[Q] Hiding the system bar on Rooted Galaxy 2 10.1 Model GT-P5113 - Galaxy Tab 2 General

This really should be in the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 development thread - but as I am a new user I cannot post there... BS.
I am trying to hide they system bar on a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 model number GT-P1153. I have successfully hidden the system bar programmatically on a Galaxy Tab 10.1 device model number GT-P7510 via both a java file and adb shell.
Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 devices have been successfully rooted and confirmed (notice hash in prompts below vs dollar).
When I perform an "[email protected]: # dumpsys activity" command I get the following:
(on the Galaxy 2 10.1)
PERS #4: adj=pers /F trm= 0 288:com.android.systemui/1000 (fixed)
(on the Galaxy 10.1)
PERS #10: adj=core /F 41679c80 8004:com.android.systemui/1000 (fixed)
Next via adb on the Galaxy 10.1, when I run: "service call activity 79 s16 com.android.systemui" the prompt returns, "Resultarcel(00000000 '....')" and the system bar disappears.
When running the same command on the Galaxy 2 10.1 I the receive the same result at the command prompt of "Resultarcel(00000000 '....')", however the system bar remains visible on the tablet.
The major difference I can ascertain, is the "adj=core" vs "adj=pers" directives and the "trm= 0" value as indicated from the dump.
Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.

Per Android 4.0 Documentation (developer.android.com/sdk/android-4.0.html)
Controls for system UI visibility
Since the early days of Android, the system has managed a UI component known as the status bar, which resides at the top of handset devices to deliver information such as the carrier signal, time, notifications, and so on. Android 3.0 added the system bar for tablet devices, which resides at the bottom of the screen to provide system navigation controls (Home, Back, and so forth) and also an interface for elements traditionally provided by the status bar. In Android 4.0, the system provides a new type of system UI called the navigation bar. You might consider the navigation bar a re-tuned version of the system bar designed for handsets—it provides navigation controls for devices that don’t have hardware counterparts for navigating the system, but it leaves out the system bar's notification UI and setting controls. As such, a device that provides the navigation bar also has the status bar at the top.
To this day, you can hide the status bar on handsets using the FLAG_FULLSCREEN flag. In Android 4.0, the APIs that control the system bar’s visibility have been updated to better reflect the behavior of both the system bar and navigation bar:
The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag replaces the STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN flag. When set, this flag enables “low profile" mode for the system bar or navigation bar. Navigation buttons dim and other elements in the system bar also hide. Enabling this is useful for creating more immersive games without distraction for the system navigation buttons.
The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE flag replaces the STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE flag to request the system bar or navigation bar be visible.
The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION is a new flag that requests the navigation bar hide completely. Be aware that this works only for the navigation bar used by some handsets (it does not hide the system bar on tablets). The navigation bar returns to view as soon as the system receives user input. As such, this mode is useful primarily for video playback or other cases in which the whole screen is needed but user input is not required.
You can set each of these flags for the system bar and navigation bar by calling setSystemUiVisibility() on any view in your activity. The window manager combines (OR-together) all flags from all views in your window and apply them to the system UI as long as your window has input focus. When your window loses input focus (the user navigates away from your app, or a dialog appears), your flags cease to have effect. Similarly, if you remove those views from the view hierarchy their flags no longer apply.
To synchronize other events in your activity with visibility changes to the system UI (for example, hide the action bar or other UI controls when the system UI hides), you should register a View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener to be notified when the visibility of the system bar or navigation bar changes.
See the OverscanActivity class for a demonstration of different system UI options.
Going to give it a try... let you know how it turns out.

FYI - For those looking to root the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Model GT-P5113 instructions and files can be found here: theandroidsoul.com/root-cwm-galaxy-tab-2-10-7/

Controls for system UI visibility - Blah
Controls for system UI visibility as noted below did not achieve the desired affect.

Samsung has posted source code for Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113 here:

Clean Rom for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113
Directions for rooting and installing clean rom for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113 can be found here:

GOT IT!!! - Disable System Bar - ICS
But the command below removed the system bar on my rooted Galaxy tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113
service call activity 42 s16 com.android.systemui
To Test:
On Windows:
Enable USB Debugging on the Tab
Connect Tab to your computer via USB
c:\adb.exe shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # service call activity 42 s16 com.android.systemui
On Mac/Unix:
Enable USB Debugging on the Tab
Connect Tab to your computer via USB
cd to your platform-tools directory
$./adb shell
#service call activity 42 s16 com.android.systemui

Restoring System Bar on Rooted Galaxy 2 10.1 GT-P5113
The System Bar can be restored using the same command previously used on Honeycomb.
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"am","startservice","-n","com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService"});

CleanRom Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113 - CleanROM WiFi Help
FYI - when I first installed the CleanRom mentioned above my wi-fi would not turn on (in addition to some other funky thinks not working (like the home button)).
The fix is simple.
Wipe the data on the tab using CWM recovery tool (power + vol up)
Select "wipe data/factory reset"
Then re-install CleanRom from your sdcard.
Wifi should start working again.

rwcatalano said:
FYI - when I first installed the CleanRom mentioned above my wi-fi would not turn on (in addition to some other funky thinks not working (like the home button)).
The fix is simple.
Wipe the data on the tab using CWM recovery tool (power + vol up)
Select "wipe data/factory reset"
Then re-install CleanRom from your sdcard.
Wifi should start working again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Allow me to re-phrase - Upon rebooting your tab after wiping the data and installing the clean rom, you will be presented with the system setup screen which will allow you to configure a new instance of your wifi setup. Upon completing the system set-up wifi will operate as expected.


