[WTF] My understanding of test application... - Android Software Development

To pass the time I created this application, he may not have any good but it works!
The process is simple, I created a view that contains a number of layouts specifically*made.
The result is to obtain a scrollable vertical layout long at will and the purpose is to create the longest supportable by the device.
I have a preset standard lengths and the longest is the distance earth-moon (384400000m - 238 855.086 mi) but you can also set no limit until the crash and the maximum length was 7,708,463 km (4,789,816.84 mi )
I have not implemented the function to recreate the layout until just before the crash (to get a scrollable layout) but it's a simple thing to do, I can do it in a couple of minutes and upload the new application if someone is interested
I tested the function without limit only with the emulator because it took several hours but I would not stress too much the phone.
What do you think? I did an interesting thing, or is a WTF in itself?
If you want to give it a look this is the link

Almost chrashed my phone


REQUEST: Exe scheduler

Is there a program/application for scheduling to run an exe every hour, day etc. I want to run application ie. Free Ram (sktools) say every hour in the background - to recover Ram. That would be nice.
hey pl55, there are many such tools (like runeveryday, search on this forum)
there is another way as well, take a look at my prog (shantztodaychanger, see the sigs), though it is primarily for changing themes every set period of time, it also provides option for running exe's, plus you can block off the theme changing part by putting in the mask option as blank and including all 24 hours in the masked time, so that can also be used for ur purpose.
shantzg001 said:
hey pl55, there are many such tools (like runeveryday, search on this forum)
there is another way as well, take a look at my prog (shantztodaychanger, see the sigs), though it is primarily for changing themes every set period of time, it also provides option for running exe's, plus you can block off the theme changing part by putting in the mask option as blank and including all 24 hours in the masked time, so that can also be used for ur purpose.
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Thanks for that- I've look at Runeveryday - it only do per day not hourly, etc. Will look at your app. Thanks again.

[REQ] Wind Forecast & windfinder (Animated!)

Hi there, today lokking for good wind in my area to kitesurf, i've noticed that there aren't specific applications for PPC to retrieve infos from internet.
Would be "nice" if an app can collect the images into the links posted later... (if possible, also local time & day), and then have an animation (as the site already do) of the preset day.
with opera i need ~3 minutes to get the informations, and cannot see it offline (except, i think, if i save it at every exit from opera).
Now the links... notice that every frame has a different numberpage into the link, and also the png image has the same number:
This is the actual situation (akt)
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania01.png
after an hour
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania02.png
Two hours
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania03.png
...until campania30.htm or more.
Will be nice an app who automatically download only all the images, and collect them by temporal order..
Naturally the concept is ok also for other countries..
Heyy, I am also a kiteboarder (still learning, only started last year) and would love to see something like this!
Same here this would be great i would love to have this software
uhm ok, i've noticed that the numbers into the links doesn't change every hour, but there is a sort of script who call, time based, the links numbered (i.e. now starts from campania13.htm )
BUT (ehhe) "we" can use this script to our advantage...
Look here
Just download in sequence all the images, and put it into a "calendar" starting with the same date & hour of the download (or manually sync the first frame with the calendar )
Ps: the "calendar" is the timeline of the pseudo-app
I think it's not too difficult... BTW, this is mine (and other's) request
No way to have a similar app?

[MOD] Ingress broot mod v1.26.1-broot-0.2.0 (2013.05.26) [CLOSED]

Unfortunately Niantic contacted me to abort this mod. More info: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=42027875#post42027875
TL;DR version: I have created an Ingress app mod, it is awesome and will make you coffee. You can download it below.
after more than a 2 years of inactivity in the modding field I'm back with a new mod. This time it's Ingress app. I think and hope it'll be much greater and more advanced than Google Maps mod. There are a lot of things to improve and I think some of them won't be ever added by Niantic, so it's a good idea to mod this app.
First I want to clarify I will never add any kind of cheating to this mod. My goal is to make Ingress game more enjoyable, not less. Questions about location faking, items cloning, etc. are not welcome here. I'm serious. Still if you think this mod is a bad thing and/or if you're from Niantic then please read a section about my motivations below and feel free to ask, suggest or criticize. I make it for Ingress players and I'm very interested in their opinions.
First: you do this at your own risk! I'm sure it won't brick your phone, but remember you may be banned by Niantic. My mod doesn't do any kind of cheating behavior, it doesn't do anything that original app doesn't do, but there is always the risk.
