry for bad grammar and English.