[APP][ROOT] LMT Launcher v3.2

LMT is a tool for Android (tested already on multiple devices but should run on nearly all) that launches a command when perform single touch or multitouch gestures on the screen (In any app/screen/etc.). You can connect basic and advanced commands to any gesture LMT supports. In addition to the gestures you can activate a system-wide PieControl for navigation like the feature in the ICS stock browser (touch the side of the screen to activate it).
See also:
Download the latest apk, copy it to your phone and install it via file explorer. For the pie just start LMT, set actions to the different pie slices and start the TouchService. If you want to use gestures and/or ISAS first try to use the auto configuration feature. If gestures and ISAS are not working correctly afterwards, set the specified input device for your phone and for ISAS set the proper touchscreen to screen factors manually (see Troubleshooting section for details).
Square (start gesture top left cw)
Diamond (start gesture at the bottom cw)
Delete (start gesture top left)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
None -> Trigger no command
App -> Trigger an arbitrary app
Home -> Switch to home screen
HomeLongpress -> Trigger the TaskManager
Menu -> Trigger the menu key
Back -> Trigger the back key
Search -> Activate search
SearchLongpress -> Activate voice search
NextApp -> Switch to the next running app
PrevApp -> Switch to the previous running app
LastApp-> Switch to the last opened app
OpenNotificationBar-> Open the notification bar
OpenQuickSettings-> Open the quick settings
OpenKeyboard-> Open the soft keyboard
OpenPowermenu -> Open the power menu
Wifi -> Toggle the Wifi mode
Data -> Toggle the data mode
Bluetooth -> Toggle the Bluetooth mode
GPS -> Open the GPS mode
Key -> Trigger an arbitrary key (e.g. "3" for the HOME key - see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html for keycodes)
Activity -> Trigger an arbitrary activity (e.g. "com.android.lmt.InfoActivity" for the LMT info page)
WebPage -> Open an arbitry webpage (e.g. "http://forum.xda-developers.com")
Script -> Open an arbitrary script (e.g. "/mnt/sdcard/sendevent.sh" for Home Longpress - see attached script sendevent.sh)
KillApp -> Kill the current foreground app and switch to home screen
KillAllApps -> Kill all apps and switch to home screen
TaskerTask -> Start a predefined tasker task (You should avoid spaces in your task name)
Shortcut -> Start a system shortcut
Screenshot -> Take a screenshot
PiePointer -> Activate the pie pointer feature (only for pie actions)
The ISAS (invisible swipe areas) can be used to swipe with one finger from the sides to to center of the screen (like you would bring up the pie) to trigger actions. E.g. you could use the 3 ISAS at the bottom of the screen to trigger back, home and recents with just swipes when the navbar is hidden. Those swipes are as fast and reliable as normal button presses. In order to make the ISAS work you have to do the following setup:
activate gestures via setMode (because ISAS are being recognized via the internal gesture engine)
Configure min bbox size. Actually this is the length in pixel the swipe must be long, so that the corresponding action for the ISA is being triggered.
Configure activation area size. This is the height (for bottom/top ISAS) or the width (for left/right ISAS) of the area, where the swipe must be started in. So the lower the value, the more precise you have to start the swipe at the side of the screen
Last but not least the touchscreen to screen factors: As for some devices the touchscreen uses a different coordinate system as the screen, you have to adjust here the values for x and y. For the Nexus devices I added those values already to the OP and in later versions I'll introduce a kind of auto calibrate. But for now it is a little bit of testing...
Once the setup is complete you can assign your actions to the 12 available ISAS!
For gestures and ISAS you need to set the proper input device and for ISAS the proper touchscreen to screen factors. If your device is not on the list, you can find them out doing the following steps:
Download a terminal (e.g. terminal emulator) from the market
Enter "su" and then "getevent -p" in the terminal
Search your touchscreen device and use the given event number as input device in LMT (e.g. /dev/input/event2 -> 2)
Check the touchscreen max values for event 35/36 and divide these by your screen resolution x and y values. This will give you the touchscreen to screen factors you have to set for the ISAS.
If you still have issues please create a logcat:
Install e.g. catlog from the market
Record with catlog the following procedure:
Start LMT
Set input device to x from first procedure
Set vibration time to 777
Start the TouchService
Do the double swipe up gesture on the screen
Stop the TouchService
Send me the logcat or post it here in the thread...
Setting key actions:
With LMT's key action you can not only send simple key presses, but also simultaneous presses, long presses and key chains. See the following examples:
"keycode" -> Just a simple key press and release
"500+keycode" or "1000+keycode" or "2000+keycode" -> press and hold the key for 100ms/600ms/1000ms and then release it
"keycode1 keycode2 keycode3" -> Execute keycode1, then keycode2, then keycode3
"keycode1,keycode2" -> press and release keycode1 and keycode2 simultaneously
"keycode1,keycode2 keycode3" -> press and release keycode1 and keycode2 simultaneously and afterwards keycode3
"2000+keycode1,keycode2 keycode3" -> press and hold keycode1 and keycode2 simultaneously for 1000ms and afterwards press and release keycode3
A good example is how you can go via key presses from Chrome main screen into the bookmarks. You do it by pressing "menu", then 4 times "keypad down", then "enter". A small wait is added to the menu key (100ms), so that the chrome options menu gets time to show before going on: "582 20 20 20 20 66".
Setting the pie color:
The format is just ARGB8888 in hex (8 bit for alpha and every color). So just use #xx where xx is alpha starting from 00 to ff and add the desired color afterwards. Have a look here for different colors but keep in mind that in these examples the alpha value is missing: http://www.javascripter.net/faq/rgbtohex.htm So if you have the color "rgb(124,252,0) #7CFC00" it will be #FF7CFC00 for an opaque pie and e.g. #807CFC00 for a half transparent pie...
Adding custom icons for pie items:
To have custom icons for the pie items create the following folder structure and put your own png images into it: "/sdcard/Android/data/com.noname81.lmt/files/". The default icons have the size 60x60px but other image sizes should also work (they will be resized to the configured size). You can define custom icons for every pie item and/or for every action (LMT first tries to load the icon for the pie pos, then the custom icon for the action and will use the default action icon if no other icon is defined). To set custom pie pos icons name the png pie[0-19].png where e.g. "pie0.png" will be the icon for pie item level1, item1, shorpress and "pie1.png" will be the icon for level1, icon1, longpress. To set custom action icons just name the png [actioname].png (see command section in the OP for action names; use lowercase, e.g. back.png). Please restart the TouchService after you changed the icons, so that LMT can recreate the pie.