Also if you downloaded apk from different site then check sha1 of this file to make sure it's ok. Unfortunately such mods create good opportunity to inject some malware, because users search for an application in the internet and anyone can redistribute it. I sign this app with my own keys, so if you have installed my mod earlier, now you have downloaded newer version from the internet and Android says it has different certificates then don't install it!
"Mute" variant has all sounds removed, so apk is ~2.5 times smaller and most likely it uses less memory.
SHA1: 976342081c963998f8a6e56b735fe97581ab335f
SHA1: dce5399802c8f11287a7cf399c1bb5265f8251e2
Older versions:
SHA1: ea95d8e36324c6c4a175e0cf254cd65a4797049f
If you have original Ingress app installed then you have to uninstall it first. Same if you want to install original app over a modded one.
I know simplifying and automation of too many things may be considered cheating, so I have divided all features into several categories: from the most "innocent" ones to some smart assistants. As I stated above, if you think some of them are just too much then feel free to write about it. For me features up to 3. category are ok. Category 4. may be controversial and I'm not sure if I want to implement it. I'm glad for your opinions. Some features (e.g. 2.11., 3.7.) aren't actually related to category descriptions, but I "feel" them as category 2., 3., etc.
I don't want to force people to use every modification, I'll try to make them all opt-in, so modded app will work exactly as the original one until you change this in the mod menu. If you see e.g. "Fullscreen" feature below then read it as "An option to enable fullscreen mode".
Below is just a list of features to make it clear. Descriptions, notes, statuses, implementation proposals, etc. are here.
green - completed
orange - not sure about it
red - rejected
black - waiting / todo
1. Changes strictly technical and/or 4fun - they don't affect gameplay at all:
UI for small screens, but this is never ending task
Disable some graphics effects to make it less GPU consuming:
portal particles
xm particles
Remove globe intro.
Change colors of factions.
Exit confirmation dialog - it's good for low memory devices.
Keep sceen on.
Disable vibrator.
2. UI changes: new screens, shortcuts, etc. - it makes things easier, but it won't do anything for you:
New screen with mod settings, credits, etc.
New inventory screen with items presented as a clear table.
Number of all items in the inventory - it's very important because of items limit.
New portal keys screen.
Remove original items screen.
Shortcuts to various actions from the main screen.
Modify chat to make it easier to read and harder to accidentally send private message to public channel.
Link to portals from system messages in the chat.
Real-time distance to portal on details and upgrade screen - its necessity is obvious to anyone who played Ingress
Additional info about the portals directly on the map screen.
Logging and statistics.
Circles around the player similar to one at 40m - just for better feeling of the distance.
Number of keys on portal info, upgrade and linking screens.
Config: update interval.
Config: maximum scanner zoom out.
Deploy button uses highest available resonator, not lowest.
3. Automation of some more complicated or repetitive tasks - it delegates multi-clicking to the squad of highly trained monkeys, but it won't think for you:
Dropping/recycling multiple items of the same type at once.
Firing multiple XMP
Picking up all items in the range - with above it's very easy to give items to other agents.
Hacking all portals in range - not very useful because of timers
Auto deploy resonators using a template.
Templates specific to a portal.
Other agents presence detector.
4. Smart assistants:
Hacking timers for each portal: both 5m and 4h ones.
Auto hacking portals in range while moving (using timers).
Smart auto-deploy.
XMP damage assistant.
Linking assistant for optimum CFs in a specific area.
Continuous linking assistant.
The maps are gray when submitting new portals or reporting bad ones.
v1.26.1-broot-0.2.0 has been released!
Updated Ingress to 1.26.1.
Added layouts for small screens: Eugene's
Added mute version - for smaller size and likely smaller memory usage.
Added fullscreen mode.
Added option to disable portal particles and xm particles.
Added restart button - it's useful for reloading UI changes (fullscreen mode, layouts, etc.).
Fixed gray maps problem.
v1.26.0-broot-0.1.0 has been released!
Initial version.
New screen with mod settings, credits, etc.
New inventory screen with items presented as a clear table.
Number of all items in the inventory.
Eugene Kartashov - layouts for small screens.
Of course Niantic Project for this awesome game!