Creating a screenshot via action:
See this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37823525&postcount=3328
3.2 -> Added quick settings tile to activate/deactivate LMT; Removed expiry date; Several fixes to make LMT more stable
3.1 -> Add pie pointer edge activation again; Support Android 10; Fix pie activation on devices with notch;Limit pie pointer on screen edges; Fix gesture auto configuration on devices with notch; Fix root actions being stuck sometimes; Set new default pie color and activation area thickness; Set exclusion rects for system wide Android 10 gestures; Bump expiration date
2.9 -> Support Android P; Add support for PiePointer on non root devices; Add pie recent apps feature. Recent apps will be shown in a separate pie once this new action is activated; Show apps with all uids in app/activity selection lists; Add runtime permission infos to info page; Remove Pie pointer edge activation (activation is only possible via action now); Fix killApp and killAllApps on KitKat phones; Fix some issues with app starting code; Change default pie color; Add immersive mode toggle action; Fix app icons on Android O; Support all Android ABIs (also x86* and mips*); Add new LMT icon with adapted icon support in Oreo (Thanks to Kaemo for the icon!); Fixed multitouch gestures on newer devices (e.g. Pixel 2); Fixed tasker tasks with spaces
2.8 -> Made user icons for pie action configurable via GUI. Just press on an action icon in the pie list and configure a new icon; Introduced asynchronous icon loading in list screens to improve scrolling performance; Fixed prev/next/last app actions on Android N; Fixed gesture auto configuration on some devices and made 20 gesture input devices configurable; Fixed gestures and ISAS on 64 bit devices; Add Google Pixel Icons as alternative navigation button icons; Add Google assistant and Android N splitscreen actions
2.7 -> Made pie on lock screen configurable; Changed expiration date to end of 2018
2.6 beta7 -> Changed pie pointer warp factor from factor to percent to have more fine-grained configuration possibilities; Activated pie on lockscreen
2.6 beta6 -> Fixed pie area behind keyboard bug; Fixed root on Android 5.*
2.6 beta5 -> Added initial support for Android N; Removed android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER from manifest
2.6 beta4 -> Changed way how to toggle data. Now via "svc data"; Prefer accessibility handler for actions instead of root if user has root & activated LMT in the accessibility settings
2.6 beta3 -> Fixed SELinux handling on some devices
2.6 beta2 -> Fixed wrong longpress home icon; Reworked permission handling and introduced permission check for external storage; Added again old option "Keyboard state listener" (only for pie) as "Activation area behind keyboard" option
2.6 beta1 -> Updated SDK to Android M; Since Android M you need to give LMT permission to draw over other apps. LMT will open the permission screen automatically; Since Android M you need to give LMT permission to issue phone calls. LMT will open the permission screen automatically; Android M's app settings cloud backup is working now with LMT. All LMT settings will be saved automatically and restored, when the app is installed again; renamed LMT's package name to com.noname81.lmt since using com.android.lmt revealed some flaws! I knew this would happen at some point in time You have to reconfigure your settings once!; Added offset to pie activation area when gravity is set to bottom or top; Fixed crash in AccessibilityHandler; Fixed gestures auto configuration on some devices; Removed KeyboardStatListener since it was broken since several Android versions now
2.5 beta4 -> Added action to unpin a pinned app; Added action to show Google Assist ("Now on tap"); Added "Expand trigger area" pie configuration option
2.5 beta3 -> Added support for Android M
2.5 beta2 -> Fixed problems with LMY48I factory images and latest 5.1.1 ROM nightlies, where killApp, killAllApps and blacklists were not working anymore
2.5 beta1 -> Fixed security problems with SELinux
2.4 -> Fixed root action lockup; Fixed search icon for KitKat style; Fixed activating pie pointer via pie longpress action; Added gesture recognition auto configuration feature; Added pie action area "bottom (not centered)"; Made pie vibration time configurable, Made pie pointer warp factor configurable
2.3 -> Changed pie size handling; Made pie start gap configurable; Introduced 7 items for second pie ring; Fixed data toggle on Lollipop; Fixed deadlock after starting apps like Chrome; Added support for Android 15 (4.0.3) again; Made expire date visible in info fragment; Fixed blacklist on Android < Lollipop; Fixed layout problems on Android 4.0.x; Introduced trigger action for pie pointer feature; Fixed image filtering problem; Introduced nav buttons styles (KitKat and Lollipop for now); Implemented context sensitive GUI; Implemented back key for non root users; Added action "PowerMenu" (root/non root)
2.2 -> Changed LMT icon to new design; Removed ActionBarSherlock to be prepared for material design; Removed compatibility to Android 2.x and 3.x; Changed pie style to material design; Adapted root handling to SELinux in Android 5.0; Fixed last/prev/next app in Android 5.0; Fixed killApp/killAllApps
2.1 -> Added Android L icon set and rescaled all other icons; Prepared LMT for Android Wear and Android L (not finished yet!)
2.0 -> Added ART (Android runtime) support
2.0 RC7 -> Fixed apps sometimes not opening when they were already running; Changed pie longpress bahavior as requested by users; Added screenshot action; Fixed start delay for activity action; Limited pie pointer to screen; Fixed date when set to regional setting; Added possibility to change user image search path and gave LMT permissions to read from sdcard; Added call_phone permission so that direct call shortcuts are working
2.0 RC6 -> Fine tuned pie pointer and introduced configurable color; Fixed "recent apps not coming up after home" bug; Enhanced color dialog; Introduced chained key command feature (e.g. "582 20 20 20 66" to open Chrome bookmarks); Fixed Pie status info notification clock format; Changed pie status info mem usage from kernel info to VM stats; Added Android 4.4 support; Fixed pie popup in the middle problem; Fixed crashes for non root users; Added shortcuts as action support; Reduced memory footprint and improved performance; Decoupled pie status info from animation time; Added shift effect for pie (test e.g. 3-5 pixel); Added app drawer shortcuts for Nova, Apex and Holo Launcher; Added pie pointer feature to be able to reach whole content via pie; Fixed gestures and ISAS for all screen orientations
1.912 -> Hide service notification icon on Android 4.3
1.911 -> Added Android 4.3 support