1.5. Change colors of factions.
I did this before and it's kind of cool: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106080343103638200670/posts/a9krpWApjz5
2.4. New portal keys screen.
I have some ideas, e.g.:
keys grouping/tagging
group/tag keys manually or automatically by their location, name, etc.
filters and sorting by: name, distance, level, owner, etc.
, but I think Niantic want to improve keys management, so I wait for their move.
2.5. Remove original items screen.
For now even if you prefer new items screen the original one is still needed to access portal keys. We can wait for 2.4. or at least add an option to limit original items screen to portal keys and rename it accordingly.
2.6. Shortcuts to various actions from the main screen.
I think it's one of the most important additions, so it has to be well designed. I see it as a HUD-like buttons similar to "FIRE XMP" when you long-press on a map, but much smaller, probably square with icons. Things to consider:
toolbar at the top or the bottom of the screen - I think it's better than left/right
fixed with 5-6 icons (4" screen) or scrolling horizontally
fixed icons or customize them and their positions
an option to open a full semi-transparent menu with all available actions
Actions could be:
fire last XMP
fire highest/lowest XMP
fire XMP of specific level
same for power cubes
hack portal - click button then click portal. This way you don't have to enter portal details screen which is faster and you don't lose the map.
link portal - same as above
set target? It's in a long-press menu already, but we can add it here for consistency and maybe to remove long-press menu.
actions from other mod additions
2.7. Modify chat to make it easier to read and harder to accidentally send private message to the public channel.
Current problems are:
is there anyone who has never sent a private message to the public channel? Is there anyone who did this only once or twice?
it's hard to read conversations between agents, especially public ones, because they're mixed up with system messages
I was considering adding some kind of filters to select which types of messages you want to see, but it doesn't fix first problem. Now I think of something else - 4 tabs/channels:
faction - as normal
public - public conversation only, so system messages won't disturb you and you don't accidentally respond [secure] messages
system - you can't send a message here
all - all above, so it's similar to current "All", but you can't send a message here - you have to choose proper channel intentionally. It can have additional filters to select messages to show.
This feature may be hard to do or even impossible, because most probably Ingress server doesn't have API to filter messages as above. Of course I can read "All" channel and filter it on the app side, but it may not be that good.
Also I won't be surprised if Niantic itself will redesign chat in the near future, because it's definitely wrong.
2.10. Additional info about the portals directly on the map screen.
E.g.: level, if you have a key (how many?), etc. It could be customizable and there could be a shortcut to toggle showing this info.
2.11. Logging and statistics.
I love this one I can log all kind of actions like: hacking, attacking, dropping and picking up items and XM, deploying resonators and portal mods, adding custom "snapshot points" to organize above, etc. and then create a lot of various statistics:
how many hacks did you do (faction, enemy, neutral) today, in last week or month?
how many items did you get from these hacks?
what were the levels of hacked portals and items?
how many XM did you get?
how did you spend this XM?
how many resonators did you deploy and what were their levels?
how many resonators did you destroy, how many portals did you capture?
how many links and CFs did you create/destroy, what were their MU values?
which portals do you hack/attack/build most often?
how much time you was playing?
what items did you spend to build up a farm and what items did you get from it?
Statistics could be tabular, graph, pie and very flexible. I'm also considering two things:
sending some of above statistics to my server to create global statistics for all users. It would let us do some research, e.g.: what is the probability to get L7 item from L6 portal, etc. Of course sending these statistics would be fully optional, you would have to enable it by yourself.
optional paid application to read these statistics - in addition to the free one. It could let you remove ads or just say "thank you" (i.e. it would be the same as free one), but I don't want to piss off someone in Niantic. I think it would be fair, because statistics app would be quite complicated and time consuming and there will be free version, but you never know what's the opinion of other people.
What do you guys think about above two things?
3.5. Auto deploy resonators using a template.
Agent can configure multiple templates and choose one of them when doing an auto-deploy. Template could be defined by:
its name
minimum and maximum level for each resonator
prefer lower/higher level for each resonator
"Lowest portal" - each resonator set to L1-L8 and prefer lower for all - it's the same as clicking "deploy" 8 times.
"Highest portal" - L1-L8 and prefer higher for all
"Highest <L7" - L1-L6, prefer higher for all
"Standard L4" - L1-L6, L1-L4, L1-L5, L1-L4, L1-L6, L1-L4, L1-L5, L1-L4, prefer higher for all - it's standard 4xL4 2xL5 2xL6 and it'll use lower resonators if you don't have all of them
another "Standard L4" - same as above, but L6-L6, L5-L5 and L4-L4 - it won't automatically downgrade resonators, but warn you about the lack of resonators
Also some templates could be predefined by default.
It won't work well with existing resonators, it won't choose optimal way to upgrade them, but this is how it should be - it's just: "do it using a template", not: "Calculate optimal situation".
3.6. Templates specific to a portal.
Extension to above: sometimes you know that e.g. NE resonator of some portal is harder to destroy, so you want to place highest resonator there. You can create a template specific to a portal, so it won't mess up main list of templates and it will be auto selected when doing auto deploy for this portal.
3.7. Other agents presence detector.
It read system messages log to find the last actions and positions of other agents (actually positions of portals they've built/attacked). This information could be used to e.g.:
show last position and action of specific agent
show a list of nearby agents: allied or enemy
alert if some other agent will show up below specific distance from you
4.3. Smart auto-deploy.
calculate max level of a portal that you can build alone - depending on your inventory and already deployed resonators
deploy minimum number and optimum resonators to get to specific portal level
prioritize excess resonators and save scarce ones
deploy high and low resonators evenly to make attacking a little harder
if upgrading existent resonators, prefer to upgrade ones with low XM
4.4. XMP damage assistant.
approximate damage dealt using specific XMP in current position
calculate the best spot to fire XMP of some level
4.5. Linking assistant for optimum CFs in a specific area.
You select a group of nearby portals, assistant build links and guide you through place to get as many CFs and AP as possible.
4.6. Continuous linking assistant.
You see an icon near the portal if it's possible to create a link(s) from it to create a CF. It let you create this CF with few clicks.
It may be not possible to do, because it would have to scan big area to know if there are a link between remote portals.
As I stated above my goal is to make Ingress game better and more enjoyable for people. If you think it's evil then please read my motivations and explanation below:
There aren't and never will be features for cheating: location faking, sending same action several times, automatic passcode submitter, etc.
As I said above I have divided mod features into categories of different "dirtness level". I focus on "clean" features and I'm open to suggestions or criticism from players or even from Niantic itself.
I don't share my code and I obfuscate it to not make Ingress easier to hack by other people.
A whole game and world of Ingress is about hacking and reading between lines. I think my mod fits this world perfectly. There are some people who leak Ingress app from NIA and there is some guy somewhere in the internet who tries to get even more from it. It makes perfect sense
I think there are many good features that will be never added by Niantic. I see several reasons: statistics won't be added because it doesn't make much sense for storyline. Why NIA would add such feature? Intro skipping or new items screen won't be added because these features prioritize quick access over a nice look. Niantic can't do the same because Ingress would look like a game for nerds. But there are many people who don't care about the look because... they're nerds ;-P
And finally: I won't fight Niantic, so if they don't like my mod and decide to react then there will be no mod anymore.
If you're from Niantic then please think what is the best for Ingress users. If you don't like one or two of my features then I'll remove them and keep the valuable ones. If you still think this mod isn't good and it's a matter of time before you react then please do it sooner, not later. Mod won't be very popular yet, Ingress players won't be disappointed so much and I won't lose a lot of my time
Once more: feel free to suggest new features or changes to existent ones. You can also criticize a whole mod idea. I want to know what do you guys think about it.
If you get a force close then post a logcat and mod version here.
If something doesn't look ok then post a screenshot. I have a 320x480 and 480x800 devices, but I can't test it on 240x320 and >480x800 resolutions.
You can also report language faults in the app or even here. English isn't my native and I often write something that doesn't seem natural even to me. I would be happy if someone would suggest better names or descriptions for configuration options, etc.
Of course you can redistribute this mod, but please don't do that if you don't have a good reason. I just want to know how popular it is. Also if you redistribute it then please add a link to this thread to give users a full context.
If you want to make a donation then link is in my signature, but remember that this mod may be killed by Niantic at any time.
Very amazing
I'm gonna try it out on a new account just to be safe, but I love the work and holy cow you did a lot and I can't believe it.
Niantic better sit down and learn some must needed features and options. The globe one for sure
Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
Keep up outstanding work. I just installed this mod and I confirm that it works flawless.
I'm looking forward to future updates.
iBotPeaches: I did a lot? But you have noticed that above features list is mostly a TODO and for now there are just new items screen and intro skipping? I'm not sure if this is clear from above posts.