1.910 -> Added preview of configured actions; Some GUI changes in settings; Added some more pie area positions; Added superuser permission; Fixed GPS toggle and added mobile data toggle
1.99 -> Made pie outline size configurable; Excluded home from pre/next/lastApp actions
1.98 -> Fixed TouchService crash on devices < JB
1.97 -> Resorted actions so please reconfigure them!; Optimized app launch action; Fixed crash with new injection method on older devices; 2000 + key is now longpress key with longer wait; Added new longpress key and lastApp action; Added pie bottom not centered option; Added new default animation for pie status info (old animation when animation time > 80); Added auto calibration of ISAS's touchscreen to screen factors. Just swipe (with gestures activated) multiple times in the lower right corner up; Made pie font size configurable
1.96 -> Made back, menu and keyevent actions faster; Made app/activity start actions faster; Optimized prev/next app actions; Added new pie color options for gradients; Added longpress keys support (Action key with 1000+keycode); Added notification support for < ICS
1.91 -> Adapted date style based on system settings; Added pie font configuration; Added pie status info dim color configuration
1.9 -> Redesigned UI a little bit; New color picker; Added support for non armv7 devices; Fixed tasker task; Fixed script action; Fixed 24h clock
1.86 -> Added 24h clock support; Fixed wrong Wifi level; Fixed wrong CPU cores; Improved notification handling; Introduced option to deactivate color filter for pie images
1.85 -> Added pie sensor navigation support (Show pie status info = 2): Shake your device left/right to delete a notification and go to the next one. Shake your device up/down to go to straight text mode and back; Fixed pie status info for older devices; Centered pie at the bottom; Added pie outline support; Added system status info (CPU, Mem); Fixed clock format; Fixed pie not firing action; Fixed pie on the left wrong order
Exchanged some pie icons
1.8 -> First version of status infos on pie. Status info shows clock, additional infos and notifications. In order to get notifications on the pie you must activate LMT as accessibility service in the android settings. Swiping on the status info will pause the animation, swiping back on the pie will restart it. Releasing finger on the notification will start the corresponding application. Releasing finger on the clock will open the notification panel and releasing on additional infos will open quick settings panel; Added full color support for pie (normal, select, icon and status info). Set #ARGB,#ARGB,#ARGB,#ARGB or Android color constants e.g. "gray,yellow,black,yellow". Also app/user icons are colored now; Added new default pie color 5; New default TouchService mode is pie only since gestures are confusing for new users; Fixed exception in load icon code; Fixed icon size in app selection dialog; Changed some UI strings; Added new action OpenQuickSettings; Exchange some pie images; Cleaned up permissions
1.7 -> Added pie from the bottom; added bigger activation area for pie items inspired by Paranoid Android pie
1.67 -> Added scaling for pie user icons (new settings entry); fixed persistency bug for last 2 isas
1.66 -> Fixed missing "OpenNotificationBar" action icon for pie; Fixed crash when using image overlays and isas
1.65 -> Fixed crash in isa code; fixed bug in "open notification bar" action
1.6 -> Added Isas (Invisible swipe areas). Define action being triggered when swiping from the sides of the screen (new configuration values "single swipes bbox" for min bbox to trigger the swipe, "single swipes activation area" for the width of the area the swipe must be started in and "touchscreen to screen factor X/Y" for these devices, where the touchscreen values have a different resolution compared to the screen - e.g. X=160%, Y=200% for the Nexus7 and X=200%, Y=100% for the HTC Sensation); Resolved pie activation area interfering with the keyboard: The area is now moved upwards when keyboard is open; Block single touch gestures/swipes when keyboard is open; Improved speed of gesture engine; Changed some default configuration values; Deactivated tap and hold gestures (they didn't work anyway); Added support for app icons on the pie; Added Tasker Action; Added new styles for the pie; Updated input device list; Improved security
1.5 -> Refactored whole GUI to match ICS/JB/Holo style with swiping tabs; Fixed small bug with pie debug activation area; Added pie animation from JellyBean pie in browser (only >= Honeycomb); Made pie animation time configurable; Changed code for home command to make it faster; Updated PayPal link for English website; Updated input device list
1.4 -> JellyBean bugfix release; Fixed disappearing pie when rotating the screen in jb; Adapted pie outer radius to fit new jb style (80)
1.3 -> Fixed pie firing commands even if fg app was blacklisted; Changed behavior for command killApp to really force stop the app; Added again vibrate on shortpress as an option for the pie feedback style; Fixed startup delay affecting all other starting apps; Fixed bug where pie icons disappeared when using them for short- and longpress commands; Improved pie icon size handling for user defined icons (they will have a constant size now)
1.2 -> Fixed run on startup problems on GNex; Added separate blacklist for pie; Changed pie feedback style shortpress to fire; Change to proper pie icons on longpress; Made pie icons configurable (Path: "/sdcard/Android/data/com.android.lmt/files/", Files: pie[0-19].png or [actioname].png); Fixed rotation bug where pie showed up even if it was disabled; Added multi command feature for pie (swipe onto one pie item n times to fire the command n times)
1.1 -> Added blacklist support for pie; Fixed bug where pie didn't come up with the first try; Added show pie activation area debug feature (area is shown when you change area settings); Added vertical gravity setting for the pie activation area; Fixed too small x activation area for the pie; Fixed wrong positioned pie icons when pie is on left side; Included system apps in app/activity command dialog (e.g. choose com.android.settings to show the settings menu); Fixed pie crash when rotating the screen; Pie longpress timer is now handled for every pie item; Added root context reinit in case of a crash
Fixed crash when selecting an app without activities
1.0 -> Refactored pie code and fixed crash related to pie; Added fully customizable pie feature; Fixed multiple action after gesture recognition; Added customizable vibration time; Added "no pie vibration" to options
0.97 -> Fixed root permissions for some usecases
0.96 -> Fixed crash when setting wrong values for pie radius; Fixed pie rotation bug bug
0.95 -> Made pie color fully configurable; Added haptic feedback for the pie; Made pie size configurable; Fixed pie rotation bug
0.9 -> Fixed Galaxy S ICS support; Added support for PieControl on both sides; Added 2 new commands: KillApp and KillAllApps; Added longpress support for PieControl: Back->KillApp, Home->PowerOff, Recent->KillAllApps, Menu->Settings and Search->VoiceSearch
0.85 -> Implemented ICS recent apps (finally...)
0.8 -> Added a first version of the PieControl with predefined actions
0.75 -> Fixed gesture recognition problem on GSN; Refactored TouchService code; optimized recognition performance/speed; refined compiler settings
0.7 -> Fixed launch app delay; Fixed autostart problem on ICS; Implemented ActivitySelect feature; Added blacklist support to exclude apps from gesture recognition; Added new TaskSwitcher commands
0.6 -> Fixed TouchService restart bug; Sorted app list alphabetically; Automatically restart TouchService when switching input device; Adapted superuser rights to ICS; Changed HOME_LONGPRESS to KEYEVENT_APP_SWITCH (187); Added Galaxy Nexus support; Refactored TouchService
0.5 -> Show current settings in input dialogs; Show TouchService state toaster; added known devices in input list; added autostart after startup feature
0.4 -> Improved touchservice code; added app select list for app action; added activity action
0.35 -> LMT is now rotation aware; added tactile feedback for gesture recognition; corrected some strings
0.3 -> Omit overlay when no command given; add more gesture recognition settings; add new toggle commands for Wifi, BT and GPS
0.25 -> Fixed HD2 TouchService code; Corrected logcat output for HD2
0.2 -> Added HTC Sensation support
0.1 -> First release
If you like my work, please consider a donation!
wasnt lmt launcher a wm app which allows to start apps with different finger gestures on screen?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
Yep. And in a few hours available for Android (Evo3D).
j4n87 said:
wasnt lmt launcher a wm app which allows to start apps with different finger gestures on screen?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm curious to see how such an application that was designed for windows mobiles phones will run on android
APK is now uploaded to the first post. LMT v0.1 is still an alpha version and only compatible with the Evo3D. Have fun!
i have an app similar to this that i downloaded from the market for 99 cents... called gesture launcher... does the same thing pretty much. i like using gestures to launch settings/apps... really useful
Indeed very nice. Thanx op!
cobraboy85 said:
i have an app similar to this that i downloaded from the market for 99 cents... called gesture launcher... does the same thing pretty much. i like using gestures to launch settings/apps... really useful
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But is it possible with gesture launcher to do gestures on _every_ screen in Android? Or do you have to start a "gesture overlay" first. Because with LMT you can do the gestures in every screen/app/etc. This was the main problem I had to find a solution for...
Nice job man
noname81 said:
But is it possible with gesture launcher to do gestures on _every_ screen in Android? Or do you have to start a "gesture overlay" first. Because with LMT you can do the gestures in every screen/app/etc. This was the main problem I had to find a solution for...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sure can! There is a tiny little icon that I position on the right side of my screen (although you can change the location of it) that you tap. Draw the gesture, done. It stays on your screen no matter what you are doing... Even playing games. This enables you to open any app/setting at any given point without closing out of it.
cobraboy85 said:
Sure can! There is a tiny little icon that I position on the right side of my screen (although you can change the location of it) that you tap. Draw the gesture, done. It stays on your screen no matter what you are doing... Even playing games. This enables you to open any app/setting at any given point without closing out of it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Awesome! That sounds exactly like what you just posted you didnt have to do with that awesome app you downloaded. You don't need to touch a crappy little hand before making a gesture with this one.
We are after your posts.
So please inform us if a generic android version is out!
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I can't figure out how to use it I'm such a noob >.<
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
What are you trying to do?
@noname, works fine for me. just a bit uncomfortable that you need to enter the package name if you want the gesture linked to an app.
-open app liust when lining to an app
-option to link to other shortcuts, like "Folder Organizer Link":
But I think you alread planned stuff like this in further releases
snowboardkid503 said:
I can't figure out how to use it I'm such a noob >.<
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you figure it out now? I noticed that after a system restart you have to start and stop the touchservice twice to make it work. After starting just do the double swipe up gesture and you should see the corresponding overlay...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m
Great news for LMT and Android!
I use LMT since forever on my HTC HD2. My favorite app. But I also have HTC Sensation. So:
1. When a version for other Android devices is going to be possible?
2. Can you reassign different (custom) actions for the different gestures. (start a different program with any of the gestures)
Thanks, Noname, for being so persistent and making it finally for Android. Great job pulling this off on any screen!
tiho5 said:
Great news for LMT and Android!
I use LMT since forever on my HTC HD2. My favorite app. But I also have HTC Sensation. So:
1. When a version for other Android devices is going to be possible?
2. Can you reassign different (custom) actions for the different gestures. (start a different program with any of the gestures)
Thanks, Noname, for being so persistent and making it finally for Android. Great job pulling this off on any screen!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Test it on your sensation! the devices are so similar that it could/should work. Otherwise come back and we can discuss how to make it running! Should be easy...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m
noname81 said:
Test it on your sensation! the devices are so similar that it could/should work. Otherwise come back and we can discuss how to make it running! Should be easy...
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just did. It doesn't work. Says "the application has stopped unexpectedly. Please, try again"...
Am I doing something wrong?
Hm, a crash is not so good... is your phone rooted? When does LMT crash? Right after the startup? Can you send me a logcat?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m
noname81 said:
Hm, a crash is not so good... is your phone rooted? When does LMT crash? Right after the startup? Can you send me a logcat?
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am good with win mo, but in android I am a freshman. Please, tell me how o root it. Or check if i have a rooted phone. Believe me - I am not using the d*mn Sensation just cause I didn't have LMT on it. How to root?