I wanted to release it early to get some ideas from people.... or be banned
What about a nosound version? It reduces the app size and removes the annoying sounds for people that are tired of hearing those squeaks
Please find attached a nosound version prototype.
it will be possible to have screen: "exit. are you sure?" when accidentally using back button?
Brut.all said:
iBotPeaches: I did a lot? But you have noticed that above features list is mostly a TODO and for now there are just new items screen and intro skipping? I'm not sure if this is clear from above posts.
I wanted to release it early to get some ideas from people.... or be banned
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Ahh, I thought you did all that stuff that was bolded in the features list Guess I didn't read it well enough.
Hi, on mine HTC Desire it crash suddnly..
EDIT: Reinstalled, work like a charm..
One thing possibly worth pointing out: I think this version will not handle the new push messages, as I believe those are restricted by the certificate used to sign the app. Are you able to confirm this?
Otherwise, very cool work
phyreskull said:
One thing possibly worth pointing out: I think this version will not handle the new push messages, as I believe those are restricted by the certificate used to sign the app. Are you able to confirm this?
Otherwise, very cool work
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They do work for me, at least the "@" notifications
Needs further testing.
Jackos said:
What about a nosound version? It reduces the app size and removes the annoying sounds for people that are tired of hearing those squeaks
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Usually more variants = more problems, but I think mute version may be worth it. It's almost 3 times smaller and space is crucial on many devices. It might also use less RAM and start up faster, because sfx are usually preloaded into memory. I'll do some benchmarks.
ataru said:
it will be possible to have screen: "exit. are you sure?" when accidentally using back button?
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Sure, but what for? If you accidentally exit application, you can return to it in no time.
phyreskull said:
One thing possibly worth pointing out: I think this version will not handle the new push messages, as I believe those are restricted by the certificate used to sign the app. Are you able to confirm this?
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I'm not sure about it. I got comm notification today, but I was using Ingress just moments earlier, so it might be background service, not push. We'll see.
Brut.all said:
Usually more variants = more problems, but I think mute version may be worth it. It's almost 3 times smaller and space is crucial on many devices. It might also use less RAM and start up faster, because sfx are usually preloaded into memory. I'll do some benchmarks.
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Exactly my point of view
However it's a pity that the app uses this same amount of RAM. It might get better if you remove corresponding baksmali lines, I just removed the sound files.
Brut.all said:
Sure, but what for? If you accidentally exit application, you can return to it in no time.
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I guess it's because on low ram devices the app gets closed instantly. So a back fail-safe button would save him the app loading time.
Impressions and suggestions
Nice mod!
I am an addicted Ingress player and I really appreciate your work!
The new item tab is awesome!!
I only want you to know that there is a G+ user that is modding Ingress too:
Have a look here.
He did a version even for 240x320 screen.
Maybe you can have a look at his work
I hope you can keep this up to date
Works perfectly!
I'll keep an eye on that, your features list sounds extremely promising!
It's muted and should work on all screen sizes. Layouts for 240x320 and 320x480 were created by Eugene Kartashov (thanks!), but I have integrated them into single universal apk. It's just ~0.5MB larger than Eugene's separate apks. I can't test it on 240x320 because I don't have such device. Please confirm if it's ok or not. I'll add fullscreen feature before 0.2.0 release, so upgrade button won't overflow on some devices.
Also I can confirm sounds are loaded on demand, they aren't preloaded, so muted version shouldn't boot up faster. It should take less memory though.
Is there anyone who miss these sounds? As I said I would like to avoid fragmentation and I think muted version is just better.
And if you have 240x320 device then please tell me if new items screen looks ok, especially if you have 100+ items of one type. 320x480 seems to be ok.

Solution 4 unlimited video record on android record over 4gb and no time restricted

Hi All,
i found solution for unlimited recording on android device, it has pros and cons so hopefully some programmer will come and modify the buildin camera apk.
here are solutions they are working perfects but the problem is the quality is no where close to the buildin cam apk.