Flyme 5 now available in India for MX5 - Upgrade now!

Flyme 5.0 now available in India
Boot animation of Taj Mahal and a ringtone dedicated to India
Dynamic new settings page design layout
Optimized battery consumption, to display software and hardware power consumption separately
Meizu today announced the launch of its upgraded Flyme 5.0 OS for its MX5 Indian customers. The upgraded OS encapsulates an intuitive and simple system app layout, supported by a smooth and exquisite transition animation.
1. Are there any statistics available to support better performance, lock time, battery consumption?
2. Any customizations related to India? In addition to the Taj Mahal animation and ‘Indian ring tone’
The OTA update is 800Mb, Download from forum[.]flymeos[.]com
The Flyme 5.0 experience:
Home screen
Floating notification: Notifications can be displayed in floating mode without interrupting operations.
Multi-task: Card-type multi-task lists are added and can be long pressed to lock an individual application.
Multi-screen mode: Based on the multi-task list, two applications can be displayed at the same time in multi-screen mode in an adjustable ratio (only some specific applications are supported).
Batch icon sorting: Icons can be selected and moved in batch mode to different pages or directories on Home screen by long pressing Home screen and selecting Sorting Icons.
Shake to sort Home screen: Icons on Home screen can be sorted rapidly by entering the Sort Icon mode and shaking the mobile phone.
Indian Flavour: Boot animation of Taj Mahal and a ringtone dedicated to India.
Display: Added a display in Notification panel to show the app which is currently using GPS, and users can disable it directly on the panel.
Optimized layout: When the notification bar without unread notifications is dropped down, all switches are displayed on it by default; and when the notification bar with unread notifications is dropped down, more options the notifications can be viewed by pull down the zone.
Optimized Icons: Icons are now in the middle for calendar, messages and memos.
Boot Speed: Optimized boot speed, which is more prominent when the system installs a lot of apps.
Brand new design: The Setting page is adjusted in the aspects of interaction and functional grouping. Added search function in Settings. Now users can enter keywords to search related options and features.
Battery management: The power consumption order is optimized, so that software and hardware power consumption is displayed separately.
Volume classification: Volume can be managed by classification in Settings > Sound and Vibration > Volume.
Network sharing: A Wi-Fi network can be shared via QR code by tapping a Wi-Fi hotspot in Settings > WLAN.
Default application: Default applications can be specified for specific categories in Settings > Apps > Default apps.
Simulated colours: The colour space can be simulated in colour blindness mode or in amblyopia mode in Settings > Accessibility > Developer options > Simulated colour space.
Phone acceleration: Apps running on the background can be disabled to accelerate the operating speed of the mobile phone.
Cache clearing whitelist: App caches, redundant APKs, and app residuals can be whitelisted to prevent unexpected removal.
Scheduled clearing: The Scan and clear option is added to scheduled cleaning for convenience.
Data usage on the notification bar: A switch for displaying data usage on the notification bar is added in Data > Settings.
Quick scan and one-key optimization: The health status of the mobile phone can be known upon entering the interface without waiting. All problems can be fixed with one key.
App detecting: Fake apps can be detected to prevent potential risks.
Privacy security: enhanced permission management for privacy protection.