1. lgCamera
2. Snap Camera HDR
3. moto x camera apk its free and in my opinion its quality better than the other 2.
so the problem of limited recording is not due to format fat32, because htc on buildin cam apk record 30 minutes and stops and its size is 4gb, but i have tried lgcamera was recording over an hours and its size was 5.7gb.
i do not keep it long, i hope some programmer modify htc one cam apk to record unlimit or auto splitted to 30 minutes duration, also modify its zoom default to the value of 50% because htc one cam is way zoomed out.
so if any genius person modify the camera apk then it will be best solution, it just need to override the default camera apk setting when some one modifying its camera apk.
some time when we have party i do not like to go and modify zoom setting and start record again every half an hour.
Thanks for any programmer who modify this and good luck with the rest for temporary solution.
snap camera records 30fps with 20mbit in low light, but the result is darker then htc stock camera.
I could be off here, but since you said recording stops at 30 minutes, I think I have a solution:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.
zindu said:
i do not keep it long, i hope some programmer modify htc one cam apk to record unlimit or auto splitted to 30 minutes duration, also modify its zoom default to the value of 50% because htc one cam is way zoomed out.
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You do realise that routinely changing the zoom is a terrible idea on the One?
It's a digital zoom, not an optical one, so all you are doing by zooming in is losing pixels - this is fine if you are shooting something and wish to zoom in for effect, but as a general rule if you want to get the best quality out of the camera, you should leave zoom well alone. This is especially true of the One as it doesn't have that many pixels to play with in the first place.
See here for more info - http://www.tfpsoft.com/fun/digitalcameraguide/digitalversusopticalzoom.html
unlimited video recording android
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.[/QUOTE]
hello homeslice976
Thank you very much for the information you have provided. i have uploaded 2 screen shots of the xml file you have stated and also uploaded 2 xml file which are original xml file on my htc device, but i think the device must be rooted to replace those xml files? am i wrong?
if i need to root my device then i will try to do it later today as my connection is very slow right now.
unlimited video recording htc one
It's a digital zoom, not an optical one, so all you are doing by zooming in is losing pixels - this is fine if you are shooting something and wish to zoom in for effect, but as a general rule if you want to get the best quality out of the camera, you should leave zoom well alone. This is especially true of the One as it doesn't have that many pixels to play with in the first place.
Thank you Dave,
i will test to video one with zoomin at let say 40% and other will let zoom alone but i will crop the video to equivalent of 40% zoomin video, i will compare the 2 side by side and will report back the result.
zindu said:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.
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hello homeslice976
Thank you very much for the information you have provided. i have uploaded 2 screen shots of the xml file you have stated and also uploaded 2 xml file which are original xml file on my htc device, but i think the device must be rooted to replace those xml files? am i wrong?
if i need to root my device then i will try to do it later today as my connection is very slow right now.
yes you'll need to be rooted. you don't need to do anything with media_codecs.xml. Just media_profiles.xml.
unlimited video recording android
yes you'll need to be rooted. you don't need to do anything with media_codecs.xml. Just media_profiles.xml.[/QUOTE]
Thank you, i will try to rooted later on today and report back if i succeed.
zoomin htc one
hello Dave,
i have tested the video, i captured 2 video phone was at stable position, one without touching zoom and the other shoot was zoomed about 60%
then i cropped the one with 0 zoom to the same frame as the one with 60% zoom.
the result is as follows:
after cropping the video file from 1920 x 1080 became 775 x 425 well if i keep this size the file remain same quality but when i cropped back to
1920 x 1080 the quality is blury and no where near the original or the video was shooted with 60% zoomin.
so i believe the zoomin in htc one does not effect its quality as long as you are not zoomed extreme.
when you crop video and resized you will lose quality the same as zoomin, but all camcorders allow certain zoom without affecting quality, so i believe htc one zoomin is the same, but some video camera have advanced zoomin to go beyond limited for instance 72x advanced zoomin and the normal zoomin is 20x, so if you go beyond 20 you still zoomin further but you will lose quality and shaky footage.so the safe is to stay with 20x range.
all edited with after effects and even i did not export the out put, but after editing them compared them side by side, it is like day and night the quality differences between the 2 videos.
thank you though for information, i will try first to root my device and see if i can go beyond the limited recording.
homeslice976 said:
I could be off here, but since you said recording stops at 30 minutes, I think I have a solution:
In /system/etc/media_profiles.xml, there is a "duration=" setting for each encoder profile. This can be set to either 30 or 60, and currently all profiles except qvga are set to 30. You may be able to set this to 60 and be able to record up to 60 minutes. Report back.