List of hidden S6 activities

You need to have Galaxy S6 or Galaxy S7 with Nova Launcher and Marshmallow.
Confirmed working on SM-G925F
So, to access hidden activities you need to add Nova Launcher widget called "Activites" then scroll down to "Settings" and select something from list. Some things won't work (they are not available, need additional permissions etc.), some of them are already available via Settings. I am not responsible if tinkering with activities do something nasty to your device!
However, there are some options that are hidden but can be very, very useful.
Hint - you can "test" specific activity by long press, there's no need to put every activity on home screen and test it that way. Also, applying settings isn't dependent on Nova Launcher, ergo you can use whatever you want after changing something.
Here's what I've found:
.DisplayScalingActivity - enables condensed view of system UI, same as on S6 Edge + or Note 5, meaning smaller icons and UI elements.
.IconBackgrounds - enables homescreen and app drawer icons background like it was in Marshmallow Beta.
.ModePreviewTablet - enables additional "Reading mode" in display options. It dims screen so I don't recommend using it on bright daylight because it can be harder to see assets on screen.
.networkconnect.NetworkManagerActivity - holy **** this one is nice. Allows you to select which app can use WiFi and mobile data. Also it allows you to select which apps can use data even after data usage warning is shown.
.RunningServices - shows running services, like in Developers Menu
.Settings$AirCmdSettingsActivity - S-Pen Air Command setting. It won't work since S6/S7 doesn't support S-Pen functionality.
.Settings$MemorySettingsActivity - Shows RAM usage options like on stock Marshmallow, at least I think. Very helpful for troubleshooting misbehaving apps or battery consumption.
.Settings$ZenModeSettingsActivity - it seems like this is Do Not Disturbed (DND) on steroids. You can add additional rules and select which events can have priority.
.UsageStatsActivity - shows usage for every app on phone. It lists app name, Last time app was used and for how long.
.wifi.WifiConfigInfo - very detailed info about configured WiFi networks.
System UI
.settings.BrightnessDialog - shows small slider for brightness
.DessertCase - old KitKat hidden animation from About
.egg.MLandActivity - hidden MM game
List will be updated with new discoveries.
Link for the widget please?
I am not able to locate it will Google search.
it´s a widget of nova launcher...just add the widget to homescreen

[ADB, no root] How to hide the navigation bar AND status bar on all apps

First of all, it's important that this mod isn't for everybody, because it hides the status bar as well, to fill the entire 18.5:9 screen with content. It looks very immersive, as if the entire front side of the phone is display, because the top bezel is about as thick as the status bar would be, and the bottom bezel is about as thick as the navigation bar would be. I don't find the status bar to contain any info that I need to view all the time, if I want to view the time, battery percentage or notifications, I'll just slide down from the top to show the status bar.
I've added the TouchWiz launcher as an exception, because even if the status bar and navigation bar are hidden, the empty area where they would be stays there. View attached screenshot 1 to see what this mod looks like in-app, and screenshot 2 to see what it looks like on the home screen.
1.Install ADB, and open the ADB terminal. Steps to install are here: https://www.howtogeek.com/125769/how-to-install-and-use-abd-the-android-debug-bridge-utility/
2. When you have opened the terminal and connected your phone in USB debug mode, enter this code to the terminal, and press enter:
adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=*
3. After this, you will notice, that the navigation bar and status bar will disappear on your phone on all apps. Now enter this code to the ADB terminal, to re-enable them on the TouchWiz launcher:
adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=apps,-com.sec.android.app.launcher
If you're using a third party launcher, it most probably won't need the navigation and status bar, because it will probably adapt to the changes by stretching. But if you want to show the bars on a custom launcher, just replace "com.sec.android.app.launcher" in the piece of code above with the package name of the application where you want to show the bars in.
To disable the mod, just enter this code to the ADB terminal:
adb shell settings put global policy_control null*
Additional tip to ease navigation when the navigation bar is gone, use an app called All in one gestures, found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.phoenixstudios.aiogestures&hl=en
You can see how I set up the app in attached screenshots 3-6, I set up the left edge swipe to act as a press of the recent apps button, and the right edge swipe to act as a press of the back button. I'm using the pressure-sensitive home button as a home button, because a hard press of the place where the home button would be acts as a press of it. Navigating with edge swipes is super easy on the S8 because the edge is very comfortable to swipe from, I find it even more intuitive than using the navigation bar to navigate. I hope that you enjoy this mod as much as I do, I've been using it for weeks now. :good:
thank you
Hi there,
i recently got my new phone - sgs8. The display format is not allways that usefull since most apps will left a black bar because they where made for 16:9 and not 18,5:9.
Anyway there is a way where it could be very useful - multiwindow.
Well its a nice function especially with that long screen. Sadly there is the Navigation bar which eats up about 0,4inc/1cm of the screen.
By now i have tried all the steps @ gadgethacks and above.
I was able to remove the Navigation bar on homescreen (where i actually don't need it to be gone - so i reactivated it for the specific launcher)
but not in multiwindow. Whatever i do, whatever launcher i use (nova,apex, standard) the white bar (not allowed yet to post link/picture) wont disappear.
Is there a way to get rid of it as well?