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hello again
i have changed those number to 60
i started from
<!ATTLIST EncoderProfile duration (60|60) #REQUIRED>
and each
<EncoderProfile quality="cif" fileFormat="mp4" duration="60">
so as you see all are in 60 minutes but no luck sofar i tried twice
1st record 25:39
2nd attempt records 26:04
both size are 3.79 gb in size
now i started recording again to see what is the the outcome if it is the same then i have to try to changed back to 30 at least its 30minutes, so i think it is the size limit thing
update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.
i think it is be useful if some one try to write a code to state when ever the video reach limited time then start again automatically.
but thanks for the advice, i will let you know if i come with better solution..
thank you.
update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.
zindu said:
update: it is size limit issue, i checked again it says video size limit is reached.
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Sorry - that was just a theory anyway. I'll keep looking around for something else that might be limiting the file size.
homeslice976 said:
Sorry - that was just a theory anyway. I'll keep looking around for something else that might be limiting the file size.
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Hi guys, this seems to be the only real discussion on this issue going on at all.
Has anyone been able to find a way around this limitation?
the problem is there are many know how to solved but they do not shared with us.
only who does not know and they spread a word over the net and same crap like, it is due to format type, let me tell you i have solved mine on htc one no problem what so ever until i stopped manually.
i am not a programmer but currently when i have time i try to learn java then i will after that develop simple app and progressing from there and will help the community but that take up to 1 to 2 years.
any way how i solved mine? i do not know my self but i did 2 things will shared with all of you.
1. i rooted my htc one device, there is plenty guide on this forum.
2. i decompile my camera apk and i change a picture and i can not remember if i mess little with codes or not but i doubt i did, so i deleted the original camera apk and replaced with my modification.
i will be glad to share my camera apk with you if you think it might be due to this modifications, i tell you what? i never update the system software now, because i am afraid i will lose the unlimited recording, so it works for me but i do not know how, but in future when i understand java programming i will help every one in this community.
zindu said:
the problem is there are many know how to solved but they do not shared with us.
only who does not know and they spread a word over the net and same crap like, it is due to format type, let me tell you i have solved mine on htc one no problem what so ever until i stopped manually.
i am not a programmer but currently when i have time i try to learn java then i will after that develop simple app and progressing from there and will help the community but that take up to 1 to 2 years.
any way how i solved mine? i do not know my self but i did 2 things will shared with all of you.
1. i rooted my htc one device, there is plenty guide on this forum.
2. i decompile my camera apk and i change a picture and i can not remember if i mess little with codes or not but i doubt i did, so i deleted the original camera apk and replaced with my modification.
i will be glad to share my camera apk with you if you think it might be due to this modifications, i tell you what? i never update the system software now, because i am afraid i will lose the unlimited recording, so it works for me but i do not know how, but in future when i understand java programming i will help every one in this community.
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Zindu, thank you so much for sharing.
I emailed Google about this here is the response I got:
"Thank you for contacting Google. I appreciate your patience with me as I look into this issue. It seems as though the limit placed on the video data file of 2gb is written into the android operating system. This is in effect on all types of android devices.
I have researched a few video control apps, they follow the same rule and stop at 1.9-2gb. At this time I do not believe there is a work around for this issue. I do not have software update information available either. Some of the research I have done points to a possible legislative law that limits the video recording time of mobile devices as it takes away from video recorders."
pal first thing you do undock the cam apk from the bar dock on your phone, see if it is working, what i mean by the dock is the bar on your phone on the bottom which have space for 4 or 5 applications, so undock cam apk from this dock and used on the main windows view.
if that does not work root ur phone and undock cam apk from dock bar.
if both does not work then if you have htc one i will upload my cam apk so you can install it on urs.
mine was limited to 4gb now its unlimited in size and durations, a programmer can develop application to over ride the camera system settings, so if i learn java in future my first apk will be try to over ride system setting.
zindu said:
pal first thing you do undock the cam apk from the bar dock on your phone, see if it is working, what i mean by the dock is the bar on your phone on the bottom which have space for 4 or 5 applications, so undock cam apk from this dock and used on the main windows view.
if that does not work root ur phone and undock cam apk from dock bar.
if both does not work then if you have htc one i will upload my cam apk so you can install it on urs.
mine was limited to 4gb now its unlimited in size and durations, a programmer can develop application to over ride the camera system settings, so if i learn java in future my first apk will be try to over ride system setting.
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I have a Nexus 5. My camera app is not docked. What should I do next?
if its not docked then rooted anyway see if it works?
what i did i undocked, rooted, modified a pick and some codes in xml file, and it works for me so i do not know which step caused the fix, but you need to root your device if you want to replace system application on your phone.
try to root your device first and try to modify xml file see if it works, if it was htc one i could help because i can upload xml and apk file.
that is all i know for now hope someone who have better knowledges to help you out but i hope i learn java within a year or too then i be able to fix this issue.
m__singh said:
Zindu, thank you so much for sharing.
I emailed Google about this here is the response I got:
"Thank you for contacting Google. I appreciate your patience with me as I look into this issue. It seems as though the limit placed on the video data file of 2gb is written into the android operating system. This is in effect on all types of android devices.
I have researched a few video control apps, they follow the same rule and stop at 1.9-2gb. At this time I do not believe there is a work around for this issue. I do not have software update information available either. Some of the research I have done points to a possible legislative law that limits the video recording time of mobile devices as it takes away from video recorders."
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So far this has been the most insightful information. Still, no idea how to overcome something this stupid.
joint.striker said:
So far this has been the most insightful information. Still, no idea how to overcome something this stupid.
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Ikr, it is pretty ridiculous. Zindu is right though, it's simple enough but the people who can figure it out don't care. Most people just don't seem to need their phone for our purpose.
My workaround has been SVR Pro:
-Upsides -It will record in fragments until your storage is full.
-You can use your device while recording
-You can record with the screen turned off !! which is epic for battery life!
-Downside -you loose like a second of video between the fragments
Link: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zeronoiseapps.secretvideorecorderpro

NST Screen Saver Frequency Setting?

I've successfully rooter my Nook Simple Touch and explored all of its files and databases that I can find. But I cannot locate the setting to change that will update the frequency at which the screen saver changes images.
My goal is to have a folder of image files that change every 30 seconds or so. Unfortunately, the stock screen saver's change timer is much longer than that.
As a workaround, I set the screen saver activation time to 500 hours and installed Perfect Viewer to run its slideshow function, but this is less than ideal. I'd rather just do it the right way.
Does anyone know where this setting is located?
Reaperducer said:
I've successfully rooter my Nook Simple Touch and explored all of its files and databases that I can find. But I cannot locate the setting to change that will update the frequency at which the screen saver changes images.
My goal is to have a folder of image files that change every 30 seconds or so. Unfortunately, the stock screen saver's change timer is much longer than that.
As a workaround, I set the screen saver activation time to 500 hours and installed Perfect Viewer to run its slideshow function, but this is less than ideal. I'd rather just do it the right way.
Does anyone know where this setting is located?
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That would seem to be a poor decision as far as battery life is concerned. Are you sure you really want to do that?
nmyshkin said:
That would seem to be a poor decision as far as battery life is concerned. Are you sure you really want to do that?
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Battery life is not a concern in my application.
Reaperducer said:
Battery life is not a concern in my application.
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OK, so I have to admit I didn't even know this happened. It's been a long time since I used a folder of images for a screensaver. What I seem to recall from that time was the images changing each time the NST went to sleep, but not during sleep.
Let me take a look. I guess one possible approach would be to consult a logcat after an image change and see if there are clues there.
I've come up empty on a search through the various B&N app databases and settings files.
Just to see this actually happen, I changed my screensaver from a static book cover image to one of the packages of images I installed years back. That was nearly 24 hours ago and there is still no change, which is what my memory told me to expect. So without an automatic change, there is nothing to look at in the logcat.
Are you sure your images actually change by themselves during the standby/sleep process? I know they change when you wake up the device and then let it fall asleep again.
You've already tried the slideshow idea or I would suggest that, but did you know there is a built-in slideshow (probably associated with the demo mode)? I don't know what the parameters of that are or whether you could replace the images with your own without breaking it.
Maybe a better question to help me understand what you'd like to do is: will the NST be used for something other than the slideshow display (either running in the background or running on demand when the device is awakened)? If all you want is the slideshow then any number of apps (like the PerfectViewer you mention) would work. Maybe something simple if you just need the slideshow. But if you really are using the device for other things and just want the sleep screen to change periodically, that's either got to be supported in the settings in an accessible way (which I'm doubtful about) or it has to be a custom alteration of the OS.