Wish List for [email protected]

------Please Read Complete------
Features request:
• Activity, quick settings, Shortcut:
1: A custom quick setting tile to Trigger Power menu(not just reboot but whole menu like what KEYCODE 26 does but long press as a tap)(I know it can be done from navigation bar but it decreases my qs tiles rows from 3 to 2 and navigation bar misbehaves with my configurations) and a Screenshot tile also.
2: Every activity Should be Available as a shortcut for Home Screen. Activity Launcher(F-droid) App does Similar.
• Backgrounds:
3: Only keep gradient/ hue and Solid Colours in BG App when offline and rest should be available at some LineageOS repository via internet to BG App when online. This will:
a) Much reduction in App size as BG app only had Wallpapers in Image Format rest all were code when i checked inside app. b) More Choice to users. c) These are just bloat for users who use their own BG collection or Gallery Images as BG.
4: Please Bring back Year View to the calendar app.
5: I think Calendar App is useless for people without GMS as we cannot add events to the app or we have to download an add-on(Offline Calendar) with a weak security structure, so isn't it better if it is implemented natively in the system as People with GMS would also not oppose this.
6: Application Lock is useless without covering AOSP Package Manager(For non-GMS only) and system settings from QS.
7: RAW(DNG) support would be a game changer.
8: Option in system settings to manually change Standard Output (here, Audio)to Speaker, earpiece or audio jack(if connected).
9: AOSP Keyboard should follow system theme(both default and Black and not dark blue) and also accent.
10: Adding Key Boarders like GBoard(not swiftkey) will be very impressive and prevent me from using GBoard as i dont like GMS.
11: Orders of Magnitude converter for Calculator App.
12: Divide AudioFX into two sections, Basic and Advanced where basic is like how AudioFX is currently present and Advanced is with 10 band equalizer and L-R controller.
Q1: What is the use of that option "Left Shortcut also Unlocks" in Lock screen preferences?
Q2: Why don't Lineage OS support all the DPI(from Low to xxx High). If yes then why do many preferences break with DPI change.
Q3: Why was the option to clear cache of all installed applications from storage section of settings removed?
P1: Style only work for Primary User in multi user mode.
P2: Changing Accent in any user changes accent of Primary user and keep Default on rest all Users always.
P3: Navigation bar and Launcher rows and columns also get disturbed with Setting up Multi User.
• Note: Multi user in above sentences is not Work Profile or Restricted profile but a separate user from Settings>System>Multi Users.
• Setup: 270 DPI(640 as smallest width in developer Options) in primary user and default on rest(2 excluding primary) and navigation bar activated on Primary user but not on rest.
NOTE: Sorry if my Language hurt anyone especially Hardworking Creators and contributors to LOS but this was my suggestion for improvement.
Please make Pixel 3a XL an official supported device.. (Bonito)
------Please Read Complete------
Features request:
• Activity, quick settings, Shortcut:
1: A custom quick setting tile to Trigger Power menu(not just reboot but whole menu like what KEYCODE 26 does but long press as a tap)(I know it can be done from navigation bar but it decreases my qs tiles rows from 3 to 2 and navigation bar misbehaves with my configurations) and a Screenshot tile also.
2: Every activity Should be Available as a shortcut for Home Screen. Activity Launcher(F-droid) App does Similar.
• Backgrounds:
3: Only keep gradient/ hue and Solid Colours in BG App when offline and rest should be available at some LineageOS repository via internet to BG App when online. This will:
a) Much reduction in App size as BG app only had Wallpapers in Image Format rest all were code when i checked inside app. b) More Choice to users. c) These are just bloat for users who use their own BG collection or Gallery Images as BG.
4: Please Bring back Year View to the calendar app.
5: I think Calendar App is useless for people without GMS as we cannot add events to the app or we have to download an add-on(Offline Calendar) with a weak security structure, so isn't it better if it is implemented natively in the system as People with GMS would also not oppose this.
6: Application Lock is useless without covering AOSP Package Manager(For non-GMS only) and system settings from QS.
7: RAW(DNG) support would be a game changer.
8: Option in system settings to manually change Standard Output (here, Audio)to Speaker, earpiece or audio jack(if connected).
9: AOSP Keyboard should follow system theme(both default and Black and not dark blue) and also accent.
10: Adding Key Boarders like GBoard(not swiftkey) will be very impressive and prevent me from using GBoard as i dont like GMS.
11: Orders of Magnitude converter for Calculator App.
12: Divide AudioFX into two sections, Basic and Advanced where basic is like how AudioFX is currently present and Advanced is with 10 band equalizer and L-R controller.
Q1: What is the use of that option "Left Shortcut also Unlocks" in Lock screen preferences?
Q2: Why don't Lineage OS support all the DPI(from Low to xxx High). If yes then why do many preferences break with DPI change.
Q3: Why was the option to clear cache of all installed applications from storage section of settings removed?
P1: Style only work for Primary User in multi user mode.
P2: Changing Accent in any user changes accent of Primary user and keep Default on rest all Users always.
P3: Navigation bar and Launcher rows and columns also get disturbed with Setting up Multi User.
• Note: Multi user in above sentences is not Work Profile or Restricted profile but a separate user from Settings>System>Multi Users.
• Setup: 270 DPI(640 as smallest width in developer Options) in primary user and default on rest(2 excluding primary) and navigation bar activated on Primary user but not on rest.
NOTE: Sorry if my Language hurt anyone especially Hardworking Creators and contributors to LOS but this was my suggestion for improvement.
Important one for me:
- Enable Call Recording for all countries (Why the hell do the developers even care about recording laws? Let the users decide what they want to do with their devices!)
- Provide option to automatically start call recording.
Nice to have:
- Full screen alarm clock (for swiping to snooze or terminate the alarm)
Reason for that: If someone swipes the notification away, the alarm sound continues and you have no way to terminate it except by rebooting the phone.
Vanta-Chan said:
Important one for me:
- Enable Call Recording for all countries (Why the hell do the developers even care about recording laws? Let the users decide what they want to do with their devices!)
- Provide option to automatically start call recording.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 for that!

